Chapter 8: Summer Comiket, Eriri's Jealousy

Hah! I lied! It came out earlier than an hour! But seriously, I mean for this to come out at eleven thirty but lost track of time and shit like that. Nonetheless, it has finished and is ready to read so I hope you enjoy it!

Oh, and happy Saint Patrick's day people!



In her room of her mansion, Eriri had buried her face into her arms as she sat at her desk. She was remembering the days she spent in elementary school with Y/N and Tomoya.

Tomoya had gifted her Little Love Rhapsody one day and he would often compliment her drawings. Unknown to the two, the boys in the class had a growing animosity, mostly aimed towards Tomoya. This was due to the closeness the two had with each other. Sure, Y/N was close to them, but he was often off minding his own business.

In the present day, Eriri stretched in her chair as the only light in the room came from her lamp on the table. The curtains was closed, her getting up from her relaxed area and opening them, opening the door behind the curtains towards the balcony. She covered her eyes, due to the bright summer sun. As she leaned up against the railing, she couldn't help but feel sluggish. Then again, the summer sun had shown up with the start of summer vacation.


In the Aki household, both Y/N and Megumi had walked into the bedroom of Tomoya, carrying snacks along the way. The scene in front of them had Eriri working on sketches for her profession at Tomoya's desk, while the glasses wearing boy was printing multiple copies for her lewd work.

Megumi: So, wasn't today's club meeting supposed to be on character design direction?

Tomoya: Yeah, in particular the main heroine that you're the model for, Kato. 

Y/N: Then why does this place look like a hentai factory?

Megumi: Nobody said anything about me taking my clothes off!

Y/N: Kato-san, I don't think you're taking your clothes off. This is Eriri's profession.

Tomoya: He's right, so relax. This isn't artwork for our game, Kato. They're the manuscript for the book Eriri's circle is doing for Summer Comiket.

Eriri: (not looking up from work) Sorry, Kato-san. I'm a little behind schedule.

Megumi: Oh, that's why... (looks to Y/N) Aren't you behind on schedule?

Y/N: Nah, doing fine. I've got a fourth left to finish and then I just have to make copies and it'll be ready to be released.

Megumi: Sounds rough...I forgot, when does Summer Comiket start?

Tomoya: (nonchalantly) Tomorrow. It starts tomorrow.

Y/N: And you're starting to print it now? Summer Comiket runs for three days, right?

Eriri: Yeah. My circle's attending on the third, so it's no problem. 

Y/N: Ah, dammit. I just remembered I'm holding a booth on the second day of Summer Comiket so people can ask me questions.

Tomoya: What about my review?

Y/N: You've already posted it. Now, this is giving others to have an individual interview with me. Just to ask questions about myself, not just my books.

Tomoya: Ah, I see.

Megumi: (going back to original topic) So it's not a problem?

Tomoya: Of course it's a problem! Not only will there be a surcharge taxed on to the printing fee, stealing the print shop's Bon vacation is the worst thing you can do! I helped you with the storyboards, so why are you working at the 11th hour!?

Eriri: There's no reason for a creator holding up a delivery of unfinished pages.

Megumi: Ah. That's kinda cool.

Y/N: (scratches head) Is it?

Tomoya: Of course it's not cool!

Megumi: ...Still, Comiket, huh? It's finally here.

Y/N: It certainly did come faster than I anticipated.

Tomoya: (proud smile) Yeah, finally. But remember, this Comiket is nothing more than an opening skirmish opening. Our true battle will be Winter Comiket at the end of the year!

Y/N: Yeah, I don't think we'll be able to finish it by the end of this year. But, then again, that's just a possibility. What the hell do I know? I'm not a fucking wizard.

Tomoya: Not a genie?

Y/N: Like I said, what the hell do I know?

Tomoya: Anyway, it will mark the beginning of the legend of super-producer and director of Tomoya Aki, who will march in, his debut mega-production dating sim in hand, and set off a revolution in the doujin world!

