I wiped a small bead of sweat from my brow, admiring my work, even though the tree was not lit up, and the star was not resting at the peak.
Mai-rin stood beside me, her eyes sparkling. "It looks beautiful, yes it does!" She gleamed.
I smiled at her. "I hope it brings a little more 'cheer' to the manor."
"It certainly does." A deep voice commented from behind me.
Mai-rin jumped, but I simply smiled to myself. "Maybe it will put Ciel in a good mood when he gets back."
Sebastian was about to reply when right on cue, the doors burst open. We all turned around and bowed in greeting to Ciel. "Welcome back, young master." Sebastian greeted.
Ciel didn't even glance towards us, removing his jacket. "Take down that useless waste of space and get back to work." He snapped rather loudly.
I flinched a little as Ciel slammed the front doors shut and stomped up the stairs. I looked up at Sebastian with a confused, sad look. "Or not... What happened?"
Mai-rin hurried off to get back to work, afraid of the wrath that had blown through.
Sebastian stared off into the direction that Ciel went. "I do not know. Would you like me to ask him?"
I shook my head, patting his arm. "I think someone with human emotions is what he really needs right now."
Sebastian, ironically, gave me a devilish grin. "I cannot help it if I do not have emotions."
I gave him a sad, puppy-dog look. "So you don't love me?" I asked, sticking my lip out slightly.
The raven-haired man wrapped his arms around my waist. "Okay, I do not feel anything but my love for you."
I grinned and stood on my tip-toes, giving Sebastian a quick peck on the lips. "I love you too, Sebastian." I started walking towards Ciel's office, where he was probably brooding, leaving Sebastian behind. "Meet me in my room tonight?" I asked in a playful tone.
Sebastian chuckled softly. "Yes, my love."
I knocked on the door softly, but loud enough that Ciel could hear me. "Ciel? It's me... May I come in?"
I heard a frustrated sigh. "If I say no, you're simply going to enter anyways, right?"
I twisted the doorknob, grinning as I entered the room. "Yes." I paused, looking at not only Ciel, but his desk and the area surrounding said desk.
There were 4 piles of papers stacked higher than poor Ciel's head on top of the desk, and on either side, were 4 more stacks almost to his knee. The child glared at me. "What do you want? I'm very busy."
I cleared my throat, taking a seat in a chair across from his desk. "What's the matter? You were fine until you went out this afternoon."
Ciel didn't even look up to meet my eyes. "Nothing. Just take down the tree and get on with whatever you were doing."
I crossed my arms. "What I was doing was putting up Christmas decorations. It's already December 23rd, and the manor looks so bare."
Ciel finally stopped signing papers and glared up at me. His expression made my heart stop. "You may decorate your's and Sebastian's room, but if I see even one strip of tinsel, I am burning your room to the ground, do I make myself clear?"
I frowned, hesitating before I spoke. "Th-That's no way to treat your mother..." I muttered.
"Mother or not, you still live under my roof, and you will do as I command, am I clear?"
I didn't speak for a moment until Ciel practically growled at me. "Are. We. Clear?" He snapped.
I nodded, trying to hide the tears behind my eyes as I stood and walked towards the doors. "Y-yes... Crystal clear..." I said softly, closing the door behind me. Not wanting Sebastian to see me crying, I hurried back to our room and locked the door, flinging myself on our bed. 'What has gotten into him? Did I do something wrong?'
There was a light knock at the door. I knew who it was before I answered. "I-I'm fine... Just... give me a few minutes..." I replied, sticking my face into the pillows.
Despite the door being locked, it opened slowly before Sebastian shut and locked it again. The room was silent save for my own breathing. I felt the bed shift a little beneath me before I felt Sebastian's lips at my neck. "My lover seems to be distressed." He said in a low, soothing voice. I shivered a little, feeling his lips brush against my neck. "What ever is the matter?"
I rolled over to face him, a few tear tracks still wet on my face. He was leaning over me in a sort of push-up, his hair falling slightly in front of his face. I looked up into his eyes, which were full of concern. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "It's nothing." I smiled, "Don't worry about it."
Sebastian leaned down so that his ebony strands tickled the sides of my face. "I do not like being in the dark when my wife is crying... will you please tell me what is the matter?"
I looked away from him, not able to face him. "I was simply being selfish... Ciel didn't want any decorations around the manor, and I pushed him a little too far. It was my fault..."
Sebastian pulled away from me to look at my face. "The young master has a rather insufferable temper at this time of year. I'm sure it wasn't your fault."
I nodded a little. "E-Every since his real parents died..." I looked deep into his wine-red eyes, taking a chance and asking him, "Are... Are we not sufficient enough as his parents?"
Sebastian furrowed his brows in a sad way. "My love... Please, never think that you are not good enough..." He answered softly, leaning down and capturing my lips in a swift motion.
I sat up a little to lean into his kiss, my arms still wrapped around his neck. "S-Sebastian...."
"Yes?" He asked, gently nipping at my neck. "What is it, my love?"
I closed my eyes. "I... I think we need a vacation..."
Sebastian laughed, pulling away once more. "I think you maybe right!"
Sebastian gracefully jumped down off of the carriage and opened the door for all of us to get out. Ciel looked at the front of the resort hotel, seeming slightly impressed. "Now, since the only reason we are here is because I have a few important meetings with clients of my company, I order you all to be on your BEST behaviors, am I clear?"
Mai-rin, Bardroy, and Finny saluted their master. "Yes, my lord!" Sebastian gave a half bow, and I simply nodded. We all walked inside of the resort, marveling at it's grandeur while Sebastian checked everyone in. Ciel was standing next to me, looking bored while I adored the Christmas tree next to the from desk. The other servants were squeaking among themselves, trying to contain their excitement.
