Chapter 4: The Doujin Circle Begins
Updated the cover to best girl in this series, in my opinion. Seriously, this book has been on my mind a lot. It took me six whole hours to finish and edit this whole entire chapter. Enough rambling from me. On to the chapter.
The scene opens up to a read laptop, the document on the screen having a few lines. It read, "Plot Outline: Fushikawa Fantastic Bunko."
Utaha: Tomorrow should be fine, Machida-san. And I've made good progress on the plot outline for the new series.
The woman on the phone, known as Machida, is the editor for both Y/N and Utaha. A long sigh was heard on the phone.
Machida: (on phone) Can I really trust you on that?
Utaha: Have I ever lied to you before?
Machida: (on phone) Not about your books, you haven't. But you lie to me about your deadlines all the time. Your ex-boyfriend doesn't lie about his deadlines.
Utaha: (grits teeth) Do I, now? In that case, I don't have time to spare for an interview tomorrow, so I'll be retracting my previous statement.
Machida: (on phone) Oh, hold on! Just give us a moment, Shi-chan!
Utaha: If you would be so kind as to revise the way you refer to me, I might be willing to give you three seconds.
Machida: (on phone) We've already reserved pages for it. We even put announcements in last month's magazines! An exclusive interview with Miss Utako Kasumi announcing her new series!
Utaha: Look, my job is to put words on the page, not to speak in front of someone.
Machida: (on phone) Oh, there you go again. And after all the word I did to arrange for something that would make you happy...
Utaha: (perks up) What's that supposed to mean?
Machida: (on phone) Ah, you see...
As Utaha begins to listen intently, she had gotten so excited, she moved her foot. Her foot was smacked against the metal stand of her desk, her letting out a cute cry of pain.
The dark haired girl then crouches onto her floor, clutching her foot in pain as she bit her lip.
(A/N): Cue the season one opening. Yeah.
Scene Change, Train
The three members, Tomoya, Y/N, and Megumi were riding the train home. Y/N casually listened in onto the conversation the two were having as he scrolled through his phone.
Tomoya: You finished, even the last volume? So, what did you think!?
In Megumi's lap was Utaha's, or her pen name, Utako Kasumi, was the complete set of the romance light novel, The Metronome In Love. Next to her was Y/N's slice of life series.
Y/N: (not looking up) Tomoya, I'll say this now. The way you're acting, you're acting like a borderline creepo so, shut up.
Megumi: I'm short on sleep because it kept me up. I couldn't find a good place to stop reading.
Tomoya: Seriously!?
Y/N: I mean, senpai's series is probably the best in terms of romance, right now.
Megumi: I always thought that light novels were only targeted towards boys, but even as a girl, I found this to be quite a tearjerker.
Tomoya: Kato...
Megumi: Huh?
The self-proclaimed boring girl looks to Tomoya, a light blush and an excited smile plastered on his face.
Tomoya: I'm so proud of you.
Megumi: Is it really okay for me to keep all these?
Y/N: He's got like duplicates for each volume, so it's not a problem.
Tomoya: He's right! Of course it's okay for you to keep them! I kept those ones specifically for advocation. I have two other sets: one for reading and one for archiving.
Megumi: Is that so? If you have extras, then I'll graciously accept them.
Tomoya: Well, I'll buy more, of course! One must replenish their stock when their advocation supply runs low!
Y/N: I'm not lending you money this time. In fact, who else does that?
Megumi: Sorry, I'm still not very familiar with otaku standard procedure.
Y/N: You shouldn't be familiar with it. I deal with it on a daily basis.
Megumi: But I must say, I still find it pretty hard to believe...that Kasumigaoka-senpai was the one who wrote these. And L/N-kun wrote the ones next to me.
Tomoya: True, you usually only see high school girl authors in light novels. High school boys are rare occasions.
Y/N: (raised eyebrows) What's that supposed to mean?
Megumi: Uh...I suppose. There's that, but considering what she's like at school, she doesn't strike me as someone who'd write a romance novel. And L/N-kun is proficient in sports and does a lot of exercise. Even he doesn't seem like writer.
Y/N: Hey, I'm just a gym freak. I don't eat a lot of things that are high in calories.
Tomoya: It's that dichotomy that really establishes their character! You could learn from them, Kato!
Megumi: No ordinary human could work as an author and maintain top grades in school at the same time.
