(S2) Chapter 19: 2nd Project

Eriri: An additional order of 5,000 copies?

Tomoya: (on phone) Yeah! Apparently the first 1,000 copies were sold out in an instant! The shops are pushing it really hard, too!

In her humble abode, the blonde artist was doing what she did best. Instead of sketching, she was painting, Tomoya on phone call on the side table.

Eriri: We regained in an instant what we lost at the Winter Comiket, didn't we?

Tomoya: (on phone) When people found out that Eri Kashiwagi was making the art, it quickly go attention.

Y/N: (on phone) You're forgetting two other people, dumbass.

Tomoya: (on phone) A-And Akira Makabe and Utako Kasumi.

Eriri: It's not like we were hiding it, though. 

Y/N: (on phone) Fair point. Mine and Utaha-senpai's names were receiving tons of praise on the internet. Hell, my whole Twitter feed was full of comments on the game and how well done the scenario was made.

Eriri: That reeks of stealth marketing. Mainly by her. 

Tomoya: (on phone) I-Is that what you say about a comrade whom you've made a game with?

Eriri: That was a joke! I mean to say that the scenario is your achievement, too.

Y/N: (on phone) Hey, he may have thought of it, I wrote the damn thing, essentially. And it has its ups and downs.

Eriri: It's fine, I like it.

Tomoya: (on phone) Y-Yeah...a-anyway, this means we're just getting started. Cherry Blessing is receiving more and more interest! Which means...

Eriri: I get it! A "thank you to our fans" illustration, right? I'm drawing one right now. 

Y/N: (on phone) And this time, don't get yourself killed.

Tomoya: (on phone) Yeah! On the same day the shops get the next batch, we change our main page to create even more buzz!

Eriri: (giggle) Tomoya, you're doing things exactly like Hashima right now!

Tomoya: (on phone) Urk...!

Eriri: (laughs) All right then, I'm about to add the finishing touches. 

Tomoya: (on phone) Sure, we're looking forward to seeing the completed illustration. Later.

The call then ends, Eriri putting her covered paint brush in a container of water to wash out the paint on the brush. She smiled as she picked up the illustration, but she soon grew confused.

Eriri: Are? Huh? That's strange...

(A/N): Cue the season two opening here.

Next Morning

Getting off the train, Y/N and Tomoya were met with Utaha near the train station, her reading a book. Y/N yawns as Utaha clings to his arm, paying no attention to mind to it. Various other students watch with wide-eyes as they see Y/N not caring enough to remove Utaha's arm wrapped around his.

Utaha: I heard you got an additional order for the game? Congratulations.

Tomoya: Th-Thank you very much! It seems I'll finally be able to compensate you two properly for your work.

Y/N: Nah, it's fine.

Utaha: It is just a students' circle, after all.

Tomoya: No, precisely because it is a circle, we have to split the profits with everybody!

Utaha: Rinri-kun, you're the circle representative and the producer. A con man and human garbage, so to speak. Why are you not keeping the profits for yourself, blowing it away on wild merrymaking, and still pretend to be fighting onward, earning the antipathy of your staff?

Tomoya: (deadpan) I've meant to ask this for a long time, but did something happen between you and a producer?

Y/N: More along the lines of a certain dumbass. 

Timeskip-Toyogasaki Academy

Tomoya: Come to think of it, Utaha-senpai, it's quite rare that you call out to us on our way to school.

Utaha: Is that so?

Y/N: Now that I think about it, I don't think it even happened once in the last two years. 

Utaha: I'm graduating soon. I can't be with you two anymore, either. That's why...I want to burn the road we walked together for three years into my memory. With you most of all, Y/N.~

Y/N: Huh?

As the scarlet-eyed girl leaned in, Y/N looking at her confused, a huge dust trail was heading for them. At the school gates was an angered Eriri Sawamura, barreling towards the group.

