Chapter 18: Gear up!

In Gwen's lab, Lisa and Gwen were creating various gadgets for their missions while the six loud siblings were trying on their new spider hero suits.

Lincoln: Cool.

Luna: A perfect fit too dude, these suits are amazing.

Lynn: Yeah. Have the powers and now we look the part.

Lana: I agree.

Lori: Literally.

Lucy: Sigh... yeah.

Gwen: Okay, plasma shields.

Lisa: Check. Steel Harden Web grenades.

Gwen: Check. Stun pulsar guns.

Lisa: Check. Tracking devices.

Gwen: Check. Smoke bombs.

Lisa: Check.

Lisa then noticed something on the left side of gwen's front desk, a container tube and inside it was a pile of black and red slime.

Lisa: Hmmm...

Lisa then reached out to touch the container but her hand was grabbed by gwen, who had an ominous look in her eyes.

Gwen: I'm gonna say this only once, lisa. Do. Not. Touch.

Gwen slowly releases lisa's hand and goes back to securing gadgets as the genius loud was silent.

Lisa: ..... (in her mind) well... I take it that she doesn't want anyone messing with this... (looks at the container) organic lifeform within it. Very well, as intriguing as it looks I'll leave it alone.

Lisa went back to securing gadgets, unaware that the red and black slime within the container slightly moved.

Lincoln: Alright, is everything good?

Lori: Yep.

Luna: We're all set bro.

Lynn: Ready!

Lucy: Sigh... all prepared.

Lana: All geared up!

Lisa: Everything is equipped.

Gwen: Good to go.

Lincoln: Great, now let's deal out some justice. (Puts on the mask)



A woman was screaming loudly as she along with a lot of people were running away in terror as numerous creatures were wrecking havok within the great lakes city.

The numerous creatures were once citizens of this town but one bite or scratch from those infected spreads instantly like a contagious disease, transforming a person with a hideous, ravenous beast.

The cops were evacuating the citizens of the town out of the area to safety while the S.W.A.T. team hold off the monstrosities and surprisingly, they're holding their own against the carnivorous beasts.

But how long can the S.W.A.T. unit hold them off?

S.W.A.T. officer 1: Damn it, this is getting too crazy for me!

S.W.A.T. officer 2: I know! This feels like a zombie apocalypse except where are the zombie?! All I see is mutant beasts!

S.W.A.T. officer 3: There's too many of them! Backup! I need Backup-AGH!!!

He gets attacked and turned.

S.W.A.T. officer 4: Oh god...

S.W.A.T. officer 5: We have to hold these monsters here and not risk having any infected civilians get out of the city!

Female S.W.A.T. officer: No! Stay away from me!

She was shooting at an armadillo/dragonfly hybrid creature but the bullets weren't doing anything to its armor. The beast screeches as it pounces the female officer to the ground, biting her on the left arm, the woman screamed in pain for help but it was too late.

She was already infected.

S.W.A.T. officer 1: We have to retreat and strategize!

The S.W.A.T. officers retreated as the mutated beasts followed in pursuit. The helicopter was in their sights as they runs towards it, the mutated beasts caught up and tackled 5 more S.W.A.T. officers and biting them as they turned.

The other 4 S.W.A.T. officers made it to the helicopter, the pilot wastes no time in getting the helicopter into the stormy air as the mutated beasts failed to reach them.

The cops were evacuating the citizens to safety as one of them noticed a rhino/jackal hybrid creature charging straight for them, ready to ram through the crowd. Everyone was panicking as the cops were trying to restore order to no avail as the hybrid was getting closer to ram them.

As the rhino/jackal hybrid was about to charge through the crowd, something got in it's way, stopping the creature in it's path. The crowd and cops got a look at what stopped the creature in it's track.

It was the Crimson Spider (Lynn) and Wild Arachnid (Lana) holding the beast back.

Crimson Spider: What are you all waiting for?! Get to safety!

Wild Arachnid: Yeah, Go!

The crowd was surprised by this but listened as the cops lead them away. Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid then gripped the rhino/jackal creature by it's horn and begins spinning it around.

Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid: RAAAAAAHHHHHH!!

The two throw the creature halfway across town. Soon, a humanoid bat creature was approaching Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid but was intercepted by the Phantom Spider (Lucy) as she grabbed the creature's large ears as it screeched, allowing phantom spider to force the humanoid bat creature to fly into one, two, three, four and five more bat hybrids into a billboard as she glided over to Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid with her cape.

Crimson Spider: Nice one luce.

Wild Arachnid: Great landing as well.

Phantom Spider: Sigh... no problem.