Tomoya: Yeah, it's not just God-given talent. She'd also have to work so hard that she'd sweat blood! Utaha-senpai, Y/N--or rather, Miss Utako Kasumi, and Mr Akira Makabe--are like gods to me!
Y/N: Yeah, we can see that. I appreciate the flattery and all buddy, but you're kinda making a big scene here!
Megumi: You've got the eyes of a true believer, Aki-kun.
Tomoya: Man, I can't wait till their new series comes out.
Y/N: Not telling you the release date.
Tomoya: They have to get an anime adaptation!
Y/N: Possibly, but I doubt it.
Megumi: I wonder what the story will be like. Maybe another pure romance like Metronome in Love?
Y/N: new book is a romance one. That's something I can tell people.
Tomoya: Good question. I'll have to ask her about that too.
Megumi: Would she really let you in on something important? Isn't that wrong, ethically speaking?
Tomoya: (eye twitches) Ethically...
Y/N: Ah...her pet name for you.
Tomoya: ...
Megumi: Why did you react as though I'd dug up some trauma from the past?
Y/N: Because it is some sort of trauma. I don't know the details myself, but he must've done something to piss her off.
Tomoya: She didn't dig anything up! I'm not hurting at all! Don't get the wrong idea!
Y/N: ...Wow, you reacted very fast.
A loud rumble was then heard, causing Y/N to slightly jump in his seat. Tomoya then sat back down, continuing as nothing ever happened.
Megumi: ...Right, sure. I won't pry any deeper into that then.
Tomoya: Anyway, today's the one day I can ask those two about whatever I want.
Y/N: (mutters) Ah, fuck. I totally forgot that it's today. Dammit...
Megumi: Why's that?
The spectacled boy gains a smug grin.
Tomoya: You see...
Tomoya now sat in a room, a business table to be exact, and was wearing a proud grin. On the table in front of him was a paper, pen in hand.
Tomoya: Let's get started, then. I'm Aki and I'll be conducting your interview today. I hope we get along, Miss Kasumi, Mr Makabe.
Looks of irritation could be seen on the two writers, Y/N slamming his face onto the table repeatedly. Visibly, Utaha's left eye was twitching.
Utaha: What in the world is the meaning of this, Rinri-kun?
Tomoya: Oh, uh...your guys' assistant editor left me a job offer for this week through my website.
As Y/N kept repeatedly slamming his face onto the table, the dark haired girl looked to her's and Y/N's editor. A triumphant grin was plastered on Machida's face.
Machida: Well, you're shy around strangers, uncooperative, and foul-tempered. You're nothing like that when you're around N/N, here.
(A/N): N/N = Nickname
Y/N: Oi...
Machida: N/N here is patient, but gets annoyed very easily if the interviewer asks too many questions.
Y/N: I have a very busy schedule. It doesn't help that people like Tomoya distract me from it.
Machida: No ordinary writer would be able to get a comment out the both of you. But I figured that if it were someone you knew, you'd be more relaxed.
Y/N: Do you know how many times I have to deal with him on a daily basis? No offense, dear cousin of mine.
Tomoya: Honestly, none taken.
Utaha: I'm out of here. I'm going home to sleep. Y/N, you're coming with me.
Y/N: ...Huh?
Before she could leave, Tomoya sprawls out of his chair, laying on the table.
Tomoya: Wait a minute, Utaha-senpai!
Utaha: But I'm shy, uncooperative, and foul-tempered.
Tomoya: That may certainly be so, but...
Utaha: Thank you for your time, then.
She proceeds to the door, grabbing Y/N's school uniform collar with her as she drags Y/N around as he sat in his chair. Y/N kept a derp face on, processing the situation.
Tomoya: (stands up) Wait, I'm sorry! (kneels and grovels) I confused pleasantries with my genuine feelings!
Utaha: You still seem to be doing so.
Tomoya: I knew you wouldn't want to do this. (mutters) Y/N is a gamble. (normal) But when I was told I'd have the chance to learn both about yours and Y/N's new series before everyone else, there was no way I could turn it down!
The girl blushed slightly, looking back to Y/N as he still kept his derp face.
Machida: Stop putting so much resistance, Shi-chan. This is childish behavior for an author who's sold 500,000 books.
Utaha: So says the immature woman who defiled our sacred workplace by bringing in an amateur!
