Ch. 9: Arrival of a Phantom Pt 1
(Author's Note: Before you start reading, letting you all know that this L-Gear Crusaders chapter coming in parts shall be a loud house crossover to Danny Phantom. Like the louds who grown up in this story, Danny himself & a special love interest (not Sam in this one, sorry) will have a time skip in this after the events of Phantom Planet with some AU differences. I don't own Danny Phantom, the series belongs to Butch Hartman. Enjoy the chapter!)
It was night fall in royal woods as the L-Gear Crusaders were on patrol. Nexus Ace, Storm Soldier, Power Phoenix, Ice Moon, Mistress Manic, Blood Beast, Shadow Samurai, Atomic Angel, Jurassic Brawler, Galacta-Woman and Lightstar Soldier were separated in groups of searching for any means of suspicious activity throughout royal woods.
Later, the team met up on the rooftop of a company building.
Storm Soldier: Everything's clear in the north.
Ice Moon: All cool in the south.
Shadow Samurai: Sigh... Nothing in the east.
Atomic Angel: No means of danger in the west.
Galacta-Woman: Negative on threats in the northeast or northwest
Nexus Ace: And everything's clear on the southeast and southwest.
Blood Beast: Guess everything's all clear. I was hoping to give something a bloody beating tonight.
Mistress Manic: Ah chin up, Goliath Blood Sucker. Not everyday a threat will appear to cause some forms of harm so 'fangs' a lot for that! Hahahahaha!!
Blood Beast growled at Mistress Manic who paid no mind.
Lightstar Soldier: Well at least royal woods is Peaceful tonight with no means of crime activity-
She was caught off guard when she, her hero/anti-hero sisters and brother heard a loud, frightful scream.
Power Phoenix: (gasps) That's Fiona's voice, she's working a night shift at the mall!
The L-Gear Crusaders head over to the royal woods mall to check out the manner, Then another scream was heard inside as Power Phoenix recognized the voice was Miguel's.
Miguel's voice: Ghosts! GHOSTS!!!
Before they could enter, the doors opened as Fiona and Miguel came running out of there meeting the group.
Fiona: Don't go in there, the mall's haunted!
Miguel: They're everywhere, glowing green and red eyed ghosts!!!
The two then ran away, screaming.
Atomic Angel: A ghost?
Shadow Samurai: (smiles under her mask) Let's go in.
Galacta-Woman: (pulls out a device) Hmmm... There are some high readings of irregular signals within the mall.
Nexus Ace: Time for some ghost hunting then.
The L-Gear Crusaders ran inside the mall and saw the area crawling with ghosts of different shapes and sizes but their biggest features was their ghostly green glow and their menacing red eyes.
Blood Beast: (to Power Phoenix) Gee, your friends wasn't kiddin'. This Mall is swarming with ghosts.
Atomic Angel: What can we do?! If we attack them, won't our powers just phase through them?!
Shadow Samurai: Not mine, with a swing of my cursed sword I can send them back to the afterlife.
Mistress Manic: And I'm no stranger to a ghosts either, hehehehe.
Mistress Manic takes off her top hat and reaches inside it which made bizarre sounds before pulling out a strange looking, high tech vacuum-like device and huge container.
Mistress Manic: Eat your heart out, Ghostbusters Hahahahaha!
She activated her device as the ghosts spotted them and went to attack but Mistress Manic aims and begins to suck some of the ghosts in the container. Most of the ghosts try to escape or attack the group.
Storm Soldier: Split up! Don't let any of them escape while Mistress Manic and Shadow Samurai take care of the ghosts!
All: Right!
The team split up as the ghosts try means of escape to terrorize the outside of royal woods but Storm Soldier, Power Phoenix, Ice Moon, Blood Beast, Nexus Ace, Jurassic Brawler, Atomic Angel, Galacta-Woman and Lightstar Soldier would have every exit covered or use their powers to stun or scare the ghosts away to lure them to Shadow Samurai, who swiftly cuts the ghosts down with them glowing black & white before disappearing. Mistress Manic was laughing manically as she was sucking up the ghosts in her ghost containment device.
Mistress Manic: Hahahahahahahaha!!! C'mon ya spirits, enter the manic container at yer own risk or don't! Doesn't matter to me, you're all going in the hole, see! Hehehehahahahaha!!!
She was having a great time but then a loud beep sound was heard, Mistress Manic stops laughing & looks at her device upon seeing her container full already.
Mistress Manic: Well looks like my machine is full.
Atomic Angel: These things just keep coming!
Blood Beast: No matter how many times we put them away, more of these ghosts show up!
Ice Moon: This is crazy dudes! Where are they even coming from?!
Nexus Ace: Stand your ground!
The L-Gear Crusaders regrouped and got ready as they were surrounded by an army of ghosts. Before they could advance towards the group, a loud blood curdling wail was heard as the entire army of ghosts begin to screech in agony and were sending flying.
Starlight Soldier: What is that noise?!
Mistress Manic: It's louder than your guitar rift, lunes!
Ice Moon: Too loud even for me!!
Shadow Samurai: Gasp! It like a ghoulish wail of some sorts.
Nexus Ace: No girls... A Ghostly Wail.
The ghosts fell as a cloaked figure appeared in the air of the mall, looking around and saw a swirling green portal within a donut sign of a shop. Forming a green energy disk, the figure fired it at the portal in the donut sign, slicing it in two which explodes the portal into nothing. He then pulls out two silver and green trim cylinder looking devices, activating them & fires a double blast to suck up all the ghosts into the devices to trap them.
Jurassic Brawler: Whoa!
Storm Soldier: He literally took them down and captured them.
The figure flies over the L-Gear Crusaders, they see his glowing green eyes as he spoke in a bold tone.
???: That takes care of the ghost problem there, you guys alright?
Ice Moon: We're fine dude. Thanks for the help.
???: Great. (to Nexus Ace) Long time no see, I see you have a new team Linc.