Y/N: Someone's ambitious.

Megumi: Now that you mention it, aren't you going, Sawamura-san? After all, you're releasing your own book.

Eriri: Of course I'm not going. I'm having my mom and dad man my table. 

Megumi: You must have awfully understanding parents.

Y/N: I mean, they are nice people. Won't deny that. 

Eriri: Are you two planning to go?

Y/N: Maybe. I'm going the second day anyway.

Eriri: If a civilian casually strolls onto that battlefield, the world's largest gathering of otaku, she'll regret it.

Y/N: You sure you're up to it, Kato? You'll have the people of Tomoya's kind.

Tomoya: What am I, a species!?

Megumi: But I already got a ticket from Izumi-chan, and I thought I would go as a sort of rehearsal for the end of the year. I'm really looking forward to seeing Izumi-chan's doujinshi.

Tomoya: Yeah! With all her enthusiasm, I bet it's gonna be a fun book that's brimming with love for LitRhap!

Megumi: (looks at Eriri's work) I'm not asking for much, I just pray that it won't be like this book. 

Tomoya: You don't have to worry about that. A LitRhap book probably won't have any girl nudity even if it's 18+.

Y/N: Uh, Tomoya? I don't think that's what she means. 

Megumi: What kind of nudity are we talking about, then? Is it really safe?

Y/N: Yeah, I don't know. I don't read that kind of shit...most of the time.

Hours Later...

It was now dusk, many hours had passed and Y/N was sitting on Tomoya's bed. Both Tomoya and Megumi sat in front of Y/N, the three of them in front of Tomoya's TV as they watched the "young otaku" play a dating sim. Eriri continued her work at Tomoya's desk.

Tomoya: Are you sure that you want to play this game?

Y/N: I mean...It's not that bad. 

Megumi: Well, Izumi-chan said it was really fun, so my curiosity is kinda piqued. 

Tomoya: (deadpan) It was LitRhap 3 that Izumi-chan was raving about. This one's the first game.

Megumi: You don't have three here, so this will have to do.

Y/N: Besides, nothings better than starting off a series with the first game. 

Megumi: Isn't it better for your first exposure to be the first entry in the series?

Y/N: Yes.

Tomoya: ... (proud smile) You're saying that you want to play girls' dating sims of your own volition now! Kato! You've grown up so fast as an otaku!

Y/N: (whacks Tomoya's head) Shut up. You're annoying. 

Megumi: (blank stare) Yeah. I guess I have. 

Tomoya: Whoa, you're jumping right in, playing under your own name!?

Y/N: And that's a problem? 

Tomoya: That's getting way too into it!

Y/N: Like you haven't done it, dumbass.

Tomoya: I could never do something that embarrassing!

Y/N: Really? How about that one game you--

Tomoya: Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Megumi: You can go back to work, Aki-kun. I'll pass the time on my own. 

Tomoya: U-Uh...okay.

While Tomoya scuffles back on over to his spot at the coffee table, Eriri had turned around and glared at him. 

Tomoya: Eriri?

Eriri: What?

Tomoya: Um, how are those pieces coming?

Eriri: I-I was taking a little break, that's all! You're so annoying, constantly nitpicking every little thing!

Y/N: (thoughts) This interaction...this is just sad. 

Tomoya: Am I now? I, the guy you are forcing to help with your artwork for some crazy reason, am annoying, am I? I'm ever so sorry.

Megumi: Oh? I have to select a character.

Y/N: Yeah. This is where you choose your knight attendant and who'll watch over you for pretty much forever.

Tomoya: (nods head furiously) Yep!

Piqued by the sudden conversation, Eriri had turned her head slightly to watch.

Tomoya: By the way, once you choose, you only get events specific to that character for the first month, so you need to choose carefully.

Y/N: Or you can just let her choose and play the game?

Megumi: I'll be fine, Aki-kun. I'm reading the manual as I go. 

