Chapter 11: Persuading The Cousin
It was the next day in the Aki household, Tomoya having a giddy face as his circle sat in front of him. Michiru was on the bed, sitting cross-legged as she had an annoyed face.
Eriri sported a look of disbelief, Megumi was on her phone as usual, and Utaha found herself in Y/N's lap, Y/N attempting to find comfort while sitting on the ground, but the dark haired girl herself had decided to plant herself there as her seat.
Tomoya: And so, on the right is Eriri Sawamura, who is in charge of art. On the left is Utaha Kasumigaoka-senpai along with Y/N, who are in charge of the scenario.
Y/N: Senpai...can you get off, now?
Utaha: Hmm...let me Consider this apart of your punishment.
Y/N: I thought the punishment was yesterday!?
Utaha: You enjoyed it.
Y/N: (groans in annoyance)
Tomoya: A-Anyway (points behind) And this is me and Y/N's cousin, Michiru Hyodo.
Eriri: H-Hang on, she's Tomoya's and Y/N's... (blushes) Who dresses like that in front of a guy? Two of them?
Utaha: Perhaps you could get to the point, Rinri-kun.
Y/N: Utaha-senpai...! Th-That's...! You're squeezing my--
Utaha: (whispers in Y/N's ear) Hush now. More punishment will be added later. (looks to Tomoya) What are you trying to gain by introducing her to us?
Tomoya: Well, I want to have her do the music for the game we're making.
Eriri: (still in disbelief) What, you're forcing her on us, Tomoya? You want this girl that badly?
Y/N: Eriri, you're making it sound like the wrong idea. And I'm pretty sure you're thinking of it wrong.
Utaha: Even if she is in a band, don't you think it's a bit rash to suddenly have her do video game background music?
Y/N: He didn't decide on her for a half-baked reason.
Tomoya: He's right! Once you hear her music, Utaha-senpai, I know you'll--
The glasses wearing teen was cut off with Michiru putting him in a headlock. This incited looks of amusement in both Utaha and Y/N.
Michiru: C'mon, Tomo, let's not get ahead of ourselves! I never said I'd actually do it!
Tomoya: (struggling) M-Michiru...! Cut it out! This is important!
Tomoya couldn't speak any longer, him being shoved in between Michiru's breasts. Utaha tilted her head slightly, then thinking of some more ideas of her own. Y/N looked at her as Utaha's eyes began to show slight lust.
Eriri: "T-Tomo"? What's with that excruciatingly familiar term of address!? I mean, they're way too close!
Y/N: Eh, that's just how she is. Plus, Mittchan is the fun one.
Utaha: (darkened look) Mittchan?
Y/N: ...Oh shit.
Eriri: Th-They're cousins...childhood friends by birth...and now, they're even fellow circle members...
As Michiru and Utaha were strangling the two respective boys, Eriri still having her disbelieved look, the door opens. It revealed to be a cheerful Megumi, who was coming in a tray.
Megumi: Thanks for waiting. I brought snacks and drinks, so...uh, what's the matter, Sawamura-san?
Utaha: (still strangling Y/N) I can see that you're not going to be of any use here. You cheap knockoff of a childhood friend.
Eriri: Ahack...!
Megumi: ...Then you really shouldn't kick her while she's down like that.
Y/N: Senpai...! Let...go...of me!
Small Timeskip
Having passed out on the floor, with a derp face as well, Eriri was being fanned by Megumi. The rest of the doujin circle were sitting in a circle around Tomoya's coffee table, Michiru still sitting cross-legged on the bed.
Tomoya: Please, Michiru! I just need you to write a few songs for us! Oh, and the MIDI programming and background music cues. And while you're at it, you can tie all together by doing the theme song with your band!
Y/N: What happened to the suggestion of writing a few songs? And she's not the only one who can code, dumbass.
Tomoya: Ooh, I'm writing that down!
Y/N: Mittchan, we need a restraining order.
Michiru: Hai.~
Utaha: I see that your way of asking favors is equally rude in the extreme to all, Rinri-kun.
Michiru: Da-ka-ra, I'm not interested!
