Chapter 16: The Ultimate Alien Fighter pt 4- A fight with the Cryo-Celestion
Lincoln and the others stared at the alien identified as Alcatraz Fall with mixed expressions of his dark message.
Liz: Our planet is marked for death, you say?
Alcatraz: That's what I just explained to you.
Ronnie Anne: And you're planning to destroy our world?
Alcatraz: And what if I am...? What will you plan to do about it?
Lincoln, Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Lily, Gwen, Hyde and Liz stared at the Cryo-Celestion.
Alcatraz: Well...? Are you going to attack me or should I take the first shot?
Before anyone can make a move, the ground started rumbling as two giant snakes shot out of the ground and wraps themselves around Alcatraz as the alien saw silver bladed waves of air heading towards him, resulting in an explosion. Lily turns to see Luan and Luna running towards them.
Lily: Luan! Luna!
Luna: We got the distress call from the BGC and came running dudes!
Luan: Yeah. (Looks at Clyde) Clyde? Is that you?
Clyde: Hey guys, wow Ronnie Anne wasn't kidding. You're all mutants.
Hyde: This is all very sudden for me.
Liz: Guys... he's not down.
Everyone turns to the smoke clearing, revealing Alcatraz unharmed by the attack.
Luan: Not even a scratch on him.
Alcatraz: Some new challengers appear.
Alcatraz drives his sword into the ground which shook immensely with pillars of light forming out the cracks of the road.
Liz: Everyone, Jump!
Liz carries Hyde and Clyde and jumps while Luna and Luan jumped as well followed by Ronnie Anne & Lincoln carrying Gwen & Lily and flying off while the rest of the neighborhood roads were surrounded by pillars of light widening to critical mass, exploding and soon encasing the area in ice.
Lincoln and the group were on the roof of the loud house as they saw what transpired.
Clyde: He just incased the entire neighborhood in ice!
Luan: Oh man, that's ice cold, Hehehehe! Get it?
Luna: Luan, not now.
The lightning flashed as the storm intensified. Alcatraz looks in the group's direction, taking his blade out of the ground and proceeds to fly to them. Lincoln got in front of the group and fires a large orange energy blast at the flying Alcatraz, connecting the hit with an explosion.
Clyde: Nice one, Lincoln! Ya got him!
When the smoke clears, Alcatraz was standing in the middle of the air, unharmed.
Gwen: Ya spoke too soon.
Alcatraz: (cold stare) What was that supposed to do?
Lincoln: (Deadpan) That... was supposed to hurt you.
Alcatraz: Right idea... (form of a ball of cosmic like, blue and white energy) Wrong caliber.
Alcatraz fires a larger blast at Lincoln, who barely had time to dodge it as he was hit by the blast. Lincoln let out a pained yell as he experienced the damage of Alcatraz's attack, soon being incased in ice with strange symbols on the prison like with Lisa.
The ice prison containing Lincoln fell to the ground.
Lily: Lincoln!!!
Luna: Bro!!
Alcatraz landed on the ice covered ground.
Alcatraz: What's the matter? Run out of options?
Luna, Luan and Gwen immediately jumped off the roof to face the Cryo-Celestion. Gwen absorbs the ice floor, her body now coated with ice as she forms skates under her boots while turning her hands into blades.
Gwen: Alright, here I come!
Gwen skates quickly towards Alcatraz with her bladed ice hands to attack but the alien readied his sword as the two engage in a sword fight, Gwen was delivering strong strikes to the Cryo-Celestion but Alcatraz countered each swing with his sword until he vanished from Gwen's sight.
Gwen: What the? (Looks around) Where'd he go?!
Luna and Luan were looking around as well as they couldn't find the alien threat even with their advanced senses. Then the two loud sisters heard Clyde yelled out.
Clyde: He's right behind you!!
Luna and Luan turned around to see Alcatraz behind him with a cold stare. The rocker and comedian charged at him, delivering an assortment of punches and kicks to Alcatraz, who was dodging them. Luan vanished and got behind the alien warrior, wrapping her snake like hands around his neck to strangle him while Luna took this opportunity to claw and strike him.
