(S2) Chapter 17: An Artist's Fall?
This was one of the more boring ones to write. At least, that's what I think. Eh, but I hope you guys enjoy it. Thanks for reading as always. See ya in the next one. Ciao!
Tomoya: He's confessing!
Y/N: (whisper) Shut it, numb nuts!
Tomoya: Kato's definitely being confessed to!
From afar, the other members of Blessing Software, except Michiru, were watching Megumi. The boring girl on the other hand was standing near the tennis court, another teen her age standing in front of him. It was a male.
Utaha: (shoves Tomoya's head down) Hey! Y/N and I found them first.
Tomoya: B-But! But!
Utaha: Wanting to have the girl all for yourself the very moment a rival appears gives you tons of lousy main character points!
Y/N: Bit it makes sense for Tomoya. It's literally his archetype.
Tomoya: Gyah!
Utaha: If you say anything like "This made me realize that I...", you'll get twice the loser points!
Tomoya: Sorry, but I can't hear what you're saying, so could you perhaps shut up for good?
Y/N: Shut up! I can't hear either!
They watch as the stranger talked to Megumi, the male trying his hardest to explain. Tomoya, Y/N, and Utaha watched intently as they watched the interaction.
Ultimately, Megumi bows and shook her head, a look of distraught plagued the stranger's face, walking away with his head down. It could only mean one thing. The unknown male was rejected. With relief, Tomoya falls slowly to the ground, but it all changed as his content smile changed to one of strain as both Y/N and Utaha were stepping on his back.
Utaha: Congratulations on joining the lousy main character hall of fame, Rinri-kun.
Y/N: Here's your fuckin' reward!
Tomoya: I'm sorry! I may be lousy, but I'm not a masochist, so could you please stop!?
Eriri was entranced by the scene in a different way. A small gust of wind then blew past them, Megumi moving some of her hair back behind her ear. Imagining she had a picture in hand, Eriri begins to picture a frame around the boring girl.
She should see it. A picture perfect event scene is what she saw.
Timeskip-AV Room
Retreating back to the AV room of Toyogasaki, Eriri sat in one of the chairs and tried to picture the inspired event scene. With a sketchbook in hand with a pencil in the other, she begins to try and capture that moment once again.
Utaha: And anyway, Kato-san's looks have been all right from the get-go.
Y/N: It's just that she doesn't stand out at all...to a lethal extent.
Tomoya: That latest one really was lethal.
Utaha: But lately, thanks to my acting guidance, Y/N's etiquette teaching skills of a moe heroine towards Kato-san...
Y/N: Which I kinda regret since I am very knowledgeable in the ways of moe.
Utaha: And Sawamura-san's styling, she's been getting increasingly polished as a main heroine. There's no way a male student or two wouldn't react to that.
Y/N: I mean, she is more cuter than she was before.
Utaha: And what do you mean by that, Y/N?
Y/N: (strained voice) Nothing...of the...sort!
Utaha: And which woman are you supposed to be paying attention to?
Y/N: Y-You...!
Satisfied with the answer, Utaha stops pinching and pulling Y/N's sides, the other black haired teen letting out a sigh of relief.
Tomoya: I wanted to have her shocking high school debut coincide with the release of our game at Winter Comiket. But things had progressed this much without me even noticing?
Megumi: (glancing over to three) Um, sorry, but having my private matters spied on and talked about so casually is quite problematic for me.
Utaha: So, why did you turn him down? You have to do suspicious things which others can easily misunderstand, or this lousy main character will get conceited.
Megumi: But if I start going out with someone, I will be busy with dates and such on weekends.
Utaha: And what about that?
Megumi: We're approaching our development deadline. I don't have time for that, do I?
Y/N: (sigh) Yeah. Damn it, I'm going to have to go on crunch time again.
Megumi: Scripting, debugging, organizing the printing, preparing for the event...I can't think about anything but the circle before Winter Comiket.
Tomoya: (eyes brighten) K-Kato!
Utaha: (pushes Tomoya's head down) I see.
