Chapter 8: The spider infection final pt-Changes

Lincoln's eyes shot open as he jolted up awake, breathing rapidly. He slowly calmed down as he looks around to see that he was in a dark forest shrouded in webs.

Lincoln: (in his mind) where am I...? Last thing I remembered was that I was in excruciating pain, my eyes and veins were glowing orange and I passed out.

Still walking, Lincoln was looking around the dark web shrouded forest.

Lincoln: what is this place...? It must be a dream I'm having... (yells) hello!

His voice echoed throughout the forest.

Lincoln: is anyone here?! Hello!

???: Lincoln!

Lincoln then turns around, only to be tackled by six figures in a strong hug. Lincoln opens his eyes, seeing the figures revealed to be Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana and Lisa.

Lori: lincoln, it's really you!

Luna: oh linc, I'm so happy to see you bro!

Lana: big brother!

Lincoln was surprised at first but he smiles as he returns the hug.

Lincoln: I'm glad to see you guys too but.... how are you guys in my dream?

Lynn: your dream? We're in my dream.

Lana: naw we're clearly in my dream.

Lisa: it could be possible that we're experiencing the same dream as we are unconscious?

Lucy gasped loudly in shock, gaining everyone's attention.

Lynn: lucy what's wrong?!

Lucy turns to her sisters and brother with a grim expression.

Lucy: I experienced this dream already... or should I say this nightmare.

Lana: you did?

Lucy: yeah... I was wandering this exact same forest when a web shot out of the shadows and pulled me up to reveal a giant black and white spider... it was a horrifying sight even by my standards. It looked at me and spoke, saying that I was the one who it has chosen... The one who will bare it's gift and curse.

Lincoln: whoa... freaky.

Lucy: yes. Judging by you guys being here, you went through the same thing.

Lincoln: well before I passed out, I was feeling unbearable pain, my eyes were glowing orange as well as my veins too.

Lori: hey! That literally happened to me!

Luna: me too!

Lynn: and me!

Lucy: and me...

Lana: and me!

Lisa: myself as well. But what caused it... (thinking for a moment until her eyes widened) I got it! Did anyone get bitten by an arachnid?

Luna: I did but it wasn't poisonous, I checked it at the doctors.

Lincoln: I remember getting bitten by something but I didn't see no spider.

Lori, Lynn, Lucy and Lana: us too!

Lisa: the arachnid's bite must've made us experience those tragic events as well as us appearing before each other in this dream state.

Lori: lisa I don't think spider venom can make your eyes and veins glow.

Lisa: perhaps not a normal spider... but a mutated one.

Lynn: are you saying that the spiders that bit us were... radioactive?!

Lisa: precisely.

Lincoln: (excited) like spiderman!

Lori: (annoyed) lincoln, this is literally no time for your superhero fantasies!

Lana: but how did-

A hissing sound was heard as a web shot out of the shadows and wrapped itself around Lana, pulling her up high.


All: LANA!

Soon, numerous webs suddenly shot out of the shadows from all directions and wrapped up Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy and Lisa, pulling them upwards as they were screaming.

Lincoln: guys!

Lincoln looked up and his eyes widened in terror as he saw a massive web in the dark sky and saw six giant super spiders as the mutated arachnids were wrapping up the six loud sisters, who were screaming and struggling in webbed cocoons.

Lincoln: nononononoNO! This can't be happening!!!

???: (dark male voice) oh but it issss....

Lincoln had big chills going down his spine as he slowly turns around to see the giant black & orange super spider right behind him with it's cold eyes set on the terrified lincoln.

Spider: now.... your time has come... to bare my gift and my curse...

The super spider opens its mouth to reveal it's venom dripping, razor sharp fangs as it devours lincoln.


The white haired man jolted up awake as he was breathing rapidly and looking around his surroundings, seeing that he was in his and ronnie anne's bedroom. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, lincoln sighs in relief.

Lincoln: it was only a nightmare...

