Season One OVA: Hot Spring Scramble

Just going to say this now, this chapter/OVA episode has a crap ton of fan service and the ecchi factors are quite high. If you're not into that shit too much, feel free to leave.

This is your ecchi warning. You have been warned. Also, I have no idea where in what time this took place during season one, so I'm assuming it's between the end of S1 and the beginning of S2. Anyway, enjoy.


Splishes and splashes of water could be heard as Megumi poured a bucket of water on her shoulder, drenching her bare lower body. In the nearby spring, Utaha had a towel wrapped around her head, looking at the blonde artist.

Utaha: Come now, that's your top recommendation, Sawamura-san? Isn't that a lame harem anime that was packed with panty shots and nudity right from episode one? I'm ashamed that I stuck with it through episode three.

Eriri: Huh!? By any metric, that was an epic anime!

Megumi was soon coming into the spring, a content smile on her face as she waded through water. Michiru was also in the spring, swimming, despite it being shallow.

Eriri: The artwork was consistent from beginning to end, the motion was fluid, and the girls in it were all super cute!

Utaha: You do realize it's the people who worship any anime with good artwork as a classic who are behind the decline of the anime industry, don't you?

Eriri: No, it's because of smug people like you, who criticize shows based on preconceived notions because they can't be bothered to watch the whole thing!

Michiru: (sigh) You boggles my mind that two girls in high school can still get so worked up over anime. 

Utaha: (puts hand on hip) Before you start finding fault with the mental age of others, I suggest you stop swimming in the bath like some child, Hyodo-san.

Eriri: Seriously. How about cultivating some ladylike traits, huh?

Michiru: Fine, whatever...

Getting out of the water, Michiru sits back and lays on a rock, staring up at the night sky. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth as she continued to stare.

Michiru: I have to say, though, this feels great...

Setting a towel onto a flat surface near the water, Utaha laid on her front. Her cheeks soon reddened due to the heat the spring was emanating.

Utaha: Hot...

Michiru: I'm glad we came.

Eriri: (content smile) Yeah, though I don't care for the members I'm with. 

Utaha: I don't have much to complain about, with one notable exception. 

Letting out an annoyed grunt, Eriri glanced at the other female members of the circle. They were all well-developed, except her. 

Michiru: Now that you mention it, I wonder what Tomo and N/N are up to? I bet they're peeking or something.

Gaining a surprised and disgusted look, Eriri retreated into the waters, covering her chest area. She began to search around the area, as if she was some sort of surveillance turret.

Utaha: You have nothing to be ashamed about. So what are you so flustered about, Sawamura-san?

Eriri gawked at the sight of Utaha's cleavage area. Annoyed, she was fuming, looking like steam exiting from her head as she turned towards the beautiful dark haired maiden.

Eriri: U-U-U-Utaha Kasumigaoka!

On the other side of the bamboo wall was two boys. One of them was wearing glasses, him pushing his ear up against the wall as he tried to listen on the conversation. The other teenager was relaxing in the spring, his lean muscles showing as he had a content smile on his face.

Eriri: (muffled) Anyway, that show got way more interesting when it switched over to a pure love story midway through it's run.

Utaha: (muffled) Then they should have gone that route from the beginning and stuck with it. Pandering to the audience only results in an inconsistent, half-baked product.

Tomoya: (grits teeth) Damn it. Why are they having this conversation when I'm not around!?

Y/N: ...Tomoya...shut up for a moment. 

Tomoya: You don't understand, Y/N! (to the other side) Talk about anime after you're back in your room!

Y/N: ...Shut up're giving me a headache.


On a bus, the sounds of a clacking keyboard could be heard. Someone's fingers were moving quickly, a document opened on the laptop was seen.