Tomoya: Oh, I see. (munches on Pocky)

Megumi: Hmm, who should I pick? Big brother Erral, Prince Jeas, or Lord Symphonne...oh, I think I'll go with this one. Servis, my childhood friend.

Eriri: You picked Servis!?

Y/N: (thoughts) Ah, no wonder she was team Mari, and now Servis. She was the childhood friend. Of fucking course.

Eriri then realizes the stares she was receiving. Megumi looked at her with piqued interest, a smug smile plastering Y/N's face, and raised eyebrows from Tomoya. 

Eriri: L-Look, I'm not telling you not to, but his flags are really hard to manage, and he has pretty specific hidden event triggers. He's a character that's geared towards advanced players. 

Y/N: And of course you would know. 

Eriri: What's that supposed to mean!?

Y/N: I wonder.

Megumi: Look, Sawamura-san, I can do this on my--

Tomoya: Come to think of it, you've always been a Servis fan, haven't you?

Y/N: (thoughts) Gotcha bitch.

Even More Hours Later...

Servis: (TV) The fireworks sure are pretty...I've always had feelings for--

Megumi: What should I do, Aki-kun? How should I answer?

Tomoya: Don't ask me, Megumi!

Megumi: I mean, this love confession seems really profound...

Tomoya: In dating sims, once you accept a confession of love, that's it. After that, it's a straight line for eternal love. No cheating or changes of heart allowed.

Megumi: But we're still high schoolers...

Tomoya: Don't try to escape back to reality!

Y/N: (punches Tomoya's head) Calm the hell down. 

Megumi: Sawamura-san, how would you--

As soon as the three look over to her, they see she was crying her eyes out. She then begins to cry out even more as a light blush was present on her face.

Megumi: I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry for distracting you from your inking. 


After finishing LitRhap, Megumi had set the controller down and left the room. Y/N was laying on Tomoya's bed, scrolling through his phone.

Tomoya: I have to say, doujinshi are really consistent. 

Eriri: It would be an insult to my buyers if my artwork was sloppy just because I was pressed for time. 

Tomoya: Eriri, couldn't you already make it as a pro? 

Eriri: Apparently, industry editors keep coming to my circle's tables. 

Y/N: Sponsorship?

Eriri: Probably. I never go to any events, so I've never talked to any of them in person, though. 

Y/N: Well...aside from him. 

Tomoya then remembered the words Iori had said when he got close to Eriri. How his circle, Rouge en Rouge, was interested in her. 

Tomoya: ...Say...Eriri.

Eriri: Hmm?

Tomoya: What are you going to do about that invitation from Rouge en Rouge? 

Eriri: ...It's a tempting offer.

Tomoya: ...I think so, too.

Y/N: I wouldn't take it. They're a shutter circle and they'll double your sales. Basically, success would pretty much be assured. The question is, where do you want to go from here?

Eriri: From here?

Tomoya: Keep on drawing as a hobby like you do now, or strive for something bigger? If you say that you really to make a go of it, I won't--

Eriri: All done!

The sudden scream from Eriri caused both Y/N and Tomoya to jump, Y/N launching his foot as he kicked Tomoya's face.

Eriri: Ever since I watched Kato-san play, I've been itching to have a go!

Y/N: So that's why you've been rushing through your shit. 

The blonde girl doesn't respond, quickly sitting down as she grabbed the controller. Y/N and Tomoya look at her in slight disbelief.

Eriri: Wow, it's like I still remember all the event triggers...

Tomoya: (deadpan) How can you be so good at it?

Y/N: Git gud, scrub. 

The two watch as Eriri quickly skims through, seemingly remembering the correct options to choose.

Eriri: I know, right? I haven't touched this in 8 years. ...I wonder why...

Y/N: 8 years has already passed since then, huh?

Silence overtakes the three, Eriri stopped mashing buttons. It was then, Tomoya perked up from Eriri's question.

Eriri: Hey, Tomoya, do you remember? This game--

Tomoya: used to belong to you. 

Y/N: Oh, yeah. You borrowed it and never gave it back. 

