Chapter 2: Fight underground pt 1
Throughout the streets of Los Angeles, we see Black Ghost Corps agent Lincoln loud riding on a custom black, orange and dark grey motorcycle down a dark tunnel, looking at the built-in GPS.
Lincoln was heading east of Los Angeles as BGC got word from a scout that a couple of rogue dealers smuggling captured mutants underground so Lincoln accepted the mission.
Lincoln: Almost there.
Out of the tunnel, he took left turn going down a straight path through the west part of town to make a quick turn to an alleyway where the scout saw the scene. Stopping to park his motorcycle, Lincoln looks around the alleyway, seeing a dead end.
Lincoln: Looks like a normal alleyway, however, it looks too normal.
He pulls out a black and blue high tech visors to place them on. He presses a button as the alleyway looked holographic blue, while he was looking around, he saw the dead end glowing red as there was a secret passageway via camouflage.
Lincoln: Bingo.
Lincoln walked towards the passageway door, pulling out a disruptor device to shutdown the security system, opening the entrance.
Lincoln: Alright I'm in.
Lincoln heads inside the passageway as the halls were dark, the white haired agent then noticed something up ahead in he took cover in the shadows as he saw three guards in silver and yellow exoskeleton armor having a conversation.
Lincoln: Hmmm... what might they be talking about?
He listens in on the conversation while remaining hidden.
Guard: So who are you betting on to win?
Guard 2: Eh, I'm betting on the four armed rock skinned mutant. You?
Guard 3: The Crystal like babe. Despite being ice cold, she's hot.
Guard 2: I agree, hehehe, I might have to change my vote.
Guard: I'm voting on the three headed Herculean powerhouse, she's been the champ for as far as I can remember.
Guard 2: Well either way we're all going to be very rich with these underground battle royals while bringing new mutants for the boss.
Guard 3: And the only way for the mutants to get out of here is to fight for their freedom but we all know they ain't never getting out of here. Hahaha! Suckers!
Guard: We keep this up and we're all going to be swimming in big bucks.
Lincoln: Except for the part where you're unconscious.
Guard: What-
He was blasted by an orange blast into the walls as he fell motionless.
Guard 2: It's a mutant! Sound the alarm-
Lincoln appeared and delivers a jaw shattering knee to the face, knocking out a few teeth and blood spill out as he fell. The third guard made a run for the alarm switch but Lincoln grabs him and slams his head against the wall, knocking him out.
Lincoln: Taking bets on Fights, capturing mutants to make a quick buck, huh? Well that has to stop.
Lincoln then heads deeper into the halls of the hideout, the halls grew darker with blue lighting illuminating the path. He then heard faint sounds of yelling and cheering nearby as he ran towards the source, he then makes left and continues on running into a couple of guards.
Guard: What're you doing here?!
Guard 2: Does it matter? He ain't gonna live much longer.
The guards pulled out electric batons and electric knives as they surrounded Lincoln.
Lincoln: Well then... (forms two blades of energy) I'm game.
The guards lunged at him as Lincoln waited for them to get closer to make the first move. As they did, Lincoln leaped to evade the pounce while he counters a couple of bladed strikes from the guards, his eyes glowed orange with a swift motion as the guards hands were severed off along with a slash across their chests, drawing blood as they fell.
Lincoln then was shocked from behind by a guard with a electric baton as the rest of them ganged up on him to strike him with their electric batons but they were sent flying and crashing into the walls by a field of energy.
Lincoln sighs as he turns to the direction where the sounds of yelling and cheering are growing louder as he ran towards the sound, seeing a big reinforced door up with two more guards ahead.
Guard: Hey, an intruder!
Guard 2: Get him-
Lincoln shot them with two spears of energy, killing them. He reached into one of their pockets to get out a key card. He slides on the card scan as the door slide open as he heads inside to stumble upon a colossal looking arena ring surrounded by an enormous electric cage as there was a huge audience of guards and rogue dealers yelling and cheering.