The hero/anti-hero sisters look at Nexus Ace with confusion, shock and suspicion.
Power Phoenix: Wait? You two met?
Atomic Angel: You know this guy?
Jurassic Brawler: Who is he?
Nexus Ace: It's good to see you too, Danny.
Sisters: Danny?
Blood Beast: What kind of hero goes by the name Danny?
???: Heh, not the first time I heard that. It's my first name and hero name as no one could tell during my time protecting my town from ghosts.
Then Shadow Samurai stares at the figure for a moment before letting out a loud gasp.
Storm Soldier: What's wrong now?
Shadow Samurai: I recognize you now. You're the Halfa...
Mistress Manic: Halfa? I'm looking for Halfa-slice of pizza, hahahahaha!
???: (Deadpan) Really?
Galacta-Woman: I'd like to know as well of this Halfa.
Shadow Samurai: A being of physiology that has been created between the boundaries between the living and the dead, half human-half ghost... He's the hero of Amity Park, Danny Fenton aka Danny Phantom...
The other sisters: DANNY PHANTOM?!
Danny: The one and only.
Revealing his appearance, the sisters were shocked to see that this individual was indeed Danny Phantom himself but he has changed over the years. He was now a tall man with slight pale skin, glowing green eyes, snow white hair in the same style when he was a teenager, an impressive athletic body with superb muscles & a faint white glow that surrounded his body. He now wears a black cloak, a black & white trim bodysuit with slim yet strong durable armor it with a ghostly "DP" symbol on the chest, white belt, gloves, armored kneepads and boots.
Power Phoenix: Like, I can't believe that we're meeting THE Danny Phantom.
Danny: Good to meet you too. (To Nexus Ace) So who's your new teammates?
Nexus Ace: These women are my ten sisters.
Danny: Your ten sisters?! Geez... And I thought you were kidding there, guess your parents really wanted a big family.
Nexus Ace: Yeah.
Storm Soldier: Oh little brother...
Nexus Ace sees his sisters giving him the "start explaining" eye.
Blood Beast: Ok bro spill it. How do you and Danny know each other like you're close friends or something?!
Danny: (in his mind) And I thought Jazz & Sam was hostile sometimes...
Nexus Ace: Look, I'll explain everything but not here. Let's head home first and you'll get your answers.
Galacta-Woman: I'll send my robots to repair the mall.
The L-Gear Crusaders and Danny took their leave, unaware that they were being watched from a distance by a shadowy figure who vanished in cold dark purple smoke.
Soon they were at the loud mansion and back in their normal attire and looks. Danny switched to his human form, having fair skin, blue eyes, black hair and was wearing a white & green trim trench coat with a "DP" logo on the left & back, black shirt with a red oval in the center, dark blue jeans and black & blue sneakers.
Danny: Quite the place you got here, more massive than a certain Fruit loop's house.
Lincoln: Yeah, Lucy bought it and we all pitched in to make it the mansion you see today.
Lola: Lincoln, you still owe us an explanation.
Lincoln: (glares) I'm. Getting. To. It. Ahem... Years back after high school graduation, myself, Ronnie Anne, Clyde and Sid were on a road trip and we met Danny on our travels. I was shocked to meeting Hero of Amity Park.
Danny: He nearly fainted when meeting me.
Some of the sisters chuckled.
Lincoln: Hey!
Danny shrugs with a sheepishly smile.
Danny: Anyway, we've introduced ourselves to one another, got 'em to meet my friends, my sister, my cousin Danielle, and my parents. We also had fun while even protecting Amity Park from certain ghosts who still want to cause trouble after the events of the disasteroid.
Lincoln: It was quite the good times. So what brings you here?
Danny: Well you see-
Suddenly, a large cloud of purple smoke appeared behind Danny.
Lana: What the?!
Lola: Purple smoke?!
Out of the smoke appeared a female spirit.
???: So this is where ya were, I managed to send some ghosts packing back to the ghost zone but no info. You got anything?
Danny: Ran into some ghosts in different areas, including the mall and ran into my old friend & his sisters.
Lincoln: Wait... I recognize you. You're Ember McLain, the rockstar ghost.
Lily: Ghost?!
Luna: Rockstar?!
Behind Danny was indeed Ember McLain, the rebellious ghostly pop star of rock as she too changed over the years of her afterlife. She was a slightly tall woman with ghostly white skin, green eyes, has even longer, flaming teal blue hair with two mocks of hair framing her face & in a high ponytail resembling a torch, has a beautiful curvaceous figure with a very large chest, wider hips/thighs and a huge plump rear. She also has various rock & punk tattoos around parts of her body. She wears purple lipstick & black curled & curved line near her eyes, her clothes consists of a black choker, a sleeveless black & teal trim leather jacket with shoulder spikes & her symbol on the back, a black sleeveless shirt with a chest window & the midriff exposed, black long sleeve gloves with spiked bracelets on the wrists, silver belt, black rubber/latex pants with teal flame patterns & skull boots.
Ember: (to Lincoln) Hmmm... I remember you now, you're that snowball, nanite punk who ruined one of my gigs!
Lincoln: You tried hypnotizing people with your music, AGAIN!
Danny: Guys, Guys! That's enough!
Lincoln: You do realize that she tried numerous times to get you out of the picture for world domination, right?
Danny: Yes, I'm aware of that. But she's not that way anymore.
Lincoln: She's didn't put you over a love spell with her guitar, did she? Lucy... get the sword.
Lucy pulls out her cursed blade as Danny waves his hands defensively.
Danny: Wait! Wait-Wait-Wait-Wait-Wait! I'm not under her spell, trust me! We're- We're dating!
Lincoln & the sisters gasped.
Luna: You're dating your enemy, dude?!
Ember: Former Enemy. I'm not a villain anymore, an anti-hero type sure but I've changed and yeah, Baby pop & I are square (looks at Danny with a mischievous grin) in more ways than one~.
