Make up boy part 1
At school all the students are leaving
Penny:hold up where's is everybody going
Lacieniga:where you think proud to see makeup boy at the mall
Penny/yn:who ?
Zoey:makeup boy
Zoey shows a picture of makeup boy on her phone
Zoey:where you been penny he's only the biggest makeup influencer on the planet
Yn:a guy doing makeup on himself that people watch and like
Yn:ain't that kind of fruity I have no problem with gay people but a man doing makeup on himself is confusing there's gotta be something behind all this
Penny:is he serious you guys aren't falling for this-ish are you ?
Zoey counting her money only having thirty nine cents left
Zoey:penny you think you can loan thirty four dollars
Yn:well that answers your question Zoey
Maya:hey y'all we better get to the mall the lines gonna be to long makeup boy is signing autographs for only twenty dollars
Yn:twenty dollars for a autograph that's insane
Penny:wow Maya your the last person I thought would be into makeup you being all natural and everything
Yn:what's wrong with natural she hot the way she is so does you penny and Lacieniga all three are beautiful the way you three are
Maya,penny,lacieniga blush from Yn comment
Maya:girl please this look is a process besides there's nobody more woke than makeup boy
Penny:well he certainly didn't wake up like that
Zoey:don't be a hater penny
Penny:why because I won't give someone twenty dollars for an autograph because they're trending because I'm not trying to hide behind a faceful of foundation and lip gloss because I have a mind of my own
Lacieniga:you should really consider hiding that face behind something proud maybe then you have more than your mom and dad as followers on hologram
Yn:lacieniga that's not nice
Dijoney:come on y'all I got my little brother holding a place In line for us at the mall
Penny:et ti dijoney
Dijoney:no I haven't eaten yet
Yn:why is there tape on your face
Dijoney:so makeup boy says wearing duct tape five minutes a day keeps the wrinkles away
Yn:okay one that's bs and two-
Penny:dijoney you're only 14 we don't have wrinkles
Zoey,Maya,Lacieniga,dijoney:and we never will
Dijoney:you coming with penny,Yn
Yn:nope gotta head home do some company work and ideas but here
Yn opens his wallet and gives the girls one hundred dollars each
Yn:use it for whatever you please
Penny:thank you Yn
Maya:yeah thanks
Dijoney:thank you
Zoey:thanks Yn
Lacieniga:thanks so much Yn~
Yn blushes from lacieniga comment
Yn gets in his car and leaves to head home
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
While penny was close to her house Trudy and Oscar we're getting freaky on the couch penny heads inside
Penny:oh I can't stand them
Penny sees her parents wearing each other clothes
Oscar was wearing Trudy clothes and Trudy was wearing Oscar clothes
Penny:what were y'all doing
(They were getting freaky that's what they were doing)
Oscar and Trudy quickly change clothes
Oscar/trudy:nothing baby
Trudy:what are upset about penny
Penny:my friends they're all at the mall giving makeup boy twenty dollars for an autograph
Trudy:oh yeah that boy who gives makeup tips
Oscar:a boy that does makeup
Penny:yeah Yn found it weird to
Oscar:what is your generation coming to penny
Penny:I don't know daddy they're like zombies they do what any random noob tells them to do at least Yn knows what he's doing he has a company and very start
Trudy:relax penny we did the same thing when I was a kid everybody used to dress up like princess the girls and the boys
(I'm more of a Michael Jackson fan then a prince fan)
Penny:who's prince ?
