(Movie) Chapter 25: The Home Stretch
After the small little detour, Y/N then took Utaha home for the night. As he drove home that night, he couldn't help wonder what his future would be like with her.
In fact, he had asked himself that question many times. It was a matter whether he could make it a reality or not. The only thing he could really do was wait till the future came around.
Next Day
In the Aki household, on Tomoya's coffee table was a cake. The white icing read "Happy Birthday Megumi." The cake was decorated with strawberries, a chocolate heart where the white icing was on, and a small cookie under it, a little design of Megumi on it.
Michiru: Happy birthday, Kato-chan!
Y/N: Happy birthday from me.
Izumi: Even though it's belated, I hope you have a good one, Megumi-san!
Tomoya: Uh, happy birthday! And...
The boy said something that only Megumi could hear. The boring girl smiled as she looked to everyone in the room.
Megumi: Um, thank you so much, everyone.
Tomoya: All right! Let's hold the meeting while digging into that cake!
Michiru: Hashima-nii chan hasn't showed up though!
Izumi: Um, onii-chan is a bit busy. Y/N-senpai, how come you aren't with him?
Y/N: I can't forget a good friend's birthday now, can I? Besides, I was going to spend some time here a little before I went out. If that's fine with you, Kato-san.
Megumi: Oh, not at all. Thank you for coming, at least.
Tomoya: (clears throat) Some things came up and he can't participate in club activities for a while. And Y/N will be doing so soon.
Y/N: Yep.
Megumi: Well, it's not like he does anything anyway.
Izumi: Megumi-san!?
Michiru: Aww, really? I wanted to talk to him about next month's concert!
Tomoya: Ah, me and Y/N will be managing Icy Tail--
Y/N: Ahem. You're forgetting I'll be busy.
Tomoya: As I was sa--
Megumi: I think I can deal with that somehow.
Tomoya: Eh?
Michiru: Are you sure?
Megumi: I might not be able to play hardball like he did, but reserving music venues, coordination, and so on shouldn't be a problem. Our leader has to focus on the script now more than ever, right?
Tomoya: Y-Yeah. Then, I'll leave it to you.
Michiru: (pats Megumi's shoulder) Yep, we're counting on you now! You really took a load off us!
Y/N would later then leave, the rest of Blessing Software working on the project. Michiru would be thinking of lyrics for the game, Izumi working on her illustrations, and occasionally calling Tomoya over whether the expressions were okay or not, and Tomoya would be doing what he was doing, making the script. Megumi would exit the room, on call with Eriri.
The next day, Tomoya met up with Iori and Y/N at a high end coffee shop.
Iori: Anyway, the meeting with Mars went worse than I thought it would.
Y/N: Eh, fuck the mega corp.
Iori: Was it really wise for me to bring you in?
Y/N: Tsk. The bastards had what was coming to them.
Iori: I really don't think it was necessary to punch him.
Tomoya: Can you two please not make it sound hopeless from the jump.
Iori: It's a real mess, isn't it?~ Giving project management duties to a hardcore creative like Akane is never a good idea.
Y/N: What do you expect? They're all fucking idiots over there.
Tomoya: Cut it out and give me the good news! Even it's bad news.
Y/N: (sigh) In turn, they're way beyond the deadline Mars's original deadline.
Tomoya: Hold on, how did we get here?
Iori: The more Eri Kashiwagi and Utako Kasumi fought, the more they grew. The more revisions were made, the greater their work became.
Y/N: And Akane couldn't get enough. Shit just kept piling up and it still is.
Tomoya: What's recovery looking like?
Iori: One month.
Tomoya: That long?
Y/N: But Mars doesn't have that time. They'll just cut all the unfinished art and every incomplete event and make it work themselves. But those guys don't know shit on how to make a game.
Iori: The current materials should be enough to make a sufficient product, they said.
Y/N: If they give Fields Chronicle into their own hands, they'll just end up making a shit show like Mass Effect: Andromeda. Or Anthem.
Tomoya: What's going to happen at this rate?
Iori: Well, they'll ignore Akane-san and proceed with their own schedule and QC standards.
Y/N: Simply put, Utaha and Eriri can't do shit anymore. It's essentially an end to Fields Chronicle XIII.
Tomoya: So you just let them roll over you, huh!? They're nowhere near satisfied! You should know that Y/N! Not even close!
Y/N: Obviously I know that, dumbass. Despite the negotiations I put up with, they still didn't take the deal.
Tomoya: And what would that be?
Y/N: I said I'd leave Blessing Software and work for them, but they still denied it. Not even my influence on creating the script on the past games didn't do anything.
Iori: I just wonder how negotiations would have gone had Akane-san been there. Or the both of you.
Y/N: All I can say is a shit show is what would've went down.
Iori: You two aren't the type to back down to corporate-speak. I guess that explains why you punched him.
Y/N: It's like I said. That bastard deserved it. Although, you and Machida-san can't compare.
Iori: That's right. We simply can't disagree with the director's reasoning.
Tomoya: What should we do? Can we even do anything?
Iori: Not from here on out.
Tomoya: Hey!
Y/N: Tomoya, it's fine. You're part of Blessing Software. Right now, just give your all there and focus on that. Continue to supporting those three.
Tomoya sighs in frustration, Y/N getting up as he leaves the store. Getting into his car, he drives down to where Akane was being hospitalized. He went up the stairs and found Machida exiting the room, the blue haired woman then leaning against it.
As he goes to speak, he was cut off due to Akane's screams of frustration coming from inside the room. In fact, crashing noises could be heard, things probably being thrown around the room.
Machida: How did negotiations go?
Y/N: Simply put, they're all dumbasses. There's nothing we can really do at the moment.
Machida: This is very troublesome.
Y/N: (sigh) Indeed it is. ...Mind if I talk to her?
Machida: Go ahead. Although she's still on her usual rampages.
