(S2) Chapter 20: Discussions
"At that time she...Kato..."
During class, after receiving the text message last night, Megumi glanced over to Tomoya. The glasses wearing teen was slumped over in his chair, clearly asleep.
Y/N sat in front of Tomoya, not listening to the lecture as his grades were the second highest in the whole entire school, and like Utaha, he would get his work done. They considered him a prodigy.
The teacher upfront then dismisses the class, everyone getting up as they prepare to leave. As Megumi grabs her coat and her bag, she goes to hurry out the door before an arm appeared in front of the door way. She looked shocked and surprised, letting out a small "ah." When she turned her head to see who's arm it was, she turned to see it was Tomoya.
Tomoya: Well then, let's go to the circle together, Kato.
Megumi: (looks away) ...
Tomoya: It appears you completely fell for my feigned sleep.
Megumi: Um, you say that, but you actually were asleep, weren't you, Aki-kun?
Y/N: Yeah, he definitely was.
Tomoya: (blushes out of embarrassment) I meant to just pretend to sleep at first!
Y/N: Dude, you look like a zombie. In fact, your eyes are dead like a fish.
Tomoya: Shuddap!
(A/N): Cue the season two intro. ...Keep reading, I guess.
Timeskip-AV Room
Megumi: What about Eriri and Kasumigaoka-senpai?
Tomoya: Not coming today! Didn't I tell you?
Y/N: And before you say you're leaving Kato, listen to what the damned idiot has to say.
Megumi: ...Was that so?
Tomoya: All right, come here! Y/N--
Y/N: (unenthusiastic) Hai, hai. I'll go outside.
As Y/N heads for the door, Tomoya goes to the door towards the broadcasting room.
Megumi: We're even using the broadcasting room?
Tomoya: Yeah, the circumstances require it.
As the two enter inside, Y/N walks back into the room. He then hears the door click inside the broadcasting room.
Y/N: (sigh) I can't believe that I'm about to fucking do this...forgive me, Kato-san.
The black haired teen begins to move the tables and chairs, barricading the two in. Megumi was shocked at the revelation, Tomoya having just locked the broadcasting room's door and now Y/N had barricaded it so they couldn't get out.
Megumi: A-Aki-kun? L/N-kun?
Y/N: Forgive me, Kato-san! He said he would destroy my merchandise that I've bought over the years if I didn't comply!
Tomoya: Y/N, you should know I wouldn't do that.
Y/N: Well, your threat sounded real, asshole!
The glasses wearing teen clears his throat and pushes his glasses up. He begins to walk forward, Megumi blushing as she was backed up against the table behind her. As Tomoya extended his hand, she braced for the contact of his hand, closing her eyes.
But she felt nothing.
She heard the sound of a monitor turning on. When she opened her eyes, she looked to see Tomoya sitting at the table next to her, his laptop out as he started to clack away at the keys.
Tomoya: You know, I actually meant to print this out, but my printer was all out of ink.
Megumi: (turns to room Y/N is in) Ah...
In the now dark room Y/N was in, a projector screen was pulled down. On it was the 2nd project proposal Tomoya had been writing. Over in the corner, Y/N was curled up into a ball, scrolling through Reddit on his phone.
Megumi: I guess there's that.
Small Timeskip of Tomoya showing his presentation
Tomoya: In other words, showing things more in the raw, such as the heroine's vague attitude and her changing feelings, is the core which makes for an even more appealing 2D heroine you really can love.
Megumi: (blank expression) Ah...I see.
Tomoya: In the game I originally planned, fully highlighting the heroine's appeal, turning you, Kato, into a heart-throbbing main heroine, was the end goal.
Megumi: E-Eh...
Tomoya: But whatever we made in the end is completely different from that initial idea. It was a grand and moving romance story. Of course, I agreed to the changes, and with Utaha-senpai's, Y/N's, and Eriri's skills, it was a huge success as a game. However...
Megumi: Um, can I ask something?
Tomoya: What is it, Kato?
Megumi: So, what is this document?
Tomoya: Huh?
Y/N: She means get to the fucking point already, ya damned idiot.
