(S2) Chapter 22: Their Decision

One episode left for S2. Hyped for the last chapter, yeah? Well, good news! Should be out by this Saturday or Sunday. Anyway, enjoy the chapter my lovely readers!

Adieu and I bid you all a good day.

Oh, this chapter is also a bit shorter and the next chapter may also be a bit shorter, apologies in advance.


Still one month prior...

Utaha: ...So how long do you plan on staying here?

Both Utaha and Eriri were outside the building of Akane's penthouse. Eriri clutched the portfolio that had Akane's proposal, the blonde artist clearly in thought over the offer.

Utaha: The sun is already setting.

Eriri: Shut up. If you're that against it, you can go home.

Utaha: You just collapsed earlier, didn't you? 

Eriri: ...I won't do it. 

Utaha: I see.

Eriri: I'd feel uneasy drawing under such a self-centered woman. 

Utaha: Perhaps so.

Eriri: Also, in April, I'll be in third year of high school, and I'll be graduating next year. And...and in my current state...

Utaha: You can't draw due to your slump? That is the only point where I would be inclined to agree with Akane Kousaka.

Eriri: Why are you siding with someone like her? Aren't you annoyed?

The blonde artist then stares at the water in front of her, the vast, large river that led to the other side of the city as it reflected the orange light of the sunset. Utaha stares at Eriri for a moment before she ultimately sighed, her stopping from leaning against the metal guard rail.

Utaha: Anyway, think about it yourself, and decide on your own what you want to do. 

Eriri: I've been telling you all the time that I--

Utaha: All you're saying is reasons you can't do it. 

Eriri: Eh?

Utaha: You haven't decided anything yet. What you want to do in the future, what you want to become. Whether you want to stay as a creator, or...

Eriri: Stop that! Are you trying to make me go? Are you trying to make me quit the circle? 

Utaha: ...That's not what I'm thinking. However...

Silence then envelops the two, the only sound being made was the gentle splashing of the water against the concrete pillars nearby. A small smile then perked up on Eriri's face.

Eriri: Can you believe it? It's Fields Chronicle! This series was even popular even before I was born! Us two making the newest game...

Utaha: Together with Akane Kousaka, too. 

(A/N): In this story, I had Y/N be the creator of the different scenarios of the Fields Chronicle games. But what I really mean were the more recent ones in the timeline. I'll just leave it up to your imagination. 

Eriri: I can't believe just how well done that proposal was! (hugs portfolio) I wonder what the game will turn out like. 

Utaha: Even in the worst case, it may turn out to be the best game of the series. 

Eriri: And what's more! The great Akane Kousaka saying that I'm needed--sorry. 

Utaha: You don't need to apologize for anything. Not for the fact that Akane Kousaka built the plan with the assumption that you would be participating, nor the fact that she called on me mostly to just draw you in. I'm assuming she'll hire the previous scenario writer if you don't join.

Eriri: H-Hey! 

Utaha: You asked me earlier whether I'm annoyed.

Eriri: That's...

Utaha: Very well, I shall answer. I'm annoyed. Of course I'd be annoyed because of that! There's no way being basically called a supplement to you, a doujin artist who hasn't even published commercially, wouldn't make me, a professional, feel anything!

Eriri looks at Utaha shocked, the scarlet-eyed girl then taking a deep breath before she exhaled. She then lifts her index finger, poking Eriri's forehead.

Utaha: So prepare yourself. Should you participate in this project, I will defeat you head on.

Eriri: ...Huh?

Utaha: And that is my declaration of intent. I'll leave the rest to you. Later. 

Eriri: Wh-What do you mean? That you'll join if I do? 

Utaha: Well, I guess it's like that. 

Eriri: And if I turn it down, you turn it down too? 

Utaha: If it comes to that, I wouldn't be accepted anyway. 

Eriri: What's that!? You're telling me to decide, but then leave your own decision to me, too? 

Utaha: (waves) There was nothing for me to decide to begin with, Sawamura-san. 

Eriri: Hey! Wait, Utaha Kasumigaoka! Completely trolling others like that...eehh!? No way!