She winks at him, making Danny blush.
Lincoln: I see but the last time I saw you Danny, you and Sam were going out.
Luna: SAM?!
Lincoln: Not your Sam, Luna. I meant Sam Manson, what happened with her?
Danny had a calm look as Lincoln saw a saddened expression in the man's eyes.
Lincoln: I'm sorry... If you don't wanna talk about it-
Danny: No. It's fine. Like back in high school, it was tough & crazy juggling my normal life and ghost hunting life, especially now that everyone in town knows my secret. One time, I fought an unknown enemy that took me to the limit more than Vlad, Pariah Dark and even him (Dark Danny)... Sam was worried & wanted me to not pressure myself in fighting this threat, I couldn't help myself in wanting to protect everyone from this threat despite what injuries I had.
Lisa: So you had to stop it at all costs?
Danny: Yes. Sam wasn't having it, she didn't like seeing me hurt or worse for wear even though I can heal from most wounds. Then She started acting strange, paranoid and too overprotective even by her standards, we argued about it until suddenly... she was done. We broke up... I wanted to fix things but she disappeared, vanished without a trace....
Ember comforted the young man.
Lincoln: I'm truly sorry.
Luan: That's heavy.
Lola: At least she didn't go the cheating route or anything.
Lily: It's one of the main parts of being a hero, relationships can get twisted outta control or won't work out in different ways.
Danny: Yeah.
Lori: So Danny, what brings you to royal woods?
Danny: Well you see, I was informed that certain ghosts have gone missing. Some of my enemies & my allies, none of them were seen in Amity Park or the Ghost Zone.
Ember: My friend Kitty is one of the missing ghosts. When I went to check on her after her spazz bag of a boyfriend, who was gone to hit on women again when I heard her scream. I ran to find her in the hands of a large figure in a dark black-ish green cloak & glowing purple eyes. It wasn't any ghost I ever saw, it disappeared with Kitty before I could attack.
Danny: While the rest of Team Phantom like Tucker, Jazz & others is protecting Amity Park, Ember and I headed out of town and track the signals of the missing ghosts here somewhere in your town.
Lori: And the sudden portal opening in the mall?
Danny: That might be a result of whoever or whatever is causing the certain ghost's disappearance. Plus, the portal in the mall wasn't the only one I found open here.
Ember: They were popping in & out of random places in your town without warning.
Lisa: I see. So far, you have a list of missing specters, a mysterious individual in a dark black-ish green cloak responsible for their disappearances and portals opening between the land of the living & the afterlife in various locations of our town. Any other leads or clues?
Danny: Nothing yet.
Lincoln: Well if you two need some assistance then we'll help you two out with this ghostly caper.
The sisters nodded.
Danny: Thanks.
Ember: Much appreciated, snowball.
Lincoln: I should probably introduce you to my ten sisters. This is Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily.
Ember: Damn, ten sisters with the same letter L initials? Your parents really couldn't keep it in their pants upon mating like rabbits, could they snowball?
Luan laughs.
Lori: Okay... Well it's getting late so we'll start the search tomorrow. I'd take it you two need a place to stay?
Luna: So you can crash here dudes.
Danny: It's fine but we were actually gonna head to a hotel-
Ember: Nonsense Dipstick, they're offering us a place to stay plus we don't have to pay for anything.
Danny: (sighs) You got me there.
Lynn: Then you're our guests.
Lucy: Sigh... We have plenty of rooms here in our mansion, you can literally fit an entire body of college students here.
Lana: Or army of soldiers.
Lily: Allow us to show you to your rooms, Mr. Phantom & Mrs. McLain.
Danny: Uhhh, Danny is just fine.
Ember: You can call me Ember.
Some of the sisters led Danny & Ember upstairs with the others heading to their own rooms, all of them turning in for the night.
The next morning...
Everyone was heading downstairs after freshening up and entered the kitchen to find Danny and Leni cooking breakfast while having a conversation. Danny told her the story how he became a halfa & Leni was telling him how she became Power Phoenix.
Danny: So you and your resistance of Gladiatrions took back the planet from the corrupted ruler?
Leni: Yeah, her madness needed to end so I challenged her for the throne. I beat her while Mia executed her and became the new ruler, I was just a warrior for the rebellion as Mia was the one truly worthy of the throne. I learned a lot of things in space throughout the planet I was on, smartened up to fight & survive for their freedom.
Danny: You did the right thing there. Heck, I've been intrigued to head up into space after going there once or twice.
Leni: Really?
Danny: I was interested in wanting to be an astronaut.
Lisa: Means of Astronomy.
Danny and Leni turns to see Lisa and the others.
Danny: Yeah. I was reveling in my dream of being an astronaut when I was a teenager. Managed to make it a reality when growing up.
Lisa: I must say that you've chosen a splendid career, being one to have connections with NASA myself of course.
Danny: Nice.
Leni: Well breakfast is ready!
Everyone went into the dining room as Danny and Leni gave them their plates of eggs in their choices, sausage, pancakes and/or omelettes.
Lily: This is really good.
Lola: Very exquisite.
Luna: Thanks.
Danny: (smiles) You're welcome.
Leni: (smiles) Glad you all you like it!
Everyone was enjoying breakfast when Ember finally walked in. Surprisingly to everyone minus Danny, she looked like a human with fair skin, blue green eyes and dark brown hair while wearing black shirt with a teal flaming skull and blue jeans shorts.
Ember: (Yawns) Morning everyone.
She walks over to Danny with a sway of her hips & a kiss on the lips, sitting next to him.
Ember: Morning to you too Danny.
Danny: Morning Ember.
Lily: Ember, you're human?
Ember nods while eating.
Lincoln: But how? You were a full ghost when I met you.
Ember: Well... Desiree had a hand in this.
Lori: Desiree?
