Chapter 22
(POV) Bree
The next day passed by in a blur.
Mission Creek High had graduation tonight, so there was no school. We were going to have a small party at the house, so we had to prepare all day. And before you ask, Chase and Davenport were at the top of the guest list.
"Bree? Do you want to come to the store with me to pick up a few things?" Tasha called from downstairs. A smile rested on my face.
"Yeah, sure." I called back, grabbing my phone before I jumped up to my feet. I headed down the stairs to see Leo on the couch preparing the decorations for us to hang up.
"Hey, Leo? Do you want me to invite Janell?" I asked as I walked over to the couch.
"You could do that? I mean... Yeah, sure. Seems legit." Leo said trying, to sound cool. I laughed back at him as he glared as me.
"Yes, Leo. I can do that. I'll text her when I get to the car." I said as Tasha grabbed her purse. Leo punched the air in triumph before Tasha led me outside. I rolled my eyes at my brother. Wait.
"Hey, where's Adam?" I asked as we stepped outside. I had found Leo no problem, but my brother who was graduating seemed to be missing in action.
"He went over to Caitlyn's so she could help him pick out an outfit." Tasha explained as we reached the car. "Oh and by the way... Donald and Chase are going to meet us at the mall. You two can go do whatever you want and I'll text you when Donald and I are done shopping." Tasha said. She glanced my way for a second. I was so happy. We finally got to hang out like a real couple.
"Does Chase know?" I asked. It seemed like Tasha had planned a surprise for us. Plus, she had that look on her face that screamed she had something secret going on.
"No, he doesn't. So you have to go hide behind the counter in the muffin shop after we get there." Tasha smirked as she saw my smile grow wider. We drove the short distance to the mall before hopping out of the car. We walked into the mall to see Davenport waiting outside the store.
"Hey, Tasha, Bree. Come on in." Davenport said as he motioned for us to step inside the forbidden muffin shop.
"Okay, Bree. Chase will be here any second. I told him to go get me a soda at the food court. So... You hide." Davenport said with a smile as he and Tasha calmly sat down in front of the counter.
"Hey, Mr. Davenport. Oh... Hey Tasha. Anyway, here's your soda." Chase said as he walked in and handed the soda to Davenport.
"Thanks, Chase. Before you go... Can you get me my jacket from behind the counter?" Davenport asked as he and Tasha made their way to the door.
"Yeah... I guess I can." Chase answered warily. He shook his head before walking over to the counter. Here's my cue. Chase was just rounding the corner when I hopped up.
"Hey, Handsome." I said as I jumped at him.
"Whoa! Okay... Now the jacket thing makes sense." Chase said as he pulled me into a hug. We stood there waiting for whatever Davenport and Tasha had to say. Again, they just had that look about them.
"Alright you two, go and have fun. Bree, I'll text you when we're ready to head back to the house so please, turn your ring tone on." Tasha said sternly. She knew how I liked to keep my phone on silent. The ring scared me half the time so I saw no point in it.
"Okay, Tasha. See you guys later." I called as Chase and I headed towards the middle of the mall.
"So how are you today?" Chase said as we sat down on a bench against the wall.
"Good. I'm in charge of the invites for the party tonight. Oh! Which reminds me, I have to text Janell." I said as I took out my phone
To Jannel, From Bree
Hey, it's Bree. Tonight is Adam's graduation party and Leo wanted me to see if you could come. Thanks :)
From Jannel
Yeah, that sounds fun. Do I have to dress up?
To Jannel, From Bree
Yeah kind of. We're all dressing up for the graduation then after the party will be kind of formal.
From Jannel
Cool, I'll see you guys later. :)
"Awesome, now Leo has an unofficial date." Chase said as he glanced at the last text.
"Yep. Now... What are you wearing tonight?" I asked.
"Well... A blue dress shirt and a tie to match what your wearing." Chase smiled back at me.
"Well, I was hoping maybe you could help me find a new dress." I said as I pointed to the dress shop across the way.
"Do they sell matching ties in there." Chase asked in complete seriousness. I laughed at him.
"Yes, Chase. I'm sure they sell matching ties. And if they don't, we will search this mall until we find one." I teased. Chase and I got up to go try on dresses... And apparently matching ties.
**In the dress shop-After**
"This is great! Now I don't even need a matching tie! Your dress matches my shirt perfectly." Chase smiled as he carried my bag for me.
"I love this dress so much." I said as I reached for the bag to pull it out again (Bree's dress at the top).
Chase pulled the bag away from me. I frowned back at him.
"What? Just cause I want to see my pretty dress." I said to him in a whiney voice. He laughed.
"Yes, but you have already looked at it like... 100 times. And, your going to wear it tonight, anyway. You and I will both be seeing quite a lot of it." Chase said as we walked toward Tasha's car. She had texted me five minutes ago, but I was in the middle of a heated argument with Chase.
