Chapter 7: The spider infection pt 1
Narrator: with Lincoln.
Lincoln was in the kitchen enjoying the pizza he ordered not too long ago. The white haired man ate 5 pieces of pizza as he place the box of remaining pizza in the fridge to save for later.
He then remembered the times he and his ten sisters fought over the last slice every time they order pizza, it was like a family tradition to them. Lincoln chuckles at the thought as he went to living room to watch television as he scanned through the channels to find something to watch.
Lincoln: hmmm... isn't there anything to watch?
As lincoln was changing the channels continuously, he then suddenly started to see the whole living room spin. He shook his head as he focused on the television.
Lincoln: (in his mind) okay... that was weird. The room was suddenly spinning... it must be the lack of sleep from working extra shifts.
Lincoln turns off the tv and looks at his phone, it was 10:00pm. He knows ronnie anne won't be back until 1 and he is feeling unusually sluggish so lincoln gets up and heads up the stairs. As he reached the eighth step, everything started to spin around as lincoln held on the stair rail before almost slipping on the stairs.
Lincoln was lucky he didn't fall down the stairs, he starts breathe heavily as he was confused... Lincoln wasn't this tired... He was full of energy a few moments ago... and now suddenly he was completely sluggish, the room was spinning... something was wrong here.
Lincoln slowly got up the stairs, unaware that the spider bite in the back of his neck was glowing. As he walks towards the bathroom, looking in the mirror as he was shocked by the major sweat on his forehead. He felt his forehead, it was burning up... Lincoln then saw his eyes and gasped.
Lincoln: (spoke between heavy breathing) what... the... hell...?
His eyes... his pupils... staring at the mirror, lincoln's eye pupils were glowing orange. Lincoln was breathing rapidly as he then grunts in pain as he clutches his chest. He felt his heart... it was beating rapidly like crazy and was increasing as lincoln yells out in pain.
Lincoln: w-what's going on...? What's happening... aaagghhhh!
Lincoln fell to his knees, clutching his chest and gasping for air as convulsing orange veins appeared on his face and body as he crawled out of the bathroom to head downstairs to get help but fell in the middle of the hallway, convulsing and shaking uncontrollably as lincoln clutches his chest, tears slowly falling from his glowing orange eyes as the white haired man's breathing and gasping ceased as he laid passed out in the middle of the hallway.
Narrator: with Lori.
After getting out of the shower and drying off, Lori changes into her light blue shirt and white pajama pants as she left the bathroom and went into her and bobby's bedroom.
Plopping on the bed, the eldest loud takes out her phone and starts texting her husband bobby, who was working a night shift. As she was texting bobby back and forth, Lori felt a sharp pain in her sides.
Lori: ouch! Agh... my sides. What's going on?
Then Lori started to feel like she had a hot fever as it spreads to her whole body while she groans. Her breathing begins to grow rapid as she dropped her phone and fell to the ground, holding her sides.
Lori: (screams) aaagggghhhh! Wh-what's happening to me?!
Another sharp pain struck lori as she screamed in pain. Something was wrong with her but lori was too distracted by the pain to figure it out.
Lori: it hurts...! It literally HURTS!!!!
Lori continues to scream in pain as pain erupted through her body while she starts to cry as the pain was completely excruciating and unbearable. Her tearful eyes were glowing light blue as glowing light blue convulsing veins appeared on her body coming from her bite mark. Lori was choking on her own breath and shaking uncontrollably like she's was having a seizure.
Lori: help... *choke*... *cough*, *cough*... agghhh... help me... sob, sob... somebody... *choke*... please... help... I-I don't wanna d-die... Ack!
Lori started to convulse and shake more wildly, foaming at the mouth as she blacked out.
Narrator: with Luna.
In her living room, luna was shredding on her axe like there's no tomorrow as loudly as she wants.
Luna: oh yeah!!! Time to turn up the heat!
Luna turns up the volume on her amps to maximum as she continues to play her loud music on her guitar. While luna was rocking out, we cut to outside of her mansion as a red hummer truck parked in the driveway as two tall and muscular guys came out of the truck as they stared at luna's mansion with merciless and evil grins as they heard luna rockin out inside.
The two guys took out a box filled with grenades and two bazookas.
???: you ready to burn this place to the ground along with that rock loser, man?
???: yeah, that rockstar wannabe will go out with a bang! You attack the front of the mansion, I'll take the back so she doesn't escape.
Inside the mansion, luna stopped her jam session for tonight as she turns off her amps while she was breathing heavily.