Tomoya: Well, I wasn't in a position to return it. 

Eriri: ...Hey, Tomoya.

Tomoya: Hmm?

Eriri: Starting now, I'm Eri Kashiwagi, a member of your circle, got it?

Tomoya: Eh?

Eriri: Until Winter Comiket, I won't attend any events, and I don't intend to take on a single guest artist job. 

Tomoya: Wait, are you saying...

Eriri: Anyway, if I did get poached, I sure as hell wouldn't let it be by Hashima. He's only in it for the money and discards creators and women when he's done with them.

Y/N: Well, he's a fucking playboy. (mutters) You should've seen his harem. He's got some freaky fetishes.

Tomoya: Huh?

Y/N: Nothing. 

Tomoya: Anyway, that's a pretty harsh thing to say about a former classmate.

Y/N: You're one to talk. 

Eriri: I knew it, you like Hashima, don't you? In the way that fangirls love to see.  

Tomoya: I don't need to give a secret backstory!

Eriri sticks her tongue out and shows a goofy grin. She then begins to laugh loudly while Y/N shook his head with a smile.

Tomoya: Unbelievable...

Megumi: (coming in) Dinner's ready!

Y/N: Oh, thank you!~

Megumi: (looks to Eriri and Tomoya) You two sure seem cozy for some reason.

Eriri: This, from a girl who cooks dinner at a guy's house like it's nothing? I'm not sure how I feel about that. 

Megumi only tilted her head cutely in confusion, Y/N running over and grabbing his plate as he begins to eat. He didn't care if it was high in calories. He was just hungry.

Next Day

Tomoya: Hurry, Kato, Y/N! But don't run!

Y/N: You're the one who's fucking running!

Tomoya: It's almost time for the cutoff time for circle entry!

Megumi: By the way, Aki-kun...

Tomoya: What?

Megumi: What is all that?

The three had went to the first day of the Summer Comiket. They had went up the stairs, heading to the entrance of the building. They turned around to see a huge crowd at the bottom of the stairs. 

Tomoya: Surprised, huh?

Y/N: No, not really.

Tomoya: (smug) This is the legendary stairway that makes everyone who turns around here want to shout, "Look, people are like garbage!" 

Y/N: Yeah, I think that's just you.

Megumi: I don't think it's the stairway that's legendary. 

Tomoya: But today, we're not like those poor schlubs standing in line there! We're circle ticketholders, chosen by the world order that is the Planning Committee!

Y/N: Or you can just say thank you to me. 

Tomoya: (clears throat) S-So it is perfectly fine to treat them like garbage! A-And thank you, Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, no thanks needed! But I do take bribes, though.

Megumi: (to Tomoya) It is not, and you know it. 

After walking around for about ten minutes, they spot Izumi Hashima at her circle's table. The burgundy haired girl was still setting up her area. Her other circle members were know where to be found. Y/N still had some time to kill before he had to go to his table.

Tomoya: Hey, Izumi-chan. 

Izumi: Huh? (gasp) Tomoya-senpai! Y/N-senpai! You really came!

Y/N: Not like I had a choice. I have a thing to do here in a few hours.

Tomoya: Of course, this is a once-in-a-lifetime, huge deal for you, so how--

He was cut off as Izumi had engulfed him into a hug. He blushed at the contact of her chest, which was being pressed up against him.

Izumi: I'm so glad! I...I...!

Y/N: You need a little help there, cuz?

Tomoya: N-Nope...! Doing fine!

Megumi: Excuse me? I'm here, too.

Izumi: You too, Tomoya's girlfriend! Thank you so much!

Y/N: (laughs) Tomoya's girlfriend? Hah! As if!

Megumi: (watches as Izumi cries into Tomoya's chest) Since I'm being mistaken for being his girlfriend and all, get your mitts off my Tomoya, you homewrecker.

Y/N: (raised eyebrows) What the hell was that?

Megumi: (tilts head) Is that what I should have said?