Tomoya's Narration: I'm Tomoya Aki. I'm the spokesman for a doujin game circle at a private school in the city. I'm a second-year high school student who's openly an otaku, inside and out. Today, on a weekend in the middle of October, I was heading out with my fellow circle member to scout locations for the game we're working on. I suppose that's my cue to introduce the members of the circle. First, the two my left is--

Utaha: Opening with a pointlessly long monologue from the main character is as low as it gets.

Y/N: (yawn) And the longer it is, the longer you'll drag it out and the more uninteresting your story gets.

Tomoya: Eh?

Utaha: If you open with such an unnatural, boring info-dump of a story setup, everyone is going to fall asleep.

The glasses wearing teen looked to his left, Utaha Kasumigaoka casually laying her head on Y/N's shoulder while Y/N was yawning, clearly tired. Bags could be seen under his eyes as he was up all night before the bus ride making a few adjustments to his manuscript of the next upcoming volume.

Y/N: Utaha-senpai, you let him take a stab on it because he said he wanted to try scenario writing, but all I see is a sad sack of shit who needs help on the very basics of writing. 

Tomoya: But it's the prologue, so the player has no information yet. You have to give them some details.

Y/N: Yeah, it's important to have details, but you're putting too much.

Utaha: That's why we sneak it in.

Moving her hands over Tomoya's, Utaha begins to adjust the prologue of Tomoya's little example. Y/N would point out some mistakes and errors, as well as saying some tips.

Utaha: For instance, casually slipping the story setup into a conversation between two characters.

Y/N: And also make it seem natural. You don't want choppy dialogue. Especially shitty ones.

Tomoya: (amazed) I see! That's my Utaha Kasumigaoka-senpai and my cousin for you!

A loud crack could be heard as the two looked to Y/N, who was gritting his teeth and trying to grin without showing a scowl. Tomoya let out a "eep" while Utaha had a light smirk on her face. In Y/N's hand was his own phone, the phone screen having a small crack on it.

Y/N: Oops. My phone screen is cracked. I wonder how that happened?

Tomoya: A-Anyway, they're in charge of scenario writing for our circle, "Blessing Software," as well as high school students light novel authors Utako Kasumi and Akira Makabe!

Utaha: (annoyed) Why are you suddenly breaking into clumsy exposition?

Eriri: Come on, what are you three whispering to each other about?

Michiru: (smug) Seriously, macking on each other while people are trying to sleep...

Tomoya: Oh, you're awake? It's our illustrator, top-selling doujin author, as well as my childhood friend, Eriri Spencer Sawamura. And then there's our music head, as well as singer for an anime cover band, Y/N's and I's cousin, Michiru Hyodo!

Eriri: What in the world are you babbling about? 

Michiru: Are you sure it isn't Tomo who's been sleeping?

Y/N: Sorry to say Mittchan, but the dumbass has been wide awake this whole time.


Getting off the bus, as they arrived at their destination, the six members of Blessing Software had impressed looks. In front of them was a beautiful scenery, beet red tree leaves decorated the land, a lake in the middle of it, and a mountain in the back.

Michiru: Beet red as far as the eye can see!

Michiru's yell echoed throughout the area. Heading down the hill, Eriri set up her canvas stand as she prepared to sketch.

Eriri: Megumi, I'm gonna do a sketch here, so I'll need you. 

Megumi: Sure.

Michiru: For scouting location, isn't it better to take lots of pictures instead of going to the hassle of drawing pictures?

Eriri: It's not the same, Hyodo-san. Sketching a scene as you see it gives you a sense of being there that's totally different from painting a copy of a photograph. 

Michiru: Hmm. I don't really get it, but you sure are a perfectionist...

Utaha: Well, Sawamura-san's pointless perfectionist notwithstanding, I'm going to take pictures, so don't worry.

Eriri: Hey, Utaha Kasumigaoka! What do you mean, pointless!?

Y/N: She meant in terms of what is reasonable and most efficient. 

Eriri: What do you two know about art!?

Y/N: Uh, quite a bit actually. I took a few art classes in middle school.