Alcatraz grunts in pain but growled as cold air begins to radiate from his skin, Luan felt the cold substance radiating from Alcatraz with the comedian getting weakened and woozy from the cold, Alcatraz used this to his advantage to kick Luna away while knocking Luan off of him, launching an energy blast to the joker loud with the blast encasing her in ice.
Luna: Luan!
Luna growled as she inhaled and released a sonic wolf howl aimed at Alcatraz, who braced himself as the attack connected with him, shattering most of the ice. Gripping his blade, Alcatraz begins to spin the sword as energy begins to spiral out of it through the sonic wolf howl attack which struck Luna, who screams as she too was encased in ice with the strange symbols on them.
Alcatraz then turns to the roof where he spotted Ronnie Anne and Liz protecting Lily, Clyde and Hyde. He then turns back to Gwen but before any moves can be made, a portal opened up behind Gwen.
Alcatraz: ....?
Gwen noticed the portal as a group of BGC soldiers with cybernetic armor and blasters. Following behind them was agents BX-2, CX-3, Penny Victor and the Director AX-1 himself.
Alcatraz: Reinforcements, hmm?
Gwen: Well about time you got here.
Penny Victor: We'll take it from here, get Luna, Luan and Lincoln out of the ice prison and to safety.
Gwen: Got it.
Gwen skates quickly towards the ice prisons containing Luna and Luan, she drives her bladed ice hands into the frozen prisons which broke apart and released the unconscious Luna and Luan. Gwen places them over her shoulder as she went to go find where Lincoln had landed. However, she turns to Alcatraz & wondered why he didn't stop her from freeing the two, he was just standing there & staring at the BGC agents but she doesn't have time to worry about that as the pierce sister left to find Lincoln.
Director AX-1: (cold glare) You have two options; Surrender or be brought down.
Alcatraz: (glares coldly back) I don't think both of those options are going to happen.
Director AX-1: Very well then... (gives the signal) let him have it.
The BGC soldiers proceed to run in & shoot Alcatraz, who charges at them while getting shot by enhanced bullets as blue blood came out of Alcatraz's wounds but he took the hits delivers an assortment of slashes to each soldier in a swift blur, appearing behind the group of BGC soldiers as pillars of energy engulfed the soldiers which caused them to scream as the energy soon depletes, encasing them in ice with strange symbols.
Penny Victor and Agent CX-3 were shocked while Agent BX-2 and Director AX-1 showed no signs of expression.
Alcatraz: (wounds healing up) Now it's down to the five of us.
Director AX-1: Impressive but we won't yield so easily. Whatever you have planned for this world, you won't succeed.
The four then surround Alcatraz in a formation circle of four, Penny Victor readying her electricity, Agent BX-2 entering her fighting stance, Agent CX-3 locking and loading his cybernetic arm while the Director pulls out an unusual katana giving off a strange aura.
Alcatraz: Come at me.
The four then clashed with the Cryo-Celestion.
Meanwhile, Gwen runs towards the area where Lincoln had landed while Liz carried Lily, Clyde and Hyde and jumped off the roof with Ronnie Anne following as they went to where Gwen was located, seeing Luna and Luan lying on the ground while Gwen was slashing away at the ice to get Lincoln out.
Lily: (Looks at Luna and Luan) Are... are they...?
Liz: No, they're just unconscious.
Hyde: I don't understand what is happening here?
Ronnie Anne: In short terms, we're at war with an alien warrior. That simple enough for ya?
Gwen was trying to get Lincoln out of the ice prison but proved a bit difficult from the ones Luna and Luan were in.
Gwen: C'mon break already! Hey Liz, can you give me a hand here?!
Liz: Alright.
Liz puts Clyde & Hyde down and walks towards Gwen, looking at the ice prison Lincoln was in. Flexing both arms, Liz's eyes glowed as the ground begins to shake immensely. The nine foot tall goth begins to deliver punch after punch as the ice prison shatter within seconds, releasing Lincoln.
