(Movie) Chapter 24: The Return

Welcome to the first chapter for the Saekano movie! A word of warning, many things were changed in order for it to make sense to how the story was depicted in previous chapters. And certain scenes had to be cut as it featured more of Megumi and Tomoya.

For the upcoming chapters, I will try to focus on the relationship with Utaha and Y/N, but no actual promises. I tried creating these chapters to the best of how I see fit. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy the chapters. Adieu.


Quite some time had passed since Utaha had graduated from Toyogasaki. Y/N, Tomoya, Eriri, and Megumi were now third years, but Eriri and Utaha were working with Akane Kousaka on making the new Fields Chronicle game.

During this time, Blessing Software had recruited new members, the Hashima siblings. With Iori managing sales and marketing, Izumi managing the drawing, Blessing Software was essentially back to where they once were. Y/N would still offer advice to Tomoya, who was still the lead scenario writer and president of Blessing Software, but the blue-eyed teen was someone who would do his own thing aside from his work of being a senior writer towards Blessing Software. He still wrote stories and were still being published under the Fushikawa Bunko brand.

Other than that, everything was normal. Y/N and Utaha would go on dates from time to time, but those were rare, considering the older girl's work with Akane. Currently, Blessing Software were supporting Icy Tail's new biggest concert, the all-girl's band having grown quite popular. With the song they were singing, it served as the main theme for the group's new game.

The circle members were hard at work, both Tomoya and Y/N running through the concert halls as they were putting up posters for their new game. Megumi and Izumi were setting up the booth where they were selling Icy Tail's album and Iori was backstage, also handling the sales of Icy Tail. Going to his phone, the burgundy haired teen went to Blessing Software's official Twitter account, to which it was blowing up with tweets and support.

Soon after, Megumi, Tomoya, and Y/N were leaning up against the wall in the back as they watched the concert. The boring girl turned her head to the side entrance, along with Y/N, the two of them seeing Eriri and Utaha enter the concert hall.

The two girls wave, Megumi waving back as Y/N stops leaning against the wall and heads over, greeting his girlfriend with a kiss. As the concert went on, Utaha noticed Y/N looking at his cousin and Megumi, her focus now going to the two. It clicked in her head. The two were growing closer, their feelings growing as well. But at the moment, those two wouldn't be able to confess yet.

Timeskip-After Concert

Michiru: Well then! To Icy Tail's first show as a headliner!

Everyone: Cheers!

Blessing Software and Icy Tail's members, along with Eriri and Utaha, were currently eating at a restaurant to celebrate Icy Tail's success. Icy Tail had their own table along with Blessing Software. Y/N shared a table with Utaha and Eriri, but at the moment, he was with his circle.

Michiru: All right! Tomo and N/N are treating us tonight, so it's all you can eat!

Y/N: I mean, I have a shit ton of cash that I don't really use aside from paying bills, buying groceries, and other minor expenses.

Michiru: Waiter! We'll have 10 servings of your best beef tongue, short ribs, pork loin and tripe!

Tomoya: You best slow the heck down!

Michiru: (wraps Tomoya in side hug) Aww, man. Aren't solo concerts the absolute best?

Tokino: Yep! They all came just to see us!

Ranko: And so many at that.

Echika: There was so much space in the dressing room! Normally we can barely breathe!

Tokino: Huh? That's what stood out to you?

Izumi: We did it, Tomoya-senpai! Our promotion for our new game was a super success too!

Tomoya: Ah, it's all thanks to your hard work, Izumi-chan!

Izumi: Even though it took me until ten this morning to finish the key visual? It really made setting up the merch a race against the clock.

Megumi: No need to apologize. You worked yourself to death for the circle. As fellow circle members, it's only natural for us to cover for each other.

Y/N: Sorry that I haven't been able to help too much. Machida-san and I have been running around meeting different studios in possibly animating the new action-based novel I did a month ago.

Tomoya: Do you know which studio is doing it?

Y/N: We've got good negotiations with Madhouse, but Wit Studio isn't off the table yet.

Izumi: Megumi-san...

Megumi: Regardless, considering we are all busy with our jobs, any potential problems would come from the one who lazes about and does nothing, right?

Tomoya: Kato?

Iori: Are you referring to me, by any chance?

Megumi: Not by chance. Nor had I intended to be ambiguous.

Izumi: M-Megumi-san?

Then, Izumi, Tomoya, and Y/N perk up at the sound of the meat sizzling on the grill in front of them. The meat being cooked belonged to Megumi and Iori, the two not paying attention and were arguing instead.

Iori: See, I'm not the type to do what any other person could.

Y/N: Eh, he's not wrong, Kato-san. His usefulness relies more on sales and shit like that. How else does Akane's shit sell well? Because of this bastard right here.

Megumi: I was of the mind that circle members should help each other.

Iori: Well, if that's your take, it seems like you are painfully unaware of how meticulous my plans truly were. You should be fully aware of that before attempting to criticize me.

The burgundy haired teen chuckles while Megumi looks at Tomoya annoyed. Tomoya scooted over to Michiru, who was happily munching on her cooked meat.

Tomoya: H-Hey, Michiru.

Michiru: Hmm?

Tomoya: Why aren't those two getting along?

Y/N: They're acting like cats and dogs.

Michiru: How am I supposed to know that?

Tokino: You sure are desperate if you're asking Micchi of all people.

Echika: (deadpan) She's the last person who'd get it.

Ranko: That's why she can't participate in the sweetheart scuffle.

Tomoya: This is the first time I'm hearing this kind of war and I'd like an explanation please!

Iori: Are you happy now, Kato-san? Thanks to my marketing genius, the official Twitter account has received over five thousand retweets. In short, my advertising has reached ten times the amount of people who attended today's concert.

Megumi: I don't think simple advertising can be considered a contribution to game development.

Y/N: But it does help bring in support, so that helps, yeah?

Iori: Then by proxy, selling merchandise at a concert isn't contributing to game development either, right?

Y/N: ...Ah, shit.

Izumi: (puts out fire on grill) Ah, it's burning, it's burning!

Tomoya: You can't put that much pork offal on there!

Sneaking away from the table, he returns to the table Utaha and Eriri were at. The dark haired maiden instantly lays her head on Y/N's shoulder as soon as he sat down.