Utaha: (leans closer) Like this.~

Y/N: Utaha--

Y/N hears a loud and annoying voice, him letting out a "tch." Grabbing Utaha by the waist, he pulls her closer to him and steps out of the way. Eriri soon came dashing forward between the two and Tomoya. She then falls face first on the concrete.

Eriri: (getting up) Tomoya! Y/N! Why did both of you leave me behind when I came all the way to your house to walk with you!?

Y/N: (raised eyebrows) Um, because you never called?

Tomoya: And you have never done anything like that in the last eight years!

Eriri: The circumstances were different before!

Utaha: Ara? I wonder how exactly your circumstances have changed. 

Eriri: (freezes) Th-That's...

Utaha: For example, Sawamura-san, did you take responsibility for failing the Winter Comiket, and make yourself Rinri-kun's slave, serving beside him like this on the road to school, the classroom, and all the way to his bed? I sure did.~

Y/N: Woman, we did nothing of the sort!

Utaha: (whisper) Sshh. Just play along for now.~

Y/N: I am a man of true gender equality!

Eriri: A-And a-a gloomy preying woman like you, who says she wants to make memories before graduating, but actually intends to create that reality by herself, shouldn't be saying that to me!

Tomoya: C-Calm down, you two! You're destroying the reputation you've been creating until now!

Utaha: That's right, Sawamura-san. Me aside, are you okay with it? You're revealing the shameful act that you're not only an otaku and an ero-doujin author, but an irredeemable loser, too.

Y/N: ...Roasted?

Eriri: I'm an otaku and ero-doujin author, but not a loser!

Tomoya: Stop that already! If you clamor like this where people are watching...

Y/N: People are watching already, buddy. And rumors are spreading.

Transition to Tomoya's and Y/N's Classroom

Yoshihiko: (grabs Y/N and Tomoya by jacket collars) Tomoya! Y/N! What's that about!? 

Tomoya: (sigh) Guys who get the wrong idea like this will appear. 

Y/N: I will say this once again. I am a man of true gender equality.

Yoshihiko: (weeping) Pinned between Sawamura-san and Kasumigaoka-senpai...is that it!?

Y/N: I mean, I've dated Utaha-senpai before. (thoughts) And took her V-card. 

Yoshihiko: What!?!? Did you two become the main character of a school harem love comedy!?

Y/N: You should know I dislike harems.

Tomoya: (turns head to "camera") Uwah, I think I understand how annoying school harem love comedies' main characters' best friend characters can be.

Yoshihiko: Damn you both. Revealing such a bomb before Valentine's Day next month...

Tomoya: O-Oh, ohayo, Kato. 

Megumi: (not facing Tomoya) Ohayo.

Yoshihiko: Ohayo, Kato-san. 

Y/N: Uh, okay? (clears throat) Ohayo, Kato.

Megumi: (looks to Y/N) Ohayo, L/N-kun.

Then, as normal, Megumi proceeds to her seat, leaving both Yoshihiko and Y/N dumbfounded. The blue-eyed teen looks to his cousin, who only kept a stern and slightly sad look. With a sigh, he walks up to the boring girl.

Tomoya: H-Hey, Kato. The next circle meeting is this Friday. 

Megumi: I see.

Tomoya: Since you haven't come for--

Megumi: The class is starting, Aki-kun.

Tomoya: ...Yeah.

Tomoya then backs up, still keeping his gaze on the girl. Y/N was shaking his head.

Yoshihiko: Look now! Thanks to that flashy popular guy event, your real wife is grumpy.

Y/N: While I wouldn't go that far, I don't think that's the case. 

Yoshihiko: How so?

Y/N: Knowing Tomoya here, it's probably because he did something real fucking stupid. Hell, his face says it all.


Iori: And so, Tomoya-kun, Y/N-san, it's a bit early, but would you accept this Valentine's chocolate?

At a local coffee shop, the two boys were called out by Iori. After leaving the school, they met up with him. Y/N had a deadpan look, glancing over to the waitress slightly. The female girl had a huge blush on her face, as well as a look of disbelief. 