Danny: The Wishing Ghost or in terms, a ghostly genie. Her wishes can be very dangerous to others when not being specific, the more wishes she grants, the more powerful she becomes. Also, she's one of the ghosts missing.
Lori: Oh.
Lucy: Like a Monkey's Paw, be careful what you wish for in the hubris of your wishes or it'll cost you... dearly...
Danny: You don't know the half of it.
Ember: Yeah, long before... I was kinda envious of the dipstick and what he had, being half human & half ghost, having everyone's attention on him... I wished I could be human again while still having my ghostly abilities but Desiree unfortunately heard me & granted my wish.
Lincoln: So you're a Halfa too.
Lana: I thought genies couldn't bring people back from the dead along with no killing others or no forcefully making someone love another?
Danny: Well that is true but Desiree once granted my friend Tucker ghost powers and he was alive, guess it was the other way around with Ember but instead of fully resurrecting her which is against Desiree's power, Ember was made into a Halfa. I was shocked myself when Ember became like me.
Ember: Yep. Gotta say that it comes with the perks & I like it.
Luna: So... How did you & Danny hook up?
Ember: Well I was on another one of my annual means to televise my revolution & domination in my music to have everyone remembering my name and decided to pay the dipstick a visit in order to get him out of the way but... I found him in a very bad mood while beating the afterlife out of Technus.
Lisa: Technus. Is he a Spector of science and technology?
Danny: Yep.
Lynn: So a ghostly nerd.
Danny: That's Poindexter.
Lynn: Still but a nerd.
Danny: It was weeks after Sam & I broke up and I never saw or heard from her again. I wanted to help her, to fix everything but she was acting strange and fearful, especially upon seeing me hurt. I was stressed, sad and angry... Technus picked the wrong day to come out to invade and I lost it...
Lynn: Yikes.
Ember: And boy did Baby pop snap, Technus was screaming like a girl when he was through with him, I almost regretted trying to get rid of him and I thought I was gonna be next.
Danny: But I didn't hurt her, I just wasn't in the mood and wanted to be left alone but she wanted to know why I am feeling this way, I told her everything and at first I thought we were gonna fight but Ember decided to take me out for a night on the town to get over my breakup.
Ember: It was a one time thing to hang out since we were enemies. After that, I slowly started to feel for the dipstick, even Kitty once caught me in the act on it and told me to go straight to him & confess.... (Blushes) I would violently deny it and wouldn't act on it at first as well as I was trying to think of my plans, my goal in my world conquest of music but I couldn't get him out of my head!
Luan: Looks like you've been bitten by the love bug, hahahahaha!
Luna: Really dude...?
Ember: (glares at Luan) If you make another joke about this, I swear I will-
Danny: Easy Ember. True, she tried constantly get rid of me more than usual or to just get my attention to fight. Then I later discovered why, I confronted her about it and during our fight... (Light blush) She confessed and took me by surprise with a kiss.
Lola: Ah, that must've been a lovely moment.
Lana: Heh.
Ember: I was shocked by what I did and so was Danny... Then we would continue it for a moment before breaking it. The kiss and embrace felt like something I've never felt in my life & afterlife, unlike with skulker since we split up, but with Danny... It felt warm & tender...
Danny: Heh. Like your name in your song.
Ember playfully punched Danny on the shoulder.
Danny: Anyways, I was surprised myself that someone like Ember could love someone like me. She thought at first that I didn't feel the same way but I'd be lying if I said that kiss meant nothing.
Luna: A good guy fallin' for a bad girl, that's a classic.
Lincoln: Similar to Batman & Catwoman.
Lily: Or Spider-Man & Black Cat.
Danny: Then we started giving each other to a chance, getting to talk to each other about our lives & background to the point where we were officially a couple. Even Tucker saw that coming, saying that I owed him 500 bucks that if Sam doesn't work out & that I would go for either Paulina, Kitty or Ember.
Ember: The Techno geek actually bet 500 bucks if you & the goth chick would break up?
Danny: Yeah... I wasn't proud of that.
Ember: And Kitty or the Latino girl she possessed once was a choice with me?
Danny: It's Tucker. He's my friend and all but what would you expect?
Ember groans.
Lincoln: How'd Jazz and your parents react to this?
Danny: Overprotective at first but after some explaining & means of interactions, Jazz and my parents slowly but surely accept my relationship with Ember.
Ember: Plus, they made a threatening joke kinda... The two folks would put it as when they were once enemies of the dipstick, "You hurt my son or break his heart, we will tear you apart, molecule by molecule!"
Lincoln: That... does sound like Mr. & Mrs. Fenton, Mr. Fenton mostly.
Danny: Eh, they are jumpsuit wearing professionals, can be bumbling, very embarrassing and take ghost hunting to the extreme but Despite my ups & downs with them in the past, I love them & they care about me.
Loud Sisters: Awwww!
Lincoln: Well I'm happy for you man.
Danny: Thanks.
Luna: So Ember, are you still on with the whole music world domination thing?
Ember: No. I realize that if I want to be remembered for my revolution then I can't force my control over others with my music. (Sighs) I had nothing going for me when I was alive, being unpopular in school & wanting to be a famous rock star... I was forgotten when I burned into that fire in my home after being stood up on a date & I wanted so hard to make them all remember my name through my music. It was everything to me...
Luna: I can relate to you on music being a great passion to you. I was told when I was young that rock n' roll ain't about being the best, it's about having fun with those ya love. I've made a lot of mistakes trying to get discovered for my music from being a total bonehead & kicking my dad & sibs outta the band, nearly not accepting a place to perform with pops and his band because I'd be embarrassed or not taken seriously as a rocker, afraid that I would bomb a performance when I had an uncontrollable case of the hiccups and even nearly went along with two music producers who hated rock & didn't want the real me to perform & instead to be a bubblegum k-pop star who lip syncs.
Ember: Geez. I'd kill any producer who'd try to change me into something like that.