Oscar:who's prince okay gather around y'all let daddy tell you about prince
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Oscar:what is that on your forehead
Suga mama:yeah I got it at the mall from that makeup boy whoo that fella sure know his stuff
Penny:you too suga mama
Penny goes to her room and listen to makeup boy on her phone
Makeup boy:all right I'm only gonna say it once so listen up the lip color of the month basic is blue but not just any blue my blue and to get my blue I need to see some green the baddest has spoken
Penny turns off her phone
Penny:this is sad all you need is a stupid video and three likes and suddenly the whole world wants to follow you
Suga mama:penny penny baby come on down here and clean your suga mama dentures
Penny:yuck it's Wednesday already
Suga mama:I heard that
Penny:sorry suga mama I'm coming
Penny puts on a hazmat suit and gets ready to clean suga mama dentures
Penny:you know what I'll show them
Penny starts getting followers to can content to help her suga mama dentures as it works
The next day
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Penny:bam ten thousand followers in one day what did i tell you
Dijoney:wham makeup boy got fifty thousand in the time it you to say bam
Maya:Shazam who cares about dentures anyway
Penny:apparently enough people to make my video go viral
Zoey:enough old people
Yn:well it still worked
Penny:thank you Yn
Penny kisses Yn on the cheek as he blushes and making Lacieniga and Maya jealous
Lacieniga:congratulations Martha Stewart
Zoey/dijoney:who ?
Yn:Martha Stewart American businesswoman she very famous she was a model but later on became a stockbroker on Wall Street she's friends with snoop dog and she's very wealthy thanks to the stock market and her merchandise she sell through the time she was on tv
Zoey:how much wealthy
Yn:her net worth is four billion I actually meet her and tasted her cooking very delicious
Soon penny started getting more followers and getting very famous quickly
Yn and penny went to the mall
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Penny text dijoney where is she as dijoney texted back saying she over at make up boy booth
Makeup boy:ugh that is not my angle delete it basic
Guy:oh no I won't I just paid you fifty dollars
Makeup boy:then you're deleted basic
The guy was magically teleported away
Makeup boy:next
Zoey:we're next me and my girls wanna do a group selfie
Dijoney:that'll be fifty dollars right ?
Makeup boy:so your trying to scam makeup boy five hundred basic
Yn:five hundred dollars for a group selfie that's insane
Maya:but that's okay we got you makeup boy
Penny:uh uh no we don't Maya keep your money this jerk is just ripping you off
Yn:exactly five hundred dollars for a group selfie that's insane and overpriced for a picture
Makeup boy:ooh look who's getting spicy it's d-level influencer penny prude like are you even verified
Yn:are you for having that makeup all over we your face
Makeup boy:do you know who I am
Yn:a boy who shouldn't be having make up on his face I mean who in there right mind does that and besides what if your products makes women allergic to you being sued by those women who are allergic to your product technology way better than makeup
Makeup boy:boy you must be jealous of me
Yn:why on god Green earth why I be jealous of you I have my own product and company that's doing excellent I got money,I'm famous,I met celebrities beyond your comprehension
Makeup:then why I don't see any beautiful women around you
Yn:penny the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my whole life she smart,beautiful,confident she don't need no makeup that's all natural and I love natural
Penny happy from what Yn saying about her
Yn:I can have this go away makeup boy Apologize to penny
Makeup boy:no way nerd in fact you might need my makeup to fix your ugly face
Yn sees penny friends and the crowd laughing at him
Yn:okay you wanna play that way fine
Yn gets out phone and starts calling someone
Makeup boy:who you calling your mommy
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Yn phone answers
Yn:hi miss Kim Kardashian
The crowd and penny friends stop laughing
Yn:yes there's a influencer called makeup boy and he's overcharging makeup products and calling a friend of mine rude names the influencer name is makeup boy yeah can you shut him down and his website and YouTube account you will oh thank you so much oh and tell Odell Beckham jr I said hi and I'll be at the game Barbeque soon
The call ends
Makeup boy followers and starts unfollowing him and lost his account and products
Yn looks at penny friends
Yn:you four should be ashamed of yourself you laugh at your best friend and you have the audacity to laugh at me
Maya:but Yn-
Yn:I'm talking your listening I can't believe you four laughing at penny for being who she is and not believing for this fat rainbow puppet master I don't want to hear from you four till you apologize to penny and never laugh at her again
Penny:don't be contacting me either to I'll be waiting for that apology
Yn:come on penny I'll treat to a day of shopping just you and me on a date
Penny:I would love that Yn
Penny hugs Yn and they started there date
Maya:oh man
Lacieniga:we messed up
Zoey:big time
Dijoney:Yn just destroyed makeup boy by one phone call
Maya:we need to apologize
Lacieniga:yeah and fast
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