(A/N): This is actually true on my part. I took art class all throughout middle school and freshman year of high school. Then I dropped it because I got bored of it, but I still remain some knowledge of art class. But, don't ask me for lessons or anything. I'm pretty shit at it.

As Eriri goes back to focus on her drawing, bugging Tomoya as she does, they moved deeper into the woods.

Eriri: Megumi, would you mind emoting for me?

Megumi: Um, what were you looking for?

Eriri: Let's see. You want to stop the protagonist, who's going off to the final battle, but you can't stop him because he's doing it for world peace. So something wavering between love and duty with a hint of resignation, with a bit of sad smile thrown in it. Oh, and with tears welling up in your eyes, of course.

Despite what Eriri had told her, Megumi was having a hard time to trying to put on the requested expression. She had tilted her head a few times, trying to make the correct face. The hardest part was trying to force herself to cry so she could get the sad effect Eriri needed.

Megumi: You can't give an amateur model complicated directions like that. 

Eriri: (ticked off face) Megumi, you're our main heroine! How can you not give me an expression that says, "I've been cast aside by my man, but I'll endure it, even as I'm drowning in sadness"!?

Y/N: (thoughts) What, like you on multiple occasions?

As Tomoya and Y/N stood off to the side, the other three weren't aware of Utaha dragging Y/N off to somewhere else. As they didn't notice that Michiru wasn't there as well, they continued on with their conversation.

Megumi: Anyway, isn't that not how the main heroine usually ends up?

Eriri: (sigh) All right, fine. Do exactly as I say and let's see how it works.

Megumi: Okay, I'll try. 

Eriri: (clasps hands) First, picture this. You've had a childhood friend for the past ten years. 

Megumi: Childhood friend...

Tomoya: Why does that sound familiar?

Eriri: You've been attached at the hip since childhood, and even though you've fought even though you've been separated, you had always intended in your heart of hearts to be with him forever.

Tomoya: (thoughts) Is she talking about Y/N?

Megumi: Eriri? Um...

Eriri: But then he's suddenly snatched away by some floozy, and she flirts with him right in front of you and rubs your face in it, but you're forced to wish them the best even as you're crying inside and you force yourself to keep smiling.

The blonde artists looks up as the orange, red, and yellow leaves were falling from the trees. Eriri then erupts into tears as she crouches down, covering her eyes as Tomoya and Megumi stare at her dumbfounded.

Eriri: It's so heartbreaking!

Tomoya: (thoughts) So it is Y/N!

Megumi: You didn't have to press your own emotional trauma buttons.

Tomoya: I just realized...where's Y/N and Utaha-senpai?

Eriri: (sniff) I don't care.

Tomoya: Wait, it's not Y/N!?

Megumi: Aki-kun, what are you talking about? And also, Kasumigaoka-senpai dragged L/N-kun away a minute ago.

With Y/N and Utaha

Utaha was leading Y/N down a path further deep into the woods. It certainly did set a romantic factor towards the atmosphere. Also a lighthearted feeling, something buzzing inside the two.

Y/N: Are you sure that the inside of this thicket will work as a backdrop for the game? Is there a good spot up ahead?

Utaha: ...Let's see...I guess right around here will do.

Y/N: (looks around) Here? You sure?

Utaha: (seductive grin) Yes, it's just as I pictured it. I want to plan out a situation, so will you help me out with it, my knight?~

As she turned her head around, her scarlet eyes shining as a light blush was on her face, Y/N blushed as well. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he scratched his cheek.

Y/N: S-Sure...I don't really mind. But what do you want me--

He was cut off as Utaha had stepped up closer to him, their bodies clinging together as Utaha's chest was pushed up against his. This only furthered increased Y/N's blush.

Utaha: Before the final battle, the heroine, no longer able to restrain her feelings for the protagonist, leads him into a thicket and tries to act on her passion!