Y/N: (sigh) I refuse.

Tomoya: No, no, no, wait! Wait a minute Iori!

Iori: You two don't have to be that much against it!

Y/N: You're attracting attention that's misunderstanding!

Iori: But we're former best friends, aren't we?

Y/N: We're just acquaintances! (points to Tomoya) This is your best friend!

Tomoya: Don't pin this on me!

Iori: (small laugh) Well, I do admit that I intentionally failed to mention that Izumi asked me to give this to either one of you. 

Y/N: Well, you should've said that first, bastard!

Tomoya: (swipes chocolate) Stop with all those stupid jokes!

Iori: It seems she wanted to give it to you herself, but unfortunately the prefectural schools' entrance exams are getting close, so she's very busy. 

Tomoya: (sigh of relief) I see. So Izumi-chan is going to a prefectural school.

Y/N: (to Iori) How much you wanna bet it's going to be me and Tomoya's school since the idiot goes there?

Iori: It's probably the top pick.

Tomoya: What are you talking about?

Y/N and Iori: Nothing.

Tomoya: Uh, tell her to do her best. 

Iori: So, what about you two? Are you two doing your best?

Tomoya: With what? Our finals?

Iori: Your next game, of course. Have you signed up for Summer Comiket, yet? It's problematic for me if you don't. To settle this issue for good, too. 

Tomoya: Iori?

Iori: After your game hit the stores, our competition became a full-on rivalry. Our sales are still higher, but people's opinions seem to be heading in the other direction.

Tomoya: Of course! We have Eri Kashiwagi, Utako Kasumi, and Akira Makabe! Content-wise, we'll never lose!

Iori: Even so, I thought we could win. No, if they had been like before, we would've had a chance. But with this game, they've matured a lot.

Y/N: (uninterested) Hmm? Oh, yeah. Sure. 

Iori: The scenario and the art gave us both a blow like nothing before. 

Tomoya: (stunned) So you did play the game. 

Iori: Not just me. Everybody in our circle played it. It got huge praise. 

Tomoya: (light blush) I-I see. Thanks, I suppose.

Iori: You're welcome.

Y/N: But...we'll get some resentment afterwards. 

Tomoya: Huh? What do you mean? 

Y/N: He probably revealed that you cooperated on the scenario. You did write the scenario of the happy ending route.

Iori: So he did write it.

Tomoya: W-Well noticed. 

Iori: (digs into bag) You know, I have the LitRhap 2 book you and Izumi made three years ago, of which only five copies exist.

Tomoya's eyes begin to widen and he begins to scream out of embarrassment. Iori finally fishes out of the book, him and Y/N begin to toss it back and forth as Tomoya tries to snatch it out of the air.

Iori: Your style hasn't changed at all from back then, Tomoya-kun!

Y/N: You could say that he hasn't even matured at all. 

Iori: (laughs childishly)

Tomoya: I'll give you 5,000 yen! I will! Let me hide that dark piece of history!

Small Timeskip

Iori: Well then, I'm leaving now. 

Tomoya: Are we clear? Don't ever show that book to anyone. 

Iori: ...Hey, Tomoya-kun.

Tomoya: What? Are you holding on to more of my secrets?

Y/N: Hey, most of them, you've told him. So that is your fault. 

Tomoya: Shut up!

Iori: Summer Comiket or Winter Comiket, whichever is fine. Continue your circle. 

Tomoya: Eh?

Iori: Don't lose the place you belong. 

Tomoya: Y-You don't have to tell me!

Iori: Don't let go of those three...Eri Kashiwagi, Utako Kasumi, and Akira Makabe. 

Tomoya: Iori?

The burgundy haired teen doesn't respond and he turns around, waving. Tomoya was at a loss for words, unsure of what Iori meant.

