Chapter 21: A Cold Poison: A Broadcast & Gwen's New Experiment

It wasn't long before the five spider heroes made it to Lincoln's house before Ronnie Anne, they went through the window of the guest room, where they found Luna and Lisa in their normal attire.

Lisa: Greetings Siblings.

Luna: Hey dudes, did you find Ronnie Anne's mom?

Lynn removes her mask.

Lynn: Oh... we found her alright...

Lori, Lana, Lucy and Lincoln removed their masks as they had sullen looks.

Luna: What's the matter dudes?

Lucy: Sigh... Maria had to... sacrifice her right arm to risk infection...

Luna: Sacrifice? You mean she had to cut it off?

Lana: Uh-huh. We got the lizard mutant who bit her so you can analyze it lisa, it's all webbed up in the back.

Lisa: Excellent. And what of Ronnie Anne, first eldest sibling? You did accompany her on your way to the hospital.

Lori: .....

Lincoln: .......

Lisa: Hmm?

Luna: Bro? Sis?

Lori: Ronnie Anne's mom is alive but very injured and like Lucy said, she got bitten and had to cut off her arm to prevent from being infected. I met up with Lincoln, Lucy, Lynn and Lana as I saw Maria in this condition... Ronnie Anne followed and well....... she jumped to conclusions &  misunderstood the predicament.

Lynn: She even pointed a gun at her.

Luna: What?!

Lisa: And what did you do?

Lana: Well Lincoln placed Maria on the ground to Ronnie Anne and... we got out of there.

Lisa: And by my conclusion, she holds you responsible for her... condition.

Lincoln: Yes...

Lisa: And you didn't tell her what really transpired with her mother?

Lynn: Well for one, she was yelling and threatening to shoot at us which she did.

Lisa: I doubt a bullet can hurt you with your powers. Why didn't you tell her the truth?

Lincoln: I didn't know what to say... I just... I just froze there... I've seen Ronnie Anne mad but... those eyes... those eyes will burn deep into my brain.

Lori: I've never seen Ronnie Anne THIS angry before, I don't know what stopped me from explaining what happened.

Luna: Heavy dudes...

Lincoln: I was so stupid not to say anything... Now she probably hates us, well... our superhero selves.

Lana: She'll probably blame us for the mutation apocalypse happening too.

Lisa: We'll find a solution and work something out with Ronnie Anne in time but now we have a job to do.

Then they heard screams of the Casagrandes as the seven loud siblings ran downstairs to see the Casagrandes gathering around Ronnie Anne who was carrying her unconscious mother towards the couch.

Bobby: Mom!

Rosa: Aye! Maria!

Hector: What happened to her?!

Ronnie Anne: ......

Bobby: Ronnie Anne...?

Before Ronnie Anne could reply, the seven loud siblings made their presence known as they entered the room (in their normal attires). Bobby noticed them entering and immediately acted.

Bobby: Hey guys, glad you are safe!

The Casagrande family and Ronnie Anne turn their attention to them.

Lincoln: Hey.... sorry if we had you worried.

Carlota: Where were you guys?

Lori: We were heading down to...... order a pizza for everyone when these monsters showed up.

Luna: Yeah, those things were freaky dudes.

Lynn: Luckily those heroes got us to safety.

The Casagrande family and Bobby sighed in relief while Ronnie Anne had an ominous look.

Carl: Where did you guys come from?

Lincoln: The back door.

Bobby: (playing around) And what brings Lisa, Lucy and Lana here?

Lisa: Science experiment of my teleportation tech. It worked perfectly, hmmm... (Looks at the unconscious Maria) it seems Ms. Santiago has lost her arm. Luckily for us, I have my emergency first aid kit.

Lisa pulls out said kit as she tends to Maria's injuries while Ronnie Anne walks up to Lincoln and pulls him into a hug. The white haired man felt tears going down his shoulder as he comforted his wife with a look of sadness and guilt.


Meanwhile, in the same huge laboratory of the insane, malicious man in science who caused this catastrophic outbreak, the man who unleashed these infectious mutant monstrosities upon the world known as Dr. Streak.

The mad scientist watched on the multi screens of his monitors with an amused grin on his face as his creations were wrecking havoc on the cities and spreading their virus to other people at a very quick pace.

Dr. Streak: Hehehehe... Hahahaha! Yes! Yes! Yes! Excellent work my creations, soon everyone shall be a monster under my control and the world will belong to me! Huh...? It can't be... (Noticed the seven spider heroes on screen and the powers they've displayed as he got the answer) Hmmm... quite intriguing, it seems that my super spiders found a few humans to transfer their powers to. Though it's a shame that they're wasting all of that potential and power on helping worthless lives! Grrrrr... I'll deal with them soon enough but for now....

He presses a button as multiple cameras came out from the ceiling, facing him.

