Chapter 9: Trouble arises pt 1- Lincoln and luna
We now cut to the science lab of Dr. Streak as said mad scientist was staring at his deadly neogenetic mutant army in all shapes, sizes and forms with a crazy grin on his face.
Dr. Streak: it is time for a new era to rule this world, my era. For years, people have called me mad, numerous scientists called me a crazy failure and a freak... (sneers) but now it's time I get the respect I clearly deserved!
Numerous roars from streak's monstrous creations echoed throughout the lab as the mad scientist's grin widens.
Dr. Streak: with my neogenetic mutant army, I will rule this world with an iron fist while everyone cower in the shadows and with the infectious mutant virus within my creations veins applied by bite or scratch, everyone who has ever called me a crazy freak will be a monstrous, mutated, inhuman & crazy freak against their will and submit to mine as I turn this world into MY world!!!
The mad scientist then went to the control panel which was connected to five white and red high-tech portal transporters as he types in the codes as the transporters were activated.
Dr. Streak: now go my creations, go out and wreak havoc and revenge on anyone who has ever crossed me as well as turn anyone who you set your sights on into monstrous creatures that I control! These pathetic humans time is OVER!!!! (Laughs maniacally) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
The monstrous mutant army let out massive roars, screeches, dark groans, eerie moans and shrieks as they obeyed their master, each walking through the five transporters one by one, being sent all over the world to fulfil Dr. Streak's twisted ambitions.
Narrator: with luna.
After a very long drive through the city and to the neighborhood, luna finally made it to the house of her lil bro. Parking her party van next to the corvette in the driveway, luna gets out of the van and walks up to the front porch as the rockstar knocks on the front door.
Luna: hey linc, you home?!
No answer. Lightning flashed as the rain drizzled harder. Luna knocks on the door again but louder.
Luna: (yells) lincoln! Bro! Are you home?! C'mon, answer!
Still no answer. Luna groans as she does not want to get sick from being out in the rain too long. She sees that the lights are out inside the house but noticed a faint light in one of the upper windows.
And it was slightly open.
Luna: hmm... I guess I could get in through the window, hope bro doesn't mind me sneaking in. Maybe, I could give him a bloody scare. (Chuckles mischievously)
Luna then backs up a bit before jumping up and sticking to the house walls as she begins to crawl up towards the slightly opened window.
Narrator: with lincoln.
Lincoln: I can't believe the storm knocked out the power.
Holding a flashlight, lincoln was in his bedroom, cleaning up the orange webs he got all over the bedroom from practicing his web shooting as well as cleaning the lamb he destroyed with his electric webbing. After he was done, lincoln disposes of the trash, placing it in a black bag. The lightning flashed and thunder roared as he heard the rain drizzling harder outside.
Lincoln: now I think I'll make myself a snack though it'll be a bit hard making it in the dark. Good thing I have my flashlight for that.
Lincoln then turns around and heads out of the bedroom, unaware that his window was being opened and luna came in, only to get stuck with her large hips eclipsing the window.
Luna: (groans) oh man I'm stuck! Not only did I grow in muscle but the mass went through my hips too. Sigh... Ok lunes just push yourself out.
Luna puts both hands on the window sill and grips it as she uses her strength to get herself out.
Luna: (grunts) ngh! C'mon, C'mon!
Luna struggled for a moment or two until she finally got out of the window, landing face first on the floor.
Luna: ouch...
Luna gets up off of the floor as she looks around to find herself in lincoln and ronnie anne's bedroom.
Luna: phew... now that I'm unstuck, let's see where bro went off to.
Luna left the bedroom. Back to lincoln, the white haired man was downstairs in the kitchen making a sandwich while holding his flashlight to see while he preparing his food. As he was done, the white haired man went to the dining room table as he proceeds to eat his sandwich as he heard the thunder roaring outside, followed by drizzling rain.
Lincoln: the storm's getting worse by the minute.
Lincoln continues to eat his sandwich when his senses went off.
Lincoln: huh?
Then he heard a sound.
Lincoln puts down his sandwich while he grabs his flashlight as he heard the creaking sound coming from down the steps to the living room. He slowly walked out of the dining room towards the living room.
Lincoln: Hello?
Lincoln entered the living room, slowly waving his flashlight around but found no one in sight as lightning flashed outside, illuminating the living room for a moment until everything was dark again.