Lincoln looks outside, still night but it was raining. He then looks at the clock, it was 3am. And a note by the clock as he picks it up & reads it.

Lincoln: dear lincoln, I came home and found you passed out in the halls. At first, I thought something was wrong with you so I got a doctor next door to check on you. It was only a high fever and the doc said it was probably major exhaustion from work that made you pass out so he implies that you need to rest for the day. My boss called me and told me I need to cover for a sick officer on an extra shift... ugghhh... it sucks. So I'll be home at 11am. Get well soon, ronnie anne.

Lincoln puts the note aside as he got up out of bed, he no longer felt sick.... in fact, he felt real good. But at the same time, he felt different.

Lincoln: I need to freshen up.

Lincoln walks out of the room and to the bathroom. He looks into the mirror and gasps.

Lincoln: what the....?

Lincoln saw his reflection, seeing a few changes to himself. His white hair had an orange & black streak on the right side, his pupils were orange and he also looked down at himself. Removing his shirt, lincoln gazed at his upper body as it was now more toned and athletic as well as the black, white and orange spider mark on his chest.

Lincoln: oh man... this is freaky. (Flexing his arms) I was slightly toned but now I have a slight athletic build and I have a six pack. The spider emblem on my chest, the orange & black hair streak and my eye color changed. What's ronnie anne gonna think?!

Lincoln sighs as he starts the shower.

Lincoln: I'll have to get to the bottom of this but first the shower.

Lincoln heads in the shower to freshen up. Once he was done, lincoln dries himself off and heads to his room, turning on the lights and putting on his casual clothing when suddenly something went off in his head... as if he felt a presence coming.

Lincoln: what the heck is that?!

The tingling sensation in his head struck again as the white haired man looked around his room and suddenly leaps to the walls, catching something in his right hand.

Lincoln: gotcha! (Opens his right hand to reveal a now dead fly but then was shocked when he realized that he was sticking to the walls) holy schmoly!

Lincoln tries to get loose but he was stuck for a moment until he finally got loose.

Lincoln: new appearance, strong senses, agility, can stick to the walls... hmmmm... I wonder...

Lincoln stuck out his hand in a rock horn motion as webs suddenly shot out of his wrist at the lamp and released an orange electric charge which caused the lamp to blow up before lincoln's very eyes.

Lincoln: electric webs. (Smiles) Cool, I have super spider powers!

Lincoln leaps to the ceiling and crawls all over the ceiling as well as doing the moonwalk. He then backflips to the ground, landing on his feet.

Lincoln: this is absolutely cool! Wait a minute... if I had the same painful events and dream as Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana and Lisa... then they.... (gasp loudly)

Narrator: with Lori.

Lori jolted up awake, screaming.


Lori looked around to see that she was in her and bobby's bedroom. She was breathing heavily as she calmed down.

Lori: and now I know how leni feels.

Heading to the bathroom where lori turns on the sink, washing her face. As Lori looked at her reflection in the mirror and gasp in shock.

Lori: huff... huff... what the hell... What just happened to me?!

Lori's eye pupils were now light blue and has sharp fangs like a vampire. Lori always had a graceful figure that surpasses her mother's but now it's more of a hourglass figure with an athletic build like an MMA fighter. And finally, Lori looked at her chest to see a white and light blue spider emblem on it.

Lori: oh my god... The excruciating pain I felt earlier, the nightmare I shared with my five sisters and brother, the giant freakish spiders, the web cocoons and now... I'm a spider freak of lincoln's comic book fantasy! (Throws her hands up in the air and groans in anger) UGH! This can't be happening! This is literally the worst day-

Lori was cut off when webs shot out of her wrists and pulls her up to the ceiling, startling her.

Lori: whoa! Did I just shoot webs out of my wrists?! This is literally getting freaky!

Lori then realized that she was sticking to the ceiling. Lori then crawls off the ceiling to the walls as she was trying to pry herself loose.

