(S2) Chapter 23: Rekindled Flame
Later that night...
Tomoya: What are you packing up for?
Y/N: Didn't I tell you? To America.
Tomoya: Yeah, but you didn't exactly tell me.
The blue-eyed boy stopped what he was doing and hung his head low. With a deep breath, he muttered something.
Y/N: ...Dad died.
Tomoya: ...Huh?
Y/N: Dad's dead. That's all.
Tomoya: Ojii-san's...dead...?
Y/N: (sigh) Enough about me. How was your date with Kato earlier today?
Tomoya: ...
Earlier in the day...
Tomoya and Megumi were riding a train to somewhere, leaving Y/N to remain at the house.
Tomoya: Have you spoken with Eriri since?
Megumi: Just a little.
Tomoya: You know, Kato, Eriri and Utaha-senpai aren't at fault. I dragged them and Y/N into the circle against their will to begin with, after all.
Megumi: And me, too.
Tomoya: If they truly are aiming higher scores as creators, if they have a big opportunity in front of them, they have no reason to stay in a small circle like this. So...don't blame them too much. You're good friends, right?
Megumi: ...It's too late now.
Flashback, Megumi's Memories
The boring girl had went to Eriri's house late at night. When Megumi had heard the news, she wasn't sure if it was true so she went to Eriri to confirm it.
Unfortunately to her, it was. Eriri had looked up at her best friend, and she too started to feel sad. Megumi had started to cry, the tears pooling out of her eyes as they hit the ground.
Flashback End
Megumi: More importantly, let's have fun now. We haven't been on a date in a long time.
Timeskip-Rokutenba Mall
Megumi had decided to relive memory. Taking her and Tomoya, the two arrived at where they had their first date, Rokutenba Mall.
Tomoya: Rokutenba Mall...
Megumi: All right, let's start with a strategy meeting. I'd like to focus on checking out shoes today. So here and here and...okay, Aki-kun, come up with the optimal route. Like last time.
Tomoya: Hey, Kato.
Megumi: Hmm?
Tomoya: Are you trying to cheer me up? If that's the case, I'm really thankful. But you know, you don't need to worry about me that much...
Megumi: Well, that's about thirty percent of the reason.
Tomoya: So what's the rest?
Megumi: Twenty percent that I really wanted to come. Because I haven't gone anywhere yet even though it's spring break.
Tomoya: That still leaves fifty percent.
Megumi: I left with just one regret when I last came here with you.
Tomoya: Regret?
Megumi: We came here together and we shopped together, but I was stood up and couldn't go home together.
Now thinking back to that day, when he dragged Y/N off with him to look for Utaha and apologize. He now remembers that he completely left the girl, Tomoya now bowing his head repeatedly.
Tomoya: I am terribly sorry!
Megumi: And so, today I'll have you stay with me until the end.
Tomoya: Hai!
After finishing their small little break, the two were now heading to different stores. Currently, Megumi was coming back to the glasses wearing teen, him on his phone as he was paying little attention to his surroundings.
Megumi: Ne, Aki-kun.
Tomoya: Ah, Kato. About the next store, I think we should head West first...
Megumi: Actually, I wanted to ask which you like better.
Tomoya: Huh?
The glasses wearing teen looked up, Megumi holding two shirts. One of them was pink and the other was a teal blue.
Megumi: I like this color more, but I like this design more.
Tomoya: (raised eyebrows) I mean, am I the right person to ask this?
Megumi: You can just say whatever comes to you first.
Tomoya: Don't! Do you have any idea how hard it is for an otaki to pick out clothes?
Megumi: Really?
Tomoya: Yes, really! Besides, I don't know anything about clothes or have the money to afford them. Y/N is the one who buys my clothing! There's no way I could give you my opinion with any confidence.
Megumi: Eeeehh. I didn't know you thought that way.
Tomoya: Y-Yeah, well, that's how it is. So maybe you can ask someone who works here.