Liz caught him the moment he stumbled and fell.
Liz: Are you okay, white spectre?
Lincoln: Cough, cough... frozen but I'll live.
Lily: Phew.
An explosion were heard as the group turns to the battlefield with things heating up between the BGC agents and the Cryo-Celestion.
Clyde: Wow... they're holding their own against that alien guy.
Hyde: I've seen a lot of action movies but this.... this is really insane. More than insane though, just... radical.
Lincoln: Well then, I better lend them a hand.
Lincoln attempts to walk but nearly fell as Liz caught him again.
Lily: Lincoln!
Clyde: Whoa, Lincoln are you alright?!
Liz: I'm afraid that you're in no condition to help anyone, Lincoln.
Lincoln: It's fine Liz, I can still-
Liz: (Dark voice) No.
Lincoln: ......
Liz: (Normal voice) That was no ordinary ice that froze you, I sensed it the moment I broke you out of that prison with the strange glowing marks. It was absorbing your life energy and power to fuel the prison's strength. Gwen was lucky to get Luna and Luan out of theirs quickly or it would've did them in.
Lincoln: Damn it...
Liz: You'll have to sit back and wait for your energy to replenish itself. Leave this to the director and his forces, if things turn grim we'll head into battle to aid them.
Lincoln: Alright...
Gwen, Lily and Ronnie Anne nodded as they along with Clyde & Hyde help Lincoln & the unconscious Luna and Luan up to get them to safety of the loud house.
Meanwhile, the battle between Alcatraz and the Director & his forces continue to take place. Penny Victor ran at the Cryo-Celestion while dodging the energy/ice attacks, driving an electric palm to the midsection of Alcatraz, who grunts as the franken scientist agent delivers a fast assortment of electric powered strikes to Alcatraz.
She goes for a spinning palm but Alcatraz caught the arm, delivering five strikes to penny's right side, a chop to the side of her neck & a boot to the gut, sending penny crashing into one of the frozen cars.
Penny groans as Alcatraz was about to blast her but he stopped and dodged a rocket powered punch from Agent CX-3, who managed to return his cybernetic arm to him as Alcatraz fires an energy blast of ice at the cybernetic agent.
CX-3 saw the blast forming into a straight pillar of ice, his right robotic eye glowed as he fired a green eye laser through the pillar to destroy it but Alcatraz made a beeline straight for him the moment he blew up the ice pillar.
The two traded blows as CX-3 formed a blade from his cybernetic arm to go on the offensive against Alcatraz, managing to get a few slashes at the alien warrior. Alcatraz caught the next punch followed CX-3 catching his punch as the two were in a stalemate to out grapple the other but Alcatraz starts to overpower CX-3's grip as he slowly twists the cybernetic agent's human hand, bringing him down to one knee as he yelled in pain.
Agent CX-3: Gaaaah!!
Alcatraz: Do you give up?
Agent CX-3: Grrr... Not even on my worst day.
Agent CX-3 shot Alcatraz in the eyes with his rototic eye laser.
Alcatraz: Aaaagghhh!!
Agent CX-3 took his opportunity to knee him in the gut, followed by a chain of kick boxing attacks mixed with his cybernetic strength and speed to overwhelm the alien warrior. CX-3 was about to execute a decisive blow but Alcatraz caught the cybernetic fist, glaring at him with his eyes completely healed.
Alcatraz: Shooting me in the eyes, that was a really poor choice... since you tried to blow up my eyes, I'll take your arm in exchange.
Alcatraz's grip tightens on CX-3's fist as the cybernetic agent attempts to strike him in the face and gut but Alcatraz still wouldn't let go. The Cryo-Celestion then starts to pull with great strength and ripped CX-3's robotic arm right off!
CX-3 fell to his knees, clutching his stubbed arm in pain as Alcatraz proceeds to use the severed robotic arm to hit the cybernetic agent in the jaw, sending him flying and crashing into the roof of Lisa's mansion.