Y/N: That's a mainstream game!

Utaha: That depends on how we tweak the depiction, it could be anything. Like teasing the audience with a faint sigh. Or the scene changes, and it's suddenly dawn and the sparrows are chirping.

Y/N: Senpai, if someone slept out here, they'd freeze to death!

Utaha: Anyway, help me with my scenario building for now. Assuming that we want to finish this game, of course. Okay?~

Y/N: That's no fair, holding that over me!

Utaha: (wraps arm around Y/N's waist) At first, it's the heroine who initiates the embrace.

Y/N: H-H-Hang on a second! S-Senpai, wh-where are you touching!?

Utaha: (brings face closer to Y/N's neck) Unable to refuse her, the protagonist, simply stands still as a statue. Yes, the concept is coming to me!

Y/N: Stop it!

Utaha: (brings knee closer to Y/N's lower region) Finally, the protagonist smiles in spite of himself and gently strokes her hair.

As if on instinct, Y/N started stroke Utaha's hair, eliciting a small moan from the older girl. His blush kept growing even more as he could feel the hot breath from Utaha's mouth. He shivered when she licked the lower area of his neck.

Utaha: (whisper) Are you enjoying it, my knight?~

Y/N: Th-This is an unreasonable demand.

Utaha: (whisper) There's no need to be shy.~ (clears throat) All right, we're coming to the climax now. He holds her around the shoulders, looks her straight in the eye, and says...

Y/N: U-Utaha-senpai...?

Utaha: (looks up with a crazed look) I've always, you--

Eriri: (from distance) Hold it right there!

She let out a distinct "tch" as she and Y/N turned their heads towards the blonde girl. Eriri was dashing through the woods, running up to them with Tomoya right behind her.

Eriri: Kasumigaoka! Utaha!

Running at high speed, she jumped into the air, preparing to do a lunging kick at the two. As Y/N was about to push himself and Utaha out of the way to dodge Eriri's attack, the blonde artist let out a grunt of pain. Eriri had hit her face on a tree branch that was sticking out, causing her to fall to the dirt ground and roll.

The two look at each other then back to her, who was still rolling on the ground. Finally coming to a stop, she remained on the ground, clenching her head in pain. Crouching down, Utaha had grabbed a small twig and started to poke Eriri's head.

Utaha: You only have yourself to blame, but are you alright, Sawamura-san?

Eriri: You did this to me, no two ways about it!

Utaha: Actually, I think that you running full-tilt and you slamming your head into a branch and you tumbling spectacularly down the hill were all done by you.

Unknown from the two, both Tomoya and Y/N stood next to each other, watching the interaction. They look at each other and shrug before they let out a surprised noise as someone grabbed them and pulled them elsewhere.

Eriri: Says the person who created the situation that made it happen!

Utaha: I was simply hard at work working out a scenario for our game. 

Eriri: And you, Y/N! You're to blame to! Tomoya, you should've stopped them! How can you get yourself and let yourself get seduced by Utaha Kasumigaoka's feminine wiles--Huh?

The two girls looked around and no sight of either two boys were found. As for the two boys.

Michiru: Look at this place, Tomo, N/N! Isn't this place amazing? I found this! The water's gorgeous, too! I wonder if we could go swimming here once it's summer? Hey, why don't we set that climax scene you were talking about here? My head's being flooded with music ideas!

Y/N: (muffled) Mittchan...

Tomoya: (muffled) M-Michiru...

Michiru: (curious look) Hmm?

Tomoya: (strained) For now, let us go...

Y/N: (strained) Please.

Realizing that she had the two in headlocks, she let them go. Taking off her shoes and socks, Michiru begins to run in the lake water.

Michiru: It's freezing! This feels great!

Tomoya: So you kidnap us out of the blue and don't offer one word of apology, is that it?

Y/N: (moves and feels neck) Damn, her grip is strong.