Dragging Y/N over to the table Tomoya was at, Utaha forces him to sit down and Utaha sits on his lap, the scarlet-eyed girl pushing the glasses wearing teen's face into the table. Y/N wasn't paying attention to the conversation and was poking his cousin's head, who was letting out strained grunts.
Utaha: I now understand very well just how strongly you feel about making this game.
Y/N: Tomoya, are you okay?
Tomoya: Of course not...! Can you remove her hand off my head!?
Y/N: Sorry, but that'll be a no. She has a pretty strong grip on some things.
Utaha: However. (takes out red marker) Unless the art is finished by our development deadline, Winter Comiket and everything else will be nothing but a pipe dream.
Eriri: Did the writers and the director who not only stalled the scenario, but increased the amount of art needed by adding new routes say something?
Tomoya: (kneeling on table) I am sorry!
Y/N: I mean, I'm not sorry. At least, not really. But it is late based on the schedule we've already extended.
Utaha: According to the schedule, it'd be high time for you to be done, even with the added work.
Eriri: But...I couldn't come up with any main heroine-like ideas until recently.
Megumi: Ah, I am terribly sorry.
Y/N: Kato-san, I don't think it's your fault.
Utaha: (raised eyebrows) Is that all?
Eriri: (irritated sigh) What are you trying to say?
Utaha: I feel like you're obsessing over quality so much that you're not getting anywhere.
Eriri: Are you saying that I'm working hard for nothing?
Utaha: I wouldn't go that far. However, the improvement doesn't seem to be in proportion to the time spent.
Eriri: Tch! (stands up) What do you know--
Utaha: Do you think I don't? I always--
Y/N: (pushing two away) Alright, alright, we get it. Cat fights are your fuckin' thing, but it really gets tiring every time you do it.
Tomoya: That's not it, Y/N! (looks to two) If you have any complaints, tell me, the director! Eriri will be fine!
Utaha: Even though it's her first time doing game art? Even though she's never completed one before?
Tomoya: Regardless of that, Eriri has great achievements with doujinshi!
Eriri: (perks up) Tomoya!
Tomoya: She's never dropped one before! She steadily finished every book! She's a superior creator who draws exactly what she's envisioned!
Utaha: Are you trying to praise her?
Eriri: Got it, I'll do it properly! Don't worry! No matter what it is, I'll finish it in time!
Tomoya: Okay?
However, Utaha and Y/N only look at the two with doubt. The other black haired teen had looked to the blonde artist. Despite the smile she had put on her face, Y/N could see sadness in her eyes.
Next Day, Aki Household
Tomoya: So I'm waiting on material for the rest?
Y/N: So, what're going to do now?
Before Tomoya had time to respond, a car horn could be heard. Curious, the two went to Tomoya's window.
Tomoya: ...Bleh!
Y/N: "Bleh"?
After seeing Eriri parked in front of the Aki household, the two had stepped outside, talking with the blonde artist.
Tomoya: N-Nasu Highlands?
Eriri: Yeah, our villa. I thought I'd let you two know before I leave.
Y/N: Wow. Eriri being thoughtful for once. That's a first.
Eriri: What the hell is that supposed to mean!?
Y/N: Eh, just dismiss what I said.
Eriri: A-Anyway, you two have been there before.
Tomoya: The one we went to when we were in our second year of elementary school?
Eriri: That's right. I thought I'd hole up there alone.
Y/N: And be a shut-in neet? Well, you've got the green tracksuit down already.
Eriri: Piss off, Y/N!
Y/N: You know you love me...not.
Tomoya: Until when?
Eriri: The deadline for me to deliver the final versions was extended until next weekend, wasn't it?
Tomoya: You're going to drag it out until then?
Eriri: In exchange, I'll be sure to finish it on time. Believe in me!
Tomoya: I've believed in you the whole time, and yet we're in this situation!
Eriri: It'll be fine this time!
Y/N: (thoughts) Yeah, no it's not.
Eriri: I won't leave the villa before I'm done drawing everything!
Tomoya: And anyway, what about school?