Tomoya: If you have the talent to write a song that great, don't you want to put it to good use?
Y/N: I mean, he's not wrong. Most of your other talents are useless.
Michiru: That's why I'm in a band! I have my hands full with that!
Tomoya: It'll work out! If anybody can juggle it, it's you!
Utaha: (sigh) Just give it up, Rinri-kun. If you force someone who isn't interested to join, you're only making the both of you unhappy.
Y/N: I mean, he forced me to do it and I'm not really complaining.
Tomoya: (deadpan) I recall the two of you being much the same at first.
Utaha pouts and looks away, Y/N flipping the bird towards Tomoya.
Utaha: There is still time. Just look for someone else.
Tomoya: It has to be Michiru! Just like the scenario has to be you and Y/N! And the art has to be by Eriri! And Kato...
Y/N: Go on. Keep going.
Tomoya: Uh...anyway, she's important!
Megumi: (monotone) Ah. Hai, hai.
Michiru: (shakes head) Look, I'm saying that I'm not interested in this otaku stuff! You need to grow up from this otaku stuff and face reality, Tomo, N/N!
Y/N (stunned) Eeeehhh. Never thought I'd hear the word "reality" from a person like you, Mittchan.
Tomoya: Right? She's more of a happy-go-lucky type of girl.
She sticks her tongue out at the two of them, her childish behavior making Y/N chuckle a bit. Tomoya then relents, sitting down as he leans his head back slightly. However, Y/N stopped chuckling as he felt a malicious aura coming off of Utaha.
Utaha: And what, pray tell, is wrong with being an otaku? Has my, Y/N, or Rinri-kun being an otaku caused you any hardship?
Michiru: For starters, that "Rinri-kun" nickname positively reeks of otaku!
Y/N: Well, he obviously deserved it.
In mere seconds, Utaha begins to grow angry, her hair flowing all around as Tomoya goes over to calm her down. But, Utaha's hair stops flowing all of a sudden, the older girl among them trying to keep calm.
Utaha: Do you think that otaku are beneath you? That they oink away, mindlessly consuming the stream of otaku content that's vomited out on a daily basis?
Y/N: (whispers to Tomoya) Crap, she's pissed.
Tomoya: (whispers back) Better to stay clear of her, for now.
Utaha: That they are the race who contributes nothing to society, doing only harm?
Michiru: (deadpan) I wouldn't go that far. Do you know people like that?
Utaha: I think not. And I'll thank you to not underestimate otaku. There are those who devote themselves to anime, games, or light novels: creators who work their hardest to entertain one and all. And there are the users who keep the otaku economy turning, those who support and enthusiastically buy the works released by such people! These are the people who sacrifice all else in order to accomplish something! Do you think you have the right to look down on such nobility!?
Tomoya: (with hope in eyes) Utaha-senpai.
Y/N: Hmm...why is my nose bleeding?
Utaha: Right. As human beings, there is no difference between otaku and ordinary people. There is no barrier between creator and user. Alleged "fans" who do nothing but cheer from the sidelines, only to chicken out and run away when we feel like doing something ourselves...damn it! Wimp otaku like them should just die!
Y/N: (being strangled) Utaha-senpai! Why me!?
Michiru: Look, it's not about who's better or worse, it's just our cultures are different. I mean, I could never make friends with an otaku.
Tomoya: That's not true! You get along fine with me and Y/N!
Y/N: We're the exception, idiot. And besides, we're family and grew up together.
Michiru: Besides, you guys aren't really otaku to me. You're just Tomo and N/N.
Y/N: I mean, yeah.
Michiru: Ever since we were kids, no matter what we did, N/N or I were always better. We would treat you like you were our lackey.
Y/N: Which he still is.
Michiru: But whenever the chips were down, you two would always be the cool guys I can count on!
Tomoya: (sweat drops) I'm not sure if dragging up ancient history is helping here.
Movement could be heard as Eriri had seemingly woke up, gotten on top of Tomoya's bed as she looked at Michiru, a smile present on her face.
Eriri: He was, he was!
