Season Two OVA: Pool Event

Surprise upload! Thanks to a few recommendations, *cough cough* you know who you are *cough cough*, I was able to adapt the episode!

Big thanks to them people. 9anime didn't work sometimes so I had to check out the other site I was recommended, but anyway, here it is! The season two OVA that is even more ecchier than the last OVA. So here is your ecchi warning. If you want to keep reading, go ahead. Don't let me stop you. Adieu. 

Oh, and at the time of this posting, this is put in front of chapters 13, 14, and 15 of this book so if you see any "(A/N):" talking about the S2 OVA, just ignore them.


In the city...

In a fairly nice looking building, the female members of Blessing Software were in swimsuits. Utaha was laying on the beach chairs, the position she was quite sexual to say the least. Megumi and Eriri was near the pool edge, the blonde artist clutching her sketchbook to her chest while the boring girl was hugging her knees, posing for Eriri. As usual, Michiru was doing something sport-related, swimming in the water.

Eriri: (annoyed) What now?

Utaha: What? There's a second season to that anime? The storyline for the first season was so poor, the setting so badly thought out, and the heroines are nothing but a collection of tropes. I'd prefer to erase the very existence of that anime from my memory.

Eriri: Wha...!? No matter how you look at it, a second season was a given! They did tons of events, and the fans loved it! And most importantly, the BD's sold well!

(A/N): Wait, did Eriri predict some of the Brain dance missions in Cyberpunk? The fuck!?

Utaha: Oh, but look, you didn't say a word about the content itself, didn't you? That is proof enough that it's trash.

The dark haired maiden stretched, her curvaceous body was appealing to the eye. Utaha darted over to a certain black haired male, but he was doing his own thing. She gritted her teeth in frustration, but she didn't show it.

Eriri: I had fun watching it! Doing nothing but finding fault with something people have worked hard on creating. That only makes you look like a loser who has forgotten how to enjoy life. 

Tomoya: Well, I understand where Utaha-senpai is coming from, but I'd rather want to see it positively, like Eriri. 

Y/N: Tomoya, that anime was complete garbage. Plot was nonexistent and it's nothing but shoving boobs in your face!

Tomoya: But don't you like big boobs?

Y/N: I told you! I like big boobed girls with dark hair! Like I said with Horikita Mai-chan! 

Michiru: (swimming) You're always quibbling about the same things with the same arguments. 

The water that she swam through could be seen going through Michiru's cleavage, the water droplets all over body being flung around as she moved and waded through the water.

Utaha: Don't you always mock otaku the same way, Hyodo-san?

Eriri: Honestly. That, if anything, makes you look like a loser who has forgotten how to enjoy life. 

Michiru: (getting out of pool) Sure, sure. 

Tomoya: That anime is not just the story or the setting or the heroines' personalities. It transcends all of that!

Michiru: (puts hands on window) But still...what a great view! I'm glad we came here. 

Eriri: Well, apart from Megumi and me, the rest of you aren't really needed. 

Utaha: Who paid for this? You should be thankful to Y/N and I, who just got their royalties from a new print run. 

Eriri: Isn't it more like thanks to me, who made this reservation through Papa's connections?

Y/N: Then that'd be thanks to your father. It's not your own achievement. 

Eriri: Gyah!

Michiru: Sshhh!

With a toothy grin, Michiru had crouched down slightly and shushed the girls. Over with Tomoya and Y/N, the two were over by the window. Tomoya would be looking out the window, if it weren't for the towel wrapped around his head that covered his eyes. Y/N was laying on one of the beach chairs, a towel over his face as he relaxed. But he noticed that it had grown oddly quiet, aside from Tomoya's usual rambles.

After hearing Michiru shush the girls, he wasn't sure what to expect. But he was hesitant to remove his towel that sat on his face as he knew how beautiful Utaha would look in her swimsuit. It would most likely excite his "friend."