Dr. Streak: It's time the world knows of my presence as my public awaits me, Hahahahahaha!


We cut back to Lincoln's house as Lisa managed to treat Maria's wounds as Frida and Bobby moved her to the guest room. Lisa explains that Maria will be ok but she'll be in a comatose state, such to everyone's dismay.

As the Casagrande family was in the kitchen preparing dinner and trying to take their minds off Maria's condition, Bobby and the seven loud siblings were in Ronnie Anne and Lincoln's bedroom as Lori explained what happened.

Bobby: So a lizard mutant, who you caught, bit Mom as she had to cut her arm to prevent from being infected while you had to search the whole hospital for her. Then as you got out, Ronnie Anne caught you and mistakenly believed that you caused the injury and shot at you?

Lynn: Sounds odd when you say it but yeah.

Lucy: Sigh... she look tired and those eyes burned into our very souls.

Lincoln: I've seen Ronnie Anne angry before but that stare she gave us looked like she wanted to shoot us in the head or worse... now she must hate us right now.

Lana: Well our superhero selves that is.

Bobby: It's fine guys, I don't blame you. Nini does take her job seriously and tends to get highly stressed and angered, especially with lack of sleep with taking extra shifts.

Lincoln: I know that.

Bobby: But don't worry, we'll figure this out somehow.

Lori: Thanks Bobby.

A knock at the door was heard as everyone went quiet.

Lincoln: Who is it?

Ronnie Anne: Let me in, Lincoln.

Hearing the stern tone in his wife's voice, Lincoln sighs as he opened the door as Ronnie Anne entered the room.

Lincoln: Hey.

Bobby: You doing okay, NiNi?

Ronnie Anne: I'm fine...

Bobby: Ronnie Anne....

Ronnie anne: Ok, I'm not fine. I'm pissed off right now, mom lost an arm, is in a comatose state and out of the blue some masked freaks come out of the hospital with her injured. They will pay for hurting her, I promise them that.

The seven loud siblings faces went pale as a ghost.

Lincoln: Now Ronnie Anne, calm down. Let's not make a scene.

Bobby: Yeah, I know you're all tired and stressed out but let's not jump to conclusions here. Those masked heroes saved the Casagrandes from those creatures out there as well as Lincoln and his sisters, so why would they hurt Mom? Please think about this NiNi.

Ronnie Anne: I appreciate the help but I need to be by myself at the moment. I'm glad you guys are safe and not hurt. But one way or another, I will get to the bottom of this... the infection of these creatures and these masked "heroes"......

Lincoln, Bobby and the six loud sisters heard sneering tone in Ronnie Anne's voice.

Ronnie Anne: (glares) Because by the end of this, someone is going to pay....

Ronnie Anne then leaves the room.

Lincoln: (whispers) Ronnie Anne.... I'm sorry.



Gwen drives back to her house, carrying her pulsar guns as she blasted any creatures or infected humans near her, quickly unlocking the door and heading inside as she presses a button to seal it shut.

She heads to the basement, opening up the book case to the passageway as she puts her hand on the scan and said her password on the intercom.

Gwen: We. Are. Venom.

Her password was accepted as she enters her secret lab, walking towards the container full of the red and black slime substance. She stares at it for a moment before grabbing two viles of chemicals.

Gwen: This'll help stabilize the living organism...

Gwen carefully and slowly mixed the two unique chemicals as the substance started to glow purple and bubbling rapidly for a moment until it stopped.

Gwen: Perfect.

Gwen then opened the container and pours the mixed chemical into the red and black slime substance within the container as the slime started to  spasm uncontrollably with a loud shriek.

Gwen: C'mon... c'mon...

The spasms and shrieking continues for a couple of moments before the slime begins to slowly calm down.

Gwen: Excellent.

Gwen then grabs a syringe gun as she places it in the container, pulling the trigger as it sucks the slime from the container into the syringe.

Gwen: Alright... It's time to test this out. Hope this'll bring good results.

Gwen then aims the syringe gun to her right arm and pulled the trigger as the slime substance was injected with her arm. At first, Gwen wasn't feeling any different until she suddenly fell to her knees and clutches her body in pain.

Gwen: Ack... Aaaaggghhhhh!!!!

We then see the shadow of Gwen on the wall, screaming in agony as her voice begins to distort while the shadow changes & reveals her body transforming into something monstrous.


Meanwhile at Lincoln's house, we see the Casagrandes (sans Ronnie Anne and Maria) and the seven loud siblings watching a news broadcast coming from the safe haven Lisa constructed far south away from the great lakes city.

