Chapter 19: Horror in the Hospital Pt. 1
Omega Spider, Wild Arachnid, Crimson Spider and Phantom Spider were web slinging through the storm of the city as they were heading to the hospital to retrieve Maria Santiago.
Omega Spider: Ok, the hospital should around this pathway.
Crimson Spider: Alright then, lead the way.
The four heroes make a sharp left turn in going downtown before turning to the right, leaping up to the rooftops while running and jumping across the rooftops. Soon, after jumping off the last rooftop, they made it to the great lakes city hospital but the place looked very damaged and it was crawling with hybrid monster and infected humans.
Wild Arachnid: Whoa... the hospital got wrecked...
Phantom Spider: And place is crawling with those creatures and the people infected by them.
Crimson Spider: Then we gotta fight our way through them to get to Maria.
Omega Spider: True but we need to be careful, if any of us gets bitten or scratched by those things... it's over.
Phantom Spider: Sigh... I can knock them out by surprise.
Omega Spider: You sure luce?
Phantom Spider: I've always had the elements of surprise on my side and with my new abilities, I can easily knock out the ones blocking the front door.
Omega Spider: Very well, be careful luce.
Crimson Spider: If something happens to you, screw stealth, we're jumping in.
Phantom Spider nods as she vanished completely from sight.
Wild Arachnid: Cool.
The three noticed a couple of creatures and infected people being knocked out a peg by surprise from an unseen force before they could even react as they were webbed up very strongly.
Phantom Spider reappeared and gave the signal that it's all clear. The three siblings swung over to meet her.
Crimson Spider: Great work luce.
Phantom Spider: Sigh... no problem.
The four entered the hospital, as they got inside... it was much worse than the outside. It looked like the inside of a horror movie, floors and walls cracked and stained with blood, light damaged and flickering on and off, several dead bodies of doctors, nurses and patients on the floor.
Wild Arachnid: Whoa... that's creepy...
Crimson Spider: Look at what happened here...
Phantom Spider: Wicked...
Omega Spider: Lucy!
Phantom Spider: Sigh... sorry.
Omega Spider: Let's just go find Maria, hope she's okay.
The four heroes walked through the halls of the hospital to search for Maria as they were being watched by something from the shadows... a whole lot of something...
After a few miles of driving through the city and avoiding the creatures and infected people running around, Gwen and the others reached the neighborhood, finally stopping by Lincoln and Ronnie anne's house with the barrier still protecting it.
Alpha Spider: Quick everyone, get inside!
Alpha Spider, Midnight Spider and Arachna-prime quickly escorted the casagrandes family inside the house while Gwen remained in the bus.
Gwen: You guys go ahead, I gotta head to my house to get a few things.
Midnight Spider: You gonna be alright dude?
Gwen: Don't worry, I'll be right back.
Midnight Spider nodded as Gwen drove away. Alpha Spider, Midnight Spider and Arachna-prime entered the house to see Bobby in a group hug with the casagrande family.
Bobby: Oh I'm so glad you guys are safe.
Rosa: You as well Roberto.
Hector: Aye, those things we saw were just horrifying...
Carlos: Y-yeah...
CJ: Luckily, these spiderman like heroes saved us.
Bobby secretly gave Alpha Spider, Midnight Spider and Arachna-prime a thumbs up while Alpha Spider returns the gesture.
Carl: (smirks) luckily I managed to hold those creatures off with all my strength and courage.
Carlota: (rolls her eyes) Please Carl, You were screaming and hiding behind me in fear saying, "DON'T EAT ME! DON'T EAT ME! I DON'T TASTE GOOD, TAKE CARLOTA!"
Carl: I-I was not!
CJ: Oh yes you were.
Carl looks away, grumbling.
Bobby: Anyways, thanks again for saving them and-wait...? Where's Mom?
The casagrandes was silent for a moment until frida spoke.
Frida: Maria is still at the great lakes city hospital but that orange, blue, red and black masked heroes went off to find her.
Bobby freaked out.
Bobby: What?! Oh no!
Alpha Spider; Easy there, my sibl-I mean teammates are heading for the hospital to get her... (whispers in bobby's ear) It'll be okay boo boo bear, I promise.
Bobby calms down but sighs.
Bobby: Ok, I hope you're right... I don't want Mom to get bitten or scratched by those... things.
???: What about Mom?
Bobby and The Casagrandes screamed though Alpha Spider, Midnight Spider and Arachna-prime sensed someone coming but it wasn't an enemy. All eyes were on Ronnie anne, who walked down the stairs with a look of concern. The three spider heroes quickly hid in the kitchen before Ronnie anne could see them.
