Chapter 12: The Nightmare of Nicole Final pt- Nightmare Over.
Nicole was in shock the most out of the pierce siblings as they heard Violet's news, while Nicole was rid of her Berserker half, a price had to be paid as Nicole herself was stripped of her powers, no longer a mutant.
She was completely human.
Violet: I'm sorry Nicole.
Nicole had a slight sad smile.
Nicole: Well bummer but I guess that's that.
The pierce siblings look at Nicole.
Dustin: Sis...
Amber: Are you really okay with this?
Skyler: Yeah, your berserker mode is now in the desolation dimension but you're powerless now, human.
Nicole: Look it's fine guys. I am bummed out about my powers taken from me but I'm not gonna moan & cry about it. It was my decision to whatever price I had to pay in order to get that monster outta my body.
Gwen: Nicole...
Nicole: Look, just save it... it's done, it's over. Violet, can you teleport us home?
Violet: I can. And again, I apologize-
Nicole: Don't apologize, it was my choice to do it.
Violet nods as she opens the portal as the pierce siblings went through it, heading home as it closed behind them.
In an unknown location, we see a dim lighted room where a cloaked figure was sitting on a throne, watching violet through a Crystal ball with mismatched colored eyes.
???: (chilling, eerie female voice) Hehehe... once again, you never cease to amaze us Witch of the Webs as well as agitate us too. We were so close to possessing that volcanic monster but you always have a unique lock as outside interference couldn't breach the extraction spell... hehehe... but I analyzed everything I needed on the Berserker herself for my plans.
The figure stared at the crystal ball closely, glaring at the imagery of Violet with a low snarl.
???: You were once a feared witch Violet, one of the strongest of the 10 otherworldly witches as well as a high position to the Beast Gods but you gave it all up... to be some sort of protector to lowly mortals. Tch! Being on earth has made you weak... we shall meet again in due time Violet Webb to settle the score, to destroy everything you hold dear and bathe in your pain & despair as you take your last breathe.
The figure let out a frightening laughter which echoed throughout the area.
Days have passed since Nicole was separated from her Berserker half but at a price as her powers were taken away from her too, losing all of her strengths as a mutant. She was nothing more than a human, while she was bummed out about losing her powers, Nicole felt like it was for the best that she gave that up and that she would live her life normally. Nicole then decided to resign from the Black Ghost Corps, much to the louds and pierce team's surprise, The Director granted her request as Nicole left the BGC not before the Director said, "If you ever need something or someone to speak with, you're always welcome back here."
Penny Victor also offered to help Nicole regain her powers through serums but Nicole refused, seeing it only as a pity, considering that she was born a mutant, not experimented on to become one, no offense to her friends and former allies who went through that.
The louds and pierce siblings all wanted to help Nicole but the pierce woman refused it, stating that she didn't need or want anyone's help.
She just wanted to be alone.
The next day....
We see Nicole walking through the streets without a care in the world, looking up at the cloudy sky.
Nicole: It's quite peaceful out here, almost about to rain though. Sigh....
The pierce woman then saw a nearby bench as she walks towards it, taking a seat. Nicole was still thinking about that day when she gave it all up to get of her Berserker half, she was happy that she no longer possessed a destructive power that could wipe out humanity but a small part of her missed being a mutant and the good qualities of it.
But Nicole knew there was no complaining about it, what's done is done.
???: Aaaah! Help me!
Nicole: Huh?
Nicole turns to a nearby alleyway as she got up and ran towards the source of the scream. Poking her head to the side, Nicole spotted 7 armed thugs surrounding a 12 year old fair skinned girl with long black hair in downwards pigtails & blue eyes, she was wearing green shirt, dark grey jacket, jeans and sneakers.
Thug Leader: So you decided to come tell us to get lost, huh?
Thug 2: How else are you gonna pay to keep your family safe from harm?
Girl: Keep us safe? You've been coming by my family's house every week, demanding protection money from us! We barely have anything and you keep cleaning us out of our money not to mention you do this to various families in our neighborhood!
Thug 3: So? It ain't your business to tell us what we can or can't do. We run this yard and you best be paying up for your own sake.
Girl: No! Our neighborhood doesn't belong to you, you're just scum that need to be arrested!
Thug Leader: Oh really...? Whatcha gonna do about it?
Nicole: Nothing. I am.
The 7 thugs turn around and find Nicole standing behind them.
