(S2) Chapter 13: Meeting Of A Artist And A Writer
I found a temporary solution, which is AnimeDLR. It works the same as the Anyme X app but albeit the connection sucks and the amount of servers to watch have less availability.
In chronological order, the season two ova came next, but every time I tried finding one, it wouldn't work. The only one that did work had French subtitles that I couldn't somehow change, so I had to unfortunately skip the episode. The second season ova is even more ecchi than the last one, but it's whatever I guess. Here's season two. Adieu.
Present Day
Eriri: What's the meaning of this, Utaha Kasumigaoka!
The circle of Blessing Software met at their usual meeting place, the Toyogasaki Academy's AV room. Summer vacation was now officially over, the circle now back in school. Currently, it is the end of the day.
Utaha: What do you mean by that, Sawamura-san?
Eriri: Why did the number of girls in the pool event go from two to five!?
Y/N: Is this because of the location scouting the other day, senpai?
Utaha: You're precisely right, Y/N. I came up with a lot of new ideas.
Y/N: (thoughts) The only thing I remember was you kidnapping me and taking me to a bar. If it weren't for Kato, I would've had another one of those nights...not that I mind, anyway.
Eriri: Making such major changes on a whim. Have you even considered how much more art that would require?
Utaha: It's not as if you've drawn anything yet. Seems like art production has been quite delayed for a while now.
Eriri: Tsk. That's because your concepts are a mess.
Y/N: Hey, I'll have you know, Utaha-senpai and I thought of those concepts together! I take that as insult, asshole!
Eriri: Shut up, Y/N! It's you two's fault that we're getting delayed!
Y/N: Ours!?
Utaha: Don't worry, I have our concepts outlined here. I have gone over the blonde heroine, Kirari Spider Kawamura's swimsuit in great detail.
Y/N: (thoughts) Why is it that some of these character names are just butchered names of ours?
Eriri: (growls in annoyance) You've got all kinds of wrong descriptions like being flat-chested, skinny, and using padding.
Y/N: (thoughts) That's funny, that character fits you so well, Eriri.
Utaha: Ara~, they're just my ideas for the character. How exactly can they be wrong?
Eriri: We already settled on a body type when we chose a character design! And why does Kaho Hibarigaoka suddenly have such a narrow waist? She was supposed to be way bigger, like a pig.
Y/N: I don't remember agreeing to that.
Utaha: I, as well. I have no recollection of actually approving any of those designs.
Eriri: Design falls to the artists. I'm not letting mere writers meddle with it.
Y/N: Oi, fuck you, mate!
Megumi: Looks like business as usual today.
Tomoya: Guess so.
The two sat afar, watching the three argue. Megumi fiddled with her phone, as usual.
Megumi: Kasumigaoka-senpai's and L/N-kun's script is coming along. And Eriri's art isn't that delayed. Everything is still okay at this point.
Tomoya: It's okay all right. It's just like you to look at that and feel like everything is going well. ...You know, Kato.
Megumi: What is it, Aki-kun?
Tomoya: Why are things so bad between them? Well, Y/N has always been at odds with Eriri since we were kids. But it seems that Utaha-senpai and Eriri already knew each other before I even recruited them. And they've been fighting since day one.
Megumi: (grabs book from bag and sets it in front of Tomoya) Hey, Aki-kun, could you read this line out loud for me?
Tomoya: Let me see... "What did you say? I couldn't quite hear you."
Megumi: "Thank you, Mr. Awful Thick-Headed Deaf Protagonist."
Tomoya: ... (stands up from seat) Wait, where did that come from!?
(A/N): Cue the season two opening!
One Year Ago
In the school library, both Utaha and Y/N were there. Y/N had a straight face, one that showed on someone not surprised. Utaha, however, was surprised. Both hers and Y/N's works were in the school library.
Utaha: (disbelief) They're actually carrying it.
Y/N: (sigh) Honestly, not surprised.
The caption of the tag read, "This Year's Breakout Writers, Utako Kasumi and Akira Makabe." On one of the shelves, a note was left. "Send your comments to Tomoya Aki!"
Utaha: Oh, Tomoya.
Y/N: Like I said, not even surprised. Not one bit. This is my cousin we're talking about.
The dark haired girl grabbed one of her books, checking who was currently reserved for to check out. Her scarlet eyes widened, Y/N leaning over slightly to see what she's looking at.
Y/N: What? ...Oh.
