𝑨𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
Chapter Twenty One
Warning! Mentions of violence, death, blood and gore!!
Athena walked slowly towards Sylvie, who was sat crossed legged, hands on her knees and her eyes gazing at her. Athena looked around and saw that she was back at the Academy of the Sisterhood. She sat down in front of her and crossed her legs. Athena didn't understand what was happening or why she was here.
"Are you alright, child?" Sylvie asked her.
"Not exactly. What am I doing here anyway?"
Sylvie smirked.
"You tell me. You're the one who called"
Athena sighed and explained to her everything that happened the last two weeks. She told her about how Voldemort doesn't really know her prophecy and he has it in his mind that she would join him. When she told her about how she protected Draco, Sylvie perked up.
"Is it true then? Diana? Hecate?" Athena asked her.
Sylvie pursed her lips and looked down.
"Answer me!"
"I cannot answer that question for you, Athena. You yourself must discover it on your own. And you are so close to reaching your full potential. Just stop living in denial and accept that this is who you're meant to be"
Athena shook her head incredulously. She was still in denial about her being Diana or Hecate. She was tired of not getting the straight answers that she needed. Athena knew that Sylvie knows a lot more than she lets on.
"Why me? Why was I chosen for this? Why won't anyone just tell me the truth to my face just once!" Athena shouted.
"No! I'm not some savior! I'm not some powerful goddess that was sent here to stop some crazy ass wizard! You trained me for this Sylvie! You trained me to become what I am! So now I'm to believe that I have to fulfill some destiny?!"
Sylvie took Athena by her hands in order to calm her down. Athena didn't realize that her eyes were glowing in a subtle golden color. Sylvie understood Athena's frustration but she couldn't tell her just yet what she so desires to know. It wasn't the right place or time but she knew everything was coming together.
"A child born of Irises. A child destined for greatness. A name of war and a heart of fire. A girl whose soul he desires. It's a twisted fate but one she must make, for destiny lies in her wake. To aide a boy who will lead her the way, to the dark lord who will reign in darknesses day. But her destiny still won't be complete, for her army will rise at its peak. Only then will she ascend to face the path that leads to the end..." Sylvie told her the prophecy.
"...For by one she loves and it must be done, that through the dragon will be the one who makes the dark lord finally undone...Do not fret, and do not forget. That the Great Mother, I, will see through this great threat..."
Athen furrowed her brows. She had spent weeks trying to figure out what the prophecy meant. It sounded like it was referring to someone else completely different to her. It almost sounded silly whenever she'd recite it over and over again.
"An army and a dragon is supposed to help me kill Voldemort? It's a bunch of bullshit" Athena scoffed.
"I know it is confusing Athena, but this is you. It may be hard to see it, but believe when I tell you that everything is setting into place. The signs of who you really are is there. Just let yourself accept it. You are here for a purpose and when your time comes, you will complete it"
"He wants to use me as a weapon. He wants me to join him and I don't think I'm going to have much of a choice if he goes after the people I lo- I care about"
Sylvie understood and knew that this was all part of the prophecy. Albus himself told her about how every step, how every detail will play out. Athena being at the Malfoy Manor was also due to her prophecy.
"This is what you need to do..."
It was very bright when she opened her eyes. Her head pounded with pain and she felt sore. The ground felt unusually soft as she turned on her back. When her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she was staring up at the canopy. Athena realized that she was on the bed instead of the floor and wondered who put her there. She recalled what happened causing her heart to drop.
"You're awake, I'm glad" a soft voice said followed by the sound of a door shutting.
Athena turned her head and watched as Narcissa walked towards her. She noted how the woman looked exhausted, her skin pale, but there was still a certain kind of grace about her.
"How long was I out for? And who put me here?"
"Just the entire night. It's now the next day, almost noon. And...Severus put you on the bed" Narcissa told her cautiously.
Narcissa watched at Athena's nose flared. She knew the girl had a certain hatred for Severus Snape. Narcissa didn't blame her though- he betrayed her and killed her grandfather. But Narcissa also felt guilty herself. She was the reason Severus killed Albus Dumbledore, she was partly the reason for Athena's suffering.
"How is he?" Athena asked. Narcissa knew she was referring to Draco.
She was astonished that Athena would put herself in danger like that, much less for her son. It shocked everyone what the girl did and Narcissa was tempted to get on her knees and thank her- but something told her that Athena wouldn't appreciate that.
"Draco is fine. He's still a little weak and he's resting"
Athena only nodded her head subtly, not really knowing what else to say. She had loads but didn't know where to start. Athena watched as Narcissa tidied up the room.
"Can I see him?" Athena asked.
Narcissa tried to hide the small smile on her lips. She cleared her throat and motioned for Athena to follow her. Athena had no idea why she wanted to see Draco, was it cause she needed someone to talk to? Or was it the fact that she wanted to see for herself if he was alive? Whatever the case, Athena just felt like she needed to see him.
