Chapter 4

After a loud and long panicking session, I practically begged Lovino to let me see the texts he had sent to Gilbert.

L: Gil my man help me out.

G: Aren't you at work?

L: I got let out early. Anyway, help me?

G: What do you need?

L: Can you give your brother Feli's number and say "it's the guy from this morning"?

G: Uhhh...

L: Will you?

G: What happened this morning? I'm mildly worried.

L: Look, Ludwig and Feli met and now Feli has a total crush on him or something.

G: Yeah, but you know Ludwig isn't into anyone. He hasn't had a gf/bf. Ever.

L: I don't care, I just want my lil' bro to be happy :( you have all the power, Gil.

G: Fine, fine.

I just sat there for a second before anything registered. Then I realized. Ludwig had my number... he could litterally text me at any second now!

I pulled out my phone, and if on cue, the screen lit up and a faint jingle sound played as I got a text. I didn't really know what to do... I just stared.

"Are you gonna text him back?" Lovino asked, who appeared to be staring at ny screen.

My heart began to beat faster, and I turned to my brother, slightly panicked.

"I don't know what to say!" I shuddered, but Lovino just rolled his eyes.

"Well, say SOMETHING."

I unlocked my phone and looked at the text, presumably from Ludwig.

'Hey, Feliciano, it's Ludwig. I don't know if you remember me, but you met me this morning? My brother gave me your number, by the way.'

I couldn't help but smile a little, even though there wasn't really any reason why. Ludwig's stoic personality seemed to be reflected in his texting, as well. I saved his contact, then texted him back.

F: Hiya, Ludwig! Sorry if you didn't want my number by the way, my brother and your brother sort of arranged it... ^_^;;

L: No, it's okay. Do you know Gilbert all that well?

F: Nah, not really? We sort of hang out sometimes but I only know him through Lovi and Toni. He seems alright but he's really loud XD

L: Ah. I guess it's sort of vice versa with me, I vaugley know Lovino, but only through Gilbert. And yes, Gil is very loud.

F: Ikr? Lovino almost stabbed him the other day because he had a hangover and Gil was being so loud! Anyways, it's a small world, right? Imagine if our bros didn't know eachother, we wouldn't be able to talk :(

L: Yeah, I guess. Sorry I sort of walked off this morning.

F: It's okay! It was kinda amazing how quickly you dissapeared though! I looked around for you but I couldn't find you again ^_^;;

L: You looked for me?

F: Yeah! I walked around the block a couple of times but you weren't there :(

L: Ah. Sorry.

F: Please don't appologise! Anyways, now I can talk to you whenever I want so it's all good! Well, for me anyways, for you... you might get a couple of drunk texts at two in the morning XD

L: Oh no. Please don't drunk text me, Gilbert will bribe me to see them.

F: Um... I'll try? I don't have any parties schedueled anyways, but that kind of reminds me that I was gonna get a few people together...

L: Does a few people include my brother?

F: Maybe, maybe not. I don't really know who myself. Oh! You can come if you want!

L: Ah. Maybe, depends on when.

F: I'll text you if I organize anything! Aww, Lovi keeps falling asleep next to me! @.@

L: Wow, really? Where are you?

F: Starbucks. There's barely anyone here though, just these two guys. Aww, he's talking in his sleep, aw aw I can't even right now!

L: What's he saying?

F: Sweet things about Antonio! He just giggled and said "You've got flour on your nose, idiot".

L: I've got to admit, that's pretty cute. Your brother always seems so mean, no offense.

F: None taken! He can be mean, but personally I think it's all an act and really he's just sensative. You learn a lot about someone when they're your brother.

L: Relatable. Gil is so weird around me sometimes, he will just end up spilling feelings to me all the time.

F: Well, all of his friends are... 'bros'. Pretty sure they're not the type you can talk to about feelings ^~^

L: I suppose so. But I'm really no better.

F: I'm sure you're great! :) Wuu2 anyways?

L: Nothing much, I just got back from a run when Gil texted me your number.

F: A run? Woah...

L: I don't see what's so amazing?

F: Nothing! It's just been so long since I did any excersize... ^_^;; Thinking about it, I should probably take up running or something.

L: Please don't let me influence you, Feliciano. I have my lifestyle and you have yours.

F: Mmm, yeah. Also Lovi woke up and is looking around confusedly.

L: Does he realize he's in the middle of Starbucks yet?

F: No. Wait yes. He just started blushing and is looking around all embarassed.

L: Haha, did anyone see?

F: Dunno, he's gone all huffy and is complaining that I didn't wake him. How about we talk later? I have an angry brother to quell.

L: As long as later isn't a drunk text at 2am.