Tomoya: Just watching it has a positive effect! It makes you feel happiness! You can't reach that mentality if you get caught up in details! Yes, that world is where we belong in! It's our place of comfort! So not just a second season, but a third and fourth, too! It should go on forev--

Tomoya cut himself off as he noticed the towel that was wrapped around his head had fallen off. Then, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Michiru: Hey, Tomo, what are you doing, when you're surrounded by this many swimsuit beauties?~ Look, N/N has the right idea!

Y/N: S-Senpai! Wh-What are you doing!?

Utaha: Come now, don't be shy. I'm only getting myself comfortable.

Y/N: But did you have to sit there!? (thoughts) N-No! Stop rising! Stop rising, dammit!

Utaha: Ara?~ What's this I feel?~

Y/N: Nnnnnnooooooo!

Tomoya: Stop, stop, stop cornering us into a situation where we can make no excuses! I just want to talk about anime with all of you!

Michiru and Eriri were posing in front of the glasses wearing teen, who wasn't wearing them. Utaha was doing what she would normally do to Y/N, which *cough* y'all should know what she usually does to the protagonist of this story here *cough*.

(A/N): Cue the season two intro!


In the Aki household, the Blessing Software team had met up with each other to discuss a certain scenario. Currently, they were all in Tomoya's room, the usual meeting place.

Eriri: No can do, Megumi. What's what Utaha Kasumigaoka's and Y/N L/N's event specification says. 

Y/N: Uh, was it necessary to say our full names?

Megumi had put on a blank face, no knowing what the topic was.

Tomoya: Um, let's see. "By the pool, Meguri asks Seiji what he thinks of her swimsuit. Looking up at him with an embarrassed expression."

Michiru: (wide-eyed and impressed) Whoa, this pretty bold. 

Utaha: (drowsy) Come to think of it, there were swimsuit event pictures too, huh? That wasn't getting anywhere, so we completely forgot.

Y/N: Senpai, if you need a place to lie down, you can use the bed, right?

Utaha: No...your lap is sufficient enough... (light snoring)

Y/N: (sigh) Great.

Eriri: (eyes twitching) And since that's the case, Megumi, change into that already.

Megumi: (blank face while holding swimsuit) Um, I'd like to request that you can just go with what I have on now.

Eriri: Listen, Megumi. You're the main heroine of this game!

Megumi: Lately, that phrase has been reduced to nothing but a way to get me to do whatever's convenient for you.

Eriri: This is the main heroine's swimsuit scene! A treat all gal game players have eagerly been waiting for!

Y/N: Yeah. A dating sim without a beach or pool scene is very rare. Hey! That sounds like a usual trope for anime! (discreetly looks to readers) It's as if we are being based off one where I don't exist!

(A/N): Oi! Shut the fuck up, you can't break the fourth wall!

Y/N: Try me author! You can't stop me!

(A/N): Shit! Cover up the wall and rewind this shit already! This chapter took a whole fuck lot of time to make!


Y/N: Yeah. A dating sim without a beach or pool scene is very rare. Hey! That sounds like a usual trope for anime!

Tomoya: (gasp) You're exactly right, Y/N!

Y/N: Shut up. I wasn't asking you.

Megumi: But Eriri, you could just draw it from your imagination. You don't have to be that particular about it.

Tomoya: (nervous) H-Hey, Kato...

Eriri: (visible tick mark) Megumi, are making light of creating games--no, of me!?

Megumi: Eh?

Eriri: If you aren't particular about beautifully drawing a girl's body, what do you think you're worth as an artist!?

Megumi: (deadpan) Eh...

Present Day...

In the locker room, a girl was seen discarding her clothes, her curvaceous body was seen as she slips of her socks. Back in the pool area, Tomoya was seen blowing up numerous beach balls with Y/N and Michiru racing each other in the pool.

Megumi was at the pool edge with Eriri sitting on one of the beach chairs, clutching her sketchbook with her pencil in her other hand.

