I leaned against the wall and listened to the couple fighting next door. As usual it was about money troubles. My bedroom wall was smooth stone cement, a couple of inches thick but these people were so unbearably loud it was hard to miss them.
"Is this the best place you could find?" I looked up at the vampire who was assigned to play my father. "Mr. Aymen."
He had brown skin and dark hair that could resemble me but the way his shoulders hunched and his eyebrows creased in worry when I addressed him told me he was much younger than I was.
"It's the closest to her," He replied immediately. "Do you want me to find someplace else?"
The moment he mentioned Rosalie, I started smiling. Just the thought of drinking her blood made my sluggish veins feel like they were finally working again. My heart beat for the first time in hours and I felt it like a hammer in my chest.
"No, this will do." The closer the better.
"Umm, okay I'll leave you to it then," Aymen shifted on his feet waiting for me to say something and when I didn't he proceeded to the door. He stopped just before leaving, as if remembering something and his hand gripped the door frame softly.
"Oh and you start school in a month. You've already been registered as a student." He turned back to me and spoke. His accent was thick and foreign, making me wonder if he had just come from the middle east.
"Awesome," I muttered sarcastically not liking the idea of school at all. I absent-mindedly stared at the well made single bed that I would hardly use. "Will you be taking me?"
"Martha will," He replied referring to my so called mother. I'd met her briefly downstairs and she couldn't take her eyes off me let alone close her mouth the whole time. This couple looked like newbies who were so obviously starstruck by some of us older ones. They even asked me if I would be able to introduce them to Charlie if they acted well. Thankfully, they were on medical/hospital rotation so I would hardly see them.
"Okay, good night then," I waved my hand at him dismissively and he left. I unpacked some of my things -mostly my black coats - and arranged everything accordingly waiting for night to fall. When the outside grew dark and the streets fell silent I put on my coat and left the house.
I didn't need to check where her house was, after passing by today I had memorized the route immediately. As I neared her place I took in a deep breath of the cool night air and a mixture of scents assaulted my senses, some sweet, some old and decayed. One of them definitely belonged to her.
I checked the watch on my wrist which read eleven o'clock. The lights upstairs were turned off but one downstairs still glowed dim yellow. I stopped by the side of a large oak tree that stood at the junction of her house and her neighbors.
Swallowed by the shadows, I leaned against the wall wondering where was the best vantage point for me. My hands caressed the warm wooden trunk behind me and I felt a tinge of familiarity. Weird, it felt like I had been here before.
"Get out of my house you asshole!" The sound of a woman's shrill voice startled me and I whipped around to see a young lady in a night robe push a man out of her house. It was Rosalie's neighbor and the moment I saw her face I remembered everything.
It was Miranda. I had come here a year ago to accompany Charlie for a meeting and I remembered meeting her at a secluded bar in the city. In a drunken stupor she had divulged about her old dying husband and brought me back to her place to spend the night because he wasn't in.
My eyes lighted up in realization. She had invited me in.
I waited for her male companion to leave and when she went back in I quietly snuck into one her rooms upstairs through a wide open window and made my way to her attic. After killing her old decrepit husband I had found some fascinating collectibles in his attic. The man was actually deployed and had survived the Vietnam war. No wonder he was so grumpy.
I was only here for three days but I found his attic the most interesting. Especially the view. The small room only had one window and it overlooked only one house.
I made my way to it silently, my footsteps soft and barely audible. Once there I looked over in anticipation, as expected I could see into your room perfectly, Rosalie. Your curtain's were drawn but I could hear your soft voice as you spoke.
"I'm gonna head to bed now, Mel. Glad you're doing well in summer camp. I can't wait to see you." Your voice was delicate just like your face had looked in my file. It brought a smile to my lips.
After some silence I could focus on your steady breathing. You fell asleep so quickly. I leaned my forehead against the glass window, if only I could see you sleeping.
Another voice suddenly became apparent and I focused on the male voice which seemed to come from downstairs in your house. I guessed it to be your father's.
He was whispering sweetly and muttering about how he couldn't wait to meet the person he was speaking to. He was supposed to meet her this Thursday. Interesting.
I focused on the two sets of breathing I could hear from upstairs. They had to be coming from you and your mother, which meant your father was having an affair. This revelation brought me back to another memory of you and your father in the yard before me.
He was whispering to Miranda about ending their affair and you were watching them in a daze. The memory struck me like lightning and I remembered the naivety on your face. You didn't know her father was a cheater.
Oh, I am going to have so much fun with you, Rosalie.
The month passed by impossibly slow. I counted down the days before I would meet you and after watching your family every night I had everything planned out, Rosalie. I was going to weed out your insecurities, make you lose your sanity and drive everyone to think you were mad and then I would kill you after you beg me to.
Tonight your ditsy friend Melanie was taking you to this bar called Rocket's. This was my chance to meet you for the first time. I wore my favorite black coat and styled my hair back. If you were like all the other girls I've met it wouldn't take much effort to catch your attention but I wanted to make a lasting impression so I checked my appearance almost twice before leaving my house and heading to the city.
