Chapter 25: The Scarlet Scorpion Strikes
Omega Spider struggles from the metallic tail wrapped around his body which tightens as the Scarlet Scorpion also known as Ronnie Anne, smirked at her prey.
Omega Spider: Who... Who are you...?
Scarlet Scorpion: (snarls lowly) Scarlet Scorpion & I'm the one who going to put an end to you & this apocalyptic mess you've made, arachnid...
Scarlet Scorpion then spun him around a couple of times with her metallic tail before releasing him to throw the spider suit clad loud across the block and hitting a nearby ice cream shop, through the window and face first into a large bowl of melted ice cream.
Omega Spider: Ugh... Just Great...
Cleaning the ice cream off his mask, Omega Spider's senses went off and barely dodges Scarlet Scorpion's sharp tail but she grabs him by the leg and proceeded to hold him, nails a devastating backbreaker before throwing him through a couple of tables.
Omega Spider: (mutters with a groan) Man... This woman is tough... Almost a combination of Lynn, Lori, Ronnie Anne and Polly Pain times 10...
He slowly gets to his feet and spots Scarlet Scorpion approaching him menacingly.
Omega Spider: Why are you attacking me and what do you mean by I made an apocalyptic mess?
Scarlet Scorpion: Don't pretend to play innocent with me, you and those six are aligned with that Streak psycho that started this monster infestation!
Omega Spider: You're mistaken! We're not working with him, we're trying to stop him and save the cities!
Scarlet Scorpion: Spare me your excuses, first a monster pandemic happens then you seven suddenly show up, trying to be the "heroes" here when you & that streak individual want validation, attention, fame, praise and put others at risk to make yourselves look like gods to everyone when you're the scum who caused this mess!
Omega Spider dodged another tail strike and fires electric webs at her but she grabs them, she gets shocked but takes the pain and yanked it forward and brings Omega Spider close to connect to a solid fist to his gut, sending out the ice cream shop and back first into a hot dog stand. He groans, getting up to face Scarlet Scorpion, who was approaching fast.
Omega Spider: Listen, you've got it all wrong! Streak is the only one trying to ruin the city, not us!
Scarlet Scorpion: (furious) Don't lie to me!!!
She fires a stream of red energy from her tail at Omega Spider, who dodged it as an explosion occurred from the beam hitting a damaged truck of gasoline.
Scarlet Scorpion: You spider crooks are as guilty as that psycho, your pandemic stunt fatally hurt someone I cared about and now I'm going to exterminate all seven of the arachnid pests, starting with you!
She charged at Omega Spider as the two begin to trade strikes and blows with one another, nearly matching each other.
Omega Spider: Look, whoever told you this is manipulating you! My team & I don't hurt innocent people, if you really want to stop the ones responsible then help us out!
Scarlet Scorpion: I don't make deals with menaces!
She grabs him by the neck and slams into the ground, aiming her stinger tail for his chest but he moves out of the way and rolls while avoiding the repeated tail strikes, shooting webs at Scarlet Scorpion's legs and yanking them to trip her, he leaps up in the air and comes down with a double stomp to her armored chest, earning a grunt from the woman.
Scarlet Scorpion growls furiously, slowly got to her feet and baring her fangs, getting on all fours and aims her tail to shoot beams of red energy from it at Omega Spider, who's eyes widened and dropped the blasts.
Omega Spider: (in his mind) Man, this woman really wants me dead! Never in my life have I known a scorpion who can shoot energy from it's tail!
Omega Spider then changes his path to run straight at Scarlet Scorpion while dodging her tail blasts to deliver a solid knee to her face, followed by a couple of punches to the face and gut, finishing it with a spinning leg lariat only for Scarlet Scorpion to catch the left leg, deliver hard punches to Omega Spider's left side, released the leg to hit her own solid knee to the face and finished it with a low sweep kick to trip him followed by double stomp to the chest.
Omega Spider: Gah!!
Scarlet Scorpion smirks darkly and grabs Omega Spider's leg and proceeded spin him around repeatedly while singing a little song.
Scarlet Scorpion: (spinning Omega Spider around; singing in an alluring yet menacing tone) The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout, down came the scorpion to take the spider out~!
She finished by throwing him through a couple of cars and into a solid wall.
Omega Spider: Ouch... For an armored scorpion woman... She has a beautiful singing voice...
He fell to the ground with stars spinning around his head in a daze. He soon shook his head as his spider sense went off again, seeing Scarlet Scorpion firing at him but instead of an energy blast, it was a beam of acid. He got up to dodge as Scarlet Scorpion continues to fire at him.
Omega Spider: (in his mind) I wonder how the others are fairing?
Meanwhile, Phantom Spider managed to help Nikki, Casey, Sameer & Laird get to the safe haven and went back out to go help her brother fend off this Scarlet Scorpion individual.