Instead, the boring girl drags the teen towards the fitting room. Tomoya had a nervous look as he held Megumi's bag, the girl going inside the fitting room.
Megumi: Okay, I'll put them on then. You can take your time to choose.
Tomoya: Will you listen to me!?
After about thirty minutes, Tomoya couldn't take it anymore. Megumi exits the store and finds the boy slumped against the wall. Some small hues or red were visible on his cheeks.
Megumi: Sorry to keep you waiting. ...Are you tired or something?
Tomoya: Not physically, but mentally!
Megumi: Do you want to take a break?
Tomoya: No, we only have one place left. Let's just go do it.
Megumi: Okay.
Tomoya: I'll carry those.
Megumi: It was really crowded in this section last year, wasn't it?
Instead of handing over the bags, Megumi waited for Tomoya to take her hand. Tomoya was a bit nervous.
Tomoya: ...Don't run.
Megumi: I'll be fine as long as you don't run.
Tomoya: Don't trip.
Megumi: I'll be fine as long as you clear the way.
Tomoya: Also... (takes Megumi's hand) Don't let go.
Megumi: I'll be fine as long as you hold onto my hand tightly.
Grasping each other's hands tightly, Tomoya leads Megumi around Rokutenba Mall. The glasses wearing teen leaned up against one of the pillars as he waited for Megumi to exit out of the store. The boring girl on the other hand, seemed to be looking at a card, a gift card to write to someone.
As Tomoya started to sweat from the heat, him using a towel to wipe the sweat off, he glanced upwards. On the second floor of the mall was the glasses store that Megumi had him try on a pair. As he continued to stare, he didn't notice Megumi run up to him.
Megumi: Thanks for everything today. That's it for the shopping. What do you want to do? Do you want to rest? Or just go home?
Tomoya: Hey, Kato.
Megumi: Hm?
Tomoya: Sorry, but would you go to one more shop with me?
Megumi: Huh?
Leading the girl to the upper floor, they head inside the store. Megumi had glanced up slightly, seeing the sign. They had entered a hat shop. She was confused as to why Tomoya had led her here.
Megumi: This place...
Tomoya seemed to have found something, going to the aisle on his right. Megumi follows after, very curious as to what he had found. She found him digging through one of the aisles, Tomoya turning to look at her.
Tomoya: Hey, Kato. The hat you wore back then was like this, right?
Megumi: Ah...
Tomoya: It's to thank you for taking me here today. And I haven't given you anything in return for the glasses you gave me as a present last time, either. Arigato, Kato.
Megumi: (smiles) ...You're welcome.
After buying the white beret that was similar to that day, the two began walking home. They had reached the same hill they had met on that faithful day, the sun now setting as dusk was upon them.
Tomoya: Hey, Kato. Would it have been better to exchange that for something else after all?
Megumi: No way!
Tomoya: But when you think about it, the one you had earlier was pretty much the same, wasn't it?
Megumi: It's good because it's the same. Also, it's pretty much the same, but it's not the same at all.
Tomoya: I don't get you.
The boring girl then skipped to the top of the hill, stopping there. She turned around and smiled, Tomoya looking at her in awe.
Megumi: Hey, Tomoya-kun. Is the heroine of your new story something like this?
Tomoya: Eh?
Megumi: Is a date event in your new story something like this?
Tomoya: Kato...
Megumi: Did you feel suffocated, tantalized and excited, like you'd fallen in love with a real girl? The time you spend with the heroine feels precious in itself, and you fall in love with her from the bottom of your heart...
Tomoya's eyes had widened. It was the exact very same words he had written for his project proposal.
Megumi: Did this work as motivation to make a story like that?
Tomoya: (disbelief) Are you telling me that the real reason you invited me today...
Megumi: I won't give up, Tomoya-kun. Even if Eriri, even if Kasumigaoka-senpai, and L/N-kun go away, Blessing Software won't go away. As long as you're there, Tomoya-kun.
Tomoya: ...Yeah! As long as I'm there, as long as you and me are there, it won't go away! (drops shopping bags) I want to continue the circle.