Luna: man that was radical... huff-huff... I nearly broke the sound barrier... there... huff-huff...
Then suddenly, luna fell to one knee as she was breathing heavily while seeing the room spinning, breaking out in a cold sweat.
Luna: what's going on... huff-huff... I can't be t-this tired... huff... huff... something's wrong... I-I feel strange-
A massive explosion erupted in the living room, sending luna flying into the walls. Coughing mildly, The rocker slowly got up to see her living room engulfed in flames.
Luna: w-what the hell?!
More explosions occurred as luna felt the floor shaking uncontrollably, fire and smoke was spreading as she saw the ceiling crack, meaning it was about to collapse in on itself.
Luna: oh man! I-I better get out of here and f-fast!
Luna got to her feet, still feeling dizzy as she fled out of the burning living room as the ceiling collapsed. Running through the dining room, luna suddenly felt pain throughout her whole body and slowed down a bit, it was excruciating but she couldn't stop now or she'll be dead.
So Luna kept going as she ran through the kitchen, seeing the back door but before she reach for the handle and escape, an explosion erupted from the back door, sending luna flying as the impact of the fire caught luna in her right eye as she fell to the ground, screaming in agony.
Holding the heavily burnt right side of her face, luna saw the back door blown to smithereens and surrounded by fire and smoke, she then saw large chunks of the ceiling falling and blocking the exits, meaning she was trapped.
Luna: NO!! There's no way out!!! Help! Somebody help me please! Aaagggghhhhhh!!!
Luna felt excruciating pain inside of her body as glowing purple convulsing veins appeared on her body with her left eye glowing purple. Luna collapsed on the ground, shaking uncontrollably and surrounded by fire and smoke as the mansion was coming down on itself and her. Tears ran down luna's face as she was whimpering and groaning in pain.
Luna: h-help... sob... sob... help me... somebody... sob... the pain... it hurts... it won't stop... sob... I don't wanna die... please heeelllllpppp.... meeee...
Luna then passed out.
Before the ceiling collapsed on luna, silky white strings suddenly shot out of luna's body, wrapping her up in a web-like cocoon as the entire mansion fell, burned to the ground.
Narrator: with Lynn.
In her basement/workout room, Lynn was doing her nightly workout routine, lifting weights as she was already at 189 and counting.
Lynn: agh! 190... 191... 192... 193... ugh... 194... 195... 196... agh... 197... 198... 199... agggghhhh... 200!!!
Lynn dropped the large weights on the floor with a loud thud. The athlete then walked towards her punching bag and started delivering an assortment of punches and kicks to the punching bag.
As lynn continues to practice on her punching bag, her breathing started to go a high pace, she felt her lunges burning and her heart beating very fast as the pace increases.
As lynn kept on punching and kicking the bag, a sharp pain erupted in lynn's chest as she fell to her knees and clutches her chest, gasping for air as lynn felt excruciating pain inside of her.
Lynn: (panicking and gasping for air) *gasp*... *gasp*... my chest... *gasp*... my heart... *gasp*... *gasp*... it hurts... *gasp*... gotta call... for help... *gasp*...!
Still holding her chest, Lynn got up ran upstairs, unaware that the bite on her lower back was glowing red. Finally out of the basement, Lynn fell to the ground as pain erupted not just in her heart but her entirely body.
Lynn tried to crawl towards the living room but collapsed in the halls as the pain was getting stronger and unbearable, throbbing and convulsing red glowing veins started to appear all over her body as lynn's eyes glowed red while she was breathing rapidly and panicking even more.
Lynn: wh-what's happening to m-me... the pain... it's unbearable... help... *gasp*... *gasp*... somebody please... *gasp*... *gasp*... h-help me... please...
Lynn then starts to convulse and shake uncontrollably as she passed out while silky webs suddenly shot out of lynn's body and wraps her up in a silky cocoon.
Narrator: with Lucy.
In her own room (formerly her & lynn's room but since Lynn moved out, lucy changed the room into her own dark and brooding image), lucy was sleeping in her coffin for the night.
In her dream, lucy was walking through a dark and spooky forest as the eighteen year old goth found the forest very wicked. As lucy walked deeper into the forest, she noticed that the dead trees around her were covered and shrouded in webs.
Lucy sensed something strange going on here... something strange lurking beyond these webs in the shadows but she couldn't make it out. The goth remains calm as she cannot let fear and panic overtake her but then a hiss sound was heard as a web shot out of the shadows wraps itself around lucy, making the goth gasp loudly as the web pulled her up.