Y/N: Maybe put some more feeling into it?

Tomoya: He's not wrong.

Since her other circle members weren't here yet, the three decided to help the burgundy haired girl set up. Taking the doujinshi work out of the boxes and placing them on the table, putting the price tags on top, they finally finished.

Izumi: Thank you so much for all your help, you three!

Megumi: Is is all you're going to do?

Izumi: Yes, now we wait for the hall to open.

Y/N: Which should open in about twenty minutes or so.

Megumi: But those people seem to be hard at work. 

Izumi laughed awkwardly and Tomoya deadpanned at the girl. Y/N pushed up his glasses, only to realize he wasn't wearing any, he temporarily steals Tomoya's to push them up before he handed them back.

Tomoya: Kato...

Megumi: Eh? Um, did I say something wrong?

Y/N: Not necessarily. Those circles that are placed there are more well known and have sold units in the thousands.

Tomoya: And proceeds ranging from the millions of yen on a bad day to tens of millions. They're veritable superstar circles who attract lots of attention for various reasons, even from the National Tax Agency.

Izumi: Compared to them, we're happy if we sell half of the 100 units we ordered with a smile always on our faces. We're Fancy Wave, whose ledger is always in the red. 

Megumi: Oh, I didn't know. Sorry, I guess?

Tomoya: Well, that's true for over 90% of the circles that take part in Comiket. 

Izumi: No, I like it better that way! When it comes to selling doujinshi from a table, there's something that's far more important than moving lots of units!

Y/N: If you say so.

Megumi: There is. 

Izumi: I mean, lots of people who share a hobby are coming together, showing each other their wares, and having passionate discussions! Don't you think that's great?

Megumi: So what you're saying is, everyone here is like you, Aki-kun, and L/N-kun?

Y/N: I mean, sure? A good way to sum it up, I guess.

Tomoya: What's with that disgusted reaction?

Megumi: Um, exactly what it looked like. 

Izumi: This place is filled with doujinshi, with dreams, and fellow fans.

Y/N: You have no idea how many fan autographs I've written now.

Civilian: Makabe-sensei! Can I have your autograph!?

Y/N: (sigh) Sure.

Izumi: There are so many wonderful things here. It's only been a year since I started making doujinshi, and I think that there will be many more to come!

While Tomoya wasn't paying attention to the conversation, he was busy looking through Izumi's book. As he turned certain pages, his eyes lit up with interest.

Y/N: What's up?

Tomoya: This scene...

Izumi: That's why, even if our books don't sell at all, even if I can't go buy books from other circles because I have to man the table myself, and even if my wheeled suitcase weighs a ton because it's full of unsold books, you can bet that I won't shed a single tear. 

Megumi: Izumi-chan...we'll be here today, so feel free to guy buy books.

Y/N: Sorry, got to leave in an hour for my booth. 

Izumi: I-I will! Thank you, Miss Girlfriend! I'm forever in your debt!

Megumi: Um, you can call me by my name.

Izumi: I will, Kamo-san!

Megumi: Er...

Y/N: That's not it.

Tomoya: Izumi-chan!

Izumi: Yes?

Tomoya: How many years did you say it was since you started making doujinshi?

Izumi: (tilts head) Eh? Like I said, just barely one year. Up until then, I only bought them.

Tomoya: You drew this...after only a year?

Y/N: Why? Is it that hard to believe?

Izumi: Tomoya-senpai? 

Megumi: Aki-kun...are you alright?

Tomoya: Look, Izumi-chan...about this book. Would you be mad if I sold all of these?

Woman: (AV) The second day of Comic Market is now open. 

After people started to pour in, Tomoya dashed out of the building. Y/N only shook his head and said his goodbyes, now leaving to go for his booth.

Back at the table, Izumi had a saddened look on her face. No one was coming to her table to buy her doujinshi work. Megumi wasn't looking presentable for the people passing by, the boring girl only continuing reading the work of Izumi's.

Izumi: Megumi-san?