Michiru: Come on, I wanted to show you guys this awesome spot right away!

Tomoya: Put yourself in our shoes, okay? (sighs and pushes glasses up) I swear, you're always doing stuff without thinking of--

He was cut off as Michiru started throw cold water at him from the lake. Y/N stepped back a few steps to get out of the crossfire.

Michiru: Feels good, doesn't it? N/N, get over here!

Y/N: Nah, I'm good here! I'd rather not get my shit wet!

Tomoya: Listen to what I have to say and then reflect on what you've done!

As Tomoya begins to march into the water to give Michiru a piece of his mind, Michiru's grin only grew wider. With a sigh, he begins to back up and stand by near the trees. Michiru reels her hands back, preparing to launch more water at the glasses wearing teen.

Michiru: Want a piece of me, huh? (flings water) Ooorryaaah!

Tomoya: (grunt) Hey!

Michiru: Strike!

Tomoya: Cut it out! Michiru!

As he continued to move forward, Michiru took a big step forward and grabbed Tomoya. Letting out a surprised sound, he felt himself being carried over Michiru's shoulder, he himself soon being dunked into the cold lake water.

Tomoya screamed and kicked, Michiru laughing with glee while Y/N chuckled and smiled from up the bank. It often reminded him of the summers they spent together when they were much younger. As Tomoya tries to recover, Michiru came up from behind and tackled him once again into the water, causing Tomoya to cower under her.

Tomoya: (struggling) Cut it out, Mittchan! Michiru! Damn it, knock it--

He stopped and paused, now realizing the distance between their faces, which was quite close. Michiru put on a confused smile, tilting her head slightly. 

Michiru: Knock what? Knock boots?

The hormonal teenager could feel his hormones growing. He could clearly see everything, Michiru's clothes being drenched with water and wet, sticking to her body. The clothing she wore was a bit revealing, but now that it was wet, he could see everything underneath it. Tomoya begins to blush.

Tomoya: Um, I just meant...

Michiru: Say, Tomo...

Tomoya: Wha...

As Michiru was about to speak, a voice called out to them from behind.

Megumi: Hey, the others are talking about checking in at the inn. Oh, did I interrupt something?

The two cousins turned their heads around to see Y/N and Megumi crouching down at the edge of the lake water. Curious looks were on their faces, Y/N crossing his arms as he held his phone up.

Tomoya: No, I just wish one of you had said something right away...

Michiru: (grin) That stealth mode of yours is always engaged, Kato-chan.

Tomoya: ...Y/N, why are you holding your phone up like that?

Y/N: Hmm? No reason.

Tomoya: Wait...are you recording!?


Tomoya: Son of a--c'mere!

Y/N: Uh, gotta go!

The glasses wearing teen wore a ticked off face as he yells and chases after Y/N, who only laughed and dashed off into the woods.

Present Day...

After their bath in the spring, the members of Blessing Software decided to take a breather, which was by playing ping pong. Dressed in robes, Utaha and Eriri were stretching, both holding ping pong paddles, both giving each other glares.

Eriri: This is the end of you, Utaha Kasumigaoka!

Utaha: I'm sorry for you, Sawamura-san, but you've got no shot.

Tossing the small ball into the air, Eriri smacks, it being launched across the ping pong table. But Utaha retaliates, swinging her own paddle as she sends the ball back. The two continue to launch it back and forth, a heated match underway.  Sweat was coming off the two, each movement that Utaha made caused her chest area to jiggle. As their heated match went on, it wasn't even a heated match anymore. The two would hit the small ball awkwardly, sometimes having to chase after it as it went off the table.

Over with Michiru and Tomoya, the two were launching the ball at a fast pace. Megumi was keeping count of the score, Y/N standing next to her as he watched the ball move back and forth, him casually drinking out of a cup of milk every now and then. One of Tomoya's swings was a failed one, causing the ball to be flung over to the other side slowly. Taking her chance, Michiru jumped slightly into the air, a grin slowly appearing, knowing she was victorious. Swinging her arm across, she launched the ball so fast, Tomoya didn't have enough time to react. Michiru Hyodo won the match.