Megumi: Yeah.
Tomoya: I want to do another game!
Megumi: Yeah!
Tomoya: ...So, Megumi, become my main heroine once more!
Megumi: (takes off beret) Turn me once again into a main heroine anyone would envy!
A soft wind blew around them, the pink cherry blossom leaves floating past them. The two begin to chuckle, then turning into laughter. But Tomoya's laughter would soon turn to cries of sadness.
The group the two had started, it was starting to break. The memories they made would never fade away, but it would be a reminder of what it used to be. Putting on her beret with a soft smile, Megumi descends down the hill to the middle of it. She goes to wrap her arms around the boy, but she stops. She didn't know what stopped her, but she simply put her hands behind her back, trying to suppress certain feelings that were arising.
Y/N had then finished packing up, him standing up as he places a hand on Tomoya's shoulder.
Y/N: Hey...take good care of her, alright?
Tomoya: Huh? What do you mean?
Y/N: (sigh) It's kind of a pain that you can't see it, but in time, you will. Well, I'll be heading to bed and I'll be leaving in the morning tomorrow. See you in a few days or so. I don't know how long I'll be gone.
Tomoya: Yeah...you sure you aren't going to tell Utaha-senpai?
Y/N: ...It's too late, anyway. There's not enough time.
Next Day
At the train station, it was now the morning, around 9 AM. Y/N's flight was at 10 AM and the two girls heading to Akane were unaware of this.
Currently, Utaha and Eriri were making their way to their scheduled train.
Utaha: This way, Sawamura-san.
Eriri: (annoyed) Why didn't we go with a green car?
Utaha: We can't just ask a client we're going to meet for the first time for a green car ticket.
Eriri: (stretches) In a green car, I could've got some work done on the way, too.
Utaha: You sure got enthusiastic after breaking out of your slump.
Eriri: This is the real me. Also...we cast aside too much to take this job lightly.
Utaha: (looks down sadly) ...You're...right.
The train door opens, heavy panting and hurried footsteps coming from behind the two.
Utaha: All right, we're boarding.
Eriri: Being completely the away team.
Utaha: Are you ready?
Eriri: ...I won't look back.
As the two were about to take a step further, a familiar voice called out to them.
Tomoya: Hey! Eriri! Utaha-senpai!
The two halted in their tracks and quickly turned to their right, seeing Tomoya breathing heavily as he ran up the stairs and towards them.
Tomoya: That's good! (pant) Somehow I made it!
Eriri: (hides behind Utaha) T-Tomo...
Utaha: (surprised) Tomoya-kun...
Eriri: H-H...h-h...
Utaha: Um, Tomoya-kun, how are you here?
Tomoya: Machida-san told me. That you two were going to Osaka today. It's starting, right? Do your best, you two!
Eriri: B-B...y-y...d-d...
Utaha: But you didn't agree to this, did you? Also, Sawamura-san, calm down a little.
Eriri: Shut up, Utaha Kasumigaoka!
Tomoya: It's not about whether I agree or not. It's Fields Chronicle, after all! The famous Fields Chronicle! It'll definitely be a god-tier game if you two make it! I'm rooting for you! I'll support it all the way on my blog, show it to all my friends, and buy as many copies as there are store exclusives!
Eriri: (shoving Utaha out of the way) Tomoya! Tomoya...
Tomoya: (smiles) So do you best, Eriri.
Eriri: But I hurt Megumi too, not just you...she'll want to cut ties, and she'll never forgive me...
Tomoya: Do you really think so?
Eriri: H-Huh?
With a grin on his face, Tomoya took out his phone. His phone was on call and he turned off the "mute" option, handing his phone to the blonde girl. Eriri nervously took it and put it to her ear, hearing the same familiar voice of her best friend.
Megumi: (on phone) Do your best, Eriri. Sorry I couldn't come see you off. But I'm rooting for you! And I'll keep waiting for you to come back.