Eriri: I have to skip it or I won't make it.
Tomoya: (crouches on knees) Why are you in such a tight spot this time anyway? At your normal speed, if you worked at it seriously...
Eriri: ...This time, I can't lose, no matter what.
Tomoya: Eriri...
Eriri: (gets down on Tomoya's level) All right, I'm going now. I'll contact you! I'll definitely email you everyday! So wait for me!
Tomoya: (unsure smile) G-Got it, I'll wait.
Eriri: Sure!
With a nod, Eriri begins to get in her car, Tomoya biting his lip. It seemed he struggled to say something, Y/N sighing at his cousin's stupidity before he slapped the back of his head. Tomoya looks at Y/N annoyed while the other cousin only pointed at Eriri, who wasn't paying attention.
Tomoya: ...Eriri!
Eriri: Hmm? What?
Tomoya: Y-You will come back, right? You won't disappear or anything, will you?
Eriri: Of course! What are you saying, Tomoya?
Tomoya: Uh, I guess, but...
Eriri: You're weird.
Finally getting into her car, it drives off as Y/N and Tomoya watch as it disappears down the hill. The days then pass, it being Monday as the remnants of Blessing Software were at the usual local diner that was near their school.
Utaha: (sarcastic) Ah! She will not return! She will disappear!
Y/N: Stop feeding his anxiety. That's just cruel.
Utaha: And you wouldn't do it either?
Y/N: ...Fair point.
In one of the booths, Y/N and Utaha were sitting next to each other, as usual. Across from them was Megumi and Tomoya, the glasses wearing teen putting his head down as he clutches it with his hands. It was quite obvious. He was worried for the blonde artist.
Megumi: But being all alone, deep in the mountains in the middle of nowhere...will she be all right?
Y/N: Worst case scenario is she'll get eaten by a bear or something.
Tomoya: You're feeding my anxiety even more!
Y/N: (sarcastically) Whoops. My bad. (clears throat) In any case, she'll probably be fine. Me and Tomoya have went up there before. And there is a convenience store nearby. So if anything, she's living the life.
Utaha: That's not the issue.
Tomoya: Huh?
Utaha: Letting a creator free right before her deadline...you, the director, just made a fatal mistake.
Y/N: And that is why I said "probably."
Tomoya: B-But, Eriri said she won't make it otherwise...
Utaha: You're too naive, Rinri-kun. The judgement of yours was... (dumping whipped cream in Tomoya's drink) Like this, and this, and this.
Tomoya: Stop, stop, stop!
Shortly after, Tomoya pulls out his phone and shows the message Eriri had sent him yesterday.
Tomoya: See? She contacted me yesterday like she said she would, and she got drawings done on the first day.
Megumi: (impressed) Huh, it's progressing well.
Tomoya: Right? There's still a week left, so she has plenty of time!
Y/N: (sigh) How shallow minded.
Utaha: That's how it's always like at first.
Tomoya: (confused) Huh?
Utaha: I heard this from a certain editor...
Y/N: Or you could just say, Machida-san, senpai.
Tomoya: (deadpan) Aren't you two close to only Machida-san?
Utaha: Creators running away follow a particular pattern.
Tomoya: What? A ghost story?
Utaha: So Rinri-kun, you'd better be careful, too.
Tomoya: Pattern?
Y/N: First, it's level one. They start to speak more harshly.
Tomoya: Ah, I see.
Utaha: Then, level two. They blame themselves.
Tomoya: O-Okay.
Utaha: After that, level three.
Y/N: They start to answer later, and later, and later, and later.
Utaha: (sadistic grin) Next, level four. "I want to die!", or "I can't take it any more!", they will wallow in self-pity without any consideration for others.
Tomoya: Whoa...
Y/N: And finally, there's level five. One day, they'll just cut off all forms of contact.
Tomoya: (gulps in nervouness)
Utaha: By the way, on level six, even if you go looking for the female creator who disappeared, apparently it's common that she's got a new pen name and a new guy, and is working a completely new job. So consequently the cast-aside man doesn't need to worry about it, is what Machida-san had to say.