F: Deal! See ya later, Luddy!

L: Luddy?

F: ;)

I sent the last text and shoved my phone into my front pocket, then turned to Lovino who still seemed to be talking. Instead of waiting for him to finish, I simply put my finger on his lips as a way of saying 'shh' and patted his head (a little patronizingly).

"You looked tired." Was the excuse I made.

"I am. Didn't get to sleep much last night." He muttered, and huddled his hot chocolate like he was looking for warmth. And was he... blushing?

I let out a loud snort, realizing what he had just said, and had to stop myself from teasing him. Even though I didn't even know if what I was thinking was what he was thinking. So I decided to press the matter.

"Didn't sleep much, huh?" I prodded, smirking.

"No." The answer was curt and didn't really... explain.

"Were you... distracted?" I had to fight back the giggles.

"Yes, me and Antonio had sex." Lovino huffed, almost sarcastically.

"Yay!" I laughed happily, then continued. "Were you sub, again?"

Lovino made a sort of... offended scoffing gasp sound, and flipped me off, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Then he retaliated.

"You can shut your mouth, you seem to be forgetting that you're a virgin."

It was me who made the offended sound this time, though I didn't swear or anything.

"I'm a virgin because I don't want to waste something so special on someone who won't appreciate it." I pouted angrily.

"Wow." Was the reply. The very sarcastic reply.

"Shut up, Lovino. I bet you can't even remember who took your virginity."

"Uh, even you know that." He scoffed and took anither sip.

I rolled my eyes, and drank up the last of my drink, tossing the empty plastic cup in the bin. Gazing out of the window, I prodded Lovino until he sighed.

"What?" He huffed.

"Let's play our game!" I grinned back.

Lovino and I had a game we would play, where if we were near a window or looking across a street, we would make up stories about the people walking past. It was quite funny to make up someone's life just based on the couple of seconds we saw of then as they walked by.

"Fine." Lovino muttered, but I could tell by his slight exasperated smile that he actually enjoyed the game.

"Okay, okay. I'll go first." I began, then waited for someone to walk by.

The subject is question was male, with spiky blonde hair and blue-ish, purpley, eyes. He was smiling (at apparently nothing), but appeared to be chatting on the phone. He was wearing a black v-neck and a pair of blue jeans, with a bright yellow jacket over the top.

"Okay." I began happily. "Let's say he's a prince... the prince of Denmark! He's in England on very official buisness, and tommorow he's going to have a big meeting with the Queen, and all of the goverment! No one knows it yet, but a very important alliance is going to be formed between England and Denmark, and then we will take over the world together!"

Lovino stared at me, bemused, and couldn't hold back his laughter. "Your's are always so weird."

I grinned proudly, then pointed out the window at two new characters. They were both male, one with bright blonde hair and blue eyes, slightly covered by a pair of red glasses. He had a massive grin on his face, and was dressed very brightly. Also, he spoke very loudly, so we could hear his blatant American accent through the glass. However, the guy he was with seemed to be completley different, dressed in dark clothing with a scarf tightly wrapped around him. His hair was also blonde, and he had green eyes, though he wasn't smiling.

"Okay, do these two." I laughed, and Lovino remained silent for a split second.

"Star crossed strippers, duh." He said sarcastically.


"Okay, so they're both male strippers, and they work together in a gay strip club. But even though people are always flirting with them, they can't live without eachother's burning passion."

I snorted, covering my face, then muttered. "You read to much fanfiction."

"Fuck you, you said to elaborate."

I rolled my eyes and took my turn, and soon a while had passed. Lovino's phone went off, and as he checked it, he raised a brow.

"It's been like an hour." He told me.

I whipped my phone out to check, and saw that it had indeed been an hour. Sighing a little sadly, I realized that Lovino would be going back to his and Antonio's soon. It was kinda sad, even if I did see him at work, and I would visit regularly... it just sometimes could get lonely, living alone. Without a word, we both hopped up out of our seats and began to walk to the car park where we would both usually park. When we reached our cars (we always reserved spaces next to eachother), I flung my arms around Lovino.

"Hey!" He shouted, but mostly from surprise.

"I'm gonna miss you..." I mumbled into his shoulder.

"You see me every other day..." Lovi sighed.

"It gets so lonely..."

I heard a big huff, then suddenly Lovino had my phone in his hand and was typing something. I fretted, tried to see what he was typing, but anytine I got close he smirked and turned away. Eventually, Lovino put the phone back in my hand, grinning, and I read what he had typed.

'Hey, I live alone and I'm sort of lonely so do you wanna come over and do a Netflix marathon or no? I can even bribe you with popcorn.'

I stood there confused, but then I realized that it was a text. A text to Ludwig.

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