Her words were enough for Eriri to clutch the phone closer to her ear, Eriri now bawling her eyes out.
Eriri: Megumi!
Tomoya: So don't cry.
Eriri: But...but...
Tomoya: You want to do it, don't you? You want to succeed, don't you? You want to become a god-tier illustrator, don't you? So become one! Make me proud! Make me boast to everybody how I'm Eri Kashiwagi's childhood friend!
Eriri: (wipes tears) I'll do it. I'll become a god-tier illustrator and definitely make you cry! Together with Utaha Kasumigaoka!
Tomoya: (looks to Utaha) Utaha-senpai, take care of Eriri.
Utaha: Leave it to me.
Tomoya: Don't get eaten alive by Akane Kousaka.
Utaha: Who do you think we are?
Tomoya: Right.
Utaha: And you, too. Good luck on your new game.
Tomoya: (determined nod) Yeah. This time I'll create a legend.
Utaha: I'm waiting for it.
Tomoya: You won't laugh?
Utaha: I won't. There's no way I would. Since that's one reason I'm getting away from you.
Tomoya: Huh?
Utaha: When you're not relying or depending on anyone...I wanted to see your completed devotion.
Tomoya: Utaha-senpai...
Utaha: So Tomoya-kun, live up to my expectations. No, surpass my expectations.
Tomoya: (nod) Yeah. Well then, see you!
Eriri: Tomoya. (takes Tomoya's glasses) Give me these.
Tomoya: Eriri?
Eriri: I can have them, right?
Tomoya: (soft smile) Sure. Take them.
Eriri: Tomoya, I...I...
As she leaned in, going in for a kiss. Tomoya had backed up slightly, but took notice that Utaha had kept glancing around many times, as if she was looking for a certain someone. It was quite obvious as to who she was looking for.
Tomoya: Utaha-senpai...are you looking for Y/N?
Utaha: N-No...wh-why would you think that...?
Tomoya: If you're looking for him, he's at the airport right now. He has a flight at 10 for America.
Utaha: Why?
Tomoya: ...Uncle passed. So he's going to America to attend the funeral. If you go now, you can probably still catch up to him. But you'll miss your train--
Just knowing where he was...it was enough for her to go. It was then, she took off. Y/N was the one thing she didn't want to let go. She didn't care if she missed the train.
What she desired at the moment was his touch, his gaze, the feeling of his love. Everything. That was all she wanted.
Y/N was currently walking to his scheduled flight, heading to the gate he needed to be at. It was around 10:30 right now. There were only thirty minutes left before his flight was bound for America. He had his headphones plugged in, his mother on call with him.
Y/N: ...Mm-hm. Heading to the plane in a bit...mm...mm-hm. Yeah, I already said goodbye to them. ...I notified the school that I might be late when I come back home. Yeah...okay. See you in seven hours mom. Love you.
As he ends the call, he sighs. Scrolling through the photos he had taken over the year one last time, he smiled fondly at the pictures. Especially when they landed on her. He loved those scarlet eyes of hers, the dark purple hair that went down her back, her curvaceous figure that he always stared down upon.
Those who knew the two, it wasn't a surprise to see how they looked at each other. They really did love each other. But that relationship had come to an end since then. On the intercom, it called for the last few people who were boarding for the flight towards America. It was time to part ways for the time being. Grabbing his luggage, he unplugged his headphones and stuffed them into his pocket and turned around to look at where he came from.
Y/N: (sigh) ...Here we go.
The gate was a few feet in front of him, him walking closer as he inched towards it. And just before he reached the entrance of the gate, he felt something stop him. It latched onto his arm, him turning his head around as his eyes slightly widened.
Behind him was the girl he loved dearly.
Y/N: Utaha...senpai...?
Utaha: (quietly) Why...
Y/N: H-Huh...?
Utaha: Why didn't you tell me...? That your father had passed...that you were leaving today...why?
Y/N: ...What was the point anyway?
Utaha: The point? Do you not see it, you idiot!
