Chapter 22: A Kidnapping & A Predator in the Dark
The seven loud siblings were absolutely shocked by what just transpired, the reveal of the person behind this mutant pandemic happening in Great Lakes City and Royal Woods.... An insane scientist now a bitter and diabolical criminal, Dr. Streak.
Lori: ......
Luna: ......
Lynn: ......
Lincoln: .....
Lucy: .....
Lana: .....
Lisa: ...... Sweet mother of Einstein.
Bobby then entered the living room.
Bobby: Hey guys, abuela made a big helping of food for dinner. You want some-guys?
He noticed that Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana and Lisa staring at the tv in silence.
Bobby: Guys? (To Lori) Babe? Is everything okay?
Lori snaps out of her train of thought and turns to her husband, who had a worried expression.
Lori: Oh uh sorry Bobby, just saw an interference with the news, turns out the sicko who's responsible for the mutant outbreak revealed himself.
Bobby: Whoa really? Who is he & what does he want?
Lisa: Dr. Streak, a scientist who was denied any praise for his research and deemed insane & unstable for his work with human evolutionary experiment, I even bested him once in one of the science expo. Now a dangerous criminal with illegal chemicals and technology, he plans to mutate all human and animal life on earth, starting with great lakes city and royal woods so he can rule the human race.
Bobby: That's horrible! He needs to be stopped!
Lynn: I agree, we need to find him and give him a good old fashioned beatdown!
Luna: But dude, we don't even know where that mad scientist is.
Lana: Yeah. We just learned about that Streak psycho and we don't have any leads or clues to where he might be hiding.
Lisa: We shall worry about the whereabouts of Dr. Streak at a later date, right now we must focus on evacuating the people who aren't infected out of the danger zone & capture various creatures to analyze their DNA in order to synthesize a cure.
The loud siblings nodded but their stomachs started to growl.
Bobby: Yeah but first, you might wanna get some dinner. Can't fight crime on an empty stomach, hehe.
Lori: (rubs the back of her head; smiles sheepishly) Hehe. Yeah.
Luna: I could go for a bite, brah.
Lynn: Same here.
Lincoln: Sure.
Lucy: Sigh... Ok.
Lana: Sure, I could eat.
Lisa: I guess nutrients are acceptable. Plus, I should use my portal pulsar to hurry back to royal to put a barrier over the loud house, hopefully no infected homo sapiens breached it.
Bobby and the louds head back to the dining room to join the rest of the Casagrandes for dinner. But none of them were aware that Ronnie Anne snuck past them from the basement to the front door, closing the door behind her as she walks towards her police hummer.
Getting inside and starting the vehicle, she looks at the address texted to her by the mysterious caller she was talking to before, the Hispanic police woman's thoughts were wrapped up by the deal the man on the phone is offering to get the answers she was looking for as the risks could be dangerous but Ronnie Anne knew she was doing this for her family.
Ronnie Anne: (in her mind) Everyone.... whatever happens to me, I'll make sure you're safe. Mom, I hope you'll be okay and I'll make sure that what happened to you doesn't happened to the others. I will get to the bottom of this mutant pandemic and find the person responsible whether it's those... spider "heroes" or not, someone will pay for this, even if I have make a hellacious deal, someone will pay...
She drives off out of the barrier, away from her and Lincoln's home.
We cut to the laboratory as Dr. Streak was laughing his head off in maniacal and evil glee as he could see that everyone around the world knows who he is and how of a threat he truly is.
Dr. Streak: Hahahahahaha! Excellent, truly Excellent! Now the world's attention is solely on me and my ultimate genius, soon everyone on this earth shall be turned into what they've called me for so long through list of insults... a freak! My neogenetic creatures shall infect the pathetic human species & they all shall bow before me as the king of this newly created world! Hahahahahaha!
He laughs more but stop and looks at the recorded monitors, showing the seven spider heroes. One part of him was angered by the powers of his super spiders being wasted to help pointless humans and the other part was pleased with the results of the abilities in actions, when the time comes Streak will deal with them but for now, he had other business to take care of....
Dr. Streak: Hmmm... perhaps I should give revenge on the People who did me wrong the most, luckily, my dragonfly spy bots are scattered around the great lakes city and royal woods to keep track of my worst enemies.
He turns on the monitors, activating the cameras on his dragonfly-like microscopic drones which were flying around certain areas, he smiled as he found a handful of enemies.