Thug Leader: This isn't any of your business, woman. Why don't you be a good lady and go off to your job selling music records before we stomp ya.
The thugs laughed in agreement.
Nicole: Naw, I think I'm gonna stay. (Cracks her neck, then her knuckles) I've been in a foul mood and I see a couple of thugs picking on a little girl, you all just made my list.
Thug 2: Oh yeah? What list-
He was knocked out by a solid punch to the face by Nicole.
Nicole: The list of people I'm going to send to the hospital.
Thug Leader: Grrrrr... Get her!
The group pulled out knives, baseball ball bats, brass knuckles and chains as they surrounded Nicole, who was waiting for them to make the first move. Thunder were heard rumbling as the skies started to pick up rain.
Nicole enters a kick boxing stance as the first thug charges at her with a bat, taking swings to break some bones but Nicole dodges the swings and immediately hits a couple of jabs to the face and gut of the thug, knocking him against the wall.
Two more thugs came rushing in with knives as one of them got Nicole in the right cheek of her face, drawing blood.
Nicole: Grrrr!
The pierce woman evaded the knife strikes from the two thugs but one of them managed to slash her across the chest as well as the shoulder.
Nicole: Guh...!
The two thugs ran towards Nicole to cut her again but Nicole then caught both their arms and flips them into the ground. Then Nicole received a painful punch to the face by a thug with brass knuckles, knocking her down as the whole group started to jump her, punching, kicking or using their weapons to injure her.
Thug Leader: You ain't so big and bad, look at you now! Rough her up some more boys!
The leader's members yelled in agreement as they continued their 6 on 1 assault on Nicole, the little girl from earlier was scared to look the brutality. With Nicole, she was hurt beyond belief but she was also feeling a different emotion.
With an angry yell, Nicole rose up, sending all six flying as she hits a big boot to the face of a thug with chains. She then picks up the chains he dropped and wraps them around his neck tight, strangling him as the thug's eye bugged out wide and gasping for air.
The two thugs with knives ran towards Nicole, aiming to slash her again. Nicole released the now unconscious thug and glared at the two, she grabs the nearest thug running at her and drives him against the walls, delivering massive muay thai knee strikes to his gut with her thick strong legs, knocking the wind out of him as she knocks his lights out with a solid headbutt.
Nicole felt a pain in the back as she see the other thug with a knife got her in the back, he pulls the knife out as Nicole grunts while he turns her around and slashes across the chest & midsection. Nicole grunted and growled as she caught the next blade strike and twisted the thug's left arm, breaking it.
The thug screams out in pain as Nicole punched him in the gut, making him fall to his knees to hold his gut but Nicole wasn't finished as she delivers a curbstomp to smash the thug's head into the ground. She turns her attention to the thug leader and his last two goons.
Thug Leader: Whatta you two standing around for, wreck her!
One thug with brass knuckles lunged at Nicole, delivering a bunch of jabs to her. Nicole took the hits as she hits a couple of jabs of her own before kneeing him in the face, knocking out a few teeth as he stumbled back.
Nicole then caught him with a big boot to the face, knocking him out. The next thug came charging at Nicole and slugs her with brass knuckle fists to the gut and face as Nicole spat out blood. The pierce woman caught the next punch and immediately spun it around the thug's neck in some kind of chokehold, the thug was trying to break free but Nicole held him tight for a moment before turning him around for a ripcord elbow strike to the face, knocking him against the wall, unconscious. Talking a brass knuckle from him, Nicole was about to deal with the thug leader but heard the girl scream.
Thug Leader: Hold it right there!
Nicole turns to the thug leader, who was holding the girl & pointing a gun at her head.
Thug Leader: If you take one more step, I'm gonna blow this girl's brains out all over the walls!
The lightning flashed, revealing Nicole's bloody and battered face with a grim expression. The thug leader flinched at the sight but it wasn't going to scare him.
Thug Leader: I mean it, lady! I'll kill her if you take another step forward! So don't try anything funny and back off!
Nicole was breathing heavily as she was battered and bruised, she can still fight but didn't wanna endanger the kid.
Thug Leader: (smirks) Not so tough now, are you? Maybe you should think twice butting into other people's business.
Nicole: (spat blood on the floor; glares) A coward has the nerve to tell me what to do? I met people like you and they would have the same large ego, arrogance and overconfidence you have, trying to be top dog.
The thug leader growled angrily.