She didn't respond. Megumi was too invested into the book.

Izumi: Um, Megumi-san?

Megumi: Oh, I'm sorry. What is it?

Izumi: Where do you suppose Tomoya-senpai went?

Megumi: Who knows? But I'm sure that he'll come back before long.

Briefly with Tomoya, he was at a nearby printing shop. On the printer's side was the page he was staring intently at, printing multiple copies as he was preparing to put them on a sign. Over with Y/N, he had a tired look. Many girls and some guys were hounding his booth. He sighed to himself, but soon looked terrified. He shivered on the inside as he felt murderous intent towards him.

After about a few minutes, Tomoya came running back inside the building. Tomoya then runs towards the two manning the table. 

Tomoya: Sorry...I got held up. 

Izumi: (elated) Senpai! ...Senpai?

Tomoya: How many have we sold?

Megumi: Um, about 30, I think?

Tomoya: Which means we have 70 to go, huh? No sweat.

Going to his bag, he gets out the paper he had printed. He then takes a wooden sign he had bought from another stand, pasting it onto it. In disbelief, Izumi shook as she watched him work. Finally done, Tomoya hoisted it up into the air.

Tomoya: Come on, step right up! Please take a look!

Izumi: W-Wait a minute, Tomoya-senpai! Why did you make such huge poster!?

Tomoya: Izumi-chan...that stuff about not caring if your books didn't sell was a lie, right? You want lots of people to read them, right? That's why you create doujinshi, right?

Izumi: (embarrassed) But why did you pick that page? I'll be a laughing stock!

Tomoya: Why would you think that?

Izumi:'s an unfinished page!

Tomoya: (chuckle) Let me guess, you ran out of time to ink it?

Izumi: Well, I came up with a new story idea the day before the finalized artwork delivery day.

Tomoya: What, you scrapped the artwork you had already finished and drew new material?

Izumi: But one day was nowhere near enough time, so the end is un-inked drawings. 

Tomoya: Right, right, the second half is totally rushed.

Izumi: So please stop using it as a billboard!

Tomoya: No, it's this page or nothing!

Izumi: Why are you being so mean to me!? 

Megumi: He's not being mean. 

Izumi: Megumi-san?

Megumi: (smiles) From that point until the last page, I didn't get a chance to catch my breath. It was really interesting.

Man: Hello?

Soon, a man came up to their table. The three of them look in front them to see a man, perhaps in his early twenties.

Man: Excuse me, would you mind if I took a look? 

Tomoya: By all means, browse all you want!

Izumi: But this isn't geared towards men--

Tomoya put a hand on Izumi's shoulder, silencing her. He assured her with a smile. The man picked up one of the books, turning a few pages as he previewed it. Izumi was nervous. She wasn't sure if the man liked her work or not.

Man: (sets book down) Thank you. 

Izumi looked disappointed momentarily, thinking that he didn't like it. Unexpected to her, a 1000 yen bill was flashed in front of her face. 

Man: One, please. 

Izumi: ...Eh?

Tomoya: Thank you!

Soon enough, a line was created in front of her table. Both Megumi and Izumi handed out the books as Tomoya proudly held up the sign. Izumi was crying with disbelief, but also happiness. She didn't think that people would want to buy the books. 

One of the customers could be seen running after buying one of the books. The customer then turned around, it being a girl as she had blonde hair and blue eyes. It was Eriri, staring back at the table as Tomoya proudly held up his sign with a smile. For some reason, a feeling welled up inside her.


The sun was now setting, Tomoya watched as Eriri walked away. Soon enough, the glasses wearing boy felt pain in the back of his face.

Tomoya: Ow! What the hell was that for!?

Y/N: What did you mess up this time?

Tomoya: ...I don't know.

Y/N: (sigh) You're a real fucking idiot, you know that?

Tomoya: What's that supposed to mean!?

With an irritated sigh, Y/N flicks Tomoya's forehead.

Y/N: Think about it, dumbass.

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