Chapter 3: Give Up?

The scene opens up to a desk, papers that had red markings on it. It looked to be a script.

Megumi: (on phone) Oh, so you're still waiting for those two to give the okay. 

Tomoya: Yeah, the road to being a creator is a hard one.

Y/N: (sigh) ...I can't believe that I actually agreed to this.

Currently, Tomoya was sitting against his bed, his script for the game in his hand. Y/N was sitting on Tomoya's bed, looking over his cousin as the laptop that Tomoya was using was on the coffee table.

Megumi: (on phone) So, when's the next deadline?

Tomoya: The end of Golden Week. That's my final chance.

Megumi: (on phone) So you only have a few days left.

Tomoya: Urk...!

Megumi: (on phone) Oh, but we have the next few days off school.

Tomoya: That's right. The days may be few, but the hours are many. I just need to start devoting all my attention to the game!

Y/N: There's a proficiency test early next week, though. Still gonna focus on the game?

Tomoya: Right, uh...anyway, given the situation, we need another sleepover session! Come in for a meeting, Kato! No matter what it takes, we need to win those two over so we can create our ultimate dating sim!

Megumi: (on phone) Oh, sorry, but I can't help out this time.

Tomoya: Eh? Why not? I thought you joined my circle.

Y/N: Well, more like you forced her to join.

Megumi: (on phone) I did, but...I'm sort Hokkaido.

Y/N and Tomoya: ...Eh?

Over with Megumi

The "main heroine" was currently in an aquarium, standing off to the side as her family was waiting on her.

Megumi: I left today on a family vacation. 

Tomoya: (on phone) How long will you be away?

Megumi: Um, until the end of Golden Week.

Tomoya: (on phone) Ahh...right.

Y/N: (on phone) ...This is such a drag.

Back with Tomoya and Y/N

Tomoya: Yosh! Let's do this! The deadline's in four days! Absolutely no anime. No games, either. Not even light novels!

The glasses boy begins to cover up his possessions, making it so he doesn't have any distractions. As he does so, going to tape his bookshelf off, his hand starts to shake. Y/N stood off to the side with a deadpan look.

Going through with his plans, Tomoya covers his bookshelf with "X's" with tape, walking away. Not even one minute, Tomoya goes back to the bookshelf, bringing the tape down slightly and grabbing one of his light novels and goes back to his bed.

Tomoya: I'll just read one before the final push.

Y/N: I'll say it now, you're not getting shit done if you start reading.

Tomoya: I will, Y/N! I most definitely will!

Y/N: (sigh) Right. Well, I'll be in my room.

As the time passes on, Y/N would go into Tomoya's room, borrowing some of his figurines for inspirational designs for his new book. Y/N would glance to his cousin, books starting to pile next to the bed, on the bed, and on the coffee table. Y/N only shook his head, sighing at his cousin's stupidity and his plan of not thinking straight.

The next time Y/N came back into the room, he finds Tomoya passed out on his bed. The glasses boy quickly woke up, glancing towards his clock.

Tomoya: Huh?

Y/N: Told ya so.

Tomoya: Crap. I screwed up.

Y/N: You most certainly did.

Tomoya: (sigh) I need some water.

Eriri: Oh, get me a cola while you're at it.

Tomoya: Sure thing.

The glasses wearing boy exits the room, Y/N sitting on the bed as he counts down with his fingers. About five seconds later, Tomoya's footsteps could be heard running back up the stairs, him bursting through the door.

Tomoya: What are you doing here, Eriri!?

Y/N: Oh, I let her in about an hour ago.

Eriri: (not looking up) Oh, just put it down over there. If it spills on my roughs, I'm screwed.

Tomoya: You didn't answer my question!

Y/N: She threatened to break down the door, so I saved me the hassle and let her in.

Tomoya: Well, you letting her in here has screwed my schedule.

Y/N: (raised eyebrows) If I remember correctly, you spent most of the day reading light novels.

Tomoya: Shut up!