The scarlet-eyed girl then closed her eyes, remembering her conversation with Y/N and Tomoya back on Valentine's Day.

"If possible, I would like to work together with her again. Together with Eri Kashiwagi's pictures, I want to create a game which even surpasses Cherry Blessing."

Utaha: (thoughts) After all, my heart has already decided. 

In Akane's Penthouse

Iori: Akane-san. Akane-san, please wake up.

Akane: (groggily) Hmm?

Iori: It appears your negotiations with those two broke down already. 

Akane: Who knows?

Iori: (sigh) I told you. If you were to approach those two, you should first run it by the circle representative, Aki-kun. Or Y/N-san. 

Akane: Like I care. Besides, once they accept, I'll no longer have a leash on him. Heh. Like I've had a leash on him, anyways. That brat had the gall to resist me and he did the very impossible. He's only scratched the surface of his true potential though. It's whether he chooses to pursue it or not. I simply thought I could get him towards that potential, but it seems I wasn't the answer.

Iori: And the other two?

Akane: I need those two in order to make the kind of exciting game I came up with. (pours sake into cup and drinks) 

Iori: Heh. I've heard that line somewhere before. 

Akane: I will make Fields Chronicle reborn. Me, with those two. 

Iori: Going for every possible person like that is the reason you have even more enemies in the scene than I do, Akane-san. 

Akane: I'm happy to die like a dog when I can't sell anymore. This world is the only place I can live in. 

Iori: (small smile) I can't corner myself that much yet. 

Akane: If you're going for the top, it's just obvious. 

Iori: I want to be a bit more at ease. With a little bit of room, and not too many bonds, able to have fun with my friends. 

Akane: ...I see. So you want to leave. Like him. 

Iori: (bows) Thank you very much for everything. 

Akane: But Iori, be sure to remember. As long as you want to rise in the scene, it will not be easy. Detested and beaten down, you can only crawl upwards with dogged determination.

Iori: Well, I was thinking of leaving the bothersome parts to others, and be more of a fixer myself!

Akane: If you only had convenient partners like that, who take on all the grunt work for themselves. 

Iori: (giggle) I'll join up with someone like you again, an idiot who pushes forward without thinking about people around themselves while getting them involved. 

With a small grin, Akane raises a small cup of sake for Iori, who only bowed his head in reply. Utaha was already back at Fushikawa Fantastic Bunko, met up with Machida as she drank some coffee out of a paper cup.

Machida: I see, you're wavering.

Utaha: I'm sorry. I've also just started my new series. 

Machida: Not at all. It's right for a creator to want to participate in an appealing project. However, I'll make sure you do your work for us on schedule too. If anything, authors who take on more jobs and have their work animated, and so end up unable to continue their series, are too many to count. 

Utaha: I won't just abandon it, so please don't get depressed ahead of time. 

Machida: So, what will you do about your circle? N/N, especially. You can't juggle three things at once, can you? 

Utaha: I'm...graduating anyway. 

Machida: (teasing tone) What if N/N-kun cries and clings onto you?~ "Even after you graduate, please always stay with me!", he'd say.

While Utaha would love nothing more for Y/N to say that, just imagining it causes her to spit out her drink, her blushing heavily as she takes the napkin that was handed to her by Machida. 

Utaha: (wipes mouth) I'm a professional, after all. I won't let feelings affect my work.

Machida: Though I do feel that you were bursting with feelings just the other day. 

Utaha: (gets up from chair) Thank you for the coffee. I will have to excuse myself. 

Machida: So...was Akane fine? 

Utaha: ...Are you acquaintances? 

Machida: We were in the same manga club in university. And I've talked about her with N/N before. Anyway, we haven't really met after starting work, though. 

Utaha: Which means she'll be my university senpai? 

Machida: Don't sound disgusted about it. She's way your senpai in the scene too, after all. 

Utaha: I think it's impossible not to dislike someone who has such an unreasonable attitude towards yourself. 

Machida: Well, it's because she's a pure creator. 

Utaha: To me, she only looked like a thoroughly corrupted, crooked producer.