New Reporter: Hello, this is Antonio Masters reporting to you all at this undisclosed location. For all those out there that can see & hear me around the world, this is important! These... horrific creatures have plagued our fair great lakes city, infecting most of our civilians through bite or scratch to transform into a monster as the infection spreads like wildfire! The same can be said for royal woods, I'm not sure about the rest of the world but right now half a million of the people are secured in this safe haven builded by these mysterious masked heroes.

Lincoln and the six loud sisters heard right by that.

Antonio: We've got word and videos of these seven spider themed heroes, helping out the citizens of this city and evaluating those who aren't infected towards this safe haven constructed by this... green and black tech spider hero (Arachna-Prime).

Videos of Omega Spider, Alpha Spider, Midnight Spider, Wild Arachnid, Crimson Spider, Phantom Spider and Arachna-Prime assisting the people of the city and fighting off the creatures was shown on TV.

CJ: Cool!

Carl: (A bit jealous) Hmph, I could've taken them.

Carlota smacks him over the head.

Carl: Ow!

Carlota: Shush!

Antonio: This may be a squad of new spider heroes and some say they are trained proteges by the web slinging hero of New York, Spider-Man. Well whoever they are, they're our only hope to stop this chaos. Be safe to those out there, this is Antonio Masters signing off.

The news was over.

Hector: Things are getting loco out there.

Rosa: Hopefully those heroes will help bring peace back to our fair city. Now... let us eat, I've prepared a feast.

Rosa heads to the dining room with the rest of the Casagrandes following her while Lincoln, Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana and Lisa remained in the living room.

Lincoln: Wow...

Lynn: This is... awesome!

Lana: Yeah, being the heroes here is sooo cool!

Lisa: True but we're not doing this for fame, we need to fight off these creatures, analyze their DNA and synthesize a cure.

Suddenly, the TV started to act up.

Lincoln: Huh?

Luna: What's going on with the Tv bro?

Lincoln: I don't know, it's not broken but something's happening...

Lisa: The Television broadcast system is being breached... a transmission is coming in.

Soon, the statics on the television started to clear up reveal... Dr. Streak.

Lynn: Who the hell is that?

Lori: I literally have no idea.

Dr. Streak: (On Tv) Attention all lower minds of the world, don't bother changing the channel, I'm in control of all the broadcast systems everywhere. For those who do or don't know who I am... I am Dr. Streak, the most brilliant mind and inventor of all time!

Lynn: Well... this guy's insane.

Lisa: I know him... Dr. Streak, he was a... peculiar type of scientist in his time. He's a wanted criminal for various illegal possession in strange chemicals and vast technology to use people as test subjects, claiming to be the next step to evolution but was mocked & laughed at, deemed crazy, unstable, in short terms... a mad, egotistical scientist.

Lana: Like you?

Lisa: Hey! I may have my... mistakes but I'm nothing like that criminal.

Dr. Streak: (On Tv) As I speak, the entire population has had a run in with my glorious creations, spreading their virus and infecting the human lives in great lakes city, royal woods and counting... (grins)

Lincoln: What...?

Lynn: He made those monsters?!

Lucy: Sigh... tampering with forces he doesn't understand...

Dr. Streak: You all had this coming... all a part of my revenge, all these years, I've been made an utter fool of, called crazy and insane for my supreme brilliance! Well no more! Everyone will suffer, everyone who has ever crossed me & denied me my right as the ultimate mind in science and evolution! Once my creations virus spread throughout the world, I'll control it all & it shall be a new age where I'll be the king of evolution! Hahahahahaha!

The seven loud siblings eyes widened in shock.

Dr. Streak: And as for the seven spider themed heroes..... (grins evilly in the screen) I'll be seeing you in due time. You all know who I am, you don't know where I am... and you'll never know when I'll strike next, hahaha!!! Goodbye!

The transmission ended in dead silent.


Ronnie Anne was in the guest room of the basement, it looked like a man cave of some sorts, wide plasma tv, two huge beds, a mini fridge, a desk with a laptop and lamp, a book case, a videogame and DVD case, etc.

The Hispanic woman was laying in bed, trying to calm herself down of all that was happening until she hears her phone ringing. She picks it up and answer the call.

Ronnie Anne: Hello?

???: Greetings Officer Ronnie Anne Santiago.

Ronnie Anne: Who are you? How did you get my number?

???: Who am I is not important but I'm here to help you.

Ronnie Anne: Why would I need help from a stranger I've never met?

???: Oh trust me... I know you need the assistance to bring down these masked powered vigilantes. I mean, your mother was hurt and lost an arm because of them, right...?

That caused something to snap in Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne: (angered) Whatta you know about that?!

???: How I know is none of your concern but here's what I'm offering, I will give you the power and tech needed to best those vigilantes, get revenge for your mother and become the hero that ends this mutant apocalypse..... whatta you say....?

Ronnie Anne: ....... I'm listening.

To be continued....

(Chapter 21 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. Things are getting intense, what's going to happen next? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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