(S2) Chapter 15: Scripting!

Iori: Hi, there. You've kept me waiting, Tomoya.

Out on the hill of Tomoya's neighborhood, Eriri, Y/N, and Tomoya stood face to face with a member of Rouge en Rouge. Iori Hashima. Megumi was off to the side, leaning against the wall as she texted on her phone.

Iori: It feels like I've been waiting here for a week. 

Tomoya: Iori?

Eriri: Hashima.

Y/N: (deadpan) ...How long have you been standing there...?

Tomoya: Why are you here?

Iori: Because we made a promise to meet each other here, obviously. 

Y/N: No we didn't. We said we'd meet Izumi, not you, dumbass.

Iori: Heh. There's no need to panic. Izumi's right here. As my circle's... (snaps fingers) Secret weapon. 

When they looked to the area Iori had pointed, all they saw were two cups of hot cocoa, obviously leaving Tomoya dumbfounded.

Tomoya: Hot cocoa?

Stepping out of the bushes to their left, Izumi came out wearing a maid costume. 

Tomoya: Izumi-chan?

Eriri: Izumi Hashima. 

Y/N: (stands next to Megumi) This is completely boring, right?

Megumi: Hmm? Oh, um, sure. 

The burgundy haired girl begins to walk down the slope towards Tomoya.

Tomoya: Izumi-chan?

Izumi: Tomoya-senpai. I...I...

Megumi: It was good to hear from you, Izumi-chan. I haven't seen you since the pool.

(A/N): I had planned for the S2 OVA to come out right after the S1 OVA, but I couldn't find a video to adapt it for. I didn't want to go on Kissanime as I get to many notifications that not even my ad blocker works. It was just really annoying. If I find a video source that I can adapt the S2 OVA, I'll post it near the end of S2. Oh, and cue the opening after the next line.

Izumi: Oh, yes. Thank you for inviting me, then, Megumi-senpai. (bows) I'm honored that you all came on such short notice. The weather has gotten cold, hasn't it? 

Small Timeskip

Heading to a nearby park, Megumi and Y/N were sitting on a nearby bench. The two were drinking juice cans, Y/N watching the interaction of Tomoya, Eriri, Iori, and Izumi.

Megumi: So sweet.

Y/N: Indeed.

Tomoya: Anyway, what is the meaning of this? (holds up phone)

Iori: (smug) It looks like you've already checked out the demo for the game our circle, Rouge en Rouge, is putting out this Winter Comiket. We've been getting a lot of reviews and requests. Also, the "like" button is right--

Tomoya: Cut the crap! You purposefully copied the premise of the game my circle, Blessing Software, is putting out.

Y/N: (from the side) You never put a copyright label on it!

Tomoya: Shut up, Y/N! You're supposed to be on my side!

Y/N: (from the side) Who said I was?

Iori: I told you over the summer that it was on. 

Tomoya: Are you looking to destroy us? If a huge, popular team circle like Rouge en Rouge puts out a game in the same genre, small circles like us stand no chance.

Iori: You think so? If a number of circles put out works in the same genre, it'll give the genre itself a lot of momentum. Don't you think there's a way we could co-exist? 

Tomoya: Only if that was really your intention. All right, even if I give you the benefit of the doubt on that...you shouldn't be involving Izumi-chan! How could you drag Izumi-chan into your ugly ambition-- (screams as Eriri kicks his knee) She's still growing-- (screams again as Eriri kicks his knee) She's still impressionable and brimming with talent-- 

With annoyance, he looks to Eriri, who prepared to kick his knee again. Now seeing his gaze, the blonde artist pouts and looks the other way.

Izumi: Thank you, Tomoya-senpai. Even though I'm so inexperienced, I appreciate that you said I was talented, and growing, and cute. 

Eriri: (sneers) He never said that last bit.

Y/N: My, my?~ Are you jealous, Eriri? Then why don't you--

Eriri: Y/N, shut up!