Tomoya: (confused) Eriri?
Y/N: When did you wake up?
Michiru: Oh, right! Come to think of it, this happened one time! We were climbing the mountain behind our grandpa's house, and I got carried away and ran way out ahead. I twisted my ankle and couldn't walk on it.
Eriri: Th-That's terrible!
Michiru: It was so creepy, with the woods dark all around me and the crows cawing! I was seriously scared! And then Tomo and N/N showed up! Both their arms and legs and faces were covered in scratches from searching everywhere for me!
Tomoya: Um, we were also lost and got those wander when we were wandering around.
Y/N: (slaps Tomoya's head) At least I was actually looking for her.
Michiru: They both helped me back all the way down afterwords!
Eriri: (irritated) H-How old were you...?
Michiru: (strangling Tomoya) Ah! Remembering that really pisses me off for some reason! That was the first and last time you two ever saw me cry! Damn it, Tomo, N/N!
As the purple haired girl continues to strangle the glasses wearing teen, pushing her breasts onto his back, Eriri grabs his shirt and pulls his face closer to his, an irritated look on her face.
Eriri: How old were you two when that happened!? Which of you was older, Tomoya, Y/N!
Y/N: I already told you yesterday, I'm older than them by a month. And also, leave me out of this.
Tomoya: We've gotten totally off topic here, you three! Y/N, help me!
Y/N: Nah, this is great.
Eriri: Out with it!
Tomoya: I can't breathe!
Eriri: What kind of event was that!?
Tomoya: Stop suffocating me! Stop--
Utaha sighs in annoyance. Megumi looked on with a stunned expression while Y/N howled with laughter. Hours later, Megumi, Eriri, and Utaha had left, Y/N helping with Tomoya clean up his room.
After cleaning up, Tomoya looks around for something. Y/N looked at him with confusion, his attention then drawn to the door as Michiru came walking in and drying her hair from coming out of the shower.
Michiru: Tomo, the bath's all yours. What're you doing?
Tomoya: Looking for something.
Y/N: And what is it?
Tomoya: Wha!?!?!?
Y/N looked confused before he looked towards Michiru. She was wearing Tomoya's dress shirt, the buttons on top were left open as it exposed her cleavage.
Tomoya: M-My d-dress shirt!
Dismissing the fact, Michiru grabs her electric guitar and sits on Tomoya's bed. Y/N wasn't really too flustered about seeing Michiru in such clothing, considering he's seen Utaha in less clothing or none, he was wondering why Michiru would wear only a shirt.
Tomoya: Why are you wearing even less than usual!?
Y/N: He's right there. You usually don't do this.
Tomoya: How are you not flustered!?
Y/N: Because I can control my hormones.
Michiru: Well, all my clothes are in the wash right now.
Y/N: You know, you could've grabbed one of tank tops and shorts to wear.
Tomoya: (blushing madly) For crying out loud...I wish it'd finally sink in that there are two guys!
Y/N: Like I said, control your hormones, Tomoya.
Tomoya: That's not helping!
They then listen to their cousin strum her guitar, not paying attention to the conversation now.
Tomoya: ...Hey, Michiru.
Michiru: Hmm?
Tomoya: ...I really do want you.
Y/N: (sigh) ...Think about how you word things, Tomoya.
Tomoya: Eh?
Michiru: (stops strumming) ...You as my first, huh...? Well, it's not that I'm interested, and I don't think it would be terrible with you. (begins to unbutton shirt) I guess I can live with that.
Tomoya: Ah, sorry, I should've explained myself better!
Y/N: Obviously, dumbass.
Tomoya: What I want is your songs!
Michiru: (shyly) I'm not to blame for that little misunderstanding, okay?
Tomoya: Um, to get back to what we were talking about, are you sure that you can't do it? I don't mind if you give top priority to your band.
Michiru: Man, you still haven't given up...Y/N, how did you join so easily?
Y/N: Tomoya just has a stick up his ass...and is a real annoying one.
Tomoya: Shut up. And I can't. For my dream, and for my friends who are helping me achieve that dream.