Tomoya: (clears throat) Kato, did you not read the title on the first page?
Megumi: Um, that's not what I mean--
Tomoya: The project proposal of our next game, of course!
Y/N: (sigh) That's not the thing you should be saying, dumbass!
Tomoya: (tilts head) Hmm? What should I be saying?
Y/N: ...Then what the fuck was all that discussing last night!?
Tomoya: Wha...?
Y/N: You know what, fuck you. Fuck you and all your fucking planning and shit. I don't know how the fuck I deal with you, but you are a real fucking dumbass, dense, mother--
Tomoya: Okay, okay, okay! I get it, Y/N!
Megumi: (sigh) Why are you showing this to me?
Tomoya: Kato, you really didn't read it, didn't you? This proposal from my soul! The main heroine will be Meguri Kano, in other words, Megumi Kato!
Megumi: Do you seriously think that I would definitely be happy to participate in that plan?
Tomoya: I have no idea. I don't know. However, without you on board, this project won't get anywhere. Even if all the others were there, without you, we can't make this game.
Megumi: I don't think you need to be that particular about that. The model for the main heroine...it's such a vague, boring and ambiguous role...
Tomoya: There are things I regret...
Y/N: There it is. What you were supposed to start things off in the first place, dumbass.
Tomoya: Shut up, Y/N. I'm getting there. (clears throat) With the best possible members, we made the ultimate game. Everyone did an amazing job. Eriri, Y/N, Utaha-senpai, and Michiru. And you, too. You gave your all until the very end.
Megumi: That's right, everybody did their best. So it's fine now. There's no need to do anything more.
Tomoya: But Kato, I haven't been able to take you to that place yet.
Megumi: That place?
Tomoya: Beyond all of our work, with thorough happiness and joy, but just a little bit of sadness...that catharsis. I was the only one who didn't give it my all. I stopped pushing at the very last moment, and stood still. This is my revenge! This time, I won't let you wake up from the dream! I'll have you ride that high all the time!
Y/N: ...Do you mean to drug her? What the fuck dude?
Tomoya: No! I'll make her unable to stop making games or being an otaku!
Y/N: So basically drug her. Got it.
Tomoya: (looks to Megumi) The main heroine is just a bait-and-switch! Nothing but a convenient excuse! I simply want to have fun with you at the after-party this time! And that's why...that's why...I have no choice but to create another plan in which you'll want to participate!
Megumi: ...If that's the case, tell me, why is your plan nothing but cringy wild delusions?
Y/N: (howls with laughter) That's what I told him last night! I told you she would say some shit like that!
Megumi: Is this really meant to be a plan I'd want to participate in?
Tomoya: I-It's a revolution in gal games, right? I'm the only one who can pull of this plan, right?
Megumi: I wonder. What you want to do looks pretty ordinary to me.
Y/N: (laughs even more) I...I fucking called that shit...! Ah, shit! I can't...I can't fucking breathe...
Tomoya: Did you even read my proposal I wrote with my heart's blood!? The main idea of this plan is, we do what anyone could have thought of with the kind of depth and passion nobody could even imagine--
Megumi: That's the issue, Aki-kun.
Tomoya: What is, Kato-kun!? (turns to where Megumi is, only to find she isn't there) ...Eh?
Megumi: You're making such a grand game with this staff?
When the glasses wearing teen turned his head to where Megumi is, who was at his laptop, he looked surprised. Y/N kept trying to find a good angle from the window to see what they were looking at.
Megumi: One person seems to be responsible for the plan, the scenario, and being the director, or am I just imagining things?
Tomoya: It's fine. You'll be helping him with the planning and the directing.
Megumi: Eeeeehhh? No thanks, that's a pain.
Tomoya: Standing before a great project about to repaint the history of gal games is no place to feel bothered by such things!
Megumi: Aki-kun...
Tomoya: Please, Kato. Once more, just one more time, become my main heroine, and the vice representative of the circle! (bows) I want you to take care of this circle together with me!
She turned around to look him, only silence filling the broadcasting booth. Y/N looked back between the two, unsure of how this situation was going to play out. But he will admit, he was quite invested in it, the original plan being strayed off from what they had originally planned out last night.