Eriri: (looks to Tomoya) It's not like I had a choice! It took Y/N two hours to answer the door.

Y/N: Sorry. Was working on my manuscript. Why are you here, anyway?

Tomoya: That wasn't the point. But he's right. You haven't been here at all these past few years.

Eriri: That's because we haven't spoken at all these past few years.

Y/N: That's a lie. You drag us out to conventions. (mutters) Seriously, why do I let other people control me?

Tomoya: (sips water) Well? I'll ask again. What are you doing here?

Eriri: Working on my drafts for an event this weekend, obviously.

Y/N: I just don't understand why you can just do it at your own house.

Tomoya then looks to his desk, seeing the lewd drawings. Y/N comes up from behind, whistling.

Tomoya: Don't bring your porno drawings to a guy's house to work on!

Y/N: And you've seriously went all out here. A lot more...stuff. Yeah, that sounds like the right phrase.

Eriri: What else could I do!? I have monthly deadlines, so it couldn't hurt you to be more sympathetic!

Y/N: Again, why are you working on it here and not at your own house. (snickers) Are you finally telling him you--

He was silence, Eriri quickly getting up from the chair she was sitting in and punching Y/N in the gut. The girl pouts, sitting back in the chair.

Tomoya: Leaving aside your disgraceful attempts to make me feel guilty, surely you can draw that crap at home.

Y/N: (strained) That's...what I said.

Eriri: Papa has guests over for a garden party, so I came here to get away.

Tomoya: Then hole yourself up in your room.

Y/N: Dude, no one wants to be a shut-in neet like you. Jesus, reminds me of another shut-in neet. He wore a green tracksuit most of the time.

Eriri: If I'd stayed home, I would've had to put in an appearance. The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and whatnot were there.

Tomoya: So the complete disconnect between your posh life at home and the girl before me now...

Y/N: Is intentional?

Eriri: Bite me. 

Small Timeskip

On the coffee table, Y/N was working on his manuscript, Tomoya typing away on his laptop, and Eriri still drawing at Tomoya's desk.

Eriri: So, have you made progress?

Tomoya: I still have three days. I'll get there.

Eriri: So you've made no progress whatsoever.

Y/N: Yeah, sounds about right.

Tomoya: How did you know!?

Y/N: When creators use the number of days as an excuse, it's pretty much a dead give away.

Eriri: (grunts) It's always, without exception, because they're behind schedule.

Tomoya: Don't make it sound so painful. That's way too much reality for me.

Eriri: Isn't it time you gave up? You don't have it in you to create games.

Y/N: Didn't I tell you? Tomoya isn't the type to give up once he has his mind set on something.

Tomoya: We don't know that yet! I mean, back in the day, we were just as bad as each other.

Y/N: Really? I'd like to think I was pretty great.

Tomoya: We'd draw lousy pictures and make up lousy stories to go with them. Then we'd happily share them with each other, remember? 

Eriri: I can't remember that far back.

Y/N: That's a lie--

Eriri: Shut up!

Once again, Y/N was silenced, but this time, Eriri threw her eraser at Y/N's forehead, it ricocheting off his forehead and landing back in her hand.

Tomoya: (clears throat) But despite that, you've become a member of a popular circle. Anything you can do, I must be able to do too.

Eriri: Have it your way, then.

Tomoya: Yeah, I will indeed have it my way. And one day, I'll become a creator so popular that even you won't measure up to me! 

Y/N: That'll be a long time, buddy.

Eriri: If you're capable of a comeback like that, then I guess I was worrying about nothing.

Y/N: Hoh? Is that a blush I see, Eriri-chan? Are you--

Eriri: Shut up! (slaps Y/N)

Y/N: Gya! (falls onto floor) Ow...bitch.

Tomoya: Anyway, you were worrying?

Eriri: (squeaks) ...Not really.

Tomoya: Hang on, you didn't come here to motivate me, did you?

Eriri: (blushes) What are you talking about!? Are you stupid!?