She followed Narcissa down the long corridor until they stopped at a set of double doors. The woman pushed open the doors revealing a bedroom. Draco was laying on a large four poster bed. Lucius, who was sat on an armchair by the fireplace stood up upon seeing Athena. Narcissa gave her husband a warning glare which made the man clench his jaw. Athena stopped in-front of him, her eyes holding a coldness to them. She partly blamed him for Sirius's death and would never forgive him for it.
"You're a shit father" Athena told him nonchalantly.
The look on Lucius's face was comical, but Athena wasn't laughing. Narcissa had to look down to the floor knowing full well that Athena was right.
"I-I beg your pardon?"
"You heard me. You're a shit father, something your son and I have in common" she told the patriarch before walking over to Draco's bed.
"Now get out Barbie"
Lucius was about to yell at her when Narcissa pulled him away and out of the room. Athena smirked as the doors closed just leaving her and Draco alone. He was still asleep so she decided to grab a book that he had in his nightstand. As soon as she read the title, the blood drained from her face. It was about the Goddess Hecate. She set the book back on the nightstand and sighed heavily.
For the last five minutes she spent it staring off into space when Draco began to stir. Athena remained still, her eyes now on his face. His eyes fluttered open and she was the first thing he saw.
"What are you doing here?" His words came out harshly.
"Well I wanted to see myself if you were alive. But if my presence disturbs you then I'll leave" she said getting up from the chair she was sitting in.
Draco's hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. Athena stopped, lowering her face so she could look at him.
"You can stay...please" Draco said softly.
Athena was planning on leaving, but was surprised when he said please. She sat back down and glared at him. Her harsh gaze made him cringe lightly and he fumbled with the ring on his finger nervously.
"You're still angry" he mumbled.
"I'm pissed. And I'm going to be for a very very long time" she answered coldly.
He nodded his head understandably. Of course she was still angry. He along with the two other people that meant so much to her betrayed her and he hated himself for it. His heart clenched in his chest because he couldn't stand the thought of Athena hating him forever. Draco wondered now why she was even in his room.
"Why did you save me then? If you hate me, why save my life?" He asked her.
When she didn't answer his eyes flickered up to hers. Athena seemed to be in deep thought about it and he wanted to know her reasoning.
"Did you even know you could do that?" Draco asked.
She knew he was referring to whatever power was unleashed from within her. Athena didn't understand it herself. And then Sylvie's words echoed in her mind.
You are so close to reaching your full potential...
"No, I didn't"
"Then why did you stand in front of me when he cast the killing curse?" Draco demanded.
"Because I didn't want you to die. Okay?" She snapped.
"But then you would have! What? Would that have been better? Well? Do you know what that would've done to me?!"
Athena stared at him. His outburst was not something she was expecting. Draco started coughing so she picked up the glass of water on his nightstand and offered it to him. Being the stubborn little shit he was, he declined the water but Athena wasn't having any of it. She practically forced the rim of the glass on his lips and he drank.
"For being a fake friend, I didn't know you cared about me so much" Athena scoffed.
Draco gritted his teeth and balled up his fists. It was always so difficult for him to talk to Athena. As much as he wanted to say what he really wanted to say, Draco couldn't. He couldn't be honest about his feelings, he couldn't tell her the real reason why Voldemort threatened him. In the end he hurt her badly and he didn't know how to make it better. Draco had no idea how to make it up to her.
"I was never a fake friend"
"Oh, right. You just pretended to get close to me. Made me believe that..." Athena didn't finish her sentence.
"Made you believe what?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter. Everything was a lie and it was all a mistake on my part. As Theo said, none of it was real"
Draco could see the pain in her eyes. The loneliness, the brokenness. He could see part of the pain he inflicted but it was a price to pay in order for her to still keep breathing.
"Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps you mean something to me too?" Draco spat, because being hostile was the only way he could express how he truly feels inside.
Athena chuckled bitterly. Though deep down, Draco still meant something to her.
"Do I? Well you along with the two other predateli (traitors) have a shitty way of showing just how much I mean to you all"
"The two other what?" Draco asked making the most adorable puzzled expression.
"Traitors!" Athena shouted.
"Well do you think that we chose to betray you? Do you think that I wanted to do all those things?" Draco shot back.
He hated himself for all of those jokes he made about death eaters going after the people he hated. He hated himself for always boasting about how great it would be to be a death eater one day. And now that it had become his reality, he hated every single bit of it.
"Do you think that I wanted to go through with the mission the Dark Lord gave me?" He asked as he got out of bed.
"Draco, don't" she tried to stop him but he ignored her.