Michiru: I have a dream of my own. My band. And I have friends who mean the world to me. But we're on the verge of breaking up because of me. I'm sorry, but I just can't spare the time to help you guys right now.
Y/N: I understand. Not sure if this idiot understands. And also, uncle still hasn't given his blessing?
Tomoya: Your band, he means.
Michiru: Actually, we've reached a point where he'll approve it on one condition.
Tomoya: Really? That's great!
Y/N: It is. But what is it?
Michiru: The condition is a rough one.
Tomoya: What is it? If we can help, just name it.
Y/N: Well, I'm not one to turn down family.
Michiru: Well, he says that we have to get a proper manager.
Tomoya: A manager?
Michiru: Yeah. He says he's worried about an all-girl band going to live houses.
Tomoya: Ah. Well, sex and drugs do go hand in hand with rock and roll.
Y/N: The fuck? You have prejudice like that on rock and roll, but you get fuckin' pissed when there's prejudice against otaku?
Michiru: (unimpressed) I was thinking the same. Isn't that a double standard?
Tomoya: Uh...anyway, I think we understand you situation.
Y/N: Yeah. You'll need someone to make arrangements to get into those live houses in the first place. Anyway, just leave it to us.
Tomoya: Yeah! We'll see what we can do.
Michiru: You mean it!?
Tomoya: Yeah. I'll put out feelers to everyone I know in the entertainment and singing circles.
Y/N: Shouldn't we, I don't know, look for someone more trustworthy?
Tomoya: It'll be fine. And in return, once I've solved your problem, you help out with our--
Y/N: (sigh) Yep. Knew it was going down that direction.
Michiru: Come on, what are you saying? Our manager isn't gonna have time to work on a game! Well, one of them at least.
Y/N and Tomoya: ...Come again?
Tomoya: Eh!?!? We can't possible manage your band full-time!
Y/N: Yeah, I have books I still need to push out!
Michiru: And we can't possibly have some complete stranger be our manager! And N/N, since when were you a writer!?
Y/N: Uh, since, like, two years ago? Mom and dad were fine with it and I've made big money, sooooooo, yeah?
Tomoya: And besides, we're up to my neck in for work for my circle, so don't drop your problems into our laps!
Michiru: Please, Tomo, N/N? Use this as an excuse to give up on the gamemaker and novel making thing!
Y/N: I'm already pushing a few deadlines! And the industry punishes young writers severely that it's kinda fucked up!
Tomoya: I can't. I just told you, remember? I have a dream and friends.
Michiru: Not to sound blunt, but your friends didn't seem all that into it. Not even N/N seems into it.
Y/N: I mean...I only joined because he was begging and it was getting annoying. And besides, they're all like that, at first. Kato-san just looks uninterested all the time.
Michiru: I got the gist of things when we talked earlier. That circle of yours is off-kilter.
Y/N: Yeah, you're not wrong.
Tomoya: Eh?
Michiru: I mean, you're the only one who genuinely wants to make a game, Tomo.
Tomoya: Wh-What are you saying?
Michiru: N/N and those other girls have various reasons for having to be in the circle.
Y/N: (mutters) I mean, Eriri just wants to get into Tomoya's pants. That's all that is.
Tomoya: What do you mean, "various reasons"?
Michiru: I mean various reasons. (flicks Tomoya's forehead) You two are sly dogs, especially you, Tomo. What's different about my band is that we're all serious about achieving the same dream.
Tomoya: Michiru...
Michiru: So please...Tomo, N/N, I'm begging you. Make my dream come true.
Y/N: ...I have no problem with helping, but I'm confused about this situation right now. Mittchan, are you trying to ask Tomoya something or are you trying to kiss him?
Michiru and Tomoya look to Y/N who had raised eyebrows. Looking to their predicament, Michiru was crouched in front of Tomoya and had her hand on his cheek. The two blush and Y/N sighs.
Next Day, Toyogasaki Academy
In class 2-B, Tomoya and Y/N were packing up for the day since class was over.