Y/N: Hey, he may be dumb, but he isn't that dumb to dismiss what you said, Eriri.

Eriri: W-Well, don't get the wrong idea like some weirdo!

Tomoya/Y/N: Wow. Nice stinky textbook tsundere reaction.

Eriri: (crosses arms) There's no "dere" here! I couldn't care less about--

The blonde teen stops talking as the doorbell of the Aki household was rung. Confused, Tomoya gets up to see who it is, Y/N following as well.

Tomoya: (goes to window) Who's that?

Eriri: (rolls chair over) We're in the middle of an important conversation here!

Y/N: Really? That was an important conversation?

Tomoya: Was it? And don't you think you're kind of acting like this is your place?

Eriri: ...Gueh!

Tomoya: "Gueh"?

Y/N: What the hell was that noise?

Small Timeskip

The one at the door was Utaha Kasumigaoka, whom Tomoya had let into the house.

Tomoya: Come on in. Sorry about the mess.

The black haired girl peaks into the room, seeing Tomoya's otaku-filled room and Y/N at the coffee table, scribbling away at his manuscript.

Utaha: Hmm. This is tidier than I was expecting. Although you leave no doubt of this being an otaku's room.

Tomoya: Yeah...well...anyway, what brings you here today? This is the first time you've ever come to my house.

Utaha: You're right. This is a first time for us. (looks to Y/N) Hello, Y/N.

Y/N: (doesn't look up) Osu, Utaha-senpai.

Unsatisfied with the response she was given, she marched on over to Y/N, crouching down next to him and pulling his cheek.

Y/N: Ow ow ow ow ow!

Utaha: Didn't your parents tell you to look at someone when you're talking them?

Y/N: No... (feels even more pain) Ow! Yes, uncle!

With a huff, she let's go of Y/N's cheek, Y/N rubbing it to soothe the pain. She then looked back towards Tomoya, who was cowering in slight fear.

Utaha: But I'm fine. I'm not particularly nervous at this point. In fact, I feel as though the time has finally come.

She begins to walk towards Tomoya, the glasses wearing boy being pushed up against his closet door.

Utaha: I feel as though you have nowhere left to run, Rinri-kun. (trails finger up Tomoya's chest)

Tomoya: (nervous) The rule in this house is to treat guests like royalty. I guarantee you a safe return home! Isn't that right, Y/N!? Right!?

Y/N: Huh? Oh, yeah, sure.

The two sported small blushes, Utaha having a small grin on her face. She tilts her head cutely, backing off.

Utaha: I'm just joking around.

Y/N: I see your flirty attitude is till intact.

Utaha: I only came to visit two soldiers at the front.

She had pulled out a small container. Placing it at the coffee table, she got out three strawberry shortcakes along with tea cups filled with hot tea, the three of them conversing.

Utaha: So, how goes the battle?

Tomoya: Um, well...

Y/N: Yeah, it isn't going well at all. I'm getting there though.

Utaha: (looks to Tomoya) Eh?~ I was expecting you to make some excuse like a little girl, but that was a pretty masculine response.

Tomoya: I learned firsthand quite recently that such things don't work on people in the same industry.

She then puts a hand on Tomoya's, causing the boy to be instantly flustered. She briefly looks to Y/N, hoping for a reaction, but she sees nothing. The cousin of Tomoya was completely focused on his work, eating away at his shortcake.

Utaha: There's really no need to force yourself into this, you know.

Tomoya: Utaha-senpai?

Y/N: Wow, you're really trying to get him to stop right now, aren't you?

Utaha: Even if you give up, you still have the option of returning to your former daily routine as a consumer pig. And I think that lifestyle was far from pitiful for you.

Tomoya: That may be so...but I have mixed feelings about being called a consumer pig to my face.

Utaha: (sighs) The life of a creator might seem glamorous, but it's not all wine and roses.

Tomoya: It isn't?

Y/N: Sure as shit not. We've got tight deadlines, lots of projects and expectations to uphold, and make sure that our finished products are actually what the people bought. Not that half-assed shit that greedy companies pull.

