Chapter 2: Megumi Kato, The Heroine

I had this done already and I decided "fuck it" and released it. I was going to wait a bit longer but here it is. Hope y'all enjoy it.

Tomoya's Narration: One spring day, I came face to face with my destiny and recalled a dream I've had since long ago: To create a dating sim that touches the hearts of people and makes them laugh. And to create a main heroine that would make everyone's heart sing! Yes, just as that girl did! The response this dream and I received from those around me was harsh at first.  However, by sharing my dream with them without giving up, my comrades have returned to me, one by one! And now, after experiencing a dramatic reunion with that girl, I have taken the first steps toward realizing that grand dream!

From behind, inside the AV room, Eriri had slapped Tomoya's head, causing him to stop his monologue.

Eriri: Don't just slip big lies into the previous episode recap!

Tomoya: And you, don't blow off anime tropes by having a character interrupt the narration!

Outside the area Tomoya and Eriri were in, Y/N and Utaha were simply sitting at tables, watching the scene go out about through the window.

Y/N: ...I have to wonder though.

Utaha: Hmm?

Y/N: When the hell did he get in there?

(A/N): Cue the opening! Don't own it.


After school, Tomoya, who dragged Y/N with him, had taken the girl they saw that one spring day, Megumi Kato, to a local diner.

Currently, they were sitting in a booth by a window, Y/N resting his head on his hand while thumping his pencil against his mouth as he thought of what to write for his upcoming book. Tomoya sat across Megumi, arms crossed as the girl held a menu in her hands.

Tomoya: You know, Kato...

Megumi: Hmm, yes?

Tomoya: I haven't really noticed it until now, but you're actually pretty cute.

Y/N: ...You say that about almost every 2D girl.

Megumi: Thank you. But what you hadn't noticed wasn't that I'm cute, but rather that I even exist. Well, both of you.

Y/N: Sorry. I've been on tight schedules that I only have time to focus on a few things because SOMEONE keeps disrupting my time.

Tomoya: Eh? (looks to Kato) I guess.

Y/N: Now that I think about it, you're in our class, right?

Megumi: Mm-hm.

Y/N: Hmm, you've been in the same class as us since first year. Don't know how the hell I didn't notice you yet.

Waitress: Thank you for waiting!

As Tomoya was processing thoughts through his head, both Kato and Y/N were ordering food.

Megumi: The layered cheese cake, please.

Y/N: Oh, me too.

Waitress: Coming right up.

As the waitress leaves, Tomoya begins to asses Kato's features.

Tomoya: (thoughts) She's got classic features. She's neither too tall, nor too short. Her skin is reasonably smooth. She curves out where she's supposed to curve out. And curves in where she's supposed to curve in as well. It's only natural to think she's cute. After all, I felt the hand of fate at work with this girl.

Y/N: You better not be thinking of the "this is all fate's work" bullshit in your head.

Tomoya: ...

Y/N: (sigh) ...Son of a bitch.

Tomoya: (thoughts) ...She has an incomprehensible lack of presence. 

Minutes later, both Kato's and Y/N's cheese cakes had come in, Y/N already eating his.

Megumi: Well, I'm going to dig in. I'm sorry you two had to treat me.

Y/N: Nah, it's fine. I've got tons of money anyway. (thoughts) About 25% of my money pays the taxes for Tomoya's house and other bills, anyway. The rest I can spend it however I want.

Tomoya: No, I should apologize for asking you out so suddenly.

Y/N: Then why did you drag me out here?

Megumi: It's okay. I didn't have anything planned for today.

Tomoya: So anyway, what ever happened to that hat of yours?

Megumi: Oh, I gave it to a relative.

Tomoya: ...Eh?

Megumi: My cousin was visiting and she liked it, so I gave it to her as a souvenir before she left.

Y/N: Hmm, you looked cute in it, too.

Tomoya: (dejected look) I see our fateful encounter isn't even worth that of familial obligations to you.

Megumi: What was that?

Y/N: Ah, don't mind him. He just rambles on about stuff.

Megumi: Oh, okay.

Tomoya: Oh, I was just thinking of what a coincidence that day was!

Megumi: I suppose if you had known I exist like I knew you do, then you could call it a coincidence.

Tomoya: No way! You just have one heck of a memory! How else would you have remembered an unremarkable otaku like me?

Y/N: Dude, you're one of the most known people in our school.