Luna: Yeah, it nearly ruined my music rep but I'd rather be myself then a fake any day. I've managed to get a few songs in and I had my friends & my family with me. I plan to make my mark in the music world again. Ember... I know you'll make your mark too but mind control isn't the answer of remembrance, you have the passion & the talent for this. I'm sure with this second chance, you'll make your rocking thrill ride one of an undying flame to remember.
Ember smiles.
Ember: Thanks. Ya sounded like Baby pop here with his speech similar to yours.
Danny: You called mine cheesy.
Ember: But it worked out for me, didn't it Dipstick?
Danny: Sure, Ms. One hit wonder.
After the conversation/breakfast, the louds take Danny and Ember to the underground base of the L-Gear Crusaders as Lisa explained what their team is all about, the hero half of the team protects the innocent and fight to contain criminals & villains while the anti-hero half of the team also protect the innocent but any villain too dangerous to be contained or to be left alive... they put them down.
Since it's ghosts the crusaders dealing with, Danny brought extra made gear from Fenton Works to help them in their mission like the Ghost Gauntlets, Fenton Bazookas, Fenton Foamer (anti-ghost goo blasters), Fenton Rod (pole like staff/lazers), Fenton Spector deflector belt, Fenton Wrist Rays, double blades beam swords, ecto blasters and such.
The louds geared up and changed into their alter egos Storm Soldier, Power Phoenix, Ice Moon, Mistress Manic, Blood Beast, Shadow Samurai, Atomic Angel, Jurassic Brawler, Galacta-Woman, Lightstar Soldier and Nexus Ace while Danny and Ember transformed into their ghostly forms as the group head out to find the missing ghosts.
Pulling out an upgraded Fenton Finder, Danny Phantom got a signal on unique ghosts he either helped or fought in the past. He got a signal pointing so far west of royal woods. The group head over to the location however, the L-Gear Crusaders were surprised to find the location was the restaurant of their late father Lynn Sr.
Lynn's Table looked all withered and broken down, the door and windows boarded up with the sign dangling a bit.
Danny: So this is the first stop.
Blood Beast: Never thought we'd come back here...
Ember: You familiar with this place?
Storm Soldier: The restaurant was our father's... Guess after his death, this is what transpired.
Danny: I'm sorry for your loss.
Galacta-Woman: The Fenton Finder detects ectoplasmic levels coming from here, yes?
Danny: Yeah. With the setting up to track unique ghosts I've fought or helped, the Fenton Finder says that five from the list are here.
Ember: Who?
Danny: Kitty, Spectra, Johnny 13, Technus and Wulf.
Ember: Kitty... Penelope...
Ice Moon: So they're in there.
Jurassic Brawler: Along with whoever took them.
Atomic Angel: And using our late father's restaurant as a hideout, oh they're gonna pay.
Shadow Samurai slices the sealed door open as they head inside the restaurant which looked worse in there. Following Danny with the Fenton Finder, the device beeped upon looking in the back of the kitchen to find the signal coming from the cellar door in the ground.
Power Phoenix: I don't remember our father having a cellar back here.
Danny: Well the signal appears to be coming from down there.
Blood Beast: Then let's get to it.
Blood Beast and Jurassic Brawler get a good grip on the cellar door and ripped it out of the ground to toss it aside. The group head down the steps of the dark cellar, Lightstar Soldier forms a mini orb of light in her hand for the group to see. Looking around the open path while passing shelves, crates and boxes with dust and webs present, the group then noticed ectoplasmic ooze far ahead of the area.
Atomic Angel: Ewwwww.
Lightstar Soldier: Gross.
Danny: Ectoplasm.
Shadow Samurai: Wicked.
Mistress Manic: Ah, the ghosts must be "oozing" with charisma, hahahaha!
They continued on ahead despite ectoplasmic ooze splattered all over the place. Danny and the others find a strange metal with locks door up ahead covered in a ghostly green glow.
Danny: It's heavily protected, to keep ghosts from entering or even phasing through. Similar to a ghost shield but I won't need to be Phantom to open it.
Danny then transformed into his human form and attempted to crack the locks on the strange door and got it open, transforming back to his ghost form. The group entered through the door, seeing a bizarre facility that looked like a prison but heavily advanced.
Galacta-Woman: Sweet mother of Einstein...
There was ghosts as Danny recognized them to those of Walker's men but they had strange black marks on their skin, dark purple eyes and looked like they were in a trance while wandering & moving various items around.
Ice Moon: This is really freaky dudes.
Ember: You're telling me. What's Walker's goons doing here?
Danny: Not sure but see their body language and features, they're being controlled.
Nexus Ace: Then we should move quietly and stealth like to see what's going on.
Storm Soldier: Right.
Danny, Ember and the L-Gear Crusaders would blend into the shadows and move forward stealthily to not draws the mind controlled ghosts' attention. They would make a right turn to move on ahead, Shadow Samurai would use her blade to strike any ghost from behind to sent them back to the otherworld sneakily to clear the path for the team.
Approaching & entering a massive elevator, Danny blasts the cameras beforehand while the elevator went down to a lower level revealed to be an scientific lab like center, rooms with various ghosts being experimented on in different & grotesque ways.
Ember: Ugh, I'm gonna be sick...
Blood Beast: Same here.
Danny: This is definitely a mad scientist vibe going on around here. Keep your eyes open for what we're looking for.
Everyone nodded and slowly moved forward to avoid being spotted but then the Fenton Finder started beeping rather loudly, causing the ghosts to look away from their work to the source of the noise but Danny silenced the device as he & the others kept to the shadows, the mind controlled spirits turned back.
Power Phoenix: (whispers) That was close...
Atomic Angel: (to Danny, whispers) What was that about?! That device nearly blew our cover!
Danny: (whispers) Sorry. It must've picked up one of the 5 ghost's signature somewhere near in these labs.
Jurassic Brawler: Which one?
Danny: Penelope Spectra.