Y/N: Gwah! Bitch, why the hell do you have to keep slapping me!?

Eriri: Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Izumi: (looks to Tomoya) But I'm sorry. This is something I asked Onii-chan for. I told him that I wanted to compete with your team under the same conditions. 

Tomoya: (gasps in disbelief)

Iori: (sigh) And it sure wasn't easy trying to find a writer to write our romance game, not since Y/N left.

Y/N: Tsk. Fuck off, prick. 

Iori: How rude. (clears throat) In the end, I basically poached an entire script team from a famous gaming group. 

Tomoya: Why? Why are you doing this, Izumi-chan? 

Izumi: That's...

Tomoya: I thought you started making doujin comics to honor the works you loved. It wasn't for popularity or for money. I thought you did this because you wanted to connect with people who loved the same works you did. Think back to the first time you read a manga with me and smiled-- (back of head flicked by Eriri) The moment you yelled playing a game-- (again flicked in the back of the head by Eriri) The moment you sold a doujin comic and cried-- (flicked again by Eriri) What the he--?

He was cut off as Eriri jammed his finger into his cheeks. She gritted her teeth as an annoyed look was clearly visible on her face. 

Izumi: I'm sorry, Tomoya-senpai. But if I don't do this, I can't compete against Sawamura-senpai. 

Tomoya: Eriri? 

Y/N: The hell? Another bout of waifu wars that Tomoya has to choose from?

Tomoya: Huh? What are you talking about, Y/N?

Y/N: (sigh) It's so sad that you can't see it. How sad.

Eriri: ...I see. So you've become Rouge en Rouge's main artist, huh? Congrats. You've come a long way in a few short months. 

Izumi: I hope you take this seriously, and accept our challenge for the upcoming Winter Comiket, Eri Kashiwagi-sensei. 

Eriri: Of course I'd have to take it seriously. 

Izumi: Thank you. 

Eriri: I mean, I'll be competing against the legendary Rouge en Rouge. (grin) If I don't show how much better I am, I'll simply lose of your circle's name recognition. 

Izumi: O-Our name recognition is irrelevant. 

Tomoya: (moves to Iori) Hey, Iori...

Y/N: (also moves to Iori) What did you tell Izumi about Eriri? 

Iori: Nothing at all. 

Tomoya: Stop lying. Why else would a kind girl like Izumi show such animosity towards Eriri?

Y/N: Uh, maybe because they never liked each other in the first place?

Iori: Besides, that's probably her own doing. 

Tomoya: No way! Yes, Eriri might be mean, disloyal, vindictive and is completely indecent as both a human being and a doujin author...

Iori: (sigh) That's quite a list you have. 

Eriri: Anyway, I'll be looking forward to it. Just be careful not to get overshadowed by your circle's big name. 

Izumi: Tch. And I hope that you don't find yourself being surpassed by a no-name author, causing you to quit drawing and retreat to Twitter and regress into a wannabe illustrator. 

Eriri: You insignificant nobody! 

Izumi: You're the nobody! 

Eriri/Izumi: Take this! Take that! 

What seemed to be an all out fight between the two was actually the two of them trying to punch each others heads. The two were fairly throwing weak punches.

Iori: (sigh) Should we stop them?

Y/N: If there's one thing you know about women fighting, you never interrupt the cat fight. Just sit back and relax.

Tomoya: No, we don't do that. (looks to Iori) Okay, ready on three. 

Hours later...

After getting the two separated, the sun was now setting. Megumi was putting bandages on Izumi's and Eriri's faces.

Megumi: Don't complain.

Iori: In any case, let's both do our best for the Winter Comiket. 

Tomoya: (smug) No matter what tactics you may use, our circle, Blessing Software, won't lose, Iori. 

Iori: You sound pretty confident.

Y/N: And him saying that is making me think that we have no chance of winning at all. 

Tomoya: Games are a team effort. It doesn't just come down to the art.

