New neighbor part 1
At night a star is floating through the neighborhood as the star spreads apart going into people houses and they inserted themselves into specific people
Next morning
Penny wakes up and heads to the bathroom as she sees herself looks more different she goes to wall to see her height wall as she past her old height she heads back to the bathroom penny goes back to the bathroom and touches her breast and wiggles her ass They grown bigger to as she jumps in happiness
Oscar pov
Oscar was cooking one of his recipes and watching tv of the wiz campaigning for mayor while Bebe and cece were playing around with Oscar recipe throwing at it to each other
Oscar:I hate that idiot you better vote for me mr chips
Mr chips is dancing till Oscar told him to and told him to get the grinder mr chip gets the grinder
Oscar:my newest creation proud's diet gummie yummies they stick to your teeth and not to your tummy
(To me that sounds like a chocking hazard)
Oscar:I'm finally gonna be richer than the wizard mr chips bring in the monkeys
Mr chips brings the monkeys
Oscar:mr chips get my slingshot
Mr chips shakes his head no
Oscar:oh you wanna them now find forget getting that raise
Oscar looks for the slingshot then calls Trudy name
Oscar:Trudy where my slingshot
Trudy:Oscar did you look under the sink
Oscar:of course I looked woman you're always movie stuff
Oscar looks for his slingshot as he finds it
Oscar:never mind I found it
Bobby was spray painting Trudy van saying pet ambulance
Trudy:that looks amazing thank you Bobby
Bobby:still think you'd make more money if you did a nacho truck I love nachos and jam🎵
Bobby gives Trudy a remote
Bobby:made some modifications Trudy just hit the button child
Trudy press the button as her pet ambulance became mini animal vet
Oscar pov
Oscar tries to feed the monkeys his gummies as they escaped
Oscar:okay all of you can forget that Christmas bonus
Oscar sees Bebe and cece about to eat Oscar gummies
Oscar:Bebe cece no
but it was to late they ate the gummies and start chewing on them as there mouth was field with gummies
Oscar:it worked mr chips delete your new map we're about to blow up
Bebe craps in his diaper
Oscar:who's funk-funk Trudy!!!
Trudy:what now Oscar
Oscar:come change your evil children
Trudy:look Oscar we agreed now that im expanding my business you will start pulling your weight around here
Oscar:I pull my weight I bought this house
Trudy:no you didn't
Oscar:I bought the cars
Oscar:so what you trying to say
Trudy:I'm saying the one who makes spare change should change Bebe and cece at least Yn makes money than you can and he's a teenager and ceo of his parents company
Oscar:he has nothing what I have good looks,a wife
Trudy:true but he has what you don't age and responsibilities
Oscar:okay fine penny
Penny:morning family
Oscar surprise of penny change
Oscar;good googly goose fat
Penny falls down the stairs as Oscar takes one of penny shoes
Oscar:penny where you get these
Penny:they mama's
Oscar:ah your mother trudith my dear may I have a word with you please
Oscar:Chloe-I mean Hallie-I mean penny is wearing what are these
Trudy:Oscar relax our little girl is becoming a young lady and there is nothing you can do about it
Oscar:au contraire mon Cheri
Oscar opens a box that had knight armor in it as he puts the armor on penny
Penny:mama please make Oscar stop I don't want Yn to see me like this
Trudy:if you're so worried about penny why don't you just talk to her
Oscar:I'm still waiting for the suga mama to talk to me you talk to her
Suga mama enter the house with papi
Suga mama:boy that was the best vacation I've ever had thank goodness for you papa
Papi saids in Spanish thank god for tequila then laughs
Suga mama:ohh I just love the way that man talks
Oscar:well I don't love the way you keep spending my inheritance on trips with pitbull grandaddy
Suga mama:why is my grandbaby dressed like darth Vader
Oscar:to keep the boys away like you did during the crusades
Oscar laughs as suga mama hit his foot with her cane
Oscar:ow you hit me I'm callin child services
Suga mama:oh you a snitch huh
Suga mama takes penny out of the knight armor and put Oscar in the armor
Penny:thank you suga mama
Suga mama:oh no need baby I loved it
Dijonay:penny come out penny
Suga mama:now go and enjoy your life
Trudy:but not to much penny remember how we raised you
Penny:okay I will mama I promise gotta go
Penny leaves the house to see dijoney and Michael
Micheal:boo we need to take you shopping for some new wiz mar wedges because what are those
Penny:wow y'all saw the light light too
Dijoney:yeah girl I'm snatched
Micheal:I wish you would snatch that wig up
