Chapter 17: The Ultimate Alien Fighter pt 5- A Dreadful Message

Narrator: Moments later...

As time stood still and everyone in the battlefield was frozen in place, Only the Director and Alcatraz stood in the middle of it all.

Director AX-1: I'm ready to hear your message.

Alcatraz: Very well. Allow me to introduction myself, my name is Alcatraz Fall. I come from an alien race known as the Cryo-Celestions, much like Earth but my people are highly advanced in technology, intelligence and power. I was once one of the Five Guardians of the planet next to my two brothers and two sisters, that all changed but that's a story for another time.

Director AX-1: Of course.

Alcatraz: Alright, while I was awakened from my slumber, another being linked to the most lethal enemies of my people has awakened as well. The woman herself is a very strong and fatal combatant of the Cryo-Celestion's fiercest rivals, the Xeno Kage Swarm, a race of Parasitic War lords that infect & conquer numerous planets. While I was sealed away, she was too.

Director AX-1: I see and what does that have to do with the planet marked for death?

Alcatraz: The Xeno Kage Swarm's group of warriors are going from planet to planet to conquer or destroy it, as well as find any Cryo-Celestions in their sights.

Director AX-1: So they're coming here for the Earth and you.

Alcatraz: Yeah. I have a small link to the woman who was sealed away the same time I was, She's been found by her crew & is coming here.

Director AX-1: How long until they come here.

Alcatraz: 5 months, more or less. Earth was on their list of planets to take, when they get there... it'll be a slaughter.

Director AX-1: Not the first alien invasion my division and I had to face, anything else I need to know?

Alcatraz: The Xeno Kage Swarm are very fatal warriors, possess powers combined with dark fire and atomic energy and mini parasitic creatures that dwell within them, if you're caught in their path... the end result is that you'll be a mindless, monstrous parasitic drone.

Director AX-1: Noted. And the name of the one who has awakened the same time as you?

Alcatraz: Her name is Selia Naga. All I can say is you turn a blind eye to her, you'll be dead before the battle begins. 

Alcatraz turns to walk away.

Director AX-1: Where are you going?

Alcatraz: I'm going for a walk, it's been awhile since I've had time to relax. Plus, the frozen time ability is reaching it's limit.

Director AX-1: A rival alien race of yours is coming to Earth and you're just going for a walk?

Alcatraz: Heh, would you be surprised if I said yes?

Director AX-1: ......

Alcatraz: You still have 5 months until they get here. Instead of focusing on me, focus on your teammates recovery and your preparations to combat the Xeno Kage Swarm. See ya around.

Soon, time was unfrozen as Alcatraz vanished and the storm continued, the ice prison containing the BGC soldiers shattered, releasing their unconscious bodies, Penny Victor, Gwen and Ronnie Anne stopped running as they looked around in confusion of what happened and where was the alien warrior.

Penny Victor: Director! What happened? Where's the Cryo-Celestion?!

Director AX-1: (places his katana back into its scabbard) Questions shall be answered but for now... we gather the wounded and take them back to base for medical attention.

Penny Victor: Okay.


Soon, the Director and Penny Victor gathered up the soldiers, Agents BX-2 & CX-3 wounded in the battle with Alcatraz with the help of Gwen, Ronnie, Lynxa and Draco as Luciana stays behind to tend to Lisa, who was still recovering from the ice prison draining her. Once they were transported to the main base via portal, Director AX-1 told the group of Alcatraz's message of a dreadful omen heading to Earth, leaving nothing in the dark. This shocked a few of the threat coming to this planet in 5 months, the Xeno Kage Swarm having Earth on their takeover list for years, they haven't gotten around to it on their numerous conquests... until now.

Penny Victor and Director AX-1 head back to the base not before the BGC leader telling Gwen and Ronnie Anne to let their team know of the threat coming.


Clyde: WHAT!?!?!

Within the living room, we see Liz, Lily, Hyde, Clyde, Lincoln, Luna and Luan (who were awake and had blankets around them, shivering from the ice prison they were trapped in) as well as Lynn, Lana and Lola, who are back from their tasks, all shocked of what they just heard.

Hyde: So... the man we saw you fought was an alien, who says a group of rogue aliens are coming to Earth within 5 months?

Gwen: Uh-huh.

Lynn: Meh. Ain't the first time we've encountered aliens.

Hyde: You've encountered more?!

Lincoln: So that Cryo-Celestion guy was testing us...

Luna: Seems that way dude.

Luan: We kinda failed that test to beat him.