(A/N): *cough* EA games. *cough*

Utaha: (blows on tea) He is right. The deadlines are murder, the competition is rough, and there's no telling when your talent might dry up.

Tomoya: I don't want to hear such cynical talk from a young up-and-comer at the height of her powers.

Utaha: And worst of all are the haters.

Y/N: Ah, yeah, that. I remember I was scrolling around online and this dude was shit posting on my book, complaining how the girl he liked didn't get with the main character. Make a damn fanfiction if you want your ending.

Utaha: Yes. They deride your good reviews as stealth marketing and if your work sells poorly, they call you old and busted. You can respond to the flame, and they'll say you're making excuses and rationalizing. (face darkens) But if you just ignore them, they say you're not fulfilling your responsibility to explain yourself!

Y/N: Utaha-senpai, hold up, hold up. You're going into "rant mode" again.

Even after finishing her rant, she set her tea cup down, gripping her head as she screamed.

Utaha: Those fuckers all deserve to get the banhammer!

Tomoya: Utaha-senpai, calm down!

Y/N: Utaha-senpai!? When did you learn such vulgar language!?

Utaha: Since the night we did "it!"

Small Timeskip

After calming down, the black haired girl had cleared her throat. Tomoya's mouth was agape, staring at the scene in front of him. Y/N was hunched forward, his face on his papers as smoke was rising from his head.

Utaha: That's why, Rinri-kun, you should continue simply consuming mine and Y/N's works as you always--

Tomoya: Senpai. Utaha-senpai, do you remember what you said to me earlier? You said I'm unable to envision what I really want to make. Those words really got to me. I realized that I didn't really know anything at the time. But that's exactly why once I do see what I want to create, I think I can probably come up with what I need to win you over.

Utaha: What about, Y/N?

Tomoya: He's all for it.

She looked to the other black haired boy, who was still hunched over. However, there was small writing on the paper. Aside from the words, it read,

"He was up all night outside my room, begging. If I said 'yes' to get him to stop, he'd stop. So I did."

Tomoya: (bows head) So, wait just a while longer, because I'm going to put together a project proposal that will gain your approval!

Utaha: ...If you're that insistent, I can't stop you. (stands up) Do as you wish. 

Tomoya: Thank you!

Utaha: But that doesn't mean I'll extend your deadline. I look forward to the end of our vacation.

Tomoya: You can count on me! I'll come up with a project proposal that you'll gladly be apart of!

As she made her way to the door, patting Y/N's head on the way, she opened it..

Utaha: In that case, I have one more piece of advice to offer you. 

Tomoya: What is it?

Utaha: If you are serious about wanting to form a circle...and about wanting to create a game with us all, then I suggest you get all your circle members involved. 

Tomoya: All my circle members?

Utaha: Without them, you'll never put out a quality product no matter how hard you try. You won't be able to keep yourself motivated, either. So for now, you should get the circle members you do have to want to do their best. 

She then closes the door, leaving Tomoya to his thoughts and ponder. Seconds later, she came back in.

Utaha: Oh, and one more thing. 

Tomoya: Eh?

Utaha: (smirk) You should have hidden the bicycle as well. 

Tomoya: The bicycle?

Utaha: Until next time.

She then closed the door. Tomoya quickly runs over to his window to see what she was talking about. Off to the side on the left was a red bicycle with a basket in front.

A loud ruckus was then heard as he turned around. Eriri had barged out of Tomoya's closet, visibly angered and panting heavily.

Eriri: Kasumigaoka Utaha!

Tomoya: (deadpan) If that caused you so much anguish, maybe you'd have been better off just facing her.

Eriri: No way do I want to bump into that woman here! Besides, she'd go "I know what's going on here" and be all snarky and condescending.

Y/N: (waking up) Well, you can't change that about her. That's just her personality. (mutters) And god damn do I love it.

Eriri: And how did you ever date her!? You even did "that" with her!