Y/N: What then, huh? What is it that I don't fucking see!? Tell me then. Go on. Tell me.
The dark haired girl put a hand on his cheek, caressing it. Her familiar touch causes Y/N to put a hand on hers, the two pushing their foreheads together.
Utaha: ...I never wanted it to end, you big idiot. I never stopped wanting to be with you.
Y/N: ...Me neither.
With that, Y/N took the first initiative. It was different from all the other previous attempts, which were him refusing Utaha's advances, despite him wanting it. No matter how much he wanted to deny it.
He kissed her. All of the built up feelings he had kept for a whole year was now pouring out. Utaha began to have tears leave her eyes, but she was happy. She then held his face, leaning into the kiss more as Y/N wrapped his arms around her waist. This was what the two of them wanted, the feeling of their love rekindled. After awhile, the two had separated, the two of them panting as they stared at each other with loving eyes.
Utaha: I missed you...
Y/N: I missed you, too.
And he kissed her again, but this time it was much longer. The intercom came on again, calling for the last few people to get on the flight bound for America. They didn't have enough time, so they made it last worthwhile.
Separating from their kiss, Utaha gives him a kiss goodbye on his cheek and Y/N giving her one last peck on the mouth.
Utaha: Come home safe, my knight.~
Y/N: I will...I'll come back home for you, and only you.
Utaha: I'll take you up on that.
She wiped her tears away as Y/N crossed through the gate, his luggage dragged on behind him. Turning his head around one last time, he smiled and waved, Utaha doing so as well. Y/N took a deep breath and boarded the plane, sitting down near the front as he closed his eyes, and imagined her. The only thing that could be seen was a content smile on his face.
He always thought that the flame couldn't be rekindled. But, oh, was he so wrong. The old flame definitely could. And it was.
With spring break now over, the new students and returning students arrived at Toyogasaki Academy. Many of the students that were already there were at the front, standing in front of bulletin boards that displayed their names and which classes they were assigned to.
Tomoya was walking alone for once. It felt odd that his cousin wasn't at his side. But he soon gained a small smile when he saw the familiar boring girl walking in front of him, a few feet away.
Tomoya: (clears throat) M-Morning, um...M-Megumi.
Megumi: (turning around) Morning, Tomo--
While it still felt awkward to say his name, she turned around and paused. Tomoya looked confused before he realized Megumi was staring at his face, more specifically, his glasses.
Tomoya: O-Oh, this? Well, I lost my usual ones... (shyly) What do you think? ...Megumi?
Stifled giggles could be heard from the girl, very clear that it was difficult for her to hold in her laughter.
Megumi: T-They suit you. Yeah, they suit you really well.
Tomoya: Oi...
Megumi: T-They're really cool. I'll tell you later how good it looks, so give me just a little time now.
Tomoya: (embarrassed) Why are you laughing, Kato!? Are you completely denying an otaku trying to be a bit more fasionable!?
Megumi: I-I'm sorry, I was just a bit surprised...
Tomoya: Kato!
Megumi: H-Hey, stop... (light giggling)
Tomoya: (adjusts glasses) And anyway, these are the ones you gave me last year! Stop even denying your own fashion sense!
Megumi: Ah, come to think of it, something like that might have happened.
Tomoya: (annoyed) Ah, I see how it is, that's how well you recognized them. (takes off glasses) Whatever! I'll go for contacts from now on!
Tucking them into his school uniform's pocket, he hurries along with Megumi smiling, her picking up the pace as she catches up.
Megumi: Yeah, I think that might be better.
Tomoya: (sweat drops) Kato. Even when we're third-years, you're still as haphazard towards me as always.
Megumi: You know, perhaps it's because you're as rude to me as always.
Tomoya: Ah, sheesh! You were such a good main heroine the other day, too!
Megumi: I don't think I may be different from back then, though.
Tomoya: No, you're completely changed, a different person! Back then, you were truly cute and kind, moe and worrying, making me want to roll on the ground!