Lori: (grunts) ugh! C'mon, C'mon!

Her hands glowed light blue as they shot out a energy wave that made a huge hole in the wall, at least lori got loose from being stuck on the walls.

Lori: (looks at the huge hole in the wall then at her glowing hands) oh man... this is literally going to be a very bad day.

Narrator: with Luna.

Luna opens her eyes and groaned.

Luna: aaaaauuuuuhhhhh... what happened? (Looks at the webs around her) Ugh, gotta get... out of... here.

Luna grabs a handful of webs starts to tear her way out of the web cocoon to see the stormy night sky. Getting the webs off of her, luna stood up to see her mansion or... What's left of it.

Luna: aww man! My mansion's totaled! (Angry) Grrrr! When I get my hands on the bastard responsible, I gonna...!

Enraged, Luna suddenly picks up a large piece of rubble and throws it in the air. Anger quickly turned into shock as luna realized what she just did.

Luna: (looks at her hands) did I just-

Luna was cut off when she saw a slightly broken mirror not too far from her, seeing her reflection as her eyes widened. Walking towards the mirror to get a good look at herself, luna gasped in complete shock.

Luna: wh-what happened to me?!

Staring at the reflection, Luna can see the right side of her face had a slightly big burnt scar, her eye pupils were now purple. Her clothes were tattered but her body changed drastically, still has a graceful figure but it increased in 8 times the muscle mass which was like a bodybuilder. Luna looks down to see a black and purple spider emblem on her chest.

Luna: what happened, I'm all bulky, my eye pupils are glowing purple and this spider mark on my chest.... how did this-

Luna's eyes widened as she thought about the events that transpired. The spider bite, the excruciating pain she experienced, the nightmare with her five sisters and brother, the giant spiders wrapping her and her siblings up in web cocoons and now luna's new transformation.

Luna: oh man, it was real! The radioactive spider bite did this to me! But what-

Luna heard a sound like a trash can falling over as she looks across the street to see a fat man staring at her with shock eyes. Luna's eyes narrowed.

Luna: hey dude!

The fat man turned to run away.

Luna: hey come back!

Luna ran after the man, suddenly catching up to him at swift speed beyond human limitations as she jumped in the air and landed right in front of the fat man, startling him. Luna grabs him by the front of his shirt and glares at him.

Fat man: please don't hurt me!

Luna: I'm not gonna hurt you dude, I want answers. Did you see what happened to my house?

Fat man: y-yeah... I got home from work when I s-saw this red hummer truck parked in your driveway... I hid behind the trashcans and saw the destruction of your mansion. I was shocked, even more now that you just survived an entire mansion collapsing on you-

Luna: (angry; spoke through gritted teeth) nevermind that dude! Tell me who did it! Did you see the bastards or not?!

Fat man: Okay, okay I'll talk! I-I saw two guys, tall and very muscular. The guy had a brown m-mohawk and had a missing tooth g-gap in the far right. The other one was t-tan skinned and had short b-black h-hair covering his eyes. They said s-something about making you go out with a bang, also a bit of revenge for a Halloween prank!

Luna's eyes widened as she thought about it for a moment until she had a furious look on her face.

Luna: (growled) hawk... hank....

Luna dropped the fat man and let's out an enraged scream which suddenly releases massive sonic waves that echoed throughout the neighborhood, shattering numerous windows of each house. Luna stopped and covered her mouth as she saw the damage her sudden sonic scream caused.

Luna: (in her mind) oh man, I'm becoming even more & more of a freak. I gotta keep these powers on a leash.

Luna turns to the fat man.

Luna: do you know where the two guys went, did they say where they were going?!

Fat man: I-I may have heard them say that they were g-going to an abandoned factory west of the city. That's all I know.

Luna: fine. But you better not be lying to me dude.

Luna walks away from the fat man to her destroyed mansion.

Luna: good thing my party van is still intact. Now to head to the basement.