Y/N: (chuckle) Miss me already?

Utaha: Of course I did. Now please be quiet. I would like to rest here.

Y/N: Yes, ma'am.

Utaha: ...Kato-san sure has changed, huh?

Y/N: Hmm? I guess.

Eriri: Hmm? What was that?

Utaha: I said that we three--

Y/N: Eh, more of just the two of you. I was more shown with the pretty lady here.

Utaha: As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted.

Y/N: Sorry.

Utaha: We were always the most conspicuous in the previous chapters, but I couldn't get used to being a minor character in the chapters based off the movie.

Y/N: Wait, wait. Are we breaking the fourth wall now? (looks to "screen") Can you guys hear and see us?

Eriri: That's just how it goes. We aren't circle members anymore. Well, except Y/N here.

Y/N: I'm barely around them anyway. My schedule has been recently tight with meeting different studios.

Eriri: And we're probably way lower in the credits too.

Both Utaha and Eriri sigh, the dark haired girl laying her head in Y/N's lap as she begins to sulk. She had a cute pouting face on, causing Y/N to sigh with a smile as he pats the girl's head. Then, Megumi crawled over to the three, sitting next to her best friend.

Megumi: Thanks for coming today, Eriri and Kasumigaoka-senpai.

Eriri: Ah, no worries! Thanks for the invitation!

Megumi: How is it going?

Y/N: Oh, yeah. I've been meaning to ask, but how's the bitch and the job doing?

Eriri: Hmm, well, the job is pure hell.

Megumi: But Fields Chronicle is a really hyped-up project, right?

Eriri: In spite of Utaha Kasumigaoka writing the scenario, somehow.

Utaha: (sits up) As you can see, we still get along great.

Y/N: Well, that's good at least.

Megumi: You two are as close as ever.

Eriri: Are you two blind? We're fighting as usual!

Y/N: That's what we mean, idiot.

Eriri: What's that supposed to mean!?

Y/N: Nothing. Nothing at all.

Utaha: Speaking of which, you all have become pretty close as well.

Megumi: Eh?

Eriri: I know right? Since when have you and Hashima argued so much?

Y/N: Since we recruited them. Which was like near the beginning of the school year. I don't know. Around there.

Megumi: O-Oh! Shouldn't everything that infiltrates the circle get properly disinfected or something like that?

Y/N: Now he's a germ? The first or was it second? I don't know, but one of those days, you were treating him like he was an orc. Or some shit like that.

Utaha: It must've been useful, then. That the all-important Sawamura-san was born yesterday. 

Eriri: Hey, what's that supposed to mean!

Utaha: (small giggle) Rinri-kun. Come here for a second.

Tomoya: Senpai?

Sitting at one of the ends, Tomoya begins to nervously shuffle in his spot. Being the teasing girl she was, Utaha began to stroke her foot against Tomoya's leg. Y/N was slightly uncomfortable with what she was doing, but she quickly leans up to his ear.

Utaha: (whisper) If you behave, you'll get a reward later.~

Y/N: ...Understood.

Utaha: Now then, it's been a while since we've seen each other. Let's have a nice, long chat.

Tomoya: U-Uh...I mean...

Utaha: Hmm...what was that thing Y/N told me a few days earlier? Oh, yes. How was your kiss with Hashima-san?

The glasses wearing teen, who was no longer wearing glasses and wore contacts, froze in his spot. Megumi had a confused face, unaware of the event of what happened.

Y/N: Betcha it felt good, didn't it?

Tomoya: Oh god, please stop!

Eriri: Gosh, I was trying to forget!

Megumi: What happened?

Eriri: Listen, Megumi! That big-boobed underclassmen! You won't believe her!

Tomoya: I said no more!

The short run down of what had happened, Izumi had kissed Tomoya, Eriri just so happened to see it. Megumi wasn't there at the time, which was surprising, since she was always with those two.

Of course, this causes shock for the blonde artist, and obviously dissatisfied with it. Back to the present, Izumi had a triumphant grin on her face, Utaha, Y/N, and Iori having smug grins on their faces as well. The members of Icy Tail were intrigued, leaning in towards Tomoya's table to listen in. Michiru, however, kept enjoying all the cooked beef she was eating. Tomoya was worried with how Megumi was going to react.

Tomoya: Eh, Kato, I can explain.

Megumi: (menacing smile) How about you stop teasing Eriri for now? Aren't you two best friends who are doing their very best, even now?

Utaha: So you're sticking to her guns, just a me-and-her problem, huh?

Y/N: Senpai, I don't think it's a you-and-her probem.

Megumi: Either way, if all that is true, it seems like we've have quite a lot to talk about. (menacing straight face) Can you please go over there, Aki-kun? You too, L/N-kun.

Y/N: Hai, hai. (kisses Utaha's cheek) Won't be too long, babe.

The dark haired girl was taken aback by the sudden nickname she was given, since it was the first time Y/N had ever used that term. He would always use "senpai" or "Utaha-senpai." Nevertheless, it brought a smile to her face and she quickly kisses Y/N and the black haired boy scoots back over to his original spot at Blessing Software's table.

Small Timeskip

Back to what they were previously doing, Utaha laying her head on Y/N's shoulder as they looked at Tomoya. Megumi seemed mad at him, for some odd reason, but Y/N thought otherwise. At the moment, Tomoya had his head lying on the table.

Utaha: Have you been well?

Tomoya: I was fine until just now.

Utaha: Isn't it too late?

Y/N: No matter how much you regret that kiss with her, you've left a deep scar on their hearts. You were her first, and that'll never change.

Tomoya: I didn't regret anything until you two spilled the beans!

Y/N: Who said that I was going to keep it a secret in the first place?

Eriri: S-So, how's Blessing Software's new game coming along?

Tomoya: Ah, leave it to me! Just wait and see, you two! I'm going to create it with my own two hands! A dating sim that's able to set everyone's heart aflutter!

Eriri: Writing the script for all five heroines is pretty ambitious, plus it's only your second game. Think he can handle it Y/N?

Y/N: Considering the last game, yes, I think he can handle it. He has grown considerably.

Utaha: The question is, have you been growing as a writer yourself, boyfriend of mine?~

Y/N: I meeeaaan...sure...?