Megumi: ...Can I confirm one thing?
Tomoya: Yes.
Megumi: Did you tell Eriri yet that you're making me the main heroine again?
Tomoya: Not yet.
Megumi: Is that really okay? Can you decide without asking Eriri?
Tomoya: Hey, Kato. I do know that this is extremely unlikely, but the reason you've been angry at me recently...is it because you don't know what to think about me and Eriri having been so closely lately, or something else complicated like that, like in gal games?
Y/N: (deadpan) ...That's not it, ya big idiot. The fact that you completely forgot about the whole reason she's mad at you amazes me. Like, real big brain man.
As Tomoya nervously looked up, scared of what Megumi was thinking, he saw her face. She kept a blank expression, one that could send fear throughout his body.
Megumi: What are you saying, Aki-kun?
Tomoya: (jumps happily) Of course not! Of course!
Megumi: (confused) Eh? What? Did you perhaps think that I might be in love with you, completely oblivious to what it is that you have done to me?
Y/N: That's what I said! He's too stupid to realize what he even did to her!
Tomoya: But you know, it often happens in gal games! A heroine falling in love as time goes by for no particular reason!
Y/N: Bitch, this is real life! Not a fucking dating simulator!
Megumi: Perhaps that's because they're made by people like you, who don't know much about 3D relationships.
Y/N: Ooooohhhh... That shit's gotta burn there, Tomoya.
Tomoya: Forgive me, stop flinging everything back at me! Hold back a little!
Megumi: Eeeehh. But if you say something that ridiculous...
Tomoya: (laughs while wiping tears) I'm really sorry, Kato.
Megumi: (sigh) It's fine already. I want to completely erase that from my memory.
Tomoya: No. I didn't mean this, but last year.
Megumi: Last year?
Tomoya: Sorry I couldn't ask you for help. Sorry I couldn't rely on you. Sorry for...failing as a friend.
Y/N: He finally fucking says it! (mutters) And it's been one fucking hour since you've been in there. How long does it fucking take to apologize, god damn.
Megumi: (rubs arm) That's...
Tomoya: But thank you. (smiles) I'm so happy.
Megumi: Eh? Why?
Tomoya: Because Kato, you love Blessing Software even more than I do! You love it so much that you can't forgive me for giving up on Winter Comiket! That makes me so very, very happy! That's why I'm so very sorry.
A small thud was heard, causing the two boys to look at Megumi. The boring girl had backed up and hit the table, tears pouring out of her eyes as she covers her mouth with both hands.
Tomoya: ...Arigato, Kato.
Megumi: Wha...what...what are you talking about?
Tomoya: Arigato. Arigato, Kato. And also...I really am sorry. Sorry.
(A/N): "Arigato, Kato" sounds like a freaking tongue twister. Try saying that so many times? ...Yeah, probably isn't supposed to be the time mentioning this, considering it's supposed to be a sad moment, so keep on reading. Don't mind me. Just gonna...just gonna sit in the corner here.
As Tomoya repeated the word "sorry," Megumi turns around and lets her tears out.
Megumi: A-Aki-kun, you know, I've held it in all this time...
Tomoya: Sorry.
Megumi: Just throwing "sorry" around cheaply like that isn't going to be enough!
Tomoya: (sheepish smile) Well, yeah.
Megumi: Why are you smiling?
Y/N: Yeah, why are you smiling? You look like a creep.
Megumi: That'll just make me even more mad! (marches towards Tomoya with cute angry expression) We're comrades, right? We're friends, right? Eriri and Kasumigaoka-senpai and L/N-kun and Hyodo-san, too!
Tomoya: (blushing) Y-Yeah. And me, too.
Megumi: And between friends, there are no secrets, no hidden things, and no decisions without talking about it, right? Shouldn't you have talked with us about everything?
Tomoya: Yeah, you're right. I was in the wrong.
Megumi: I had fun. I had more fun in the circle than I'd ever have thought.
Tomoya: Kato...
Megumi: So these two months I've been apart from you and the others have been really hard.