"Do you think that I wanted any of this?" He said showing her his dark mark. "To become a killer? Do you fucking think that I wanted to kill Dumbledore?! And even if I didn't kill him myself, at the end of the day it was you or him! It's always been you, Athena! So be pissed at me forever. Hate me for all I care! Call me a bastard, call me a prat, fucking call me a traitor! But I did what I had to do. And I know you can relate to that" Draco stated coldly.
"I don't need a savior, Draco. I'm capable of protecting myself"
"You nearly died on me two fucking times!"
"And one of those two times were your fault but here I fucking am aren't I?"
Draco clenched his jaw. The image of her and Katie being cursed still haunted him. He was sure Athena wasn't going to make it...but seeing her now standing in front of him made Draco realize how much of a fighter she is.
"That was an accident" he whispered guiltily.
"Well I managed to survive the curse because of you. So maybe our friendship might've been real just a bit" Athena heard herself say and smacked her lips closed quickly.
"What do you mean?" Draco croaked.
"Nothing" she mumbled.
"Tell me"
"It doesn't matter. You should go back to bed before you pass out" Athena told him as she walked towards the door.
"No. I can't do this anymore. I'm still fucking angry at you" she said trying to hold it together...
Another week has passed since Athena talked to Draco. Another week spending her time locked up in a room. Most would think she was going to go crazy just looking out the window. But little did everyone know that she was just observing her surroundings. Athena also spent her time trying to understand her prophecy and hoped that Hermione figured it out cause she still had no idea what in hades name the prophecy meant.
"How is a dragon going to bloody help me?" Athena mumbled to herself.
She laid back on the bed and stared at the canopy. Athena was looking forward to her usual same old boring day, until the door opened. She knew who it was by the corner of her eye.
"Came back from betraying more people?" Athena asked him humorously.
Severus tried not to wince. He just stood there trying to figure out what to say. It used to be so easy to talk to his former love, but with everything he's put her through, he found that being in her presence alone was challenging.
"Heard you got promoted. I'd say congratulations for being the new headmaster at Hogwarts, but I think a fuck off and a jump off a cliff is more suited for you" Athena sneered at him.
"The Dark lord requests your presence" he said in his usual dull tone.
"Ah and I see he sent his little bitch to fetch me" she said as she followed him.
He glanced at her and then looked forward again. Severus didn't show it but deep down a piece of his heart ruptured because of her words. Athena also hated saying those things to him but she's blinded with anger and something that wouldn't clear up for a good while.
"So what does the power hungry prick want?"
Severus stopped walking and turned around to face her. He was so close that she could feel his breath on her face. She shook the feeling bubbling in her chest and glared at him.
"Just promise me you'll do what he says" he whispered to her.
"I make promises to no one. Much less you"
Severus paled, a hint of fear in his eyes.
"Athena, please" he pleaded.
"Save your begging for when you're on the brink of death...by my hand" she told him and motioned for him to open the door they were standing in front of.
With a heavy sigh, Severus opened the door and she walked right in. Athena saw that they were in what looks like a ballroom. Voldemort was there along with the Malfoy's, Draco included, Theo, Bellatrix and another group of death eaters. On the other side were about seven muggles on their knees. Athena saw that they looked like they were just beaten- which made her stomach churn.
"I see you've been busy, Tom. Done being a heartless git?" She asked.
The death eaters talked amongst themselves. They glanced at Voldemort wondering if he was going to hex her. He looked at Fenrir who grinned deviously as he walked up to her. He raised his hand and slapped her hard across the face. Severus balled up his fists but remained composed.
"Heartless, nope. Dickless is more like it. Doesn't even have the balls to do it himself" Athena laughed.
Draco silently prayed for her to shut up. But Athena seemed to be having a good time. She found it all to be amusing. Fenrir raised his hand again to slap her but Voldemorts voice stopped him.
"That's enough. Now, Athena. I hope that with the last week you've had time to consider my offer"
"What offer?" She asked even though she already knew.
"To join me"
"I already told you, I have no intentions of joining your little cult"
Voldemort raised an eyebrow.
"Stubborn girl. Perhaps it's time for a little persuasion. Mm?" He said.
Voldemort waved his wand and yelled the killing curse. The green light hit one of the seven muggles and he fell to the floor, dead. Athena gasped and looked to Voldemort who smiled smugly.
"Leave them alone"
"Will you join me?"
"You know I won't"
This time he killed two more. The bodies fell to the floor with a thump. The remaining muggles whimpered in fear, some even started sobbing. Athena was helpless. She was about to give in but Sylvie's words repeated in her mind.
Athena. I won't lie to you. There will be many innocent deaths, but you have to hold on to the fact that their deaths won't be in vain.
A flash of green and another muggle died.
"You don't have to do this!"
"I will do what I have to in order to get what I want! You can stop this, Diana. You only need to just join me. If you do, I will let these good people go" Voldemort cooed.