Megumi: Well, you are an otaku, but I wouldn't call you unremarkable.

Tomoya: Why not? There's not a single thing about me that stands out.

Megumi: Well, Aki-kun, you're one of our school's top four celebrities.

Tomoya: How so?

Y/N: (sarcastically) Hmm, let's see. You were the one who added light novels to the library and the one who also holds anime film screenings during school festivals. I wonder.

Megumi: (smiles) There isn't a student at our school who doesn't know the name Tomoya Aki.

Tomoya: (dejected look) How can this be? Even with the otaku population having climbed up as high as it has, society still peers upon us with disdain.

Kato: Oh, I wasn't talking about otaku in general.

Tomoya: I had no idea about this! Am I really that well known?

Y/N: (deadpan) Gee, I wonder what the hell I was saying the past few seconds.

Megumi: But I'm the opposite of you. I'm completely plain.

Tomoya: Plain, you say?

Y/N: (sigh) Here we go again.

Megumi: My grades aren't particularly good, I'm not in any clubs, and I've never even served on any class committees. I don't have all that many friends, nor am I particularly interested in making more. So all that considered, it's unsurprising that you didn't remember me.

Tomoya: (slams table) You're wrong! Kato, you aren't plain at all!

Megumi: Hey, what's gotten into you?

Y/N: I call it "otaku overdrive." I'm surprised he's doing it with a 3-D girl and not a 2-D one. This is new.

Tomoya: Don't call yourself plain! Don't pigeonhole yourself based on mistaken typecasting! Kato, I guarantee you this: You're anything but plain!

Megumi: Aki-kun...

Tomoya: Your character is just dead! This is all because your character isn't fleshed out! You're an unfinished product! That's why you don't stand out!

As Tomoya was raving about, a bored look was on Y/N's face, him casually eating his cake as the people in the restaurant looked to their booth.

After Tomoya had stopped raving, Y/N stood up and punched the top of his head, causing his cousin to sit back down in his seat.

Y/N: Calm down, you dumbass.

Megumi: (holds hand up) Excuse me. If I might interrupt?

Tomoya: What is it?

Megumi: Isn't that worse than being plain?

Tomoya: (brings Kato's hand down) Of course it is. Don't underestimate plain characters, Kato. Not many characters are as well developed as they are.

Megumi: Eeehhh...

Tomoya: For instance, braids, glasses, and freckles! If such utterly plain elements are combined, they form something charming that people are attracted to! The character becomes defined! Kato, do you have that trait of being unforgettable once seen? You don't! You don't at all! You've been kind of cute all along. You've got no obvious flaws. But what the hell am I gonna do about your lack of individuality!?

Megumi: Um, mind if I interrupt again?

Tomoya: What!?

Megumi: Setting aside the fact that I've done nothing to deserve such harsh treatment...

Y/N: Yeah, you've been kinda shitting on her, Tomoya.

Megumi: Is my lack of individuality a problem for you?

Tomoya: It is! It's a huge problem! Kato, you have to be special or it won't work! You need definable personality traits!

Megumi: And why is that?

Tomoya: Because you were supposed to be my main heroine. That's why!

Megumi: Um, did you confess to me just now? (looks to Y/N) Did he?

Y/N: Nah, he prefers 2D girls, anyway.

Tomoya: Huh? Me to you? Why would I do that?

Y/N: Told ya.

Megumi: Just as I thought. Even though you've been speaking to me, it's felt as though you've been focused on something far away.

Tomoya: (looks out window) Not far away, but in another dimension. (looks to Kato) Kato, give me back my creative urge.

Megumi: Sorry, but I don't understand how you came to that.

Tomoya: I want you to give me back my dream girl--I mean, my dream!

Megumi: Be that as it may, Aki-kun...

Tomoya: Don't change the subject!

Megumi: You wouldn't happen to be going out with the most beautiful girl in school, would you? Both of them, even?

Y/N: Who, Utaha-senpai and Eriri? Hah! As if! (laughs) That's funny! Oh, man. That's so funny!

Megumi: (tilts head) What about you, L/N-kun?

Y/N: Well, me and Utaha-senpai tried going out, but there were some things that didn't work out.

Kato: Like what?

Y/N: ...Which anime genres.

