I would like to give a shout out to @cold_lady19 a fellow writer on wattpad. She is the author of the my wattpad love series (including 'My Wattpad Love' and it's sequel 'Growing Up') If you havn't read these books yet, I only have one thing to ask you. What have you been doing all this time, and what are you still doing here. After you're done reading this please go and checkout these amazing books, you won't go wrong :-)
Previously, on Love bite
"Great, then let's go" Elliot says as he and I walk out of the hospital.
When we make it home Elliot wastes no time all but crashing on the couch, once I make sure he's settled in, I start to make my way up the stairs. When I get to our room I find it almost in the same way it was when I left, the only visual difference that I can see, is now when I look out the window I see that there's now a slight shade of blue mixed in with the darkness.
I walk over and softly lay back down on the same spot on the bed, In Luka's arms. Then out of the blue, Luka's free arm wraps around my body once again, and then pulls me in closer. He did that so flawlessly, as if he were still asleep. Did he stay awake all this time, and just wait for me to come back? Are the last questions to inter my mind before tiredness kicks in, and darkness takes its hold of me once again.
Now Sophie
This time when I wake up and stretch out my arms, I find that I'm the one who's alone, I open my eyes and look around. Luka's nowhere to be found, but his side of the bed is still warm which means he must've just got up. As my brain starts to wake up a bit more, I then become aware of a light buzzing sound coming from somewhere in the room, but from where?
I then lift my head up and follow the sound to find out it's coming from right behind the bathroom door, which has been left slightly ajar. The light's turned on, so I know he's in there. Now I remember. I think to myself. .A few minutes before I woke up I felt like I was being moved around slightly, but I was sure it was part of the dream I was having. I turn my attention back towards the vibrating noise coming from the bathroom. What is that boy doing in there? I ask myself.
He must've been reading my mind because only a second later Luka emerges from the bath room, turning off the light and putting something on his side of the bathroom counter as he does so. Luka's face looks clean, and his chin and the underside looks cleaned shaved.
"Good morning beautiful" Luka says sweetly, smiling warmly as his eyes first land on me.
"Good morning handsome." "I've see you've been busy" I say grinning and running my finger lightly across my chin.
"Yea, I thought that since I woke up first, I would shave the stubble off my face while you finished sleeping. Why are you pointing this out Sophie, do you like what you see?" He asks walking over, and bending down towards me.
I gently take his now smooth shaven face into my hands. "I always love what I see when I'm with you" I say, pulling his face forward and giving him a soft good morning kiss on the lips.
"Did I scare you when you woke up alone? If I did I am so sorry Sophie, I tried to be as quiet as possible, since you had such a late night" Luka then tells me as we break apart.
"No, I'm fine, it only took me a second to figure out where you were" I tell him.
"Oh good. Hey, where did you have to go last night anyways?" He then asks.
"Oh, Elliot and the others were on their way back here and they were being chased by Ace, so I needed to help them out" I tell him.
"Is everyone okay?" Luka asks.
"Well, Elliot did almost get attacked by Ace when he stumbled while crossing the river but I was able to cut him off before he could hurt anyone else" I tell him.
Luka's brown eyes go wide. "Are you alright Sophie, are you hurt?" He asks, sounding worried.
"Yes Luka, I'm fine Ace didn't even lay a paw on me, I can't say the same for him though" I say to him. I then flashback to Ace limping away from this morning, but it goes by in less than a second.
"What about the girl?" Luka asks, referring to Alex.
"She's a little beat up now, but my Aunt says give her a few days and she'll make a full recovery" I reply to him.
"That's good to hear" he says, giving me one last quick kiss on the lips. "Now come on early riser, let's go down stairs and eat breakfast."
"Oh Luka before I forget to tell you Elliot spent the rest of this morning on our couch" I tell him.
"That's cool, it'll be like three for breakfast, now come on, I'm starving" He playfully says.