Y/N: Okay, that was a low blow.
The oldest person in the room only turned around to face the "camera" and winked. The scene changed to Tomoya facing both Y/N and Utaha, the dark haired girl laying her head on Y/N's shoulder as Y/N kept his annoyed look.
As she rested her head there, she would twirl some of her hair locks with her index finger, looking tired.
Tomoya's Narration: Class 3-C of Toyogasaki Academy, Utaha Kasumigaoka. Class 2-B of the same school, Y/N L/N. But, they both have identities. In her first year, she won the Fushikawa Fantastic Grand Prize, Y/N following up in the same award the next year. In her second year, her hit five-volume debut series sold a total of 500,000 books with Y/N's hit slice of life series selling 350,000 the next month. And now, in her third year and Y/N's second year, their about to begin their eagerly-awaited new series with the full backing of Fushikawa Shoten! Best sellers, Utako Kasumi and Akira Makabe.
Tomoya: Now, then. I'm told both of you two's eagerly-awaited upcoming series will be unveiled in this issue of Undead Magazine with Mr. Makabe's also being unveiled on his official website.
Utaha: Right.
Y/N: (uninterested) Mm-hm.
Tomoya: Miss Utako, I understand it will be set in Wago City, the setting of Metronome in Love and Mr. Makabe, yours is being based off in the real world city of Chiba.
Utaha: (tired) I'm reusing it, yes.
Y/N: Coming up with names is difficult.
(A/N): It's true. I spent a whole hour trying to think of the pen name and a title for the book series. It's harder than you think people.
Tomoya: But, can we expect links to previous works of your own? For instance, might we see the same school or existing characters to be featured or just references?
Y/N and Utaha: Possibly.
Soon after, the two fell asleep, resting their heads against one another. Tomoya makes a deadpan expression at the two.
Tomoya: Don't fall asleep thirty seconds into the interview.
Utaha: I can't help it. I was up all night working on the plot for this.
Y/N: And I'm practicing on getting the mindset of the main character in the new book.
Tomoya: So that's what the noises were in the house...
Machida: And I'm the one worried about being unable to write an ad because despite that all-nighter, you've made no progress.
Y/N: I have the first two chapters finished...just trying to capture the personality of the desired character who just so happens to be an ice queen. Not only that, the characters siblings, one of them is a scary older sister.
Tomoya: (sweat drops) And to think these two criticize me...
Utaha: I'm going to sleep...forever...
Hours later, the grin returns to Tomoya's face as several energy bars and drinks were in front of the two. Y/N was casually chugging down a few.
Tomoya: So, your new series is the eagerly-awaited follow-up to your previous hit series, Metronome in Love. And Mr. Makabe, your awaited series is a brand new romance story instead of the slice of life genre. The high expectations must be a lot of pressure.
Utaha: (resting head on hand) I wouldn't say so.
Y/N: (finishes drink) It's really not...I don't think.
Tomoya: (confused) Um, so basically you both are saying, "My change in circumstances has no effect on the job at hand, and I will continue to give it my all." Right?
Y/N: Sure...
Utaha: (sigh) I don't really consider the success of my previous series to be due to my writing skill.
Tomoya: Oh, I see. "It was thanks to the support of my readers that Metronome in Love was such a big hit. And for the new romance was a breath of new fresh air. So we pray that you all enjoy our new series just as much."
Y/N: (balancing pen on nose) Whatever.
Utaha: (uninterested) I said no such thing.
Tomoya: I have to hand it to you, Miss Utako Kasumi and Mr. Akira Makabe! This sincere engagement with your readers must be key to your popularities!
Utaha: Our books only sold so well because of you, Rinri-kun.
Y/N: (twiddling pen between fingers) She's not wrong.
Tomoya: Hold on a moment. What I do is hardly that important.
Machida: Ah. Actually, what they're both saying isn't half wrong. We did see a clear jump in sales after you featured us on your site, super-blogger TAKI-kun.
Y/N: Well, Tomoya's reviews are the best in the "otaku world." Better than all the half-assed ones I've seen, anyway.
Machida: Prior to that, it seemed like we would've had to wrap it up after 2 or 3 volumes for N/N and Shi-chan here. The books were never on display, we didn't get any reprints, and there was no word of mouth at all. To be honest, if it weren't for the hardcore Fantastic Bunko fans, no one would know it even exists.