Machida: (giggle) You said it just like N/N-kun had described her, albeit a bit more vulgar vocabulary in his explanation. (sigh) Well, she certainly is sleazy, does whatever it takes to reach her goal, doesn't consider others' circumstances at all...

Utaha: Isn't that just a questionable producer?

Machida: But it's not for the sake of money, not for the sake of status or prestige. She's simply fanned by the passion of creating. 

Utaha: Even though she has acquired such money and status? 

Machida: Well, you'll see it after tagging along with that monster for a while. 

Utaha: Will I really be able to do it with someone like her? 

Machida: It's difficult to say. To get along with her, or rather, to fight her, you need considerable abilities or mental strength, or preferably both, or you can't contest her. 

Utaha: That...may be true. 

Machida: Can you do it, Shi-chan? (thoughts) Can you do it like him? 

Utaha: (thoughts) I could just about deal with it by myself. However...

Later on, in Utaha's bedroom, her clock made the usual ticking noise. But the noise made it hard for her to sleep. That, and she was deep in thought over the current event of what had happened today. 

She had met with the Akane Kousaka and was offered an amazing proposal. To work on one of the hit RPG series, Fields Chronicle, and work on it's scenario. As she thought about this, she heard her phone ringing. Fumbling around, she finally grabbed it, checking the caller ID and saw it was Eriri.

Eriri: (on phone) U-Utaha Kasumigaoka? 

Utaha: Sawamura-san? 

Eriri: (on phone) U-Um, do you have a moment?

Utaha: (annoyed) Do you know what time it is?

Eriri: (on phone) 3 PM, right? 

The dark haired maiden had thought it was nighttime, but because her room was dark due to the curtains covering the window, she didn't know it was daytime. Heading over to the window to confirm if it was daytime, she opened the curtains and it was indeed daytime, the bright sun shining over the area. 

Utaha: I see.

Getting changed into her school uniform, she departed from her home and headed towards Toyogasaki Academy. It was now dusk by the time she arrived, heading to the art room and went to Eriri's personal art studio.

Entering inside, she found the blonde girl standing by one of her canvas stands, letting out a sigh of relief.

Eriri: Sorry to suddenly call you here. 

Utaha: It's fine. I have nothing to do before my graduation anyway. So, what did you want to talk about? 

Eriri: ...You said so earlier, didn't you? That I can't draw not because of a slump, but simply because I'm crappy?

Utaha: Though I believe it wasn't me but Akane Kousaka who said that. 

Eriri: But you agreed with what she said! You said my pictures were bad!

Utaha: (sigh) Whatever you say. If you can't draw to begin with, whether you're good or bad--wait, Sawamura-san? Could it be...

Eriri: (nods with a smirk)

Utaha: (wide-eyes) You can draw again? 

Eriri: I feel like I pretty much got my touch back. 

Utaha: Really!? 

Eriri: I was sketching yesterday at home, and before I knew it--

Utaha: Sketching!? Where are they!? Show me!

Eriri: They're not here. I left them at home.

Utaha: Tch. You really are useless, you piece of junk. 

Eriri: Hey! Why do you have to go that far!?

Utaha: Can't be helped, then. (grabs Eriri's arm) Let's go.

Eriri: Huh, where?

Utaha: Isn't it obvious? To look at those sketches! At your home!

Eriri: (confused) Why?

Utaha: "Why"? You little...

Eriri: It's faster than going to get them. 

Utaha: What is?

Taking out her sketchbook, she places it on the canvas stand. Putting on her green track jacket and pulling up a chair to sit in, Eriri begins to draw as she took out a pencil.

Eriri: Drawing from scratch. 

As she continued to scribble all over the paper, sketching, Utaha walks up to her from behind. As Eriri drew, she began to remember the times in elementary school, when she would go up to either Y/N or Tomoya to show them her drawings. Her motivation was Tomoya's words telling her to be not just quickly, skillfully, and steadily, but also an amazing artist. 

