Chapter 4: The Nightmare of Nicole

We cut to the house of loud as we see Lincoln parking his motorcycle in the garage as he walks into the house, he then sees Lucy in a black top and dark grey pajama pants drinking a glass of Blood.

Lincoln: Hey luce, I see you're back from your mission?

Lucy: Sigh... I've been back, same with the others. What have you been doing?

Lincoln: Had to stop a criminal mob boss and shut down his underground mutant brawler arena as well as setting free all the mutants he captured. Plus, six mutants joined the black ghost corps.

Lucy: Oh? Who are they?

Lincoln: Stone Brawl, a very strong, male four armed mutant with skin made of... well stone. Emerald Empress, a female crystal mutant. Raptor Rob, a male dinosaur mutant hybrid of a velociraptor. Javelin Josh, a male super mutant with bladed forearms. Gloom-pire, a female goth vampiric mutant. And Hydra Amazoness, a female three headed, herculean powerhouse mutant. They're all new recruits in our agency.

Lucy: Sigh... nice. I would love to meet Gloom-pire, Liz and I can set up a goth's night out.

Lincoln: Uh-huh... so what missions did you guys tackle?

Lucy: Sigh... Lynn and I were hunting down a rogue alien rampaging through San Francisco, California, it kept yelling something about 'Alcatraz' before we caught him, Possibly something it wanted in that dangerous prison. We searched there but nothing came up.

Lincoln: Ok...

Lucy: Luan had her hands full with a gang of mutant hybrid bikers in Texas as they were planting bombs underneath the city. Sigh... It took awhile but Luan managed to hog tie them up and stop the bombs from detonating and believe me... she nearly panicked when she cut the wrong wire but luckily the bombs didn't explode as she cut the right one.

Lincoln: Alright then.

Lucy: Luna was investigating a series of disappearances in the Swamp, she nearly would've gotten lost in if it weren't for her enhanced wolf sense of smell. Sigh... She didn't find much except that she sniffed a scent of something dark, she told me & the director that the scent was familiar to Violet webb but it vanished before she could catch it, Sigh....

Lincoln: I see.

Lucy: Sigh... Lana and Lola were chasing an alien bounty hunter in Chicago, Lisa and Lily fought a corrupted martial artist in Japan trying to unleash a curse upon Tokyo and Lori & the alpha's unit were busy with another business partnership meeting but again, someone tries to assassinate Lori, they fail to do so and... you know the rest.

Lincoln: Right. Seems everyone had a looooong day in missions.

Lucy: Sigh... yeah. Everyone's already asleep as I'm about to head to bed myself. (Drinks her glass of blood).

Lincoln: Same here, well good night lucy.

Lucy: Good night Lincoln.

The goth sister gave her brother a hug which he returned as they went upstairs with Lucy heading up to her room in the attic while Lincoln heads to his room, changing into his black shirt and grey with orange side stripe pants as he plops on his bed and went to sleep.


Meanwhile, we go across the street to see the house of the pierce sisters, Gwen and Nicole. Speaking of whom, we cut to the living room where Gwen, who was wearing a black top and red sports shorts with black stripes, was asleep on the couch as a horror movie marathon was on Tv.

Then the thunder roared outside, awakening Gwen with a yelp as she fell off the couch.

Gwen: (groans) Ouch... I really gotta stop falling asleep during a horror movie marathon....

Gwen gets up as she grabs the remote and turns the tv off. The lightning flashed as it was drizzling harder outside.

Gwen: Yawwwnnnnn.... man, it's pouring rain harder outside.

Gwen then heads upstairs to her room as she plops on her bed, heading back to sleep.


We then cut to the room of the older pierce sister as we see Nicole, who was wearing a red shirt with a skull and black jogging pants, sleeping in her bed. As the lightning flashed, it illuminated Nicole's room to look eerie as the older pierce sister was tossing and turning in her sleep, breathing heavily as she was having a dream.......

.......or a worst nightmare...


We look into her head, seeing Los Angeles except that the skies were red, the city was in ruin and chaos, crumbling with molten lava everywhere and shooting out of the ground like a geyser. We then see Nicole running and dodging a couple of large molten lava rocks with explosions occuring, sending her flying into the ground.