Heading to the destroyed entrance of the basement, Luna was surprised that the basement was still intact.

Luna: sweet, now to grab the extra things sam and I bought but kept down here because of the lack of space.

Taking trips in and out of the basement, Luna was bringing her and Sam's things to her party van. Rock instruments, extra clothes, amps, their albums, etc. After that, luna approached a safe where she types in the code and opens it, revealing millions of dollars in cash from her rock world tours. Getting a duffle bag, Luna got most of her cash inside and puts it the party van. Thinking about what lincoln said about spiderman abilities, Luna then smirked as she shot webs out of her wrists to wrap all of her money in a giant webbed bag as she lifts it and got it out of the basement and into the back of the party van, closing the back door.

Luna: that's the last of it. Hank and hawk will pay for this... But not tonight, I need a place to stay. I could buy another mansion but those two morons will know I'm not dead, try the same stunt again and try to kill me. So I need to lay low, plus, I need to get use to these powers... (Smiles) wait a minute... I can stay with linc, he probably has some space for me until I deal with the hawk and hank situation.

Luna heads in the driver's seat and starts the party van.

Luna: here I come, lil bro!

Luna got out of the driveway and drove away from the destroyed mansion.

Luna: (in her mind) if I went through this change... then linc, lori, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa must've..... (sighs) I hope you dudes are okay.

Narrator: with Lynn.

In the halls, Lynn jolted up awake and leaped to her feet in fighting stance, panicking.


Lynn looks around to see that she was in her home, not in the dark web shrouded forest and not inside a web cocoon. Lynn sighs as she regains her composure.

Lynn: phew... what a nightmare. Well better hit the showers.

Lynn then heads upstairs to the bathroom but before she could start the shower, lynn caught a look at herself in the mirror and gasp in shock.

Lynn: what the...!

Lynn stared at herself in the mirror for a moment until she ran out of the bathroom to her and francisco's bedroom and stood in front of her full length mirror/slide closet door to get a better look at herself.

Lynn's eye pupils were now bright red and had red streaks in her hair. Lynn also noticed the white and red spider emblem on her chest as well as noticing that her body has changed, lynn has always had a feminine and athletic figure but now she has a more muscular build than before, putting a snug on the red and black crop top and black sports shorts she was wearing due to her ripped physique.

Lynn was silent for a moment until she grinned.

Lynn: whoa... check me out, I'm more ripped than before! (Flexing her muscles) oh yeah, abs and gunshow! Wow, it's like I got a power boost or something... but what's with the red streaks in my hair, my eyes and the spider tattoo on my chest...?

Lynn gave it a lot of thought for a moment until it finally hit her.

Lynn: so that was more than just a dream I had with my sisters and brother! That spider... it's bite did this to me. Hmmm... lisa said that the spider bite was radioactive so... I must have gotten superpowers. Heh, only one way to find out.

Lynn then runs out of the room, downstairs. Reaching the basement/workout room, lynn gazes at her custom wrestling ring, a wide grin spreads across lynn's face as she went under the ring. The ring itself started to shake a bit as it rose up high while revealing lynn, who was lifting up the entire ring.

Lynn: this... is... INCREDIBLE!

Lynn puts down the wrestling ring as she flexes her muscles but while she did, webs shot out of her wrists.

Lynn: webs? (Smirks) hmmmm...

Lynn shot webs out of her wrists to the ceiling as she gets a grip on the web rope before she jumps up high and starts swinging throughout the large basement while doing numerous leaps & flips from web to web and doing a Tarzan yell.

Lynn also noticed that she can summon sharp stingers from her wrists (like scarlet spider from Ultimate Spiderman) as she begins to slash away at her punching bag til it was in shreds (luckily lynn has more than one punching bag).

Lynn: phew... that was amazing! Super strength, speed, agility, web shootings and wrist blades. I feel like I can take on everything like this. Hmmm.... I wonder if Lori, Luna, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana and Lisa got the same powers as I have? (Shrugs) oh well, I'll get to the bottom of that later, time to hit the showers!