Those were the very words that drive her. She then sets her pencil down, now finished with her sketch. She then began to color it, taking a paint brush and dipping it into some purple paint. Utaha watched with amazement, the blonde artist seemingly back to her usual, drawing self. But Eriri began to falter slightly. Despite all the words of encouragement from Tomoya, him telling her to take it easy, she wasn't able to make the desired pictures from his words. She wouldn't be able to draw like this if it weren't for Akane Kousaka's words. She then finally finished, all the colors had come together with Utaha covering her mouth at how well done the picture was.

Eriri: It's done! (smug) So who's crappy now? 

Utaha: You are one...

Eriri: I can draw! I can overcome my slump! I'll bust through the level Akane Kousaka is looking for in an instant!

Utaha: I believe you. No, seeing this, I can only believe in you. 

Eriri: Finally you recognize me, Utaha Kasumigaoka!

The blonde girl then puts on a cheeky smile before she began to laugh. Utaha's face then softens up for a smile as well, but she soon stopped when Eriri's laughter had turned into one of sadness, Eriri now crying. Utaha was confused.

Utaha: Sawamura-san? 

Eriri: (voice breaking) Tomoya wanted it, Tomoya cheered me on, but I still couldn't draw...and yet, when Akane Kousaka just denied me, when Akane Kousaka just laughed at me, I was so frustrated and embarrassed I didn't want to lose, I drew!

Utaha: Sawamura-san...

The dark haired girl wasn't sure what to feel. She wondered if Y/N would give words of encouragement to her if she couldn't draw. Sure, Y/N had a nonchalant type of attitude in some cases, but when she was down in the dumps, he would be there. He was very carrying towards her and still was. The way Eriri was right now, it often reminded her of those memories of when Y/N and her were still together.

Eriri: I...I can't draw next to Tomoya, and Tomoya can't make me draw. If I stay in the circle like before, I can't progress any further. I can't become the amazing illustrator Tomoya wants!

The blonde artist continues to weep, Utaha wrapping her arms around her in an attempt to comfort her. Eriri accepts the gesture and hugs the scarlet-eyed girl back, weeping into her chest. 

After the girl had calmed down, Eriri began to reminisce as of when she felt this way back then.

Eriri: I betrayed Tomoya when we were children.

Utaha: I know.

Eriri: So this is my second betrayal. This time Tomoya won't forgive me. 

Utaha: Well, maybe so. But unfortunately, this time you have an accomplice. Even if it hurts, you won't be alone. I can already imagine what kind of face Y/N will have when he finds out. Am I not right? 

Eriri: (sniffles and buries face in arms) Utaha Kasumigaoka...

Utaha: Still, I'm sure that we'll have a hard time for a while, both of us. 

Eriri: I'm prepared. 

Utaha: Well, if you feel like crying your eyes out, call out to me. I can at least lend you my shoulder. 

Eriri: I won't cry anymore. There's no way it's fine for me to cry. 

Utaha: You don't need to hold back now. 

Eriri: More importantly, you be prepared too. 

Utaha: Well, I will be a university student soon, so I can take care of you--

Eriri: That's not what I mean! I mean yourself! Don't let Akane Kousaka make light of you, Utako Kasumi! You're a pro like her, right? 

Utaha: Sawamura-san...

Eriri: She overlooked one thing. Your talent, your effort, your persistence! Akane Kousaka, who doesn't even understand Utako Kasumi's greatness, is no big deal!

Hearing the words of praise from Eriri was enough for Utaha to shed a single tear. Then more start to come out, the dark haired beauty now beginning to break down.

Eriri: (smirk) Together, we two will defeat Akane Kousaka. 

Eriri extends her arm out into a fist, Utaha wipes her tears away and gains a competitive smile as she faces Eriri.

Utaha: And you too, be careful I don't catch you off guard. 

She then returns the gesture, the rivalry of the artist and the novelist being reignited. 

Present Day...

Back in the month of April, it was the entrance ceremony for new students that would soon begin their high school year in Toyogasaki Academy. This mean that the current years that would transitioning to the next had the day off.

Tomoya and Y/N had met up with Iori at a coffee shop near the school.

Iori: I see. So those two ended up quitting after all.

Tomoya: Sorry about that. You even warned me. 

Iori: No, I guess I should be the one to apologize.

Y/N: (raised eyebrows) Why you? 