Utaha: And what's that supposed to mean?

Y/N: It can mean many things. A lot of people have been enjoying what I do, especially the recent action-based one. But that's not the topic we're supposed to be talking about.

Utaha: Yes. It doesn't change the fact that Rinri-kun was just another 2D freak a year ago.

Eriri: Well, that hasn't changed at all, has it.

Y/N: Definitely.

Tomoya begins to growl in annoyance while Eriri kept up her best smug smirk. It wasn't until Izumi got their attention.

Izumi: Um, um, um! Tomoya-senpai may be a 2D freak, but he wrote a truly great script!

Y/N: Under my supervision...in most areas.

Izumi: I got all excited every time he finishes a new bit! What should the composition of the CG be like? How should I convey the emotions of that scene, and so on! There are still some things that are bothering me though! For example, the cliché blonde, twin-tailed heroine and the long black-haired one not just be dropped? Oh, but it helps that the long-black haired heroine gets a well thought-out boyfriend in the future in every other route aside her own!

Y/N: Familiar someone? Is he handsome? Rich? Overall cool guy?

Utaha: And I wonder who that is?~ Perhaps it's someone next to me?~

Y/N: Ohohoho!

Eriri: Stop flirting everywhere you go, you disgusting couple!

Y/N: Oh, shut it, pint-sized witch! Ahem. Izumi, continue.

Izumi: Luckily, the underclassman heroine's laudability and cuteness can compensate for that as well. It's just a great script top to bottom!

Tomoya: You actually think my script is that good?

Izumi: And it's not like that's all there is! Michiru-senpai's, Megumi-senpai's direction, and my art, will be perfect complements to it! So you two, when working on a big-budget title, one delay after another could very well have it cancelled. So don't come crying, all right?

Tomoya: I'm the one crying here!

Y/N: I don't see tears spilling out of your eyes.

Eriri: (competitive grin) You're not mincing your words, Izumi Hashima.

Utaha: But I can't say I dislike the reckless way you're checking us.

Izumi: Will you swear it? That your game will become a masterpiece that won't lose to ours?

Eriri: We're far beyond that sort of thing.

Utaha: Please don't underestimate our ability to cooperate when necessary.

As the girl continued to relax her head on Y/N's shoulder, she perks up when she receives a notification on her phone. Taking it, she lets out a surprised noise, causing Y/N to look down on Utaha's phone. Unlike Utaha, he lets out an annoyed sound when he realizes who the contact was.

In the parking garage, driving up in a red Porsche was none other than Akane Kousaka. In an attempt to avoid any verbal arguments, Y/N was forced to move back towards the Blessing Software table, on the opposite side of where Akane would sit. Now, Utaha and Eriri were sitting next to each other, annoyed as Akane slams a large binder with many sticky notes sticking out of it.

Akane: Let's get started.

Utaha: (irritated) What do you want to get started with, Kousaka-san? As you can see, you're interrupting my time with my boyfriend.

Akane: Well, this is more pressing matters.

Y/N: No it isn't, you manipulative bitch!

Akane: What's that you said, arrogant asshole?

Y/N: Fuck you!

Akane: Sorry! You're too young for me! Alth--

Y/N: As if I'd actually fuck you, you whore!

Akane: You little...!

Utaha: Please get back on topic. And Y/N, behave.

Y/N: (unethusiastic) Hai, hai.

Akane: As I was saying, this is more pressing matters.

Eriri: How much common sense do you have to lack to actually come here?

Akane: Regardless, I am trying to give you feedback as soon as possible. I said you had until the end of the day. You went ahead and handed it in at lunch time, now we're here.

Utaha: We had important plans, so we tried to manage our time as well as possible!

Akane: Oh? That didn't work out for you then.

She then begins to repeatedly tap her finger on the binder, Tomoya looking annoyed.

Iori: Keep it to yourself, Tomoya-kun.

Tomoya: Oh, obviously.

Iori: If anything, the only one who can really stand up to her is Y/N-san over here, but...

The two boys look over to him to see he was clenching his phone very tightly, the screen already having slight cracks in it. Not only that, he was violently moving his leg up and down, causing the table to shake.

Minutes later...

Akane: Wrong! It should be like this!

Eriri: What are you talking about!? That won't look good on screen!

Akane: Are you an idiot? That armor might as well be paper!

Eriri: If I did what you said, the designs would be all crazy generic!

Akane: Consider some form of balance for one minute please! It stands out way too much!

Eriri: I'm in charge of design, right!? So shut up and let me be in charge!

Akane: You haven't reached that level yet!

Eriri and Akane were currently arguing over things that concerned character design. The Blessing Software team, except Y/N and Iori, looked on in slight amazement.

Y/N: Heh. No matter how many times I told that bitch to leave me in charge of the scenario of the previous games, she goes full on rant mode.

Iori: Ah, you two would be arguing for hours.

Tomoya: U-Um, Y/N...?

Y/N: Hmm? What?

Tomoya: Are you sure alright?

Y/N: Yeah. Just fine and dandy.

Tomoya: But you've drank fifteen cups of sake already. In fact, aren't you a minor and can't drink that yet?

Iori: Ah, this is a popular hang out when our old circle finished a game. Surprisingly, Y/N-san here can hold his drink when he's completely pissed off.

Y/N: Iori. Shut up for a moment. (drinks sake) Waiter! Bring me all that you've got!

Tomoya: Hang on! That's going overboard! Stop!

Michiru: Yeah, N/N! Keep going! Whoo!

Tomoya: Mittchan, stop egging him on!

Random Bystander: Isn't that Akane Kousaka?

Both Iori and Y/N sweat drop and sigh, knowing what was about to happen next. Tomoya looks at the two confused before he leaned over to the side slightly, trying to listen in on the conversations of the other people.

The other people in the restaurant were murmuring and had their phones out. They were recording the meeting of Eriri, Utaha, and Akane, the leader of Rouge en Rouge spoiling her own game's plot and other things that people shouldn't know until the game had been released.

Akane: Rethink it!

Eriri: I get it!

Tomoya: Hey, do you hear that, Iori, Y/N?

Iori: Well, we're in Akihabara. I've told her countless times that she shouldn't talk about business around here.

Y/N: But whaddya know, the bitch doesn't fuckin' listen.