Eriri: Okay then, next pose, Megumi. I'm here following your lead, since you said you wouldn't do it unless we were all wearing swimsuits. Do what I tell you to do.

Megumi stood at the edge of the pool, one of her arms at her side with the other clutching her arm that's at the current side. She looked back to Eriri, waiting for instructions.

Utaha: (brushing hair back) Honestly, why did we have to come, too?

Y/N: (rises from water) Because you said you wanted to see my lean body?

Utaha: I never said such a thing. If anything, it was a slip of the tongue.

Y/N: (sigh) Sometimes, I have no idea what goes on in that head of yours.

Michiru: (bursting from water) No stopping, Y/N! This race is still on!

Y/N: You're on!

Before he could continue you on, Utaha had pulled him from the water and started to push her chest into his back. She leaned down and whispered into his ear. Y/N's face reddened as she gained her usual seductive smirk.

Utaha: Now, be a good boy.~

Y/N: ...Hai.

Michiru: (rising from water) You're into it enough to pick quite a risque swimsuit for N/N here!

Megumi: So, what kind of pose should I take?

Eriri: Well...all right, lie down face up on that beach ball. You know, like doing a bridge, and spreading your legs wide.

Tomoya: ...Eh!?!? These were for that!?

Y/N: Why, what were you thinking about? Using them for pool volleyball or something?

Tomoya: W-Well, yeah!

Y/N: (sigh) Such stupidity. And this is why you're a dumbass, dumbass.

Utaha: What's that, an ero pin-up for an anime magazine?

Y/N: Well, senpai, if you look at the pose that way, then yes. Yes it could.

Megumi: Sorry, Eriri. I think that request has a multitude of things which are impossible for a normal girl.

Eriri: What are you saying!? What are you saying, Megumi!? You are the--

Megumi: But before that, we're friends, good friends, right?

Eriri: Yes! Take that pose, Megumi! Bend you body in suggestive and lewd ways!

Y/N: (looks to Tomoya with a deadpan look) And why did you hire the lewd artist?

Tomoya: Because she's the best there is...?

Y/N: (sigh) Dumbass.

Megumi: E-Eriri?

Eriri: (frantically sketching) The two of them frolicking in the pool. While they're having fun, the heroine's top gets washed away! The main character panics and goes to retrieve it, when he suddenly feels two soft, warm things against his back...!

Michiru: (deadpan) It's that kind of an event?

Y/N: Pretty much.

Tomoya: (lying face up on beach ball, strained voice) As expected from an ero-doujin author. 

Utaha: Aside from the direction she's taking, I can't help but empathize with that thoroughness. 

Eriri: It'll be good, it'll be good! The build of her sides! The softness of her stomach! The paleness and smoothness of her back! Her chest bulging out of her top! The edges of her bottom! The thickness of her thighs! The silhouette of her calves! All the way to the tip of her every toe!

Megumi: Um, I don't particularly want to imagine that, though. 

Eriri: (breathing heavily with huge blush) All right, on to the next pose, Megumi!

Tomoya: (looks to Megumi) You're still going to continue?

With a blank look, Megumi stood up.

Megumi: I'll go concentrate for a bit. (walking away) "Um..."

Tomoya: You're still going to play along?

Megumi: "Actually, I'm really embarrassed, b-but since it's you..."

Utaha: Looks like it's break time. 

Michiru: I'll go for a swim, then. Want another race, Y/N?

Y/N: If you're prepared to lose.

Utaha: (stretches) I'll go buy drinks.

As she stood up, Y/N couldn't help but stare at the dark haired maiden. He's admired Utaha's body before since they've seen each other in the nude, but it still felt wrong of him to gaze at her body, despite her allowing Y/N to do so.

Snapping out of his thoughts, him and Michiru began to do back and forth laps in the pool. Meanwhile, Tomoya set down a coffee drink at Eriri's side.