Nicole: Agh!

A sinister laughter was heard as Nicole slowly got up to see... herself but even worse, It was Volcanic Berserker Nicole, the nightmarish transformation & embodiment of Nicole's aggression and pure rage.

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: Hahaha... pathetic, you're getting awfully weary right now.... lost the will to fight?

Nicole: Grrrrr.... shut up...

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: Awww... what's the matter? Have I touched a nerve?

Nicole growled angrily as her hands turned molten hot, charging at her nightmarish self and trading fierce blows with one another. As Nicole was attacking, Her nightmarish double was countering every offense and lava based attack with no effort.

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: You won't surprise me with any attack I've already seen & did, I know what move you're going to make before you even do it!!!!

She delivers a devastating magma induced punch to Nicole's gut, making her spew out blood and vomit as she was sent crashing into five buildings until she landed in a ruined park. Nicole was breathing heavily and coughing up blood as her nightmarish self appeared and blasted her into a tree with a molten fist strike.

Nicole: Aaghh!!

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: Hehehe... Pathetic! I thought you had more fight than this!!! Hahahaha!!!

Nicole groans in pain and annoyance.

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: But you can't fight me as well as you used to, can you...?

Nicole: Huff... huff... you....

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: Yes... you know too... you know as well as I do that the clocking is ticking... that your time on Earth is coming to a close.

Nicole: (getting angry) Shut up... just shut up...!! You know nothing!!

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: You used MY power in countless ways whenever you gave into your rage or I had to force you to release me and now it's finally caught up with you! Haha... hahahahahahahaha!!! Perfect, and now...  when you're near death's door, your body will be all mine to enjoy the destruction.

Nicole: I won't... I won't let you out anymore and I'm sure as hell won't let you loose on the whole world!

Volcanic Berserker Nicole then knocked her into the ground as she stomps Nicole's chest in a couple of times.

Nicole: Gah! Ack! Agh!

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: Heh... you can fight & deny it all you want but it will happen. As much as I hate to admit, you and I are the same in every way, especially when it comes to absolute destruction, havok and uncontrollable, pure rage! Look around you Nicole... this carnage shall be in reality, the destruction of the earth will come with your death & my rebirth... a new breed of havok will have a face & a name... which will be me.

Nicole tried to get up and fight back but her nightmarish self had her pinned down good as if she was getting stronger while Nicole was getting weaker.

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: No one will be spared from my wrath, not even your friends and family... (points her clawed hand to the right)

Nicole turns to where she was pointing at as her eyes widened in shock and horror at the terrifying sight. Her brothers, sisters, Gwen included, her friends, including the louds were all lying there motionless, completely battered, bloody, broken,  unrecognizable and utterly dead.

Nicole had tears falling from her eyes.

Nicole: No... no, no, no....!

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: Yes... look at them, this will be their future, I can already tell when I kill them one by one, as painfully as possible... they will all blame YOU.

Nicole: No, no this can't be real!!

Volcanic Berserker Nicole: Face it Nicole... you're nothing but a volcanic time bomb ready to erupt, a true monster, JUST. LIKE. ME!!!

Nicole: No... NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Nicole woke up, screaming.

Nicole: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!

The older pierce sister frantically looked around, seeing that she was in her room. She was breathing heavily as sweat was running down her face while she felt her heart beating like crazy, trying to calm herself down.

Nicole: Huff... huff... huff... huff....

She sighed in relief as it was only a nightmare... she hoped. Nicole get out of bed and walked out the room, heading to the bathroom as she turns on the sink, flowing water in her hands to splash in her face.

She sighed as she looked in the mirror.

Nicole: Calm down... it was just a nightmare... just a nightmare... it wasn't real... it's all in your head... it's just a nightmare...

Nicole then turns off the sink and leaves the bathroom as she heads back to her room, mentally telling herself that it was only just a nightmare.

If only she knew that the nightmare was an omen.

To be continued....

(Chapter 4 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. This begins the first arc of loud ops 2, starring my OC Nicole pierce in Nightmare of Nicole. Was it really a regular nightmare that plagued Nicole's dreams or was it an omen that spells the end of her? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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