Chapter 5: The Nightmare of Nicole pt 2- A Destructive Omen & Encounter

It was now morning but still raining as we cut to the room of the older pierce sister with Nicole sleeping in her bed. As she was snoring lightly, the clock beeped loudly and repeatedly at 8:37 am.

The clock continues to beep until Nicole can be heard groaning as she slammed her fist on the clock, breaking it. She get out of bed while letting out a loud yawn as she slowly walks out of the room as she heads to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and removed her clothing, turning on the shower and heading inside to freshen up.

Soon, Nicole was done, dried off and put on her regular attire as she walks out of the bathroom with a loud yawn. Heading downstairs, Nicole walks into the kitchen while Gwen was making an omelette as she past her to make some coffee.

Gwen: Mornin' Sis.

Nicole only grumbled in response as she drinks her hot coffee. Gwen looks at her with concern.

Gwen: You okay Nicole?

Nicole: I... (A swift vision of her nightmare self appeared in her mind; stares off into space) ....I had trouble sleeping last night....

Gwen pats her on the back.

Gwen: Don't worry Sis, I'll cheer you up with an omelette stuffed with cheese, sausage, bacon and hot peppers.

Nicole slightly smiles.

Nicole: I'd like that.

Gwen smiles as she got to cooking a second omelette for Nicole, who sat down at the table and drinks her coffee as she looks out the window, seeing the storm outside.

Nicole: Yaaaaaawwwwnnnn.... It's really coming down outside.

Gwen: Yeah, rain in the forecast for four days the news said. Well it won't stop you and Luna from having a music grip tonight in the concert dome.

Nicole: Oh right. Hehehe, it's gonna rock the house.

Gwen: I'm looking forward to seeing you and Luna bring down the concert later tonight.

Gwen finished making two omelettes, one for her and one for Nicole as the two pierce sisters grabbed her forks and started to dig in.

Nicole: Mmmmmmm~... Now that's a good omelette with an adding of spice lil sis.

Gwen: Thanks, I know how much you like spice in meals you eat.

Nicole: Well ya read my mind. So got any plans for today?

Gwen: Linc and I are going to This Arcade Tournament, winner gets 50,000 dollars.

Nicole: Seems legit. You tend to play a lot of video games.

Gwen: What can I say, I love 'em, especially fighting and shooting games. Sue me.

Nicole chuckles as she ate another bite of her omelette.

Nicole: Hehehehe.

Soon, Both the pierce sisters were finished with their breakfast.

Nicole: Ah, that was good. Thanks for the omelette Gwen.

Gwen: No problem Nicole. Well I better start getting ready to heads to linc's.

Nicole: Ok then, well I'm going to go for a walk. See ya later Gwen.

Gwen: See ya Sis.

Grabbing an umbrella, Nicole walks towards the door and opens it, heading out of the house as she closes the door behind her. Nicole looks up at the dark sky as the lightning flashed with the rain intensifying roughly.

Nicole: We're gonna have this kind of weather in four days, yowza...

Nicole then starts her from her house through the neighborhood all the way into town. Passing by a few of people in the rain, Nicole walks past a closed jewelry store... unaware that her reflection in the glass window morphed into her monster form.

The reflection of Volcanic Berserker Nicole gave a low growl, catching Nicole's attention as she stopped in her tracks. She turns to the glass window and only found a normal reflection of herself.

Nicole shook her head with a sigh as she went back to her walk.

Nicole: (in her mind) Take it easy, you're just hearing things. What you saw and heard last night was only a nightmare and nothing more. It was-

???: Hey babe, ya miss me?

Nicole's eyes widened as her thoughts were cut off by a familiar voice she knew all too well. Gritting her teeth with a sneer, Nicole turns around to see her Ex Boyfriend, Jaiden. He was a foot taller than Nicole, slightly pale skin, an athletic physique, long black hair with green streaks and blue eyes. He was wearing a long black leather coat, black shirt with a dagger through the heart on it, dark gray jeans and black boots.

Nicole: Grrrrrrr....

Jaiden: (smiles slyly) Whoa, easy there Nicole. Aren't you surprised to see me?

Nicole: (glares) I'm surprised all right... I'm surprised to see you recovered from the beating I gave you as well as flipping over an ambulance with you and your lil bimbo inside that you made out with behind my back which should've put you out for years...

Jaiden: Oh I remember that... that really hurt. And let's just say, I know a guy who specially treats fatal injuries  (snaps his finger) in a couple of seconds.

Nicole: Well then... unless you want another beatdown/early trip to the grave, stay the hell away from me.

Nicole turns to walk away but Jaiden grabs her arm.

Jaiden: Hold on a minute, it was a simple.... complicated mistake. I'm really sorry for what I did, you forgive me, right...?