Phantom Spider: Hang on big brother, I'm on my way.
When she was web swinging through the city, Phantom Spider's senses went off as she stopped by a nearby rooftop, looking around.
Phantom Spider: Danger is near but where? I don't see any signs but the arachnid senses are flaring up like crazy. Sigh... where-
She was cut off when a horrible laugh filled her ears, she turns around to see who it was but nothing was there while Phantom Spider still heard the diabolical laughter echoing in the rain. Then something dropped by Phantom Spider's feet, getting her attention... it was a black/silver and gold looking sphere and it was beeping rather loudly.
She gasped and immediately took cover as the sphere exploded, Phantom Spider landed in a nearby dumpster.
Phantom Spider: Groan....
Phantom gets out of the dumpster, going intangible to get the trash and gunk off her suit as she heard the deranged laughter again, looking up at the exploded rooftop to see a large, shadowy silhouette standing there, laughing maniacally before the lightning flashed & the figure disappeared.
Phantom Spider: Ominous... Who was that?
???: You mean... What was that?
Phantom Spider turns to meet the large, shadowy silhouette staring her directly in the eyes with sharp, glowing green eyes. The Goth's scream was heard in the alleyway followed by the mysterious figure's maniacal laughing.
At Lincoln's home, Alpha Spider and Spider-Man made it with Adelaide Chang and the unconscious & heavily injured Sid Chang. The door opens as Bobby saw his spider suit clad wife bring in Adelaide and Sid with the help of... Spider-Man?!
The older Santiago couldn't believe his eyes, the actual Spider-Man here?! In Great Lakes City?! At his bro's house?! He was smiling widely & trying not to faint.
Bobby: No way... You're Spider-Man!!
Spider-Man: Yeah, I get that a lot.
Alpha Spider: Clear the way!
The Casagrandes see Alpha Spider and Spider-Man bringing in Adelaide and Sid.
Carl: It's Spider-Man!
Hector: Another spider themed hero?
Rosa: Aye, Sid! Adelaide!
Frida: Are they-
Alpha Spider: No. They're not dead or infected. Adelaide has a fractured ankle and Sid is heavily shocked so they need medical attention!
Arachna-Prime appeared.
Arachna-Prime: Greetings.
Carlota: Don't sneak up on us like that!
Arachna-Prime: Apologies. I take it you need these individuals medically treated?
Alpha Spider: Yes.
Arachna-Prime turns to Spider-Man.
Arachna-Prime: I don't think we've been acquainted, I'm Arachna-Prime.
Spider-Man: So the genius spider of the group, eh? Neat. I'm Spider-Man, I was sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to help you guys out with this mutant pandemic.
Arachna-Prime: Ah, I've heard of S.H.I.E.L.D... So they've also received the transmission from Dr. Streak as well.
Spider-Man: Yep, not the first nut job I've seen and I've faced a lot, especially Doc Oct.
CJ: So you're going to help Great Lakes City and beat the monsters, Mr. Spider-Man?
Spider-Man: It's actually just Spider-Man, not Mr added to it. But that's what I'm here for. So what's the status?
Arachna-Prime: Well I've been trying to get DNA analysis from creatures Wild Arachnid, Crimson Spider and Midnight Spider bring me to hopefully find means of creating a cure while Alpha Spider here along with Omega Spider and Phantom Spider finding & retrieving those who aren't infected by the creatures to transport to my Safe Haven base.
Spider-Man: Got it, I'm going to help you with that cure.
Arachna-Prime: You?
Spider-Man: I've drabbled in science, young spider. This ain't my radio in dealing with apocalyptic events, like the venom symbiote, people becoming lizards, my team turned into goblin monsters, the carnage symbiote, etc.
Arachna-Prime: Very well. I'll accept your assistance, Spider-Man.
Spider-Man: (the screen freezes and turns to the fourth wall) Her tone does remind me of Octavius, only she's missing the metal tentacles and creepy visage & reminds me of Amadeus Cho/Iron Spider.
The screen unfreezes.
Arachna-Prime: Now please get Adelaide and Sid to the next room so I may treat their wounds.
Adelaide: Please help my sister.
Alpha Spider: Right.
Spider-Man: Gotcha.
Omega Spider was panting while kneeling on one leg. He was strong, had powers and had experience in fighting... But this Scarlet Scorpion has had an answer for everything he's thrown at her, was stronger, had a counter for each of his fighting moves as if she knew what move he was gonna make and had a metallic tail she was trying to stab him with!
Omega Spider: .....
Scarlet Scorpion was approaching him.
Scarlet Scorpion: What's the matter? Lose the will to fight?
Omega Spider: No... (Stands up) Just... Getting my second wind.
Omega Spider shot webs at Scarlet Scorpion's eyes, blinding her as Omega Spider runs at and nails a straight kick that sends her through a telephone post into a burrito truck. He ran towards her while grabbing a nearby stop sign and proceeded to hit her with it.
