Chapter 14: The Ultimate Alien Fighter pt 2- An Alien's Awakening.

We cut to the loud house as we see Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, Clyde, Gwen and Hyde were playing various games. So far, from fighting games to racing games to shooting games to wrestling games and rpg games and so on.

Right now they were playing wwe 2k battlegrounds. It was Lincoln vs Clyde vs Ronnie Anne in a triple threat match while Gwen and Hyde was watching them as Gwen won his match against Hyde in Jeff Hardy vs Buddy Murphy.

Lincoln was Sting, Clyde was Stone Cold Steve Austin and Ronnie Anne was Randy Orton as the three were trying to win in this triple threat match, so far the three were neck and neck with one another.

Lincoln: Just give it up, you two. You're one scorpion death drop away from losing this round.

Ronnie Anne: In your dreams, Lame-O. Against me in video games, I still own you & I'm gonna win again.

Ronnie Anne activated the finisher as Randy Orton Rkos Sting.

Lincoln: Crap!

Ronnie Anne: Oh yeah, this win is mine-

Broken glass was heard.

Randy Orton was nailed by the stone cold stunner, courtesy of Steve Austin.

Ronnie Anne: No!

Clyde: Yes! Go for the pin!

Stone Cold Steve Austin goes for the pin, sting tries to stop it but was too late as he got the 3 count.

Clyde: Oh yeah, I did it! Who's the king now?! I'm the king! Woooooo!!

Ronnie Anne: Damn it!

Lincoln: I wasn't the one who got pinned but I still lost.

Clyde: Great game guys, I know the game event ain't over but let's take a break for now.

Ronnie Anne: Alright then.

Gwen and Hyde: Sure.

Lincoln: That was a great game, Clyde.

Clyde: Like old times. (Holds out his hand for a handshake)

Lincoln then shook his best friend's  hand.

Clyde: Sorry Buddy.

Lincoln: For what-

Broken glass was heard.

Clyde nails Lincoln with the stone cold stunner!

Gwen: Holy crap! Stone Cold Stunner! Stone Cold Stunner!

Ronnie Anne: Hehehe, looks like he got-

Broken glass was heard.

Clyde hits a Stone Cold Stunner to Ronnie Anne as well!

Hyde: Whoa! To her as well!

Gwen: It's Stunner City! Holy shamoly that's two-

Broken glass was heard again.

Clyde then gets Gwen with the Stone Cold Stunner too!

Hyde: Oh man, he's taking out everybody with the stunner! Wait, Clyde why are you looking at me like that? Don't you think about it, No no no... Nononono-

Broken glass was heard again.

Hyde was nailed with the Stone Cold Stunner by Clyde!

Clyde: Oh hell yeah!! And that's what happens when you mess with the king and that's the bottom line because Clyde Mcbride says so!

Ronnie Anne: Ugh... did you have to give everyone a Stunner, Mcbride?

Clyde laughs nervously.

Clyde: Sorry guys, guess I got carried away with the win, I went all stone cold.

Lincoln: Heh, you really brought up your inner Stone Cold.

Gwen: I'll say.

Hyde: Same.

Broken glass was heard again.

Clyde: Ok, uhh... where's the broken glass sounds coming from?

Liz appeared out of nowhere.

Liz: Sorry, that was me.

Clyde: (spooked) Gah! Lucy-(looks at Liz) Holy shamoly, you're huge! Uhhh... S-Sorry about the rude gesture.

Liz: Sigh... I'm used to it, it's fine. Sorry for the sudden scare.

Clyde: No worries, who are you?

Liz: My name is Liz, one of Lucy & Lincoln's new friends.

Clyde: Oh ok, nice to meet you.

Lincoln: Liz, you said that you have something to do with the sounds of broken glass being heard. What happened?

Liz: Sigh... after I finished my meal, I decided to do the dishes and let's just say you're gonna need new plates, bowls and cups.

Lincoln noticed the minor cuts on Liz's hands.

Gwen: Your hands were too big to wash the dishes and ended up breaking them in your grip, didn't they?

Liz said nothing.

Gwen: I'll take your silence as a yes.

Lincoln: It's fine Liz, I'll let Luna know the next time I see her.

Gwen: So while the game event is on hold, whatta you guys wanna do?

Everyone shrugged.

Lincoln: Hmmm... so Clyde, what have you been up to since I went missing?