Y/N: Not the first time I've survived them. (knocks on door and enters) Well, well. Seems like the great Akane Kousaka has lost her ability and will lose.
Akane: What do you want, brat?
Y/N: ...Despite the shit I've said to you, it all feels sureal.
Akane: What is?
Y/N: To think that you'd fall down this low and Fields Chronicle XIII may end up being null and void. Goes to show my previous work was all for nothing, huh?
Akane: ...What's the real reason you're here, brat.
Y/N: Wow, so demanding. ...Despite our falling out, the fact that this'll come to an end sounds kinda...how to put this...sad? It all feels strange.
Akane: ...It does, doesn't it?
Timeskip-Sawamura Manor...
Eriri: What do you mean?
Utaha: I just relayed what Machida-san told me. Word for word.
Both girls were in Eriri's room, the blonde artist clearly frustrated at the news she had received.
Eriri: There's no way! I still have at least ten pieces left! And half of them need revisions!
Utaha: I've only truly completed the main story. There are still many side stories left.
Eriri: That's why I didn't want to rely on Hashima!
Utaha: Oh, this is a victory for him. At any rate, this means we are no longer working.
Y/N: That just means you'll be compensated as it was in the contract.
The two girls were alarmed at hearing Y/N's voice, the two of them turning to him. The black haired teen was leaning by the door, hands in his pocket.
Y/N: I tried all that I could do with the negotiations, but even my influence has it's limits.
Utaha: Machida-san told me. You did all you could.
Eriri: More importantly, how the hell did you get in here!?
Y/N: Hmm? Oh! Your parents called me and asked if I could make dinner. So I said, "Sure. Why not." But back to the work related topic, you two won't be penalized for missing any deadlines. So in some ways, you could consider it a total victory.
Eriri: You're actually going to call this a victory?
Y/N: Well, it's as Mars said. They don't need you anymore. But if you ask me, that corporation is just filled with dumbasses.
Utaha: Which comes to another thing. Did you have to punch him?
Y/N: Eh, he was asking for it.
Utaha: (sigh) Why must some situations always end up like that? Like that one ti--
Y/N: Oh, come on! Can you at least that one slide? You know what he was trying to do.
Utaha: Fine. I will let that one slide.
Y/N: Ahem. Anyway, Akane Kousaka is different though.
Utaha: But it's the idealism of some industry newcomers is just a pain in the neck for something like Fields Chronicle.
Y/N: Precisely.
Eriri: ...So what should we do? How can we make Mars here us out? What can we do, so we can finish our work to the level that we strive for?
Utaha: Sawamura-san.
Eriri: Right! We can go to Osaka and negotiate with the--
Y/N: Might as well forget it. Even if you did go to Osaka, you'd just be wasting time.
Utaha: We're aren't conversationalists and we're prideful. That doesn't suit us. It would devolve into a fight instantly.
Eriri: So, who else could it be?
Utaha: I wonder. Someone who believes in our skills from the bottom of his heart. Who believes it would be a masterpiece with ample time. They'd get down on their knees, cry their eyes out, do everything they can because they believe in us.
Y/N: Out of the question.
Eriri: No, wait...yeah. There is one! And only one!
Y/N: ...It's like I said. Out of the question.
Eriri: But he could do it!
Both Y/N and Utaha look at each other, the dark haired girl having moved to the window. Both of them had sad eyes, the two were debating whether they should unveil the truth to her. The only path, he'll take once the action has been made.
It was then the next morning, Y/N's car was outside of Tomoya's house. He could see Megumi walking away from the house with a sad look, Y/N frowning as well as he sighed. Minutes later, Tomoya exited out of the house dressed in formal-like clothing. He adjusted his tie and made his way to his cousin.
Y/N: Ready to go?
Tomoya: ...Yeah.
Y/N: Once we go now, there's no turning back. I'll ask you again. Are you sure you are ready?
Tomoya: ...Yeah. Let's go.
Y/N: ...Alright then.
The two get into Y/N's car, which was a Nissan Skyline R32, the two then driving out of the driveway. They then begin their drive towards Osaka, Tomoya having made the choice to attempt to negotiate with Mars to give Eriri and Utaha extra time.
But because of this decision, a rift between Megumi and Tomoya had suddenly erupted. But both Y/N and Utaha knew this was temporary. After all, they knew what path would open for Tomoya. Along the way, they picked up Machida, her riding in the back as Tomoya looked out the window, something else on his mind.
Machida: You got it, Taki-kun?
Tomoya: Hmm?
Machida: Passion won't make a company budge an inch.
Y/N: Akane used her reputation to bulldoze through, but you on the other hand will have to rely on an all out assault.
Machida: Think about the most fitting proposal, showing it's merits to the other party, and force them to meet you in the middle.
Tomoya: And if an all out assault doesn't work?
Machida: Then you have to resort to passion. Break down into tears, lash at them, threaten them. Use everything you have to get your way. But don't use N/N's methods.
Y/N: Eh? They work.
Machida: Most of the time. From what you told me, the method didn't work this time around.
Y/N: I've said this so many times. The bastard was asking for it.
Tomoya: (looks to Machida) But aren't you contradicting yourself?
Y/N: Yes, passion won't make a company budge an inch. But passion does make people budge.
Tomoya: People...
Machida: So it can't be either me or N/N, it has to be you. The one who would put his life on the line for Shi-chan's, N/N's, and Eri Kashiwagi's work. It has to be you, okay?
Tomoya nods determinedly, Y/N continuing on as he drives for Osaka. Hours later, in the Sawamura manor, both Utaha and Eriri were minding their own businesses.
Eriri was working on her sketches with Utaha doing her best to finish off what she could. Utaha checks the time on her watch, the negotiation of Tomoya should've been over. In fact, Y/N should be driving towards them to deliver the news. They then heard running footsteps, Tomoya soon barging through the door.