Tomoya: I'm sorry, was the last one necessary.
Y/N: (mutters) I swear, Utaha-senpai and Machida-san both scary it's not even fucking funny. What the hell is this? Some lame harem anime trope?
Utaha: Anyway, if you start noticing this pattern in Sawamura-san's emails, take note of it.
With a troubled face, Tomoya picks up his drink. Megumi goes to warn him, remind him what Utaha had done to his drink. But it was too late as Tomoya had put his mouth on the straw and the fluid begins to go up the straw.
As soon as it came in contact with his mouth, Tomoya's face turns to that of disgust, immediately spitting out the drink.
Y/N: Why are you spitting it out? You should be glad that a pretty woman made a drink for you.
Tomoya: But is she trying to poison me!?
Y/N: I don't think the poison part was intentional.
After their little discussion at the local diner, three of the Blessing Software members stood at the train station. Y/N kept yawning, his school bag slung over his shoulder as Tomoya and Megumi were talking.
Megumi: So, how long is she going to hole up there?
Y/N: (yawn) Didn't she say until she finished all the drawings?
Tomoya: Well, the deadline for the final version is Monday morning, so...
Megumi: So, Aki-kun, L/N-kun, how about we go to Nasu Highlands on Saturday to pick Eriri up.
Y/N: If you need someone to take you there, sure. I just got to get my car from kaa-san's house.
Megumi: Do you have plans for Saturday, L/N-kun?
Y/N: Aside from Utaha-senpai asking me out on a date, no. I don't not have plans on Saturday.
Megumi: How about we stay the night at the villa and go home together on Sunday?
Y/N: Senpai will already kill me if I was staying at another girl's house, so that would be a no.
Tomoya: ...Kato, if Y/N doesn't come, do you understand that you're suggesting a trip with one guy and two girls?
Megumi: Considering that we've done overnight stays with two guys and four girls, I wonder what I should think about this circle.
Tomoya: (clears throat) Like Y/N, I can't this time. I have to do things for the final version, too.
Megumi: Ah, I see. So I can't either. I have to help you.
Y/N: I mean, you don't have to.
Tomoya: (ignoring Y/N's response) Sorry, and thanks for that.
Megumi: I'm free the whole weekend, so if necessary, just contact me.
Tomoya: Yeah, thanks.
Megumi: ...Considering that week by week, different girls spend the night in the guy's room, I wonder what I should think about this circle.
Both Tomoya and Y/N let out awkward coughs.
Tuesday Night
Eriri: (video call) I sent you what I got done today.
Tomoya: Sure. ...Just one!?
Eriri: (video call) Sorry, I can't quite understand what you're asking, so could you please say it again?
Tomoya: (bows repeated) It's great! You've done your best illustration yet, Eri Kashiwagi-sensei!
Eriri: (video call) Anyway, with this, the Ruri route is done. I'm currently working on the grand route you essentially wrote.
Y/N: Gonna be honest Tomoya, the concept was great, but the way it was written is shit.
Tomoya: Sorry.
Eriri: (video call) It has a completely different feel from the earlier scenarios.
Tomoya: W-Well, the way it was written is different, to begin with.
Eriri: (video call) I think it needs a slightly different approach with both the line art and the coloring. So I think the progress may be a just a little bit slower from tomorrow on.
Y/N: (thoughts) Oh? Looks like it's started.
Tomoya: (disbelief) Eh? It'll be even slower than now?
Eriri: (video call) Sorry, I can't quite understand what you're asking, so could you please say it again?
Tomoya: Sensei, I will wait however long it takes for you to draw something you find acceptable!
Y/N: (sigh) Yare-yare daze.
Wednesday, Lunch
Up on the roof, Utaha having taken her usual spot on Y/N's lap, she bites into the bread delicacy Y/N and Tomoya had gotten for her.
Utaha: (mouth full) Koko da itajiru, Rinru-kin.
Y/N: Utaha-senpai, swallow before you speak. Tomoya, hand her the juice pouch.