Alcatraz: Anyone else-
Alcatraz was cut off when he was electrocuted by a stream of green lightning from the ground, courtesy of penny victor. Agent BX-2 seized the opening and ran at the Cryo-Celestion as everything went into slow motion with the head of the punishment & interrogation agent moving at an instantaneous level of speed, driving her swift but deadly hits to every part of Alcatraz's body.
She then reappeared behind Alcatraz, who begins to spasm uncontrollably with blue blood spraying out of his body the damage dealt from BX-2's pain manipulation attacks. He felt to the ground, yelling in agony for a moment until... he suddenly started to laugh darkly.
Agent BX-2 slowly turns to the alien warrior, showing no signs of expression but raised an eyebrow as Alcatraz slowly got up.
Alcatraz: Huff... huff... Not gonna lie, that really hurt like hell but unfortunately for you... I've have worse done to me.
Alcatraz's wounds slowly closed as the sounds of cracking bones was heard with his insides healing as well.
Agent BX-2: You're quite a resilient individual.
Alcatraz: I'm not one to brag. How about I give you a taste of pain.
Alcatraz disappeared and reappeared behind Agent BX-2.
Alcatraz: 3... 2... 1.
Agent BX-2 grunted as blood shot out of her mouth and wounds that instantly appeared on each part of her body.
Penny Victor: What power & speed....
Director AX-1: .....
Alcatraz slowly turned to Agent BX-2, who fell to her knees, coughing up blood and wheezing.
Alcatraz: How's that for pain...?
Now it was BX-2's turn to laugh a bit as she slowly rose to her feet, turning to face the alien warrior.
Agent BX-2: Every bone in my body is either shaking or broken... my muscles are burning beyond belief and the rest of my body feels like... fire. It feels good... really good....
Agent BX-2 cracks her neck while Alcatraz raised an eyebrow.
Agent BX-2: You're the third person to have ever injured me like this... hehe... Hehehehe... Hehehehehe....
Alcatraz then noticed veins forming on each part of the agent woman's body as a ghastly grin slowly stretched upon her face.
Penny Victor: (in her mind) Oh no... I haven't seen that look since THAT day... don't tell me that the thing inside her has woken up...?
Agent BX-2 was grinning from ear to ear in a horrific way while Alcatraz raised an eyebrow but kept his cold stare. The Cryo-Celestion noticed a strange pattern within the woman, something he's seen before but it was a blur.
Alcatraz: Are you going to stand there grinning at me or are you gonna make a move?
Agent BX-2 charged at the Cryo-Celestion, leaving a large crater behind with Alcatraz charging straight for her both connected a strong punch to the face, causing a great force of wind to howl throughout the entire area as the two begin to hammer away at each other with immense strength and lethal strikes to one another.
As this was going on, Penny Victor turns to the Director.
Penny Victor: Director, we must subdue her! You know how Agent BX-2 gets when she gets fatally injured like this, she'll do something drastic to herself or her opponent or anyone near her!
Director AX-1: I'll take care of it.
The Director walks towards the war zone as Alcatraz and Agent BX-2 dishing out brutality upon one another. While the Cryo-Celestion was dealing out more damage, Agent BX-2 refused to go down while her strange behavior due to the pain she was experiencing was driving her wild.
Alcatraz: (in his mind) What's up with her? She was calm for a moment & the next, she's gone mental. Perhaps my attack broke more than her body.
The two broke the stalemate.
Agent BX-2: Hehehehe... oh the pain feels like fire... so exhilarating... I want more... give me more to fight, it makes me stronger & so aliiiiive!
Alcatraz: I guess my last attack did damage to your mind as well. I'll have to put you down then.
Alcatraz raised his left hand as his sword comes flying back into his grasp. Before BX-2 could make a move, she was struck in the back of her neck by the director's nerve strike.
Agent BX-2: Guhhh...!
She fell to the ground, unconscious. Alcatraz turns to the Director.
Director AX-1: My apologies for my subordinate. She tends to let out a... bloodthirsty side of myself when fatally injured to near death, a pangs condition if you will from her past.