Lucy tries to get loose but the struggling only tightened the webs wrapped around her body as she gasped for air. Being pulled upwards into a giant web, the next thing lucy saw made her eyes widened in terror (though they were covered by her bangs). In front of her was the black and white super spider but it was the size of a giant as it narrows it's dark eyes at the terrified lucy as it hissed out in a cold female voice.
Spider: yoooouuuuu.... arrrreeee.... the one... the one... I have... chossssseeeeeennnnnn.... to bare my gift and my curssssssseeeeeeee.
Lucy was frozen in fear, too terrified to speak.
Lucy: (in her mind) what's going on...? What does the giant spider want? What does it mean by baring it's gift and curse?
Spider: yoooouuuuuu... willlllll.... endure... and ssssssuccumb to my venom... to my powerrrrr....
The spider then sunk it's giant fangs into lucy's body as the goth screamed in absolute agony and horror which echoed throughout the forest as no one can hear her.
In reality, we see lucy still in the coffin unconscious but she had black convulsing veins all over her body, blood coming out of her mouth and if you see the bangs brushed aside a little, you can see lucy's completely black eyes with glowing white pupils.
Narrator: with Lana.
We cut to the stormy night in the streets of royal woods as lana was walking home after her night shift at the auto shop.
Lana: fixed twenty nine cars and trucks as well as gotten a bonus on my paycheck. I'd go out and celebrate by diving into huge pool of mud but mom and dad would kill me if I'm out too long.
Lana turns to the right corner of the block, only to see five thugs standing around an abandoned store, minding their own business until they saw lana and got smug grins on their faces.
Thug: well, well, well... hey there babe...
Lana growled.
Thug#2: what's a lovely dame like you doing out here at night?
Lana: (glares) just getting home... now get out of my way.
The five thugs laugh.
Thug#3: oh, we got ourselves a tough girl here... I like those.
Thug#4: (smug grin) listen here tomboy, there's five of us, we're bigger and stronger than you so we can do this the easy way or the hard way.
Lana drops the umbrella and pulls out two pocket knives, glaring angrily at the five thugs.
Lana: what about the slow and painful way, now get out of my way before I send you guys to the hospital-agh! Aaauuuuhhh!
Lana suddenly collapsed, dropping the pocket knives as she clutches herself.
Lana: aaagggghhhh! My body... so much pain... what's going on...?!
The thugs grin evilly.
Thug#1: well... looks like someone's a little sick... let us help you out..... hehe.
The thugs approach lana, who looks at them with a pained expression as more pain erupted through her body, making her grunt in pain. Lana quickly grabs her pockets knives, getting up and running away.
Thug#1: after her!
The thugs run after her. Lana ran through the streets as she turns around to see the five thugs gaining on her and the sharp pain wasn't helping her at all so she ran faster with the thugs on her tail.
Running into a dark alleyway, lana stopped as she was at a dead end.
Lana: damn it!
Lana turns around to see the five thugs approaching her with smug grins. More pain erupted through lana as she fell to her knees and clutches herself, grunting and growling in pain.
Lana: w-what's going on, what's happening to me...?!
The two thugs grab her by the arms as lana struggles to get out but they held her arms tight.
Lana: aaaagggggghhhhh! Let go of me!
The three thugs approach her.
Thug#1: oh no, we can't have that. (Grins evilly) we're gonna rough you up a bit before we have our fun.
With that said, the first thug punches lana in the stomach, making her gasp in pain. The second and third thugs joined in on the beating while the fourth and fifth thugs held lana down so she couldn't fight back or escape.
Lana felt even more pain than ever but the pain the thugs were dishing out on her was almost nothing compared to the excruciating pain inside of her body. It felt like being run over by a million hummer trucks or being stomped on by a horde of enraged bulls. She was breathing rapidly and panicking as she suddenly felt her heart beating very fast at a critical pace. After the final heartbeat... She snapped.
Lana opened her eyes to reveal crazy dark blue eyes as she growled animal-like as the thug aimed a punch for her face, only to lana move her head a little from the punch to bite down on the thug's arm.
Thug#1: ow! Ow! Aaaaaaggggghhhh! Let go of my arm!
Lana continued to bite down deep into the thug's arm like a rabid dog as blood spilled out. The thug tried to punch lana with his other hand to release her bite hold but lana wouldn't let go as she tore the arm right off with blood splattering on her and the thugs.