Iori: That's true. 

Tomoya: And we have another secret weapon at our disposal. 

Y/N: (raised eyebrows) We do? 

Iori: I see. Utako Kasumi and Akira Makabe, huh?

Tomoya: Yes! That's why our game's story won't lose. 

Iori: I'm not sure about that.

Y/N and Tomoya: Huh? 

Iori: I actually feel like there's no way our story would lose. 

Tomoya: (wide eyes) What? 

Iori: We should get going, Izumi. 

Izumi: Oh, hai! Well, bye, then, Izumi-senpai. 

Megumi: See you later, Izumi-chan.

Tomoya: Hold on, Iori. ...We're talking about Utako Kasumi and Akira Makabe. 

Y/N: Ahem. I'm right here, bitch.

Tomoya: The authors of two amazing books. 

Iori: (turns head) You said it yourself, Tomoya-kun. Games are a team effort. 

The four then watch as the Hashima siblings ascend the hill, heading back home. Y/N only watched the burgundy haired boy with narrowed eyes. What was he planning?

Next Day

It was the next day, the school of Toyogasaki having a school festival. Tomoya sat at his chair, looking at the script of the two authors. Megumi and Y/N soon walk up to him.

Megumi: Here. I got you curry bread and coffee.

Y/N: And wipe that depressing expression off your face. Your eyes look dead.

Tomoya: (fishes out wallet) Thanks. 

After taking his wallet, Megumi takes her pay. Getting out of the person's view, which was Yoshihiko, he pulls Y/N down to his level.

Yoshihiko: (whisper) What are they, married? 

Y/N: (whisper) Why the fuck you asking me?

Megumi: (sits down) So did you find something out after rereading Kasumigaoka-senpai's script?

Tomoya: She really is a genius.

Y/N: Well, yeah. That's a given. 

Megumi: (tilts head) What am I supposed to say again? "Okay, whatever you say, fanboy"?

Tomoya: Yes, if you're trying to troll me. But it is a little irritating to actually hear.

Megumi: Maybe you're giving it too much thought. I think it's written very well. 

Y/N: It is, but Iori had sounded pretty clear about what he said. 

Tomoya: Yeah, he's right. He may be a doujin groupie who doesn't care how good a work is. He's real scum, who only judges on how well it sells.

Y/N: But, he sounded different this time.

Tomoya: Yeah. When he thinks it'll win, the work will always be a commercial success. Kato, I--

Y/N: Dude, she stood up a second ago. 

Tomoya: Eh? Hey, Yoshihiko, Y/N, where did Kato go? 

Y/N: Did you not hear her?

Yoshihiko: She said she's packing up her things and moving back home. 

Over with Megumi, school stairwell

Megumi: So, what is it that you wanted to ask me and not L/N-kun?

Utaha: Well...how is Y/N doing? 

Megumi: Um, that's what you wanted to ask me and not L/N-kun?

Utaha: Yes. Is that so wrong?

Megumi: ...I guess not. Well, he keeps rereading the script with Aki-kun that you've written. 

Utaha: They haven't finished it yet? 

Megumi: No, they've reread it several times and they seem to be struggling to make a decision. 

Utaha: (concerned) S-Struggling?

Megumi: Well, of course they'd feel pressured after you've asked them to choose which one to use. 

Utaha: A-And do you think they've made their decision? 

Megumi: I think they're rereading it because they haven't. 

Utaha: I-I see. Which means there's still hope? 

Megumi: What is going on? 

Utaha: Wh-What do you mean?

Megumi: Your reactions are needlessly cute, which doesn't seem very like you. 

Utaha: I don't think you're wrong, but I feel rather offended having it pointed out so directly. 

Megumi: Well, in any case, what do you mean, "there's still hope"?

Utaha: (sigh) Nothing you'd understand. Actually, it's something that would lose all meaning if I told you. 