Lynn left the basement.

Narrator: with Lucy.

We cuts to lucy's room as the coffin was shaking followed by muffled grunts and groans as the casket door flew open and lucy arose from the coffin, gasping loudly.

Lucy: *gaaaaassssssssppppp!!!*

Lucy looked around to see that she was in her room and not in the dark web shrouded forest. The eighteen year old goth was breathing heavily as she sighed in relief that she was finally out of that nightmare.

Lucy: huuuuuhhh... sigh... sigh... sigh... it was just a nightmare... but it was more than just a nightmare. Lori... Luna... Lynn... Lincoln... Lana... Lisa... they were all there...

Lucy got up from her coffin and left her room to head to lana's room (formerly lori and leni's room), opening her door to see lana nowhere in sight.

Lucy: oh right, lana works the night shift at the auto shop but the shift is passed over, shouldn't she be home?

Lucy checked lola's room, she was asleep. And finally she checked lisa and lily's room, only to find 11 yr old lily sleeping in her bed but there was no sign of lisa.

Lucy then went to the bathroom, she felt sweat on her face as she grabs a black rag, turns on the sink, soaks it in water and wipes her face. Suddenly lucy felt something... she felt the same but also quite different, lucy felt her pajamas were a little too tight on her body and the inside of her mouth, she felt something sharp like... fangs.

Getting a good look at herself in the mirror, lucy was in complete shock.

Lucy: gasp... what happened to me?

Staring at the reflection in the mirror, lucy saw that her appearance has changed. She had five white streaks in her hair, opens her mouth to see her canine teeth turned into sharp fangs, lucy then looks down at herself to see her slender physique has changed into a graceful and slight athletic figure as well as the black and white super emblem on her chest. Lucy then pulled her bangs from her face to reveal her eyes, which was now black with white pupils.

Lucy: it's happened... The gift and the curse that the nightmarish spider has brought upon me. Sigh... something tells me that this "transformation" is the first part of it... I must prepare for the worst-aaaaaauuuuuuuhhhhhh....

Lucy felt like her feet was sinking in quicksand as she looks down & sees herself phasing down through the floor like a ghost, landing in the kitchen.

Lucy: gasp! I just phased through the bathroom floor like a spirit...

Lucy then looked at her hands as they were becoming transparent as the rest of her followed, becoming invisible. Soon, a tired Lynn Sr, who hasn't changed much but has a bit of gray in his brown hair, walked into the kitchen and through lucy to the fridge, grabbing a grab of milk and walking out the kitchen, unaware of lucy, who was now visible.

Lucy: intangibility and invisibility... wicked. What else can I do.

A tingling sensation went through lucy's head as she suddenly jumps up and lands on top of the ceiling, catching a mosquito in her hands before crushing it. The tingling sensation then went to her wrists as dark grey webs shot out of her wrists, forming a giant web in the left corner of the ceiling.

Lucy: heh... wicked.

Lucy then landed to the floor on her foot.

Lucy: now that I think about it... this isn't half bad. If I have these cursed powers, there's no doubt that lori, luna, lynn, lincoln, lana and lisa have them too. I'm not sure where lisa is but I'm going to go find lana.

Lucy heads upstairs, got her black raincoat and boots on as she went downstairs through the door and out into the stormy night.

Narrator: with Lana.

Lana awakens while groaning, opening her eyes to see webs in her face.

Lana: (in her mind) what the heck happened...?

Lana grabs ahold of the webs to tear herself out of the web cocoon. Still dazed, lana got up and walked out of the alleyway but before she did, she noticed the dead bodies of the thugs that tried to attack her.

Lana: (in her mind) whoa... what happened to them...? I remember them holding me down and beating me up then the rest was a blur after that...

The lightning flashed as the rain continued to drizzle.

Lana: I'd better get home.