Nicole: Do you expect me to believe that? There are a lot of things I can't stand and two timers & liars are one of those. You've been making out with AGW wrestler Barbara "Mischief Queen" Blightmare behind my back for how many months? 1, 2, 3, 4, the list goes on, doesn't it? I truly loved you yet you stabbed me in the back. I hope she was worth it because I want no part of you anymore, you sicken me to the core. Now take your hand off me before I rip it out of your socket.

Jaiden had a cold smirk.

Jaiden: Unfortunately babe, that's not going to work. We were made for each other, I love you and I know deep down you still love me, you can't let a simple error drives us apart now, can ya?

Nicole: Do you really want to die?

Jaiden: Heh, I don't think you understand what I'm saying. What I'm saying is... I ain't letting you go, you belong to me & you'll always belong to me.

He pushes Nicole against the wall in an alleyway and forces a kiss on her while fondling her butt.

Nicole: Mmmph?! Mmmppphhhh! Mmm... Mmmmpphhh!

Jaiden deepened the kiss as he was grabbing & massaging on Nicole's posterior and breast, getting a loud moan out of her through the kiss, much to his delight. As he kept going, the older pierce sister finally had enough as she pushes Jaiden off and punches him the face, sending him against the walls.

Jaiden looks up to see an enraged Nicole stomping towards him with hot steam shooting out of her body.

Jaiden: Quite feisty... I like it.

Nicole grabbed him by the front of his coat and slams him against the wall.

Nicole: (low snarl) Don't ever do that again.... I'm no one's b***h. Now you're gonna get what's coming to you.

Jaiden: Hahaha, well I tried to do this the easy way... but you leave me no choice.

Nicole suddenly felt her legs coated as she looks down to find water engulfing her lower body and climbing.

Nicole: What the-urk?!

Nicole was engulfed into an orb of water.

Jaiden: Hehehe, you see... not only did my doctor "fix" me up quickly, they gave me a little potion. Now I can control and manipulate water.

Nicole tries to hold her breath.

Jaiden: I know about your mutant powers and don't think you can burn through my ability, especially when it's raining as your fire and lava power is useless.

Nicole glares at him as she grunts, grasping her neck as she was slowly losing oxygen.

Jaiden: I'm gonna give you one more chance... be with me, with our powers we can run this city, you can have anything you desire as the world is ours for the taking. So... whatta you say Nicole?

Despite losing her breath in the water prison, Nicole simply glared at Jaiden, flipped him off and mouthed "F*ck you". Jaiden glares at her with a cold frown.

Jaiden: Have it your way... taking you by force will more fun anyway.

Nicole grunts as she felt the pressure of the water flow being forced down her throat, feeling her insides cramping and burning up with her body painfully expanding with bulging, pulsating veins.

Nicole: (gurgling and screaming in pain) ...!!!

Jaiden: Hehehehe, as I said Nicole... you belong to me and you'll always belong to me babe even if I have remind you through physical persuasion.

Nicole was choking on the water pressure being forced down her throat and through her body painfully increasing in mass.

Nicole: (in her mind) Agh! My organs feel like they're gonna burst...! And I can't spark a single flame... (getting angry) I can't go down like this...! I can't!! Not to this bastard!!!

???: Then maybe I can help you since you're too weak to deal with a little water yourself.

Nicole's eyes widened.

Nicole: (in her mind) Y-You...?! But you're-

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: Just a nightmare in your head? Just a random bad thought in the back of your mind? Hehehe... sorry but that's not the case, I told you that the clock is ticking... that your life will soon be mine.

Nicole: (in her mind) Ngh!

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: Since you're having a hard time with this water boy of an Ex over here, I think I'll play with him for a bit...

Nicole felt an overwhelming surge of power within as she grunts, hot steam shooting out of her with the water prison starting to boil with immense heat energy.

Jaiden: Hmm?

Nicole: (in her mind) Stop! You can't just control me like that!!

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: I think I just did, now sit back and enjoy the chaos.

Nicole: (in her mind) No! You-ack!

Nicole stopped struggling as dark lines appeared on her cheek, her body started to shrink down to its normal size, much to Jaiden's confusion as the water prison boiled immensely before exploding.

Jaiden: Ugh, what the...?

Out of the steaming smoke comes Nicole, except that something was off about her; She has dark lines running down her cheeks, her eyes were pure black with blazing red pupils and her lips curled up into a psychotic smile.

The berserker mode was now in control of Nicole.

'Nicole': (distorted voice) So you won't take no for an answer, eh? I guess that's fine, I'll just give you a taste of my own... physical persuasion.

Jaiden looks at 'Nicole' with wide eyes until he started laughing.

Jaiden: Really?! You're gonna do that to me?! Hahahahahaha! Look around you babe, it's pouring rain and I'm a water mutant. The storm is my domain here, you may have gotten lucky by breaking my prison but your fire and lava power is still useless.