Tomoya: (sigh) Here.
Utaha: (takes sip and licks fingers) I told you, didn't I, Rinri-kun? That leaving Sawamura-san alone was a fatal mistake.
Tomoya: But Eriri has never dropped her work before--
Y/N: Level one. They start speaking more harshly and it awfully did sound like that last night, Tomoya.
Tomoya: Urk...!
Utaha: She will probably move to level two by tonight, so be prepared.
Tomoya: She still drew yesterday. Even if it was just one illustration.
Utaha: An artist stops drawing in an instant. And you can't know when they can draw again.
Y/N: And Eriri did say she was going to change the style, right? Taking on something new around now is the most dangerous. And why we know this? We know it all too well.
Utaha: Ah, I can't come up with the plot for my new light novel! (hair starts to flow) I shouldn't have made it a school harem...
Y/N: S-Senpai...?
Tomoya: O-Oi...
Utaha: I should've made it a pure love story like before!
Tomoya: (backing up in fear) I'm looking forward to your new series! I'll be waiting Utako Kasumi-sensei!
After calming down, Utaha sighs and starts to lean up against Y/N more, her long dark hair in Y/N's face. On instinct, Y/N wraps his arms around Utaha's waist. It felt natural to him.
Tomoya: Eriri will be fine. She won't do anything reckless. She's calculated it all properly. So I'm sure she'll finish it by the deadline with the current style.
Utaha: ...Rinri-kun. Do you perhaps...
Tomoya: Yeah, I believe in her.
Y/N: That's not faith. You're simply not expecting anything.
Tomoya: Eh?
Utaha: Do you think she has nowhere further to go as a creator?
Tomoya: I-I'm not saying that! It's just that--
Utaha: Sawamura-san can't change her style, or make any progress.
Y/N: With a trial she's facing to overcome her bounds, she'll just back off without taking it. That's what you're basically saying.
Tomoya: What are you saying, Utaha-senpai, Y/N? Don't you guys want her to finish in time?
Y/N: Of course I want her to finish, but there's just one question...
Utaha: Rinri-kun...don't you want her to improve?
Tomoya's eyes widen and he pauses, unable to utter any words out. Y/N and Utaha stare at him.
Utaha: What's that? It has nothing to do with me, but it still pisses me off. Let's go, Y/N.
Y/N: Uh, right.
Tomoya: Wh-What does?
Utaha: I, who supposedly despises Eriri Sawamura, appreciates Eri Kashiwagi so much more than you, who supposedly understands her the best...that messed-up reality.
Forcefully taking Y/N by the hand, Utaha begins to lead herself and Y/N towards the roof entrance. The two enter the building, leaving Tomoya to ponder at her words.
Night time rolls around and Y/N was leaning outside Tomoya's door, listening to the conversation between him and the blonde artist.
Eriri: (video call) Sorry, I made no progress today. Honestly, I'm a bit lost. I've been so closely involved in Y/N's and Utaha Kasumigaoka's scenario for the last half a year, that I really don't know yet how I should approach your scenario.
Tomoya: Y-You're overthinking it. It's just my scenario.
Eriri: (video call) You know, I actually tried several illustrations.
Tomoya: H-Huh?
Eriri: (video call) But I don't really feel any of them. If they have the same touch as before, they feel out of place with the text...so I threw all of them away.
Tomoya: (eyes wide) Don't do that. Wait a minute!
Eriri: (video call) Something like this hasn't happened before. I'm not making any progress. What happened to me?
Tomoya: T-Try to do it more casually...like usual...
Eriri: (video call) But I'll be sure to make it in time! I'll deal with my own failings by myself.
Tomoya: No, it's not like you're failing...
Eriri: (video call) See you tomorrow.
Tomoya: E-Eriri!
No response as the blonde girl had ended the video call. A loud sigh was then heard, Tomoya turning his head to his door to see Y/N leaning up against the door frame. He was holding up two fingers.
Y/N: Level two. They blame themselves. You were warned.