Tomoya: I'm back!
Utaha: Thank you for coming, Rinri-kun.
Tomoya: (out of breath) Eriri, Utaha-senpai, I...I did it! I got us a two-week extension! I was victorious!
Unfortunately, the two girls were not pleased. Utaha begins to strangle the boy and Eriri begins to use her pigtails and she began to slap him relentlessly.
Eriri: Why only two weeks!? We said we needed a month!
Utaha: Are you trying to kill us!?
Tomoya: (strained voice) I negotiated myself to death! How cruel!
Y/N: But you really can't blame him. He literally had to get down on his knees and plead. Hell, he was showering them with tears.
The girls stopped and looked to Y/N, who was standing at the doorway, drinking something out of a straw. He stopped drinking his drink as he looked confused, the two girls only looking at him with straight looks.
Soon after, they booted up what they had programmed into the game. Both Y/N and Tomoya sat in front of the TV, wearing headphones as Tomoya played the game. The two girls would look back constantly, trying to take a gander at their reactions. Y/N would nod his head in approval every now and then, Tomoya letting out excited sounds as he was enjoying the current product.
Tomoya: Yes, yes, yes! That's the good stuff!
Y/N: Hmm...the story elements are a bit different when I wrote the previous ones...interesting. ...Whoa! What the hell is that!?
Tomoya: The party is almost done for! But then, their old arch-enemy Guiel saves them!
Y/N: "I'm the only one allowed to defeat you!" What a classic moment! It's a classic of classic moments!
Tomoya: Right!?
Utaha smiles at the praise, particularly Y/N's words. Her boyfriend always did know how to make her smile without even trying.
Tomoya: On top of that, Guiel's portrait is just amazing! It's so ordinary, yet outstanding! I've never seen such a striking expression!
Now it was Eriri's turn to smile, happy that Tomoya would always compliment her work. Finishing up what the current product was, both Y/N and Tomoya remove their headphones with satisfied smiles.
Tomoya: Everything so far was super gripping!
Y/N: It does keep you on your toes.
Tomoya: But we can make it an even greater masterpiece!
After a short amount of time Tomoya had grabbed the papers that they used to list characters on and the stories and quests they had. Y/N and him would then go over it with red marker, crossing out certain characters.
Utaha: We're cutting characters?
Tomoya: Yeah. Namely Lute and Salacia. That's the best we could do.
Eriri: Even with all the other cuts?
Y/N: From what they want, they wanted to make it five. Tomoya was able to negotiate it down to two. And making it five would...
Utaha: Definitely kill the story's flow and structure!
Y/N: Correct. And these two characters have the least impact on the main narrative.
Tomoya: Yep. It was a key point in convincing Mars.
Eriri: But we already created them. I like their designs and stories too...
Y/N: This shouldn't be surprising though. In Fields Chronicle X, we ended up having to cut out ten different characters. We later then decided to release them as DLC. Mars was okay with it since they were all about the profits.
Tomoya: Or set them aside for the remake in a few years. That way, we can repurpose them for the hype later on.
Utaha: That sounds a bit sleazy.
Eriri: You two are totally taking after Hashima!
Y/N: Don't compare me to that bastard.
Tomoya: (laughs awkwardly)
Y/N: But, they were able to reach a compromise. The main story won't be touched. In fact, the script will be expanded.
Tomoya: (takes out paper) This is the outline for an additional scene Kousaka-san had in mind. I visited her yesterday and took down all of her points of interests.
Eriri: With Akane Kousaka?
Utaha: Shouldn't she hospitalized at the moment?
Tomoya: Don't worry! Machida-san and Y/N came along with me.
Y/N: (sigh) Do you know how long it took to restrain her to the bed? Five hours, Tomoya. Five...fucking...hours.
Utaha: And you didn't touch places where you aren't supposed to be touching...or did you?
Y/N: Of course I didn't. Those are specially reserved for you.
Utaha: Of course they should be.
Eriri: Can we please get back to the topic on hand!?
Y/N: Right, right. (clears throat) Once you've fulfilled your obligations to Mars, you have free reign of what you want to do.
Tomoya: Yeah. You can get even closer to your Fields Chronicle XIII, the one you and Akane Kousaka always wanted. (grin) So, let's get started. It's payback time.
Y/N: ...I'm going to be honest. You sounded really uncool.
Utaha: I will have to agree with you, Y/N.
Tomoya: (quietly) Just let me have my moment.
Continuing on with the day, the sort-of original circle of Blessing Software were now hard at work in getting the game done before two weeks.
Like usual, Y/N would be assisting Utaha, since the two did work on the scenario of Cherry Blessing together. Like normal, Eriri continues to handle the sketches with Tomoya offering his usual feedback. It was now dusk, Tomoya having left the room and tried to get in contact with Megumi. Of course, she didn't answer his calls, so he tries texting her.
That fails as well. She never read them.
Y/N: (stretches) Alright. I've got to step out a while.
Utaha: Going somewhere?
Y/N: Won't be long. Just gotta take a quick phone call.
Utaha: Come back soon.
The dark haired girl had leaned up and kisses Y/N's cheek. Y/N returns the gesture as well, Tomoya now heading back in as Y/N leaves. Going down the steps of the manor and exiting, he goes to his phone and taps the desired contact.
Iori: (on phone) Hello?~
Y/N: How are things coming along?
Iori: (on phone) Hmm...could be better. And? How is our scenario writer doing?
Y/N: Well, he could be better to. But, we've been taking periodic brakes here and there and he's been getting some work done.
Iori: (on phone) Think he'll have time to finish it by Winter Comiket?
Y/N: Possibly. Call you later. Keep me posted on the situation with Mars.
Iori: (on phone) Of course.
Night then dawns on the four in the Sawamura manor. Eriri was passed out on the bed, Y/N was also passed out by the window, his head being supported by Utaha's lap. On the couch, Tomoya was working on his script, currently pondering something.