Inside the caged ring were 6 mutants, the first mutant was a 10 foot tall, muscular man with a black fauxhawk Mohawk, yellow eyes, grey stone like skin, Four bulky arms and wore only black pants and bandages wrapped around his hands.
The second mutant was a 8 foot tall woman with long blonde hair with a platinum blue streak, purple eyes, a masculine and curvaceous figure, crystal armored skin and was wearing a black, white and green bodysuit with white boots.
The third mutant was a 5 ft 7 young man, half human half Velociraptor, an athletic physique with sharp orange hair, sharp red eyes, raptor like features on him, sharp fangs and claws. He was wearing a black top and camouflage pants.
The fourth mutant was a 6 ft 2 tall woman with long black & purple hair, dark blue eyes, pale skin, fangs, pointy ears and an hourglass figure with a big, pear shaped behind. She had on a purple and black leotard with black kneepads and boots.
The fifth mutant was a 6 ft 4 man with dark skin, slightly long black hair, brown eyes, an athletic physique with four blades on his forearms and was wearing a black shirt, sleeveless leather jacket, blue jeans and black boots.
And finally, the sixth mutant was an 10 foot tall woman with slightly pale skin, a curvaceous and abnormally muscular body and three heads; the head in the middle had long blonde hair, blue eyes, slightly long horns on her forehead and slight fangs. The second head on the left had black eyeshadow, short black hair in a sharp pixie cut, yellow eyes, slight fangs and sharp blue marks on her cheeks. And the head of the right has wild brown hair, green eyes, slight fangs and war paint on her face. The three headed woman was wearing a black leotard with silver armor, gauntlets and armored boots as she had a silver and gold championship belt around her waist.
Lincoln then noticed that all six mutants had high tech collars on their necks too. Soon, a guard with a microphone spoke out.
Guard: Welcome to the underground mutant brawler arena!
The audience cheered.
Guard: Thanks to our boss, Matthew Millions, we got a great show for you tonight! A battle to the death for their freedom and the mutant brawl grand championship! It'll be Stone Brawl vs. Emerald Empress vs Raptor Rob vs Gloom-pire vs Javelin Josh vs The Reigning undisputed champion, The Three Headed Hydra Amazoness!
The audience cheered while in the private room we see Matthew Millions, a fair skinned, bald, fat man in a black business suit watching the show with some guards beside him.
Matthew Millions: This better be very entertaining.
In the ring, Hydra Amazoness hands her title to the ref as the bell rang. Stone Brawl cracks his knuckles, Emerald Empress formed Crystal blades, Raptor Rob bares his claws and fangs, Gloom-pire took out daggers as she hissed, Javelin Josh readies his forearm blades and the three headed Hydra Amazoness slams her fists together as she let out a massive battle cry, the six mutants charging at each other for an all out battle.
Lincoln then heads to the next halls as he was strategizing his next plan.
Lincoln: A direct assault would jeopardize the mission, judging by the collars on the six mutants necks it must keep them in line. I may need my key disruptor to nullify the collars effects but I have to find the main controls behind it to deactivate them and I have a good feeling where that might be.
Meanwhile in the private room, Matthew Millions and his men were watching the grudge match between Stone Brawl, Emerald Empress, Raptor Rob, Gloom-pire, Javelin Josh and the Champion, The three headed Hydra Amazoness.
Guard: This is getting good boss.
Guard 2: Yeah, The three headed Hydra Amazoness is still dominating!
Guard 3: I gotta admit that these other mutants are putting up a fight, impressive.
Matthew: Indeed boys, business is booming quickly than ever and making us very rich. Think about it boys, we're taking this around the world, capturing mutants at their most vulnerable to increase the profits of our underground mutant brawler arena as they fight endlessly for our amusement and for the big bucks. And as long as I have control over them (rolls his right sleeve to reveal a high tech silver gauntlet with red, blue and green buttons) they'll follow my orders without question or resistant... otherwise, they'll face the consequences. (Laughs evilly)
The guards laugh with him as they were watching the grudge match, unaware that Lincoln was watching them from afar.