Tomoya: Don't give me dodgy revelations like that now! Anyway, that's the publisher's fault for not doing its job!
Utaha: That's for sure. Fushikawa Shoten is rather cold toward newcomers from the countryside.
Machida: You've got that right.
Y/N: Eh, fuck the mega corp.
Machida: Our sales department doesn't have one speck of enthusiasm.
Tomoya: I can't write out any of this in the interview!
Timeskip-Many Hours Later...
After many hours of sitting in the building, it was now nighttime. The four of them had fallen asleep and many of the energy drinks were empty, all over the table.
Both Machida and Tomoya were slumped over, resting their faces in their arms and the two writers were resting their heads against one another. Tomoya then woke up shortly after.
Tomoya: Okay, let's start to wrap things up.
Utaha: Considering how long we've been going, this interview's been pretty light on content.
Tomoya: Well maybe if the subjects had been a little more cooperative, it would've have turned out like this.
Utaha: Your mistake was trying to get a bunch of inoffensive comments from me.
Y/N: And you asked too many questions.
Tomoya: Let's just wrap this up with one good, honest answer! Please tell my readers what you hope to accomplish with your next series.
Utaha: (smiles) Just recently, I was able to bring my maiden series, Metronome in Love, to a happy conclusion. Note that whether or not I am a maiden is an entirely separate matter.
Tomoya: (deadpan) I'm not even dignifying that with a response.
Utaha: Thankfully, its success has opened new work opportunities for me such as this one. For that, I have my readers to thank, who supported the work of this newbie who can't tell her right from her left. To repay you all for that kindness, I will put the same effort into my upcoming projects. No, I will put even more spirit into my work than before. I look forward to your continued support. (smirks) How was that, Mr. Part-Time Editor?
Tomoya nods and smiles, looking to Y/N for his answer.
Y/N: (clears throat) Thanks for joining me on this journey as a writer. Honestly, I was just some average person, hesitant to publish these if it weren't for my annoying ass cousin. But, thanks to him and all of you, I wouldn't have gotten this far. Thanks for stickin' by with me and I hope you stay around till the very end. There's still more to come. How's that?
Tomoya: Those were good! "My gratitude will be repaid in full with my books," and "Thanks for stickin' by with me." That's the Utako Kasumi and Akira Makabe I know!
Utaha: Will that be all?
Tomoya: ...Eh?
Utaha: Noticed that I used the plural. "Upcoming projects."
Y/N: And I said, "There's still more to come."
Utaha: Aren't you forgetting something, Rinri-kun?
Tomoya: Like what?
Utaha: We currently have two job offers on the table, my client.
Y/N: That being said, I already accepted the task, didn't I?
Tomoya: ... (gasp) My project proposal! You're going to do it!?
Utaha: May I take part in your circle starting next week?
Tomoya: Utaha-senpai!
Utaha: But in return, you be prepared for it. If I'm going to participate, I won't stand for any slacking off from anyone. Especially you, Y/N.
Y/N: (grins) Hai, hai.
Utaha: (winks) The possibility of Sawamura-san quitting is a concern, though.
Tomoya: Thank you. Thank you, Utaha-senpai, Y/N!
Utaha: I suggest you do your best to keep up with us, Rinri-kun.
Tomoya: (clasps Utaha's hands) Of course! I'll run for dear life to ensure I'm not left in your dust!
Someone then cleared their throat.
Machida: Now, you two...
The two look over to see two faces of irritation. Both on Y/N's and Machida's faces.
Machida: Can we have a quick meeting to discuss work priorities?
Y/N: Yes, yes. We probably should...right...Tomoya-kun?~
The glasses wearing boy freaks out, letting go of Utaha's hands. Tomoya's attention was then on Machida.
Tomoya: How long have you been watching? Also, it's really getting late!
Machida: Oh, that's not a problem! This is basically the time our editing department really gets working.
Tomoya: ...Life in the publishing biz sure sounds rough.
Y/N: (sigh) ...You have no idea.
Timeskip-AV Room
Eriri stood outside the AV room, taking a deep breath before she walked in. Opening the door, she once again leaned on the door frame, a slight blush on her face.
Eriri: Just because I came, doesn't mean I've decided to join, got it? But it's pretty clear that you can't do anything by yourself, so I guess I can help out a little.