Tomoya: I'm sorry.
Megumi: I told you, your apologies don't have much weight.
Y/N: ...Well, this is nice and all, but what do you want me to do now? Unbarricade you guys or do you want me to go...?
Megumi: Do you really think the new system will work well?
Tomoya: Of course, there may be problems at first, but if we take it slow and used to it...
Y/N: What she means is that it's not possible for her to be vice representative and someone with more experience should do this. And I don't fit that role.
The three Toyogasaki students had went to the super market, Tomoya pushing the cart with his, Y/N's and Megumi's bags. The boring girl lead the two while Y/N would occasionally stop, him taking a few fruits and vegetables and checking whether they were still good or not. Y/N was quite the chef, but not on a professional level.
Megumi: All the other members are such amazing people.
Y/N: Yeah, I know I'm a amazing. But I still don't fit the role of vice representative. I think you'll do just fine, Kato-san.
Tomoya: He's right! The representative isn't that amazing anyway.
Megumi: Hmm...oh, L/N-kun, are those onions still okay?
Y/N: ...Those and that one in the back. Oh, and those two to the left.
Tomoya: Why onions?
Y/N: Simple. Dinner.
Megumi: I figured curry would be the a safe choice.
Y/N: Nothing beats a nice bowl of curry after a tiring day. Actually, some other things.
Tomoya: Y-You're making dinner?
Y/N: Hmm? No, Kato-san is. I'm just helping her.
Megumi: It seems like the meeting tonight will be long.
Tomoya: It does?
The basket begins to fill up with carrots, potatoes, and curry powder. Y/N had thrown in a box of Pocky for snacking purposes.
Megumi: So you're asking Kasumigaoka-senpai and L/N-kun for only the main route?
Y/N: I mean, I don't mind doing two routes, but just one should be fine. (thoughts) ...First we went shopping for groceries, then we went to an underwear store for women. The fuck?
Currently, the two boys were facing away, Tomoya having a small blush on his face while Y/N had his arms crossed, eyes closed. Megumi was looking at the various items.
Tomoya: Y-Yeah. Utaha-senpai has only just started university, and she's busy with writing her new light novel. And Y/N has being going to more meetings in the evening lately.
Y/N: I'm just glad my schedule is free today.
Megumi: Last year, when she supposedly was busy with university entrance exams and her light novel, she did do a full game with L/N-kun, though.
Y/N: Eh, me and her often split our work among each other. She'd do some of my stuff in my books while I'm busy with errands and meetings and vice versa with her books.
Tomoya: B-But even if it's just one route, I expect Utako Kasumi's and Akira Makabe's best work from them!
Megumi: But if you do the rest of the scenario, don't you think there'll be a huge gap in quality?
Y/N: That's why I'll also be there to assist. While he's writing the rest of the scenario's, I'll offer some tips and other helpful advice.
Tomoya: We can only be optimistic about it now, right!?
Megumi: Well, I guess the representative just has to do his best about it. All right, I'll go buy these. Lend me some casual wear, okay?
Tomoya: You're just assuming you'll stay overnight?
Y/N: (sigh) Guess I'll prepare the futon when we get home.
After buying her items, the three then set off for the Aki household. The three of them were currently being held off as a barrier gate was put down, signaling that an oncoming train was passing.
Megumi: So is Eriri still in a slump?
Tomoya: Yeah. So I think it'd be difficult to have her do the art for all the characters at this point.
Y/N: Smart choice. Don't want to overwork her again.
The train then passes by, the three stop talking as the noise was too loud. After the train passes by, the gates soon raise up again, the three continuing their conversation as they continue to walk back towards the Aki household.
Megumi: But if you were to include another artist, is there anybody else who's about as good as Eriri, not in any other circle, and whom you could ask to join?
Y/N: Not that I can think of any others. (thoughts) All of the artists I know other than Eriri are in Rouge en Rouge.
Tomoya: Thanks for making me realize the harsh reality.
Arriving at the house, Tomoya takes out the keys and unlocks the door. Y/N held the groceries for Megumi.
Megumi: Are your parents home?