Lana walks out of the alleyway to the empty sidewalks of royal woods. As the tomboy kept on walking, rubbing her head and groaning from her terrible headache, she looks at her reflection in the glass window of a closed store for a second until she looks away. Lana's eyes widened as she quickly looks at her reflection in the glass window and gasped.

Lana: (spoke in a rough, growly and raspy female voice) what the heck?! What happened to my voice?! What happened to me?!

Lana was looking at her reflection in the glass window as the sixteen year old tomboy noticed some changes to herself.

Lana looked like a wild beast.

Her blonde hair has gotten a bit more wild, her eyes were dark blue and has sharp fangs like a vampire. Her body changed drastically, becoming more athletic and having sharp claws, lana saw the marks on her chest as she removes her jacket and shirt, revealing her black crop top, her toned six pack and... the dark blue, yellow and black spider emblem on her chest. Putting her shirt and jacket back on, lana was deep in her thoughts until she finally spoke.

Lana: whoa... I'm like a wild animal... cool! But how did this happen?

The lightning flashed as lucy appears out of nowhere behind lana.

Lucy: the same thing that happened to me...

Lana: AAAAHHHH!!! Lucy?! What are you doing here?

Lucy: I should be asking you that...

Lana: look I'm sorry, okay? Don't tell mom and dad about this, I was on my way home on time but five thugs got in my way, I was about to throttle them when I suddenly felt pain throughout my body. I ran into the alleyway not so far there, the thugs held me down and started beating me up, then... I just passed out. I just wake up covered in webs, I saw the thugs dead bodies... I'm not sure what killed them, I walked out of the alleyway only to find myself turn into some sort of monster.

Lucy: so you don't remember what happened to you... (noticed a bit of blood on lana's clawed hands) the blood on your hands says it all, you killed those guys lana.

Lana looks at her bloody hands.

Lana: (shocked) I-I killed them....?

Lucy: it must've been a feral effect during your metamorphosis.

Lana: I can't believe I killed five people...

Lucy: don't blame yourselves lana, you had no control and those thugs were gonna hurt you or worse... they deserved what they got.

Lana smiles a little.

Lana: thanks lucy...

Lucy: no prob. So I see you got affected by the bite of the radioactive spider as well...

Lana: so the thing that bit me during work was a radioactive spider?! And the nightmare I had with you, lori, luna, lynn, lincoln and lisa being in there, attacked by giant spiders and being wrapped up in cocoons actually  happened?!

Lucy: yeah... (removes her hooded coat to reveal her transformed state which shocked lana) let's say you're not the only one who has changed.

Lana: whoa...

Lucy: (puts her coat back on) those nightmarish arachnids from our dream and in reality gave us a gift and a curse...

Lana: so thanks to that spider bite, I look like a she-beast and have super powers....... COOL!!!!

Lana jumps in excitement but she realized that she jumped way too high in the air as she lands back to the ground few feet away from lucy.

Lana: (smiles) whoa!! I can jump really high! What else can I do?

Lucy: try webbing something by showing it out of your wrists...

Lana: I can do that?!

Excited, lana gives it a try as webs shot out of her wrists, leaving a large blue web net on the concrete walls.

Lana: sweet! (Sniffs the air and has a fanged grin) I smell something delicious... (runs off)

Lucy: lana wait...! (Runs after her but was having a hard time keeping up with lana's new speed)

Running block after block and hearing glass shatter nearby, lucy stopped at a meat store which was open but no costumers, just a skinny male employee and a chubby male boss, who were on the floor and were knocked out. Lucy then noticed lana devouring a couple of ribs, steak and burgers like a wild animal.

Lucy: lana stop!

Lana stops and turns to face lucy with a ferocious glare as she growls wildly at the eighteen year old goth.

Lucy: Lana?


Lana then tackles lucy to the ground as the goth held the beast-like tomboy back as she tries to bite her.