Tomoya: (pushes glasses) Kato, there were three things wrong with what you just said. First, "the most beautiful girl in school" is a dating sim trope that doesn't exist in reality. Second, having two of "the most beautiful girl in school" is contradictory. And third, a 2D-only otaku like me even possibly having a 3D girlfriend is a wildly mistaken notion!

Megumi: (looks out window) Then what would you call those people outside the window?

The two boys turn to where she was looking, a derp face on Y/N as he nonchalantly waves while Tomoya was screaming. Outside, an irritated Eriri and Utaha were outside, a look of jealousy spread across Utaha's face.

Small Timeskip

The two girls outside then move in, Eriri sitting in the same seat as Kato while Tomoya and Y/N remained in their seats, Utaha sitting in Y/N's lap.

Y/N: Uh, senpai?

Utaha: Yes?

Y/N: Why are you sitting in my lap?

Utaha: There's nowhere else to sit.

Y/N: I could've moved over.

Utaha: Then it wouldn't be comfortable. Besides, you wouldn't object to this.

Y/N: ... (thoughts) Well, she's got me there.

Megumi: ...Excuse me, Aki-kun?

Tomoya: What?

Megumi: What are Sawamura-san and Kasumigaoka-senpai doing here?

Tomoya: Oh, you already know them. That simplifies things.

Megumi: Actually, I don't think there's a student at our school who doesn't. I mean, they're the top two beauties of Toyogasaki Academy.

As they were talking, Y/N reached around so he could eat the rest of his cake. As he goes for the fork, Utaha grabbed it first and ate the rest of the cake. Sadly, Y/N looked down, resting his head against her back as Utaha licked her lips for any of the frosting, tilting her head at the black haired boy.

Tomoya: Please stop using dating sim terms to refer to real people.

Y/N: But...she's not lying.

Megumi: With you and L/N-kun here as well, we've got the four celebrities of Toyogasaki Academy.

Tomoya: Cut that crap already!

Megumi: It's just that I feel really out of place sitting here.

Tomoya: Don't worry. They might look stuck up, but they're not so bad.

Megumi: Really?

Tomoya: Yeah. Setting aside the obscenity and nastiness of their true personalities, they're both even bigger otaku than I am.

Y/N: All three of them are much bigger otaku than me. You should see Tomoya's room.

Megumi: Huh?

Tomoya: Let me introduce you, Kato! These two ladies, and my cousin, are the members of my game creation center.

Y/N: I never agreed to anything.

Tomoya: My illustrator, Eriri Spencer Sawamura...

Y/N: And lewd drawer for manga.

Tomoya: And my two scenario writers, Y/N L/N and Utaha Kasumigaoka.

Megumi: I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about.

Utaha: I certainly don't understand this either, Rinri-kun.

Tomoya's relaxed face morphs to one of pain as he bites his lip, Utaha having stepped on his foot, and is still doing it.

Utaha: Is this what a man says after standing up one girl to go on a date with another?

Tomoya: (strained) And here we have Megumi Kato, the newest edition to the circle, and the main heroine of the game we're going to make.

Y/N: Again, never agreed to this. And I don't think she did either.

Eriri: (glances to Megumi) Heroine?

Megumi: Not only is that the first I've heard of this, but is it just me, or does that seem like an inappropriate title for me?

The blonde girl of the five then leans a bit towards the brown haired girl, examining her features.

Eriri: This girl?

Megumi: Um, Aki-kun...Sawamura-san is staring daggers at me.

Y/N: Ah, don't worry. She's just jealous because you're cuter than her.

Megumi: Really? Thank you.

Y/N: It's no probleeee--

Utaha: Hmm...

Y/N: (strained) Of are the most beautiful one here...Utaha-senpai...!

With a huff, Utaha stops crushing Y/N's foot, the black haired boy sighing in relief.

Tomoya: Dismissing what Y/N said, there's nothing to worry about. She's incredibly nearsighted. It only looks like she's giving the stink-eye.

Eriri: Actually, I'm wearing contacts at the moment.

Tomoya: I'm trying to cover for you, so don't blow it!

Eriri: So, what are you to Tomoya?

Megumi: Um...his classmate.

Eriri: I really couldn't care whether you're his classmate, girlfriend, fellow otaku, or a friend with benefits.

Y/N: Really? You seemed to make a big deeaa--

Eriri: I said I couldn't care.

Y/N: (strained) didn't...!

After Eriri releases his foot from stepping on it, Y/N reels his head back.

Megumi: (looks to Eriri) Um, I think that last one was a rather unkind thing to say about me.