Later that night, Tomoya was on his computer, clearly pondering. A new document had been created, titled, "working title: blessing software 2nd Project."

Tomoya: A new game, huh?

Y/N: What, you're really thinking of doing another one?

Tomoya: I don't know. (thoughts) Can I really make one? Can I interfere with Utaha-senpai's and Y/N's work as an author? Can I push Eriri to do more unreasonable things?

With a sigh, Tomoya leaned back in his chair and then looked to his phone. Over with Megumi, the boring girl had her notebook out with a couple of worksheets. Next to her was her phone. It was vibrating, the caller ID was Tomoya. 

She stared at her phone for a moment, deciding whether she should answer or not. Deciding not to, she returned her gaze back to her work. However, the ringing never stopped, but she ultimately kept ignoring it.

Timeskip-Valentine's Day

Eriri: Here, chocolate.

The blonde girl had showed up at the Aki household, the girl handing a small bag to the two boys. Tomoya looked at the bag before he looked to Y/N, who only shrugged.

Eriri: What, what's wrong? Is it perhaps you two's first time ever getting Valentine's Day chocolate?

Y/N: No, I've gotten plenty. I'm just surprised you're actually giving us some.

Tomoya: Y-Yeah. I'm just surprised that you're not following your usual tsundere pattern. 

Eriri: What's that?

Tomoya: Well, normally you'd say... (girly voice) "I didn't get this chocolate for you, so don't get the wrong idea!" ...while giving it to me, right?

Eriri: (pouts) What do you think I am?

Y/N: A bitchy ass tsundere girl.

Eriri: Wha--!?!?

Y/N: You heard me.

Tomoya: And also, this is the second time I get chocolate from you. It's been nine years.

Eriri: (blushes uncontrollably) W-What are you saying? 

Tomoya: Yes, that's the reaction!

Y/N: (thoughts) Your feelings are laid in front of us like a doormat. I just don't know how the hell Tomoya doesn't see it. 

Tomoya: That's the calculated tsun to dere pattern we moefags yearn for! 

Eriri: (irritated sigh) Whatever. 

After departing from the house, they begin to talk as they walk to the school.

Eriri: I see...you two have agreed to meet Utaha Kasumigaoka for lunch. 

Tomoya: Yeah! Because Utako Kasumi's new book was finally released. She has to be very first one I tell my impressions to!

Y/N: Eh. She just called me to meet up with her today at lunch for the hell of it.

Eriri: (mutters) Good job creating a reason on Valentine's Day...

Tomoya: Eriri, you should just read Utako Kasumi too. So that we can talk about it. 

Eriri: I've read it three times already. 

Tomoya: (gleefully) It's once again full of Utako Kasumi's characteristic style! Of course, the writing ability and the power to draw you in--oh no, I was supposed to tell her first!

Eriri: So, Megumi's obligatory chocolate too...you're getting a great harvest this Valentine's Day.

Y/N: That's if Megumi will actually give him some. 

At this, Tomoya turned away, causing Eriri to look at him confused.

Eriri: What's that reaction? ...You still haven't made up!?

Y/N: It's the fact that Tomoya did something stupid. That, and he can never work up an apology for her. 

Tomoya: Q-Quiet. 

Y/N: (sigh) It's been almost two months. If this keeps going, the circle might as well be null and void. 

Eriri: Hasn't it come to the point where you could say you two have run your natural course?

Tomoya: Does it look like that? You really think so!? 

Eriri: If you're that worried, would you like me to contact Megumi?

Y/N: Nah, it's better if Tomoya does it himself. 

Tomoya: Y/N's right. It's all right. This is a problem I have to solve by myself. 

Eriri: But if it was caused by the Winter Comiket thing, I'm responsible for it, too...

Tomoya: You're not responsible for it in the slightest!

Eriri: Tomoya...

Tomoya: More importantly, Eriri...um, you know, worry about the special illustrations. 

This time, it was Eriri's turn the other way nervously. This causes Tomoya and Y/N to raise their eyebrows.