Clyde: Well, ever since the... incident, I was devastated when I found out the news. After the search was called off, I gave up as well and moved on with my life but I still hoped that you were okay wherever you are, graduated high school but decided to wait for college when I'm ready, got over my crush on Lori and started making my own hero comics.

Lincoln: Nice, what's it about?

Clyde: It's about a guy who half human/half alien from discovering an artifact that changed him, granting him powers. I don't really have the name of the hero yet but I'm still looking.

Gwen: I could think of some good names for ya.

Clyde: Thanks.

Lincoln: How's Liam, Zach and Rusty?

Clyde: Liam's great, he's been working hard on his own farm home and is also a bodyguard for his girlfriend and rising rockstar, Tabby.

Lincoln: For serious?

Clyde: Yeah. The two are officially a couple. Plus, one time Liam took a bullet for tabby when a jealous musician tried to attack her because tabby was chosen for a music deal & she wasn't, the jealous musician was sent to jail. Luckily, Liam wore a bulletproof vest to go with the job.

Lincoln: At least he and Tabby are okay. What about Zach and Rusty?

Clyde: Zach decided to go into business for prove of aliens existing and conspiracy theories. He's also dating giggles and helping her from time to time with her circus routines.

Lincoln: I met giggles at the wrestling company Lynn is working at in L.A.

Clyde: You did?!

Lincoln: Yeah, Giggles was taking a break from clown college and works at W.U.F.W. as the current women's intercontinental champion, the sadistic cyclone clown, Gillia.

Clyde: Whoa. Guess Zach not only has a funny but strong girlfriend.

Lincoln: Hehehe. Yeah. Now, what about Rusty?

Clyde's smile fell into a frown.

Hyde: Is everything okay, Clyde?

Gwen: Ya look like someone came in and shot up your possessions.

Lincoln: Clyde... what happened?

Ronnie Anne: (to Clyde) You wanna tell him or should I?

Clyde takes a deep breath before speaking.

Clyde: Rusty is... not actually friends with us anymore.

Lincoln: What?

Clyde: During high school, tensions heated up with Rusty and Polly Pain, who didn't take kindly to Rusty flirting with girls and trying to go out with them when She and Rusty were currently dating. The two had an argument until Polly broke up with Rusty & broke his arms and legs.

Hyde: Yikes.

Gwen: Damn.

Liz: Sigh... he broke her heart and she broke his limbs.

Clyde: It gets worse, the fight happened in high school and weeks after the break up, every girl avoided or picked on Rusty for what happened with Polly, even the girl's boyfriends would teach him a lesson for hitting on their girls. Rusty then had a fight with me, Zach, Liam and Stella about his mistake which he thinks he did nothing wrong to get what he deserved, then... that's when our friendship with him was over.

Lincoln: I see... and who's Stella?

Clyde: Stella is a friend we met in school, she's quite a fun girl with a ton of interests. I'll introduce you to her someday.

Lincoln: Ok. Now what happened to Rusty after the fight?

Clyde: He dropped out of high school, never went home as his parents & brother Rocky were worried sick about him. From what I heard, Rusty fell in with the wrong crowd, joined a dangerous biker gang that started robbing banks and stores... sigh... he's become a wanted criminal now.

Lincoln: Oh... I see...

Clyde places a hand on Lincoln's shoulder.

Clyde: Lincoln, Buddy... it's not your fault.

Lincoln: I feel like it is, if only I was there to prevent it.

Clyde: It's not your fault man, We followed our own paths & Rusty followed his. You had nothing to do with him going bad, he made his choice, not you.

Lincoln: Ok... I understand.

Then ringing were heard as Clyde and Ronnie Anne took out their phones to answer them.

Clyde: (on his phone) Hello, yes? I'm in Los Angeles, Ronnie Anne brought me here to see Lincoln. Yeah, he's been found.

Ronnie Anne: (on her phone) Hello, oh hey. Yes, I'm at the loud house-no not the old one, I'm in Los Angeles. Wait, you wanna visit? Tomorrow?

Gwen: Wonder who they're on the phone with?

Hyde: Probably some friends or family from home.

Liz: Sigh... indeed.