Omega Spider: (jokes while striking Scarlet Scorpion with the stop sign) Stop. In. The. Name. Of. The. Law! As the sign would say!
Scarlet Scorpion caught the next strike, pulls away the stop sign pole away and breaks it in two.
Scarlet Scorpion: You joke as bad as you fight!
She gut punched Omega Spider and flips him over on his back while she drives her stinger into his right shoulder, feeling a strange yet burning sensation.
Scarlet Scorpion: (smirks) My poison shall slowly take your life apart piece by piece...
Omega Spider: .....?!
He tries to fight back against her but he starts to feel sluggish and lightheaded, the area begins to spin as distorted voices were swarming inside his head. He begins to see like 7 Scarlet Scorpions surrounding him like a horde surrounding their prey, Omega Spider shook his head and attempts to take out the illusions only for more to appear and attack him, unable to tell which is real and which is fake as the strikes around him felt real, his spider sense going out of control.
Scarlet Scorpion(s): (echoing) What's the matter...? Not feeling quite yourself? Do you need to be put to sleep...?
Omega Spider delivered punch after punch to each Scarlet Scorpion which disappeared as a new one takes their place, each striking Omega Spider from all sides, sending him down all fours, breathing rapidly as the poison was effecting him more, try as he might to fight it, the poison within grew worse while hearing the haunting laughter of Scarlet Scorpion as he finally passed out.
Back in reality, Omega Spider was lying in the street unconscious with Scarlet Scorpion standing over him. She then decided to pick him up by the neck.
Scarlet Scorpion: That's one down but let's see who's behind the mask.
Scarlet Scorpion uses her free hand to grab the mask Omega Spider and pulls it back to see who is it but before she could see the unconscious hero's face, a voice stops her.
Crimson Spider's voice: GET AWAY FROM HIM!
Scarlet Scorpion received a straight kick to the face that sends her crashing into a nearby car. She slowly recovered and sees Crimson Spider and Midnight Spider, who was holding a wounded and unconscious Omega Spider.
Midnight Spider: Bro!
Crimson Spider turns away from Scarlet Scorpion to Midnight Spider trying & pleading for Omega Spider to wake up, the spider clad sports woman saw the condition her brother was in, especially the tail wound to his exposed shoulder, showing the poison spreading with green veins showing.
Crimson Spider eyes widened before narrowing menacingly and turning her furious eyes on Scarlet Scorpion.
Crimson Spider: You iron tailed b***h! I'm gonna make you suffer for what you did to my brother!
Scarlet Scorpion: Your brother got what he deserved for what he, you spiders and the psycho are doing to this city!
Crimson Spider: What?! You think we're working with that Streak Bastard! Are you crazy or an idiot?!
Scarlet Scorpion: Don't act like you don't know! You seven arrived just as this monster infestation began, trying to get your ends out of this! Your actions hurt someone dear to me and I'm gonna return the favor!
Crimson Spider: Not before I take that metal tail and shove it up your-
Midnight Spider: Crimson! We're leaving, now!
Crimson Spider: What?! But she-
Midnight Spider: I'm not gonna argue with you right now, bro's hurt really bad! We need to get him to Arachna-Prime!
Crimson Spider: But she needs to pay for what she did to him!
Midnight Spider: I know but we're deal with her later, right now bro needs help!
Crimson Spider growls in frustration.
Crimson Spider: Fine!
Scarlet Scorpion: And you think I'm gonna let you leave like that?!
She ran at Crimson Spider with her tail aiming to strike but Crimson Spider spreads her arms wide and slams them together into a devastating thunderclap to send Scarlet Scorpion flying into a nearby auto shop.
Crimson Spider: And that's a preview of what's going to happen when we meet again!
Midnight Spider carries Omega Spider as she and Crimson Spider take their leave. Scarlet Scorpion breaks out of the rubble with an angry yell, looking around for the three spider heroes only to find them nowhere to be seen. She bares her sharp fangs as a monster carrier was approaching her from behind only to smacked to the side by her metallic tail as she let out a blood curdling, enraged roar to the stormy sky.
This was far from over between Scarlet Scorpion and the Spider Alliance.
To be continued...
(Chapter 25 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! A fight between Omega Spider/Lincoln and Scarlet Scorpion/Ronnie Anne takes places as more of Taskmaster's manipulation of Ronnie Anne effects her, wanting to eliminate the seven Spider-men & women from being told of them & Streak starting the whole monster pandemic for their own ends and causing her mother Maria's injuries. Spider-Man and Alpha Spider bring in Adelaide and Sid to the Casagrandes as well as Spider-Man agreeing to help Arachna-Prime find a cure. And finally, who was the figure that attacked Phantom Spider? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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