Alcatraz: Mental distress? I knew a handful of my people who had a similar problem like hers. So you're going to fight me yourself?
Director AX-1: (readies his blade) That is correct. If you say that this planet is your target for domination or utter destruction, I can't allow you to carry on with your plans.
Alcatraz: Heh. Then come at me & see how far you get.
The two got into their sword fighting stance as the lightning flashed from the dark skies, signaling the starting point with the Cryo-Celestion and the Director charging straight for each other, their blades clashed which caused a gargantuan shockwave that shattered the entire ice regions coating the neighborhood.
Alcatraz and the Director dished out an assortment of sword strikes in a heated duel of blade against blade, Director AX-1 low sweeps Alcatraz as he attempts to strike him but he rolls back to avoid the Director's chain of sword strikes. Alcatraz kips up from the ground and fires a couple of frozen energy slashes from his sword towards the Director.
The Head agent then readied his blade as he begins to cut through the ice slashes but barely managed to dodge Alcatraz's next incoming sword slice to the right shoulder.
Director AX-1 grunts but managed to cut Alcatraz across his back before he landed. The two then went at it again with blade strike after blade strike and so on, Alcatraz pulls back and drives his blade into the ground as a row of ice spikes shot out towards the Director, who charges into the attack in a spiral motion to shatter the ice spikes with his blade.
The Director clashed blades with Alcatraz again as the two kept up with one another, neither side willing to concede, Alcatraz slashed the Director across the chest 4 times which made the head agent stumble back but didn't fall as he executes an upward slash to Alcatraz's chest while delivering another one to his midsection followed by a kick to send him back a few feet.
Director AX-1 got into a kendo fighting stance, holding the sword as his eyes closed under his shades, focusing. Alcatraz slowly got up with his wounds healing up upon seeing a mysterious aura was surrounding the Director's body & blade.
Alcatraz readied his blade as the Director raised his sword up, the strange energy begins to flow and with a single strike, Director AX-1 unleashed a pure wave of black, white and dark blue energy towards Alcatraz, who gripped his blade with the gems on his gauntlet glowing as the attack engulfed him, sending a massive pillar of energy up the dark and stormy skies, causing a large explosion within the clouds.
The Director fell to one knee, slightly breathing heavily as the explosion soon subsided.
Director AX-1: That attack wasn't fully perfected yet but I had to take a stab at it anyway. Hmm?
The Director noticed the rain slowly falling then... stopped in place. He also noticed that Penny Victor was frozen in place of running towards him, the Director also noticed Gwen and Ronnie Anne frozen in place of running towards the battlefield, the area was now a dark shade of blue as everything going on has suddenly stopped in place.
Director AX-1: Everything is frozen...
Alcatraz's voice: You guessed it.
The Director's eyes under his shades widen for a moment before narrowing, noticing a blade near his neck. Behind the Director was Alcatraz, who was standing on one left leg while the right side of his body was wiped out by the director's attack but within moments, his body begins to regenerate.
Alcatraz: One of my race's special abilities, to render time frozen.
Director AX-1: ......
Alcatraz: I admit that was a great match, haven't have a good fight in years since I was placed in that sleep pod. But in the end... I win.
Director AX-1: Well then finish me... even if I die, others like myself will arise stop you.
Alcatraz: Heh. (Removes his blade from the Director's neck) I don't plan on killing you, considering you and your... forces might be the candidates I'm looking for what's coming to your planet.
The Director stands up to face the Cryo-Celestion.
Director AX-1: What's coming? So you're not the one after this planet?
Alcatraz: Nope.
Director AX-1: And this battle was some sort of trial?
Alcatraz: In a way, yes.
Director AX-1: And what pray tell is coming to mark our planet for death?
Alcatraz: Very well... (body fully heals) I'll tell you everything you need to know.
To be continued...
(Chapter 16 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. The battle is over and Alcatraz has won but... he's not the threat that has marked planet Earth for death?! Who is the real threat? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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