Tomoya: Hey, Kato. About today's circle meet--
When Tomoya looked over, Megumi wasn't there in her seat. He looked confused, glancing over to Y/N, who was still putting his stuff in his school bag.
Yoshihiko: Yo, Tomoya, Y/N! How about hitting up Akiba since it's the weekend?
Tomoya:'s been so long. What's it been, ten years?
Y/N: What the fuck are you saying? It's only been six months. And back to your previous question, sorry, can't go. Too busy.
Tomoya: Anyway, enough about you. Have you seen, Kato?
Yoshihiko: Well discuss you two's lack of compassion on your fellow bro later, but Kato-san was out the door as soon as the bell rang.
Tomoya: She was?
Yoshihiko: I have to say, you three have been joined at the hip lately. She's 3D, man.
Y/N: He prefers 2D girls. He never said about hating 3D girls.
Yoshihiko: Hang on, does that mean Tomoya and her are going out!?
Y/N: Hah! Fat chance!
Tomoya: You aren't worried about Kato, are you?
Yoshihiko: When an ordinary, cute girl like her is with a guy like you, people get curious.
Tomoya: I see. (grin) She's suddenly started to attract male attention. Maybe she's showing a bit of growth as a heroine.
Yoshihiko: Setting aside your completely unwarranted arrogance, you'd think she'd be totally wasted on a guy like you!
Once school ended, the two headed home and the first thing Y/N did was starting to work on his manuscript. The overall scenario was over on their game, he just had to pick up the pace.
Glancing over to his right, there was a bulletin board next to the shelf. His deadline was in a few days. In the corner of his eye, he saw a small slip of paper. It was his card when he was still in Rouge en Rouge. Just looking at it caused him to click his tongue and grit his teeth.
Y/N: (mutters) Should've left much earlier when I had the chance...
Unaware to the two cousins, Megumi had left the classroom much earlier to head to Eriri's house. She felt completely useless that she wasn't doing anything to help so she was helping them by coding.
Currently, she was passed out in Eriri's room. The blonde artist came up behind the sleeping girl and gently shook her awake.
Eriri: Kato-san.
Megumi: Hmm? Sorry, I asked you to teach me, but I fell asleep.
Eriri: (setting coffee mug down) You're not used to all-nighters, so it's not surprising.
Megumi: Thanks. (checks phone) Oh, I got a response from Kasumigaoka-senpai.
Eriri: I'm surprised that woman is staying up this late with us.
Glancing at Eriri's clock, it was 2:17 AM. Looking back to the computer, Megumi examined the background of the current scene.
Megumi: This background really ought to be a sunset. Sorry, Sawamura-san, how do I tell it to do that?
Eriri: To do that, just change this file name like this...see?
Megumi: That did it! Thanks, Sawamura-san.
It got quiet now, the only sounds being made was the scratching of Eriri's pencil against the paper and the clacking of the keyboard Megumi was using.
Eriri: Hey, Kato-san...
Megumi: Hmm?
Eriri: Why are you doing this?
Megumi: Well, the schedule seems to be slipping more and more.
Eriri: I didn't mean something grounded in stomachache-inducing reality. I mean, why you?
Megumi: Well, I've been thinking about things.
Eriri: Hmm.
Megumi: Say, Sawamura-san.
Eriri: What?
Megumi: I think this expression on the heroine works better for this scene.
Eriri: But this is the scene where the protagonist goes to another heroine's house.
Megumi: That's precisely why. She's putting on a brave face. She's a girl, after all.
The next morning then rolls around and the two girls were passed out at the desks. Megumi's phone then starts to ring, seeing the caller ID was Tomoya. Stepping out of the room, she takes the call.
Megumi: Good morning, Aki-kun.
Tomoya: (on phone) Sorry for calling you so early. Were you asleep?
Megumi: Yeah, kind of. I'm not used to all-nighters.
Tomoya: (on phone) Eh?
Megumi: How about you? You and L/N-kun didn't get any sleep?
Tomoya: (on phone) How did you know? And Y/N left earlier to submit the rest of his manuscript for his book.
Megumi: Hmm...I just knew, I guess.