Tomoya: This is so gross, it's even making me dizzy. Wait...is this...
Utaha: An essay containing pain beyond belief?
Tomoya: ...Eh?
It took a minute for Tomoya to process Utaha's voice. Looking up slightly, the scarlet-eyed girl was leaning forward, looking at his computer. He let out a small surprised shriek and looked to Y/N, whose head is now being supported by a pillow.
Utaha: And? What is it?
Tomoya: Sh-Shouldn't you be over by Y/N's side?
Utaha: He won't know the difference. By the time I'm done here, I'll be back there before he even knew I left. So I would appreciate it if you would hurry and explain it to me. (looks to laptop) Is it a letter from a stalker? The inner workings of a narcissist? Whatever it is, it's embarrassing enough that I regret reading it.
Tomoya: H-Hold on!
Utaha: Or is this your new game's script?
Tomoya: U-Uh, yeah. The main heroine, Meguri's route.
Utaha: Hmm. Is that so?
Tomoya: W-Well, I had some free time after Eriri fell asleep, so I--
Utaha: (takes laptop) I won't object. This is your actual duty, after all. ...
Tomoya: Is it still gross?
Utaha: Yes, it is. (thoughts) How did Y/N even approve of this as the scenario? I suppose that he wouldn't write something this gross.
Tomoya: But Kousaka-san told me it was good. It's a weapon that not even yours or Y/N's could create.
Utaha: This is just the experiences of a gross nerd.
Tomoya: Oh, not at all. It's just the fantasies of a gross nerd.
Utaha: ...I suppose.
With the night continuing on and a new day dawning them, they got back up and went back to work again. While Eriri was sketching, she would often glance towards Tomoya, the teen typing away at his laptop. Hours and hours of work would go by and the four would continue to work away.
Although, Utaha and Y/N were pretty much finished, the two of them using the rest of the time to spend time and fawn all over each other. They would leave the room and head downstairs into the living room area, the two sitting on the couch and cuddling with each other, along with the occasional making out. This was essentially their normal. But they mostly did this so they didn't make things awkward with the other two if they were in the same room as them.
Two days would soon pass, Eriri having had made several progress with her sketches and drawings.
They were improving. Looking back, Akane was right. Had they not left the circle, both Utaha and Eriri wouldn't have truly grown as creators. And Y/N was fine with that. He supported whatever Utaha wanted, so long as she enjoyed it.
As they were essentially on free time, Utaha now taking a nap as she lays her head on her boyfriend's lap as she got comfortable, Y/N had his headphones plugged in. In fact, it was connected to Iori's phone, which was connected to an earpiece in Izumi's ear so he could listen in on what was going on.
Megumi: (on phone) Maybe I was wrong to think that a president has any obligations towards their circle.
Michiru: (on phone) I don't think so. To me, it just seems like you're upset. Because Tomo abandoned you, just to be with Sawamura-san and Utaha-senpai. Well, at least N/N is there to regulate him.
Megumi: (on phone) That'd probably be thanks to your weird preconceptions. Regardless, I believe we were discussing Meguri's feelings towards the protagonist? I wonder how the topic shifted to me and the president, then.
Michiru: (on phone) Well, it's because you're totally hiding something!
Megumi: (on phone) ...I'm not, though.
Michiru: (on phone) N/N and senpai are my only source, but you guys have been secretly dating, haven't you?
Y/N: (thoughts) ...I can already see the smug and devious smirk on Mittchan's face right now. The hell is going on over there?
Izumi: (on phone) Wow? Really?
Megumi: (on phone) I thought so. This is definitely one of her weird rumors. Not only that, L/N-kun is on the fun with her. Why do those two have to work together often?
Michiru: (on phone) You were hiding your secret phone calls, and sending lovey-dovey messages, right?
Megumi: (on phone) Wrong. I'm giving him the cold shoulder.
Michiru: (on phone) Because you had a lovers' quarrel? Sounds like you're going out to me.
Megumi: (on phone) We're not.
Y/N: (thoughts) Not yet, at least.
Megumi: (on phone) First of all, Tomoya-kun and I--
Michiru/Izumi: (on phone) Tomoya-kun!?
Michiru: (on phone) Hah! I knew it! Since when have you been calling Tomo by his first name?
Izumi: (on phone) Oh man, I'm loving this new side to you!
Megumi: (on phone) So what? Aren't you two calling him by his first name or some nickname too?
Michiru: (on phone) You jealous?
Y/N: (thoughts) Most likely, yes.
Megumi: (on phone) Come on! I said you should stop drawing weird conclusions.
Iori: (on phone) Did you get that, Y/N?
Y/N: Mm-hm.
Iori: (on phone) Make sure you get every single face she makes, Izumi! At this rate, ours will be the greatest! The greatest annoying main heroine of all time!
Y/N: Well, at least this further proves my theory. She is acting like a grade A tsundere. You know, her denying everything and all.
Iori: (on phone) Think Sawamura-san will accept it?
Y/N: ...Possibly.
Utaha: (groggily) Y/N...? Who are you talking to?
Y/N: Uh, contact ya later. (ends call) Nothing. Nothing at all. I'm not talking to anyone. I barely talk to anyone on the phone. Totally wasn't.
Utaha: ...You better not be lying to me.
Y/N: Me? Of course I won't! I could never lie to you!
Utaha: Then how about th--
Y/N: I was getting something for your birthday! What did you want me to come up with!?
Utaha: The excuse could've been better than "going to a club."
Y/N: I'm sorry! I was thinking off the top of my head and was playing GTA V at the time while I was searching for your gift.
Utaha: ...You are lucky that I have forgiven you for that.
Y/N: What can I say? I'm a pretty awesome guy.
Utaha: (pinches Y/N's side) Don't get ahead of yourself.