Clyde: Ok, I understand. You want to come over tomorrow? Oh ok, it's fine. I'll call you back for preparations, I love you too, bye. (Hangs up)

Ronnie Anne: You already have a plane ticket already? Well ok then, I swear you're too energetic sometimes. Don't worry, I'll be at the airport tomorrow waiting for you, okay? I'll see ya later, bye. (Hangs up)

Lincoln: Okay, who was that?

Clyde: Oh, I was talking to Haiku.

Lincoln: Haiku? The goth girl Lucy set me up with along the other girls at the Sadie Hawkins dance?

Clyde: The same one. She and I are... (blushes) dating.

Lincoln: Eh????

Clyde: Yeah, the two of us got to know each other, I love her poetry and we both had unrequited loves; my former being Lori and hers being a 200 year old vampire. She called me and wants to come by tomorrow and see you, to make up for lost time.

Lincoln: Oh. Alright then.

Ronnie Anne: And I was on the phone with my friend, Sid Chang.

Lincoln: Sid Chang?

Ronnie Anne: (smiles) You're not the only one who made some new friends, Lame-O. I met her back in Great Lakes City, she's quite a fun person that likes to try out new activities. We had a lot fun together, I even told her about you, she wants to come over tomorrow to meet you.

Lincoln: I see. Well I'm up for meeting new and old faces.

Gwen: So... what game do you want to try next?

Lincoln: Mortal Kombat?

Gwen: Oh hell yes.

Hyde: I'm in.

Clyde: Sure.

Ronnie Anne: I'm in as well.

Liz: Well have fun.

Gwen: You wanna play Mortal Kombat with us Liz?

Liz: No thanks, I'm not a video game person but I'll watch. I do enjoy the fatalities.

Gwen: Ok then, the game event is back on!

Hyde: Test your might.

Lincoln: Choose your Destiny.

Ronnie Anne: Flawless Victory.

Clyde: Mortal Kombat!

Everyone went back in the living room to start the next game.


Meanwhile at Lisa's Mansion....

A few hours later, Lisa and her group landed back on earth in the open entrance in the back of the genius loud's yard. Lisa, Lily, Linka, the loud brothers, Draco, Luciana and Lynxa all got the stored alien tech and equipment off the ship and into the storage rooms within lisa's laboratory one by one to be further analyzed at a later date.

Once the others left, Lisa remained in her laboratory as she was studying the strange alien life form within the space pod. Hooking up the circuitry tubes from her supercomputer to the pod, Lisa types in the codes to activate her computer, wanting to know more about this life form called Project: Alcatraz.

Lisa: A mysterious pod filled with an alien origin, what a sweet discovery it is. The subject does look human but there must be more to it behind it's homo sapien like exterior, I may need to unlock this pod to know more about this alien.

Lisa types in the counter codes to activate the auto unlock features on the pod until the supercomputer beeped "Access Denied".

Lisa: Huh? Well I'm not surprised that it wasn't going to be easy so let's take a crack at this, I still have some more counter codes for this firewall.

Lisa cracks her knuckles as she got into a typing frenzy on the supercomputer, entering each counter code to undo the locks on the Project: Alcatraz space pod. Each code failed to undo the locks until the seventy sixth code granted access as the locks were undone and the pod slowly opened.

Lisa: Success! Now to study this subject and-hmm?

On lisa's supercomputer, the genius noticed a strange pattern on the screen... some sort of a mysterious message in a language the prodigy could not translate.

Lisa: Computer, analyze and translate this message.

Computer: Scanning... Scanning... Scanning... ERROR... ERROR... unable to access and translate... Error... Error...

Lisa: What? What's going on here? Computer-

Lisa was cut off by a voice behind her revealed to be the male figure from the space pod.

???: (A calm male voice) The message means... disrupt the sleep and you shall face absolute judgement by the hands of the cryo-celestion warrior.

Suddenly, a blue light of immense energy engulfed Lisa.


And within an instant, the pillar of energy transformed into a pillar of ice with strange symbols as Lisa was incased in it. The male figure flew through the ceiling of the lab and out of the mansion until he was floating within the dark sky with immense energy surrounding his well being.

???: It. Has. Begun....

To be continued...

(Chapter 14 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. Clyde explains some stories good & bad about Liam, Zach and Rusty. Also, Stella, Sid Chang and Haiku were mentioned as well so they all might make an appearance sooner or later in loud ops 2. The Alien Lisa brought in is free and what does he plan to do? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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