"I don't believe you"
He smiled wickedly at her as he took a few steps to where she stood. Severus sucked in a breath knowing what was coming.
"Perhaps this will make you see things clearly. Crucio!!!"
Instantly Athena fell to her knees screaming in pain. She felt like she was on fire, as if her insides were twisting in every direction. Her screams echoed in the ball room earning a pleasant smirk from Voldemort. He stopped the curse and she relaxed for a bit.
"Will you join me?" He asked her again.
"Screw...you" she breathed.
Athena screamed again. This time her head felt like it was being squeezed from every direction. Her muscles felt like sandpaper were rubbing against them and her chest felt like it was being ripped open. She never felt physical pain like this. Taking a knife to the knee or an arrow in her shoulder was more tolerable than the Cruciatus Curse.
"Join me!!! Athena you and I together can do great things! Think of how powerful we can be! Bow down to me!!!"
"You're going to lose! You know why? Because you are weak! A poor excuse of a wizard" Athena said through gritted teeth.
More screams of agony ripped through her throat. Draco clenched his fists tightly as he watched her writhe in pain. He couldn't stand it and he also absentmindedly took a step forward to help her but Narcissa shook her head.
Theo on the other hand had his eyes elsewhere. He couldn't bear to look at her. He knew that Athena wouldn't concede and knew that she would potentially end up giving her life if it meant she wouldn't join Voldemort.
At this point, blood was streaming out of her nostrils. Athena kept fighting against the curse, her subconscious urging her to break free. But the pain was too great.
"Kill them all" she heard Voldemort say.
Athena painfully turned her head to the side and watched as a group of death eaters killed the remaining muggles. What broke her heart was that Theo was one of the death eaters that killed them. That hurt her more than the Cruciatus curse itself.
It felt like it was never ending for Athena. She no longer could hear her own screams. The curse was too strong but her will was stronger. As another wave of pain shot through her, her hand slid over to her pocket and slipped out a sliver dagger. Sucking in a painful deep breath, her palms pushed against the floor as she forced herself up on her knees.
Everyone watched in shock as she shakily lifted her face up, her blond strands hanging a little over her face. Voldemorts eyes widened as she smirked at him, blood streaming down over her mouth. He cast the Cruciatus curse again, it affected Athena but she suddenly felt stronger than before.
In a quick movement, she threw the knife at him which he quickly dodged. The knife zoomed back to her hand mentally thanking herself for remembering the charm she placed on all her daggers. She took out another one and it zipped through the air lodging itself into a death eaters shoulder. Before he could take the handle, the dagger ripped out of his bloody flesh and Athena caught it.
The death eaters gathered in front of Voldemort to protect him-which only made her smirk wider. She sliced one death eater on the stomach and jabbed another in the chest. One shot a curse at her but she ducked and it hit the death eater that was behind her. Suddenly a pair of strong arms grabbed her and lifted her up. She kicked her legs until her right one hit him in a sensitive spot causing him to drop her. Athena swiped her leg from under his, making the death eater fall to the floor. She stabbed him in the chest, blood spluttering from his mouth.
Another one of her knives zipped through the air towards an incoming death eater and it got him right between the eyes. Another death eater shot multiple curses at her as she ran to him. She did a flip and then tackled him to the floor. Her dagger pierced him in the stomach causing him to cry out. She then twisted the blade that was still in his stomach before slicing it out, cutting his flesh in the process and his guts spilled out.
"Thena stop!!" Theo shouted at her but she ignored him. He watched in horror at how easily she fought the death eaters. He's heard the stories she's told him but seeing her in action like this- he knew now how unmerciful she could be.
Another death eater ran at her but she grabbed, then flipped him over. His back hit the floor and she raised her dagger in her hand ready to plunge it into the death eaters chest.
"No Thena stop! That's my brother!" Theo's voice echoed in the room.
Athena held the dagger over the man's chest. She stared him in the eyes and saw the resemblance. He looked like Theo, except a little older. She was conflicted; a part of her wanted to end him but another part didn't want Theo to suffer the loss of his brother- no matter how shitty the man was. Athena knew they didn't get along much but he was still his family. Patting Theo's brother on the chest, she got up and faced her former friend she once called brother.
"Thank you" Theo mouthed at her but she only gave him a cold look.
The dagger in her hand was taken away as two pairs of arms took a hold of her. But Athena wasn't done yet. A voice inside her mind told her to scream and she did. Her scream was powerful that it caused the room to shake. A pulse of power erupted from her knocking everyone to their knees, even Voldemort. That last thing she did took away the little energy she had left, and staggered slowly towards Voldemort.
"Look who's bowing now" she snickered at him.
Voldemort stood up and using his wand, he slapped her with it. A small scratch was sliced on her cheek, a thin streak of blood rolling down her face.