Tomoya: Yeah, that's not true.

Iori: But the reason Akane-san got interested in them was that I--

Y/N: It's fine. It's a good opportunity for the both of them...I just wished she could've told me beforehand.

Tomoya: But wouldn't it be weird to complain about such great picks? 

Iori: Aside from Y/N, they are your circle's...

Tomoya: That's right, I originally dragged them in to make a game. So isn't this proof of my great abilities as a producer? 

Y/N: Nah, more like showing your abilities as a dictator. 

Iori: (sigh) So try to look a bit happier, then. Both of you. 

Y/N only clicks his tongue and clenched his fist, one of them he's using to rest his head on. It's not that he wasn't happy, he was just confused as to why she didn't tell him. He would've supported her decision to go, just he wanted to warn her.

Warn Utaha of what Akane was capable of. Not many could resist her persuasive personality. In fact, it was nearly impossible. And yet, Y/N was one of the few capable to resist that persuasiveness. 

Iori: Speaking of which, there's also something I need to announce. 

Y/N: And what's that?

Iori: Izumi and I quit Rouge en Rouge. 

Y/N: Hmm, never thought you of all people had the balls to do so. But then again, Akane did always like you, so I'm not really surprised if she's able to let you go that easily.

Tomoya: If that was out of consideration for me after they headhunted my members, that's not--

Iori: It's unrelated to that. I just found something new I wanted to do. Something I couldn't do in my current circle. 

Tomoya: Well, you can get by anywhere, so it's fine. But be sure to take good care of Izumi-chan.

Iori: It's fine! We've already found a place where Izumi can best demonstrate her skills!

Tomoya: I see.

Iori: So you continue your circle too.

Tomoya: (deadpan) You said the same thing the last time we met too, didn't you?

Y/N: Yeah, he did. 

Iori: I'll say it as many times as it takes. Don't stop making games. Don't stop producing new things. You can't stop pursuing your dream.

Tomoya: (confused) Why are you that serious about it? We're enemies, aren't we? 

Iori: (chuckle) If you're not serious about it, it won't be fun for me either. 

Y/N: You know, we really don't get you some times. 

After their meetup with Iori, the two began to make their way up the hill back to the Aki household. The cherry blossom leaves were slowly falling to the ground, a slightly sad atmosphere surrounding the two. 

When Tomoya looked up, he could see the vision he saw that one spring day one year back. The day him and Y/N first saw Megumi Kato, standing at the top of the hill as she held her hair, watching him pick up the white beret she had on that day. Y/N let out a low chuckle as he remembered the time he spent with the dark haired maiden in the circle. The seductive attitude she always had, her looks, the loving eyes she would hold for him. And the banter she would hold with his cousin. It was very amusing to him, but it brought so much happiness to him. Like Megumi, it was the most fun he had in his life. 

And it was now coming to an end. Y/N felt his heart sting a little, but he ignored the feeling, picking up the pace as he began to walk up the hill. He noticed Megumi peek out from the corner, him giving a small nod to her.

As Tomoya began to ascend the hill himself, he was completely unaware that Megumi was standing at the top of the hill. When Tomoya stopped and looked up, his eyes had widened. He could then see the boring girl, wearing the same clothes from that day. But this time, she was waiting for him, a smile on her face as she stood at the top of the hill. 

Tomoya: Kato...

Megumi: (descends down hill) It's been awhile.

Tomoya: (disbelief) You--you hair...

Megumi: Let's try a date, the two of us. 

As Y/N watched from a far, a smile on his face, he perked up when his phone started to ring. The caller ID was his mother, Y/N fishing out his phone as he picked up the call.

Y/N: Yeah, mom? ...Oh...I see...yeah, I'll start packing tonight. Yeah...mm-hm. Alright, then. See you tomorrow morning, mom. Yeah...love you, too.

After the call ended, Y/N sighed, clenching his fists in the process. The dark haired beauty didn't wish to part ways with him, and yet, she made the decision to end it all there. It already stung his heart when he heard those words that day.

But now, it hurt even more. Tears began to stream out of his eyes. Because the call he received from his mother...

She told him his father had passed.

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