Liz: The test wasn't really about beating this Alcatraz guy, he was merely testing our strengths & attributes to prove if useful in this coming storm.

Ronnie Anne: I've already tested Lori the news of Alcatraz's message the Director told us.

Lola: Piper Frost left to meet the Director and the other head agents to sort out this matter. And you're telling me that these Xeno Kage Swarm creeps had Earth on their takeover list for years and finally they decide to invade in 5 months? That's kinda messed up.

Lana: True, I wonder what they look like, I bet they look cool.

Lola: Lana, focus!

Clyde: I'm trying not to freak out right now.... my girlfriend Haiku is coming here tomorrow & there's an alien group of rogues coming....

Ronnie Anne pats Clyde on the shoulder.

Ronnie Anne: You're telling me, my friend Sid is coming by too.

Hyde: I just... can't believe that this is happening... mutants and aliens, just... wow...

Lincoln: I know it's hard to take in but it's the truth, you saw our powers and what this Alcatraz guy was capable of.

Hyde: I understand. I just need to sit down for a bit...

Luna: They'll be here in 5 months, it'll give us time to prepare for the threat dudes.

Luan: What about the alien we fought, is he gonna come back here again or will the BGC hunt him down?

Luna: The director hadn't decided that yet, for now he said that not engage him in combat, he might be an ally or something, sis.

Lynn: I wish I could've taken a crack at this Alcatraz guy.

Gwen: Pretty sure you would be a human popsicle if you did.

Lynn: Hmph. I won't let a little ice stop me.

Lily: Lynn's challenge hungry issue aside, so we're gonna spend the next 5 months preparing for the alien threat?

Lincoln: Yep.

Lola: Just preparing, isn't that a little overdoing things?

Lincoln: We're not gonna overwork ourselves, we do have others plans but we have 5 months of normal activities and preparing ourselves.

Luan: Work hard and Play hard, hahaha!

Everyone groan.

Lucy: (appeared out of nowhere) Sigh... bad time for jokes.

Everyone but Liz was spooked.

Lynn: Ah! Lucy!

Gwen: Jesus tap dancing Christ, stop doing that!

Lucy: Sigh... old habits never die. I got a text of the alien's message from Lori so I came here. (Turn to Clyde) Good to see you again, Clyde.

Clyde: (trying to catch his breath from the scare) Huff... huff... g-good to see you too, Lucy.

Lucy walks passed them and heads upstairs with Liz following.

Lynn: So what's our plan?

Luna: For now, nothing. We're on standby to rest and recover until further notice.

Lynn: Well that's boring...

Lola: Well I'm gonna head home, see ya later.

Gwen: I have to head home too and let my siblings know what happened, see ya guys.

Hyde: Same, bye and... good luck with fighting those aliens.

Lily: I gotta head back to check on Lisa, see ya later and have a good recovery.

Lola, Lily, Gwen and Hyde left the house. Luna and Luan also went upstairs to rest, leaving only Lynn, Lana, Lincoln, Ronnie Anne and Clyde in the living room.

Lincoln: Do you have a place to stay, Clyde?

Clyde: No, I was actually going to stay a hotel for a few weeks during my vacation here.

Lincoln: You could stay with us.

Clyde: Naw bud, I couldn't do that-

Lincoln: Clyde, it's fine. Ronnie Anne's staying here on her vacation, same with lynn's boyfriend Francisco, who's out on business. We have more guest rooms downstairs as well.

Clyde: Hmmmm... if you say so, who am I to refuse?

Lincoln: Thanks.

The two high fived.

Ronnie Anne: I'll show him to one of the rooms.

Lincoln nods as Ronnie Anne left with Clyde following.

Lincoln: So mission business aside.... how was work, you two?

Lana: It was okay, tuned up a couple of trucks, motorcycles and RVs. Aiden and I had a problem with a spoiled rich dude who tried to sabotage our business to make his auto shop look better. But Aiden and I had to give him the boot, literally.

Lincoln: So you kicked his ass and made him run off?

Lana: Pretty much. He threatened to sue us but he started it by trying to ruin our hard work. If he thinks his threats can scare us, he has another thing coming.

Lincoln: Got it. Sticking up for your boss and place of business, I can respect that. Need any assistance, I'll be there.

Lana: Thanks Lincoln.

Lincoln: You're welcome. What about you, Lynn?

Lynn: Work at W.U.F.W. was great, still coming up with a new persona gimmick in this new storyline. The matches were amazing and shocking at the same time with good and bad moments.

Lincoln: How so?