Megumi: Game goes to Hyodo-san, 11-3.

Michiru: Yes! I'm the champion! The juice is mine!

Tomoya: (grumbles in frustration) Damn. I thought I could at least beat you at ping pong.

Y/N: Tomoya, please. The only thing you'll ever beat her in is your levels of otaku-dom.

Tomoya: (tosses wallet to Michiru) Ugh, shut up.

Michiru: (catches wallet and chuckles mischievously) Don't underestimate the girl who swept the captain of the table tennis club at the ball game tournament!

As the girl walks away with Tomoya's wallet, Tomoya and Y/N only deadpan at their cousin.

Tomoya: You have way too many useless talents.

Y/N: Yep, you're not wrong there.

Megumi: By the way, Aki-kun, L/N-kun...

Tomoya: Yeah? What is it?

Y/N: Hmm?

Megumi: When should we finally call their match for last place?

Tomoya: Ignore 'em.

Y/N: Their battle was pointless since the start.

After the ping pong matches were over, the group were heading back to their assigned rooms. The girls were separated from the boys, so they were about to head their own separate ways.

Tomoya: Okay, good night.

Y/N: See ya. 

Tomoya: We have an early day tomorrow, so don't stay up too late messing around.

Michiru: C'mon, Tomo, N/N...stop by our room later and hang out. 

Eriri: If you two peak, you're dead men. 

Y/N: (scoff) As if I'd want to look at you, pint-size.

Eriri: What did you say!?

Y/N: You heard me!~

Utaha: Rinri-kun doesn't have the wherewithal to sneak into the girls' room. Y/N on the other hand--

Y/N: I at least respect the privacy of women, thank you very much.

Tomoya: Thanks for your entirely unsolicited opinion. But there's still I lot I have to do!

Utaha: (smirk) Ah, reminiscing over the many things that have happened today. You two prefer to do that alone?~

Both Michiru and Utaha gained mischievous grins, Utaha mostly giving Y/N her signature seductive smirk. Eriri blushed, her face turning red at the thought. However, both Y/N and Tomoya were unfazed.

Tomoya: Yes, we do. 

Y/N: But it's called organizing today's pictures and materials!

The two teens march off, leaving three of the girls outside their room as Megumi had already went in. But, Michiru and Utaha had other plans for them.

As hours had passed, Y/N and Tomoya were passed out on the table in their assigned room. The laptop was open, Tomoya still trying his hand at writing a scenario. Y/N was sitting opposite of Tomoya, fixing and organizing the pictures they took. The sliding door to their room then opened slowly, the lights going off.

With a groan, Y/N woke lazily. He noticed three people had walked in, one of them having a ribbon in their hands. They prepped it, Y/N going to move but was quickly subdued. Minutes later, the lights were turned on and they were still in the girls' room, but looks of disbelief were on their faces as they see who it was in front of them. Both boys were on the floor, facing Megumi, who was backed up and sitting against the wall, a stunned look on her face.

Tomoya: Kato? What's going on?

Megumi: Oh, um, I stopped them. 

Tomoya: What's gotten into you guys? Sure you're always mean to me more than Y/N, but you've never pulled anything crazy.

Y/N: Tomoya...look at them for a moment and tell me what you see.

Tomoya: Wh-What are you talking about? They seem normal to me.

Y/N: (sigh) How naive.

Tomoya looks to Michiru, who was slowly pulling down her robe. Utaha had placed Y/N's head on her lap, petting it gently.

Michiru: Eeehhh? I think you have that backwards.

Utaha: What's mean is the way you treat us, don't you think?

Y/N: Senpai, you try and kidnap me any chance you get. So woman...what the fuck do you mean!?