Tomoya: ...You really don't like her. At all.

Y/N: And should I? Probably not.

Tomoya: Some spoilers are bound to get out like this...

Y/N: If you're going to tell the other people to forget about what they heard, that'll be a long shot bud. And besides, Akane Kousaka is in the flesh, like right in front of them. Why would they want to forget everything she said?

Tomoya: H-Hey, can you not take pictures or send them around?

Y/N: (sigh) And another idiot doesn't listen.

Akane: I feel nothing! Nothing! This event is way too weak!

Utaha: Your tolerance is what's weak here!

Izumi: Stop babbling and start eating please! (putting out grill fire)

Akane: (slams hand on binder) Don't you get it!? It's where the scene Filene dies! That's the first half's climax!

Tomoya: (sweat drops) So we're spoiling the events right before the climax now?

Y/N: And there she goes. Annoying prick.

Akane: The fuck you say, scumbag!?

Y/N: You fucking heard me hag!

Akane: Annoying little brat!

Y/N: Oh can it, slut!

Utaha: Y/N, behave please.

Y/N: ...Hai.

Utaha: As I was saying, you're the one who doesn't get it! The repressed nature of that scene is what makes its impact all the greater! Having all the tearjerker scenes play out in the same way will only make the players bored!

Akane: Then keep sharpening them! Until they become razors to tear a player's heart apart! If you can't do that, it's nothing but a pretentious failure!

Waitress: U-Um, excuse me.

Akane: What!?

Waitress: You are disturbing the other customers.

Akane: (slams fist on table) Ah, sorry about that. I'll cover all the tables as well. You get me, yeah? Stuff yourselves and forget everything you've seen.

At what she said, knowing Akane was rich, Michiru had immediately raised her hand. This causes her cousins to look at her.

Michiru: We'll have the best beef tongue, short ribs, pork loin and tripe! Bring it all on!

This then excites everyone else, the other customers quickly sitting back in their seats to join in on the action. The waitress begins to write everything down and heads back to the kitchen. Later on, she goes outside and puts a sign on the door. They had run out of meat for the day.

After the dinner, Y/N was driving Utaha home, the blue-eyed teen sighing in the process.

Utaha: Are you sure you're okay to drive? You drank quite a lot over there.

Y/N: You'd be surprised how well I can hold my drink when I'm pissed off. That bitch...

Utaha: Focus on the road in front of you.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah.

Utaha: (pulls Y/N's cheeks) And don't speak with me using that tone.

Y/N: Ow! Weren't you just telling me to focus on the front!? If you keep doing that, then I can't!

Utaha: Then stop blabbering and keep driving.

Y/N: (sigh) Yes, ma'am.

A few more minutes pass by and they arrive at Utaha's home, Y/N pulling up to the side of the road and the scarlet-eyed girl exits. As Y/N was about to leave, she tapped the window of his car. Y/N rolled down the window and Utaha pulled his face up towards hers, pushing their lips against each other.

At this point, they weren't really surprised if either one of them did this. This was quite normal for them. She then releases the kiss she stared into his eyes. The shining blue eyes that she fell in love with, as well as the kind boy that was in front of her. They said their goodbyes and Y/N drove off. But he then sighs as he has another long day of work ahead of him tomorrow.

Next Day

It was the next morning at the Aki household and Megumi stood at the front door. She had tried the doorbell that was on the brickwall, but no one had answered. Nor opened the door. Using the other option, which was going into her bag to get the spare key, she unlocked the door and stepped inside.

She first checks Y/N's room, the boy passed out on his desk as some of his latest manuscripts and other drafts for his books were all over the floor, desk, and the coffee table in his room. And a few other paperworks, like contracts and other important documents sat on his coffee table. A few empty energy drinks were also laying about the room.

The girl sighs before she heads over to Tomoya's room to check on him. And when she opened the door, she wasn't surprised at what she saw as well. Like Y/N's room, empty cans of energy drinks were all over the floor as well. She looked to the bed, Tomoya sprawled all over the mattress as he too, was also unconscious. The girl sighs once more before she went downstairs and started to prep the two some breakfast. Making a few simple sandwiches, she goes back upstairs to see Y/N yawning as he heads into the bathroom.

Minutes later, with Tomoya awake, the two boys now sat in the otaku's room as they were munching on their breakfast. While Y/N was able to eat all of his, Tomoya only ate half.

Tomoya: Uh, sorry. I'm not really hungry.

Y/N: (yawn) Didn't I tell you not to eat too much meat last night?

Tomoya: Not my fault Mittchan kept shoving them down my throat.

Y/N: Excuses, excuses.

Megumi: When did you two go to bed?

Y/N: I don't know...I was just trying to finish as much paperwork as I could, but you can probably see how that's going. There's still too much to do and still reviewing contracts with other animation studios.

Tomoya: Well, I wanted to stay up until everyone was here, but you know...

Megumi: And how is progress? Only the main heroine route remains. You proclaimed that you'd easily finish it during summer break. When in July was that again?

Tomoya: Um, just a while ago.

Megumi: And when will summer break end?

Tomoya: Um, just a bit later.

Y/N: Well, it'll come sooner than you think. And won't Izumi's work get stalled if she's stuck waiting on you?

Tomoya: I'm sorry, okay? I didn't ask to be in a slump.

Megumi: What were you working on?

Y/N: If I recall correctly, he was working on Meguri's fifteenth scene.

Tomoya: Yeah.

The otaku teen had gotten a sheet of paper, which listed the various scenarios for Meguri. Megumi takes the paper and realizes how important it was, which the fifteenth scene started Meguri's route in the game.

Megumi: Right, even an amateur like me can see how important this one is.

Tomoya: Yes! It's the player's entrance into her route! In short, it's the game's most important junction! It's very core! I cannot let this slip! Indeed! I have to weave every scene together to form my most impactful story ever!

Megumi: Well, how?

Tomoya: Urk...!

Y/N: She gotcha there buddy.

Tomoya: Do you two have any ideas for breaking out of this writer's block?

Y/N: Hmm...well, mine mostly consists of hanging out with my girlfriend. Oh, wait. You don't have one.

Megumi: Should you be asking me that?

Tomoya: I have to grasp every straw I can! And Y/N's isn't helping!