Y/N: (strained voice) I'm also a really supportive boyfriend who loves his girlfriend more than anything in the world, who is the most beautiful and prettiest girl in the whole entire universe!
Utaha: Better. Now, come boyfriend. We have creators to check on.
Y/N: Hai, hai.
And once again, the depart for Eriri's room to check on the two. Even more hours pass by, the rest of them determined to get the game finished before the two week deadline. More work had piled on for Utaha and Y/N as they had to go back and revise some things, and add a few things as well. And finally...
Eriri: That's the last one. How is it!?
Tomoya: (shining eyes) It's perfect! Mars can't complain about this! I won't allow it!
Y/N: Don't worry. (cracks knuckles) I'll make sure they allow it.
Utaha: No.
Y/N: Aw, come on! Just one more time?
Utaha: (firmly) ...No.
Y/N: Pleeeeaaaaase.
Utaha: My answer is still not changing.
Y/N: ...With a cherry on top...?
Utaha: ...No matter how hard you try, it's not going to work Y/N. Now sit by the window and behave.
Y/N: ...Yes, ma'am.
As the boy trudges to the window, Utaha and Eriri look at each other. Both had triumphant smiles on their faces as they fist bumped. Tomoya then attaches the link of Eriri's artwork to the Mars contact, sending the email, Eriri sighing in relief.
Eriri: It's done!
Utaha: It really is.
Tomoya: Two weeks late, though.
Eriri: You're lucky it was just that!
Utaha: Indeed. Our director certainly had some rose-colored glasses.
Tomoya: Regardless (lays on floor) this is the greatest Fields Chronicle.
Eriri: (lays on floor) I gotta say, it is.
Utaha: (sits on Y/N's chest) You really had me pull out the stops this time around.
Y/N: (wheezes) I-I can't breathe...! What did I do to deserve this!?
Eriri: So, what now? How about a celebratory dinner?
Utaha: I'll be taking a break. I'm dead tired, moving is a no-go.
Y/N: Why is everyone ignoring me!? I'm going to die!
Tomoya: (sits up) It's about time I headed back.
Eriri: At least stay for the after party.
Y/N: Someone...help...! I can...already see the light!
Tomoya: I just gave you a hand. These two weeks are nothing compared to the months upon months Kousaka-san put into this. After all, this isn't my project. But Blessing Software's latest title, that's mine for sure. These two weeks and the countless months I've put into that can't be compared. I think.
Eriri: Megumi and the others might not think the same and you know it.
Utaha: If you're unlucky, you might not even be in the credits anymore.
Tomoya: Better go make sure that doesn't happen then. It was seriously a great time. I'll never forget these two weeks.
Eriri: You'll forget all about it once you start working on something new.
Utaha: You shouldn't try to butter us up so early, at least give it a year.
Tomoya: (chuckles) Next time, then. See ya. Oh, and senpai?
Utaha: Yes?
Tomoya: You should probably get off Y/N. In fact, you can practically see his soul.
The dark haired girl looks at the boy below her, a ghost seemingly leaving his mouth. She smiled sheepishly and Tomoya let out a small chuckle as he left.
Now sitting up, Y/N rubbing his head as Utaha sat next to him, the three creators were looking at the door.
Utaha: And so, he rushed back to his circle.
Y/N: To Kato-san's side.
Eriri: He's just returned to where he belongs. This isn't his realm, you know. He doesn't have any special skills, he hasn't been grinding away all this time. Didn't stop that total otaku from dreaming big, though.
Y/N: I've said it before though. Once he's set his mind to do something, he just doesn't give up. It sounds cliche for most anime protagonists, but that's just how he works.
Eriri: But still, someone like him working on Fields Chronicle is a pipe dream.
Y/N: I suppose it's time honor your side of the promise, right?
Eriri: I know.
Utaha: We'll go all out. Let's ensure he stays on the main heroine's route to the very end.
Y/N: Whoo! One year in the making, bitch!
Eriri: There is one! And only one!
Y/N: ...It's like I said. Out of the question.
Eriri: But he believes in our abilities! One who would fall to his knees, cry his heart out and would do everything to help us!
Utaha: Stop it, Sawamura-san.
Y/N: Asking him for help is against the rules. I'm pretty sure you two had that established at the beginning already.
Eriri: What? How? Why?
Utaha: We betrayed him. We betrayed the circle. (looks to Y/N) And I betrayed you.
Y/N: Bah, I already don't give a shit about that anyway. Besides, that was in the past.
Eriri: They forgave us! He said he would support us!
Utaha: But he and the circle are working on their new game right now.
Y/N: And we were doing our utmost not to lose against to you two.
Utaha: By pulling him into this mess, we also might end up crushing his dream.
Eriri: But we can't give up or we'll break our promise! We vowed to become amazing creators!
Y/N: Then if you entail on relying on him...
Utaha: You and I will have to do two things in return.
Eriri: And those are?
Utaha: The first is easy. After he helped us with our game, we have to help him with Blessing Software's new game.
Eriri: Not a problem! But, will the others accept us after we abandoned them?
Y/N: Heh. They're not that heartless. Don't worry. They'll always accept you two. We're just like that.
Utaha: Yes, I doubt it will be an issue. At least compared to your second task.
Eriri: (confused) You mean helping them with something else?
Y/N: Don't move a finger. You just have to be resolute.
Utaha: Once we've finished our work on the game, you have to support his love story.
The girl's eyes widened as she looked at Y/N and Utaha, the two offering Eriri sad eyes. This was the truth. By calling upon him for assistance, Eriri had to accept Tomoya's growing love for Megumi.
Eriri: ...What are you saying?
Utaha: I think you understand. If you're dragging him into this, the senior's route and the childhood friend's route are no longer an option. Well, as if the senior's route was an option in the first place.
Y/N: Hmm, wonder who took that route? Oh, wait. Me!