Ember: So she's in one of these rooms.
Danny: Yeah, I noticed that the room doors have a strange lock so we need to get ahold of a special key from one of those ghosts to open it.
Shadow Samurai: (holds up said key) Like this one?
Danny: Yeah, Actually like-
The sound of a record scratch was heard as Danny, Ember and others turn to the goth.
Ember: How did you-
Shadow Samurai: I have some tricks up my sleeve when It comes to the art of surprise.
Danny: Okay... Let's just find Spectra.
The group then proceeded to search each room without drawing attention. Soon, they came across a room but it was empty with someone sitting there with their back turned. Shadow Samurai uses the special key to pick the strange lock and unlocks it, opening the door. The group walked into a dimly lit room to see the figure sitting with their back turned, mumbling quietly and hysterically.
Ember: Spectra?
The mumbling ceased as Ember slowly approaches her but something didn't seem right about her from Danny's point of view.
Ember: Penelope? Penny? It's me, Ember. I'm here to get you-
Then suddenly Spectra turns around which horrified Ember as the misery craving ghost tackled her to the ground. Ember looks at her as Penelope Spectra looked like an ugly, youth deprived goblin or zombie, dark gray withered skin with cracks, bloodshot red eyes, sharp jagged teeth, raggedy white hair, pointy ears and had a rotund physique, wearing only a black bodysuit.
She looked like she wanted to bite Ember's head off as the rocker girl tries to hold her back. Danny and the L-Gear Crusaders help her by blasting Spectra off Ember, hitting the walls with a wail. She hissed and shrieked.
Penelope Spectra: (scratchy voice) Feed... Need... Feed...!!
Blood Beast: (cracks her knuckles) I'll give ya something to feed on!
Ember: Wait! She's already weakened!
Atomic Angel: Has she always looked like the Wicked witch of the west?
Jurassic Brawler: Or a psycho goblin or zombie?
Danny: Yes or No. Spectra is a ghost that feeds off people's misery to get stronger & prolong her youth like an emotional vampire. Whoever caught her reduced her to this.
Penelope Spectra was twitching and breathing rapidly as Ember tries to calm her down.
Ember: Penelope calm down! What happened, who did this to you?!
Penelope Spectra: Huff-Huff... That scum... caught me, used my power against me... tortured me... Robbed me from my youth...! Took it from me! Took it all! Made me nothing! NOTHING!!! (cries in her hands)
Shadow Samurai: Shall I send her back to the afterlife?
Ember: No. This is her perfect body as she calls it but it can't fully stay young & strong for long...
Galacta-Woman: So she craves other psychological negative attributes & emotions to prolong her ghostly form & youth but needs a restoration of essence to forever sustain this 'perfect body' of hers as you recall, correct?
Danny: Yeah... And I know what it is.
Danny walks towards Ember and Spectra, the fallen misery ghost shooting a bloody glare in not wanting to be kicked down while she was at her worst by her enemy but Danny showed no signs of mocking attentions.
Normally, it wouldn't hurt Danny to give Spectra a taste of her own medicine for her actions, being one of the most sadistic ghosts he's encountered but seeing her like this all broken was something he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy. His thoughts were caught off by Spectra tackling him to the ground.
Ember: Danny!
Nexus Ace: Restrain her!
Danny: Stay where you are! I got it!
Power Phoenix: But-
Danny: I got it!
Penelope Spectra: Feed... Feed... FEED!!! Feed me your despair!!!
Danny: Yeah I know, you want my misery & essence so bad... Take it.
Danny's eyes glowed black & green and fired a strange blast from his eyes & mouth into Spectra's eyes & mouth, causing her to wail in agony. Ember and the L-Gear Crusaders shield their eyes at the flashes of light for a moment before the lights faded.
Spectra was seen groaning & slowly getting off Danny to fall to the ground, Danny got up to his feet as Ember and the others approached him.
Ember: You okay?
Danny: Yeah.
Ember: What did you do to her?
Danny: Gave her what she wanted.
Everyone stared at the body of Spectra which was now a black/green husk for a moment which peeled off and fell to the ground as she was heard groaning.
Atomic Angel: She's molting?
Spectra slowly gets up.
Penelope Spectra: (groans; her normal tone) My head... My everything... (glares) That's tears it, I'm gonna... gonna...
She stopped glaring at Danny and the others before looking at a reflective mirror in the room and saw herself. She changed back to her young form but it wasn't her human form disguise but the perfect body & look she longed for but she looked new & approved.
Spectra was taller than ember, has pale yet now flawless skin, emerald green eyes, her hair back to the red/orange highlight in a U shape horn style, sharp fangs, purple lipstick/eyeshadow, she had a perfect figure before but it transcended to goddess mode, having overly large breasts, some athleticism to amazon mode, strong and wider hips/thigh & a huge rear end. The bodysuit wearing before stretched over & hugged her curves really well.
The misery craving ghost stared at herself in the mirror with a shocked expression for a moment before she started to giggle a bit which builds up into a hysterical yet gleeful laugh.
Penelope Spectra: YES! YES! YES! I can feel it, the absolute power and the form I've longed for... Evolved, Fully & Permanently Stable! My youth is eternal now!
Spectra flew in the air in a loop, laughing up a storm. Ember and the L-Gear Crusaders looked at her then looked at Danny.
Ember: Baby pop... Since when & how-?
Danny: I simply channeled my darkest & miserable emotions into my ecto-energy and shot it at Spectra. It's one of the additional abilities I was learning about during my growth, Spectra wanted Fenton DNA to completely stabilize her youth & new body so I gave her what she wanted.
Ember was shocked.
Danny: Hey I know you & Spectra are friends while me & her are bitter enemies but she doesn't have to be kicked while she was already down & suffering.
Penelope Spectra: Ghost Child!
Danny turns to Spectra, who was approaching him.
Penelope Spectra: (smirks mischievously) Oh, I guess I can't call you a child anymore, you specimen of a stud.