The days then pass, it now being Friday. Currently, Megumi, Y/N, and Tomoya were walking home, the glasses wearing teen yawning.
Megumi: So, any word from Eriri? (Tomoya groans) I see. Not to me, either. What about you, L/N-kun?
Y/N: I'm the last person she'll call. She probably wouldn't even call me if I was the last guy on Earth. Besides, contacting her right now wouldn't be good for either of us. (thoughts) Already level three, huh?
Tomoya: (sigh) I wonder if we'll just have to take out the grand route out.
Megumi: But that's the first scenario you've thought of, isn't it?
Tomoya: But the quality is so-so to begin with, right?
Y/N: Sure, it's pretty bad, but it's not a terrible attempt for your first scenario.
Tomoya: Leaving it out isn't going to have such a huge effect.
Megumi: I think Eriri wouldn't agree to it, though.
Tomoya: (stops walking) Huh, why?
Megumi: ...I was going to say something interesting, but seeing your attitude, I don't feel like it anymore.
Tomoya: Kato, haven't you have been quite merciless to me lately!?
Megumi: Well, however it is, if something happens over the weekend, one of you contact me right away. I'll even rush to Nasu Highlands.
Y/N: Sure.
Tomoya: S-Sure, thanks.
Megumi: Still, I wonder if Eriri is alright. Is she eating properly?
Y/N: If I recall correctly, she said cup yakisoba is her staple food.
Megumi: Sheesh. I hope she doesn't harm her health.
Tomoya: You sound like a mother, Kato.
Megumi: I'm worried about things which worry me. Has she caught a cold? It's much colder there than in Tokyo, right?
A huge gust of wind then graces them, Tomoya starting to remember a memory. Three children were throwing snowballs at each other.
Tomoya: It was really cold nine years ago.
Over with Eriri
Eriri sat on her chair on the balcony, overseeing a vast number of trees. She was bundled up in scarfs with large warm jacket over her. Next to her were her sketchbook and her pencils. It then began to snow, her eyes widen as she begins to hear Megumi's voice, but acting like it was Ruri.
Raising her fingers up again, in a rectangle, she began to imagine the scene in front of her. She could see it. In the cold, barren, but snow covered area was Ruri, calling out for her older brother.
Timeskip-Saturday Morning
It was now Saturday morning, Tomoya asleep at his chair. He was then awoken when his phone went off, the caller ID was Eriri. Immediately, he picks it up.
Tomoya: Eriri!
Eriri: (on phone) There's snow, Tomoya! It's so beautiful!
Tomoya: Wh-What?
Eriri: (on phone) Be that as it may, it seems I'll be able to make the deadline!
Tomoya: R-Really!?
Eriri: (on phone) I finally came up with a new way to draw it! I can finally start working again!
Tomoya: Eh? Ch-Chotto matte--
Eriri: (on phone) You know, in a game, the characters and the background are normally drawn separately, right? But when painting in the art club, the people and the scenery are present in the same picture. I felt there was something off about that difference.
Tomoya: Wait, Eriri!
Eriri: (on phone) What, Tomoya?
Tomoya: You're changing the drawing style at this point?
Eriri: (on phone) I'm changing everything! First I paint it, then scan it, and after that--
Tomoya: How many did you say you've done already?
Eriri: (on phone) I'm only starting now!
Tomoya: (eyes wide) So five to go? In one day?
Eriri: (on phone) Yeah! At least five! But maybe one more once I get going!
Tomoya: No, that's just not possible!
Eriri: (on phone) I can do it! Tomoya, as long as you can expect it, I can do it. I like the route that you wrote. I love it! It's a happy end which has been shoehorned in, ignoring all the foreshadowing, but it made me feel really happy. That's why I'll draw it. No matter who says what, I'll finish all the art for it.
Last night, as Eriri was painting the scene, she could see it all. She could see how the events play out, how the scenario would play out. She could see it all.
Eriri: (thoughts) No, I want you to tell me. You can do it, of all people! You really are amazing! You are a genius! So draw!
Tomoya: You...should...
...just do what you want.
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