Y/N: Hey, you asked for an idea and I gave you one.

Tomoya: I'm drowning here!

Megumi: You don't sound like you need me, but maybe I'm just imagining things. Hmm, let's see. You should experience and learn from other works.

Tomoya: Ah, yes, we stand on the shoulders of giants after all!

Megumi: You should try putting pen to paper without any restraint.

Tomoya: True, 100kb of crap is still better than 0kb of absolute genius!

Y/N: Or you know, just forget it all and take a break. That usually works.

Tomoya: Indeed! And with some luck, elves would finish everything during my sleep!

Megumi: Hmm, I think we're long past the point where we could try that.

Tomoya: Hey, I'm at a loss here.

Megumi: Why grasp at a straw like me instead of praying to your writing god and goddess?

Y/N: Am I the writing god? Yeah, I've got no help for him at the moment.

Megumi: But she must have dealt with his problems countless of times, right?

Y/N: I mean, yeah, you're not wrong there.

Tomoya: But if I ask her for advice, won't you get mad?

Megumi: Why would I?

Tomoya: Well, considering what happened at the restaurant--

Y/N: Oh, because of us spilling the beans? I doubt she'd have a problem with, right, Kato-san?

Megumi: Huh? Uh, yeah, sure. Besides, even if she isn't a part of the circle anymore, she'd probably still be willing to help us.

Tomoya: Hold up just a minute! Clearly you understand your face is telling a different story!

Megumi: (pats face couple of times) Well, either way. Hyodo-san and Izumi-chan should be arriving soon. You should go wash your face.

Tomoya: Y-Yeah. Y/N, are you still using the bathroom?

Y/N: Go for it.

Tomoya: R-Right then.

As Tomoya departs from the room, Y/N on his phone, he would often glance up at Megumi. The boring girl was currently cleaning up their things, eating the rest of Tomoya's sandwich instead of throwing it away.

Y/N: So, when are you going tell him?

Megumi: Hmm? Tell him what?

Y/N: It's quite obvious. Although, you're not like Eriri, who lays it out on a silver platter for him and even he himself doesn't realize it. But, Utaha and I have been talking about it as we can see it clearly.

Megumi: Since when were you two on a first name basis? You dropped the "senpai" in her name.

Y/N: We've been doing it for a while now and we are dating. But don't change the subject, Kato. When are you going to tell him?

The boring girl stayed silent before she went back to what she was doing, cleaning up the rest while Y/N sighed. If anything, Megumi was more stubborn than Eriri to get something out of her. Y/N had noticed that Megumi was experiencing those feelings for his cousin for quite some time now.

But unlike Eriri, Megumi knew how to hide it well, so it took awhile for Y/N to really confirm that Megumi did feel that way for Tomoya. Now, Y/N felt like playing cupid. But at the moment, he brushed it off and went back to his room to do more of his paperwork before the rest of the members came for the meeting. The next morning rolls around with Y/N and Tomoya standing outside Utaha's residence.

Tomoya: So...why are you here again?

Y/N: Uh, to visit my girlfriend? What else?

Tomoya: And I still don't know how I couldn't convince you to like 2D girls.

Y/N: Well, I'm not into fictional characters, Mr. 2D only.

Tomoya: When did you start using Yoshihiko's nickname for me?

Y/N: I don't know. ...Now that I think about it, she told me she wouldn't be home today because she's at work.

Tomoya: Why didn't you tell me!? We were standing out here for ten minutes, and I was contemplating how to approach her!

Y/N: Eh, watching you pace around like an idiot was somewhat enjoyable.

Tomoya sighs and stares down at his phone. Before he even had the chance to send his message, he heard a car engine roll up behind him, the person honking their horn. He took a glance at Y/N, whose face was ticked off and had a scowl.

He turned around and saw Akane's Porsche in front of him, the mangaka having a grin on her face.

Akane: Yo.

Seconds later, the two were sitting in the car with Akane. Although, Y/N begrudgingly got in, sitting in the back, forcing Tomoya to sit up front with Akane.

Akane: What a shame, your Utako Kasumi is gone.

Y/N: Want me to stab you in between the eyes, bitch?

Akane: Try it if you can, brat.

Tomoya: Y/N, enough. (sigh) What brought you here today?

Akane: I received a revised script this morning. My feedback has to be delivered quickly.

Tomoya: You could have called in advance, at least.

Akane: Says the two guys loitering in front of her apartment. You two are just like stalkers.

Y/N: One, I'm her boyfriend. And two, she gave me a spare key to the apartment to get in, but I decided to let her sleep in today.

Tomoya: I thought you told me she was at work today!?

Y/N: You should know that was a lie. Besides, she only writes her stuff at home, and afterwards, she either calls me for a date, or she just sleeps.

Tomoya: What a great relationship you two have.

Y/N: Hey, it's the best relationship.

Akane: (to Tomoya) You sure are clingy, after she's tossed you aside for her ex-boyfriend. Well, no longer exes, I guess. Well, it's one thing as a leader, but as a man...

Y/N: I will admit, Tomoya isn't a man.

Tomoya: Y/N! I thought you were on my side!? And I thought you didn't like her!?

Y/N: I never said I was on your side. And just because I argue with her and don't like her as a person, doesn't mean I can't agree with her on some things. Like you, not being a man. Man up, wuss.

Tomoya: A-Anyway, that's not what this was about! I wanted her advice for my script! I don't want to hear such things from you of all people. I discovered Eri Kashiwagi, Akira Makabe, and Utako Kasumi.

Y/N: Eh, our books was already flying off the shelves. Well, partially.

Tomoya: Regardless! She clearly stole my idea of having them collaborate on a game!

Y/N: (thoughts) Minus one writer, though.

The Porsche then stops at a red light, people soon going across the crosswalk.

Akane: You shouldn't be so cold to your patron.

Tomoya: When did that happen!?

Y/N: ...Dammit. Why didn't I notice before?

Tomoya: What? What is it, Y/N?

Y/N: Tomoya. Think back to who took us to Nasu Highlands when you called Iori.

Tomoya: Enaka-san. Why? (looks to Akane) You were Enaka-san!?

Akane: (cheeky grin) And I brought you two all the way to Nasu Highlands. In the middle of the night at that.