Ember: (stern glare) Penelope...
Penelope Spectra: Ah, so you & the phantom are together? I never thought you would break with your control & denial wavering.
Ember: Don't push it.
Danny: How are you feeling?
Penelope Spectra: Oh I feel wonderful, the essence mixed with your darkest emotions was absolutely delicious~... Now the hunger to fuel myself is gone & my true body is fully stabled, a youthful goddess of misery is reborn~.
Atomic Angel: Is she really full of herself?
Jurassic Brawler: You tell me, you've used to or still act like that when it comes to your beauty.
Atomic Angel: Hmph.
Penelope Spectra: But the question is Phantom, why help me? After everything I did to you, your family & friends... You had the perfect opportunity to get me at my worse yet you didn't. (Narrows her eyes) Were you pitying me? Did you want something out of this? Or are you the same fool showing mercy?
Danny: (stern glare) Look, I don't want anything from you. You don't like me & I don't like you but you're Ember's friend & you looked like you were suffering enough. Plus, if you wanted Fenton DNA, I could've gave it to you instead of you pulling the stunts of killing my sister, draining the students or getting them sick with those ghost bugs.
Penelope Spectra: (sarcastic) Oh you're so right. Maybe I should've came by and ask for a cup of your essence like a good neighborhood ghost. Maybe we can all go to the park and have ice cream sundaes.
Blood Beast: Oh you ungrateful b-
Ember: Enough! (To Spectra) Penelope stop. Look, you don't have to like Danny but he comes through despite the ups & downs. He gave you what you wanted so at least thank him, you don't have to be friends.
Penelope Spectra sighs and turns to Danny.
Penelope Spectra: Thank you, I... Appreciate what you've done for me.
Danny can tell it was strained but noticed some gratitude in Spectra's voice. That's good enough for him.
Danny: You're welcome. Now we gotta find Kitty, Wulf, Technus and Johnny.
Penelope Spectra: (snarls lowly) Oh I know where Technus and Johnny are...
Ice Moon: You do?
Penelope Spectra: Who do you think had a hand to reducing me to my worse? They're working with the individual who abducted me.
Ember growls while Danny narrows his eyes.
Penelope Spectra: I'll help you out just this once but those two & their boss will pay...
The group left the room avoiding the ghosts who came to check the room, seeing a false clone of Spectra the real one left in her place to keep from getting caught.
The group continue on forward now that they've rescued Spectra, who is now along for the ride. They would secretly knock the mind controlled ghosts out & seal them in thermos while continuing onward straight, taking right to left or left to right paths until they discovered the main heart of the underground lair.
It was a highly advanced lab with strange machinery and structure.
Galacta-Woman: Very strange...
Nexus Ace: You're telling me.
Danny: The tech in the lab is eerily familiar.
Penelope Spectra: I kinda agree with you on that. Look ahead...
The group saw two familiar ghosts in the area, talking amongst themselves while one of them was working on something. It was the scientific ghost of technology Technus & the rebellious bad biker ghost Johnny 13.
Technus 2.0 still looked the same as he did when Danny was 14. The scientist ghost was physically fit, straight teeth, skin green, white hair combed back into a mullet while wearing a long black coat with three green buttons, pockets, rectangular belt buckle, a silver cape that hangs over his neck & covers his shoulders, green gloves & black boots.
Johnny 13 kinda looks the same but with a few differences; His greasy blonde hair was longer, his eyes were black with lighter green pupils, sports a new attire consisting of a pure black leather jacket with spikes, black shirt with a ghostly skull, still had his green skull necklace, fingerless gloves, two studded green & silver belts, dark gray pants and black boots.
Technus: YES! I, Technus, supreme overlord of all things advanced had finished the ultimate ecto-serum!
Johnny: Yeah, Yeah, you're sure this'll help my girl stay in line with me?
Technus: While I care not for your ignorance love/hate quarrel between you and your mate, I Technus 2.0, with this new equipment and tech replicated from the ghost child's family and reconfigured into this masterpiece by our anonymous benefactor, I have the perfect opportunity to rule the technology of this world!
Danny: (whispers) Replicated and reconfigured from my family's tech...
Storm Soldier: (whispers) So this unknown ghost stole from you, huh?
Danny: (whispers) It seems that way, ain't the first time this happened.
Johnny: Technorg, you didn't answer my question.
Technus: It's TECHNUS 2.0, you feeble minded punk! And yes, the serum will enhance your mate with strength, speed and capabilities of the predatorial ghosts I've took the samples from, her will be not of hers... but of yours to control!
Johnny: (was handed a syringe gun with the strange green & white serum) Good. I'd like the sound of it.
Ember was growling from the shadows while Penelope Spectra narrowed her eyes, not liking the sound of what Johnny has planned with Technus' help.
Technus: Bring out the test subject!
One of the doors slide open as two mind controlled ghosts' came in with a familiar ghost in advanced chains, struggling.
Penelope Spectra: (whispers) It's her...
Ember: (whispers) Kitty...
The ghost struggling in chains was indeed Kitty, Johnny girlfriend or ex in her case. She too has changed over the years, she has pale green-ish skin, red eyes, longer shaggy green hair and had a beautiful curvaceous figure with very large breasts, perfectly shaped hips/thighs and a fairly shaped & plump rear end. She wears purple lipstick/eyeshadow with eyeliner, was wearing a red leather jacket with spikes, a dark purple shirt with the midriff exposed, red ripped jeans with green fishnet leggings under them and black high heel boots.
Kitty: (struggling) Ugh! Agh! Let go of me!
Johnny approached Kitty with a cool, sly smirk.
Johnny: Gotta admit that you look hot in chains, babe.
Kitty glared angrily at Johnny.
Kitty: I'm not your Babe anymore. I told you that we're through!
Johnny: C'mon babe, don't be like that. You know I love you still and you still love me.