"Okay, I'm right behind you" I say with a chuckle as I slide off the bed and we both walk out of our room.
When we walk into the kitchen, we see Elliot's already up and he's at the stove cooking breakfast, we walk into the kitchen and he turns around to look at us. "Well, well, well, looks like the two lovebirds have awoken and are now out of their nest" He says with a smile.
"Good morning to you to Elliot" I say.
He then turns his attention towards Luka. "I hope it was okay I slept on your couch Luka? I was really tired when I got back home" Elliot tells him.
Luka just smiles at him warmly. "Elliot, no need to hope, it was fine with me, I'm just glad everyone made it back safely" Luka tells him.
"Well, I'm glad to hear you feel that way" Elliot says. "Now go over to the table you two, breakfast will be ready in a few." We do as he says, and sit down at the table.
"Hey Sophie, where's Greg?" Luka asks. "I haven't seen him around."
"Out sick, he's been battling this week with the flu, but don't worry, he'll be back in no time" I tell him.
"Oh, I hope he's feeling better" He says.
"Oh, and speaking of that" I say scooting my chair back and getting up from the table, I then walk over to the stove and put a clean cooking pot on next to the skillet of eggs that Elliot's making.
"What are you doing Sophie?" I hear Luka ask, while Elliot just looks at me.
"I'm going to make some chicken soup to take to Karl after we get done with breakfast to make him feel better" I reply to him.
"Well, in that case, do you want us to wait for you to get done?" Asks Elliot, as he's fixing everyone's plates.
I then shake my head. "No Elliot" I reply to him. "You two go ahead and eat, I'll be along"
"Okay Sophie, if you say so" Elliot says as he then picks up the plates and brings them over to the table, I then go around the kitchen and get all of my things together.
When I get the stuff in the pot and pretty much mixed evenly, I put in on a really low heat to keep it warm and walk back over to the table. when I look down at the plate in front of me and to the ones round it, I fine that they look identical to mine. Not a crumb missing, it hasn't even, been nibbled on. I then look up towards Luka and Elliot, who then give me guilty looks, like they've done something wrong.
"I told you that you guys didn't have to wait for me" I say to the both of them.
"You said we didn't have to Sophie, but we wanted to wait for you" Luka says with a sweet smile, while Elliot points his finger at him, as if to say you tell her, it was your idea.
"That is true" I say with a grin, as I start to dig in.
As I finish up my breakfast, I walk over and start packing for my mini trip to the Omega's house. I start by pouring the soup into a bowl with an airtight lid, to keep the cold air out when I'm walking through the snow. I then pack four gallons of a homemade electrolyte drink that I make myself. The last thing I do is pack a small vial of healer cold remedy and put it in my pocket, I then find a duffel bag to put the stuff into, before I sling it over my shoulder and start to make my way towards the door.
"Where are you off to Sophie?" Elliot asks, seeing me out from the corner of his eye.
"Going to the Omega's house to make a house call and to drop off some things. Luka, do you want to come with?" I ask him as I walk by the couch.
"Coming" Luka calls out, getting off the sofa and following after me.
"Well, come on then, Luka, let's get going. Elliot, you get off to work" I say, stopping to open the door.
"I'm already heading there Sophie" He says as he to gets off the couch, walks over towards me, and wraps his arms around my neck in a sweet hug. "I'll see you around the pack Sophie" Elliot says, he then breaks apart from me and turns his attention towards Luka. "And I'll see you later on in the day my brother, stay safe out there."
"Thanks Bro, don't worry Sophie and I will both be, I'll be seeing you around, oh and please make sure to tell my mamma I said good morning" Luka says to him.
"I'll be sure to tell her" Says Elliot as he then walks out of the front door, shoes and all.
"We've better get our shoes on, Luka, before we go anywhere outside" I tell him, as I then sit the duffel bag down, and reach for my shoes.
Luka looks down at his sock covered feet, and then back up at me. "Good plan, I wouldn't want to get frostbite" he says as he sits down himself and grabs one of his black snow boots.