The sun was now setting, most of the student body had left for home, including Y/N. Utaha was walking down the empty halls, humming to herself. But she couldn't help wonder why "her" name was registered to check the book out.
???: You must be Utaha Kasumigaoka.
The scarlet-eyed girl turned around, meeting that blonde haired girl with twin tails. She stood atop of the stairwell, Eriri's shadow casting over the older girl, making it look like she was the superior person.
Utaha: Eriri Spencer Sawamura-san?
Eriri: Oh, you know my name? I'm so honored, Long Black-haired Ice Queen-san. I mean, Utaha Kasumigaoka-senpai.
Utaha: Unfortunately, I don't much like being called such a geeky name. Only one person has the privilege to do so. (turns around to leave)
Eriri: In that case, isn't it a bad idea to be hanging around such a gloomy geeky underclassmen and a pain in the ass underclassmen? I saw you the other day. You, Y/N, and Tomo--I saw you talking with the freshmen Aki and L/N on the roof.
Utaha: You must have me confused for someone else.
Eriri: That's Metronome In Love, isn't it? You three talked about that book on the roof, didn't you? So. Are you still going to insist it was someone else?
Utaha: (narrowed eyes) What is your point?
Eriri: (scoff) I guess you three are otaku buddies. That's a surprise. Didn't think that Utaha Kasumigaoka would read light novels. But I wouldn't be hanging out with those idiots. Well, L/N is someone I can tolerate. Aki will only ruin your reputation.
Utaha: I don't really quite care about being insulted, I'm quite used to it. (tapping foot violently) But what I will not forgive is if you use me as an excuse to speak poorly of them.
Eriri: (grits teeth) What is that? Do you like one of them or something?
Utaha: I am not obligated to answer that.
As she begins to walk away, Eriri thought her retort would get to her.
Eriri: Tomoya or Y/N doesn't like you or anything. You're just someone they can talk to about the books you read. All he cares about is the work Metronome In Love and The Stupid Life Of A Otaku, it's characters, and it's authors.
Aggravated, Utaha quickly walks up the stairs, shocking the blonde girl. She slams her hand next to Eriri's head, the hand coming in contact with the glass as it echoes throughout the hallway.
Utaha: That reminds me, I haven't introduced myself yet, Sawamura-san. I'm Utaha Kasumigaoka from Class 2-D. My pen name is Utako Kasumi.
Eriri: ...Eh?
Utaha: I'm the author of the book, Metronome In Love, he loves so much and I'm do know Makabe-kun as well, considering we're work colleagues. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Eriri: Eh? Eh!?!?
Timeskip-Sawamura Manor
In Eriri's room, the blonde girl was violently thrashing around. She kicked and turned in her bed, burying her face into her pillow.
Eriri: Why does Utako Kasumi go to our school!?
On the shelf, were none other than the volumes of Utaha Kasumigaoka's Metronome In Love. She then grabs the current volume under her other pillow.
Eriri: ...I forgot to get her autograph.
At school one day, Eriri had opened her locker. Inside was a book, along with a note. The handwriting was none other than Tomoya's.
"This is the greatest light novel I've ever read! Even Akira Makabe's are great! Tell me what you thought after you've read one of them. -Tomoya."
Eriri sighed as the usual antics of Tomoya never changed. Later that day, she sat in her room, reading said light novel. She was very invested in it, reading it for hours and hours.
Finally finished, she took off her glasses and wiped the tears she had when she was reading it. She then went onto her computer, searching the "Metronome In Love." The first result that came up was a review on TAKI's blog site. She clicked it and began to read. She smiled and found out that Utako Kasumi and Akira Makabe were doing a book signing on the same day. But she soon pouted and saw that the tickets for the event were sold out.
The next school day, she wanted to speak to Y/N and Tomoya. Knowing where the two would usually be, she sprinted up the steps of the school to head towards the roof. Once she opened it, she smiled, but soon frowned and paused at the door. Tomoya held the light novel book in his hand, the boy happily talking to Utaha and Y/N, who sat next to each other. Eriri failed to see that Utaha and Y/N were holding hands. If anything, she felt saddened...heartbroken.
Flashback End
With a sigh, Eriri buried her face into her pillow once more as she faces the book cover down on her bed.
Eriri: (groan) I can't do it. There's no way I'm asking that girl for a favor!
Still One Year Ago, Next Day
The sound of Tomoya spitting a drink out was heard, him coughing. Him, Utaha, and Y/N were at a local cafe that was near the school.
Tomoya: Why, Eriri...?