Kitty: I did love you Johnny with all my heart but still you continue your flirting with others women, after what you did last time I couldn't take much more.
Johnny: Kitty... You know those girls weren't you. We do this every time, we fight, I try to make it up to you and you'd be happy. It was us against the whole world and sure I flirt with a lot of women but you're my one and only girl-
Kitty: One and only, huh? You expect me to believe that?! The last time you didn't just flirt with 5 to 10 women, YOU SLEPT WITH THEM, ALL BEHIND MY BACK!!
Mistress Manic: (whispers) Geez, has he already been a-
Ember: (whispers) A liar? A flirt? A scumbag? A Pig? A bad boyfriend? A greasy sleeze ball? A dumbass?
Penelope Spectra: (whispers) All of the above. Yes.
Johnny: (annoyed) I said I was sorry! Look, we can still make this right. Come back to me like you always do, we can finally get whatever we want. I'm the only one you've ever loved & trust.
Kitty: (angry) No! You broke that love & trust too many times, from flirting with women to sleeping with them, I can't do this anymore you insensitive jerk! And you want me to join you & that creep who kidnapped me, never! I'm not coming back to you, we are done!
Johnny: (angry) And you think you're going to up & leave me, huh?! Fat chance, you're my girl and no one is gonna have you but me whether you like it or not!
He walks towards Kitty with a syringe gun in his hand.
Kitty: W-What are you going to do?
Johnny: (smirks) A little something Technus hooked up to help you see things my way of course.
Kitty was horrified.
Johnny: Now take your medicine, Kitty. It'll make you feel all better.
Kitty: (struggling, scared) No, no! S-Stay away!
Johnny was about to inject her but an ecto blast fired and knocked the syringe gun out of his hand.
Johnny: Ouch!
Technus: What the?!
Danny: The lady said No Johnny or did you leave your manners back at the Ghost Zone?
Technus, Johnny and Kitty turn to see Danny Phantom, Ember, Spectra and the L-Gear Crusaders.
Johnny: The Kid?!
Technus: Ghost Child?!
Danny: It's Danny Phantom, not Ghost child.
Kitty: Danny! Ember! Penelope!
The mind controlled ghosts held her.
Technus: So you've found our secret underground lair, eh whelp? Well no matter I, Technus 2.0-
Ember: -Needs to shut the hell up!!!
Technus: You dare!!
Danny: Shouting who you are, what you are & shouting your plans every day, still 1.0... no, it's more 00000000.1.
Technus grits his teeth while Johnny managed to get syringe gun.
Johnny: So ya yourself a crew of new teammates, eh punk? Well trust me when I say that you don't want any part of this.
Danny: I have a habit of getting involved when it comes to taking out ghosts like you. So you either let kitty go, tell me who's the ghost you're working with & I'll go easy on you or don't do either & we settle this the hard way.
Johnny: Heh, ya think you can tell me what to do punk? I think being famous all over the world made you full of it.
Danny: Oh trust me... I'm not the one who has a head full of air. So you wanna fight 13 or do you want your Shadow to do it for you?
Johnny was growling at this point.
Johnny: You're dead.
Penelope Spectra: Not before I end you & Technus for what you did to me... (Snarls)
Technus: Foolish ones! Doesn't matter what team you have with you now, Phantom! Because today is the day I, Technus reign supreme!
Technus snaps his fingers with a grin as a loud roar was heard with a large ghostly figure landing in a front of Danny, Ember, Spectra and the L-Gear Crusaders. The figure glare at the group with a murderous glare with green saliva dripping from it's fangs.
Lightstar Soldier: What kind of ghost is that?!
Blood Beast: A ghostly werewolf?
Danny: Wulf...?
In the front of Danny and his group was indeed Wulf himself but he looks different over the years. The werewolf like ghost was a lot taller and more bulkier than he was before, had scars running down his eyes/cheeks, saber sharp fangs, black fur with white streaks, sharp green claws and he wore only green shredded pants. However, his eyes were dark purple instead of his usual green color and parts of his upper body was covered in a large layer of metallic silver & green slime substance with multiple purple sharp eyes spread across the strange parasite.
Danny: (glared at Technus) What did you do to Wulf?!
Technus: Hahaha! Thanks to my anonymous benefactor, I Technus, have been given the ecto-parasite to control this creature. Ah, he was strong but in the end his will was broken by me!
Wulf let out a loud blood curdling howl, ready to attack on Technus'command. Danny stared at his friend while also staring at the struggling Kitty before sending a calm yet angry glare at Johnny and Technus.
Danny: You'll pay for this...
Technus: Eliminate Phantom and his pests!
Danny, Ember, Spectra and the L-Gear Crusaders got ready as the mind controlled Wulf howled and charged at them in a primal rage.
To be continued...
(Chapter 9 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! The L-Gear Crusaders have encountered ghosts from the Ghost Zone and have cross paths with Danny Phantom himself who in this story, Lincoln and his friends cross paths with on his travels. Ember also makes her debut and as Danny's girlfriend, I've read a lot of great Danny x Ember fanfics before & I've read somewhere Ember was the fifth girl to have a crush on Danny so I decided to pair them up in this story, followed by some AU events after phantom planet. So sorry for those who ship Danny x Sam, nothing against it much. Danny & Ember will also have additional powers in the story)
(Penelope Spectra, Kitty, Technus, Johnny 13 and Wulf also make their debut though Kitty and Spectra were prisoners, Spectra got what she wanted in the perfect look with eternal youth, Kitty has cut all ties with Johnny though Johnny has plans to make her fall in line, Wulf has been infected and controlled while Technus & Johnny are working with a mysterious ghost who's responsible for the random portals opening in royal woods & the abduction of ghosts who's either an enemy or an ally of Danny. Who is this ghost behind it & what is the goal? Can Danny & the L-Gear Crusaders get answers? Find out next chapter in Part 2 of Arrival of a Phantom, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black)
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