It takes us only a few minutes to tie our shoes and boots, I then stand up, grabbing the bag as I do so, about to walk out the door, when at the last second I grab my jacket and put it on. Luka stands up, and then looks at me funny. "Why are you wearing your jacket Sophie? I thought that you couldn't get cold, being that your body temperature's the same as mine" He remarks.
"It is, but I like to have my jacket on so that I can keep my body heat in" I reply, as I then grab a hold of the door handle and open it, Luka follows me out.
"I can carry that for you if that bag is too heavy for you Sophie" He says, as he then holds his hands out towards the strap of the beg.
I smile at him a little, and then hand the bag over to him. "Thanks Luka, putting those four gallons of homemade drink in here was probably not the best idea" I tell him with a sigh of relief when I feel the weight of the duffel bag and its contents come off my shoulder.
"No problem, Sophie, wouldn't want you to mess your shoulder up now, and at a time like this" He says, then gently swinging the bag over his shoulder.
"Speaking of witch" I say as a question pops into my mind. "How's your shoulder doing?"
"It's healed fully, doesn't even hurt" He replies to me with a warm smile
"Good, I'm glad to hear that" I tell him with a warm smile myself as we walk up the snowy driveway.
We walk up to the small brick house around the corner from the park in the lower part of the grounds, I then gently knock on the blue door. It only takes a few moments before Kevin opens the door from the other side. His short brown hair is frazzled, and his eyes and face both look tired, like he's worked night shift at a job somewhere. He and Kyle must've stayed up pretty much the whole night to watch over and care for Karl, I think to myself.
"Morning Kevin" I say.
"Morning Alpha" He response, then he looks past me and sees Luka standing there. "And good morning to you as well, our future Alpha."
"Well, good morning to you as well. I'm Luka, it's nice to meet you."
"I'm Kevin Jones, and it's nice to meet you as well" He says, as the two young men then shake hands. We then hear a few congested sounding coughs coming from inside the house, Kevin then looks back over his shoulder for a few moments before looking back towards us. "Well, I better step aside so that you can see Karl, he's been waiting for you" Kevin says, taking a step aside, like he said he would. "Come on in." We both nod, and then step inside.
When we step inside our eyes land on a figure laying on the couch swaddled under at least four blankets, his light brown hair sticks to the top of his forehead. Sitting on the chair beside the couch, sits a worried looking Kyle, hovering over his little brother. Kevin then closes the door behind us, and looks towards the couch.
"Karl, look alive man, our fearless leader has come to see you, along with our future Alpha" He announces, Kyle turns his head away from Karl and looks towards us.
"Come on Kevin, you know as well as anybody does that I'm far from being fearless" I reply.
"Alpha Sophie, Alpha Luka, I'm sorry I wasn't there at the front door to greet you two, but someone had to watch Karl, so I sent Kevin to get the door instead" He tells me.
"Well that's okay." I then cut my eyes over towards Karl's sick form, who's now looking at me with a weak smile spread across his face. "And speaking of being okay, my mate and I overheard a little birdie say that someone in this house has fallen a bit under the weather." I start to walk over towards him, while Luka introduces and shakes hands with Kyle.
I then crouch down so that I can get closer to him, and he smiles bigger at me. His face is a light shade of rad, and his blue eyes look dark and tired. "It's me" Karl says in a scratchy tone of voice.
"I brought you some healing medicine, along with some other stuff to make you feel better" I tell him softly, he nods. I then look over my shoulder. "Hey Luka, can you bring that duffel bag over here please?" I ask him, as I turn my head back around.
Karl's dark eyes then brighten somewhat slightly. "Alpha Luka's really here. Oh snap, well then, can someone please help me up, so that I can see greatness for myself" He says, his voice sounding a little like its old self, but still a bit raspy around the edges.