Y/N: (shrugs) I don't know. We just went with the flow.

Tomoya: She did know everything, even without bumping into you.

The blonde girl growled and gritted her teeth in frustration. Minutes later, she could be seen biking up the hill of Tomoya's neighborhood.


The light of Tomoya's laptop screen was the only thing that lit up his room. Megumi's voice could be heard from Tomoya's phone as Y/N sat next to Tomoya, listening onto the conversation.

Megumi: (on phone) Huh? What was that? Sorry, I can't really hear you.

Tomoya: It sounds pretty noisy over there. Where are you? Sapporo?

Megumi: (on phone) Uh, well...somewhere along those lines. 

Tomoya: Are you having fun?

Megumi: (on phone) Yes, lots.

Tomoya: I see. That's good. 

Megumi: (on phone) So anyway, Aki-kun, how are you doing with the deadline?

Tomoya: About that, Kato...

Y/N only closed his eyes as he remembered what Utaha had said.

"Get the members you do have to want to do their best."

Y/N: (thoughts) Now then, what play are you going to do now, dear cousin of mine?

Tomoya: (opens curtains) Don't worry about me. Just focus on enjoying yourself. I'll pull something together myself, just you watch. Anyway, I'll let you go, Kato.

Megumi: (on phone) Oh. Sorry, one more thing. 

Tomoya: Yes?

Over with Megumi

Megumi was sitting in a train, her phone close to her head as she gained a face of interest.

Megumi: What was it about me that appealed to you, Aki-kun?

Tomoya: (on phone) Huh?

Megumi: I mean, did you think anything like, "It sure wa fun when we did that," or, "I sure love that about her," or even the opposite, something that you didn't like.

Back with Tomoya

Tomoya: ...Have you contracted some fatal disease that'll keep you from seeing tomorrow or something?

Megumi: (on phone) It's nothing that dramatic. But was there anything?

Tomoya: Let me think...well, everything with you was fun. Really fun. 

Megumi: (on phone) Then there's no room for improvement?

Tomoya: Well, I guess if there was one thing I could've had differently...

Megumi: (on phone) Go on.

Tomoya: Maybe you could've been more overbearing.

Megumi: (on phone) Wait, are you saying that you wanted me to be more mean-spirited?

Tomoya: That's not what I meant at all. Having those three is plenty enough.

Y/N: Urk...!

Megumi: (on phone) Hmm...I'm not sure I see the difference. Never mind. I'll work something out myself. 

Tomoya: For what?

Megumi: (on phone) Talk to you later, Aki-kun.

She then ended the call, Tomoya looking at his phone. He smiled to himself before he let out a squeal. Turning around, he sees a murderous aura surrounding his cousin, his right eye letting out a red gleam.

Y/N: Um...what did you mean by "plenty enough," huh, Tomoya-kun?~

Tomoya: L-Let's c-calm down a minute there, Y-Y/N. C-C'mon, l-let's calm down...?

The other black haired boy's eyes only twitched as a devious and sadistic grin made it to his face. Seconds later, Tomoya's scream of terror filled the night sky.

The next day came around and Y/N was on Tomoya's desk, once again working away at his manuscript. Tomoya was by the coffee table, his laptop open as he stared at the screen in a thinking position. There were only a few lines typed on the project proposal. Hours soon begin to pass by as he kept laying down on his bed, reading away at his manga and light novels.

Occasionally, Y/N kept throwing spit balls at his cousin, much to his displeasure. Tomoya then perks up, looking at his laptop. Going back to his work, it wasn't even one minute that he went to the internet tab.

Tomoya: Well, a short break won't hurt. 

Y/N: All ready?

The scene then changes it to night, Tomoya sleeping in his own bed with a book in his hand. His laptop was off and Y/N only stared at the scene, shaking his head.

He was then surprised as Tomoya had jolted himself awake.

Tomoya: Wait...I wasted another whole day!