Lincoln: (his senses going off) these spider senses... someone must be here, but who and where?
Lincoln looks around the living room but has found nothing as his spider sense were going off the scale. The white haired man walks back to the dining room, unaware that someone sneaking up behind him.
Lincoln: (chuckles nervously; looks at the viewers) hehehe... I feel like I'm in a scary movie right now where you wake up in your home, on a stormy night and you got the whole house to yourself. At first, you guys & gals think it's a good that your family, husband, wife, cousins, grandparents or anyone is out of the house so that you can do whether you want around the house... it's okay sometimes but then something goes wrong... you start hearing things, creaking, splashing, soft but creepy whispers, howling, moaning, bumps and something like two knives being sliced together.
And as you try to investigate this matter, you might come across some creepy shadows, going further into the darkness, being hunted by four possible intruders: 1. A jewel thief who's wanting to steal some valuables, 2. an escaped criminal who got out of prison to exact revenge on someone for a major reason or a grudge over something important or petty, 3. a deranged maniac/psycho killer who escapes from a mental asylum, lose all touch of his/her humanity and is out for blood, chosing any random house to stalk their victims when their guards is down and then they get you! And 4. Maybe you're dealing with something you don't understand... (lincoln getting more nervous) maybe the intruder is someone or something of the supernatural era with unfinished business... a deceased..... a spirit.... a GHOST.
That's when lincoln felt his spider sense go off again as a hand grasp his right shoulder. Lincoln feels chills going down his spine, dropping the flashlight as he screamed.
Lincoln grabs the hand on his shoulder and flips the intruder to the ground. Lincoln then grabs ahold of a broom and starts whacking away at the intruder, who was yelling out in pain.
???: ack! Oof! Aaagghhh! Ouch! Dude! Agh! Owww! Stop it's me! Agh!
Hearing the familiar voice, lincoln stopped whacking the intruder with the broom. He quickly grabs the flashlight off the ground and flashes the light at the intruder, revealed to be luna, who was rubbing her bruised head and groaning while giving lincoln an upset glare.
Lincoln nervously laughs.
Lincoln: uuuhhhh... sorry?
Luna got up, clearly upset.
Luna: (sternly) hand it over.
Lincoln sighs as he hands luna the broom and then...
Lincoln: ouch!! (Rubs his bruised head) okay, I deserve that but how did you get in my house?!
Luna: your bedroom window. I was knocking on your door and yelling for you but you didn't answer.
Lincoln: sorry I was a bit distracted by my-
Luna: superpowers dude.
Lincoln: yeah... hey! How'd you know?!
Luna: lincoln, take a look at me and tell me what you see.
Lincoln looks at luna up and down, noticing that her body has gotten quite bulky, clothes were burnt and slightly tattered, her eyes were purple, a slightly burnt scar on the right side of her face and finally the spider emblem on her chest.
Lincoln: luna... what happened to you?
Luna: the same thing that happened to you bro...
Lincoln: so you got bit by a radioactive spider and got spider powers too?
Luna nodded.
Lincoln: that means that the others... the nightmare we shared and the spiders.... were real.
Luna: yep... I see that you changed as well. The black and orange streak in your hair, the orange eyes and the spider tattoo on your chest, kinda look like a spider-theme rocker bro. Cool.
Lincoln: thanks, you don't look too bad either. Though you look like a female version of super future trunks from dragonball z with those muscles, I'm surprised I didn't get that muscular like you did but I did get a bit athletic during my change.
Luna: (deadpan) really lil bro?
Lincoln: oh I'm sorry.
Luna: (sighs) it's fine bro. I'm still trying to use to this as well as keeping my powers on a leash.
Lincoln: anyway, what brings you here to my house?
Luna: well... my mansion was destroyed dude.
Lincoln: what?!
Luna: yeah, when I was done jamming, I felt something unusual happening to me like I was sick. Then an explosion happened through my living room as everything was on fire and crashing down on me, I tried to escape but the whole mansion were shrouded by fire, exits were blocked, I was trapped as an explosion caught me on the right side of my face, giving me this scar.
Lincoln: oh man...