In The Aki Household
Tomoya: "You just knew," huh?
Megumi: (on phone) So, did you make any progress on the scripting?
Tomoya: No, not one bit. I had other things on my mind.
Megumi: (on phone) Oh?
Tomoya: You're not going to get exasperated or angry?
Megumi: (on phone) Well, I know that you get that way sometimes. And I also get the feeling you'll make it all work out at the last second.
Tomoya: Does that mean you can see right through me or that you trust me?
Megumi: (on phone) I really don't know.
Tomoya: ...Hey, I titling at windmills here?
Megumi: (on phone) I can't really say that you're not.
Tomoya: Am I the only one who really wants to make the game? Is everyone just along for the ride because they feel obligated? ...Is our circle off-kilter?
Megumi: (on phone) ...Say, Aki-kun...are you hungry?
Heading to the local cafe diner place, Megumi brought a laptop to show Tomoya the work she had done. Tomoya was scrolling through the scene she was working on last night.
Megumi: Sorry, I borrowed these books a while ago.
Tomoya: Why? I never asked you to help me.
Megumi: I'm glad I've studied them, though. It seems like you've hit a wall, so maybe I helped pick up the slack a bit.
Tomoya: You don't need to force yourself to help out when I never asked you to...
Megumi: (small smile) I'm not being forced and I don't feel obligated. I really do want to try to make this game.
Tomoya: Kato?
Megumi: I don't have a talent for making games. I can't draw pictures like Sawamura-san can and I can't craft stories like Kasumigaoka-senpai and L/N-kun can. And I don't have your crazy vitality or audacity, either.
Tomoya: No, what I have hardly counts as talent.
Megumi: That's why I'm working hard to try to help everyone out, even if it's only a little. Besides, I've been getting help from Sawamura-san and Kasumigaoka-senpai to make this scene. I can't think that the others are doing this unwillingly.
Tomoya: Kato?
Taking the mouse herself, she clicks the "next" button to continue the next line of text. It showed, "So hang in there, Seiji-kun!"
Megumi: So hang in there, Tomoya-kun!
Perking up, Tomoya looked to the boring girl only to see a kind smile on her face.
Megumi: Make me a heroine whose happiness will be the envy of everyone, okay?
Tomoya: (nods with a smile) I will, I promise. I'm gonna turn you into a main heroine that will tug at everyone's--
But Megumi interrupts him, clicking the "next" button to show the next line of text. It showed, "By the way, Seiji-kun. You wouldn't happen to have one of those, would you?" Clicking it again, it said, "Those?"
Tomoya looked up Megumi, who only gave him a smile. The next few lines of text displayed what he had said days back. The memory of stirring love. She then references the memory Michiru had told them. This causes Tomoya to shuffle uncomfortably and tries to free his hand, but her grip was too strong. The next few lines of text then showed that Megumi herself knew how it felt like with her cousin Keiichi.
Now realizing what she meant, Tomoya gets onto the floor and begins to apologize as well as bow in front of her.
Tomoya: I am so terribly sorry!
This causes everyone in the restaurant to look at their booth confused while Megumi just smiled.
Megumi: Oh, I just slapped some random dialogue onto this scene as practice. There's no particular meaning to it.
Tomoya: You liar!
Hours had passed, Y/N met up with two. Sitting in the booth, Tomoya had pulled out his phone and allowed the two to listen.
Tomoya: What did I tell you? Isn't Michiru's music great? I recorded it earlier without telling her.
Megumi: You know, you're right.
Tomoya: It's like it makes you feel wistful, or really hits you in the nostalgia feels. It's dripping with that old-fashioned vibe you got in anime and games a while back, but in a good way!
Megumi: Aki-kun, let me listen.
Y/N: No, seriously, shut up.
Tomoya: ...Sorry.
Megumi: (giggles) You're right, though. I don't really know why, but this is great.
Tomoya: (blushing) Yeah.
Y/N: (sad smile) is.
Megumi: Say, Aki-kun...
Tomoya: Y-Yeah?
Megumi: About Hyodo-san, are you sure that she'll have nothing to do with otaku?
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