Utaha: Of course you did. (looks to Eriri) This is the turning point for the main heroine's route. His bond with her, Kato-san, will be tested and reinforced through this climactic event.
Eriri: (tears forming) There's no other way? Megumi? Her?
Utaha: If you don't believe me, why don't you get it from the horse's mouth? "That ordinary girl couldn't possibly be in love with such a special guy." That's probably what you're thinking.
Y/N: I've been keeping watch over them for the past year. Well, since the circle started. It wasn't until around the middle of this year that I could really see it happening.
Eriri: Shut it!
Utaha: Even if you see him through this route, you will remain connected through your friendship. However, you won't be able to become his one and only, chasing his dream with him.
Realizing that there was no other way, Eriri begins to break down into tears. She had loved the boy since childhood, but never once could she tell him. Nor would she be able to.
Y/N sighed and moved to the girl, patting her head as Eriri grabs his jacket and began crying into it. Y/N could only feel sorry for the girl.
Eriri: I'm sorry, guys. For giving you two such a painful day.
Utaha: Our losing streak doesn't end, huh?
Y/N: Wait, we had a losing streak?
Utaha: I was kidding, hun.
Y/N: "Hun"? ...Huh...that's new.
Utaha: Do you not like it?
Y/N: No...it's fine. In fact, it feels right.
Eriri: You two are so dependable, huh?
Y/N: What are you talking about? I've always been dependable. I still remember grade school.
Eriri: Shut up! Don't bring those up now...
Y/N: (chuckle) Sorry.
Utaha: Well, our duty starts tomorrow. We shall aid them in reconciliation.
Y/N: I don't think that'll be necessary, though.
Eriri: Yeah. Megumi is more vindictive than one may think.
Utaha: Only because you hadn't noticed it. She's a scheming, greedy, bothersome bitch.
Y/N: Whoa!
Utaha: Oops.~ Sorry, love.
Y/N: Another new one?
Utaha: More are bound to happen.
Y/N: And I won't be denying them.
Eriri: (scoff) Get a room, you disgusting couple. Geez, you're going to make me barf.
Utaha: ...She will never give him up. Ever.
Y/N: That's for certain.
Eriri: Yet she never quite tells him her feelings. What a tease.
Utaha: Only the other party's confession can defuse this ticking time bomb of a woman.
Eriri: (laughs) Who's the messed up one here?
Y/N: At this point, all of us.
Utaha: In any case, it's getting late. Y/N, take me home?
Y/N: Righto. See ya, Eriri.
Eriri: See you guys tomorrow, then.
And with that, Utaha and Y/N left the Sawamura manor, the blue-eyed teen taking the dark haired maiden home. The drive wasn't necessarily long, but it was oddly quiet. When Y/N took small glances at the scarlet-eyed girl, she seemed to be pondering something. A few times, a seductive smirk would make it to her face, making Y/N's heart flutter.
With about twenty more minutes of travel time, Y/N pulls into the side of Utaha's apartment. As she exited the car, Y/N about to head off, Utaha knocks on the glass of Y/N's side of the car. Curious, he rolled it down.
Y/N: Yeah?
Utaha: I've been thinking...you deserve a reward for your hard work today.
Y/N: Oh? And what would that be?
Utaha: Come inside to find out.~
Y/N wasn't one to deny her advances. So eagerly, he exited the car and turned off it's engine. Locking the door behind him, Utaha puts a hand on his chest and pushes Y/N against his car, locking lips with him.
He doesn't refuse, giving into it as he gives as much love to her. She then begins to tug on his shirt, leading her and Y/N to the front door of her apartment. Separating from their kiss, a small seductive smirk was plastered on her face as she begins to unlock the door, Y/N returning the same gesture.
Once unlocked, they moved inside, Y/N turning them around as he pushes Utaha against the door, locking lips once again. The beautiful dark haired girl's hand fumbled around the doorknob, looking for the lock, her turning it as it clicks. Y/N backed up slightly, still kissing her as Utaha jumps and wraps her legs around his waist, his hands resting on her rear as he was now carrying her. Arriving at her room, he bursts the door open, not caring about closing it as he pushes Utaha down onto the bed.
They released their kiss, now out of breath, Y/N beginning to trail kisses down Utaha's neck. She let out a small pleasured moan, the girl leaning up as she went to Y/N's ear, biting down on it. Focusing their eyes on each other, love and lust present in their eyes, Y/N's hand went under Utaha's shirt. They began to trail up her smooth stomach, Utaha biting her lip to not release a moan from her mouth. Y/N's touch only kept arousing her.
Lemon Warning. If you don't like sexual scenes like this, just skip to the next bold text. I just do this for fun, so these little sections aren't really required to be read. Like I said, I just do these little things for fun. So, yeah. You've been warned.
Utaha's hands made their way down to Y/N's belt buckle, but he puts a hand on hers. Usually, the scarlet-eyed girl was the dominant one. In fact, she was the dominant one when they had their first time together. But this time, Y/N wanted to take the lead, no matter how much Utaha wanted to take the lead first.
Y/N's hand went up to her breasts under the shirt, him feeling the fabric of her bra under the shirt. He took his hand out and grabbed the end of Utaha's shirt, pulling it up as her skin was exposed to the air, the black bra she had on was clear to Y/N's hungry eyes. The girl leaned up, attempting to snatch his lips. But Y/N was the one in control, pushing her down as he leaned down, sucking and biting at her neck.
With the pleasure rising even more, Utaha couldn't contain her moans of pleasure. One of Y/N's hands had already pulled down her stockings, leaving her in her underwear. She blushed as Y/N's blue eyes scanned her, up and down. He unclips her bra from the front, the garment being tossed away to the floor, Y/N grabbing one of the soft mounds into his hand. With the sudden contact, Utaha moaned a great deal, watching as Y/N slipped his hand under her panties and began to tease her clit, Y/N kneading the left breast with his other hand. She still tried her hardest keep her moans down, but not even biting her lip kept it up. Again, she tried to take control, but Y/N stopped her, him leaning down as he captures the other free breast with his mouth.