"I'm still going to pay you back for the dress." I said as we walked though the parking lot. He shook his head quickly.
"No... Because then it wouldn't have been the first present that I was able to give to you, now would it?" Chase explained as he handed me the bag. "Your welcome." He smirked down at me. I just glared back. This kid, geesh.
"Thank you, almighty boyfriend of mine." I said as I kissed him on the cheek.
"Hey guys." Davenport said as he loaded the last bag into the back of the car.
"Hey." Chase and I said in union as we stopped in front of them.
"Oh, Bree. Let me see the dress!" Tasha squealed as I took the dress out and handed the bag back to Chase.
"Oh my gosh... This is beautiful Bree!" Tasha gushed as she played with the ends of the dress.
"Did you get roped into the whole matching tie thing, too?" Davenport asked as he turned to Chase. Base shook his head as he pointed to the dress.
"Well, it was kind of my idea to do that, but then we found a dress that matched my shirt, this one, so yeah kind of." Chase finished.
"So you don't even have to wear a tie?" Davenport asked in disbelief.
"Nope." Chase said with a smile.
"Tasha, did you hear that! Bree's not making Chase wear a tie! If I wear one I'll just stand out. And then the attention will be off Adam. We don't want that now do we, sweetie?" Davenport asked hopefully as he put his hand on Tasha's shoulder. She turned away from my dress to face him.
"Donald, you are an adult. Adult men wear ties. Live with it." Tasha said sternly.
"Fine. I guess we'll meet you guys there in twenty. Chase, let's go get ready." Davenport sighed. This party will be interesting.
**at the party**
"I can't believe I graduated! This is amazing. But I have to give all the credit to Chase, this guy knows his stuff." Adam said as he put his hand on Chase's shoulder.
"Thanks, Adam. But even though I did help you, you pretty much passed your finals yesterday no problem. I didn't even help you study this last weekend." Chase pointed out with a smile.
"I guess I did. Wow. I did it! Who wants to see my diploma?" Adam said as he put his diploma over his head and walked around.
"I think I speak for all of us when I say, we're good*." Leo said.
"Yeah Adam. You showed me like ten times on the way back." I commented. Adam brought his arms down slowly.
I walked over to the door to see Caitlyn on the other side of the door talking to Jannel.
"Hey, Adam! Leo! Your girlfriends are here." I called into the house as I motioned for them to come in.
"Let me see! Let me see! Oh my gosh you graduated!" Caitlyn said as she ran over to Adam. Adam held it up to her with a proud smile on his face.
"See, I knew someone would want to see it." Adam said. Caitlyn laughed then leaned up to hug him.
"Well, while that's going on... Bree, I have something for you." Chase said as he turned to me.
"What is it? You already bought me the dress." I stated as I motioned to the dress I had on.
"Well... This is kind of for both of us. Turn around." Chase said. I turned around. I heard him open up a box then pull something out. Suddenly, I felt a cool chain wrap around my neck. I could feel Chase's fingers against my skin as he hooked it together. When he was done, I looked down to see half a gold heart. I turned and Chase had the other half hanging on a chain in his hand (Picture in next chapter).
"Now you have my heart, and I have yours." Chase said.
"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me Chase. Thank you. Wait... Let me put yours on." I smiled at him as he handed me the neckless. He stayed facing me and I wrapped my arms around his neck to pin the neckless together.
"Perfect." I said as it clipped. I let my hands rest around his neck. He put his hands down on my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"You are the most beautiful girl here tonight." I smiled up at him.
"Was that just another lead into you kissing me?" I questioned.
"Maybe... Let's find out." Chase whispered in my ear. I turned to face him and he leaned into me. Everything I had going in my mind went blank: Adam's graduation, getting Tasha and Davenport back together, Leo and Jannel... Everything disappeared. All that I could think about was Chase. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.
"I'm never letting you go. I saw what it did to Tasha and Davenport... I can't see that happen to us, too." Chase said as he looked into my eyes.
"You don't have to let me go... I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with you." I whispered against his lips. He pulled me into another kiss just as we heard the clapping again. We pulled away to see everyone facing Tasha and Davenport.
"Since Bree and Chase obviously missed this, I'll just reinact it. Tasha, you are the most amazing person I have every met. I can't stand to let you go again. So for the second time, will you marry me?" Davenport asked.
"Yes, Donald. Of course I will marry you!" Tasha squealed. Davenport stood up and put the same ring we found in the scrapbook on Tasha's finger.
"Happy wedding!" Adam yelled throughout he house.
"Happy graduation!" Leo yelled back with the same enthusiasm as Jannel laughed back at them.
I turned my attention back to Chase just as he whispered in my ear, "Happy one day-aversary...".
"And a happy many more to come." I said as I grabbed my necklace and looked down at it. Right then and there, I promised myself, I was never going to lose Chase's heart.
Thanks for reading!
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