Thug#1: (holding his bloody stub of an arm) AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGH-HHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
The other thugs stared in horror as lana headbutts the fourth thug, releasing her right arm as she grabs the fifth thug and throws him face first to the concrete walls, a snap sound was heard as he fell... dead. Lana then stomps towards the fourth thug, grabs him and repeatedly slams his face in the concrete walls until blood and brain matter painted the wall.
Lana turns her attention to the three thugs as the lightning illuminated her horrifying and rabid expression stained with blood, foaming at the mouth and crazy glowing dark blue eyes as she let out an inhuman growl.
The three thugs panicked as they turn and ran. Lana picks up her pocket knives and threw them at the two thugs, hitting the back of their heads, killing them as they fell.
The final thug (the one missing an arm because of lana) trips as he turns around to see lana landing on top of him, looking down at the scared thug with a maniacal expression as she begins to brutalize him badly, making him scream loud in agony as his blood was spilled and his bones were being broken, twisted and shattered.
Thug#1: no! Aggghhhhh! Stop! Please! I'm sorry! Please no! Nonononono!!! (Screams like girl) AAAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
The brutality lasted about 5 more minutes before it stopped. The alleyway was painted with blood and guts as lana stood in the center of it, gazing at her shaking blood stained hands. Soon, lana collapsed on the ground, convulsing and shaking uncontrollably as throbbing and convulsing dark blue glowing veins appeared all over her body as silky webs suddenly shot out of lana's body, wrapping her up in a cocoon as the lightning flashed in the rain.
Narrator: with Lisa.
In her room, lisa was placing her new plasma net pulsar in her new high-tech safe where she types in the code for the lock so no one will snoop in and take her invention without getting pass her security.
Lisa: there, now I must set up my neo nanite experiment but I must mix in the titanium alloy and with this green chemical compound.
Lisa went to her desk, sitting in her chair as she got out a container of numerous black and green highlighted small bug-like nano machines and sat it down on the table. She then got out two bottles, one filled with a green glowing liquid and one with a silver liquid substance.
Lisa: now to pour both bottles into the container and my nanites shall absorb the compounds with a bit of my DNA added to the mixed green chemical. Once fully absorbed they will... *cough*... be active... *cough*... and under my control... cough, cough, cough, cough!
Lisa started coughing in her arm.
Lisa: cough, cough... that's odd. I don't recall being sick, maybe it's just the lack of hydration with my throat being dry. (Stomach growls) and I didn't show up at dinner because of jolting down notes on my new invention. I guess I'll reward myself with a snack after the neo nanite mixture.
Lisa opens the lid to the container of neo nano machines and begins carefully and steadily pouring the green chemical compound then the titanium alloy compound as she grabs the lid and seals the container.
She stares at the container as the compounds started to mix with the numerous nanites insides, glowing green as the neo nano machines were absorbing the mixing compounds as the small bug-like nanites were active, swarming around in the container. Lisa smiles at the sheer success of her work.
Lisa: hahaha! Success! My neo nanites are finally alive, hahahaha-cough, cough, cough, cough!
Lisa started coughing in her arm again as she fell off her chair to her knees and clutches her chest as she kept on coughing. Still coughing, lisa suddenly felt unbearable pain throughout her whole body as she was breathing rapidly.
Lisa: aaaagggghhhhhh! Sweet mother of Sir Isaac Newton, w-what is that shooting pain?! It's e-excruciating on maximum levels aaaaggggghhhhhh!
Lisa slowly gets up gripping part of the table to steady her balance but another wave of pain struck lisa as the genius screams in agony, falling to the ground as well as tipping over the table as the container of neo nano machines fell to the ground, the container breaking with the nanites getting loose.
Lisa was on the floor, clutching her chest and gasping and coughing as her eyes were glowing green and convulsing green glowing veins appeared all over her body while she was crawling towards the door.
Lisa: help! Cough, cough, assistance! Please I-I need assistance... cough, cough, cough, cough, cough.... help, sob... please... help... me...
Lisa started to convulse and shake uncontrollably as she was about to passed out. As lisa was unconscious, the numerous bug-like neo nano machines all headed towards the unconscious lisa, they all entered her body through her skin, melding with her.
Footsteps could be heard entering lisa's room, followed by a scream as the person saw lisa's unconscious body on the floor.
To be continued...
(Chapter 7 is finished! Lincoln, Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana and Lisa have all went through horrifying, painful and catastrophic events of metamorphosis due to the super spider bite. Next chapter will be about the seven louds experiencing new changes to them after the metamorphosis. This is omegacrow fading to black....)
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