I reached before you, and leaned by the wall inconspicuously waiting for you to arrive. I lighted up a cigarette to blend in and watched as Melanie's brothers car pulled into the driveway.
The boys got out first and you were the last to exit after much persuasion from Melanie. I smiled as you started worrying about getting caught. The Melanie girl annoyed me as she fussed about your glasses and pulled out your hair tie. She was so superficial. To me you looked good either way, Rosalie.
You finally went inside and I took that as my queue as well. The two of you walked to the side of the bar away from the entrance where I stood. I watched as you fidgeted with your fingers and took a seat, you stuck out like a sore thumb among st all the other older, more confident looking girls surrounding us.
Melanie ordered drinks and she immediately started scouting for guys. I snorted softly, she was undeniably predictable. I knew for a fact she would loose interest in her nervous best friend the moment a guy approached her.
Sure enough a tall black haired boy who looked about your age approached Melanie. I heard him introduce himself as Jake and the two hit it off like a house on fire. Sadly, that left my poor Rosalie all alone. Which was perfect for me.
I made my way to the opposite side of the bar, ignoring the group of ladies who were smiling at me shamelessly and took a seat across from you. The closer I got to you, the more you reminded me of Aurora, Natalie and all the other girls I've dated. Thankfully you were just a victim and there wouldn't be time for me to find your flaws like all my previous lovers.
I would be done with you before you could disappoint.
My breath hitched when I took in your thick brown hair that fell to your shoulders and down your back. You were so beautiful and you were staring at another guy with a lovesick puppy dog expression on your face. You looked so lonely it almost hurt.
I turned to the direction you were looking at and saw a blonde teenage boy with his hands wrapped around none other than Kayla. I smirked as I saw her blush when he kissed her cheek. So this is what she has been doing for the past few years as her cover. Fooling around with a teenage boy. I knew deep down she probably hated it.
I took a sip of my drink and had to hide my smile when I felt a pair of eyes trained on my face. You've noticed me. Certainly faster that I'd expected.
I looked your way slowly and smiled as politely as I could. When our eyes locked I felt my heart beat again and I had to resist the urge to grab you and sink my teeth into your neck then and there.
Within seconds I was by your side, earning a glare from Kayla for being too fast. I ignored her, my gaze fixed completely on your small face.
"Hey," I said calmly, trying hard not to rush into things.
You squeaked in response and blushed when I complimented you on your beauty. It really was more a fact than anything. To me, you were truly the most beautiful girl in the room.
I stared at your red face and imagined the blood rushing to your cheeks. It made me even more hungry.
"Umm, thank you," You are apprehensive and you said it more like a question, like you didn't believe me which was ridiculous. You needed more attention, something I would gladly give you.
I ordered you a drink and then I asked for your name even though I already knew it by heart. But hearing you say it in your small voice felt like music to my ears, it made this situation all the more real.
I took your warm hand in mine and brought it to my lips, savoring the feeling of your soft skin. The blood pulsing in your wrist echoed in my ears like church bells.
You mumbled in an adorable but clumsy way, asking for my name and I told you my real name, one I haven't used in years.
"My name's Zayn," I said as my thumb rubbed circles on your hand.
Your heart was beating treacherously fast, your eyes fixed on me completely. I had you right where I wanted you and it was time to go in for the kill. Make you insecure and then isolate you. I told you that I knew you were underage and so was I.
Your reactions and inner turmoil were so predictable as I pretended to be a gentleman, asking for your permission although that was far from the truth. If you said no I would just drug you and take you somewhere to taste your blood. But to my relief you said yes, surprising me slightly as well.
Soon we were in one of the dirty bathroom stalls that stank of piss and vomit but none of it bothered me because your addictive scent drowned out everything else. Your kisses were soft and careful, you needed me to lead and I had no problem doing so, darling.
Your lips were soft, your skin warm and alive under my touch. I was close to euphoric bliss, something I haven't felt in a long time. I knew just what I needed to push me over the edge.
"Don't move," I said firmly and I could feel you panicking already. The moment I sunk my teeth into your flesh my skin felt alive, like bolts of electricity were running through it, I felt your fear, your panic, your pain. I wanted to cry out in pleasure at the high I felt. Feeling alive like this was something I would never get used to. It was indescribable.
You started to beg and there were tears flowing down your face now.
"Shhh," I covered your mouth and dug in again. "Let me enjoy."
I had to force myself to stop when you passed out. Making sure the walkway to the back door was clear, I dragged you with me and covered your face with your hair. You looked like my drunk girlfriend and no one paid us any attention.
Once I was behind I placed you on the floor and waited. I could already hear Melanie's panicked voice looking for you. Soon she would be back here.
I bent down and pushed your hair away from your neck. I had rubbed some salve onto the bite marks, tomorrow it would be nothing but a bruise.
My hand ran through your hair and I brought it to my lips.
"See you tomorrow," I whispered.
Heyy if you guys remember the prologue from the first book this one may ring a bell lol. Did you find it interesting from his pov? I want to clear up some parts from the first book so I'm going to be using Zayn's pov for that. Hope you enjoyed :) :)
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