Y/N: Yeah. Why the annoying pipsqueak? And Tomoya, wipe that shit off your face. You've got cola all over your face.
Tomoya: (wipes cola) Why are you asking me about Sawamura, Utaha-senpai?
Utaha: No real reason. She's just the most well-known freshman at the school, aside Y/N, of course.
Y/N: Which I fucking hate.
Utaha: I was just wondering if you two knew her.
Tomoya: I'm not really interested. We're in different classes, have different hobbies, different upbringings...
Y/N: She's an ass, annoying...a real bitch sometimes.
Utaha: But I'm interested in Eriri Spencer Sawamura-san. Rumor has it that she's half-English.
Tomoya: It's true. Spencer is her father's last name and Sawamura is her mother's.
Y/N: Father works for the British Embassy, so she's rich as fuck. He met her mother in Japan when he was stationed here.
Utaha: What is she like? I haven't really heard any bad rumors about her.
Y/N: Well, she's an asshole. That's for one. Bitchy, tsundere attitude.
Utaha: She's a daughter of a high-class family but sociable, and nice to everyone.
Y/N: Heh. That's all an act.
Tomoya: Yeah...she's just putting on an act. She's actually really self-centered, selfish, and horrible.
Utaha: ...Do you two hate her, a lot?
Tomoya: No.
Y/N: Not specifically, anyway.
Utaha: I see.
Tomoya: I mean, she makes sure she never talks to us at school. Especially me.
Y/N: Not that I gave a shit. I don't even think I do.
Tomoya: But if something does come up, it's mostly texts. And when she does, it's all business. Just how long is she going to hold the past against me?
Y/N: You're still hung up on that? Dude, just let it go. Besides, if they want to talk shit about you, I'll kill the bastards myself.
Letting out a "tch," Utaha began to violently tap her foot. Both Y/N and Tomoya look at her confused.
Tomoya: Utaha-senpai?
Utaha: (irritated) What is it, Tomoya-kun?
Tomoya: D-Did I say something wrong to upset you?
Y/N: Tomoya, she's violently tapping her foot and her hair is flowing. You probably did.
Utaha: Oh, it's okay. It didn't bother me at all.
Tomoya: That's a lie, isn't it!?
Utaha: Well, that goes for you, too.
The next school day then rolled around, it already being the end of the day. Considering she didn't get the answers she wanted from Y/N and Tomoya, Utaha had decided to take the liberty of finding it herself.
She then checked where she would most likely find the blonde girl. The Art Club of Toyogasaki Academy.
Art Club Member: (surprised) Oh, Kasumigaoka-senpai. U-Uh, you want Sawamura-san?
Utaha: (arms crossed) Yes, it's important. Would you mind stepping out of the way?
Art Club Member: B-But this is like her own personal studio. Even the other art club members like us aren't allowed in.
Utaha: Don't you think giving her special treatment goes to her entitled blonde head?
Art Club Member: Th-That's not true. Sawamura-san talks to us freshmen normally.
Utaha: Well, doesn't that go without saying since she's a freshmen herself? (puts hand on door knob) And a freshmen should be treating a sophomore like me with more respect.
Art Club Member: W-Wait, she's out right now!
Utaha: Then I will wait here until she returns.
Disregarding what the art member said, the dark haired girl opens the door to Art Studio 2 and casually walks in. Utaha locks the door behind her, the art member pounding on the door and begging her to open up.
Art Club Member: (behind door) Please open the door! Regardless of Sawamura-san, I'll get in trouble with the teacher. Kasumigaoka-senpai!
The scarlet-eyed girl sighed before the wind blew past her from the open window. This caused many papers in the room to suddenly fly around her, Utaha's eyes widening as she sees the many art that sat upon in this room.
Eriri's green tracksuit jacket hung on a nearby seat, the room being small as the papers fall to the floor. Utaha could see all the well-made pictures and drawings in the room. Tears begin to pour out.
Next Day
In the morning, the blonde artist was walking to school. She waved as the other freshmen students said hello and gave their greetings. She was startled when the very same dark haired girl she interrogated three days back had waited for her at the school gate, leaning against it and reading a book.
Utaha: Good morning, Sawamura-san.
Eriri: Oh, good morning.
Her cheerful attitude went down the drain as she turned her head, finally seeing Utaha Kasumigaoka standing there. She froze and let out weird noises that caught the attention of her classmates.
Random Classmate: Sawamura-san?
