Chapter 12: Trouble arises pt 4-A looming creature attacks

It was morning and still drizzling hard out in the great lakes city as we cut to lincoln's home where we see the white haired man sleeping in his bed. Soon the clock beeped, waking lincoln up as he groans.

Lincoln: morning already?

Lincoln got up out of bed and stretched. He looks out of the window and sees that it was still raining out there.

Lincoln: still raining, huh? Must be a severe thunderstorm coming. Hope ronnie anne's okay out on her job, I'll call her later.

Lincoln then heads out of his room to the bathroom. He started brushing his teeth and washing his face as he gets out of his pjs and changes into his casual clothing before heading out of the bathroom.

Walking through the hallway, lincoln noticed the guest room where luna was sleeping at. He gently knocks the door.

Lincoln: luna, time to get up. I'm making breakfast.

A groaning sound was heard.

Lincoln: luna?

Lincoln slowly opens the door as he enters the guest room he sees luna asleep in the guest bed. Lincoln walks towards the bed and gently shook the bulky rockstar awake.

Lincoln: luna... time to wake up...

Luna: (groans) five more minutes bro... so tired... *sniffs*... ughhh...

Lincoln: you okay?

Luna slowly sits up as she was pale and her eyes were sick green. Lincoln's eyes widened in shock and fear as he slowly backs away.

Lincoln: uh oh... not again, you have the flu!

Luna: what? No! I don't have the flu... I just have a... have a... aah... aaahhh... AAAACHOOOOOOOO!!!

Luna's sneeze sent a huge sonic soundwave that sent lincoln flying out of the room. Luckily, he landed on his feet due to his spider agility as he went back into the guest room to see luna covering her mouth in shock.

Luna: oops... sorry bro... *sniffs*... I think I have a bit of a cold...

Lincoln: a huge one at that with huge soundwaves. Be careful.

Luna: *sniffff*... I'll t-try...

Luna gets up out of bed but the bulky rockstar felt a little dizzy as she was about to fall, Lincoln caught her.

Luna: t-thanks linc... ah... ahhh... uh oh... aahhhh... here i-it comes... AAAAAACCCCHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Luna's sneeze echoed another huge soundwave, sending her and lincoln flying and hitting the walls, leaving minor cracks.

Lincoln: ouch...

Luna: *sniffs*... uuuggghhhh...

Lincoln: here, you need to stay in bed and rest.

Lincoln helps luna up and carefully puts her in the guest bed.

Lincoln: I'll make some chicken soup and get some medicine for your cold. There's tissues on the side over on the desk there.

Luna: (smiles) *sniffs*... t-thanks bro...

Lincoln: no problem.

Lincoln leaves the guest room and heads downstairs. Walking in the living room, Lincoln jumped at the sound of snoring as he looks down in shock to find lynn here, sleeping on the couch, snoring loudly.

Lincoln: whoa... lynn actually made it here through the storm. (Looks at lynn) the spider bite changed her too, has streaks in her hair like me, all bulked up like luna and the spider emblem too. Well I'll wake her up later for breakfast.

Lincoln heads to the kitchen, grabbing a couple of eggs, bacon and sausage out of the fridge, pancake batter out of the cabinet and cans of chicken soup for luna as he got to work. 

Later, Lincoln got breakfast done for himself, luna and lynn. He looks out the window, seeing the storm drizzled harder and raging out there.

Lincoln: man... it's gonna be one hell of a storm today.

Lincoln then heard a loud yawn as he turns around to see lynn entering the kitchen.

Lincoln: lynn!

Lynn smiled.

Lynn: yo!

Lincoln and lynn fist bumped each other and hugged it out.

Lincoln: it's great to see you again lynn.

Lynn: same here little brother. Ooh, breakfast.

Lynn sat down at the dining table as she started to eating her breakfast as lincoln chuckles.

Lynn: (eating) you've really outdone yourself with your cooking linc.

Lincoln: thanks. I see you've... changed from the spider bite too, huh?

Lynn: yeah. I didn't like the unbearable pain that came with it but... (flexes her large biceps; smirks) I'm more athletic now than ever, oh yeah!

Lincoln: hehehe. I too have changed as well, got a bit athletic myself followed by a streak in my hair, orange eyes and an spider emblem.

Lynn: I see that. So where's luna?

Lincoln: upstairs, she has a bit of a cold, I'm about to bring her breakfast and chicken soup upstairs.

