Chapter 24: The Ultimate Spider-Man Appears, The Menacing Threat

Meanwhile at Lincoln's home, we see Lincoln, Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana and Lisa heading upstairs to Lincoln's room while Bobby was keeping the Casagrandes distracted with a story on how he and Lori had a wonderful anniversary. The seven louds quickly changed into super alter ego attires as they got to work. 

Arancha-Prime: Okay we all know the plan in motion, correct?

The group nodded.

Arachna-Prime: Alpha Spider, Omega Spider and Phantom Spider will located any citizens who aren't infected and bring them to the safe haven.

Alpha Spider: Right.

Phantom Spider: Sigh... Crystal Clear.

Omega Spider: You got it.

Arachna-Prime: Ok. As for you Crimson Spider, Midnight Spider and Wild Arachnid... you will search and contain any creatures and bring them to me for DNA analysis. Here are some plasma containment cubes (Pulls out a duffle bag full of white & glowing green cubes) once you incapacitate them, use these to capture them.

Crimson Spider: (cracks her knuckles) Let's get to work.

Midnight Spider: Ya got it, sis.

Wild Arachnid: Alright. (Takes the duffle bag) How did built these so fast?

Arachna-Prime: I've been invented these, it was a matter of if and/or when they'll be needed. As for me, I'll be in the garage to analyze the lizard mutant Lana brought in gather DNA samples.

Omega Spider: Ok. Let's get to work, Spider Alliance.

All: Right!

The seven louds of the spider alliance split up to do their separate tasks.


Meanwhile, we see two people running in a very big hurry with a scared expression. The first person was revealed to be a grown up Sid Chang; She was a slightly tall woman with long brown hair in a ponytail, freckles, beautiful light skin and has an athletic yet curvaceous figure. She was wearing a blue shirt, a black tracksuit & jogging pants with blue & red sneakers.

The second person was a teenage Adelaide Chang; She was a slightly short teenage girl with short brown hair in pigtails, buck teeth and has a graceful figure with a bit of athleticism. She was wearing red short sleeved shirt, a purple jacket, black jeans and sneakers.

The two were clearly running from a male humanoid looking monster with an athletic build, purple eyes, gray skin, fangs, claws, wearing only black pants and had purple orbs coated in electricity located on the center of the chest, his shoulders, back and fists.

He was currently chasing the two while shooting electricity at them.

Sid: (dodges the blasts) Gah! Keep running Adelaide!

Adelaide: (dodges the blasts) Eeep! Whatta you think I'm trying to do?!

Sid and Adelaide took a left turn while the voltage creature gives chase to them, the Chang siblings take a short cut through a parking lot, avoiding damaged cars and fires while trying to not to get shocked by the voltage creature.

The two then entered a community gym across the street, closing the door as Sid and Adelaide barricaded the door and windows. Once they were done, the two Chang sisters attempt to hide while spotting the voltage creature passing through the community gym as it looks through the windows before leaving.

Sid and Adelaide sighed as they came out of their hiding place.

Sid: Phew... that was close. I thought we were gonna be fried.

Adelaide: Yeah... That monster seems to be smarter than the others we've seen... (sad) I still can't believe that Mom and Dad sacrifice themselves for us to get away from those creatures....

Sid places her hand on her shoulder.

Sid: I'm sorry...

Adelaide then growls, fighting back tears as she yells angrily.

Adelaide: Sorry?! We have to leave our parents behind as they were turned into those monstrous freaks and all you have to say to me is you're sorry?!

Sid quickly covers her younger sister's mouth, looking around before turning back to Adelaide with a stern glare.

Sid: You think I'm not upset that parents were turned? I didn't want to leave them but they gave me the order to get you out of here to safety. It's my job as the big sister to protect you and I won't end up losing you too.

Adelaide's anger vanished as she had a sad expression, tears falling from her face. Sid pulls her sister into a hug to comfort her.

Sid: It'll be alright. Hopefully, the mad man who created these things will be stopped but until then we must avoid the creatures and infected people & find Ronnie Anne and Lincoln.

Adelaide silently nodded. As the two got to their feet, the barricade was blown away by an explosion which send the two Chang sisters flying against the wall.

Sid: Agh!

Adelaide: Aaaah!

From the destroyed remains of the door appeared the voltage creature, cackling with a savage smile which scared the two Chang sisters as they get up to their feet.

Sid: Quickly, run!!

Adelaide: Ok!!

The two ran for it with the voltage creature chasing them, Sid and Adelaide dodge the electric blasts while escaping through the back entrance outside.

Sid: Doesn't Aftershock over there ever give up?!

Adelaide: Aftershock?

Sid: Sorry, just a bit of a pun. Bad timing but doesn't he have anything better to do than to chase us?!

Adelaide: You wanna stop & ask him or keep on running?!

Sid: No thanks, I'll stick to running!!

And so the two kept on running until Adelaide trips over a dented stop sign on the ground and fell, fracturing her ankle.