"Here, I'll do it, give me your hand" I say, holding out mine for him to grab onto. Karl obeys my little command, and then sits up taking the blankets along with him, while Luka sets the beg down gently at my side. Even his small little hand is hot to the touch. He must be feeling bad. I think to myself. Once I get him sitting up, I knee walk back slightly, and then clear my throat. "Okay, now that we got that taken care of. Karl, meet my mate Luka. Luka, this is Karl, the youngest of the three Omega brother's."
Luka then waves at him. "Hey Karl" He says with a friendly smile.
Karl's smile gets slightly bigger, like Luka just gave him the biggest get well gift just by walking through his front door, and unknowingly he has. "It's you. Oh my gosh it really is you, you're actually here!" Karl says, sounding as excited as he can be now with a fever. He then turns towards his two older brother's. "Are you guys having the same dream I am?" Karl asks them.
"You're for sure not dreaming Buddy" Kevin replies, as he comes to stand beside Kyle by the couch.
"Okay then, ether this is real life, or my fever is so high now, that I'm having hallucinations" Karl says, turning back around to look at Luka.
"No Karl, you're not hallucinating, we can see him to" Kyle then tells him.
Karl's eyes then light up even more. "Oh well, if that's the case. One of you, my hand sanitizer, please?" Karl asks looking over towards his two brother's.
Kevin is the one who's about to obey, when Kyle places his hand on his shoulder. "I'll get it this time bro, since you got the door and let them in" He tells him.
"Then please, be my guest" Kevin says politely.
Kyle then walks over to the brown end table, picks up the clear bottle, and hands it to his brother. "Here you go man, be sure to get your hands good now, you hear?" He asks. Karl gives him a nod, and then starts to sanitize his hands.
When he's done Karl hands the bottle back to Karl, before he turns his attention back towards Luka. "Hey there Alpha Luka my name is Karl Jones, and I just want to thank you for being an inspiration to me over the last few months" Karl says, holding his now glossy hand out for Luka to shake.
"Wonderful to meet you Karl" Luka replies as he then shakes Karl's out stretched hand firmly, Luka then looks down at his hand, and smiles. "That's a nice, strong hand shake you've got there" He then says.
"Thanks" Karl says with a bit of gratitude.
"You're welcome. So, how are you feeling?" Luka asks him.
"Oh I'm doing fine, just a bit..." He replies, trying to hold back a cough, before it forces its way out. When he's gotten most of the phlegm out of his throat, he clears it, and tries again. "I'm just..." He coughs again, this time though when he's done, he sniffles for a moment before trying to speak again. "I'm feeling just a bit under the weather like Alpha Sophie said I was, was what I was trying to tell you before" Karl finally manages to get out, but starts coughing again only about a second later.
"Karl, would you like to take your medicine?" I ask him in my medical tone, cutting in to the conversation, when I hear how bad his coughing is getting.
"Yes Alpha Sophie" He replies with a small nod, and a slight sniffle.
I then take the small red bottle out of my pocket, and unscrew the black dropper top. "Mouth open" I say, and he obeys, opening his mouth wide. I then squeeze the top of the dropper, and watch as a few little red dots fall onto his tongue. There, all done. It has fresh honey, lemon, goji berries, and a few other herbs to help with your cold, that's all that's in here. Be sure to take a dropper full every six hours..."
Karl nods. "Thank you Miss" He says.
"We also brought some soup, and some homemade electrolyte drink. If you want them now, I could ask your brothers to heat you up a bowl" I tell him.
Karl then licks his lips, and nods his head. "Yes please Sophie" He says, I then nod, unzip the duffel bag, and pull out the air tight container. It has lost some heat, but that's nothing a little time in the microwave can't fix. I turn to Karl's brothers, who give me a nod, gently take it from me, and rush over towards the kitchen. I then open up another zipper on the duffel bag, and pull out a smaller bottle of the electrolyte drink, and hand it over to him.
"Here, I want you to drink all of this, before you start eating" I tell him.