Lynn: Black Leone is in a heated rivalry with Team Flawless Beauties, a few unkind words & mentioning her husband and daughter, man... you didn't want to see what Black Leone did to them but their rivalry is far from over.

Lincoln: Insulting one's family, not a good decision to call out someone.

Lynn: Tarot Arcana successfully defended his W.U.F.W. world heavyweight championship against newcomer, the Fatality God, Ares Blood. Those two torn the house down and both earned each other's respects.

Lana: Awesome!

Lynn: Nova Core Luchas, Blaze Andrés & Cyclone Antonio faced off against Charlie Beautiful and his debuting brother Cass Bright for a tag team championship opportunity, it was a great match but Charlie's manager got involved as the "Fine Beauty Era" got a win & a tag team title shot in a triple threat match against Dead Knight and Dark heart & the tag team champions, The Riot Brothers.

Lincoln: Showboats against two ghouls and two riotters, I get it.

Lynn: Ava Jones tried calling out the Alpha's unit, who we know are on business with Lori as well as Ronnie Anne, But Asylum Alice once again decided to attack her, sparking a No DQ match. It was brutal but Ava managed to win the match.... but after that, Asylum Alice just broke down & yelled out "I Quit!"

Lincoln: She quit the company?

Lynn: Yeah, she had some good success over the years but... she was in the jobber spot & didn't want to be that anymore.

Lana: Dang...

Lynn: Yeah. Anyway, Mark Strong won his match against Kyle Dazzler, earning a future W.U.F.W. infinite championship opportunity. Three masked men attacked Adam Bruiser but their identity remains a mystery, the Soldiers of Savagery dominated the Glamour Goddesses, Bloodstreak decimated a local competitor to send a direct message to you, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Unfinished business...

Lynn: Yep. Anarchy Anna defended her W.U.F.W. women's worldwide championship against Violet Webb but their match ended in a draw when 6 masked women attacked them. I was in a segment on what was next for me, as I was staring at a mirror of three projections of my personas yet a fourth, mysterious one appeared.

Lana: Whoa.

Lynn: Silver Lion and Jack Gates once again go at it for the W.U.F.W. infinite championship, both gave everything they have but Silver Lion retained. Jack Gates offers him the championship as a sign of respect but... he delivered a low blow from behind & his finisher to the luchadore.

Lana: Gates turned heel?

Lynn: Yep. I think he's going for a more brutal gimmick, he said he'd surprise me with the gear later. Anyway, there are also some bad news...

Lincoln: What?

Lynn: Some superstars were released, either out of the blue or asking for their release. These people are "Codemaster Cyborg" Johnny Cyber, "American Powerweight" Ben Hogan, The Massive Monsters Trevor and Travis Tucker, "Alpha of the Cruiserweights" Johnny Alpha, The Tigressa Sisters, Dark Tigra & Crimson Tigra, "The Leader of the Sparks Nation" Rachel Sparks, "Neon Cyborg" Shiva, "The She-monster of Dread Swamp" Lola Loch, "The Golden Player Sensation" Johnny Bling, The Great War Shark sisters, Savannah and Sabrina Stonejaw, "The Cruiser Pirate" Quickbeard, even the Riders of Retribution, Lucy and you Lana.

Lana: I already know, the Riders texted me. What a bummer but good news, the Riders and I found some different wrestling or fight club companies we can check out.

Lynn: Oh ok. Well I'm gonna go make some meatball subs.

Lana: I gotta go feed Hops, Izzy and El Diablo.

Lynn went to the kitchen while Lana headed upstairs, leaving Lincoln by himself as he thought about the approaching threat in 5 months & the Cryo-Celestion warrior, Alcatraz.

Lincoln: (in his mind) Alcatraz... I'm not sure about what his intentions are in this.... if he actually wants to help us or something is in it for him on this but I intend to find out.


Speaking of said Alien, Alcatraz was going for a walk through the stormy night city, looking around with a bored expression.

Alcatraz: (in his mind) Quite a city but not much excitement going on here.

Alcatraz then noticed something in the alleyway, two men walking to a brick wall, placing a hand on the wall which made a click sound as the brick wall opened up to reveal a dark passage, both men going through and unaware that Alcatraz followed them inside.

To be continued...

(Chapter 17 is finished! Please let me know what you think of it! Alcatraz has delivered a dreaded message that a dangerous threat known as the Xeno Kage Swarm (ocs) is coming to Earth within 5 months, what's gonna happen until then, can the louds and company prepare? Where did Alcatraz stumble upon in this dark passageway? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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