Tomoya: Th-That time was...

Akane: I missed four whole deadlines, you know.

Y/N: (sigh) Let me guess. The chief editor cried a whole lot, yeah?

Akane: Of course she did. I'm surprised you still remember.

Y/N: I worked with you for a whole fucking year. Think I can forget that hellhole?

Akane: Sheesh. No need to be so rude, brat.

Y/N: Whatever.

Tomoya: I'm s-sorry! (eyes wide) Wait a second! So does that mean you wanted to poach Eriri when you saw her art back then?

Akane: I guess you could say that. So you could say I was your pest all along! (laughs)

Tomoya: I'll get out! Stop!

Y/N: Tomoya, it's no use. Once you get into a moving vehicle with her, there's no way out. Not unless you reach your destination, of course.

Akane: Yeah, gotcha! I'm sick of driving too, so let's go grab a bite to eat. 

Tomoya: That's not what I meant!

After stopping at a small restaurant called Ginsei, the two boys sat in front of Akane. The older woman was completely focused on her laptop, reading Tomoya's script. Tomoya was nervous as the Akane Kousaka was reading his script and was going to give feedback.

Y/N, however, was indifferent. Because he's had his script reviewed by Akane so many times, he was used to it. Right now, he was just scrolling through the recent photos of him and Utaha, when they had gotten back together a year back.

Tomoya: Um, Kousaka-san?

Akane: Shut it, I'm concentrating.

The black-eyed boy could see her eyes quickly skimming through the text. He wasn't sure if she was actually reading or not. When he looked to Y/N, he wasn't paying attention at all and was minding his own business.

Tomoya: Uh, are you actually reading?

Y/N: Don't worry so much. She's not actually skipping a single word.

Akane: He's right.

Tomoya: That's not humanly possible.

After a few seconds of reading his script, Akane begins to snicker before she bursts out laughing. Tomoya was confused by this, Y/N rolling his eyes as he knew what was coming next. He had worked with her for a year, so he pretty much knew how she operated.

Tomoya: H-Hey! You're obviously not laughing with my script here!

Akane: Wow! This script is hella gross! Especially that blonde heroine who simply bursts into tears from a simple kiss! Just how pure can you be? You'll barely see that kinda stuff in 2D these days!

Tomoya: Could you not attack every little flaw!?

Akane: (laughs hysterically) I'm dying!

Tomoya: Stop. Please stop!

Y/N: You brought this upon yourself, Tomoya. Once she's started, she doesn't stop. At all.

Akane: And that long black-haired one is way too inconsistent! She's a total sadist the whole time, but as soon as she gets in bed, she's quiet as a mouse! The only thing she has going for her, is the pretty much the better male character than the protagonist in the other routes where she doesn't end up being the one! Hah!

Tomoya: They're just lying there, okay! There's nothing more to it!

Akane: Then, what's: "L-Listen, this is my f-first time." supposed to mean in this line!?

Y/N: (thoughts) If I recall, Utaha wasn't like that when we did it the first time...why do I remember this?

Tomoya: Don't read it out loud!

Seconds soon became minutes, then a few hours. It had dragged on, Akane continuing to read the script set by the otaku teen. She was nearing the end, reading what was currently Meguri's route. The main route. Akane then sighed, taking a small glance at Tomoya.

Akane: So, this is your main route?

Tomoya: It's still a work in progress. W-Well? I don't want you to show it any mercy!

Y/N: You will be regretting those words in a few seconds.

Akane: ...You've grown quite a bit in this short amount of time, huh?

Tomoya: Eh?

Akane: The sub routes and this are like chalk and cheese. That greasy and unrefined style of the sub heroine routes, is smoothing out now that you've reached the main route.

Tomoya: H-Hoh?

Akane: I didn't think you'd grow this fast. That's why amateurs who learn the ropes are scary.

Tomoya: I'm glad to hear that! Honestly, I felt totally lost about the direction I was going! I felt like something was off. Maybe because I was in a slump? But I actually grew! I didn't make a turn for the worse, right? Thank you! Your words were the final push that I needed to--

Y/N: (sigh) Three...two...one...

Akane: You are...such an idiot!

Tomoya: Eh!?!?

Y/N: There it is.

Akane: What are you talking about? Clearly you got lost! You totally fell into a slump! You totally held back! If you didn't, this wouldn't have been anything other than worthless!

Tomoya: Eh!?!?

Akane: You've refined your writing so much it's turned dull! This script looks like it's about to put on a polo and play golf! Are you holding back? That's not you!

Y/N: ...That went better than I expected.

Tomoya: But, didn't you say the sub routes and this were like chalk and cheese?

Y/N: Like I said. Don't take everything she says for granted.

Akane: As if some foul cheese is comparable to some perfectly white chalk! (sighs and smiles) Remember Cherry Blessing? You thought of that happy-go-lucky route, right? From the way it was written, I can tell it was Y/N over here. But in truth, Utako Kasumi or Akira Makabe would never write or think of something that corny.

Y/N: Well...she's not wrong there.

Akane: It's got the same vibe as the first half of this, though.

Tomoya: Well, that's...

Akane: But even I couldn't write this. You've got something special.

Tomoya: Kousaka-san...

Akane: Isn't your forte the discharge of your appallingly gross otaku fantasies? Your readers get goosebumps, get embarrassed and want to look away. But they can't put it down! That's what you've got!

Tomoya: (sweat drops) Can't you praise it without calling it gross?

Akane: You'll definitely have a cult following of disgusting nerds. You don't need to improve! Go all-out degenerate! Keep releasing your shitty fantasies! Flirt all you want with the suspiciously easy heroines!

Tomoya: Isn't that just...

Akane: Yes! Masturbate! Masturbate, boy! Masturbate as hard as you can! Masturbate so nobody can tear their eyes away from it! Masturbate shamefully, but proudly! With all your might! (laughs hysterically)

Y/N: (looks to Tomoya and whispers) Yeah, I don't know whether to be proud of you or just to call you a shameful ass idiot.

Tomoya: (looks to store owner) Excuse us!

The store owner simply waves them off, completely trying to forget the whole situation that had occurred. After their little discussion, Tomoya sighed as Akane walked up to them.

Akane: So, what now? Wanna head back to Utako Kasumi's?