The dark haired girl begins to walk down the steps, leaving Megumi confused. She was puzzled of what she meant, but she brushes it off, looking to the side. 

After school, Megumi rode the train with Y/N and Tomoya. The boring girl held Utaha's script in her hand, very focused on it.

Tomoya: U-Uh, Kato? 

Megumi: Hmm? What?

Y/N: You've been so focused on the script that we're confused on what you're so focused on.

Tomoya: Yeah. That's not like your usual detached self. 

Megumi: Not only is that highly misguided, it's rather offensive hearing someone say something so tactless. 

Tomoya: If you really feel that way, I think you could act more angry. 

Megumi: ...Hey, Ak-kun. L/N-kun.

Y/N: Hmm?

Tomoya: What is it? 

Megumi: What meaning do you think Kasumigaoka-senpai put into these two scripts? 

Y/N: Meaning?

Megumi: When you choose one over the other, what do you think will happen? 

Tomoya: I don't know.

Y/N: Not sure, either.

Y/N closed his eyes as he remembers her words that night.

"And what university I should choose? What choice should I make for my own future?" 

Y/N: ...If being asked about which one I like, it's not like I could write something Utaha-senpai could. 

Megumi: "Okay, whatever you say, fanboy."

Y/N: (deadpan) Why are you directing that line towards me? (sigh) In the end, we or I probably won't know unless I played them. 

Megumi: That's it, L/N-kun. 

Y/N: Trying which one?

Megumi: You can't know unless you play them, then you should just try that. It's the weekend, after all. 

Tomoya: But this script isn't in the game yet. 

Y/N: Then we get it in. 

Tomoya: Kato...

Then, the train stops, Putting the script into her school bag, she hands it to Tomoya and Y/N.

Megumi: Can you guys take this? I'll be over at your house in an hour after I grab a change of clothes. Let's get it playable by the end of the weekend. 

Tomoya: Hey, K--

But it was useless. He never got to finish his sentence as Megumi ran out the train doors and towards her home. The train doors then close.

Tomoya: ...I should be the one saying that.

The weekend then starts, Y/N and Tomoya at the glasses boy's computer as they were coding the script in. It was around 7:30 in the morning and Megumi sat by the coffee table, coding some of the script in as well.

Megumi: Aki-kun. L/N-kun.

Y/N: Yeah?

Megumi: How far along are you? 

Tomoya: Let's see. About twenty percent.

Megumi: That's all after working all night? 

Y/N: Realistically speaking, with the three of us, we can't get it done by the end of the weekend. We'd need a team of coders.

Megumi: (slumps forward) Maybe getting it done in two days was impossible. 

Tomoya: Maybe.

Megumi: Was this a waste of time? A completely pointless effort?

Tomoya: How about you take a little break? 

Megumi: Sorry, Aki-kun. I got so excited yesterday, and now I'm being a downer. 

Y/N: I wouldn't say it's pointless. And it sure as hell isn't a waste of time. 

Megumi: Eh?

Tomoya: Don't worry. Nothing you said was wrong. 

Megumi: What makes you two think so? 

Tomoya: Because you can't tell how good a game script is unless you read it in-game. The art gives the script life, the music elevates it, and the programming brings it all together. Each aspect supports the others to enrich the story. This is what makes a visual story game. We are, without a doubt, going in the right direction. So, Kato, don't worry. 

Y/N: Hate to break it to ya, but she fell asleep halfway through your explanation. 

Ignoring what his cousin said, Tomoya softly smiled. Picking the now sleeping girl, he placed Megumi on his bed, tucking her under the covers. Soon enough, Tomoya falls asleep as well, leaning up against the bed as Y/N went back to coding.

About an hour had passed and the glasses wearing teen slept away. He was then abruptly awoken, Michiru had came in the room and tackled him to the bed, putting him in a headlock. 

Michiru: I see. This is what's been going on!? Being an anime otaku was just a cover! You horrible lying animal! 

Tomoya: (strained voice) Uncle. Uncle.