Bobby: Ummm, nothing NiNi, just.... everything's normal! (Smiles nervously)
Ronnie anne had a suspicious glare.
Ronnie anne: Bobby, don't lie to me. What. About. Mom?
The four spider heroes were walking through the eerie halls of the hospital, on their guard as they were keeping their eyes open for anything suspicious.
Crimson Spider: It sure is quiet around here... too quiet...
Wild Arachnid: Guys, I'm smelling a lot of mutant scents and my spider sense is going crazy.
Phantom Spider: Sigh... mine too. They're waiting in the shadows... for the right moment to strike.
On que, something launched out of the shadows to tackle Wild Arachnid to the ground. It was an infected doctor who looked like a deformed combination of a man and a warthog, letting out a roar as it tries to bite Wild Arachnid, who was keeping him from doing so.
Wild Arachnid: AAAAHH!! Get off me! (Punches the beast in his snout before kicking him off her)
The infected doctor squealed in pain as Crimson Spider shoulder tackles him into the walls with a thud followed by Omega Spider shocking the infected doctor with his electric webs, knocking him unconscious.
Wild Arachnid: That was close, thanks guys.
Crimson Spider: No problem. (Spider sense) Guys, I'm feeling a lot of danger coming this way.
Omega Spider, Wild Arachnid and Phantom Spider look to where Crimson Spider was pointing, seeing a bunch of sinister glowing red eyes in the shadows, followed by some eerie low moans, groans and growls.
The four spider heroes got into fighting stance as a couple of mutant rat/cockroach hybrids came out of the rooms, charging at them.
Crimson Spider: Incoming!
Crimson Spider ran towards the mutants, trying to smash them. But each one she puts down, another one comes back for more. The rat/cockroach hybrid creatures were going to swarm her but Wild Arachnid jumps in and claws at them.
Wild Arachnid: Raaaagh!!
As she was helping Crimson Spider, Omega Spider knocks a couple of them back as he webs them down as Phantom Spider was taking them out swiftly before webbing them down.
Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid were bashing the mutant hybrids heads in, laying the smackdown on them before webbing them down.
Crimson Spider: Well that takes care of them.
Omega Spider: C'mon, we better search for Maria. Lucy and I will search this way and Lynn, you and Lana will take that way.
The three sisters nodded as they split up to cover more ground and search for Maria Santiago.
Alpha Spider was secretly web swinging behind Ronnie anne, who was driving her police hummer through the neighborhood very fast with an angry look on her face. The Santiago Police Officer couldn't believe what she heard from her family of what was happening around town, including her mother being in this madness not to mention Lori, Luna, Lynn & Lincoln's 'disappearance'.
She didn't know what was happening here but she needed to hurry to save her mother and find lincoln and his three sisters, wherever they are in this carnage.
Alpha Spider was quietly following Ronnie anne as the oldest loud now spider hero didn't want her to get hurt or worse, it was hard for Bobby and the Casagrandes to keep Ronnie anne from going out where these dangerous creatures and infected people are running around but Ronnie anne takes her job very job seriously no matter how dangerous so Lori/Alpha Spider decided to go with her as Backup.
Alpha Spider: (in her mind) Ronnie anne.... sigh, Lincoln, Lynn, Lana, Lucy, I hope you find Maria in time...
The four spider heroes split up as they managed to search the first floor, only to find only hybrid monsters and infected people, taking them down but no sign of Maria. So they went up, Omega Spider and Phantom Spider stayed on the second floor while Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid search the third floor.
So far, Omega and Phantom were searching the rooms as some were empty.
Omega Spider: Man... Some people must've cleared out.
Phantom Spider phased out of the walls.
Phantom Spider: Sigh.... searched the rooms down the halls, some empty and some had creatures, no Maria in sight.
Omega Spider; Damn it... We'll have to meet Lynn and Lana on the third floor-
Omega Spider was cut off by a ghoulish howl as he and Phantom Spider saw a large, humanoid white wolf appearing out of one of the rooms with glowing red eyes as it growled viciously at them.
Omega Spider: A werewolf mutant.
Phantom Spider: Sigh... I'm more of a Vampire Fan. Let's put this wolf down.
Omega Spider: Right.
The two got ready as the wolf creature lunged at them.
On the third floor, Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid were walking away from a pile of beaten & webbed down infected mutant doctors and nurses as they continued to search.
Crimson Spider: Where is she?!
She was checking each room, only to find either nothing or infected mutant patients trying to get the jump on her.
Crimson Spider: Raaaaggghhh!!!
They ganged up on her, trying to kill her but Crimson Spider starts fighting back and hard, unleashing her massive strength upon the infected patients but didn't kill them since they were once normal people.
She soon webs them up.