1. Madison Leo, a professional model & once his high school crush but got turned down by her many times on account being stalked or creeped out by him.
2. Brad Rey, a famous wrestler known as Gravity Bradley, a former friend but abandoned him as he claims that Streak was going too far with his experiment & everyone thinks he snapped.
3. Mike 'The Iron Elbow', Another professional wrestler and a jock in his college days, he and his friends once bullied Streak for outsmarting them or hitting on his girlfriend.
4. Beth Young, a scientist and a gunsmith. Like Brad, she was a friend of Streak but she too saw the inhuman acts he's caused and ended their friendship.
5. Dr. Link Cortex, his former mentor along with his fellow scientists, they did everything together and were like a family but... during Dr. Streak's first phase in human experimentation and evolution, His mentor and his fellow scientists didn't see him as a friend or protege, they saw him as a lunatic or an inhuman freak.
The list goes on as Dr. Streak snarled with a vengeance, he then activated his transporters and sent his creations to capture his enemies but then something else caught his eye. On one of the monitors, the dragonfly drone got a glimpse of a yellow circus looking van and the one driving it was a familiar woman with long brown hair and buck teeth.
Dr. Streak: It's her.... (growls) she may look different but I recognize that face. She's the sister of my enemy Lisa Loud, that prodigy brat who outstaged me in the sacred science expo prize! Losing to a child was bad enough but before I could give her a piece of my mind, this buck tooth prankster poured slime on me, humiliating me greatly! She thinks it was sooooo funny to do this to me... (smiles menacingly) I got something planned just for her.
He presses a button as a humanoid, Bat/Hyena creature appeared out of the pod.
Dr. Streak: Bring me the comedy sister of Lisa Loud at once, Alive!
The creature nods as it enters the transporter, Dr. Streak pressing the button as the monster vanished.
Dr. Streak: I want to be angry but things are going my way right now and so I just want to laugh at them all as my enemies are here kneeling at my feet, Hahahahahahahahahaha!
In the darkest part of the great lakes city, we see a middle aged man running from three humanoid alligator monsters in the storm.
Man: Help! Somebody help me!
The three monsters tried to tackle him but he managed to avoid them and turns to the right, running as fast as he could. As the man was trying to outrun the creatures, he came to a complete stop as a dead end was in his path.
The man heard growling & slowly turns around to see the three humanoid alligator beasts crawling towards him, glaring with vicious and hungry red eyes as they were inches away from claiming their prey. The man backed up against the wall, shaking with fear as he was about to be eaten alive.
The three monsters charged at him as the man closed his eyes, not wanting to see his demise coming. But then sudden a roar of agony caught his attention, opening his eyes to the first humanoid alligator beast, who fell to the ground and letting out a pained roar as a couple of dark spikes pierced it's back, eating away at it like acid.
The other two beasts turn to see glowing red eyes in the shadows followed by a ghoulish moan. The man didn't know what was going on or what he should fear more; The beasts that chased him or the red eyed figure in the darkness?
The first creature was laying there, now lifeless as the acid from the dark spikes was eating away at it's flesh, the two creatures looked ready to charge at the figure, who steps out of the darkness to reveal itself.
It was the ghoulish creature who fought the four loud spider heroes at the hospital. The two humanoid alligator beasts ran towards the skeletal spiked creature, aiming to tear it to pieces but the horrific visage evaded each claw strike, feral bite and swift tail whip as it's red eyes widened, shooting out its elongated claws through the throat of the second beast, killing it.
As the monster fell, the third beast attempts to hit the creature with solid hits, knocking it against the walls and still pummeling the creature, who managed to dodged the 30th punch and uses it's tail to pierce the chest but humanoid alligator beast stumbled back to avoid a fatal hit but was too slow to react to the dark spikes shot at it's chest.
The beast roared in agony as it fell to the ground, writhing in pain while the man watched the monster being eaten by acid from the spike, the struggling ceased. The horrific skeletal spike creature let out a ghoulish howl as it begins to dine on the three dead monsters. While the creature was doing so, the man uses this chance to slowly sneak past the creature while it was eating the corpses, he was nervous but kept his cool as he knew that even a slight sound will have the creature's sights set on him. He gulps nervously as he continues to sneak away, he was nearly there until... (crack!) He stepped on an empty soda can.