"Get her out of my sight!" He hissed.
The death eaters dragged her away and she laughed at Voldemort as they did. Her laughed died down when she looked to the other side of the room and saw all the muggles dead. Some even looked like they were younger teens. Her heart constricted in her chest as guilt overtook her. She didn't realize they had arrived to her room so quickly until she was thrown to the floor. As the lock clicked, Athena got up so that she was sitting on her knees. Tears roll down her eyes before she broke out into a sob. She's killed people before but they were all bad. Seeing innocents die was something new to her and it killed her knowing she couldn't save them.
You will face trials of pain, a time when you just want to give up. But you mustn't Athena. You're stronger than they all are. You were chosen for this. You must keep fighting. Continue on the path...
Sylvie's words didn't make her feel any better. Despite being in denial, deep down, Athena knew that the path was chosen for her and she was already on it. She cursed everything that decided that she was the one to put an end to this.
The doors to her room opened and Draco walked in. He stopped upon seeing Athena on the floor, sobbing and crumbling even more. Draco hesitated, not knowing wether he should just leave or stay. He didn't fancy getting blown to smithereens or stabbed in the neck by her, but he decided to hell with it.
He walked over to Athena and knelt down in front of her. He proceeded to wrap his arms around the girl, pulling her to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his torso while he gently rubbed the back of her neck as she cried into his shoulder.
"I- couldn't...save..them" she said in a low growl in hopes to stop herself from crying.
"I know....I know" he mumbled.
Once her crying died down, Draco pulled away from her. He brushed her hair away from her face and cringed lightly at the cut on her cheek. He stood up and offered her his hand. She stared at it, then with a defeated sigh, she took it. Draco helped her up and led her to the bed motioning for Athena to sit down. Once she did he walked over to her bathroom, took a small cloth and damped it with water. He walked over to her and started dabbing the cut, his silver eyes swirling with anger. Athena notices, her blank expression changing to one of slight puzzlement.
"What are you doing here, Draco?" She mumbles, breaking the silence.
"Can't have you stain the nice rug, can we?" He answers seriously, though his eyes have a hint of mischief in them.
She only rolled her eyes, not even wincing when he accidentally dabbed the cloth on the scratch a little hard. Athena let her mind wander, suddenly being close to Draco made her feel a little uneasy, not a necessarily a bad feeling but it was still slightly uncomfortable. Draco looked into her eyes, seeing the gears turn in her head. He saw determination in them and something told him what she was thinking about.
"Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't"
"I don't know what you're talking about" she denied.
This time Draco rolled his eyes.
"You're planning something. I can see it in your eyes. Everyone else might be idiots. But I can see right through you. You came here without putting up a fight. And we both know how well you can hold your own. You want to be here and that's because the dark lord is here"
"You have it all figured out, don't you? So go on and tell your death eater besties"
Draco frowned deeply.
"I'm not going to tell anyone anything you idiot. You won't last another day in this hell hole if I did"
"There you go again, with the caring. Not even going to try to ask you again why you care so much" Athena scoffed.
"I already told you"
"You've told me nothing"
"Merlin, you're as clueless as Crabbe and Goyle trying to figure out how to tie their shoes" Draco breathed.
Athena gave him a sour look, feeling offended for being compared to his two goons. Draco have her a boyish smirk upon seeing the expression on her face. For a moment he looked like the boy that would always tease her about random things whenever they'd hang out in the Astronomy Tower. Athena admitted to her self that she missed those moments; those moments where Draco was just a boy and she was just a girl, both talking about anything and everything. But things changed.
"It's not my fault you're confusing" she pointed out to him.
"And it's not my fault I have a hard time expressing how I feel" he reminded her.
"And how do you feel, Draco?"
His eyes gazed into hers for a few seconds. He shook his head as he stood up and walked back into the bathroom. The words were right there at the tip of his tongue but he couldn't say them. He ran the small cloth under some cold water before walking back out to the bedroom. Draco took one of her hands and started wiping away the blood off them. She didn't push him further on her previous question. She didn't even know why she allowed him to stay in the room. Athena was still hurt and angry because of him and yet his mere presence alone made her feel calm.
"Why him?" Draco asked breaking the silence.
Athena knew who he was referring to. She hoped he wouldn't bring it up but now that he did, she had no idea how to answer him.
"It just happened"
"It just happened?" He repeated and scoffed as if her answer was so pathetic.
"How long have you known?" She asked suddenly afraid of looking at him.
"The start of last term " he said, his signature scowl plastered on his face. He remembered the day he figured it out too, the memory of it making him feel even more bitter about it...
𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙰𝚐𝚘
It was nearing curfew which meant it would be the perfect time for Draco to head to the Room of Requirement. He made his way out of the Slytherin Common Room swiftly. Thankfully his friends didn't see him slip out and made his way down the cold corridors of the dungeons.
