Chapter 2
Tw: bulimia
Read at your own risk fluff at the end kinda
When Mac Was making her way to the regular bathroom there was a sea of freshmen which made it take longer.
When she finally arrived to the toilets she heard wretching sounds. Not good...
Knock knock
No answer, not good.
"Heather, open the door" Mac asked.
"Heather if you don't open this door id will"
Then there was a chocked breath and then duke broke into sobs.
Mac managed to open the door because duke hadn't locked it in her rush , and there her girlfriend sat on the bathroom floor sobbing while the smell of vomit strongly lingered the toilet. McNamara quickly pulled duke into a hug and murmured sweet nothings into her ear, doing a small rocking position.
In the toilet bowl there were small chunks of undigested protein bar. Yuck. Mac would flush the toilet later her first and most important priority right now was Heather not anything else.
"I'm sorry" duke said it so quietly that if Heather wasn't right next to her then she wouldn't of heard her.
"Baby what are you sorry for, you did nothing wrong"
"I told you I wouldn't throw it up and I did"
Then the smaller girl started sobbing into the shoulder of her girlfriend.
"God chandlers right I am a pillow case I've never cried over purging before why now?"duke thought to herself.
"No no your trying to recover right?"
"Remember recovery isn't Iinear and it can be really hard but I will always be there for you ok"
"Ok and I love you"
"I love you too"
They both shared a small sweet innocent kiss.
"How about we get you sorted out and then get ronnie to write us a note so we can leave?"
Mac helped up duke and they both walked over to the sink. Mac took out some mints out of her bag to give to duke while she also looked for some makeup To reply so it wouldn't be obvious of what has happened in the bathroom.
-10 minutes later-
Duke was finally sorted out, it felt nice to know she dosnt have to do this alone. She smiled for the first time in quite a while a genuine smile.
"Now I'm just gonna text ronnie so we can leave this place"
Mac- hey can you forge a pass for me and duke so we can leave
Ronnie- sure where are you guys and I'll give it to you there
Mac- regular bathroom
Ronnie- ok onw now
"She'll be here soon"
Duke nodded. She wasn't really sure of what to do, the silence was nice though it wasn't like an awkward silence it was those nice comfortable ones.
"I love you Heather" duke told her it just felt like it was right especially in the moment.
"Awh I love you too"
They hugged eachother. Latching onto eachother like it's their only life line and they stayed like that until Veronica came.
"I brought chan too because she says she wants to skip too" Veronica said. "Anyways here's your pass in case you guys get stopped, just don't bang eachother ok"
"Yes we know" mac and duke said it at the same time, that's what Ronnie always says if their hanging out alone with eachother.
"We're gonna go now so bye Heather bye Ronnie"
"Bye" they both said.
Duke didn't feel like sleeping but she felt so tired she just wanted to get home and cuddle with Mac and just forget about today. She also felt so weak so she was just clinging onto her girlfriend or else she'd probobly fall over.
She didn't want to drive either, thank god that Heather could drive because if she would end up driving she'd probobly crash.
"Heather, can you drive, maybe back to yours"
The rest of the way to the car park was silence. Not the wired awkward type of silence the good comforting kinda silence.
-time skip to when their back home at Mac's-
"We're here"
Duke woke up, she didn't even realise that she fell asleep while on the drive. God she felt tired still.
"Heather? You sure your good you keep on zoning out?"
"Mm. Oh yea I'm fine"
The smaller girl flashed a smile and then started to get out the car.
"When we get up to my room we can cuddle because I feel like we haven't cuddled in agessss"
"Of course I missed that"
They both eventually got out the car and upstairs to Mac's room. Getting situated in the bed was quick,they were both tired and just wanted to cuddle. Mac knew this was the time any other time she'd try suggest it she'd probably ignore it or blow up saying she's got it 'under control'. No she didn't. Gods sake! If she kept doing this she'd die, DIE FOR GODS SAKE! She really didn't want to lose duke she was like the most important person in her life.
"Hey baby" Mac started she felt nervous but she had to do it now before it was too late.
"Yeah" duke said while cuddling up to Mac more.
"I think you should get help, you know see a doctor for it or maybe a therapist because I'm scared for you"
"Mac, I've got it all under control remember and I'm trying to get better and it's slowly working very slowly"
"I know your trying to recover and I know it isn't linear and it takes time, but god you've been purging for so long I'm shocked how your not dead. And I know that you will end up dead from it if it won't stop soon enough. That's why I think you should get professional help not try to do it yourself and with me helping you. You know I love you but love can't cure a mental illness baby"
By the end of that duke was going to cry again, god she's cried so much today but damn macs right.
"I'll go..."
"You don't have to bu- wait you'll go"
"Yeah I think it would be good for me, don't think my parents will be happy to find out that their daughters not only a fucked up dyke but one with an eating disorder"
"I'm so happy for you baby and if you want I could go with you to appointments like for moral support waiting for you once your done with the sessions"
"I'd like that" duke said finally smiling for a change.
She smooched Mac on the cheek.
"Now how about we continue that cuddle session and we can talk about this" duke said while making a gesture with her hands, "later, hmm?"
"Gladly" Mac said.
They cuddled with eachother for what seemed like ages, they were both at peace and happy.
Word count: 1147
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