Eriri: O-Oh, pardon me. Good morning, Kasumigaoka-senpai.
Random Student 1: Isn't that...?
Random Student 2: The sophomore. Utaha Kasumigaoka-senpai.
Random Student 3: Why is she talking to Sawamura-san?
Utaha: I'm sorry to be bothering you this early... (narrowed eyes) But do you think we could talk?
At this point, Eriri wasn't sure if she should be mad or happy. She did acknowledge the good work Utaha had done with her light novel, but of course she still wasn't happy about her spending time with two of her oldest friends.
Eriri did agree to talk, Utaha having dragged the girl to the roof of the school.
Eriri: Why did you bring me up here?
She yelped as Utaha locked the door behind her, the scarlet-eyed girl putting on a smile. Whether it was fake or not, Eriri couldn't tell.
Utaha: I hope you don't mind that I visited your personal studio yesterday.
Eriri: !?
Utaha: Eri Kashiwagi. Member of the Doujin Team "Egoistic Lily." A popular illustrator who attracts plenty of fans at events.
The dark haired girl brought up her phone, Eriri now freaking out as she saw one of her own captured and lewd drawings on Utaha's phone.
Utaha: Also, most of her doujinshi work is pornography that caters to straight men.
Eriri: (head hung low) How do you know all that?
Utaha: I looked it up from this signature.
After seeing the alias Eriri went by, Utaha was curious. Heading back to her own home, she went onto her personal laptop and searched up the name "Eri Kashiwagi."
Getting a few suggestions, she clicked the first one, it being the official site of the doujin team, Egoistic Lily. With the team's name at the top, a nude blue haired girl on the left of it, it told Utaha that she is the 13,989,127th visitor. She then clicked the gallery section, her curious face then had huge blushes, her mouth curving upwards as she thought of certain ideas.
Flashback End
Utaha: (thoughts) I will not lie, I have gotten many ideas for him now. All thanks to that site.
Eriri: What do you want from me? Wait. You're not going to blackmail me, are you!? Are you going to snap your fingers to summon your goons here to attack me!?
Utaha: ...Huh?
Eriri: I desperately try to resist, but I'm not match for their strength! Their mouths twist in an evil grin--
Utaha: No, this isn't one of your doujinshi fantasies.
Eriri: Really? You're not going to lick your lips saying I'm some sort of sheltered maiden?
Utaha: You can draw it yourself, you disgraceful doujinshi author.
Eriri: Then why did you look into my identity?
Utaha: Well, that's because...why do you hide it?
Eriri: You're hiding the fact you're a light novel author, too.
Utaha: I'm not particularly hiding it. It's just that there aren't any foolish people who would dare to talk to me.
Eriri: Excluding two people.
Utaha: (nod) How long have you been drawing like that?
Eriri: ...Second grade, maybe.
Utaha: You've been hiding it for that long?
Eriri: (looks away) Otaku shaming runs deep.
Utaha: Things have changed.
Eriri: (clenches fists) Stop acting like you understand. Being mocked and jeered everyday. Even the teachers couldn't comprehend. Being torn away from the only two people who understood me.
Utaha: Who do you mean?
Eriri: I just...I just wanted to talk about the games and anime I loved with my friends!
Soon afterwords, Eriri begins to explain what happened in her past. How she knew Tomoya and Y/N, how she was ridiculed for liking anime and games with Y/N and Tomoya having to beat up the people doing so. After hearing her story, Utaha hands her a handkerchief.
Utaha: I see. That childhood frustration is what motivated you to create. You don't draw to make people happy. It's more like revenge.
Eriri: Hey, you aren't looking to entertain people either, are you? You don't care about other people at all. You basically just look down on them.
Utaha: That's...
Eriri: Readers aren't moved by your work because of empathy. It's just calculated. You're just manipulating people's emotions with your techniques, right? Revenge is my motivation? That might be true. But you don't even have motivation. That's even worse than me. I can't believe you had me tricked. To think I liked the books written by such a heartless author...
Utaha: ...Is that your opinion on Metronome In Love? ...Tell me, Sawamura-san.
Eriri: What?
Utaha: Even if our works were created out of revenge or calculation...if they're moved by it, they lose.
Eriri: See! You do look down on the readers!
Utaha: That's not what I mean.
Utaha thought back to the drawings she saw in the studio. She had also saw a canvas being covered by a white cloth. Her hand inched towards it, pulling it off as the canvas was unveiled towards her.