Tomoya: You're working hard, despite that direction you're taking. 

Eriri: Even if we started making the game on a whim of yours, we might as well do our best while we're at it. 

Tomoya let out a soft chuckle, making the blonde artist turn to him with an annoyed look.

Eriri: What? Don't glare at me with indecent thoughts.

Y/N: (off-screen) As if he would, pipsqueak!

Eriri: What did you say!?

Y/N: (off-screen) You heard me!

Tomoya: Y/N's right. I wouldn't do that to you. 

Eriri: Isn't that rude in and of itself? Just so you know, I've been Miss Toyogasaki two years in a row. 

Tomoya: But your figure hasn't changed much all this time. 

Eriri: (gasps and blushes) Why do you remember such ancient things?

Tomoya: Of course I would. 

Eriri: Eh?

Tomoya: It was in our first year of elementary school, wasn't it? When we came here with our families. I think you were wearing a white bikini with a fluttering pareo. You were usually quiet, but you were having so much fun at the pool, that you got a fever the next day, and stayed in bed for a week. 

Eriri: (stunned) You remember that?

Tomoya: You know, when you're a child, you remember the most pointless things, don't you?

Eriri: I...see...

As the two were talking, Y/N and Michiru emerge from the water slightly. The water line was about halfway up their face, their mouths below the water. They look to each other and devilish grins appear on their faces as they had come up with an idea.

Going back down into the water, they begin to move slowly to Tomoya, who was minding his own business as he put his legs in the water.

Eriri: Hey, Tomoya...

Tomoya: Hmm?

He then let out an inaudible gasp that Eriri didn't hear, Tomoya being pulled into the water by his cousins. 

Eriri: know, back then, I--

When she turned around, she saw that Tomoya wasn't there. She deadpanned before looking to the water, three figures soon emerging.

Holding him by each arm, Y/N and Michiru begin to lift Tomoya over their shoulder, the poor boy flailing around to get out of their grip.

Y/N and Michiru: Ooorrrryyyaaaahhh!

Tomoya was then dunked into the water, Michiru now under and quickly swimming towards him. Her fingers went across his body, trailing up from above the lower region before her arms wrapped around Tomoya's neck, the two coming out of the water as Michiru was practically wrestling him with Tomoya trying to wiggle himself free.

Tomoya: H-Hey, Mittchan!

Michiru: How about it, Tomo? Do you give up?

The glasses wearing teen let out a squeal as Michiru's chest was pushed up against his back. Y/N rose up from the water and started laughing.

Eriri: What are you doing, Michiru Hyodo!?

From the edge, Utaha could be seen holding a drink, deadpanning at the girl's actions. Eriri was livid, furious with the cousin.

Michiru: "What"? We cousins are just reminiscing about the nostalgic past!

Tomoya: This is not nostalgic! It never used to feel like this!

Utaha: Aren't you using being his cousin as too much of an excuse for the both of them, Hyodo-san?

Michiru: Doesn't this bring back memories, Tomo, N/N?

Y/N: Well, yeah. We always dunked Tomoya head first into the water in these types of situations.

Michiru: We used to play in the river near Granddad's house like this. Like we did every year...

Y/N: Why are you making it sound entirely different?

Eriri: Wait a moment! What do you mean, every year!?

Y/N: Uh? Exactly as it sounds...?

Utaha: That's what's bothering you, Sawamura-san?

Eriri: To begin with, Tomoya was reminiscing with me!

Michiru: (smug) However, you've known each other at best since elementary school, right? I have memories of both Tomo and N/N as early as I can remember.

By now, Tomoya had been let go and was now standing on the pool edge. Y/N was still swimming around in the pool, having his own leisure time. Utaha was sitting in one of the beach chairs, watching Y/N casually swim at his own pace.

Eriri: O-Older is not necessarily better! It's not!

Michiru: You're right! No matter how old a childhood friend you say you are, if you cut your ties, that relationship gets reset.