Before he could go up the stairs, from the corner of his eye he saw a familiar head of blond hair. He watched as Athena slipped into the next corridor. Squinting his eyes, he went to follow her wondering what was she doing out of her common room at this time. It also made him wonder what she was possibly doing in the dungeons of all places.
Draco followed quietly and hid behind a hidden nook. His eyes firmly on hers as she looked around to make sure no one was around. He watched as she entered the potions classroom and he walked over to the door that was still slightly cracked open. Draco frowned when she walked over to where Snape was.
The Professor and Athena talking quietly about something. It was all too odd for Draco. Suddenly he let out a quiet gasp when Severus crashed his lips onto hers. He was about to storm into the room fearing that he was doing this against her will. But when Draco saw that she wrapped her arms around the man, kissing him deeper- Draco knew.
"No" Draco whispered to himself.
He walked away from the door then turned around to walk back to it before turning around to walk away again. Draco was confused on what to do. He wanted to barge in there to let them know that he knows about them. He wanted to go into that room and tell them he was going to tell everyone about their relationship...but he couldn't because Athena was going to get hurt...and he didn't want her to get hurt.
Draco didn't realize he was going to the Room of Requirement until he was standing in front of the wall. His arms were shaking as he closed his eyes and tried to calm his mind. The image of Athena and Severus was still there and he urged the room to let him in. It did. He stormed over to the vanishing cabinet but stopped when the image of Athena and Snape kissing returned again. He let out a
angry yell and started punching the cabinet multiple times until his knuckles were red with his blood.
"No" Draco whispered as he slid down the side of the cabinet and sat on the floor...
"And you didn't say anything?!" Athena hissed snapping Draco out of his flashback.
"Well what was I supposed to say? Hey Athena, I know you and Professor Snape are sleeping together! Congratulations on making the old codger less of a grumpy git!"
"Or did you want me to say how fucking stupid you were to involve yourself with a man that would break your heart! Because at the end of the day that's what he did!"
"Maybe, like the so called friend you pretended to be, you could've told me that he was some kind of a spy that would end up betraying everyone at school. Gosh why does it matter so much to you that Severus and I were together?"
Draco looked at her longingly, his lips pressed into a thin line as he absentmindedly rubbed soft circles on her hand with his thumb. His internal battle started again. The part of him that so desperately wanted to just tell her how he felt while the other part, the one afraid of rejection, fought in his chest.
"You're so oblivious, Westenra. And it doesn't matter anyways. He did end up breaking your heart. Still don't know what you saw in him" he spat hatefully.
Athena sighed. Her own words she wanted to say got caught in her mouth. They wouldn't spill out so she gave up. The deep feeling of his words swirled like Cornish Pixies wreaking havoc in her stomach.
Unbeknownst to them, Severus was at the door having heard only a small fraction of their conversation, but enough to know what Draco had been insinuating. Severus knew Draco's feelings towards Athena very well, everyone missed it but he could see it clearly. Even though it pained him to think about it, he wouldn't blame Athena if she moved on even if it was with Draco. But given the situation, he believed that it would be ages until Athena could possibly allow herself to fall in love again and Severus hopes that someday she would.
"We don't get to choose who we fall in love with, Draco"
"You got that right" he mumbled just as the door opened.
Draco scowls as Severus walked into the room. Athena noticed his expression and turned her head to see who it was that walked in. She locked eyes with Severus who had a glare plastered on Draco.
"Forgiven so soon?" Severus drawled, a soft smirk on his face. Athena could see the tinge of jealousy in his eyes.
"What? Jealous?" Draco spat.
"Please, why would I ever be jealous of a insolent little boy-"
"Oh shut it! Both of you! You're acting like insolent children!"
Severus and Draco glare at her, proving her point. She rolled her eyes at them and snatched the cloth from Draco's hand and started wiping her bloody hands with it.
"What do you want" she told Severus.
"I'm here to remind Draco that we are needed back at the school"
"Oh! Santa and his little helper. Is Theo going to accompany you? He can be that little reindeer with the red nose!"
"Athia" Draco hissed.
"You're all pathetic. You know that?" She told them both. "And you better not be sitting in my grandfathers chair! I'll have you knocked on your ass if you do" she told Severus directly.
"Your threats mean nothing to me, Miss Westenra" Severus hissed at her.
Something in Athena snapped. Lifting her hand in the air, she waved it forward causing the lamp that was on the nightstand to fly towards his face. Severus ducked and the lamp crashed on the wall.
"Athena!" He hissed.
Athena's eyes were now glowing a golden color. She lifted her hands, a decorative black vase hovered in the air. With a twist of her hand, the vase separated into a dozen sharp pieces and were pointed towards Severus. With a single movement of her fingers the sharp pieces of the vase flew towards him. He cast the protego charm and the pieces fell to the floor.