Y/N: Yeah, I'll take a walk to her house, thank you very much.

Tomoya: I'll head home.

Akane: All right, guess this is goodbye then.

Tomoya: Uh, Kousaka-san! For today, uh, well...

Akane: Save me a copy if you manage to finish. I'll grab it at Winter Comiket.

Tomoya: (nods) Hai!

The dark red haired woman gave Tomoya a smirk, her twirling her car keys on her index finger. Tomoya bows in thanks, Y/N only staring at the woman with annoyance. Before Tomoya could start to walk back home, he remembers how much sake she drank.

Tomoya: Wait! You shouldn't be driving, take a taxi!

Next Morning

Y/N was walking to school among the crowd of people. He took a slight glance upwards, noticing Tomoya and Megumi walking next to each other.

They were talking to each other, happily. Clearly different when they used to interact back then. Like him and Utaha, the two were also on a first name basis, but it felt strange to him. Y/N scratches his head in annoyance as he sees Izumi up ahead.

Y/N: What's wrong with you?

Izumi: Those two seem...

Y/N: As close as ever, right?

Izumi: Mm-hm.

Before Y/N could even start moving again, Eriri quickly rushes past him, hitting his shoulder as the blonde girl joins up with Tomoya and Megumi.

Eriri: Morning, Megumi, Tomoya!

Tomoya: Morning.

Megumi: M-Morning, Eriri.

Izumi: Maybe geniuses don't even need to read the mood after all.


At the local diner, Y/N joined up with the two and were sitting in the booth. Tomoya had handed over the script to Megumi, who was currently reading it over. Of course, Y/N had also made his notes as well on the script.

Tomoya: I finally finished Meguri fifteen!

Megumi: Even though you haven't written in a month, it only took a single night once you got going.

Tomoya: It is my best script so far and a combination of our souls. Please never forget it!

Megumi: It's going to take me a while, so you can do something else.

Tomoya: Right. Please give it your full attention.

Y/N: Just don't get lost in the sauce when staring, Tomoya.

Tomoya: Huh...? What...?

Y/N: ...Nevermind.

As time went on, Megumi finished reading the script, she puts her head on the table. Y/N was snickering slightly, knowing how gross the script was.

Tomoya: H-How is it?

Megumi: So embarrassing that I want to look away.

Tomoya: Yosha!

Y/N: (laughs) Th-That's not supposed to be a compliment, you fuckin' idiot.

Tomoya: But if a girl is embarrassed, the guys' hearts will surely go wild! Thanks, you two! Especially you, Kato!

Megumi: It's like L/N-kun said, it's not a compliment. And it's not Kato.

Tomoya: Oh, sorry, M-Megumi.

Y/N: (sigh) Seeing you two act like this makes me wanna barf.

Tomoya: Why!?

Megumi: Well? How are you going to deal with the next events?

Tomoya: Well, let's see. Meguri and the protagonist finally got together. After that...

Megumi: Will Meguri lose her memories or will the protagonist die?

Y/N: ...

Tomoya: (deadpan) Did you forget what kind of game this is?

Y/N: Wrong type of situation, Kato.

Megumi: I didn't. I just wanted to.

Tomoya: The heroine's charm has to be present in every pixel! In other words, the next step is clear. They have to flirt and make out like crazy!

Y/N: ...It almost terrifies me that it isn't even a real life scenario.

Tomoya: Is that not what you and Utaha-senpai do...?

Y/N: We may be dating, but we're not barbarians, dumbass. We don't flirt like crazy.

Tomoya: Th-Then what was all that at the celebration!?

Y/N: That? We're always like that. (sigh) But since this is a dating sim, that will have to happen.

Megumi: I thought so.

Tomoya: So, are we doing it again?

Y/N: Again? Oh shit, did you guys do the deed!? Fuck, I'm outta here!

Tomoya: W-Wait, it's a misunderstanding! Wait, Y/N!

The days soon passed, it being a Saturday afternoon. Both Y/N and Tomoya were sitting in a hospital's lobby, as if they were waiting for someone.

Y/N: ...Are sure it was okay to just leave her like that? It is her birthday today, after all.

Tomoya only stayed silent, clasping his hands together as Y/N ultimately sighs. Yesterday night, Tomoya had told Y/N of his plans, taking Megumi out to scout areas for their game.

Y/N thought it was something more, but he congratulated him nonetheless. And today, when they were heading to the desired meeting area, they ran into someone. It resulted in them calling the ambulance for an emergency pick up. Soon, the elevator dings, the doors opening revealing Machida, Utaha, and Eriri.

The three of them spot the two boys, Utaha instantly running to her boyfriend's side.

Tomoya: Eriri, Utaha-senpai.

The person in the hospital was Akane. The five of them were in Akane's hospital room, Machida putting her hand on the woman's forehead. The four creators soon moved to the lounging area.

Eriri: Her business card?

Y/N: (sigh) Tomoya and I saw her by chance a few days ago. They ended up exchanging them. I was driving him somewhere when we saw her collapse in front of a convenience store.

Tomoya: She didn't have an ID. Only my business card was in her pocket.

Eriri: (sigh) That woman goes around without her credit card, license, or anything. The only thing she's always got is cash.

Utaha: And? What did the doctor say?

Y/N: Said she had some sort of stroke. She wasn't even able to speak properly as soon as the ambulance arrived. But she seems to be slowly improving in that regard, at least.

Utaha: At least?

Y/N: ...They said she can't move her right hand.

Eriri: Hang on! She's an artist, and she draws manga! That's her ultimate, most precious asset!

Tomoya: Well, she can likely draw again once she recovers properly.

Eriri: And if she doesn't? How can an artist continue her battle if you take away her tools!?

Tomoya: Eriri...

Eriri: She's the best art--she's a monster on the same level as me! There's a good chance losing it all at once might break her spirit!

Utaha: We don't even know whether she'll recover or not. Being so serious about it won't get us anywhere. For now, we can only pray for her recovery. No matter how long it takes.

Y/N: What'll that mean for your game? You guys don't have unlimited time.

Utaha: Don't worry, ours and Kousaka-san's work is practically done. Just a few touches remain before we're ready for the master.

Tomoya: Ah, that's good.