The ruckus was enough for Megumi to wake up, the girl looking at the scene with a tired look. She then looks to the computer, Y/N working away and not caring.

Megumi: Are? Hyodo-san?

Michiru: Kato-chan!? What is this? How long has this been going on between you two!?

Megumi: Um, since last night, maybe? I came over here right after school. 

Michiru: Which means this is your first morning together!? 

Megumi: It's already past noon, though. 

Y/N: Mittchan, before you kill him, at least hear him out. 

Tomoya: ...Kato, why don't we fully wake up first before talking?

After getting some lunch, the four talked about what was happening in the current situation.

Michiru: I see, you were working on the game. So are you going to make it in time? 

Y/N: Probably not. It's look pretty tight. 

Michiru: I see. That's not good. (strums guitar) 🎶We're in trouble. Ahhh.~🎶

Tomoya: (grin) But you really saved us, Michiru.

Michiru: Right? You guys would've slept all day if I hadn't shown up.

Y/N: I keep forgetting you have a spare key to our houses. 

Michiru: Oh, yeah. Oba-san said to visit every once and a while. And she says to get a girlfriend.

Y/N: Urk...! Tomoya, go back to what you were saying.

Tomoya: I didn't mean right now. It's what you've done for our future! 

Michiru: (confused) ...Hold on now. What are you talking about, Tomo? 

Tomoya: That's right, with you here, we'll be able to turn this hopeless situation around. 

Michiru: Eh!? All I can do is play the guitar. I can't help you with all that clickety-clack work. 

Tomoya: Don't worry, Michiru. You have another important role that nobody else can do. 

Y/N: I mean, sure...?


Tomoya: Good morning, members of Icy Tail. Your mission today is to help out with Blessing Software's game development work. 

Tokino, Echika, and Ranko, the other three members of Icy Tail, were sitting by Tomoya's coffee table. The glasses wearing teen stood in front of the three girls, a proud look on his face. Y/N was by the chair, headphones plugged into his phone while listened to music and worked away. Michiru sat on the bed, her guitar in her lap. 

Tokino: H-Hold on!

Tomoya: Toki, hold your questions until I'm done explaining.

Echika: (annoyed) You said you had something important about the band's future to discuss. So why are you talking about making games? 

Ranko: What is this about, Micchi? 

Michiru: (sweat drops) Well, Tomo asked me to come up with whatever excuse I could to get you all here.

Y/N: I didn't approve of this! 

Tokino: You tricked us, Micchi! 

Tomoya: No. This really is something important that concerns the band's future.

Y/N: It does? 

Tomoya: Because if they don't help, Y/N and I will be resigning as your band managers.

Y/N: I didn't agree to that. 

Tomoya: We won't help with your concerts anymore!

Echika: What!? You can't do that! 

Michiru: (nonchalantly) So let's all chip in, for the sake of Icy Tail's future. 

Ranko: But why us? 

Tomoya: That is a very good question. (pushes up glasses) It's because you have a weapon that no other band does. That is, on top of all of you being otaku, you're extremely proficient with computers! Excluding Michiru.

Y/N: Which I don't know how you failed that class. I taught you the easiest things, didn't I? 

Michiru: (shrugs) I don't know.

Tokino: Eh? What's that have to do with our band? 

Echika: Basically, you want us doing computer grunt work. 

Tomoya: Yes. You guys should be fine pulling an all-nighter, since you're in a band, after all. And also, Y/N can't necessarily do all the work himself.

Y/N: Considering I've already done eight hours of work since the morning. 

Ranko: Does that mean you'll be working us all weekend?

Y/N: Not without breaks, I guess. 

Michiru: (strumming guitar) You got this, everyone.~

Tokino: Mou! We can't spend the night at a boy's.

Tomoya: Don't worry! This may be my house, but Michiru basically lives here, too.

Y/N: Well, yeah. She's either in my room or in yours, Tomoya.