Luna: I tried to call for help but my pleas fell on deaf ears as I felt excruciating pain all over my body and I passed out in the crossfire. Then there was the nightmare where I found you along with lori, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa. And finally after the terrifying end, I woke up covered in webs, I tore myself out of the web cocoon... my mansion was totaled and the next thing I knew... I found myself turned into this... (looking at her feminine and bulky body)
Lincoln: it's okay luna, we'll figure this out.
Luna: I know who thrashed my pad bro, a witness saw the whole thing.
Lincoln: really?
Luna: yeah, turns out those old bullies of yours hank and hawk wanted me dead.
Lincoln: hank and hawk?!
The white haired man remembered the two jerks he and lynn encountered in the events of the loudest yard and the events of tricked where they nearly ruined halloween if not getting greatly pranked by the loud family which greatly scared hawk and hank out of their pants as they never came back to the loud’s neighborhood.
Luna: (growls) yeah... apparently, they wanted to kill me for the revenge prank we gave them back then. I was so angry I screamed and it was more of a sonic scream as it broke every window in the neighborhood I was living in.
Lincoln: I don't get it though... if they're still holding a grudge over that halloween prank they clearly deserved, why would they only go after you?
Luna: I'm not sure bro, maybe they started their revenge scheme with me.... and now... (gasps)
Lincoln: they're planning on going after the others too, including me.
Luna: but lori, leni and luan are far out of royal woods as well as the great lakes city where You and I are living.
Lincoln: so they're targeting the louds closer to where they live. I guess given your credit as a famous rockstar, they knew where to find you. We need a plan to find them and bring them down.
Luna: (grins) oh don't worry about it bro, I know where they're hiding.
Lincoln: you do?
Luna: yep, you forget those two aren't that smart because they didn't notice the witness and they just blurted out their location which is an abandoned factory west of the city.
Lincoln: sweet.
Luna: yep. Anyway, bro there's something that I might need from you.
Lincoln: what is it?
Luna: (rubbing the back of her head) I... might need to crash here at your place.
Lincoln: EHHH?!?!
Luna: look bro, it's only for a day or two. I'm a millionaire, I can buy another mansion but it's late right now. Plus, those two morons will try the same thing again and try to kill me for real. And I can't go to a hotel, someone will recognize me when I'm trying to lay low.
Lincoln: even if hawk and hank find you again, you have superpowers now. You can take 'em.
Luna: (annoyed) bro, I barely have any control over these powers as I'm becoming even more of a freak. I could end up hurting someone or worst with these powers, that could destroy my rep dude and get me into major trouble bro!
Lincoln: okay I understand that you need practice, but still-
Luna: c'mon lil bro, just let me crash here for a day or two until we deal with the hawk and hank situation. (Gets on one knee and grasps lincoln's right hand in her own) please linc pleeeaaaasssseee, I ain't too proud to beg! (Gives him the puppy dog eyes)
Lincoln: (thinking) oh no, not the puppy dog eyes. I know most of my sisters use that as a last resort and I even though I try to resist the eyes, they get through to me as I give in... and (sighs) I'm giving in now.
Lincoln: ok, I suppose you can stay here.
Luna smiles as she pulls lincoln into a bone crushing hug.
Luna: oh thank you bro!
Lincoln: luna... ack! Can't breathe...
Luna let's go of lincoln as he catches his breath.
Luna: oops sorry bro.
Lincoln: it's okay.
Luna: I'm going to get a few things from my party van, be right back.
Luna left.
Lincoln then heads to the living room as he plops on the couch.
Lincoln: this has been the freakiest day...
Soon, luna came back with a few bags of her stuff.
Luna: hey bro, where do I set my things?
Lincoln: I have a guest room upstairs next to my and ronnie anne's bedroom.
Luna: sweet. Also, mind if I use your shower dude?
Lincoln: sure, there's extra rags and towels folded up in there too. But light a candle or two since the powers out, they're in the bottom cabinet. Don't won't you slipping and falling to break a bone or two.
Luna: (rubs lincoln's head; smiles) thanks bro.
Luna heads upstairs to the bathroom while lincoln stayed downstairs as the power came back on.
Lincoln: the powers back on, nice. (Yells) Nevermind about the candles luna!
Luna: (yells from upstairs) sure bro!
Lincoln: Well I'm gonna go text ronnie anne that I'm okay.