"Athena! Stop! You need to stop!" Draco shook her by the shoulders. For a moment he was mesmerized by the golden swirled in her eyes, she looked beautiful but terrifying.
Her eyes turned back to normal and Athena started to collapse. Draco caught her before she could hit the floor. She passed out in his arms and he looked at her stunned.
"What was that? The room is supposed to be magic proof!" He told Severus who was also staring at Athena in shock.
"She's waking up" Severus whispered...
𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛
She stared at an article of the Daily Prophet that was on the small table a few feet away. The headline was about Harry and she could see his photo on there also. Athena knew that there was a man hunt for him along with everyone in the order. She obviously hasn't had contact with anyone since being brought to Malfoy Manor- so she only hoped that her friends were safe somewhere far away. For the last four months, Voldemort had been occasionally torturing her. Not much of physical torture more like mental and emotional torture. He'd have her watch as he inflicted pain on poor muggles and sometimes killed them in front of her.
Voldemort would tell her it was her fault for letting them die, but she knew they would've ended up dead anyways. Athena had become numb to the killings, mainly because somewhere during those last two months, she had accepted the task given to her. Athena still couldn't quite understand why she has that connection with Diana or Hecate but decided that the answers she was seeking could wait. Athena accepted the path she was set on and she would do everything in her power to complete this destiny.
"Thena. Can you try to understand that I had no choice?" Theo's voice broke the silence.
Athena hasn't spoken or seen Severus or Draco. Not that she cared, she still loathed them for their betrayal. Her heart was still shattered by it and it seems that Voldemort liked seeing her suffer- which is why he had made Theo her guard dog. They were currently in Lucius Malfoys study waiting for the dark wizard to arrive. Athena had forced herself to look anywhere else instead of Theo- who desperately wanted her to talk to him. He still loved her, he would always love her, she was the sister he never had. But he played a part in breaking her and accepted that she would never forgive him. Painfully accepted it.
"There is always a choice" she spat.
"Just like you chose to stay in an organization that kills people?"
Athena looked at him bewildered.
"Wether I liked it or not, I went after criminals. I killed bad people, people that this world was better off without having. You on the other hand chosen to follow an evil maniac who is killing innocents. There's a difference. So don't you dare try to turn that around. You and I, Theodore, we are not the same"
Theo gulped and looked down to his shoes. He new she was right. Theo couldn't sleep at night due to all the awful things he's done and for the first time he understood how Athena felt like every day. The weight of all the death he caused was heavy on his shoulders.
"I made you an offer once. You and Katie could've been far away living freely away from all this. And you broke her too" Athena snarled as she pushed away the tears that were glazing over her eyes.
Before Theo could speak, the door opened. Voldemort walked in, surprisingly alone. He asked Theo to wait outside and the teen left the room. Voldemort stared at Athena noticing the subtle bruises on one side of her face trailing down to her neck. She only got those yesterday and now they were fading. What he didn't know was that Athena healed faster than the average human, and another thing he didn't know was that Athena had been training her new found powers. It wasn't much but she figured she'd start learning for when the real fight came.
"What's with that smile? Did Bellatrix finally blow you and put you in a better mood?" Athena asked him jokingly.
She didn't expect his reaction to be a smirk. He raised an eye brow as he brushed his fingers through his dark brown hair. Athena watched him as he strolled closer to where she was forced to sit, neither taking their eyes off one another.
"I would have settled for someone much less needy. I seem to recall a time when you and I both shared wonderful nights together"
Athena scrunched up her face in disgust.
"First odd that was Diana. What she saw in a loveless dipshit like you, I'll never know. And secondly I'd rather be in the underworld playing a deck of cards with Hades himself than to ever consider being with you in any way" she spat.
Voldemort chuckled lightly.
"The underworld?" He asked amusingly.
"Yeah. You should visit sometime. I hear it's nice this time of year. Perhaps you could take up a permanent residence there also" she suggested to him.
Voldemort rolled his eyes as he walked over to the small table. He picked up the Daily Prophet and scowled at the photo of Harry.
"You wouldn't happen to know where Harry Potter might be hiding, do you?" He asked holding up the paper for her to see.
"Nah fam. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you"
Voldemort leaned towards Athena, his hands on both arms of the armchair, his face just a few inches away from her face. He stared at her for a few seconds before he crashed his lips on hers. Athena instantly felt a piercing pain in her head, he was trying to use legillimacy on her. Thankfully, her mind was already cleared so he saw nothing in her mind- it was empty and it irked him. Athena pulled her face away from his and then brought her head forward, head butting him.