Megumi: If that's how you react, I'll just feel more like not doing my best.
Tomoya: And also, the way you called me, you know!
Megumi: ...Are? Did my tongue slip at some point?
Tomoya: "Tomoya-kun!", you called me! "Tomoya-kun!"
???: Tomoya-senpai!
Megumi: Aahh, should I say that I have no idea what you're talking about, or that I rather regret it now...
Tomoya: You said it, you definitely did! At the top of the sunset-lit hill, "Tomoya-kun!"
???: Tomoya-senpai!
Tomoya: See? Like that!
Megumi: (processes who's in front of her) ...Eh?
Tomoya/Megumi: Izumi-chan?
Izumi Hashima had enrolled in their school. Her hairstyle was completely different, making her unrecognizable at first. Her burgundy hair was made into long pigtails that went down her shoulders with a few hair clips here and there.
Izumi: Izumi Hashima, starting in Toyogasaki Academy today! (bows) Let's get along in the future, too!
Tomoya: (confused) U-Um, Izumi-chan, weren't you going to a prefectural school...?
Izumi: Huh? I did apply, but I got into Toyogasaki as my first option, so I didn't go.
Tomoya: (irritated grin) That bastard...this is what he meant? (laughs)
Izumi: (tilts head) Tomoya-senpai?
Tomoya: Congratulations on getting in, Izumi-chan. Let's do our best together.
Izumi: Hai!
From the corner, Utaha and Eriri were watching. Eriri had a ticked off face as she growled at the girl, Utaha only looking down occasionally at the blonde girl.
Utaha: It's disgraceful how well acting like a loser always suits you, Sawamura-san.
Eriri: (annoyed) What are you doing here, you graduate?
Utaha: I can stand on any public road I wish, can't I?
Eriri: You're already done making memories, too, so get moving already! You can't keep being that stubborn, even when you're in university.
Michiru: That's right, you two quit the circle, too.
The sudden voice of the other cousin alerted them, them turning around as they see the carefree girl with her arms behind her head, dressed in her school uniform.
Michiru: It's too selfish of you to want to go back at this point.
Eriri: What did you come here for, miss from-another-school?
Utaha: What about your school's opening ceremony?
Michiru: (cheeky grin) Well, I heard from Tomo that we're starting our club activities this afternoon after a long break, so I couldn't help myself anymore! Plus, I heard N/N is coming back today since Ojii-san's funeral was last night.
Eriri: It's too late to appeal with your presence! We're in the C part of the last chapter already!
Utaha: You were basically absent for the last half, weren't you? What are you trying to do at this point?
Michiru: W-Well, what can I and can't do depends on future developments, right? (goes to leave) And so...
Eriri: (restrains Michiru) Wait! I won't let you go!
Utaha: I won't allow just you to act like a friend!
Michiru: Let go of me!
Eriri: Miss pointless boobs!
Michiru: I really am a friend!
As the three continued to struggle, the other three that stood in front of the gates watched the interaction. They all sighed, Izumi looking confused while Megumi and Tomoya had fond grins.
Utaha stops strangling the purple haired girl and looks to her right and smiles. Now coming down the street, his black hair shining in the spring sun, him running his hand through it, he opens his blue eyes. Y/N smiled as he stared at the scarlet eyed girl in front of him. She walked up to him, taking one his hands into her own.
Y/N: I came back, didn't I?
Utaha: Yes...yes you did.
The two closed their eyes, and met once more. Despite only being a day apart, they missed each other, letting themselves loose. The crazy shenanigans that had happened up until now...yeah.
They were all worth it.
And with that, we close season two off. Thank you for reading up until now. Of course, we're not done yet as we still have the movie to cover.
So for now, the book will be put on hold so I can watch it. Afterwards, planning will start and I'll try to think of an established date for Saekano to return. I'm thinking of a possible return date next week on Saturday or Friday? I don't know. But until then, thank you for reading up until now.
Until the next chapter upload.
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