Eriri: (light tears) Tomoya, you're a jerk! You're mean...

Y/N: Senpai. Mittchan. Eriri...drink some god damn water!

Tomoya shifted his head slightly to see unwrapped colored wrappers lying around. The realization finally hit and he looked to Megumi.

Tomoya: Kato!

Megumi: Well, Eriri said her father's souvenirs from England have been piling at home, so she...

Tomoya: What have you done!? The **O won't be--

Y/N: Face it, Tomoya. This is our life now. We'll forever be slaves towards them. This--eh?

Utaha: (pulling Y/N's cheek) Would you two please be quiet for a moment?

Tomoya and Y/N: ...Hai.

Utaha: We're going to make you lay your cards on the table today, Rinri-kun, Y/N. What's your plan for this circle? And what will be your punishment this time, Y/N?

Tomoya: ...Huh?

Y/N: (sigh) Here we go.

Utaha: You talk about your dream of making the ultimate dating sim that you'd come up with, luring in girl after girl...and you, Y/N. Who is the one you should pay attention to the most here?

Y/N: ...You.

Tomoya: I draw people in because I'm a brilliant creator!

Y/N: If you were, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Tomoya: Well, it's a coincidence that our roster is all girls!

Utaha: Plus, after we've joined up, you work us to the bone and you don't give us so much as a single candy for our trouble.

Y/N: And eating alcoholic candy is the solution!?

Michiru: Yeah, Tomo has that side to him for sure...but N/N however...I don't know.

Y/N: What's that supposed to mean!?

Eriri: (sobbing in Megumi's lap) You're so mean, Tomoya...

Tomoya: What's mean is all this one-sided interpretation of yours. (Utaha pinches Tomoya's cheek) I habn't done adythig...

Small Timeskip

Tomoya: I feel terrible about forcing you all to join and making constant, unreasonable demands. If you hate that, then I don't blame you for calling me out for it.

Y/N: Uh, they've been calling you out. For the past few months, at least. 

Tomoya: (not paying attention) So go ahead and quit if you haven't had fun. If it was nothing but hard times, feel free to leave.

Michiru: Tomo!~

As Michiru goes to her cousin, her collar of her robe was pulled back by Utaha. The dark haired girl had left Y/N alone temporarily, the older cousin of Tomoya and Michiru wiggling himself free and trying to shift his way towards the sliding door.

Michiru: What's the big deal?

Eriri: You're trying to weasel out of your way out of this?

Utaha: Come here for a second.

Michiru: Sheesh, what is it?

Utaha: Rock-paper-scissors.

Eriri: Fair and square ladies. Fair and square.

Michiru: Tch. Alright, fine.

Megumi: Can we finally put an end to this prank?

As the three girls go on and do their little game, they failed to notice that Y/N had arrived at the sliding door, wiggled out of his restraints. As soon as he made it out of the room, he heard Tomoya's screams of agony.

Tomoya: (muffled) Senpai! Not there, I'll get an--

Utaha: (muffled) This is the spot, right? No, I bet it's here! ...Oh, Rinri-kun!

Tomoya: Nnnnooooo!!!! Y/N, wwwwwhhhhyyyy!!!!

Minutes had then passed, Y/N hiding out in the bathroom to hopefully escape Utaha's wrath. As he made it back to his room, he let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't until a hand went to his lower region and another went and covered his mouth.

Utaha: Where are you going, my knight?~ You still have much to pay.~ For shall pay with your body!

Y/N: Nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo!

As Y/N's screams of agony could be heard throughout the night, he wasn't able to sleep. The next morning, the group had gotten back on the bus. Utaha was bright and bubbly, a triumphant look on her face as Y/N was tired and looked all spent. Tomoya looked at him with confusion.

Tomoya: What's wrong with you?

Y/N: ...I'm so...tired. (thoughts) Kami-sama...what did I ever do to receive such punishment?

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