'Nicole': Heh, well you're half right but I doubt you have full control of the rain like that, there are limits to how much a mutant like you can take and something tells me that you're not fully capable of controlling a maximum body of water, seeing as you came all this way to L.A. to get Nicole instead of mastering your true capabilities... I'd say you're at... 64 percent.

Jaiden: (Growls as his hands formed into hydro like claws) Oh you think you can beat me?! Try it!

'Nicole': Oh I know I can... if you thought Nicole was brutal towards you, that'll be nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you.

Jaiden: Will you shut up?! What's with you saying your name in the third person like you're a psychopath with a personality problem?! Huh?!

'Nicole': Tch! Maybe because I'm a different Nicole, I'm stronger than her in every way imaginable and more chaotic at that... so how about I'll just kill you instead.

Jaiden: You're just all talk!

Water rose from the large puddles and shot at 'Nicole', striking her like missiles. Jaiden then lunged at her, sinking his hydro claws into her body.

Jaiden: Haaaaaaaa!!!!!

He sent her through the dead end walls across the city. Jaiden followed up to her flying form as he formed a couple of water bladed boomerangs which hit 'Nicole' square on before flying off and coming back with a second impact as she went crashing into the park.

Soon, 'Nicole' was seen on all fours, getting up as Jaiden appeared before with a sly grin.

Jaiden: Nice view... (referring to Nicole's ass) Tell me Nicole... are you a betting woman?

'Nicole' chuckles mischievously.

'Nicole': I believe that's your shtick...

Jaiden: I'll make a little bet with ya, I'll force you to be mine by beating you with one hand.

'Nicole': Very well I'll take that bet... (gets up with hot steam and slight fire surrounding her body) Now Hit me with your best shot!!!

Jaiden then brings forth large bodies of water, thinning them out into needles and launched them at 'Nicole', who simply smirked as the needles hit her.

Jaiden grinned but it went away when 'Nicole' came charging at him with a mad grin. Jaiden growls as his body turns into water and engulfs her in a whirlpool like current, striking her with his lethal liquid offense. But much to his confusion, 'Nicole' was laughing at the pain which really got on his nerves.

Jaiden: I'm getting really tired of this sh*t! Just give up-

'Nicole': You & me Both...

'Nicole' then grabbed Jaiden's arm, much to his surprise.

Jaiden: What the?! You can't touch me while I'm made of water Nicole!

'Nicole': (grins madly) You're not dealing with Nicole anymore! That pathetic woman doesn't even compare to me!!!

Her hand heats up with steam as she rips off Jaiden arm with it evaporating rapidly with almost of Jaiden's right shoulder too as he screams in agony.


'Nicole': Heh, true... fire can be useless against water but when in contact with the right temperature of heat, it evaporates.

Jaiden: ....?!?!

'Nicole': By the look on your face, you're not aware of this, huh? Well now I'm gonna end you with one hand before you can even regenerate yourself. (Right hand forms into an inhuman claw of molten rock and steam) NOW SHOW ME YOUR HAND, JAAAAAAIIIIIDD-DDDDEEEEEENNNNNNNNNN!!!!!

Jaiden let out an angry yell as he forms a claw of water in his left hand, clashing with 'Nicole's attack, creating a huge shockwave as the possessed pierce sister's attack ripped through Jaiden's left arm down the middle, causing Jaiden to scream in agony while 'Nicole' wasn't done.

With her inhuman claw, she drives it through Jaiden's chest, grabbing him by the heart. Jaiden gasped and grunted with 'Nicole' grinning evilly  at him.

'Nicole': Your water mimicry may have extinguished Nicole's flames but no amount of water in the world can put ME out, Now blow away to nothing!!!

She turns up the heat with the claw clutching Jaiden's heart as Jaiden himself started to boil immensely and puff up like a balloon, his eyes bugging out wide while yelling in agony.


Jaiden exploded as his body of water was completely evaporated. 'Nicole' threw her head back and let out a loud, maniacal laughter as the water around her started to steam up into gas from her unstable heat.


'Nicole' stopped when she felt an excruciating pain in her head.

'Nicole': Ngh! Ack! No!!! I'm not going back, you pathetic piece of crap! How can you still fight me for so long.... ngh... graaaahhhhh!!!

She fell on all fours, growling and groaning.

'Nicole': Fine... you still have fight in you... agh... hehehe... keep fighting me Nicole but in the end it'll be futile... for you can't... outrun or... fight your... fate... ugh...

'Nicole' collapsed to the ground as the dark lines on her cheeks and murderous eyes vanished, fading to unconsciousness.

To be continued....

(Chapter 5 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter. Nicole ran into a bit of trouble during her walk, involving her demented Ex boyfriend and a taste of her berserker mode running wild. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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