Lynn: ok. (Continues eating her breakfast) hope she feels better.

Lincoln nods and leaves the kitchen, carrying a tray holding a bowl of chicken soup, a plate of sunny side up eggs, bacon and pancakes and a glass of juice with some medicine as he went upstairs while hearing a loud soundwave sneeze from luna in the guest. Lincoln opens the door and walks in the guest room, seeing luna in bed, shivering.

Lincoln: hey luna... I got you some breakfast, chicken soup and medicine.

Luna: *sniff*... thanks bro...

Luna slowly sits up as lincoln places the tray in her lap as the rockstar started eating her breakfast.

Luna: this is really good... (tries the chicken soup) aahh... that taste wonderful. Thanks lil bro.

Lincoln: no problem.

After eating her breakfast, luna took the cold medicine and drunk her glass of juice as she lays back down with a sigh of relief.

Lincoln: how you feeling?

Luna: I feel a little better. Nose is still stuffed but I don't feel any soundwave sneezes coming on. I'll kick back and rest a bit to let the medicine run its course dude.

Lincoln: okay. Also, lynn's here.

Luna: she is? Wow... I guess even a raging storm can't stop her. I'll see her when I'm well rested and this cold is out of my system.

Lincoln: okay, call me if you need anything.

Luna: ok bro.

Lincoln leaves the room as luna went back to rest. Downstairs, Lincoln sat at the kitchen table, eating his breakfast while lynn was drinking milk from the carton.

Lincoln: you know I have glass cups for you to use instead of drinking milk from the carton.

Lynn gulped down the last of milk from the carton and let's out a loud belch, crushing the carton in her right hand.

Lynn: BUUUURRRRPPPP!!! Aaah... that was great.

Lynn throws the crushed milk carton across the kitchen as it landed in the trash can.

Lynn: woohoo! Score!

Lincoln rolls his eyes with smile as he kept eating his breakfast.

Lincoln: so how's your life?

Lynn: amazing! Still all about sports and workouts. So... how's life been treating you before the spider bite?

Lincoln: good, finished another comic, earned big bucks for my ideas. ronnie anne's working at the great lakes city police department, kicking ass and taking names of any criminal out there. I would help her out on jobs at times when and if she needs it.

Lynn: (laughs) really? You out fighting criminals, hahaha!

Lincoln: hey! I've turned out to be a good fighter over the years. I don't have ronnie anne fight my battles for me!

Lynn: oh really?

Lincoln: yeah. One job, I helped ronnie anne take out 10 thugs but one of them grabbed ronnie anne though and...

Lynn: and what?

Lincoln: (frowns) fondled and groped her while taunting her and me to put the gun down or he'll kill ronnie anne. I put the gun down... but ronnie anne elbowed him in the gut and punched him in the face as I lunged at him, tackling him off ronnie anne. I nearly beat him to death with the gun, didn't shoot him... just kept on hitting him in the face until it was bloody and unrecognizable. I almost got arrested myself if ronnie anne hadn't pulled some strings.

Lynn's eyes widened in shock.

Lincoln: (serious) I know ronnie anne's a better fighter than me and she can take care of herself on her job but she's my wife and if anyone hurts hers... I'll be looking for them and I'll show them no mercy...

Lynn walks towards lincoln and places a hand on his shoulder.

Lynn: I understand linc, heck, I would done the same damn thing if my husband francisco was in danger and beat the living crap out of the guy or girl who would hurt him in any way. But you've got guts and I respect that.

Lincoln: thanks lynn.

Lynn: no prob at least you're not a total comic geek, hehehe.

Lynn punched him in the shoulder lightly. Lincoln rolls his eyes with a smile as he chuckles.

Lincoln: same old lynn.

Lynn: well I'm gonna go exercise these new muscles of mine.

Lincoln: don't you think you exercised enough?

Lynn: nope!

Lynn leaves the kitchen. Lincoln sighs as he finished his breakfast, cleaned his plate and joins lynn in the living room as she exercises while lincoln watches television.

Narrator: with luna.

We cut to the guest room where luna is resting in her bed until she was rid of her cold. But as luna was sleeping, a red portal opened up in the room as something walked right out of it as the portal closes. The lightning flashed, illuminating the figure's terrifying visage as it's glowing red eyes set it's sights on the sleeping luna as the figure loomed towards her, the lightning flashed as it got closer and closer... until the figure was standing right next to the bed, watching luna sleep as it places a hand which resembled a bit of a claw on luna's shoulder, slowly awakening the bulky rockstar.