His tongue gyrated around her nipple, Y/N sucking and biting on it as if it was a cherry. He enjoyed hearing the girl's moans, something feral set off inside him. He then stood up, taking off his shirt as he also threw it to the floor. Utaha quickly seized this chance, her immediately standing up as she captures Y/N's lips. Y/N internally chuckled, him helping Utaha undo his belt and pull down his pants. Shaking off his pants with his boxers, he sat down, him shivering slightly as Utaha grasped his member.
The scarlet-eyed girl licked her lips, having not seen it in a while. She brought her head down, teasing him as he licked the tip, putting her tongue on it's slit. Y/N groans and bit his lip. As much as he loved the girl, he rather not submit to the girl during their "fun activities." Even though it has happened many times. Having enough with the teasing, Utaha went down further, engulfing his whole member with her mouth. This was enough for Y/N to stop biting his lip, the amount of pleasure he felt was overwhelming. Utaha knew him well.
She stroked his member as she kept up her work, taking her sweet time as Y/N put a hand on her head, gently rubbing it. The amount of pleasure he was receiving only continued to muster on, the girl only continuing on, looking like she wasn't showing any signs of stopping. He was then nearing his end, Y/N going to warn her, but she only picked up the pace, knowing what was to come. Soon enough, he let go, his seed shooting out as it shot in to her mouth, Utaha accepting it, every single drop. A loud gulp was heard, Utaha letting go of Y/N's member as a loud pop was heard. He brought her face up to his, kissing her as he stuck his tongue in her mouth. Utaha had moved hers forward, trying to fight him off, but Y/N easily overpowering her. Switching their positions, Y/N had Utaha lie down on her back, her hair spread across the bed as she had a massive blush on her face.
The younger male then pulls down the rest of her garments, discarding her panties as Y/N threw it to the side of the bed. But he didn't give Utaha time to recover or just recollect herself. He dove in, leaning his head down as he started to lick her lower region. The dark haired maiden held her boyfriend's head in place, not wanting the waves of pleasure to stop, her moaning uncontrollably. Utaha loved every second of it, Y/N's tongue moving inside her as he would shot it deeper, her insides constricting around his tongue. No longer able to contain her own, she let out her cum in Y/N's face, the boy scooping as much as he could from his finger and putting it in Utaha's mouth.
Now lying down on the bed, Y/N gazes upwards at the curvaceous body that Utaha had always had. She gazed down lovingly, Utaha lining up Y/N's member with her entrance. Utaha then pushes herself down, the girl moaning as Y/N's member penetrates her. Putting a hand on his chest for support, she begins to bounce up and down, panting as she displays lust in her eyes, Y/N reciprocating the same feeling. She bit her lip as Y/N leaned upwards, caressing her face as he kissed her, Utaha running a hand through his hair. Utaha then yelps as Y/N abruptly pushes her down, the younger male ramming her hard as she rubbed her entrance.
The two were letting their carnal desires out, something rare that often occurred. During these moments, it was often Utaha taking the lead. It's what she loved and Y/N didn't mind it at all, he himself would enjoy the girl's demands. But it was fun to let Y/N take over, but those were rare as well. The rarest to occur was when they both gave in to their desires, the two would let the other take over every now and then.
As Y/N thrusts as hard as he could, him panting heavily and Utaha's tongue hanging from her mouth, Y/N kneaded her breasts, grabbing them roughly and having his way with them. Of course, Utaha didn't mind. Y/N was the only person allowed to do such things to her.
Y/N: Hrrgh!~ Utaha...! I'm about to--
Utaha: Inside Y/N! Ah!~ It's okay to do it inside! Give it to me! All of it!~
Y/N: As you wish! Hrrgh!~ My queen!~
Utaha: Ah!~ Yes!~ Right there, my knight!~
Going on for about ten more minutes, Y/N felt his end, his final thrust as he ejects his seed into the girl. Utaha moaned loudly, as if a wolf's howl had echoed in the night sky.
Panting heavily, Y/N slowly removes himself from inside, his seed spilling out of her. He then fell down onto the bed with her, Utaha now laying her head on his shoulder, tracing circles on his chest. Y/N then kissed the top of her head, Utaha letting out a small giggle.
Utaha: You sure know how to make a girl feel good.
Y/N: What can I say? I know how to please my lover.
Utaha: That you do, Y/N...I love you, you know that?
Y/N: Yeah, I know. I love you, too.
Lifting her head up to face him, a graceful smile appears on her face, Y/N returning it. She leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on his lips, Y/N accepting the sweet kiss as he returns it. Separating from the kiss, she lays her head on his chest.
The two would fall asleep peacefully that night, embraced lovingly in each other's arms.
Lemon End. Kill me now.
It was the next morning and Tomoya and Y/N were in Akane's hospital room. Tomoya was shocked to find the mangaka already back to drawing, instead using her left hand to draw as her right hand was used to squeeze a stress ball, to make sure it was actually working.
Y/N on the other hand wasn't surprised. They had worked for a year and he knew that it was tough for Akane to stop creating things.
Tomoya: You'll be discharged next week?
Y/N: That's quite soon.
Akane: Yeah, I can already move my right hand this much.
Tomoya: (sweat drop) It's like your left hand is evolving.
Akane: Once my right hand is fully healed, I can double productivity!
Tomoya: Stop it, you won't be able to bounce back like this again.
Akane: I checked out the beta.
Tomoya: How was it?
Akane: Seems like it was a ride, huh? I'm not satisfied at all. You only hit about 70% of my target.
Tomoya: That was the limit without you around.
Y/N: It's pretty much his peak without you.
Akane: Either way, he did well. Well? How's your circle going? Will you make Winter Comiket?
