Punishment Part 8

           You kept an eye on Sebastian and Ciel and they suddenly ducked behind  a table. You followed their gaze and saw a girl. 'Maybe she knows  Ciel... I guess she's not suppose to see him. I'll help out and distract her!' You walked  over to the girl. "Hello! What's your name?" You asked the girl. "My  name's Elizabeth! But you can call me Lizzie! I love your dress!  What's your name?" "Thank you! My name's (F/n)! I like your dress too!  Where did you get it?" You glanced over at Ciel and Sebastian. Ciel  gave you a thumbs up. You smiled and continued your conversation with  Lizzie. "Hey! You should come over sometime!" "Okay!" "How about  now?!" "I...I'd have to ask my....aunt...." "Okay! I'll meet you in  the carriage out front!" "Alright!" Lizzie ran off and you set off to  find Madam Red.

(Lizzie's View)
I got into the carriage to wait for (F/n). I was ready to go home  anyways. All of a sudden a man walked up to the carriage door. "Excuse  me, is your name Lizzie?" "Yes?" The man bowed. "My apologies, Lady (F/  n) is not able to accompany you at this time. She asked me to tell you  that she will contact you later." "Oh...okay. Thank you." The man shut  the door and the driver started to my mansion. "I hope I can see her  again..."

You found Madam Red after about 5 minutes. "Madam Red?" "Yes?" "Would  you tell Ciel that I've gone to Lizzie's house?" "I will tell them!"  "Thank you!" You started off towards the door and got into the  carriage. "Sorry for the wait." The carriage was moving very fast.  "It's not a problem." 'That's not Lizzie...' you thought to yourself.  You slowly looked up to see who the deep voice belonged to. It was  Jack the Ripper. You recognized his eyes. "NO!!" He grabbed you and put  a cloth over his mouth. 'Dang! Not....again.....' Your vision got  blurry and you passed out.

(Ciel's View)
(After Ciel got kidnapped and Sebastian saved him they quickly  returned to the ball to pick up Madam Red, Grell, Lau, and you.)
"Madam Red, have you seen (F/n)?" I asked my aunt. I looked around but  couldn't find her. "Oh! She said that she was going to Lizzie's  house." "Sebastian, call them and tell them that we'll be picking (F/  n) up." You told Sebastian. "Yes sir." Sebastian walked off. After  about a minute later Sebastian came back. "She's not there." "What?!"  "Some man told lady Elizabeth that (F/n) could not come with her." I  walked to the door and talked to one of the butlers. "Did you see a  girl about this tall with (h/c) hair and a (f/c) dress?" "Yes, she got into a carriage and left." "How long ago?" "About 7  minutes." "Shoot. Sebastian, find us a carriage. We need to go find  her."

You open you eyes. It's easier to open them this time than the last.  Your vision was a little blurry though. You blinked your eyes a few  times and saw that you were tied up in some unfamiliar place. Again.  You saw the man with a knife again. "It seems Sebastian has taken a  liking to you." he said. "So?" you asked. He scratched your face with  the knife. "He's mine. You will stay away from him." You were  confused. "Aren't you a-" he slapped you. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR  BUSINESS!!" he grabbed your chin. "You'll look much better painted  red." he said right next to your ear. He stabbed the knife into your  side making you shriek. You heard footsteps running towards you as he  stabbed the knife into your left thigh causing you to scream again.  The door flung open just as the man took the knife out of your leg,  flinging blood all over and he hid in the shadows. Your eyesight was  too blurry to see. "Come away!" You heard Sebastian say. You heard  Jack the Ripper walk towards the door. "That's quite a mess you've  made in there, Jack the Ripper. No, Grell Sutcliff." 'Sebastian  must've pulled Ciel away from the room...' you thought. "No! You don't  understand! I heard her scream and ran to help!" you were slipping in  and out of consciousness and missed some of the conversation. "You  don't really need to ask that do you?" You heard Madam Red say as you  heard her step out if the room as well. You couldn't tell what  happened but you heard Ciel and Madam Red arguing. "You wouldn't  understand if I told you. Your just a child!!!" You struggled but you  got to your feet. You heard Ciel struggle to breathe and saw Madam Red  choking Ciel. You couldn't find Sebastian so you limped over to ciel  and Madam Red. Neither one of them saw you. "A brat like you...YOU  SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BORN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!" You saw Madam Red hold  up her knife and was about to stab Ciel. "MASTER!!" Sebastian yelled.  'She's like my father! She'll kill him!!' You thought. You stepped  infront of Ciel. Everything moved very fast. Sebastian broke free and  was about to hurt Madam Red. But before he could, Madam Red stabbed  the knife into your shoulder.

(Madam Red's View.)
'This is my sister's son!' I thought to my self. 'I can't kill him!'  All of a sudden that (F/n) girl somehow got herself up and stepped  in front of Ciel. I was angry at her so I stabbed that girl hoping this  time, she'd die....

(Ciel's view)
I knew Sebastian would save me...so I didn't pull my gun out on her.  But (F/n)! She stepped in front of me! After loosing all that blood and  going through all that pain she still tried to protect me...'Thank you' was all I could think of... 'I owe you...'

(Sebastian's view)
"MASTER!!" I tried to urge him to use his gun but he wouldn't. I  sacrificed my arm to save him. But you stood in the way and saved  him.... All I could think was...'Why?'

(Normal) "STOP SEBASTIAN!! DON'T KILL HER!!!" Ciel yelled at Sebastian as you  fell to the ground. Madam Red was crying. You and Ciel looked at  Sebastian's arm which was severely injured. "Sebastian..." Ciel said.  You were very slowly slipping out of consciousness again. The last  thing you saw, was Madam Red being killed by Grell.... You opened your eyes when you heard someone calling your name. "(F/  N)!! (F/N)!!! Stay with me!!" You felt yourself being lifted up. "We  must get her medical treatment immediately!" "Yes, my lord!" 

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