Luna: huh...? (Turns around) what the-GASP!!!!!

Luna's eyes widened in shock and fear as she was staring the figure right in its glowing red eyes.

Narrator: with lincoln and lynn.

In the living room, lynn was doing pushups while lincoln was watching the news which broadcasts a huge storm warning throughout the couple of weeks in certain cities, including royal woods and the great lakes city.

Lincoln: man... we're gonna have weeks of severe thunderstorms.

Lynn: (doing pushups; grunts) bummer... well it won't stop us from getting hawk and hank as well as getting to our family reunion...

Lincoln: yeah... I'm surprised that you got through a thunderstorm from royal woods to the great lakes city just to get to my house.

Lynn: what can I say... I can't be stopped... hehehe. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I encountered something along the way... it wasn't human...

Lincoln: huh? What-

Lincoln was cut off when he and Lynn heard Luna screaming upstairs.


Lynn: what the?!

Lincoln: luna!

Both lynn and lincoln's spider sense went off, sensing danger upstairs as they both went upstairs, heading to the guest room to open the door but it was jammed shut.

Lincoln: damn it! Door's jammed!

They heard luna screaming followed the sounds of crashing and something roaring, shocking lincoln and lynn.


Lincoln: damn it! Open up!

Lynn: move aside bro! FOR HONOR, RAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Lynn rammed the door open with a shoulder tackle, knocking it down as she and lincoln enter the guest room to see it a huge mess and luna on the floor with a humanoid sea animal-like creature which resembled a shark mixed with a crab on top of her, trying to sink it's claws into luna, who was holding the claw back.

Luna: dudes! Help! Get this thing off me!!

Lincoln: I got ya!

Lincoln shot webs of electricity at the shark/crab creature, electrocuting it as the beast let out a loud, agonizing roar as lynn tackles the creature off of luna. Lincoln rushes to her side.

Lincoln: you ok?

Luna: I'm good bro but that thing... whatever it is tried to shish kabob me with those claws dude!

Lincoln looks at the shark/crab creature that was trying to slash and stab lynn, who was dodging and fighting back.

Lincoln: the features are crab and shark-like... it's like an abomination out of a horror movie...

The shark/crab creature shot hot, boiling, acid water out of its mouth at lynn, who felt her skin burning.


Then lynn instantly felt ok.

Lynn: huh? I'm not being cooked alive?

The creature hits Lynn in the gut with its clawed hand but lynn didn't feel it much. She was shocked by this but smirked.

Lynn: (smirks) my turn.

Lynn hits the creature with a massive punch, sending it crashing into the walls. The shark/crab creature roared, trying to attack lynn again but gets an ear full of a sonic soundwave scream from luna while lincoln webs the monster up with electric webs, shocking it.

Lynn: now for the big finish!

Lynn hits a strong left hook to the shark/crab creature, sending it flying through the window, shattering it as the creature fell to the ground two stories down out in the storm. The creature roared in pain as it ran off and disappeared into the fog of the storm.

Lynn: hey! Come back here, we're not done with you yet!

Lincoln: we'll worry about it later, just let it go.

Lynn: fine. You alright lunes?

Luna: I'm alright sis, nice to see you again.

Lynn: great to see you too.

The two hugged it out.

Lynn: I see you bulked up too from the spider bite?

Luna: (laughs nervously) hehehe... yeah.

Lynn: that the scar on your right eye...

Luna: (frowns) from being almost burned to death from my mansion being totalled sis.

Lynn growls.

Lynn: don't worry lunes... we're gonna get those two chumps for what they did.

Luna: thanks sis. I just need control over these new powers of mine...

Lincoln: and we'll help each other get the hang of them, right?

Luna and lynn: right.

Lincoln: and whatever that thing was that attacked you Luna and whatever you encountered lynn... I have a bad feeling that it's only the beginning of something...

Luna: maybe but let's not worry too much about it now. We might wanna get this guest room cleaned up before-

???: (from downstairs) Lame-O I'm home!!

Lincoln, Luna and Lynn: Uh oh!

To be continued...

(Chapter 12 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. Another monster attack but lynn, luna and lincoln send it packing, however, the creature escaped. Now Ronnie anne is home and how is this going to turn out? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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