Lincoln: Thanks for the info... (Pulls out a key disruptor device) gotta thank Penny Victor for this later. I may need to get closer for it to take effect.
Lincoln grabs the nearest guard close to him from behind, putting him in a chokehold to drag him out of the room to knock him out. He sneaks back in the booth room behind two guards to smash their heads in, knocking them out.
He sees Matthew Millions and 9 guards paying attention to watching the grudge match as Lincoln got his key disruptor ready, turning the switch over as he activated the key disruptor.
Matthew then noticed his gauntlet was blinking on and off.
Matthew: What the hell? (Shrugs it off) It's probably nothing- (shocks him a bit as it was deactivated) Agh!
Guard: You alright boss?!
Matthew: Blasted thing, what just happened?!
One of the guards noticed Lincoln.
Guard: An intruder!
Matthew: What?!
Lincoln: (smirks) see ya later.
Orange light engulfed Lincoln's body, blinding Matthew and his guards. Soon, the light faded as the guys noticed that Lincoln was gone.
Guard: A mutant!
Matthew: Grrrr.... whatta you waiting for?! Find him and capture him!
Guards: Yes boss!
The guards leave while Matthew starts heading to his storage closet and grabbing some weapons equipment to prepare himself.
Lincoln was running through the halls as the alarms were heard.
Lincoln: Now that his gauntlet is deactivated, I better find the mutants Matthew and his goons captured before worrying about the other six.
Lincoln then makes a right turn as he ran in that direction only a find a couple of guards blocking his path with electric spears.
Guard: You ain't getting through there mutant.
Lincoln: C'mon then.
Forming a sword, the white haired agent then brawls with the guards. They tried to swarm and strike with her electric spears to electrocute him but Lincoln counters them and turns in a spiral motion to decapitate the guards with bodies falling and heads rolling.
Lincoln continues on foot as he takes a left in the halls, seeing two guards blocking a prison door. The guards took out their plasma blasters and shot at the white haired agent, who evades the blasts and shot them down.
Lincoln then takes a key card from the dead guard and slides it on the scan as the door slide open, walking inside to see numerous mutants trapped in cells with the same collars on.
One of them noticed Lincoln, a male scorpion hybrid.
Scorpion mutant: Hey you! You're not one of the guards, who are you?!
This caused all the mutants to look at the white haired agent.
Lincoln: I'm gonna get you guys out of here.
A female poison mutant goth spoke.
Poison Goth: Impossible, there's no escape here. We tried any attempt and Matthew Millions and his security is one step ahead of us... especially with these collar devices around our necks as we suffered greatly.
Lincoln: Well I managed to deactivate the gauntlet he used to keep you guys from using your powers to escape, try using your powers.
The poison goth mutant was hesitant but tried it as she places her hands on the high tech collar as a purple gas substance appeared from her hands as the collar started to melt off.
Poison Goth: It... It worked, I'm free...
Scorpion mutant: Then you are telling the truth. (Uses his strength to rip the collar apart)
Lincoln: Yep. I'm betting you all want to get out of here, huh?
Each mutant managed to break apart the high tech collars while nodding in agreement.
Lincoln: (smirks) Then it's time for a jailbreak.
Scorpion mutant: (smirks) we're listening...
In the ring, Javelin Josh was thrown into the electric cage, getting shocked courtesy of Hydra Amazoness. Stone Brawl charges in exchange fists with the three headed Herculean, who countered them and picks up Stone Brawl and hits him with a massive gorilla press slam.
Hydra Amazoness: (in unison) RAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
Raptor Rob swooped in and hits a bunch of bicycle kicks to the three headed Herculean, making her stumble back into the electric cage, shocking her. Before Raptor could do anything else, Emerald Empress caught him and hits a devastating backbreaker as she threw him aside. She then throws crystal shards at Hydra Amazoness and Stone Brawl, who attempt to block them but as Emerald Empress was focused on them, Javelin Josh got her with a spiked forearm from behind!