Tomoya: They're actually in Nagano, at a relative's memorial service, staying today and overnight.
Y/N: Well, it's not like they're around, anyway.
Megumi: L/N-kun, what about your parents?
Y/N: My mom's in Chiba right now, talking to an old friend who runs a fashion business. And my dad, he's probably visiting some of his family in America right now.
Megumi: Ahh, so it's the same pattern again? (stepping in house) Coming in!
Tomoya: (sweat drops) You seriously don't worry about anything.
Y/N: I mean, what is there to worry about?
Scene Change, Kitchen
In the kitchen, Tomoya was cleaning the lettuce. Y/N was cutting up potatoes and Megumi was doing the prep work, stirring the ingredients in a pot.
Tomoya: I've said it before, but our Cherry Blessing really became an amazing game. But it was not my plan, the game I wanted to make, was amazing.
Megumi: Well, Kasumigaoka-senpai, Eriri, and L/N-kun pretty much carried you there.
Y/N: Well, Utaha-senpai pretty much wrote the majority of the scenarios. The one I really wrote was Tomoya's scenario of the perfect ending.
Tomoya: So for our next game, we're going back to Blessing Software's roots.
Megumi: Hmm...
Y/N: And what would that be?
Tomoya: We make a game which finds the appeal in carefree everyday moments.
Megumi: That so?
Tomoya: The characters will be more moe than in the previous game, but moving people with such a normal story, we catch our players with your true appeal--
Megumi: What do you think?
Y/N: Let's see here. (takes sample of curry) Hmm...pretty good.
With a nod, she then takes a small saucer dish and holds it towards Tomoya. The glasses wearing teen blushed slightly before he took a sip, giving a nod himself.
Tomoya: It's fine, isn't it?
The hours then pass, the three started to set up the table. Megumi was undoing the apron that was wrapped around her, Tomoya sitting at the table as Y/N was bringing everything.
Tomoya: The kinds of games which focuses on communicating with the heroines often rely on the system, right?
Y/N: I guess. I don't know. I'm not a gal game expert like you.
Tomoya: You manage the health and the schedule of the main character, choose the place for the date and your present from three options, kiss the girls by touching the screen...
Megumi: Is that so? Sounds nice.
Y/N: Nah, I think that's just him.
Tomoya: (takes bite of curry) That's of course great, too. (gulps food down) But I want to do a story-heavy adventure game instead. I feel like that would give it an Tomoya Aki vibe. What do you think Kato, Y/N?
Y/N: ...Everything you do already has the "Tomoya Aki" vibe.
Megumi: Well, I wonder...
Tomoya: Hey, this is important! I love stories with girls I love in them!
Y/N: Yeah, we know. That's your literal shtick.
Megumi: When it comes to 2D, you're not embarrassed at all, are you, Aki-kun?
Tomoya: (blushes) Just listen. Listen for now.
Megumi: Hai, hai.
Tomoya: It certainly is difficult. It may end up done worse than our previous game. It may not sell that well. It may get crushed. But even so, I--
The glasses wearing teen was cut off when Megumi had leaned forward. Her hand grabbed something that was next to Tomoya's mouth.
Megumi: Grain of rice.
Tomoya: Y-Yeah...
Y/N: Aww, little Tomo here is all flustered from getting attention from a 3D girl.
Tomoya: Sh-Shut up!
After they finished up their dinner, Y/N tended to the dishes. Now that the chores were out of the way, the three of them retreated to Tomoya's room, where the glasses wearing teen had pulled up one of his dating simulators on his TV.
Tomoya: The game part will be a bit like this.
Megumi: So a normal school gal game?
Tomoya: That's right, there'll be no memories from a previous life, incurable illnesses, time leaps or parallel world stuff.
Y/N: So, a normal every day life.
Tomoya: Precisely!
Y/N: Uh, sure.
Tomoya: It fights with casual conversation, everyday events, and the cuteness of the heroines.
Megumi: But hasn't that already been done in this and other games?
Tomoya: No, this game doesn't reach my ideal in certain ways. Two ways, actually.
Megumi: Eeehhh...