Lincoln heads back to upstairs to his room as he sees the closed bathroom door and hears luna singing in the shower. Lincoln chuckles as he enters his room, getting his phone off his desk as he texts ronnie anne that he was okay, that luna was staying with them for two days and the situation about hawk and hank. He waited for ronnie anne to text back but nothing came.
Lincoln: hmm? She might be busy. I guess I'll tell her the rest about hawk and hank later.
He leaves the bedroom and heads back downstairs, plops on the couch and turns on the television, upon seeing the amazing Spider-Man movie on.
Lincoln: sweet! I love this movie! I'm gonna go make some popcorn!
Lincoln heads to the kitchen and grabs a bag of popcorn and places it in the microwave to cook. Then his phone beeped as he takes it out to see who's calling.
It was lynn.
Lincoln: it's lynn. (Pressed answer on his phone) hello.
Lynn: (speaking on the phone) hey bro, how's it going?
Lincoln: I'm doing alright lynn, how about you?
Lynn: I'm fan-freakin'-tastic! Look, you'll never guess what happened to me.
Lincoln: you got spider powers?
Lynn: yeah! How'd you-wait, the nightmare where I had when I saw you, lori, luna, lucy, lana and lisa..... you were actually there and not a dream version of you?!
Lincoln: yeah, I was actually there, I think we were having the same nightmare, courtesy of the radioactive spider bites we received. After the excruciating pain and the nightmarish events, I woke up with a few changes to myself. The same thing can be said about luna too.
Lynn: you and me both. Wait, luna?
Lincoln: yeah, she came to my house not too long ago in the stormy night and yeah, she's got spider powers as well as a few changes to herself. Plus, she's going to be staying with me for a day or two.
Lynn: why? Doesn't she have a mansion?
Lincoln: well..... I have some bad news.
Lynn: well what is it?
Lincoln: Luna was attacked and her mansion got blown up.
Lynn: what?! Is she okay?!
Lincoln: yeah she's fine but get ready for this. The ones who attacked and blew up luna's home... was hawk and hank.
Lynn: (yelled angrily) WHAAAAAT?!
Lincoln winces as he heard lynn's furious yell through the phone. But Lincoln couldn't blame lynn being angry as she hated hawk and hank more than the others, putting up with those two jerks antics in the past and lynn would love nothing more than to beat the living crap out of them and slam her baseball bat where the sun don't shine if hawk and hank mess with her and her family.
Lincoln: luna's staying with me to lay low and learn to control her powers so that we can deal with the hawk and hank situation. She told me that they tried to kill her as revenge for the Halloween prank we pulled on them years ago.
Lynn: (angry) but those two jerks deserved it for almost ruining halloween for us! Why would they just target luna?
Lincoln: it's not just luna, they started their revenge with her first. I think they're gonna try to kill the louds residing in royal woods and the great lakes city. Lori, leni and luan are far out of question so they're going to target the louds closer to where they live, meaning they're going after me, you, lucy, lana, lola, lisa, lily, mom and dad.
Lincoln can hear lynn growling ferociously over the phone.
Lincoln: Luna knows the location to where hank and hawk are hiding but luna and I aren't going there yet, we need to practice more to use these powers and think of a plan before-
Lynn: I'm in, I'll be there!
Lincoln: (surprised) w-wait? You mean now?!
Lynn: yeah! We gotta step up our game and rise up to the limit so I'm gonna be training with you guys too. (Furious) Those two jackasses want a battle with the loud family, I'm gonna give them a freakin' war! When I get my hands on them, they'll never walk again when I'm done with them!
Lincoln: do you know how long a drive is from royal woods to the great lakes city? Plus, there's a raging storm-
Lynn: (yells) I AM THE RAGING STORM!!
Lincoln: ow my ear! Seriously lynn, you're really going overboard with this momentum and hype, aren't you?
Lynn: (yells) I AM THE HYPE!!!
Lynn hangs up the phone.
Lincoln: Lynn? Lynn? Sigh... (Puts the phone in his pocket) well.... lynn-sanity's been unleashed.
Lincoln: popcorn's done!
Lincoln opens the microwave and takes out the bag of popcorn as he grabs a big bowl and pours the popcorn out of the bag and into the bowl. Throwing the bag away, lincoln takes his bowl of popcorn to the living room, plops on the couch as he continues to watch the amazing Spider-Man movie.
Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs as the white haired man turned around to see luna coming down the stairs. She was wearing a black, tattered tank top with a purple skull on it as the top caressed her large chest and exposed her muscle toned stomach & slim black stretch pants which showed off her lower, muscular curves.
Luna walks in the living room and plops on the couch next to lincoln.
Luna: hey bro, thanks for letting me use your shower. Really appreciate it dude.
Lincoln: no prob. You're my sister and a guest here so I have to make your stay here more comfortable. Same if any of my sisters came here to stay, I wouldn't leave them or you out in the cold rain.
Luna giggles as she ruffles lincoln's hair.
Luna: thanks lil bro. Whatcha watching?
Lincoln: the amazing Spider-Man movie. Not the 2002 one, the one 2012 one where spiderman takes on the lizard.
Luna: heh, still loving the marvel hero movies, huh dude?
Lincoln: yeah the heroes of the marvel universe are my favorites next to ace savvy. It's sad that the creator of marvel Stan Lee passed away. I'm gonna miss him.
Luna: true dude, but his legend will live on forever.
Lincoln: yeah, the heart and soul of the marvel universe legend shall live on forever. You know since I have spider powers like spiderman himself, maybe I can help people in need, maybe we-.
Luna: whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there lil bro. I'm not saying that it's a bad idea but I'm not saying that it's a good idea either.
Lincoln: what? Why?
Luna: I'm saying that it could be dangerous dude. One mishap or mistake could end up with us hurt over the edge or hurting others with our powers not in check dude.
Lincoln: that's why we're going to train together to use our powers better and deal with the hawk and hank situation ourselves. And once that's over, we can stop any crime in the great lakes city and royal woods.
Luna: I'm not sure dude... I mean I'm a famous rockstar, not a superhero.
Lincoln: c'mon luna, it'll be great. You, me and lynn will be a great team against hawk and hank as well as any thug out there.
Luna sighs.
Luna: fine... I'm not fully on board with this bro but I'll think about it.
Lincoln: thanks luna.
Luna: no prob dude. Wait... you said lynn too?
Lincoln: yeah, she called me a few minutes ago about her powers too. I told her about what happened to you and the situation with hawk and hank... and well she is as angry as you are about it. She's on her way here right now.
Luna: whoa dude... does she know how long a drive is from royal woods to the great lakes city?
Lincoln: I asked her that too. Plus, the raging storm out there but you know, nothing stops lynn loud jr.
Luna: yeah. Man, I need to get some new bigger rock style clothes dude. My other ones won't fit me anymore due to my body now being up a hot bodybuilder level bro.
Lincoln: I see... tell you what, I know someone who can makes rock style clothes in any design and size just for you. I can give you an appointment with her if you're interested?
Luna beamed in excitement.
Luna: that is sweet! Thanks linc!
Luna pulls lincoln into a bone crushing hug, burying his face in her large chest.
Lincoln: (muffled) luna... can't breathe.... agh!
Luna: oops! (Let's go of lincoln; rubs the back of her head while laughing nervously) hehe... sorry bro.
Lincoln: (catching his breath) huff... huff... huff... it's okay... I'm good. Let's watch the movie.
Luna: sure dude.
Lincoln and luna resumed watching the amazing Spider-Man movie while eating popcorn and enjoying themselves. After the movie was over, lincoln and luna headed upstairs to rest.
Lincoln: man, that was a great movie.
Luna: yep. Well goodnight lil bro. Hopefully we can take care of the hawk and hank situation before the family reunion.
Lincoln: yeah... I hope so too.
Luna: what will the rest of the fam think about... our changes? And not just yours, mine and lynn's.
Lincoln: we'll think of something luna. They don't call me the man with the plan for nothing. I'll call lori, lucy, lana and lisa in the morning about the situation and in the mean time, we don't tell the rest about our powers.
Luna: okay dude.
Lincoln: goodnight luna.
Luna: goodnight lincoln.
Lincoln went to his and ronnie anne's bedroom while luna went to the guest room next it as both siblings went to bed.
To be continued....
(Chapter 9 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. It looks like luna is staying with lincoln until they sort their powers, changes and the hawk and hank situation out, lynn's on her way right now with a fiery vengeance and the insane Dr. Streak has unleashed a mutant army upon the world. What's gonna happen next, find out next chapter with lori and lynn, this is omegacrow fading to black....)
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