Tomoya: That's what she's really like.

Y/N: Yep. She acts all innocent at school.

As Tomoya nods, Y/N continuing to explain, Eriri kicks Tomoya's shin and steps on Y/N's foot, their faces reeling in pain.

Eriri: Shut up! Don't talk about me like you know me! We're long-time acquaintances and nothing more.

Y/N: Then stop picking fights with people who are just long-time acquaintances.

Tomoya: What he said!

Tomoya was kicking Eriri for Y/N, as Utaha was preventing Y/N from kicking her back, the three of them begin to argue.

Eriri: What's with you two?

Y/N and Tomoya: What's with you?

Utaha: Please stop embarrassing yourself, Sawamura-san.

Tomoya: Says the girl who's embarrassing just as much.

Eriri: It's nobody's business but mine what I do to this jerk!

Utaha: (violently tapping floor with foot) But wouldn't it cause problems if Toyogasaki students see you here, Miss Not-So-Innocent Sawamura-san?

Now, both Utaha and Eriri were kicking each other, every time Utaha moved her leg caused Y/N to shift uncomfortably.

Eriri: That's none of your business Utaha Kasumigaoka!

Y/N: U-Um...s-senpai, c-could you not m-move around so much...?

As the two briefly stare at each other, they start to up the ante, the two girls violently kicking each other as Y/N only sighs. Somehow, Y/N slid out from under her, stepping out of the booth and facing the other people in the restaurant, bowing in front of them.

Y/N: I-I'm sorry. Please forgive us for causing a commotion.

Tomoya: (stands up) That's enough already!

Megumi only looked at the scene in front of her, tilting her head to the side. After their little scuffle, Utaha was once again sitting in Y/N's lap, much to Y/N's displeasure (not really).

On the table was a crumpled up piece of paper.

Utaha: (tapping foot violently on floor) Another score of zero.

Eriri: (facepalms) Worthless, again.

Tomoya: It's still no good?

Y/N: I've told you once already, Tomoya.

Eriri: This doesn't tell me a thing about what you want the players to see or feel.

Utaha: Perhaps it's because you yourself are unable to envision what you really want to make.

Y/N: Or he's just an idiot.

Tomoya: Wow, you three talk like creators.

Eriri/Utaha/Y/N: We are creators!

Tomoya: (looks between three) You three secretly get along, don't you!?

Y/N: I mean, Eriri is just an ass.

Eriri: Wha--!?

Y/N: And I think Utaha-senpai and I get along fine.

Utaha: Of course we do.

Eriri: Anyway, at this rate, you actually making a game is nothing but a dream within a dream.

Utaha: So what'll you do? Rewrite it yet again? Or will you give up?

Y/N: Please, Tomoya is not the type to give up.

Tomoya: I'll...

Eriri: I say it's about time throw in the towel, don't you?

Y/N: Eriri, you of all people should know that Tomoya doesn't give up.

Utaha: I do. It looks like Rinri-kun is about to have his heart broken by the gap between ideals and reality.

Eriri: (sigh) Besides...fateful encounters? You aren't trying to make some light novel with nice art and no substance, are you?

Utaha: Oh, I don't disagree with him trying to use that. If fate or coincidence played no role in such encounters, the world's couples would be composed of nothing but childhood friends.

Y/N: Hit the nail on that one, senpai.

Eriri: What's wrong with that!? Actually, that's not what I'm saying!

Tomoya: Hmm. I've decided.

Utaha/Eriri: On which!?

Tomoya: I'm not giving up yet.

Y/N: Told ya!

Tomoya: I'll rewrite it as many times as I need to get your stamp of approval.

Eriri: (blushes slightly) That's what you meant.

Tomoya: And one day, I'll create the ultimate dating sim that will make everyone's heart sing! (points to Megumi's empty seat) Yes, and I'll turn Megumi Kato into a main heroine who will melt everyone's hearts!

Y/N: Um, Tomoya. She went to refill her drink.

The three get up from their seats slightly, looking around while Y/N kept his derp face on.

Eriri: When did she...

Utaha: I didn't even see her get up.

Tomoya: Her stealth level is way too high.

Y/N: Probably at 99. Or is it legendary? Ah, dammit. I play Skyrim too much.

Timeskip-Next Day

Tomoya was standing by the base of the hill on where he saw his "fateful encounter." Soon, Y/N walks up to him, looking at him before he looked up at the hill.