Then a couple of humanoid leopard  hybrids running towards crimson spider and phantom spider, wanting to tear them apart. Crimson Spider double clotheslined the first two down, Wild Arachnid caught the next batch and knocked them out with a savage assault and Phantom Spider shot out black webs which caught the creatures as they fell to the ground.

Soon, the streets were rumbling as Crimson Spider, Wild Arachnid and Phantom Spider look to see a horde of humanoid muscle bound bull mutants running through the streets, mauling everything in their path.

Crimson Spider: (Cracks her knuckles) A bull beatdown fest, my lucky day.

Wild Arachnid: (Claws barred) Grrrr...

Phantom Spider: Sighhhhhh...

The three hero siblings got into fighting stance as the bull mutant horde was approaching and fast. Just as they were about to fight them, a figure jumps in front of the three heroes in the form of the Midnight Spider (Luna).

Midnight Spider: Alright dudes, time to face the music!!

Midnight Spider inhaled deeply, seeing the humanoid bull mutant horde getting closer and closer. Just as they were close enough, Midnight Spider released a huge sonic scream which stopped the horde in it's tracks, the bull mutant horde fell to the ground and roared in pain with the sonic scream ringing in their ears.

Seeing the horde stunned by Midnight Spider's attack, Crimson Spider, Wild Arachnid and Phantom uses this moment to attack. Phantom Spider would web up the bull mutants while Crimson Spider and Wild Arachnid  knocks their heads in unconscious.

Crimson Spider: Thanks for the assist lunes.

Phantom Spider: Sigh... Thanks.

Wild Arachnid: Way to show off your killer voice.

Midnight Spider: No prob dudes.

A Loud scream was heard the four siblings noticed a Latina woman clinging to her baby girl in fear as a disfigured looking, jellyfish infected human approaches them.

Latina woman: No! Not my baby! Stay away from us!

The infected human jellyfish hybrid only loomed closer and closer to pounce but it got hit by a green blast that sends it flying into one of the shops.

The figure appeared in front of the Latina woman and her child.

It was Arachna-prime (Lisa).

Latina woman: Dios mio, a superhero?

Arachna-prime: Affirmative, are you okay? Were you bitten or scratched by those beings?

Latina woman: No. Please help me get my baby to safety. (Looks at her baby girl, who was crying as she tries to comfort her)

Arachna-prime: Not a problem.

Arachna-prime blasts a green beam out of her hand which formed a portal.

Arachna-prime: This portal leads to a safe haven which I constructed far south away from the city, I've already given this info to the remaining authorities in great lakes city, you'll be safe there. The high level security will keep the infected out and will snuff out any infected homo sapiens that'll try to sneak in and "kindly" escort them out until I can find a cure, now go.

Latina woman: Oh thank you.

The Latina woman takes her child through the portal as it closed behind her. Crimson Spider, Wild Arachnid, Phantom Spider and Midnight Spider run towards Arachna-prime.

Midnight Spider: Great save lis.

Phantom Spider: Sigh... Where did that portal sent that woman and her baby?

Arachna-prime: To a high tech level security safe haven far south away from the city where we along the authorities bring in non infected homo sapiens to keep them secure.

Wild Arachnid: You built a safe haven?!


Arachna-prime: 10 seconds ago before we arrived here, ever since my transformation and my neo nanite infusion... I've been learning new tricks at a near limitless pace.

Crimson Spider: Super speed, got it.

Arachna-prime: But making a cure for this unknown virus will take time, rushing it will only cause more ruptures and mistakes.

Phantom Spider: So rushing the cure will do more harm than good, understandable.

Arachna-prime: Affirmative, we need to cover more ground, clear the city and rescue any non infected homo sapiens so the virus doesn't spread much worse than it already is. Then we do the same with royal woods.

Midnight Spider: Got it brah.

Arachna-prime: We may need to capture one or a few mutant beasts, not the former homo sapiens infected, the originals that caused the virus so I can experiment with their blood.

Crimson Spider: Right. 

Wild Arachnid: I can hunt some for ya as well.

Arachna-prime: Where are Lincoln, Lori and Gwen?

Phantom Spider points to the far right as the five noticed Gwen shooting a bunch of disfigured looking, human-like poison fog beasts with a black and blue shotgun like pulsar.

Gwen: Damn, you all have ugly mugs! (Smirks) let me rearrange them. (Shoots them all as they fell to the ground)

More creatures and infected humans ran through the streets towards Gwen. The pierce woman reloaded her pulsar as she shot any incoming creatures or infected humans running her way as they fell to the ground.

Gwen was then grabbed from behind by a large wolf hybrid infected woman.

Gwen: Graah! Get off me damn it!