Y/N: (thoughts) Who are you? Hachiman Hikigaya?

Eriri: H-Hyodo Michiru!

Tomoya: (irritated) You guys, cut that--

???: Tomoya-senpai!

The group's attention was then brought to the entrance of the locker room. There stood was a familiar burgundy haired girl.

Eriri: Wha--!?

Tomoya: Izumi-chan!

Izumi: I'm here! Thank you for inviting me!

Eriri: Who invited you!? Who!?

A sudden voice was then heard at the top of the stairs that led to the lounging area. Megumi could be seen walking down.

Megumi: Ah, I called her, since it's a rare opportunity. 

Eriri: Traitor!

Izumi: It's been awhile! I wanted to see you!

The burgundy hair then started to run towards Tomoya, her chest bouncing in her swimsuit. Tomoya was in clear view of the sight, a huge blush on his face.

Tomoya: I-Izumi-chan!

Izumi: Tomoya-senpai!

She then leapt forward, tackling Tomoya into the water while Tomoya screamed for his life. Unknown to Y/N, who was still swimming, he doesn't see the shadows of the two. By the time he noticed, the two crash into him, an explosion occurring in the water, essentially.

Michiru: (stunned) Oh, a nice flying body press.

Utaha: It's dangerous to run by the pool, though it's late to say that now.

Michiru: Are? Is that N/N under those two? Did he drown?

Utaha: (gasp) Y/N!

And with that, Utaha dives into the water, Megumi, Michiru, and Eriri looking at her with a deadpan look.

Small Timeskip

Having pulled the two boys out of the water along with Izumi, both Y/N and Tomoya were now unconscious. The two lay near one of the beach chairs, towels covering their faces.

Eriri: Hey, Megumi! It was supposed to be just the members of the circle here today! Why are you calling in outsiders!?

Izumi: I asked to come with you! I wanted to thank Tomoya-senpai and Megumi-senpai for helping me with my circle at Summer Comiket. 

Eriri: And why are you thanking them by showing yourself in a swimsuit at the pool!?

Izumi: (points) And there's somebody else I want to thank.

Eriri: Huh?

Izumi: Thank you for your precious autograph, Eri Kashiwagi-sensei.

Letting out a "tch," she raised her hand and twists Izumi's finger.

Eriri: Don't point your finger at people!

Izumi: O-Ouch, what are you doing to my precious dominant hand!

Unknown to the two, the happy-go lucky cousin was crawling over to the two unconscious boys. 

Michiru: Tomo.~ N/N.~

Eriri: You started this fight!

Izumi: You were the one who started it!

As Michiru had a foxy grin, her swimsuit's lower part had been pulled down, nearly exposing her rear. She halted in her tracks and turned around to see Utaha, crouching on her knees.

Michiru: What are you doing, pervert?

Utaha: (hands cash) Go buy something good.

Michiru: Oh!~ Thanks!

Taking the cash, Michiru dashes towards the lounging area, albeit slowly despite her running. The seductive dark haired maiden then goes forth were plan, looking down at Y/N's unconscious body, leaning down towards his face.

Getting on her knees, she lowers herself as she lifts the towel off Y/N's face. With a blush on her face, with a cute giggle and tucking some of her hair behind her ear, she goes to capture Y/N's lips.

Utaha: (thoughts) Gulp...

Eriri: (irritated) So, what are you planning on doing while taking advantage of the confusion, Utaha Kasumigaoka?

Utaha: Tch. I thought a CPR event would be a staple at a pool. (turns around) You're scaring me.

When she turned her head, Eriri was scowling, grinding her teeth. Izumi had a look of disbelief as she covered her mouth with her hands while Megumi looked on curiously. 


The two boys were now awake and were out of the pool area, now standing in the lobby.

Utaha: And so, I took care of arranging Hashima-san's lodgings. 

Izumi: Even my room? (bows) I am obliged. 