It was then the next day, Y/N was helping Tomoya put his light novels and manga into boxes. They then moved it to his closet, Tomoya now settling himself in front his laptop as Y/N leaned up against the door of Tomoya's room.

Tomoya: Only two days left.

Y/N: Better make them count. 

Tomoya: No. That's still plenty of time!


Hours had once again passed, Tomoya leaning up against his bed and Y/N asleep at Tomoya's desk, slouching up against the chair. The glasses wearing boy glanced over to his laptop, the only thing there was the caption, "Title: (undecided)."

Tomoya begins to laugh to himself, like he'd gone insane, before he gripped his head. The words "give up" begin to flash in his mind. 

Tomoya: (thoughts) I really don't have any talent. 


The glasses wearing boy took a deep breath, a tired Y/N next to him. The two of them were at the hill where they had their "fateful encounter" with Megumi Kato.

Tomoya: It's nothing but a hill, after all.

Y/N: (drowsy) So...? Why did you drag me out here? 

Tomoya: (thoughts) I thought that maybe coming here would give me some ideas or help me to remember something. But as I am now, I see nothing. Not the blossoms in full bloom, the hat flying through the air, or even the heroine in her white top one-piece dress standing atop the hill. Is my dream at an end? Here is where it began. And here will it end?

And just like the fateful encounter, a white beret flew past Tomoya's eyes. But it seemed like it was flung towards him instead, the hat not gaining a lot of air as it landed near him on the curb.

He looked in the direction of who threw it, his eyes slightly wide open. Sakura blossoms were blown in his face as he sees the same girl he met on that fateful day. 

Megumi: It's been awhile. We meet again.

Y/N: (yawns) Yo, Kato-san.

Megumi: What a coincidence! Just kidding.

The glasses wearing boy got up, his mouth slightly agape as he stared at his heroine, Megumi Kato. 

Tomoya: Kato?

Megumi: Oh? You recognize me, Aki Tomoya-kun!

A slight blush made it to his face, him slightly teary-eyed as well. The girl walked up to Tomoya, going past him and grabbing her white hat.

Tomoya: You're...

Megumi: (dusts hat off) Hmm?

Tomoya: What are you doing? 

She doesn't respond as she placed the white hat on Tomoya's face, a questioning gaze plaguing him.

Megumi: Tell me, Tomoya-kun, I should say. Is this the me that you were hoping for?

Tomoya: Eh?

Megumi: In anime, games, and light this how your ideal talks? Is this how she moves? this how she falls in love?

The blush begins to spread even further on his face as he continues to look at the girl in front of him. Y/N was now wide awake, a smirk appearing on his face. 

Megumi: (walks up to Tomoya) Do I pass?

Tomoya: H-Huh?

Megumi: Could this me be the heroine of the story you want to make? Could she help you? 

Tomoya: (looks away) I-I thought you were still in Hokkaido.

Megumi: Ah. I came home a little early. Three days ago. 

Tomoya: Eh?

Megumi: I didn't think they'd make the deadline the last day of the holiday. I felt like I'd dropped the ball.

Tomoya: Dropped the ball!? Why would you skip a family vacation over something like this!?

Megumi: Eh? But Aki-kun, I thought that if I didn't help out, you'd hold it against me forever. 

Tomoya: Don't make me sound like some clingy, creeper otaku!

Y/N: You kinda are, though. 

Tomoya: Shut up! The creeper otaku part is true, though. More to the point, why didn't you come by as soon as you got back!?

Megumi: Well, even if I'd come in for a meeting,, I wouldn't have been very useful. 

Tomoya: Then why even come back? 

Megumi: Well, I thought that I could contribute to the circle by providing you with inspiration. 

Tomoya: Eh?

Megumi: It wasn't all me, though. Sawamura-san and Kasumigaoka-senpai helped me out a lot. L/N-kun had also taught me a few things.

Y/N: Glad I could help.

Tomoya: Those three did...?

Megumi: Sawamura-san redesigned my outfit and tweaked it to match your tastes precisely. She said she was going for more mini, more flutter, and more 2D.