The infected wolf hybrid woman was going to bite Gwen on the neck but before she could, huge volts of orange electricity surrounded the hybrid as she howled loudly in pain, releasing gwen as the hybrid fell to the ground.

Gwen grabs her pulsar blaster while turning to the figure revealed to be Omega Spider (Lincoln).

Omega Spider: You okay?

Gwen: I'm okay, no bites.

Omega turns to the creatures and infected humans laying on the ground.

Omega Spider: Did you kill-

Gwen: No, my pulsar blaster was set to stun, they're unconscious. I know that we need to save the people of this city, not kill them.

Omega Spider: Right.

Crimson Spider: Linc!

Omega Spider and Gwen sees Crimson Spider, Wild Arachnid, Phantom Spider, Midnight Spider and Arachna-prime approaching them.

Omega Spider: Hey guys, what's up?

Arachna-prime: Almost half of the population is infected while the other half is being secured at the safe haven I constructed.

Omega Spider: You made a safe haven?

Arachna-prime: Affirmative.

Midnight Spider: This is getting more and more freaky dudes.

Phantom Spider: Sigh... very, very apocalyptic if you ask me.

Wild Arachnid: These things are everywhere.

Crimson Spider: Has anyone seen Lori?

Her question was answered as a couple of infected human/crab hybrids were sent flying by a wave of light blue energy. The group sees Alpha Spider (Lori) running towards them with a huge family running behind her but it wasn't just any family...

It was the Casagrandes.

Omega Spider: The Casagrandes?

Hector: You know who we are?

Omega Spider: Uhhh... yeah, a man named Bobby Santiago told us to look for you guys.

Frida: Oh thank goodness he is safe! (Holding an 11 year old Carlitos)

CJ: (age: 23) Holy schmoly, Real life Superheroes! Awesome!

Carl: (age: 18) You all look like Spiderman, different designs, one man, six women. (Smirks) though the light blue one is looking hot.

Alpha Spider: (in her mind) Ugh, Same old Carl.

Rosa: Aye, Those things broke into our home, luckily this brave heroine (Alpha Spider) managed to rescue us.

Carlos: Those... monsters, they're  everywhere... (shivers in fear).

Frida: They... got Lalo and Sergio (sobs).

Alpha Spider: Don't worry, we'll get you guys somewhere safe.

Carlota: (age: 27) Wait! Is Ronnie anne with Bobby? Are they safe?

Omega Spider: Yeah, they're safe.

Rosa: Please, you have to get Maria too. (Shows a picture of her) This is what she looks like. 

Hector: She works as a nurse at the hospital.

Frida: (sobs) Please, please rescue her! 

Crimson Spider: Don't worry, we will.

Wild Arachnid: We promise you that.

Gwen sees a bus untouched not too far from them.

Gwen: C'mon, we can't stay here long. Follow me.

Carl: Oh who are you?

Gwen: (smirks) Just a hunter, now follow me to the bus. Those monsters won't stay down forever.

Gwen and the spider alliance group lead the casagrandes across the damaged streets as they escorted the family onto the bus. Gwen got in the driver's seat and luckily the keys were in the ignition.

Gwen: Perfect.

Alpha Spider: (Whispers) Lincoln, I'm going to take them to your house where Bobby and Ronnie anne are.

Omega Spider: (Whispers) Ok. I'm going to find Bobby and Ronnie Anne's mother.

Alpha Spider nodded as she leaps on the rooftop of the bus, Midnight Spider and Arachna-prime go aboard as well.

Omega Spider: Crimson Spider, Wild Arachnid and Phantom Spider, you're with me. We'll going to find Maria.

Crimson Spider: Got it.

Phantom Spider: Right.

Wild Arachnid: Ok.

Gwen: You know where we'll be so hurry back soon!

Omega Spider: Got it!

Gwen drives off with the casagrandes, Alpha Spider, Midnight Spider and Arachna-prime while Omega Spider, Crimson Spider, Wild Arachnid and Phantom Spider web sling off in the other direction off to find Maria.

To be continued...

(Chapter 18 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter and let me know what you think of it. What's gonna happen next, Will the fours louds find Maria safe or find her infected? Find out next chapter.)

(Here's my previous sketches of Omega Spider, Alpha Spider, Midnight Spider, Crimson Spider, Phantom Spider, Wild Arachnid  and Arachna-prime but in color)

1. Omega Spider (Lincoln loud).

2. Alpha Spider (Lori loud).

3. Midnight Spider (Luna loud).

4. Crimson Spider (Lynn loud).

5. Phantom Spider (Lucy loud).

6. Wild Arachnid (Lana loud).

7. Arachna-Prime (Lisa loud).

(Let me know what you think of them in color. This is omegacrow fading to black...)

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