The man heard growling behind him as he dared to not turn around & face the creeping threat behind him but soon the growling stopped as silence filled the area, making the man even more nervous as it was too quiet. He slowly turns around to sees the creature still feasting the monster corpses, the man sighs in relief as he makes it out of the alleyway but he felt a sharp pain in his chest as the man looks down at saw a blade sticking out of his chest, the man coughs up blood as he slowly turns around to see the skeletal spiked creature standing behind him and from the looks of it, the sharp tail was what stabbed the man. He barely could make a sound to call for help as he felt his life fading as he draws breath no more.
The creature removed it's tail from the lifeless man as his corpse fell.
Creature: (spoke in a haunting, distored voice) Observe... Hunt... Kill... Consume... Survive. Dread... Spike... consume & survive... to adapt further...
The creature now named Dread Spike looks down at the corpse, letting out a ghoulish roar as he begins to feast on it.
We cut to royal woods as we see yellow, circus looking van driving towards through town in the storm. Driving the van was a 24 year old Luan Loud; She was slightly tall, fair skin, long light brown hair in a ponytail, same buckteeth but no braces and a graceful figure. She was wearing a yellow striped sweater, a brown business coat with a squirting flower, white jeans and brown shoes with squirting flowers. She and her husband Benny are co-owners on the new & improved funny business inc where they performed comedy, pranks and circus acts not just on birthdays but everywhere in the entire world and business is booming.
Right now, she was talking to her husband Benny on the phone WHILE keep her eyes on the road.
Luan: (on the phone) I still can't believe that they mixed up your flight and ya gotta wait for the next plane to royal woods. Yes, I wanted to come to royal woods early to see the family still living at the good old loud house, I really missed the good times we had so why not? Hehehe, it's okay Ben, it's ain't your fault. Hope you make it to royal woods though, wouldn't be much fun without ya Benny. Awww, I love you too, bye.
Luan hangs up the phone as she went back to driving. Upon driving further into town, Luan noticed that the road was messed up, seeing cracks, holes, giant footprints and slime....? That confused her as she looks ahead and gasps, seeing most of the town damaged and people running from monsters and infected humans.
Luan: What the?!
Luan stomps on the breaks as her van came to a complete halt, seeing the destruction.
Luan: Talk about a 'monstory' of events, hahaha! Get it? But seriously, what's happening?!
The police and S.W.A.T. unit of royal woods were fighting off the creatures and infected humans with everything they had but the strength in numbers was too great as they all swarmed and turned.
Luan then put the van in reverse as she drives to a different path.
Luan: Oh man, oh man, oh man. I gotta get to the loud house and warn the family, hopefully they're okay!
Luan drives fast through the road, avoiding and dodging people running from monsters as she heads to her old neighborhood. The comedian sees the loud house 3 blocks away and surprisingly untouched by the carnage that's happening in town, Luan sighs in relief as she was almost there-
The circus looking van was blown away by an intense force as it crashed into another car on impact, flipped upside down and seriously damage. Inside the van, Luan was hanging upside down with some scrapes and bruises but thankfully nothing was broken, the comedian let out a low groan as she undid her seatbelt and slowly crawled through the broken window out of the damaged van. Once she was out completely, her van blow up and sends her flying into the road.
Luan: Ooooooh, t-that's gotta hurt... guest my circus van went out with a 'Bang', hehehe-owww... it hurts like laugh.
Then a shadow loomed over Luan as she looks up, her eyes widened in fear. Looking down at the comedian was the humanoid Bat/Hyena creature Dr. Streak sent.
Luan: Uh oh....
Creature: (growly male voice) Target... Grrrr... Identified. Tarrrrrget, Luan loud... confirrrmed...
The creature then grabs Luan by the neck and lifts her up to his level, looking her in the eyes. Luan struggles and tries to get out of the grip by hitting the creature's arm but it wouldn't budge.
Luan: Ack... let me go...!
Creature: Neverrrr... Masterrrr has plans forrrr you, hehehehahahaha!!
A red portal opens up the creature drags Luan towards it, the comedian's struggling proved useless as she and the creature disappeared through the portal as it closed completely.
To be continued...
(Chapter 22 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and my two sketches of Older Luan & The Creature and let me know what you think of it. My OC Dread Spike (from the loud symbiotes) is making an appearance as the creature from my horror in the hospital chapter in loud spider alliance. Luan's been kidnapped by Dr. Streak's creature and Ronnie Anne is leaving to meet the mysterious caller. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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