Utaha: It's fine. The number of rooms isn't changing, so it wasn't a big issue. 

Y/N: Welp. I'm leaving then.

Tomoya: Me, too.

Y/N: We'll come at checkout time tomorrow. 

Izumi: Eh? Senpais, you two are going home?

Tomoya: Yeah. We're the only guys, after all. Izumi-chan, you have fun here. 

Michiru: Tomo, N/N, you could just stay in our room. We could do all kinds of things until morning. Like on our hot spring trip earlier.

Izumi: (blushing) A-All kinds of things?

Eriri: (nonchalantly) All kinds of things. I hope you refrain from asking any tasteless questions. 

Y/N: (dragging Tomoya by cardigan collar) Alright, time to go. C'mon, Tomoya.

Tomoya: You don't have to drag me!

As they watched them leave, Utaha had her signature seductive smirk as she stared at Y/N. The only one to notice was Megumi, who tilted her head confused.

In the hotel room, the balcony door was opened, showing a clear view of the bright-lit area in the distance.

Eriri: Such a beautiful night view!

Megumi: The seaside rooms must be expensive here. 

A knocking noise was then heard, Megumi heading to the door and seeing Michiru and Izumi standing outside.

Michiru: Yaho!~

Izumi: Excuse us!

Eriri: (irritated) What are you here for already?

Michiru: Toh! (flops on bed) Hey, let's go to karaoke! With me playing along!

Eriri: Of course I can't go. I have to finish the sketches I did earlier. 

Michiru: Come on now, don't be so stuffy. It's rare we're all together like this. 

Eriri: We didn't come here to play around. We have to make our game take shape as quickly as possible...

Michiru: (winks) Of course it's not playing around. In fact, there's something I want you to hear. 

Eriri: Hmm?

Megumi: (looks around) ...Come to think of it, where's Kasumigaoka-senpai? (looks to Izumi) Did she stay in your room?

Izumi: Huh? Isn't she supposed to be in this room?

Eriri: (confused) What are you saying? You have the three-person room. It's just me and Megumi here. 

Michiru: Huh? I'm she she said she'd be staying here...

Izumi: Huh, what is going on?

They all wondered when Megumi thought back to the seductive smirk Utaha had. When Tomoya and Y/N had exited out the door, her seductive smirk had turned into a lewd smile.

With Utaha

Utaha: Such a beautiful view, isn't it?

In a bar-like area, Utaha and Y/N were seated at the counter. Dressed in his normal clothing, Utaha was the only one who looked something along the lines of "fancy." 

Y/N: (sigh) Senpai? 

Utaha: Yes, Y/N?

Y/N: You called me over because you said you had an amazing plot that hit like thunder. Or something like that.

Utaha: Before that, let's toast. 

Being the only one to take her glass, she clinked it with Y/N's, who didn't touch his.

Y/N: ...What the hell is this?

Utaha: Ginger ale. A light-colored one.

Y/N: The smell begs to differ.

Utaha: Don't worry about such details. 

Y/N: (sigh) Why do I have the feeling that you didn't lure me here because of the so-called "plot" you had come up with just now. 

Utaha: Such a beautiful night view, isn't it? Couldn't you follow me along just a little.

Y/N: Senpai, I get that you look sexy and all and not that I don't deny that figure is, you could've asked, right? 

Utaha: It's a long night.

She leans towards Y/N, putting her head on his shoulder while Y/N became a bit nervous at the sudden contact. Sure, they both acted flirtatious towards one another, but that's only when they liked to mess around. 

Y/N: Wh-While I'd love nothing more than that, but if I stay too late, I'll miss the last train. Besides, Tomoya is waiting in the lobby still. 

Utaha: Ara? You need not worry about that. I actually booked yet another room.

Going into her cleavage, which made Y/N blush heavily, Utaha pulled out a room keycard. 

Y/N: Oi...

Utaha: Don't worry. In the hotel registry, our backstory is big sister and little brother.