???: Sorry I'm late!

The two turn around to see Megumi run up to them.

Y/N: Yo.

Tomoya: Hey.

Megumi: I'm glad the weather turned out to be nice today. The forecast seemed uncertain, so I was worried. Oh, so this is where you two live.

Y/N: Well, I bunk with Tomoya since my parents live in a different area. Do you pass by here sometimes?

Megumi: Yeah.

Tomoya: Kato, do you remember what's special about this place?

Megumi: Yeah. The locals call it Detective Hill.

Y/N: Did they call it because so many cop shows use this place for stakeouts?

Megumi: It's because there's a detective agency here.

Y/N: Ah, I see. How did I not see it?

Tomoya: No, that's not what I meant. Why do you think I chose here to meet up?

Megumi: It's close to your house, right?

Y/N: Nah. This is his so called "fateful encounter" with you.

Tomoya: That's right! What Kato said was completely wrong!

Megumi: (tilts head) It's far away, then?

Y/N: He's probably going to say that this is where we first met, but we met a long time ago, didn't we?

Megumi: The first time we met was actually at the entrance ceremony years ago.

The glasses boy sighs and grumbles, the three of them beginning to walk down the street.

Tomoya: Anyway, do you fully comprehend what we aim to achieve today?

Megumi: You said you had something to talk about, so I should come over to your house.

Tomoya: There are problems with that already! What girl goes to a home of a guy she hardly knows!?

Y/N: But you were telling her like it was urgent.

Tomoya: Because it is! (to Kato) And don't dress up like some normal person would. Nobody's ever come to my place looking that normal.

Megumi: Right. That was rather surprising. I didn't think it was like you to ask a real girl over.

Y/N: Right? He's always going on about how 2D girls are the best.

Tomoya: You agreed just because you thought it was unexpected? So because a guy's an otaku, you can go to his house without thinking twice?

Y/N: Again, you made it sound like you desperately needed her to come over.

Megumi: I certainly didn't expect to be lectured for it by the one who asked me to come.

Tomoya: Listen, Kato. You've been living your life haphazardly, and today I'm going to give you a lesson on reality!

They stopped at the top of the hill, a blue car going by them as Megumi looks confused at Tomoya.

Megumi: Has your room perhaps been soundproof to keep people from hearing cries for help?

Tomoya: Yeah. You'd better be prepared. I'm going to drum the conventions of moe content into your head!

Y/N: Dude...what the hell are you doing with your hand? Every time you move your fingers, they crack, too. Besides, isn't that incredibly unrealistic of drilling moe content into her head?

Scene Change, Aki Residence

Tomoya: Come on in. Sorry about the clutter. Try not to let it bother you.

Megumi: Thanks for having--

As Megumi had stepped into Tomoya's room, she glances around.

Megumi: Wow, talk about the very image of an otaku's room.

Y/N: And even my own room isn't filled with this much stuff.

Tomoya: Even this is completely wrong! Why are you just relaxing? You're supposed to say "it's so warm" and casually open the window. Or carelessly sit on my bed out of habit and get all flustered. Stick to the established heroine behavior patterns!

Y/N: Dude, she's not a video game character.

Megumi: How do you expect me to tense up with you ruining the mood like that? (sips drink)

Y/N: Eh? When did you pour yourself one?

Tomoya: (sigh) Whatever. You'll be able to show proper reactions soon enough. After all, today is a boot camp to hone your 2D heroine responsibilities.

Megumi: I don't have a any say in this, do I?

Y/N: Nope! Now if you excuse me, I have another story to work on!

As Y/N leaves the room, Tomoya was rummaging through his games.

Tomoya: Now, what shall we play? The games I present to you are all exemplary dating sims that will make you laugh and cry.

Y/N: (in his room) Son of a bitch, he "Fus Ro Dah" me!

Megumi: Uh...whatever's shortest, if you don't mind.

Tomoya: I know, let's play this one. Total sales: 300,000 units!

Y/N: (in his room) No!! I just lost to a guy playing Link! And he was spamming arrows!

Tomoya: A legendary dating sim with various spin-offs across different media, including an anime adaptation!

Megumi: I really don't have any say in this.

Video Game: (Y/N's room) Excessive damage! Warning! Warning!

Y/N: (in his room) Move yo ass, Cooper! Ah, shit! Get to the damn Fold Weapon! Move, move, move!