Lucy: lana, this isn't you! Snap out of it...

Lana was about to slash lucy with her sharp claw but a sharp pain erupted in her head as lana grunted and growled, gripping her head as she got off lucy.

Lucy: Lana?

Lana slowly opens her eyes to look at lucy.

Lana: l-lucy...? Ohhhh... my head.

Lucy: c'mon I'll get you home.

Lucy helps lana up as they exited the meat store and out into the stormy night but not before lucy destroying the security cameras to avoid being caught.

Lana: (sad) lucy... I'm really sorry I attacked you like that. I just... lost control and went wild...

Lucy: it's okay lana, right now we have to get home. Hopefully, we can figure this out. (In her mind) this is only the beginning of what's to come, I hope we can prepare for the worst. I wonder how my three older sisters and older brother are fairing with this metamorphosis and where is lisa...?

Narrator: with Lisa.

Lisa was tossing, turning and mumbling in her sleep as she jolted up awake, letting out a loud gasp.

Lisa: huff... huff... what happened...? Where am I?

The fourteen year old genius looked around to see that she was in a hospital bedroom and her mother rita sleeping in a hospital bed next to her's. Lisa then gets up and stretches before heading to the bathroom.

Lisa: I'm in the hospital...? That's odd, I possess no memory of how I got here... all I remembered was that I managed to perfect my neo nano machines and suddenly anything went completely blank...

Before heading to the bathroom, lisa passed a full length mirror and noticed her reflection, stopping her in her tracks as she let out a loud gasp.

Lisa: sweet mother of the nucleus...

Lisa stared at herself in the mirror to see that she wasn't wearing her glasses but could see clearly with her eyes, pupils now turned green. The fourteen year old genius also noticed that she has gotten a bit taller and gotten a bit more chubby and finally noticed the marks under her light blue hospital shirt, lisa grabs the collar and looks inside her shirt, seeing a black top and a black and green spider emblem on her chest.

Lisa: what has happened to me? It seems that I've gone through some kind of metamorphosis, but how-ugh... aaaggghh!

Lisa fell to her knees and clutches her right arm as pain erupted through it. Lisa felt like something was crawling underneath her skin and rather painfully at that.

Lisa looks at her right arm as her eyes widened in shock and horror... seeing that something was indeed crawling underneath the skin of her arm and rather a lot of those something's, seeing her arm shake and slowly contorting. She runs to the bathroom and slams the door, clutching her arm as she hissed in pain.

Lisa: agh... what's going on...?

Then another thing caught lisa's eye as something came out of the skin of her arm. Lisa looked closer and gasped.

Lisa: do my eyes deceive me....?

Looking at her arm... seeing the thing that crawled out of her skin.... was her neo nano machine. But the bug drone changed drastically into more advanced spider-like drone.

Lisa: my nano machine...

Then lisa was even more shocked when more nano spider drones came out of the skin of her arm, engulfing it and forming until her arm was covered in some kind of a black and green metallic armored skin.

Lisa grasped her metallic arm as she stared at it. Soon, everything came to lisa... of what happened. The spider bite, her collapsing, the nanites being knocked over and entering her body and finally the nightmare. All of the pieces were brought together in lisa's mind, trying hard to process what happened as she whispers with a grin creeping upon her face.

Lisa: sweet mother of discoveries... I can't believe my eyes, the radioactive venom from that arachnid must have altered my form... then as I called out for assistance before succumbing to pain and unconsciousness, the nanites must've responded to my voice... as they entered my flesh, merging with me...

Lisa's grin widened.

Lisa: hahahaha! Absolutely astounding!

The metallic metal from the nano machines retreated back into lisa's skin as the genius felt a tingling sensation in her wrists as webs shot out of them, much to her surprise.

Lisa: hmmm... interesting-

Lisa's words were cut off as something shoot out of her back. Lisa looks behind her back to see her nano machines forming four black and green high-tech, metallic spider-like legs which lifted her up as lisa was both surprised and intrigued.