Penny:Micheal you look good you've got-
Micheal:more style than all of you I know
Dijoney:yeah the back to school kickback of which yours truly is the committee chairman is this weekend and you can't get in lookin all crusty and musty
Zoey arrives but she still looks the same just taller
Zoey:hey girl
Penny:wow and Zoey you're uh...taller
Zoey:yep I'm pretty sure this is it for me I shouldn't have gone to bed with my face mask on
Lacieniga arrives but she wearing a hoodie to hide her face
Penny:hey lacieniga we all changed what about you
Zoey:lacieniga did you see the lights
Lacieniga revealed her face as she had pimples and a mustache
Dijoney:dang you got those Ashanti sideburns
Micheal:and Freddy mercury mustache
Zoey dijoney Micheal laugh at Lacieniga
Penny:Lacieniga say something
Lacieniga:I don't know what happened I got my eight hours of beauty sleep like I normally do and I woke up well like you proud what am I gonna do
Micheal:don't worry I got you Chewbacca
Micheal:nobody calling you a chupacabra I'm talking about fixing your face we're gonna pluck wax and lose that nastiness right off you baby
Dijoney:oh let's go get my sticky if he got half the hair you got he's gonna be a zaddy now
Dijoney and Zoey high five each other
Penny:if that light got to Yn he must've change to
While trying to get to sticky house apparently the street was on a high road but they we're stop by the gross sisters as they ask dijoney to have this rapper name young toddler
Nubia show a picture of young toddler
(What the fuck is this a teenager with diaper a chain with a baby pacifier and a baby cap or whatever on his head is it me or is something wrong with this generation of music)
Penny and friends arrived at sticky place but new people lived in sticky home now because he's moving with his dad going to japan as the new neighbors are Maya and her brother kg Maya meets penny and her friends as Maya doesn't really like them as Maya and kg father took them to school
Micheal:wow she really don't like you boo
Penny:Micheal what are you talking about everybody likes me
Dijoney:who cares it's all about that cutie kg did you see the way he was lookin at me
Lacieniga:he was looking at me Dijon I was standing behind you
Micheal:and he looked right through you two ratchets to me
Zoey:are you okay penny
Penny:no I wake up in a strange body I don't know how to walk anymore and suddenly people don't like me
Zoey:tell me about it sister welcome to my world
Penny:well you know what I'm gonna make Maya like me because everybody likes me you'll see
Yn driving on the road to see penny
Yn ca
Yn:do you and your friends want a ride
Penny:sure come on guys Yn giving us a ride
Penny and her friends get in Yn car and heads to school
Penny:Yn never seen this car before
Yn:because my company made it this is the first electric car called the Tesla
Zoey:electric no way
Micheal:so no gas
Yn:nope pure electric my company is going to revolutionize the world no more animals slaughter for our food,no more hurting the environment and running away animals from there habits just to make buildings,no more toxic fumes and oil more wasted hazardous chemicals on the environment i am going to heal the world
Zoey:Yn did you see that light last night it changed us
Yn:I did put it didn't come to me but I see it went to you guys
Penny:why did that light do that
Yn:my theory is that since you all changed its made you get ready to be adult woman
Micheal:actually I'm a man
Yn:let me guess your dad in the military or something
Micheal:he's a coach
Yn:I see another theory I thought of the feminine man it's either A your father never showed his softer side to anyone so when you were born you got his softer side that's why you act and dress differently from others or B you had your softer and feminine side from your mother like I said it just a theory.
Micheal:I see thanks
Penny:Yn there's this new neighbor her name is Maya and she doesn't like me
Yn:well there be people in this world that won't like other people because of race,religion,gender people can hate people for no reason heck people hate me
Yn:because they say I'm not ready for the responsibility to be boss of the company or because I'm a male or to young but I proved them wrong with my intelligence and guess what they still hate me even if you try to get them to like you people will hate just to hate no matter the circumstances penny you don't have to go to her level to like be proud who you are and your friends don't let people change you
Penny:who thanks Yn
Yn:no problem penny
Yn arrives at the Willy t ribbs middle school
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