Y/N: (sigh) Talk about pathetic...
Utaha: If you have time to come here just to flaunt your appeal as a tsundere character, perhaps you should simply join us already, Sawamura-san.
A small gasp escaped Eriri's mouth before she looked into the room. Tomoya stood in front of a whiteboard, Y/N resting his head on his hand and Utaha facing the front of the room, eyes closed.
On the other side of the room, Megumi was sitting at one of the desks, scrolling through her phone.
Tomoya: What kept you, Eriri? We've already started.
Eriri: Wait, what are you doing here before me, Kasumigaoka Utaha!?
Utaha: We were all informed that the club meeting would begin at 3:30, were we not?
Y/N: Utaha-senpai also waited outside me and Tomoya's class to walk with us, well, me specifically.
Utaha: You just happened to arrive late, that's all.
Eriri: (marches over) No, not that! You know that's not what I meant!
Utaha: (smug grin) Well, last weekend, I was personally courted with Y/N by Rinri-kun here, so what choice did I have?
Eriri: Hey, what's the big idea? How come I wasn't courted?
Y/N: (mutters) Holy shit, are you that desperate to get in his pants?
Tomoya: Please stop saying things that could be misconstrued, Utaha-senpai. And you should watch what you're saying yourself, Eriri.
Utaha: (grin widens) You really are the type who can never rest unless they're top dog at everything. Such a person would be an unsuitable lover, or perhaps even lose everything as a result of not knowing when to pull out.
Eriri: (growls) Kasumigaoka Utaha! (slaps Tomoya with pigtails)
Tomoya: Okay, okay! Everything's my fault! Now please take your seat!
Minutes later, Eriri finally calmed down, sitting down in a seat.
Tomoya: (writes on whiteboard) So, without further ado, I present to you our ultimate dating sim's production schedule! We will have the game completed in December! And we will unveil the Winter Comic Market! In short, this New Year's Eve will mark the beginning of our circle's legend!
Y/N: Not to be a dick about it, but that ruins my own writing schedule. And getting it done by December? That's a stretch buddy.
Eriri: No can do.
Utaha: You're crazy.
Tomoya: (personality deflates) Eh...
Eriri: I'd have to devote 100% of my time to meet such a tight schedule. I also have club activites and work for my own circle to do.
Utaha: Like Y/N, this also conflicts with the writing period for my own book. Let's see.
Both Y/N and Utaha get up from their seats, going to the board to make changes.
Y/N: Change the start date of scenario writing back by a month...
Utaha: Then Y/N and I will be able to manage.
Eriri: (stands up) Hey, wait just a minute! This never gave me anywhere near enough time in the first place! (grabs marker) Pushing back the scenario development is out of the question!
Utaha: Please don't shorten other people's schedules at your own convenience.
Y/N: (whispers) It's a cat fight now...
Tomoya: (whispers) Yeah...should we stop it?
Y/N: (whispers) Rule one, Tomoya. Never interrupt a cat fight between two ladies. Plus, just sit back and enjoy the show.
Utaha: If the scenario gets rushed, the game will turn out to be complete crap!
Eriri: Dating sim players only care about the artwork, anyway!
Utaha: Isn't it thanks to people with such beliefs that the industry is shrinking?
As the two were trying to shove each other out of the way, the board was now filled with names, insults aimed towards Tomoya and some aimed towards the other. Examples included, "Rinri-kun is a loser!" "Flat chest." "Pedobait," and other things.
Tomoya runs over to stop it, Y/N leaning against the table as he sighs and shakes his head. Soon, both Eriri and Utaha were seen rubbing marker off their faces.
Tomoya: For now, you three can just focus on the plot outline and character designs.
Eriri: For now, roger.
Utaha: For the time being, I'll give it a shot.
Y/N: Sure thing, boss man.
Tomoya: Great! Now that we've settled on a course of action, let's all get down to work.
The blonde artist get out her sketchbook, preparing to draw. Y/N and Utaha sat next to each other, sharing Utaha's laptop so they could write the scenario.
Tomoya: So, what should I do?
Eriri: Good question. You can start by going out to buy us some snacks.
Utaha: I'll have a sweet bun. And some coffee-flavored milk.
Y/N: Get me something that's not high in calories. Oh, and get me an energy drink, too.
Tomoya: Um, excuse me...I'm supposed to be this circle's representative, producer, and director.