"Okay Alpha, thinks" Karl says politely as he takes it from me, and unscrews the top off. Luka and I then watch as he lifts the bottle up to his lips, and drains the contents within just a few seconds. He then brings the now empty bottle down from his lips and clears his throat before speaking. "You said that's homemade?" Karl asks.
"Yes I did, why?" I ask him back, sounding slightly curious.
"You fixed it up so well, I couldn't tell" He then replies back, holding the opening to the bottle up to his eye, taking a peek inside.
"Oh, well thank you" I tell him with a slight giggle.
A second later Kevin and Kyle return with the soup, along with carrying a stack of bowls. When they get into the living room they hand the bowls to me while they start filling a bowl for Karl, one of them holds the soup bowl while the other one fills the smaller bowl. When the bowls been filled Kevin walks over and hands it to Karl. "There you go buddy, enjoy" Kevin tells him as he's bending down. I then get up and walk over and place the bowls on the end table, and Kevin does the same with the soup bowl.
I look back over towards Luka, but to my surprise he isn't doing anything, just staring off into space. I follow his gaze to find that he's looking at Kevin's shoulder, Kevin, both boys in fact are wearing sleeveless shirts that show off their ranking marks perfectly. A ranking mark is basically what the name implies. It's a small paw print located on the outside of the left Shoulder. From the time you have your first shift it's to tell other wolves what rank you are. They come in six colors, each color represents a ranking in the pack. Head Beta's, are green with flecks of gold. Beta's, are a normal green. The Gamma's are a light purple. The Warrior's, are gold. The Subordinate's, are dark gray. The Omega's, are ice blue. So that means that Kevin, Kyle, and Karl all have Ice blue paw prints on their shoulder, but there's a catch, both Kevin and Kyle have black rings around theirs.
Luka's then snapped out of his thoughts by Kevin. "Hey, Alpha Luka, do you want some of this as well?" He asks, walking over to the soup bowl, Luka's a bit hesitant to answer.
"The soup has goji berries in it as well, along with a few hot peppers to flush out sinuses so it'll have a little kick to it. So everyone watch out for it, that means you as well Karl" I tell him, looking over my shoulder.
"I'm glad you told me Alpha before I took a bite of it" Karl replies back.
"Thanks guys, I would love a bowl" Luka then replies, Kyle then runs over to get a chair, while Kevin starts to fill Luka's bowl.
In no time at all we have four chairs around the living room, and four humans in them just sitting around and eating soup, just talking, laughing, joking around, trying to lighten up the mood.
"I have a question" Says Luka.
"Yes Alpha, go on" Kevin tells him.
"Not to be Rude or anything, but, why do you two have those black rings around your rank marks?" Luka asks, trying not to sound rude.
Both of the boys look at each other for a moment, and then look back towards Luka. "It's quite complicated, Alpha" Kevin tells him.
"I've got time" Luka says.
The two brothers are about to speak, when Kyle cuts them off, and Luka looks towards him. "It's because I'm the pure Omega" He says, taking his left shoulder out of his shirt, revealing his ice blue rank mark, but unlike his brothers, his does not have the ring around it.
"What does he mean by that?" Luka then asks, looking back towards the two brothers, Kevin clears his throat before speaking.
"Look Alpha, we were born into a pack of Rogues, and it was always a fight for survival. From the time we first shifted we were on our own, our own mother and father didn't even care what happened to us. Now from the time he was born Karl has always been physically weaker than the two of us, witch meant a had to struggle a little more than most, but he did have one think to help him, us. Then on the day that we found out he was to become the Omega we decided that we didn't want him going through that all alone, so we got the Omega rank marks branded onto our shoulders so that he wouldn't be without us. Then one night we saw Karl getting beat real bad, then afterwards, while we were treating his injuries he told us that he didn't want to stay there, so we got up and took off. We ran and ran till we found the Emerald Stone Pack, and Alpha Sophie took us in. Now being the Omega was still hard for him at first, he would break down crying throughout the day, then one day he just stopped."