Crimson Spider: Phew...
Wild Arachnid was seen dragging away a huge, bulky lizard creature by it's tail. It was unconscious with a few bruises.
Wild Arachnid: Lynn, look what I caught.
Crimson Spider: A giant lizard?
Wild Arachnid: Yes, it's not an infected human, one of the original creatures, I'm taking it to Lisa to analyze it. Now before you say anything, I'm not keeping it as a pet... even though I really want to... but Lisa did say that she needs the original creatures that caused the infection so she could study it to find a cure.
Crimson Spider: Uh-huh... any sign of Maria?
Wild Arachnid: Actually... I smell a familiar scent from this lizard and No Maria isn't this creature but her scent is on it and I found a trail leading to the fourth floor.
Crimson Spider: Great! Lead the way lans, I take this off your hands (lifts the unconscious bulky lizard creature over her shoulder with ease) Let's go.
Wild Arachnid starts running while sniffing the trail with Crimson Spider following her up to the fourth floor, unaware that a horrifying figure was following them from the darkness.
Back at the second floor, Omega Spider and Phantom Spider had their hands full with the wolf creature. The monster was trying to sink it's claws into them both but the two siblings were on the defensive, phantom spider tries web up the beast only for the webbing to be torn to shreds as the wolf creature lunged at phantom spider for a shoulder tackle but phantom spider went intangible, making the wolf creature go through her and crash through a wall.
It recovers, letting out a furious growl as the wolf creature let out a powerful howling shockwave, leveling the entire halls and heading straight for Phantom Spider.
Phantom Spider: Gasp...
Omega Spider tackles her into one of the rooms as the shockwave missed.
Omega Spider: You ok luce?
Phantom Spider: Sigh... I'm fine, thanks for the save- (spider sense) Look out!
Both rolled out of the way, dodging another howling shockwave. Omega Spider fires his electric webs at the wolf creature, shocking it as the beast let out a pained howl but it was only stunned for a moment.
Omega Spider hits a spinning kick to the beast while Phantom Spider leaps and hits a front dropkick to the beast, making it stumble back to the walls. The wolf creature growled angrily as it unleashed another howl shockwave to the two siblings, who dodged it and shot webs in the beast's eyes.
The wolf creature growled and grunted as it tries to pull the webs off it's eyes. The beast managed to do so but it was too late the wolf creature received a double punch to the face by Omega Spider and Phantom Spider, knocking it unconscious.
Omega Spider: Well he's out.
Phantom Spider: Sigh... let's get to Lynn and Lana to see if they found anything.
Omega Spider nodded as he and Phantom Spider head up to the third floor, seeing a couple of unconscious infected people on the ground, webbed up, meaning that Lynn and Lana searched this area.
The two then head to the fourth floor where they met up with Wild Arachnid and Crimson Spider, who was carrying an unconscious bulky lizard creature.
Phantom Spider: Hey.
Crimson Spider: Hey linc, Hey luce.
Omega Spider: Why are you carrying a lizard creature?
Wild Arachnid: For Lisa to analyze.
Omega Spider: Oh ok.
Wild Arachnid: Anyways, I got Maria's scent from this creature, she's on this floor.
Omega Spider: You don't think she's-
Wild Arachnid: I don't know for sure but we better find her and fast-
Their spider sense went off.
Omega Spider: What's going on?
Soon, a ghoulish moan was heard followed by a huge creaking sound.
Crimson Spider: Did anyone else heard that...?
Phantom Spider: Sigh... an ominous presence is near...
The ghoulish moan was heard again but louder as footsteps were heard from one of the emergency rooms. The four spider heroes noticed a silhouette in the shadows, it had a human like shape but it didn't look human as the figure approaches the four siblings.
Soon, the figure was out of the shadows as its presence was a terrifying visage. The thing was about 8 ft tall, walking upright, slender yet athletic build, skin as pale as a ghost, long black hair, had a skeletal armored mask with four sharp horns on its head, diamond like sharp skeletal teeth and eyes pure red. The thing's body was coated in a skeletal white & spiky armor, the muscle and heart exposed with black pulsating veins, elongated bone claws and a sharp skeletal tail.
The monstrous figure let out a ghoulish howl as it's eerie eyes were on the four siblings.
Wild Arachnid: So... terrifying...
Omega Spider: It looks like something straight out of a nightmare...
Phantom Spider: Gasp...
Crimson Spider: Luce, you always wanted to experience being in a horror movie... well, you're about to get your wish...
To be continued....
(Chapter 19 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter. The four loud spider heroes are so close to finding Maria Santiago but a nightmarish visage blocks their path. Can they overcome this terrifying creature? Find out next chapter, this chapter....)
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