Lisa: absolutely amazing, due to the nano machines infused in my body and the venom from the radioactive arachnid has given me highly mutated genetic traits of a spider....

The high-tech spider legs lowered lisa down as they retreated into lisa's back.

Lisa: I must observe and analyze  these new abilities I now possess. But first, official restroom business.

Soon, after lisa was done with her official restroom business, she exited the bathroom as she came across her clothes that were hanged up on the top hook of the door. Lisa grabs her clothes as she discarded her hospital clothes and got dressed.

Fully dressed in her casual clothing, lisa noticed her glasses on a desk. Even though her eyesight was now improved, lisa decided to wear her glasses anyway. The fourteen year old genius approaches the second hospital bed where her mother Rita was sleeping, the loud matriarch hasn't changed much but has a bit of gray in her blonde hair.

Lisa could see the dry tears on her face from her mother's closed eyes, meaning rita was the one who screamed and saw lisa's predicament before the genius passed out, making the matriarch worry about her and taking her to the hospital.

Lisa sighs as she gently shakes rita awake.

Lisa: mother unit, wake up.

Rita slowly awakes from her slumber as she groans.

Rita: hmmm... huh?

Lisa: (smiles a little) oh good, you're awake.

Rita's eyes shot wide open to see lisa awake and well as she pulls the genius into a strong hug.

Rita: (sobs in joy) oh my baby, I'm so happy you're awake!

Lisa: m-mother, please refrain from crushing my bones.

Rita let's go of lisa.

Rita: oops sorry. But why did you change out of your hospital clothes & into your normal clothes? And why are you out of bed? You need to rest after that accident you had.

Lisa: nonsense mother, I feel perfectly fine. Though I admit that I experienced catastrophic damage due to the accident in my lab but rest assured that I am fully healed. Now may we please head home?

Rita gave lisa a look of confusion, suspicion and worry. She thought about it for a moment until she finally spoke.

Rita: as long as you're okay, I guess we can go home. Just let me check with the doctor to have you released so we can leave.

After a few minutes of speaking to the doctor as well as paying lisa's hospital bill, rita and lisa were all set to head on home.

Exiting the hospital, rita and lisa ran through the rain to vanzilla.

Rita: phew, good thing I got enough sleep or I'd be too tired to drive out in the rain.

Rita and lisa buckled up as rita started the engine and drove vanzilla away from the hospital, heading home.

Rita: lisa.

Lisa: yes mother?

Rita: be honest with me, are you really okay?

Lisa gave her mother a look of concern, seeing that rita had a worried look on her face.

Lisa: mother unit, I can assure you that I am fully healed and perfectly fine. I do apologize for getting hurt and having you worry about me.

Rita: it's okay my little genius, I was gonna ground you and take away your science experimental privileges for 3 weeks but it will be reduced to 1 week after what you've been through, just to make sure you don't have a major injury like that again, okay?

Lisa: I understand mother.

Rita smiled as she continues driving while lisa looked out the window, staring at the stormy night sky as she was deep in her thoughts.

Lisa: (in her mind) this is a intriguing discovery indeed, I must further analyze these new abilities from nano machines and the mutated arachnid genes added to my DNA without mother or father unit knowing. I also should have a talk with lucy and lana about this, knowing that the dream we experienced was a sign of them having mutated abilities as well. I must also call lincoln, luna, lynn and lori about this predicament when I get the chance.... cause I have a scientific feeling that this is only the beginning....

To be continued...

(Chapter 8 is finished! Lincoln, Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana and Lisa have all experienced dramatic changes to themselves and developed spider-like abilities as well as adding other enhanced powers to them. What's gonna happen? Find out next chapter. Chapter 9 will be about Lincoln and Luna, Chapter 10 will be about Lynn and Lori and Chapter 11 will be about Lucy, Lana and Lisa with more surprises to come. This is omegacrow fading to black....)

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