Eriri: (confused) What do you mean "just a few touches"? We haven't been informed about the other side's progress!

Y/N: (sigh) That idiot...

Utaha: Hold on, Sawamura-san...

Eriri: Nor do we know how many revisions our work needs. Akane Kousaka handled all the communication between us and Mars.

Y/N: Let me guess, she said it was to avoid "unnecessary distractions for the staff," right?

Utaha: Y-Yes...

Y/N: I told her to at least change the way she operates. Even if it was to devote you all to your work, at least have another person handle communication other than her.

Utaha: It wasn't the way we wanted to do things.

Eriri: However, it's inevitably backfired now.

Y/N: This is quite troublesome for you two, huh?

Dusk soon approaches, Tomoya still inside the hospital. Outside, Y/N stood with Iori, Utaha, and Eriri, the four of them standing in front of Machida as she had a taxi waiting for her.

Machida: I'll prepare everything for Akane's hospitalization. I'll be back after.

Utaha: Even that's part of your job, Machida-san?

Machida: She may have a ton of colleagues, but she doesn't have any friends. Nor does she get along with her parents, it seems.

Utaha: Well, I can certainly see why.

Eriri: Even Akane Kousaka wouldn't want to hear that from you of all people.

Machida: Anyway, you all should head home now. You've still got work to do, right?

Utaha: But we're missing our leader. How are we supposed to continue?

Machida: Don't worry. I'll check in with Mars regarding Fields Chronicle. Well, me, Hashima, and N/N here.

Eriri: (annoyed) Hashima?

Utaha: Y/N?

Y/N: We've worked with Akane the longest, and if anything she has complete trust in us. Despite all the shit that went don't between us as colleagues.

Machida: Please fill those two in on your current situation.

The blue-haired woman gets into the taxi, driving off. Iori and Y/N look to the two girls.

Y/N: Well, despite these circumstances, pleasure to be working with you two again.

Iori: What he said.

Eriri: (looks to Iori) You're the one guy I didn't want to work with. Who knows what'll happen next.

Iori: Hey, I wouldn't mess with any of Akane's team. On top of that, we're part of Blessing Software. We'll be returning to our circle as soon as this is over.

Eriri: (grits teeth) Well, you can go back now! We don't need your help one bit!

Y/N: Well, I'm going to check on my idiot of a cousin. See you in a bit.

The black haired boy goes back into the building and was about to turn the corner before he heard Tomoya's voice. Stopping himself, he leans up against the wall and listens in.

Tomoya: ...Yeah, she seems stable. For now, at least. I can't do much more at the moment. Maybe if I head over now--uh, yeah. I guess it's too late, huh? See you at the circle meeting tomorrow. Sorry we couldn't celebrate your birthday, Megumi. I'm really sorry. ...Happy birthday.

Y/N: (sigh) ...That idiot.

Shaking his head, Y/N stops leaning against the wall and heads outside. But he was surprised that Utaha was waiting for him, a small smile on her face.

Y/N: Thought you'd be heading home already.

Utaha: Is it wrong for me to wait for my boyfriend?

Y/N: Not at all. So? Want me to take you home?

Utaha: Actually, I was hoping we'd take a small detour.

Y/N: A detour? 

And Y/N soon found himself walking down the orange lit street due to the dusk sun. Utaha had an arm wrapped around his, the girl humming to herself as they walked down the street.

Y/N: ...Was there a reason you wanted this little detour?

Utaha: Nothing really. I just felt that we don't get to spend as much time together considering the situation at hand.

Y/N: I suppose.

Silence fills the air, the only sounds made were the passing cars and the sounds of their shoes as they made contact with the paved sidewalk. Minutes soon pass and the two found themselves in a small park, Utaha sitting down on one of the benches and patting it, gesturing for Y/N to sit next to her.

He didn't mind, making his way over to the dark haired maiden and sitting next to her. As always, and how things usually went, she lays her head on his shoulder, Y/N wrapping an arm around her as she let out a content sigh.

Utaha: ...Do you remember the first time we met?

Y/N: Yeah. What was it, two or three years ago? It was my first day at Fushikawa Bunko and I bumped into you and knocked you to the floor.

Utaha: I ended up cussing you out for a few minutes.

Y/N: Funny thing was, I always ridiculed those love at first sight moments in movies, anime, all those things. And yet, that's what happened to me.

Utaha: Really now?

Y/N: Yep. I'd never forget that day, and never realized that I would be with you.

Utaha: Now that I think about it, I didn't start falling in love with you until after a week when we started seeing each other at the same place.

Y/N: And then it took you a whole month after that to ask me out on a date.

Utaha: ...If you had chosen a different career path, would you have still met me and fallen in love with me?

Y/N: I honestly...don't know. Maybe I would have had a small crush on if we ever first met in my first year of high school had we not met at Fushikawa Bunko...but there is one thing that I don't regret.

Utaha: And what is that?

Y/N: ...Going down this path has let me be with the most beautiful woman I could ever dream to be with. You're honestly too perfect for me, and I don't know what I did to deserve you.

Utaha: Y/N...

Y/N: I...love you so much, Utaha Kasumigaoka. 

Utaha: I love you, too...Y/N L/N.

The blue-eyed teen looked at the scarlet-eyed girl, the two of them leaning in. He cupped her face, Utaha holding his hand as the orange sun's light shined in her eyes. Their lips then met, it starting off slow before Y/N pushes her down on the bench.

He continued to such the air out of her, the girl doing the same as she stuck his tongue into his mouth. Y/N offered no resistance and allowed her to do as she pleased. They wanted their kiss to go on forever, but they separated due to their lack of air, a string of saliva connecting them. He could see the love and lust in her eyes, him reciprocating the same in his own blue eyes. He then leaned down and kissed her again. But it would soon end as night begins to fall upon the two.


With that, first chapter of the movie has been concluded. Hope you all enjoyed it. I will be letting you know that I am really trying to make them the best they be, so please be patient.

The chapters will come out when I think they're ready and these will take quite some time, considering how much words there will be. In this chapter, there is roughing 8400-8600 words typed, without these black text in the beginning and ending here. But again, I'm trying my hardest on making these chapters the best they can be so I can send this book off with a bang. This feels like my Oregairu book all over again. Till the next chapter update.


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