Nicole: And you know what I'd do...? I beat their asses, break every bone in their bodies or make sure they stop breathing. And here you are Mr. "Tough Guy", picking on a 12 year old kid and acting like a big shot, wanting their families money or to make an example out of those who don't pay up. But when someone your own size or past that comes along, your tough guy facade fades, reduced to a pathetic, desperate coward who's trying to crawl himself out a hole too deep to escape from. And that makes me want to kill you....
Thug Leader: Grrrrr, Shut up!! How dare you insult me like that, you b***h!! I will not ask again, back off now or the girl dies!!!
Nicole: Heh... ya know something, you have a lot of karma coming your way. And there's an old saying my father told me.... karma always "bites" back.
That's when the girl bites down on the thug's leader hand, making him scream as the girl got out of his grasp to run. The thug leader growled angrily as he was about to aim and shoot the kid but a big blur appeared before him in the form of Nicole, who delivers a solid punch via brass knuckles to the face, driving his head through a brick wall as a sickening crack was heard.
The thug leader fell to the ground, twitching as blood was spilling from his head, now motionless. Nicole then turns to the kid, walking towards her.
Nicole: You okay kid?
Girl: I'm fine now. But what about you, you're all banged up.
Nicole: It's okay, I've had worse than this I'll be fine- (groans; in her mind) Or not... Oh god, there goes the blood loss.
Nicole collapsed.
Girl: Oh no! (Reaches into her pocket to grab her phone) I'll call my dad, he's a doctor! He can help you, just hold on!
Nicole immediately loses consciousness while the girl makes a call.
Later, Nicole wakes up and finds herself on a futon couch in a well neat living room, she also sees the various bandages wrapped on her arms, chest and around her forehead.
Nicole: Where am I?
Girl: Oh you're awake!
Nicole notices the 12 year old girl walking towards her from the kitchen with a tray of food and a drink.
Girl: Thought you might need something to eat.
She places the tray on the coffee table as Nicole sat up to look at the food; An omelette with a side of hash browns & sausages as well as some Soda. Nicole then started to dig in as the girl smiles at her guest.
Nicole: This is really good, thanks.
Girl: No problem. Thank you for saving me, now those thugs won't be heard from again in our neighborhood, thanks to you.
Nicole: Hehe, well I couldn't ignore a kid in trouble. By the way, what's your name?
Girl: My name is Rebecca. And what's your name?
Nicole: Nicole. Nicole Pierce.
Rebecca: Eh?!?!?!
Nicole raised an eyebrow in confusion at the kid's outburst.
Rebecca: N-Nicole Pierce? Also known as Nicole Havok, one half of the scary & chaotic H-Havok Sisters?!
Nicole: (in her mind) Oh great, I freaked the kid out. (To Rebecca) Look, there's no need to be scared or anything, I'm not gonna hurt you-
She was cut off by a squeal from Rebecca, who tackles her with a hug.
Nicole: Whoa! Hey now!
Rebecca: Oh my gosh, I can't believe one half of the Havok Sisters is in my house, not to mention the one who saved my life! (Looks at Nicole; smiles) I'm one of your biggest fans, I thought you looked familiar but now I know you're the real deal!
Nicole: (in her mind) Oh she's a fan. Hehe, and I thought she was gonna run for the hills. (Smiles at her) Yep, I'm the real deal kid. Nice to meet a good fan.
Rebecca: It's honor to meet you, I've seen your matches in Armageddon Grand Wrestling, especially the house of havoks matches and the inferno steel cage matches as well as being the longest reigning Armageddon Grand Wrestling Women's Tag Team Champions with your sister Gwen, it was awesome!
Nicole: Well thank you. I'm glad you've enjoyed seeing the matches my sister and I had.
Rebecca: I wanna grow up to be like you.
Nicole: Me?
Rebecca: Ya know, a wrestler. I wanna be a giant, hardcore type wrestler. I know I have to do a lot of training to get my body as big and strong as yours!
Nicole chuckles as she ruffles Rebecca's hair.
Nicole: You sure got the fire to prove that you belong in the ring but you still have your whole life ahead of you before you do. Who knows, maybe I'll give you a few pointers.
Rebecca: Sweet!
???: I see our guest is awake.
Nicole and Rebecca turn to see a tall, fair skinned man with short black hair, glasses, blue eyes and he was wearing a suit, trench coat and dress shoes.