The crowd of guards, dealers and thugs erupted in cheers. Javelin Josh hits a couple of forearm strikes to Emerald Empress, who begins to fights back with strong bladed strikes of her own but both were flattened by a massive peach hip attack, courtesy of Gloom-pire!
The vampiric mutant then dodged an incoming Raptor Rob and hits a reverse hurricanrana, knocking him to the ground with adding a Banzai Drop with her huge ass crushing his face. Gloom-pire then picks up Javelin Josh and hits a couple of roundhouse kicks, followed by some dagger strikes before quickly turning around to smack him in the face with a large rear. Emerald Empress got up, forming a bat made of diamond to hit Gloom-pire in the back of the head!
The crowd winced to that.
Emerald Empress kept hitting her and Javelin Josh with the diamond bat but Stone Brawl and Hydra Amazoness double shoulder tackled her into the electric cage. Raptor Rob swings into action to take on the two titans by hitting a couple of swift strikes and sharp bites to them but it wasn't phasing them as Stone Brawl and Hydra Amazoness gave Raptor Rob a 'really?' look.
The velociraptor mutant gave an awkward smile before getting a double fist to the face. Everyone was down groaning as Hydra Amazoness and Stone Brawl was still standing as they stared ferociously at each other, about to face off for the championship and their freedom. As the two were about to go to blows, an explosion were heard as the crowd and the competitors see that the entrance doors were blown away, revealing Lincoln and the mutants he freed.
Lincoln: Show's over.
Poison Goth: These torturous events to fight endlessly for your amusement is done.
Scorpion mutant: FREEDOM!!!!!
The mutants yelled/screamed/roared in agreement as the guards, dealers and thugs got out their weapons as they charged at the mutant army, sparking a major battle.
Lincoln blew open the cage, entering as he blasts the collars off Stone Brawl, Emerald Empress, Gloom-pire, Raptor Rob, Javelin Josh and Hydra Amazoness.
Stone Brawl: (slow deep voice) The collars.... they're destroyed....
Raptor Rob: (energetic raspy voice) Are we free? (Smiles, showing sharp teeths) finally free?
Lincoln: Yeah. I notified the black ghost corps and they're on their way.
Emerald Empress: (bold female voice) We've been fighting so long... thank you.
Javelin Josh: (calm male voice) Thanks man.
Hydra Amazoness: (first head; female voice in a medieval tone) I thank thee, for thou have freed us from our shackles. (Second head; female British tone) Thanks luv, ya really helped us there. (Third head; raspy female voice in a Texan tone) ya have our thanks, partner.
Gloom-pire: (alluring, female voice in monotone) Sigh... my hero. (Kisses Lincoln on the cheek)
Lincoln: Uhh... ok.
The mutants overpowered the guards as they were heading out of the arena. As Lincoln and the six mutants were heading out of the cage, a large blast shot Lincoln through the cage into the walls.
Lincoln: Aghh!!
The six mutants turn to see Matthew Millions, who was wearing a big, exo-bodysuit with a photon cannon on the right, a giant bionic fist on the left, high tech goggles and armored boots.
Matthew: (angry) You're ruined my show! Do you know how long it will take to recapture these mutants? I'm losing money so I'm gonna take it out of your lives!
The six mutants growled as Lincoln recovered.
Lincoln: Very well then, I'll play your game.
Stone Brawl: You're... going to regret... taking us from... our families...
Emerald Empress: We'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget.
Raptor Rob; Grrrrrr.... let me at him.
Gloom-pire: I'll drain him dry.
Javelin Josh: You're going to pay for what you did to us.
Hydra Amazoness: (First head) Thou have made a mockery of us, prepare thyself for pain! (Second Head) Yeah, ya bloody bastard! (Third voice) You're going to know what pain truly means!
Matthew: Try it then, my battle suit is more than enough for all of seven of you. You won't leave here alive!
Lincoln: We'll see about that.
To be continued....
(Chapter 1 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. Stay tuned for part 2, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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