"What happened?" Luka then asks them.
"You, is what happened, Alpha Luka" Kyle simply replies.
Confused, Luka looks to me for an answer. "You see Luka, Karl would cry every day because he thought being the Omega was bad because of what he was told, and what he had been through. Then one day, a few days after I took him and his brothers in, I decided to go for my morning jog. I went down to the park where I first found you, and there he was, crying into his hands, and rocking back and forth on his heels, can you guess where he was Luka?" I ask him.
Luka takes a moment to think about it. "My bench" He replies softly.
I nod. "Anyway. I couldn't stand seeing him sitting there crying like that, so I walked over to him to see what was wrong. He then told me that he was ashamed to even be alive because he was the Omega, and that he had no hope left in fate. Shocked, I then realized where I was at, and what we were sitting by, I told Karl everything about us, about you. I told him what you went through, what all you had to go through, and all that you overcame. After that Karl went home and hasn't been the same since. So in other words Luka, you help him to overcome his challenges."
"Yes, your story gave Karl hope for the future, and gave his life meaning" Kyle then tells him.
"Oh, that's what he meant by inspiration" Luka says, looking towards Karl. Karl's hands then start to shake, then as he's about to drop his bowl of soup, Kevin leaps out of his chair, lands on his knees, and catches the bowl in his hands before it can spill a drop.
"Here Karl, don't worry I'll hold it for you, you just go on and eat the rest of your soup" Kevin says, holding the bowl up to his brother, Karl then starts eating again
"Sorry Kevo, my hands are a little weak from the cold" Karl apologizes with a mouth full of soup.
"Karl, you know you're not supposed to talk with your mouth full. Besides, it's no problem at all dude, you just eat up" Kevin then tells him.
I smile it the two of them, then I'm snapped out of it when my aunt connects the mind link. "Sophie, Sophie, are you there?" Aunt Sherry asks, her voice sounds urgent.
"Aunt Sherry, I'm here, what's up?" I ask her.
"Where are you and Luka?" She then asks me.
"At the Omega's house, why?" I then ask her back, my own voice sounding worried now.
"An emergency has happened with Misty, and we need Luka to come over to the hospital right away" She replies.
"What happened to her, and why do you need Luka?" I then ask her in my medical tone.
"She rolled over onto her back, then shifted back into her human form, and ripped her wound open, so we need to give her a blood transfusion. Luka and Misty have the same blood type, that's why you need to get him over here" She then tells me.
"Okay sure, we'll start heading your way Aunt Sherry" I then tell her.
"Okay Sophie, just get here quickly" She says sounding frantic, right before I cut the link. I then look over towards Luka, and see that he has a worried look on his face.
"So I take it you heard that?" I ask him playfully.
"Every word" He replies, slowly getting up from the chair.
"Sorry to barge out like this everyone but there's been an emergency at the pack hospital, so Luka and I have to leave" I say, getting up myself.
"No problem Alpha, thanks for stopping by Alpha Luka" Karl says, as we start to head towards the door.
"You're welcome Karl, I hope you feel better soon. Hey, maybe when you do get better, you, I, my brother Elliot, and your brothers could go hangout at some place" Luka tells him.
"Yes, that would be great, Alpha Luka" Karl says with a smile on his face.
"Okay guys I'm going to have to leave the duffel bag and the soup container here, but I'll come back and get them. Goodbye for now everybody" I tell them as we then open the door, and step out.
"Shall we?" I say, Luka nods, before we both shift and take off towards the pack hospital. =====================================
As always to all of our new Emerald Shifters please be sure to keep reading, because we like to watch the numbers go up. Vote, because we love the support. Comment, so that you can give your opinion, and if you find any mistakes, feel free to let us know. Add it to your reading list and library, to stay updated. And share it, to get it out there, Bye guys.
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