Adelaide: Owww! My ankle!

Sid stops in her tracks as she sees Adelaide on the floor, grabbing her sore ankle while noticing the voltage creature getting closer & readying an electric blast meant for Adelaide.

Sid: Oh nonononono!!

Sid quickly runs back to her sister's aid, Adelaide sees the voltage creature aiming his electric beam directly at her, she tries to get up but her ankle injury made it difficult to do so as she closes her eyes not wanting to see it coming. The voltage creature fires the beam straight at Adelaide but as the beam got closer and closer, Sid jumped in between Adelaide and the attack, getting hit by the electricity.


Adelaide opens her eyes and gasped in seeing her older sister getting electrocuted by the beam.

Adelaide: Oh No! Sid!!

The beam depleted as Sid fell to the ground, she was badly damaged with tiny specs of lightning around her body.

Sid: Oooouuuuucccch... I'm g-gonna f-f-feel that t-t-tomorrow.....

Adelaide: Sid! Oh no, oh no! Please stay with me! I don't want to lose you!

Sid: I-I-I'll be okay... Oh man, everything is going dark... is it night already...?

Adelaide tries to help her big sister but sees the voltage creature gearing up for another electric attack. But before it could deliver a fatal blow, the creature was kicked in the face straight into a nearby truck of frozen meat.

???: Didn't anyone tell you to keep your shocking hands to yourself?

Adelaide then turns to the source of the voice, revealed to be Spider-Man himself. The voltage creature arise from the rubble, sending a nasty glare to the web slinger.

Spider-Man: Hey Sparky, over here!

The voltage creature roared as he shot out electric blasts to electrocute the Arachnid hero but Spider-Man dodged and evaded the blasts at the right time moment.

Spider-Man: What's wrong? Can't hit the target, Electro & Shocker has better aim than you do!

Hearing the web head's quips and jokes only angered the creature as he went straight for him. Spider-Man fired two webs to nearby walls and catapulted himself at the voltage creature, dropkicking him in the face but he wasn't done, he backflips and shot a couple webs to ensnare the creature while hitting him with a combo strike. His spider senses flared, he backs away quickly as the voltage creature roared with electricity shooting out everywhere, breaking the web restraints.

Spider-Man: Whoa, easy there man. Don't get all upset. So what do the others call you? Bolt man? The shocktacular battery guy? Or Voltage Vengeance?

The voltage creature was now livid from the web slinger's jokes as he charges at him, delivering electric strikes to the spider themed heroes, who grunts from the shock as he delivers two punches followed by a flip kick, sending him stumbling backward as Spider-Man hits a quick right fist to the creature.

The voltage creature grunts and fires more electric blasts at Spider-Man, who evaded it while wall crawling up the building & avoiding the attacks as he was at the top.

Spider-Man: Here Electrocutioner, take your best shot!

The voltage creature growled and fired another electric beam at Spider-Man, who dodges it as the beam hit the water tower on top, knocking it down & falling towards him.

Voltage Creature: Graaah! (Uh oh!)

The water tower fell on him as large bodies water splashed all over the streets, short circuiting the voltage creature as Spider-Man swings in and delivers a knockout punch to the monster.

The spider hero turns to Adelaide, who was trying to wake Sid up.

Adelaide: Sid, please wake up!

Spider-Man walks towards the two.

Spider-Man: Here I'll help you up. Tell me what happened?

Adelaide: W-Well my sister and I were being chased by that monster you stopped, I fractured my ankle and Sid was shocked by that electric monster.

Spider-Man: Don't worry. I'll get you guys outta this war zone.

Then Spider-Man's senses went off as he dodges a beam of blue energy, turning to see Alpha Spider approaching.

Alpha Spider: Step away from the two girls! (Blasts Spider-Man)

Spider-Man: (dodging the blasts) Whoa whoa whoa! Hey! Easy, I'm not the one who hurt the two girls!

Adelaide: Stop! He's right, the spider guy saved us!

Spider-Man: It's Spider-Man actually!

Alpha Spider stopped firing her blasts and looks at Spider-Man suspiciously.

Alpha Spider: Ok.... so who are you?

Spider-Man: I'm Spider-Man. And you must be one of the heroes in this city? Are you from a spider multiverse?

Alpha Spider: No and Multiverse?

Spider-Man: Long story.

Alpha Spider: I'm Alpha Spider and I'm literally surprised that you're actually real, my little brother's gonna faint seeing you.

Spider-Man: Oh a big fan, huh?

Alpha Spider: Superheroes are literally his favorite. That aside, what brings you here to Great Lakes City?

Spider-Man: Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. sent me to investigate the outbreak happening here, getting a strange transmission from a crazy nut job named Dr. Streak and to give you & the heroes here a hand.

Alpha Spider: Well, thanks. We do need all the help we can get.

Spider-Man and Alpha Spider helped up Adelaide and the unconscious Sid.