Tomoya: (pushes up glasses) First of all, casual conversations. Even though the game is mostly comprised of conversation scenes between the main character and the heroines, they're extremely boring, dull, tedious, and utterly pointless.
Megumi: We all have to be careful about that.
Tomoya: And secondly, the heroines reactions! It's way too repetitive!
Y/N: Eh, you know what they say. It's easier to reuse assets than it is to create new ones.
Tomoya: Tsudere! Imouto! Onee-san! They're just doing the same tropes over and over again!
Megumi: But didn't you say that tropes are important?
Tomoya: Yes, they are, extremely so! But you know, Kato, heroines are people!
Y/N: Geh geh geh! Fictional people.
Tomoya: Real people, Y/N! Real people! Their reactions should change based on the time they've spent together with you and how they feel in that moment. Your attitude would change when you fall in love, right? You'd speak differently when you've known each other for a long time, right? Subtly and gradually! Indeed, you can't change it all at once, either! That'll break the players' immersion! That's why changing it little by little, with great variation, we express the heroines' appeal as human beings--
Tomoya was cut off by Y/N's repeated tapping on his shoulder. Fed up with it, he goes to face Y/N, but his cousin only points to Megumi, who's hands were tightly gripping the controller in her hand.
Tomoya: (confused) Kato?
Megumi: Aki-kun...
Tomoya: Y-Yes...?
Megumi: Sit there.
Tomoya: I-I am sitting.
Megumi: (somehow moves table to other side of room) Aki-kun, like you say, relationships change!
Tomoya: Y-Yes?
Y/N: What I think she means is, you gotta change your attitude and the way you act based on the time you've spent together and how you feel about them. Though, I am inclined to agree with you having to change the way you act. You do some weird shit sometimes.
Megumi: So I want you to question you behaving and speaking the same way in Winter Comiket as before. (anger rising) If you it that well, why didn't you do it for me? Aren't we close enough for you to understand how I feel?
Y/N: Oh, boy. A storm's brewing.
Tomoya: I-I thought you forgave me for that already?
Megumi: I got mad because I realized that you don't understand it at all!
Tomoya: Wait a moment! Calm down, Kato!
Megumi: You said that heroines in games are human too, right? That's right, that's exactly so! Even me, the main heroine, is a human! I think I'll cry again. What's with this "How to Raise a Boring Heroine"!? You have said that my character is completely dead, but I had no idea you'd even put it in the title!
Y/N: (thoughts) ...Why does it seem ironic that it's kinda your upbringing, Kato? In fact, the story is heavily based on what's happening right now.
Tomoya: I'll go with something else if you don't like it!
Small Timeskip-Bathroom
Megumi: So you know, if you can't even read my reactions, do you really think you can make such a delicate game?
Tomoya: (on phone) Well, at this stage, the only thing I can do is say that I'll do my best.
Y/N: (on phone) Efforts aside, you just lack sense of it. Or maybe you just suck in general.
Tomoya: (on phone) I-I will study the topic!
Megumi: You know, isn't what you want to do here in a sense a lot more difficult than our previous game?
Tomoya: (on phone) W-Well, more importantly, Kato.
Megumi: (irritated) What is it?
Y/N: (on phone) You said you wanted to take a bath to calm your feelings, you should just enjoy it without Tomoya's endless preaching.
Tomoya: (on phone) H-Hey! ...But he is right.
Megumi: Sheesh! Shut up! Whose fault is it that we're in this situation anyway!?
Tomoya: (on phone) Sorry.
Megumi: And I'm telling you, your "sorry" doesn't have much weight today, Aki-kun!
Tomoya: (on phone) Sorry about that.
Megumi: (pouts) Sheeeessh! It's not like I wanted to take my phone to the bath with me!
Y/N: (on phone) Well, you guys keep talking. I'm hitting the sack.
As Y/N leaves the room, heading to his own to retire for the night, he crashes down on his bed. As he prepares to head to sleep, he went on his phone and went to his gallery, skimming through the many pictures he took with Utaha.
Despite the things that were happening, she was the only thing on his mind. She was the only thing on Y/N's mind and he...
...He just couldn't help but smile.
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