Y/N: Probably if this man will stop sucking his girlfriend's face every now and then.
Tomoya: W-We don't do that all the time! (clears throat) A-Anyway, we're still in the middle of production hell.
Akane: I guess me being here doesn't help. Oh yeah, I'll help you next week!
Tomoya: Please take it easy for a bit!
Y/N: Not only that, you'd totally throw off the chief's hierarchy, so we should be fine on our own.
Akane: Tch!
Tomoya: Well, we better descend back into hell.
Y/N: Mittchan's lyrics aren't going to be revised by themselves. I really questions what she writes sometimes.
Akane: See ya, buds.
Y/N: Hmm? Uh, sure.
Tomoya: Yeah, when our paths happen to cross.
Y/N: Oh, they definitely will.
Akane: He's got a point. You two will be coming to our side, after all.
Tomoya and Y/N: ...Eh?
Akane: You'll fight, right? To catch Eri Kashiwagi and Utako Kasumi.
Tomoya: You think we can hold our ground on that side?
Akane: I know Y/N can, but if you're that bad at giving up, you'll at least survive in this hellhole of an industry. Like Iori.
Tomoya: Don't be so hasty.
Akane: If you're interested, I'll look at your proposals. If it's yours, I'll definitely read it. Even if I might miss deadlines.
Tomoya: (shocked) You would?
Y/N: And then she'll criticize you so hard, your heart will just shatter into pieces.
Akane: (laughs) He's right. He knows me so well.
Y/N: We were colleagues for a year. Obviously.
Tomoya: I won't even look up if we see each other outside!
Now at the Aki household, the Blessing Software group was hard at work. On their work calendar, it displayed that they only have two days left before they had to make the master build.
Y/N was with Michiru, the two having small scuffles and arguments over the lyrics. Izumi was silently working on her sketches, and Tomoya and Megumi doing their work together, since they were the president and vice president of the circle.
Megumi: Hey, Tomoya-kun.
Tomoya: Hmm?
Megumi: The lines in this scene are for Meguri, but do they really fit?
Tomoya: Is it spelling?
Megumi: More than that, it doesn't seem like it fits with the rest of the dialogue.
Tomoya: Are we missing some?
Even though it was just them talking, Tomoya thought it was odd for it to be silent. He looked up temporarily, Michiru and Izumi having annoyed faces. Y/N's face was the only one having a smug grin.
Tomoya: What is it?
Michiru: (annoyed) Nothing.
Izumi: (annoyed) Nothing at all.
Y/N: (snickers) Yeah...what...what they said. (quietly) Hehehe. This is too damn funny to watch.
Iori: (video call) Oh wow, what a tense atmosphere. That's why co-worker relationships are a no-no. I told yo--
The burgundy haired male was cut off as Megumi had abruptly shut the laptop of Tomoya's. What was even more terrifying to Tomoya, is that his girlfriend had kept a straight face the whole time.
Megumi: Everyone, don't let something this boring distract you or the master won't get done in time.
Y/N: Ehh...I forgot who scary you can be sometimes, Kato-san.
Izumi: (sigh) All right, it's the final stretch! The last scene and the epilogue need seven pieces total.
Tomoya: Wait, isn't that more than yesterday!?
Izumi: You only have yourself to blame! Meguri is way too cute to not draw. In particular, these bits you looked at earlier are insane! Look! After their first attempt at kissing failed, they retried their kiss, with Meguri taking the lead!
Tomoya's face then shifts to pain, Megumi having pinched his hand so hard. The scenes she was describing were very much like the kiss they had done when they confessed.
Izumi: (spinning happily in chair) After witnessing this back and forth, I just had to draw more of it! Even if we'll miss the deadline, there's no way I can stop now!
Y/N: Yeah, we really can't afford to be late.
Megumi: (sigh) Izumi-chan's part seems to be volatile, as expected.
With a grin, Y/N knew what was coming next. From the door, Utaha and Eriri bust in.
Eriri: We completely understand the situation!
Utaha: No fear, we are here!
Y/N: Hey, babe.
Although Y/N was happy, Tomoya and the rest look at the two unamused. Annoyed, in fact.
Michiru: You've been barging in here daily recently. N/N, what did you do?
Y/N: Why are you looking at me? I did nothing of the sort.
Izumi: (annoyed) How's Fields Chronicle coming along?
Eriri: Perfectly. We're pros, we wouldn't do something as unseemly as being late.
Michiru: We're you just dumping your delays on us?
Eriri: All right, those are all of today's finished line drawings? (scoots into Izumi's chair) I'll color them for you then!
Izumi: H-Hey! The chair's too tiny! Stop it! Can't you just work from home!? There's no commute there either!
Eriri: What do you want!? Ever heard of multitasking? We can brainstorm and work at the same time!
Utaha: These are the theme's lyrics, right? Today, Y/N and I shall revise them as well.
Michiru: It's fine! You two keep nitpicking it every day!
Y/N: Mittchan, we got this.~ Just leave it to us.
Utaha: And it's because your lyrics might be emotional, but they're still rough around the edges!
Michiru: How about you focus on debugging instead!? One of you is already painful to deal with!
Y/N: Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?
Michiru: You know what it means!
As Megumi and Tomoya watch the interaction, the look to each other and smile. It really felt back to how it once was before. And honestly, it all felt right.
I know I said I was on a short break, but I really couldn't stop myself from writing. Honestly, I had so many ideas popping up for this chapter and the ending product of this chapter, I felt pretty satisfied with it.
And I hope you all enjoyed the lemon too. It just shows how much my mental state has deteriorated. Kill me now. Nah, just kidding.
But the next chapter will be the final chapter, with the epilogue at the end. We've come this far and we're about to end it with a bang. Thank you all for reading and the support. All the votes, and especially the comments, have brought me so much happiness. I get so much laughs out of the comments that are put in the chapters. So again, thank you all. Until the final chapter.
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