Y/N: How is that fine!? It's not at all! I'm not into that incest shit!

She pouts before putting on a glare, putting her hand on Y/N's hand and begins to rub it. This catches Y/N off guard as he shivers under Utaha's glares, which he rarely gets.

Utaha: Just play along, Y/N. How much do you think I've shelled out for all this?

Y/N: I get that we're rich and all, but how much money didja fucking spend!?

Utaha: Royalties are a wonderful thing.

Y/N: Well, obviously! But you probably should've saved those!

Utaha: Ara? For our future?~

Y/N: Yes! Wait, no!

Utaha: That makes me happy, Y/N.~

Slipping one of her heels off, Utaha begins to stroke her foot against Y/N's leg. This causes Y/N to shift in his seat uncomfortably, squirming while Utaha giggled in delight. Soon, his phone went off, Utaha clearly annoyed that her attempted date was being interrupted.

Getting his phone, he goes to answer, but was stopped. Gripping his wrist tightly, Utaha grinds her teeth as she tries to stop Y/N from answering. However, Y/N's grip was stronger, answering the call with the ID belonging to Megumi's.

Megumi: (on phone) Ah, L/N-kun? It seems Kasumigaoka-senpai has turned her phone off, so could I talk to her? Oh, and Aki-kun is outside our room, asking where you two are.

Y/N: (sing-song voice) How did you know?

Eriri: (on phone) Don't always get the upper hand, Utaha Kasumigaoka!

Michiru: (on phone) Honestly, one can't let their guard down around you! Oh, N/N, taking her to bed?~

Y/N: Mittchan, now's not the time!

Utaha: (murderous aura) Good job seeing through me, Kato-san.

Now terrified, Y/N shook in his seat as Utaha was letting out a murderous aura. After changing into normal clothing, the Blessing Software group, plus Izumi, met up at a karaoke place, having rented one of the rooms already.

Eriri: Background music?

Utaha: It's done?

Izumi: (excited gasp) Michiru-senpai, are they your original songs? I want to hear!

Michiru: Well, it's only ten songs for now. 

Megumi: That many already? 

Michiru: I told you, didn't I? That I didn't come here to play around! (smug) Though that doesn't seem to be true for senpai!

Pouting, Utaha lays her head on Y/N's lap as she curls up into a ball, Y/N having a sheepish look as he pats the girl's head.

Michiru: Still, we're steadily progressing with the game. Sawamura-chan's pictures, senpai's and N/N's story...we're doing a lot of good work.

Tomoya: Michiru, you...

Michiru: I'm a member of Blessing Software, too. Seeing all that, I can't just keep playing around, can I?

Y/N: You who doesn't even study for a test? Get outta here!

Michiru: (grin) Shuddup! (playfully sticks out tongue) So, song number one.

The cousin of the two boys begins, the melody already similar to that of an anime song. Izumi was delighted to hear the piece. When she looked to see everyone else's reactions, Utaha and Eriri had closed their eyes, Y/N humming along.

Eriri: Ah, this is...when the main character and the heroine...

Utaha: Meet on the hill in the evening sun.

Y/N: Fits perfectly.

Michiru: You got it! You knew on the first try? 

Eriri: I see, so you saw it like this.

Utaha: It has a more refined ambiance then I thought. 

Michiru: It's not you imagined it? Should I change it?

Eriri: (rummages through bag) No, I like this better. So keep going.

Utaha: (gets out laptop) Y/N, if we match our parts to the song, they'll be even better.

Y/N: Hmm? Oh, yeah.

Michiru: Okay.

The four began to work away, working in harmony. Tomoya, Megumi, and Izumi looked amazed. When Tomoya's and Megumi's eyes met each other, they smiled as their work was coming along greatly. It was truly a sight to see. 

They were truly giving their best to make the game good as best it can be. With their current luck, they were hoping that it doesn't run out just yet.

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