Her eyes had widened at the sight of the canvas, it being a well painted version of Eriri. Albeit a little lewd, it was well made, something being set off inside Utaha. She remembered that feeling with a smile as she looked towards Eriri.
Utaha: It doesn't matter. I greatly appreciate your compliment.
Eriri: I'm not complimenting you.
Utaha: But you said I was manipulating the readers with my technique. That's the highest compliment you can pay an author.
Eriri: Maybe.
Utaha: Sawamura-san, I--
Eriri: Is that how you're manipulating those two?
Utaha: (confused) What are you talking about?
Eriri: You're using your technique to lead the two of them on.
Utaha: (annoyed) Such accusations have no effect on me coming from someone using sex to entice men.
Eriri: What are you to Tomoya and Y/N, anyway?
Utaha: I should be asking you the same. Are they your childhood friends or something?
Eriri: What if I am?
Utaha: They say that personal connections aren't about time.
Eriri: I-I've also heard that people get over love at first sight.
Utaha: Childhood friends tend to be the losers in games and anime!
Eriri: Only a handful of games have older characters that become the main heroine!
Utaha: Blonde foreign characters are usually third-rate options!
Eriri: Long black-haired characters usually make the protagonist unhappy!
Utaha: It's usually the childhood friend characters that are the burden!
Present Day
Tomoya: ...Well, why don't we take everything we talked about and try to sleep on it?
Eriri: (tired) Okay.
Utaha: (tired) I'll think about it.
Y/N: Sheesh. When were you this tired, Utaha-senpai? (thoughts) Senpai's always raring to go...in some cases...
Tomoya: All right, now that we have a general direction, let's call it a day. But before that...
The glasses wearing teen looks to Y/N with a thumbs up. Utaha and Eriri look to him as Y/N shrugs, going to his school bag before he fishes out a card and a pen.
Eriri: An autograph card?
Utaha: From Sawamura-san and me?
Y/N: And me.
Tomoya: That's right! I thought it would be a good way to commemorate our various milestones. Eriri's illustration in the middle, signature on the right. And Utaha-senpai's signature goes on the left with Y/N's on the bottom of the illustration. Ah! Your illustration should be of Meguri.
Eriri: What, I have to draw an illustration, too!?
Tomoya: You know, think of it as a promotion. I thought we'd put it up at our Winter Comiket booth.
Y/N: It's not too bad of an idea.
Utaha: So where is it going to be put up before that?
Tomoya: You know, where all of us can see it the most.
Utaha: In other words, Rinri-kun's room.
Y/N: Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.
Tomoya: Urk...!
Eriri: (deadpan) What? So you just want it for personal reasons.
Utaha: And an autograph by Eri Kashiwagi, Utako Kasumi, and Akira Makabe could fetch a high price in an online auction.
Y/N: As if Tomoya will actually sell it...I wonder how much I can make off of it? Seems like Tomoya has calculated that, too.
Eriri: Maybe if it were only my signature, but mixed with the scribblings of an unknown author would make it worthless.
Utaha: Ara? Did some self-proclaimed illustrator who hasn't even debuted professionally just say something?
Y/N: (sigh) Ah, shit. Here we go again.
Tomoya: I would never sell such a treasure! I've wanted it since the moment I made this team. Think about it. We're talking signatures from Eri Kashiwagi, Utako Kasumi, and Akira Makabe! This is the greatest collaboration of all time!
Eriri: (grin) That's not up to the producer who arranged the collaboration to say.
Grabbing the pen, she wrote her signature, Tomoya looking at her shocked.
Tomoya: Eriri.
Y/N: Welp, guess I'll do it, too.
Utaha: You are so helpless, Rinri-kun.
Being punched in the shoulder and flicked on the side of his head, Utaha and Y/N flash their own quick grins at him. Megumi then looks to Eriri and smiles.
Megumi: Hey, Eriri. Would you mind making one more for me? You too, Kasumigaoka-senpai, L/N-kun. Aki-kun isn't the only one, I've wanted one, too.
Utaha: Kato-san.
Megumi: If it's too much work for you, Eriri, I don't need an illustration, just your signature.
Eriri: (smiles) No, that's okay, Megumi.
Megumi: Okay, I'll go buy another card.
Utaha: U-Um, Kato-san. Not to be a bother, but do you think you could buy two extra cards instead?
Eriri: M-Make it three.
Y/N: (mutters) Ah, fuck it. (normal) Make it four!
Megumi: ... (smiles) Copy that. I'll be right back.
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