Tomoya: Those don't just fit my taste. That's the dream of all moe otaku!

Megumi: And my manner of speech and performance were all scripted by Kasumigaoka-senpai and L/N-kun.

Y/N: Ah, those writing classes did help. And those theatre lessons helped too. Man, no wonder each date we went on was always heading to a theatre.

Megumi: Her and your stage directions were really demanding.

Y/N: They weren't that demanding...I don't think. Yeah...probably. 

Tomoya: I'm amazed you survived. Especially with those two.

Y/N: The fucks that supposed to mean?

Tomoya: Didn't you two write a script for the Drama Club once?

Y/N: I helped, but that was all her. I remember it perfectly. She ended up driving three club members out. Man, that was hilarious. 

Megumi: It was pretty fun, though. I think I'll hit it off with those three...

Y/N: I'm standing right here.

Megumi: As fellow circle members. 

Tomoya: Kato, are you on board with this?

Megumi: Like I said, it's not just me. 

Tomoya: You believe in my possibly unrealistic and haphazard dream?

Y/N: I mean, it is dumb.

Megumi: To be honest, I still have no clue what it is you're trying to accomplish. 

Tomoya: Of course.

Megumi: But still, I understand very well that you're dead serious about wanting to make your dream come true.

Tomoya: Kato...

Megumi: (deep breath) So hang in there, Tomoya-kun! Make me a heroine whose joy everyone will envy. 

Tomoya: (smiles) I will, I promise! I'll turn you into a main heroine who'll tug at everyone's heartstrings!

Megumi: (sheepish smile) Boy, couldn't you have made that not sound so embarrassing?

Tomoya: On that note, we must convene a meeting immediately, Kato, Y/N! (adjusts glasses) No matter what, we're gonna make an ultimate dating sim that those two will want to get involved in! 

He grabs Megumi's wrist, making her reel back in shock.

Megumi: Eh? Right now!?

Tomoya: Damn right! We only have one day left!

Y/N: It's your fault for not getting work done. You spent those three days reading light novels. 

Tomoya: If you both have time to nitpick, you have time to offer ideas! Whisper to me just like you did before!

Y/N: I never whispered to you. 

Tomoya: Moe me up!

Y/N: I will not do that.

Megumi: But we have school tomorrow, and I really need to stop off at home before then. 

Tomoya: Not to worry! I'll let you go by 7 AM tomorrow!

Megumi: But girls take longer to get ready.

Y/N: Yeah. You should see Utaha-senpai and her mood swings. Just let her leave by 6.

Tomoya: That works, too! In fact, it would be wrong to end two episodes in a row the same day!

Y/N: Oi, oi, oi. Are you trying to break the fourth wall?

Megumi: What's wrong is your attitude.

From afar, both Utaha and Eriri were watching the three head up the hill, back to Tomoya's house.

Utaha: Looks like we'll end up getting roped into this. 

Eriri: He still hasn't finished his project proposal. Who knows if it'll be any different tomorrow.

Utaha: The instant the main heroine was on board, the battle was won. He already got one of his scenario writers on board as well.

The blonde girl only gritted her teeth in frustration.

Utaha: If you're so bothered by it, perhaps you should've have helped Kato-san.

Eriri: Huh!? What are you saying!? I couldn't care-- Actually, that's not the issue. This has never had anything to do with me. 

Utaha: If you don't do something about that habit of being so prideful when push comes to shove, you might come to regret it one day. 

Eriri: ...I already do. I can't believe I'm in a circle together with Utako Kasumi and Akira Makabe of all people.

Utaha: Actually, I'm rather looking forward to working with the two.

Eriri: I will not be picking up after a hack author like you!

They see both Y/N and Megumi facing them on the hill. Megumi was waving at them while Y/N only gave them a two finger salute. 

Eriri gritted her teeth and closed one of her eyes, pulled the other down and stuck her tongue out. Utaha on the other hand only giggled.

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