Chapter 1
I knew I was in big trouble. I could tell by the way the snarling beast held itself, primmed to attack, as its claws dug into the dirt. Shaking, I took a few steps back and tried to calm the creature, but my efforts were in vain. I swallowed a lump in my thoat and shivered.
On this autumn morning, with a light drizzle hanging in the air, a rather large, brown furred dog (was it a rotweiler?) had bounded up to me. Well, I say bounded like it was happy to see me or something, but it had more... charged. At me. STRAIGHT at me.
I clutched the flask of coffee I was holding closer to my chest, as if the heat would somehow calm me down. To a certain degree, it did, until the large brown dog barked EXTREMELEY loud, almost making me drop the flask. A nervous giggle escaped my mouth, and I held a shaking hand out to the dog.
"Good doggy..." I encouraged, but when the rotwreiler let out a slow, deep growl, I immediatley pulled back my hand in fear.
I swallowed again, and tried to walk away from the intimidating dog, but it leapt in front of me, trapping me in one spot. I tried the other direction, but the same happened again. Slowly, I backed away from the rotweiler, only to find myself pressed up against a cold, stone wall, stopping me yet again. By this point, I was seriously considering just running, pelting it as fast as I could away from the creature. I didn't know much about dogs, but I sure knew that running would definatley give the beast a reason to lay chase. Still, what other choice did I have?
Taking a deep breath, I was just about to start running when I heard a loud shout coming fron down the street.
"Walt!" It shouted, with certain force. My head snapped in that direction, turning towards the voice. I had barely even noticed that the dog in front of me had calmed down.
The first thing I noticed about the person running towards me was his height. He was tall, probably around six foot three, but he also seemed to be rather muscular as well. When he reached me, he pushed some loose strands of his golden blonde hair out of his eyes, which were peircing sky blue in colour and seemed to have a particular shine to them. Even though he had seemingly run a while, he was unphased by the whole situation; obviously he was quite athletic. The new stranger held out his hand.
I glanced at it, then took it in my spare. The blonde shook it, and began to speak.
"I'm extremely sorry." He said, letting go of my hand after a few breif moments. "My dog, Walt, got off his lead."
I looked at the tall guy and smiled my most pleasant smile, shaking my head a little in the procces.
"Oh no, please, don't appologise, mister." I beamed, staring upwards.
"Did he cause you any trouble?" The man asked. His voice was laced with a slight German accent, not too heavy, but still tracable.
I shook my head again, though I was lying a bit. The dog, now know as Walt, had spooked me a little, and sort of, cornered me? I gazed up at the German and decided to introduce myself.
"I'm Feliciano Vargas, by the way! Pleased to meet you!" I grinned enegmatically, and took the man's hand in mine. "And you?"
The tall guy looked at me, a slight expression of confusion washed over him, before he smiled. Well, it wasn't a smile as much as it was a twitch on the corner of his mouth, but I took it as a pleasantry.
"I'm Ludwig Beilschmidt." He replied. "Nice to meet you too."
I flashed him another grin, and was about to start speaking to him again when my phone starting ringing in my back pocket. A jumped a littke, startled at the sudden noise, then took it out and checked the number. Biting my lip, I gulped as I realized something. This whole encounter had made me late for work. And now my boss, Roderich, was calling me. Aprehensivley, I accepted the call and pressed the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Mr Vargas!" An angry voice shouted down the line. Well, I knew he was angry, he only called me by my last name when he was. "Have you realized something?"
I fought the urge to tut and roll my eyes, even though he couldn't see me. I also had to fight the urge to throw back a sarcastic comment. I was becoming more and more like my brother.
"Yes, I'm very sorry, sir. Mr Eidelstein." I called him by his last name this time, just to see if he caught the hint of spite that I had added. "I just had a small hold up. I'll be there soon."
I hung up before Rod could give me a full on lecture and looked up to see that Ludwig had gone. I looked down both streets, and ended up walking in a completely different direction from work to find him, but I came up empty handed. Eventually, I just assumed he had gone back home, which was a little sad. I still wanted to talk to him. Sighing, I stook a big sip of coffee and started towards work.
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