The other three made no response, continuing away at their work as they ignore Tomoya.
Eriri: If you're so eager to work on something, you're welcome to take over the character designs.
Utaha: You can also take over plot development, scenario writing, and everything else, since you're so proactive.
Y/N: Might as well rub my feet while you're at it.
Tomoya: I'll get you some chocolates, a melon bun, and something low in calories while I'm out. (begins to walk out)
Utaha: Oh, now that you've mentioned it, I've thought of one more vital mission for you.
Tomoya: (rushes back) What is it!?
Y/N: Oh, yeah. Fundraising. Get to it.
Tomoya: ...Come again?
Utaha: Making a game involves DVD pressing fees, packaging and manual printing fees, and so on. All that can add up to anywhere from hundreds of thousands to a million yen.
Tomoya: A-A million yen!?
Y/N: (irritated sigh) You did not plan this far enough, didn't you?
Tomoya: A high school student couldn't possibly have that kind of money!
Eriri: Really? Each Comiket, I sell roughly *** books and bring in a total of *** yen. Since the printing costs are only **0,000 yen, I make about **0,000 yen profit.
(A/N): If "***" appears, this was in the anime. It didn't give me an exact amount. In the anime, they just play a weird sound. For Utaha, every time she's about to say an amount, the sound of an explosion is heard instead.
Utaha: When I put out a light novel, ***0,000 books are done in the first printing and sold for *** yen each, and since I receive ** percent in royalties, I earn **0,000 yen.
Y/N: Simply put, we have a shit ton of money.
Tomoya: (lowers head) So you guys file income tax returns?
Y/N: Dude, I pay all the bills of the house. Hell, it's twenty five percent of my own money.
The glasses wearing boy was shocked, falling to his knees as he clutches his legs.
Utaha: That being the case, Y/N and I can offer you the money if need be.
Y/N: We will? (gets elbowed) I mean, of course I will! What kind of cousin am I if I didn't do that?
Tomoya: Utaha-senpai? Y/N?
Utaha: It won't be free, of course, but the interest rate won't be too unreasonable.
Y/N: Y-Yeah. Totally wasn't going to put a bullshit amount on the interest rate. (mutters) Oh, I fucking will put a bullshit amount.
Utaha: You simply have to do a little favor for us.
Y/N: That, too.
Tomoya: A-A favor?
The dark haired girl sparked an idea, looking towards Y/N in the process. She got close to Tomoya's ear.
Utaha: You see, my--
She was interrupted as Eriri had came in, pushing the two apart. The blonde girl then begins to slap Tomoya with her pigtails.
Eriri: That's just about enough of that, Kasumigaoka Utaha!
Y/N: (deadpan) If you're going to be mad, why are you slapping Tomoya?
Utaha: But we can't just sweep this money issue under the rug. Someone has to see that it's taken care of.
Eriri: You know that isn't what I object to, so don't play dumb! (punches Tomoya's face)
Utaha: Please don't denigrate my desire to help the circle run smoothly.
Eriri: You're always doing that, talking to people like you're looking down on them!
Tomoya: Look, that's enough! Can we cut out this cliched infighting typical of a circle about to implode!? I'll come up with a solution to deal with the costs!
Eriri: But...
Utaha: Are you sure, Rinri-kun?
Y/N: Ah, his "working" mode has kicked in. If he says something like that, then yeah, he's got a plan for it...usually.
Tomoya: And in return...Eriri, draw me some seriously moe artwork! And Utaha-senpai, Y/N, write me a scenario that will bring people to tears! Can I trust you three to do this?
Eriri: (grins) Who do you...
Utaha: (grins) Think you're talking to?
Y/N: What they said.
The pumped atmosphere then slows down, Megumi finally getting in onto the conversation.
Megumi: Oh, is there anything I should be doing?
Both Utaha and Eriri tilt their bodies in a comically manor while Y/N falls out of his seat.
Tomoya: Let's see...
Eriri: She was here? I'd completely forgotten.
Y/N: She has no presence at all. She's like Tetsuya Kuroko from Kuroko's Basketball.
Tomoya: If you could be just a tad more conspicuous, kind of like a main heroine, that would be great.
Next Morning, Tomoya's House
The sound of Tomoya's alarm clock was then heard, Tomoya lazily turning it off. He yawned as he got up for the morning. On his cork board over his bed, a piece of paper on it. It read, "Target: 1,000,000 yen."