Tomoya: What? You don't want to do it?

Y/N: It'll be strange if you just cancel now. You were so excited about doing them two months ago. 

Eriri: That's not it, but...but perhaps you could wait a little longer. 

Tomoya: Well, it's not like something we've announced already, so there's no particular hurry. 

Eriri: So a little longer! I think holding off a little while will increase my motivation.

Y/N: If you say so.

Tomoya: If that's the case, let's start with two weeks!

Eriri: I mean, (links arms with Tomoya) let's do away with such deadlines. Let's not talk about those for now. 

Tomoya: Eriri?

Eriri: (leans head towards Tomoya's shoulder) Could you let me take it easy for a little longer? I did so much before. 

The memories of finding Eriri passed out on the floor in the villa flashed in Tomoya's mind. 

Tomoya: Well, you can draw it whenever you feel like it. 

Y/N: Then I'll see you lovebirds later.

Eriri: By the way Y/N, where will you and Utaha Kasumigaoka be having your date?

Y/N: ...If you tell me honestly what you will do with that information, I might be inclined to answer. 

Timeskip-Lunch, AV Room

Tomoya: So, Kasumi-sensei, congratulations on releasing Pure Love Hecotpascal!

Utaha: (mouth full) Arigato. Well, it was a little late, though.

Y/N: (hands juice box) Don't talk with your mouth full. 

Tomoya: I pulled an all-nighter last night, and read it three times! Yeah, Utako Kasumi hasn't changed in the least! Well, of course, I feel like the writing ability and the power to draw you in are even more formidable than before, but honestly, me talking about the technique isn't going to convince anyone. More importantly, I should say the atmosphere, or the ambience, of the story...it is very much like Utako Kasumi!

Utaha: You're the same as always, Rinri-kun. 

Tomoya: I'll definitely come to the signing next week! I'll be the very first one in line--

Utaha: If that's what you want, I can do it right here and now.

Y/N: But it wouldn't feel the same as it would in a signing event. 

Tomoya: Y/N's right! I don't want to get the autograph from Utaha-senpai, my acquaintance, but Utako Kasumi the author.

Y/N: But you can sign my face.

Utaha: What?

Y/N: What?

Utaha: Is that so? So I'll put my signature as Utaha Kasumigaoka now, then. With your body, that is.

Y/N: Wait...seriously? (thoughts) Wait, stop thinking of those thoughts! Save them when we're actually dating again! Wait, stop thinking of those thoughts!

Utaha: Anyway, I'll have to give this to you both today. 

Going to her bag, Utaha pulls out something wrapped in black. They could obviously tell it was chocolate.

Tomoya: Seriously?

Utaha: What are you saying about this small at this point? Oh, and Y/N? I have something much bigger, but that's if you come to my house later today.~

Y/N: Say no more. I'm coming. 

Tomoya: (thoughts) That fast?

Utaha: But I'm glad I could give this to you both today. Starting tomorrow, I won't be coming to school anymore. 

Y/N: Ah, did your university and graduation get confirmed already?

Utaha: Yes. And I also have to write the second volume. I have to fully concentrate on that before university starts.

Tomoya: ...So, Utaha-senpai, what will you do after starting university?

Utaha: Well, Pure Love Hectopascal will go on for a while. Machida-san is excited too, saying that this will be the one to get an anime adaptation. What about yours, Y/N?

Y/N: Well, I released the light novel of the romance one last month, I think? I've been meeting with a few studios, specifically A-1 Pictures, discussing about an anime adaptation. So after exams, I'll be at the grind again.

Tomoya: ...What about our circle? I won't ask as absurd as before, like doing all the routes. Just doing one route, or even an extra scenario, no matter how long it takes, will be fine...so would you two participate in our next game, too?

Utaha: ...Do you have an idea for the next game?

Tomoya: Well...if I had a week!