Michiru: Besides, girls spend the night here all the time, and there's never been a problem.

Y/N: Mittchan, you're making it sound like we're running a sex house.

Michiru: Is it not?

Y/N: No, it is not. 

Ranko: That may call their manhood into question.

Y/N: I know what common decency is!

Tomoya: Please! This is a really important crossroad for our circle. 

Echika: B-But I have something really important to do tomorrow. 

Michiru: Echika, is that more important than helping out your friends in need? 

Echika: Yes! You know how long it's been since my last date!? 

After saying what her plan was tomorrow, she covered her mouth. The rest of the members all closed their eyes and contemplated of what she said. 

Tokino: (sigh) All right, well, I guess we should be getting to work. 

Ranko: Do you have computers for us?

Y/N: Hmm? Oh, yeah. Just go to my room, second door on the right. Should be top shelf. If not, bottom one. 

Tomoya: Oh, and Kato has gone to borrow a few from Eriri in case some of Y/N's don't work.

Echika: Wait, hold on a second. You're all really going to do this? 

Tokino: Please, Echika.

Michiru: We're counting on you.

Ranko: (stretching) Let's do this, Echika. 

Tomoya: If, for example, this causes one of you to have a fight with your boyfriend, or even breakup, our company is not responsible.

Echika: I hate you all! 

With Megumi

It was now dusk, Megumi in front of the blonde artist. Dressed in her usual green tracksuit, Eriri hands Megumi a bag of three laptops.

Megumi: Okay, thanks for lending these. 

Eriri: Sorry I can't help, Megumi. 

Megumi: Oh, no. Lending us these laptops is already a huge help. L/N-kun said his old ones were collecting dust so they may not work anymore. Besides, we need you working hard on the art.

Eriri: ...Right. 

Megumi: Is it coming along? 

Eriri: I guess so. 

Megumi: I see. (smiles) Well, let's both do our best. 

Eriri: Yeah, leave it to me. 

Megumi begins to walk back to Tomoya's bicycle, which she used to take to Eriri's house. As Eriri waved and watched Megumi ride away, she went back up to her room.

Inside, the floor was littered with crumpled up pieces of paper. She kicked a few away as she came in, then leaning up against the door. It was clear that Eriri was struggling to come up with the art pieces. 

Eriri: ..."Leave it to me," huh? 

Back in the Aki household, Tomoya was leading the girls in directing them for the game. As per usual, Y/N was doing his own thing, his books having been published and on break from the current volume and was now working on the script of the game. Michiru sat on the bed, listening in on the conversations as she strummed her guitar.

The girls would call either Y/N or Tomoya for help, the programs being unresponsive sometimes. Echika was clawing her hair out and Megumi would go to Tokino for help. Michiru continued to sit on the bed, strumming away as musical ideas kept coming to her head. Tomoya would take over for Y/N as the other cousin would go down to the kitchen with Megumi to fix up dinner, bringing in onigiri and other accommodations to go with it.

(A/N): For some reason, I just remembered in the Pokemon dub that Brock called an onigiri a jelly donut. And I was like, "how the fuck do you go from onigiri to a jelly donut?" Sometimes dubbing anime can be real difficult apparently. 

After bringing in the food, Michiru got up and stole a few herself, the other members looking at her annoyed. They continued to work away, determined to get the coding done by the weekend was over. The next morning had rolled around, the three members of Icy Tail clearly tired. Y/N had bags under his eyes, him continuing to type away. 

Hours later, Tokino, Ranko, Echika, Y/N, and Michiru were passed out around the room. Tomoya had Megumi help him with the coding, but it was clear that they were all tired. It was now dusk, all the Icy Tail members were passed out around the room while the three were at the desk of Tomoya, looking at the finished product of the coding. Tomoya and Y/N were reading it intently.

Tomoya: What is this?

Y/N: ...It's clear now. (thoughts) So this is what you meant, senpai.

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