Getting up early enough, he decided not to bother Y/N, as the blue-eyed teen had pulled an all-nighter, trying to figure out the scenario on the shared document he and Utaha had. As of now, Tomoya was riding his bike all around the neighborhood, delivering newspapers. Over the weekend, he'd taken on various part-time jobs, but this resulted in him sleeping through class, Y/N occasionally having to hit his head to have him wake up.
A montage of Tomoya working was then seen. Him moving things into houses, wiping down tables at the local diner, him working at a video game store as a clerk, the usual works. At his restaurant, Y/N was in another booth, sipping from his straw as he drank his water. The door bell rung as Tomoya looked towards the door.
Tomoya: (smiles) Welcome. How many do you have with--
Megumi: When was the last time we came here?
Tomoya's world felt like it was crumbling, noticing that Megumi had come with a guy. Y/N looked at the scene intrigued.
Megumi: Oh, Aki-kun?
???: Hmm? Is this a friend of yours, Megumi-chan?
Tomoya: Wait...this isn't right! You can't do this!
Next Day, Toyogasaki Academy
It was the next day, the two boys meeting up with Megumi in their classroom.
Megumi: Oh, you mean Keiichi-kun? He's my cousin.
Y/N: See? I told you. I said you were making a big deal of it when you didn't need to.
Tomoya: (mouth agape) Your cousin?
Megumi: His family came over yesterday for a visit, but our parents all went out to see a play. They weren't going to be back for dinner, so we thought we'd go out to eat by ourselves.
Tomoya: Your cousin...
Megumi: I never knew you had a job at that restaurant, Aki-kun. I go there about once a month. (looks to Tomoya) What's the matter, Aki-kun?
Y/N: 3...2...1...
Tomoya: I know I told you to stand out more, but I never said you should stand out in a bad way like this!
Megumi: (tilts head in confusion) Huh...?
Tomoya: Kato, do you understand your position here!?
Megumi: A second-year high school girl with no agency who was brought into a game circle by the biggest otaku in school?
Y/N: Yeah, sounds about right.
Tomoya: That's your pre-transformation, temporary identity! The real Megumi Kato is a pure, beautiful dating sim heroine who makes everyone's heart race!
Everyone looked to the three's conversation before they turned back to what they were doing, dismissing it since it was Tomoya raving about his otaku nature.
Megumi: I'm really unsure of how to react to you saying that out loud again.
Y/N: Me, too. And I ask myself, "how the hell am I related to this guy"? Like, seriously? How am I related to you?
Tomoya: A heroine who exists solely for her game's players would never do such a thing! She would never forsake her protagonist to mess with some other man!
Megumi: "Some other man"? Keiichi-kun's just my cousin.
Tomoya: Him being your cousin makes it even worse!
Megumi: Eeeeehhhhh...
Y/N: Okay, now you're just overreacting.
Tomoya: "Back in the days long past, the two of you used to play at your granny's in the countryside. One time, you ran around too much and sprained your ankle, so your cousin carried you home that night as you cried. You memories of faint signs of love..."
Y/N: Ah, I remember that. Man was she adventurous and a goofball. See, this is why she's my favorite cousin.
Tomoya: Can't you see dating sim reminiscence event playing!?
Megumi: Um, not really.
Tomoya: (sigh) So please, Kato. I'm begging you.
Megumi: Um, okay.
Y/N: Yeah, just ignore him.
Tomoya: Maybe I'm being unreasonable. Maybe I'm being obnoxious. Maybe you think I'm a complete idiot.
Megumi: Uh, sorry, but can leave out the "maybe" bits.
Y/N: Yeah. You are literally doing all of that to an extreme level.
Tomoya: Even so, I don't want you to see your cousin anymore!
Y/N: ...That's like telling me you don't want to see me or her. Not you, Megumi. Someone else.
Tomoya: At least until we finish the game, remain a heroine who saves herself for the players!
Megumi: Aki-kun...
Tomoya: (bows head) Please, Kato!
Megumi: Uh, sorry. We're supposed to go out together this weekend.
Tomoya: That's it! It's all over!
Gaining a look of irritation, Y/N punches the top of Tomoya's head, the glasses wearing boy crashing to the ground as Y/N crosses his arms.
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