"You've always been a feisty one. Diana used to be so open with me"
"Yeah until you stabbed her in the stomach"
Toms smile dropped. For a tiny moment there was regret in his eyes, but it disappeared as soon as it came.
"Yeah I admit, a minor mistake. I should've kept her in chains instead. Locked away somewhere until she saw reason"
"Just like you're doing to me now. You think that by keeping me locked in a room will help me see reason?" She scoffed at him.
He looked away from her and gazed out the window.
"You could have just ended me already, Tom. Why keep me around when you know I will never join you"
"Because I need you! You are still some hide for me- which reminds me, there is something I must do" he said and called out for Theo.
Her former friend entered the room followed by another death eater who dragged in a woman. She looked weak and trembling in fear. The death eater dropped her to the floor. He told Theo and the death eater to leave and they shut the door behind them.
"What are you doing" Athena asked getting up from the chair.
Voldemort pointed his wand at her, warning her not to move.
"Did I ever tell you how precious you are to me, Di- Athena?" He asked.
"No and I don't particularly want to know how precious I am to you. Something tells me I'm more of an object than a human being to you"
He smirked at her as he circled around the trembling muggle woman.
"Well I like for all of my precious things to be...close, to me, in a way. And Marie over here is going to help in adding you to my collection, Athena" Voldemort explained.
"What do you mean?" She asked narrowing her eyes at him.
"It means I'm going to be adding you to my collection" he stated simply and waved his wand at her causing Athena to stumble backwards until she plopped down on the chair.
She watched as he crouched down to be at eye level with the woman, Marie who cowered away from him. A whimper left her lips as he reached his hand to her face and used his finger to lift her face up by the chin.
"Such a pretty thing. And what a shame to let such a pretty girl like you go to waste. Don't worry. This will be over before you know it"
With a wave of his wand, every candle in the room lit up. Athena looked around the room having absolutely no idea what was happening. She tried to stand but the spell he cast had her glued to the chair.
"And Marie? Thank you for your sacrifice" Voldemort told her with fake sympathy.
Before Athena could say anything, she gasped when he cast the killing curse on the young woman. With his wand he cut the dead woman's arm and coaxed the her blood to flow out of her in a line. With another wave of his wand, the blood spread on the floor creating some kind of a pentagram shape. The woman's body was suddenly hovering above the floor and then was placed in the middle of the diagram. Voldemort closed his eyes and started saying an incantation.
Athena watched in horror as Tom pointed his wand at his chest and a dark mist was pulled out from him. He kept saying the incantation over and over again m and she felt darkness in the room. All of a sudden he opens his eyes and the last thing Athena saw was the dark mist flying towards her...
Images flashed through Athena's mind. Images of a diary, a ring, a locket, a cup, a diadem, a snake. Athena was now staring at a baby with bright green eyes in a crib and a fresh scar on his forehead. The baby was crying and before she could reach out to pick him up he disappeared. Athena was now staring at herself in some kind of a mirror. She was paler, dark circles under her eyes, lips almost white. She looked like death. Her reflection suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders.
"...For by one she loves and it must be done, that through the dragon will be the one who makes the dark lord finally undone..." her reflection recited a part of the prophecy.
"What does that even mean!?" Athena shouted.
"...For by one she loves and it must be done, that through the dragon will be the one who makes the dark lord finally undone..." her reflection repeated before disappearing.
Athena was left alone in the dark void. She looked left to right to see if there was any way out of there but saw nothing. Athena then felt something warm and damp on her shirt and she touched it and saw blood covering her hand. Pain followed after and she fell to the black glassy floor. The sound of footsteps made her turn her head and she tried calling for help...but only a painful groan left her lips as blood poured out from her mouth. Whoever was walking towards her stopped. Athena looked up to see familiar eyes gazing down at her...
We are getting closer and closer to Athena's prophecy taking flight. Everything that has happened to her that lead up to this moment has been because of her prophecy!
I know this was more of a Draco and Athena chapter but he is going to play a big role in her journey. And we are going to see more of Draco and Athena moments.
She is still very much angry with Severus, Draco and Theo. But why is she so willing to still talk to Draco much less be around him?
Athena's powers are slowly making their appearance! Will we see her go full goddess mode? Will Voldemort find out she is learning to harness her power?
And what did Voldemort do to her? Any guesses?
Also can anyone figure out what the prophecy means? I'm curious to know your guesses!
Let me know your thoughts on this chapter and your predictions for the next one! Harry, Ron and Hermione are going to make an appearance next chapter. And we miiiight get a glimpse of what Sylvie and the Sisterhood has been up to.
There is also going to be a moment I think we were all waiting for in the next chapter! Stay tuned!
I'm actually considering extending this book to a part 3 instead of making a second book. Just cause I think it might work out better that way. Let me know! Your feedback is much appreciated!
Thank you for reading and please don't forget to Vote!!!
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