As Tomoya and Megumi were playing a dating sim, Y/N was playing games, his mind not in the right state of mind as he could think of what to write.

His room was filled with figurines and posters like Tomoya. On the top was dedicated with video games. There were figurines of iconic video game characters. Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Link, Marth, Roy, and Ezio Auditore to name a few. On the next shelf were anime figures. These included Yukino Yukinoshita, Rei Miyamoto, Asuna Yuuki, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and other famous anime protagonists.

Next to his PC were his games, which included Final Fantasy XV, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and SSB, and Tekken. On his walls were posters of anime and other video game companies, one of his favorites being From Software and Bandai Namco.

He was then disrupted from his gaming session as he heard the cries of Tomoya.

Tomoya: (his room) No! Shut up, shut up, shut up! If even 2D girls stop wanting to go out with me, then what do I have left to live for!?

Y/N: Oh, looks like he's finally lost it.

Megumi: (muffled) Oh, sorry. Let's pretend I didn't say that.

It was now getting late, Y/N banging his head on the table as he couldn't figure out what to write next. His next deadline to finish the story was two weeks from then, only finishing about half the book.

Tomoya: (muffled) You just don't get it, Kato!

Megumi: (muffled) Oh, I guess maybe I don't. I certainly don't get what you're saying at all.

Y/N: (opens door) Oi, what the hell is going on?

Tomoya: Have a seat for a second.

Megumi: I'm sitting already.

Tomoya: Listen up! No matter how facile and worn-out a weapon may be, if it still has the support of many players then it should be used without hesitation!

Y/N: Huh? What the hell are you getting at?

Megumi: Um, I never really gave it that much thought.

Tomoya: There are no greater weapons in a creator's arsenal than their infallible cliches! Don't let criticism lead you astray! Look with big eyes at the big picture! Do a comprehensive assessment to find the best way to keep the players hooked!

Y/N: You're still trying to make her your heroine?

Tomoya: Now I see. The one who didn't understand was me.

Y/N: Huh? Kato, did you break him?

Megumi: No. I didn't do anything.

Tomoya: Thank you, Kato. Thanks to you, I've learned the most valuable lessen of all!

Megumi: (tilts head) I see. That's good. Well, today's study session ended on a happy note, then. I'll see you at school, Aki-kun, L/N-kun.

Y/N: Bye.

Tomoya: Wait. This game actually has a sequel.

Megumi: Eh...

Tomoya: Three years after the heroine dies in a shocking bad ending, this long awaited final chapter is released to give the series the ending it deserved. It's the beginning of a tale of rebirth and resurrection!

Megumi: Huh? She comes back to life?

Y/N: Ah, you just found out. Yeah, we're not spoiling it.

Tomoya: So, Kato, watch it play out with your own eyes!

Megumi: But if I start a new game now, it'll be midnight before I finish it.

Y/N: Really? And I spent the whole time playing games.

Tomoya: It's okay. My parents are out of town on a overnight trip.

Y/N: Huh? Auntie and Uncle didn't tell me. You need to tell me this shit beforehand, Tomoya. 

Megumi: Doesn't that make it not okay at all?

Tomoya: Besides, today's Saturday. There's no school tomorrow, right?

Y/N: ...That's not the problem, dumbass.

Tomoya: I'm begging you, Kato! Please don't leave!

Megumi: Aki-kun?

Tomoya: For the sake of my--no, our dream, stay the night!

Y/N: Kato-san...

Tomoya: Please make...

Y/N: Run.

Tomoya: A man of me!

Megumi: (picks up controller) Well, I did tell my parents that I might be out late today, so I guess it's okay.

Y/N: Just like that!?

Tomoya: It is!? No, Kato, hold on a moment! Are you sure this is okay!?

Y/N: You were the one asking for it!

Tomoya: To put this bluntly, given the situation, I can't excuse my behavior if anything happens!

Y/N: Oi, oi, oi, that sentence sounded totally wrong.

Megumi: But you're you, Aki-kun, and all we'll be doing us staying up, playing a game all night.

Tomoya: Yeah, but--I mean, you're right. But still...for a 3D girl to have an irresponsible and carefree attitude is absurd.

Y/N: You're one to talk.

Megumi: No, you're really aren't.

The brown haired girl then hits "New Game." The doujin circle of Tomoya Aki was just beginning.

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