Utaha: And if you're going to do a new game, who will do the art? Will you appoint Sawamura-san again? Can you do it as you are now? Have you noticed? That Sawamura-san hasn't drawn a single picture the entire year. 

Tomoya: She is drawing! She just doesn't like the results, so she keeps redoing them...

Utaha: It's already been a month since the initial deadline we agreed on. You can't call that drawing. 

Y/N: (sweat drops) I'm pretty sure lots of artists would flip out if you told them out, Utaha-senpai. 

Utaha: The one allowing that is nobody else but you, Rinri-kun.

Tomoya: But she let it affect her health last year--

Utaha: But she has completely recovered. She had no other unavoidable circumstances. 

Y/N: So if she can't draw, then she can't do any production work.

Utaha: Why is she the only one you're so overprotective about? That may make Eriri Sawamura glad, but I don't think Eri Kashiwagi is happy. 

Tomoya: Utaha-senpai...

Utaha: If possible, I would like to work together with her again. Together with Eri Kashiwagi's pictures, I want to create a game which surpasses even Cherry Blessing.

Y/N: That...that would be a sight to behold. 

Unknown to the three, Eriri Sawamura was listening in on the conversation as she stood outside the AV Room. As the day went on, the school day was now ending. Outside, the sky looked dark.

Teacher: It looks like it's going to snow. Don't go anywhere on your way home!

Y/N stood in front of Tomoya's desk, the glasses wearing teen grabbing his bag as he puts it on top his desk. He then turned to the door of the classroom, Megumi having her winter jacket on and heading out of the classroom already.

Y/N: So do you have a plan to fix things with her or are you going to continue sulking here?

Tomoya: ...Shut up, Y/N. 

The two boys then leave the school, beginning to walk home. The winter chill made their cheeks reddened. Y/N then looks up as it began to snow.

Tomoya: Seriously? 

Y/N: Then let's pick up the pace to grab some hot cocoa, numbnuts

They picked up the pace, jogging through the cold as they went to the local diner. Tomoya then paused and stopped as he could see through the window, seeing Megumi waiting inside. Tomoya stared at a good while before Y/N sighs and kicks the back of his leg.

Y/N: Go and talk to her already. Just order me a hot cocoa. I'll go bring my car around since the parking garage is nearby.

Tomoya: I thought you left it at oba-san's house?

Y/N: Doesn't mean I have a parking garage that has a car. I'm rich, remember? Now hurry and talk to her and order my drink while you're at it.

Taking off, Y/N runs off to the parking garage. Going to his phone, Tomoya tapped the screen a few times. Inside, Megumi's eyes widened as she had gotten a notification. When she tapped it, her eyes seemed to have softened, Tomoya thinking she read his message. With that, Tomoya ran elsewhere.

Back inside the diner, Megumi had set her phone down. On it was Tomoya's message, asking her if they could just meet in the AV Room Friday.

Later that night...

In the Aki household, Tomoya having a small lump on his head from being punched in the head by Y/N, he sat at his computer. He kept playing through the route of their game, him being confused as one of the scenes had changed Meguri's expression changed. Instead of it being sad, it was a smile. 

"It's not because I have to or not because I have no choice. I seriously want to make a game."

As he kept scrolling through the different scenes, he could see how detailed the directions was.

"If you don't know without playing, then you just have to play it!"

Megumi's voice kept echoing throughout his head.

Tomoya: ...It is so well done. Why have you worked on this so hard, Kato?

Gritting his teeth, he then curls up into a ball in his chair. He buries his face into his arms as he started to weep. He didn't realize the dedication and the effort Megumi had put into their game. 

Tomoya: Sorry. I'm sorry, Kato. 

The next morning then arrives, the area having been snowed in. In Tomoya's room, the glasses wearing teen was hard at work as he had gotten a new idea for Blessing Software's next project.

Going back to the title area, he backspaced the other words and typed in a new one.


How To Raise A Boring Heroine


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