Sebastian came over with two keys. He handed one to Bardroy. "Do NOT cause trouble, you thr-" Before Sebastian could even finish, Bardroy grabbed the key and the three disappeared to the room number on the tag.
Ciel sighed. "Probably should've left them at home." He grumbled.
I crossed my arms. "But they deserve a vacation too, Ciel..."
The child turned around and glared at me. "No one deserves a vacation. You were all slacking off yesterday, therefore none of you deserve this!" He snapped.
I flinched and folded my hands in front of me. "Y-Yes sir..."
Ciel turned on his heel and started towards the rooms. "Let's go, you two."
Sebastian fell into step beside me and took my hand, grasping it tightly. I clung to it as if it was my last hope.
The rooms that we rented had it's own Japanese-style kitchen, living room, and two bedrooms. Since it was already pretty late, Ciel went right to bed when we entered the room. Sebastian silently closed the door to Ciel's room, and glanced at me, grinning. I smiled as well, but not as much. "I'm going to go get in the open bath." I said, dreaming about the warm water surrounding my aching body.
"They have the open bath closed since it's winter. But the indoor bath is open." Sebastian informed me. He walked over to me and leaned down a little. "I'll be waiting for you, my love." And he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I blushed a little and nodded, grabbing my robe and slipping on my slippers. I hurried out of the room, hoping that no one else was in the room.
I opened the door and stepping inside, the light steam already swirling around the room. I got undressed in the changing room and placed my things on a nearby bench. Even though no one was inside, I hurried into the water to cover my body. I sighed and leaned back against the edge. "I'm so glad that I finally get to relax..." I looked up at the sky through the glass windows. 'I hope I didn't ruin our vacation because of what I said to Ciel...' I thought, 'Maybe I should apologize...'
I suddenly sat up. 'Wait. What did I do? It's the truth! We work all the time! Even Ciel works too much! We all need a break!' I shrugged, relaxing again. "Oh well. We're already here."
Once I stopped thinking about Ciel, I realized that the room had filled even more with steam. 'Did someone... turn up the... heat?' I wondered, trying to focus. I looked up at the stars, which had begun to blur together. "S-Someone...." I said dizzily, "Help..... me..." Before I knew it, the room had faded to black.
When I slowly opened my eyes, I was staring at the ceiling of an unknown room. My head was still spinning, so I didn't sit up, but I slowly looked around the room. It was a plain room with only a table in the middle. I was covered in a towel, but I was still wet. I started shivering, noticing that the room was rather cold. Before I could sit up, the door slid open. "(F/n)!"
Sebastian walked into the room, Ciel following right behind him. I groaned and placed an arm over my eyes. 'Great... Here comes the Grinch...' I thought. The woman at the door spoke up. "I found her passed out in the bath. I do hope she's alright." She said, bowing.
Ciel nodded to the woman, dismissing her. "Thank you." He said flatly.
Sebastian took my hand as I sat up. "Are you alright? How are you feeling?"
"I-I'm fine." I said, blushing a little and covering myself up more with the towel. "I-I'm sorry for worrying you..."
Ciel glared hard at me. "I guess I should've been more concerned about you getting into trouble and less about the others!"
My eyebrows rose in shock. "Are you kidding me?! It's not like I can control this sort of thing!"
Ciel growled and spun on his heel. "I'm going back to bed! Take her back to the room! I'm going to bed!"
Once Ciel left the room, Sebastian looked at me, still worried. "Are you sure you're alright?"
I nodded, climbing off of the table. "I-I'm fine-" My legs wobbled, suddenly giving out beneath me. Sebastian quickly grabbed me, picking me up bridal style.
"It's alright. I shall carry you." He said, taking off his tailcoat and wrapping it around me.
I shivered a little as he stepped out into the hallway. "Wh-What about my clothes? They were in the bath on a bench."
Sebastian reached in his pocket and pulled out the key to our room. "It's alright. I shall go back for them later."
I nodded as Sebastian opened the door and took me into our room, setting me on my feet but keeping one arm under my arms to keep me up as he looked for my pajamas in our bags. He grabbed some under clothes and a pair of my pajamas, putting them in my hands. "Will you be alright dressing and drying yourself? Or do you need my help?"
I shook my head. "I-I think I can do it..."
Sebastian nodded. "Alright. I shall go fetch you some warm tea and another blanket." He said, noticing that I was shivering.
Once I was alone in the room, I took the towel off and did my best to dry myself off before I put my clothes on. I was struggling to wrap the towel around my head when Sebastian entered the room. I just faintly heard him chuckle. "Sit down on the mat and I shall help you."
I did as he said, pulling the towel off of my head. He diligently went to work, doing his best to tame my hair and get the towel to stay. I sneezed a little, trying to keep from doing so in his face. I also did my best not to laugh when he gave me a funny look. "S-Sorry." I grinned once he pulled away,the towel firmly in place on my head.
He smiled back. "It's alright." He reached over and grabbed a small, warm glass. "I've brought your tea."
I took the tea from him and greedily gulped it down, almost burning my mouth in the process. I leaned back against the pillow as Sebastian blew out the candle after putting away the empty teacup and plate. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Warm enough?"
I nodded, hugging him back. "Yes... Thank you..." And with that, I fell into a deep sleep, thankful to escape reality.
Thanks for reading!! I'm so happy to be back for yet another after story!! The Christmas After Story that I am currently writing will be approximately two parts, and a New Year's after Story MAY be following after it, so keep an eye out! But sadly, the series must end somewhere, and (Seriously This Time) I plan to end it after either the Christmas or the New Year's special. Please enjoy the final few chapters of the story! If you'd like, check out some of my other stories! Don't forget to comment, Vote for this chapter, and/or follow me!
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