Adelaide: Can you take us to Ronnie Anne and Lincoln's home? We were heading there but the voltage creature chased us.

Alpha Spider: Ok, I'll take you there.

Spider-Man: Hang on.

The two spider heroes carry Adelaide and the unconscious Sid, web slinging out of the area.


Meanwhile, Omega Spider and Phantom Spider were web slinging through the north area of great lakes city, looking for more people who weren't infected by the creatures here, they managed to get a few people to the safe haven Lisa built but their job wasn't done so Alpha Spider remained in the south while Omega Spider and Phantom Spider check the north.

Omega Spider: Man... this outbreak is getting worse and worse.

Phantom Spider: Sigh... I know. It's horrible yet wicked at the same time.

Omega Spider gave her a deadpan look.

Phantom Spider: Sorry, force of habit.


Omega Spider: You hear that, luce?

Phantom Spider: Yeah... someone's in trouble.

The two spider heroes went into action to look for the source of the scream, they find four people surrounded by six infected humans turned monsters. Omega Spider recognized the four people in trouble, they were Ronnie Anne's friends Nikki, Casey, Sameer and Laird.

Nikki was still the tallest of the group back in their young days as kids, she had blossomed over the years having a beautiful figure with some athleticism, light skin and slightly long blonde hair covering the right eye. She was wearing an open sky blue hoodie, a stretchy black shirt which showed off her ample bust, blue jeans and pink & blue shoes.

Casey was a slightly tall man with dark skin, freckles, eye bags and has progressed over the years with a slight athletic figure. He was wearing the same black and white checkered hat, now wears black & red shirt with red & blue hoodie, dark gray cargo shorts and high tops with blue laces.

Sameer was a short man with a slight fair skin, a slight chubby figure with some muscle, thick eyebrows and rugged brown hair. He was wearing a black short sleeved shirt, dark brown cargo shorts and red clogs.

And Laird is a slightly short man with light skin, puffy red hair and has a skinny figure but not too skinny as he shows a bit of athleticism. He still wears glasses, his outfit consists of a navy blue business suit with a white shirt, black blazer, navy blue pants and brown shoes.


Nikki: (laughs) Hahahahahaha! S-Sorry I still laugh when I'm nervous! Someone help us!

Omega Spider and Phantom Spider leaped in front of the four, taking out the infected, one by one, webbing them up & knocking them unconscious.

Sameer: That was cool!

Casey: Superheroes in great lakes city?

Laird: Why do they look like Spider-Man?

Omega Spider: You're safe now but these infected won't stay down for long. Come with us, we'll take you to the safe haven where you'll be secured.

Laird: Phew... thank goodness for that, I was on the verge of panicking if I see more of those monsters.

Casey: Ummm you were already panicking a lot when those things surrounded us.

Laird said nothing while rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish smile.

Phantom Spider: Were any of you bitten or scratched during your fleeing? The safe haven won't let anyone who is infected in.

Sameer: Nope. No bites or scratches here, they tried to but we had to fight our way to escape but it brought us here.

Nikki: No, I haven't been bitten or scratched.

Casey: Me neither.

Laird: Nope.

Omega Spider: Alright.

Phantom Spider: (to Omega Spider) We need to get them there and fast but we can't carry them all at once.

Nikki: Here, my van's not to far from here. I was driving us to Ronnie Anne's but one of those things got in the way so we had to abandon ship. We can still use that to drive to the safe haven while you lead us there.

Omega Spider: Alright then, lead the way.

Nikki nodded as she, Casey, Sameer and Laird ran to the left path with Omega Spider and Phantom Spider following behind them to keep them safe from any infected that would appear.

Soon, they made it to Nikki's van as Sameer and Casey went to the back seat, laird in the front passenger seat and Nikki in the driver's seat as she starts the car.

Nikki: Phew, it still works.

Phantom Spider and Omega Spider were top of the van. Omega Spider looks at Nikki while upside down.

Omega Spider: We'll be up here. If any infected or monster carriers show up, we'll handle it. Keep on driving.

Nikki: You got it.

As Nikki was about to start driving, a long, metallic tail shot out from above, wrapping itself around Omega Spider.

Omega Spider: Gaaaah!!

Phantom Spider: Gasp!

Omega Spider struggles to get out but the tail pulls him away while the van took off.

Phantom Spider: Lincoln...!

Omega Spider: (yells) Stay with the others, I'll catch up!

As the Van left with Phantom Spider, Omega Spider was lifted up by the metallic tail which turned him around to face the Scarlet Scorpion herself.

Scarlet Scorpion: Well, well, well... it seems that the spider is now caught in my web...

Omega Spider: (eyes widened) .....?!

To be continued....

(Chapter 24 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. Spider-man, Sid Chang, Adelaide Chang, Nikki, Casey, Sameer and Laird have make their Loud Spider Alliance debut and Omega Spider/Lincoln Loud has now been caught by Scarlet Scorpion unknown to him is Ronnie Anne Santiago, what'sgonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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