???: Hello there, I am Dr. E. Gabriel, please to meet you and I thank you for saving my daughter. You were quite banged up from the fight you had from what Rebecca told me but you weren't in fatal condition so I took you to my home and patched up your wounds as you got some rest, even replace some of the blood you lost.
Nicole: Thanks Doc. I owe you one.
Dr. Gabriel: No need, you just got rid of the Skull Breaker Gang, they've been taking money from our neighborhood for weeks and months. Anyone who tried calling the cops on them would be targeted and killed but you managed to get rid of them and save my daughter too, I'm forever grateful.
Nicole rubs the back of her head as she chuckles with a sheepish smile.
Nicole: It was nothing, really. I couldn't just walk away and let your kid die. I'm not the type to ignore that.
Dr. Gabriel: Well I'm glad you did the right thing.
Rebecca hugs her dad, who hugs her back, Nicole smiles at this.
Nicole: Well thanks for the assist and the food, I better get going now.
Rebecca: Awwww, can you at least take a selfie with me?
Nicole: (smiles) Sure Rebecca.
Getting out their phones, Rebecca and Nicole took a couple of selfies with each other. Soon, Nicole took her leave but not before giving Rebecca and Dr. Gabriel her number in case they were in trouble or wanting to have a little get together as Rebecca and Dr. Gabriel waved goodbye to Nicole, waved back while she walks off.
We now see Nicole back at her room, watching an episode of W.U.F.W as she wasn't booked today but she was excited to see the matches happening. The pierce woman felt great, despite being a human now, beating up a gang, saving a girl who happens to be one of her biggest fans and such.
Nicole may be powerless but she ain't helpless, she can defend herself pretty much. She can take the pain or even dish it out and isn't afraid of taking some hits. It was only the beginning of her new normal life-
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Nicole then notices her phone ringing on the table. Nicole picks up her phone and looks at it; it was an unknown caller, she shrugged it off as the pierce woman answers the phone.
Nicole: Who is it?
???: (on the phone; A raspy female voice with a mischievous tone) Oh you know, Nikki Nightmare~.
Nicole's eyes widened in shock.
Nicole: Why are you calling? How did you get this number?
???: Oh What's the matter? Can't an old friend call and say hi?
Nicole: (snarls) Tch! After what you did to me back in Ohio, former friend is more like it.
???: That's was years ago, I apologized like a million times. Sigh... but that's not why I'm calling you.
Nicole: (rolls her eyes) Gee, then why are you calling me for?
???: I noticed that you had some problems with the Berserker mode, the form getting loose, nearly wrecking half of Los Angeles, The Witch separating it from you and your powers taken away-
Nicole: Shut up! Just Shut up! How do you know this?
???: When it comes to Fire, I see & hear everything....~
Nicole growls.
Nicole: I'm powerless now so what's that got to you calling me?
???: I'm here to help you regain your powers.
Nicole: Not interested. My powers are gone, through and through. I don't need no serum to give me-
???: Your powers aren't gone, Nitwit!
Nicole: What. Did. You. Say...?
???: Perhaps I should rephrase that. Your powers are gone yes but the true essence of your powers aren't. The powers you had were just stepping stones and your Berserker power was a poison... a delicious, heat induced poison that has suppressed your true power and essence.
Nicole: (growls) You better not be punking with me because I will find you and shove my boot where the sun don't shine!
???: As much as I like to joke around, I'm dead serious Nicole. I know because I see it in the fire in my hand, seeing the souls of Fire type mutants whether they were born with that power or experimented on to acquire the power and I'm trying to help you reclaim what you gave up, what you lost....
Nicole: Listen-
???: No, you Listen! Just... think about it, okay? Think long and hard about my offer... take all the time in the world, you'll have your powers back but ten times greater than normal. The choice is yours, just think about it nicole.
Nicole was silent for a moment until finally speaking.
Nicole: I'll think about it.
???: That's great. Well gotta go, byyye~
The caller hung up. Nicole sighs as she goes back to watching tv.
Speaking of the caller, we see a shadowy silhouette of a woman holding a phone in her left hand &... green fire in her right hand, standing over a large rock as she was watching a secret base engulfed in light green fire.
???: (grinned) See ya soon Nicole.
To be continued...
(Chapter 12 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. Nicole has accepted her fate of having no powers but a mysterious 'friend' wants to help her, who is she? And who is the other woman with a bitter grudge against Violet Webb? Find out in due time, this is the end of the Nightmare of Nicole Arc. There shall be more arcs coming, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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