Ch. 6: A Threat in Royal Woods, Get in Gear!
Narrator: The next morning...
The sun started to arrive from the clouds as it shined over the Loud Mansion as Halloween is over. We cut to the inside within Lincoln's room where the white haired man was asleep in his bed with Ronnie Anne, who was wearing a black top & purple pants, sleeping on the left of him and Sid, who was wearing a blue sweater & dark blue pajama pants, sleeping on the right side of him.
The clock begins to ring as it hit 6:00 AM.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep-
Lincoln reached out to press the snooze button on the clock, silencing it. He let out a yawn and tries to get up without disturbing Ronnie Anne and Sid's slumber, he slowly but surely got out of their grasp & out of bed and heads towards his own bathroom to freshen up.
A few minutes later...
Lincoln came out of the bathroom as Ronnie Anne and Sid awoke from their slumber.
Lincoln: Morning girls.
Ronnie Anne: (yawns) Morning Linc.
Sid: Good morning, Lincoln.
Lincoln: Did you sleep well?
Ronnie Anne: (stretches) Yeah, I have.
Sid: Same. But wow... that was a wild party last night! I danced so much and ate a lot of candy til I passed out.
Lincoln chuckles.
Lincoln: I'm heading out to make breakfast. The bathroom's all yours, girls.
Ronnie Anne: Thanks.
Sid: Thank you.
The two women entered the bathroom, closing the door as Lincoln left his room to head downstairs. He then saw Lisa, who was wearing green pajama shirt & pants jolting down notes while a robot she made was cleaning up the leftovers from yesterday's halloween party in seconds until the place was spotless.
Lisa: Ah. A new record in time. (Turns to Lincoln) Morning Brother.
Lincoln: Good morning, a new cleaning robot?
Lisa: Indeed. And it set a new record for being the fastest at cleaning the mother of all messes from yesterday's.... halloween spooktacular.
Lincoln: That's nice. I'm planning on cooking breakfast for everyone, you want anything?
Lisa: Negative. I already subjected myself to some Breakfast before you awoke. Also, Clyde already ate & left into town, said he'll be return soon.
Lincoln: Alright.
The white haired man heads into the kitchen where he notices Lori, who was wearing a blue top and pajama pants, Luan, who was wearing yellow checkered pajama shirt & pants, Luna, who was wearing a violet purple robe with skulls on it & Lynn, who was wearing a white top with a number one and red shorts. The four older sisters have tired looks while they were holding mugs of coffee, Lincoln passed them to get some items from the fridge and getting the pans & stove ready as he begins making breakfast.
Lori: (takes a sip of her coffee) Morning little brother.
Luan and Lynn: Good morning Linc.
Luna: Morning bro.
Lincoln: Good morning girls. Sleep well?
Lori: Yeah, it was quite a party last night.
Luna: I agree, we really went all out with the party (takes a sip of her coffee), it was rockin'.
Luan: A lot of tricks and treats.
Lynn: And crazy scares.
???: I couldn't agree more.
The four older sisters were spooked by Lucy.
Lynn: Lucy... stop doing that!
Lucy: No.
Lincoln: I take it you slept well too, spooky?
Lucy: Yes.
Soon, Leni, the twins and Lily entered the kitchen. Leni was wearing a seafoam green night gown, Lola was wearing a pink long sleeved night gown, Lana was wearing a black shirt and dark gray jogging pants and Lily was wearing lavender purple pajama shirt & pants.
Leni: Good morning everyone.
All: Good morning.
Lily: I smell breakfast.
Lincoln: Yep. Making a full course.
Leni: Here, I'll help you out.
Lincoln: Naw, it's fine Leni.
Leni: Nonsense linky, you help us a lot so I'm gonna help you out.
Lincoln: Okay. Thanks Leni.
Leni: You're welcome.
Leni assisted Lincoln on the cooking.
Lana: That party was amazing yesterday, the scares, the costumes, the dancing, the brothers of destruction making an appearance and the candy.
Lola: (holding her rumbling stomach; groans) Ugh... don't mention candy, please?
Lori: I warned you two not to eat too much candy.
Lana: What? It was delicious. Plus, I have an iron stomach, unlike Lola here.
Lola: (glares) What's that suppose to mean?
Lana: Well, you ate more candy than I did.
Lola: (spoke through gritted teeth) Are you calling me fat....?!?!
Lana: Oh please, if I was to call you fat, you'd be the size of a hippo. But the candy you ate faster than a hedgehog running went straight through your ass.
Lola was now red with embarrassment and anger, mostly anger.
Lola: (shrieks) MY BUTT'S NOT THAT BIG!!!!
Lana: Hahahaha! Well you're half right, you only got the second biggest ass out of the sisters, behind Luna.
Luna spits out her coffee.
Luna: Excuse you?!
Lola: Well... I'm still angry but I kinda agree with Lana, your ass is so huge, it's noticeable in that snug robe of yours.
The kitchen suddenly grew colder and colder as Luna glared daggers at the twins.
Luna: I'm gonna ice you both!
Within seconds, Lincoln got behind Luna & trapped her in a Full Nelson to keep her from attacking the twins.
Lincoln: Alright enough! No fighting, I don't wanna hear sh*t of anything about who's this and who's that, you guys are all special & beautiful in your own way, alright?
Sisters: Awww.
Lincoln: Twins, apologize to each other and then, apologize to Luna.
Lana and Lola: (in unison) I'm sorry Lana/Lola. (They turn to Luna) We're sorry Luna.
Luna: Apology accepted. I'm sorry as well, dudes.
Lincoln then let's go of Luna and went back to cooking breakfast with Leni. Soon, breakfast was made as Lincoln, the loud sisters, Ronnie Anne and Sid digged in while having a conversation amongst themselves as Lincoln and Leni outdone themselves with the meal. Once breakfast was over, the group got dressed for the day, Ronnie Anne and Sid left not before both of them giving Linc a kiss goodbye which didn't go unnoticed by Luan & Luna, who smiled as the rest of the loud siblings do their own activities.
Narrator: 11:59 AM....
Lincoln and Lana were seen watching tv in the living room of random stunts and crazy dares.
Lana: Heh. This guy's planning on wrestling a bear while wearing a business suit of honey & bees.
Lincoln: Yeah, swarm of bees or a bear, either way he's toast.
The sound of a bear roaring, bees buzzing angrily, a man screaming and other violent noises were heard on the tv.
Lana: Ohhhh... that's gotta hurt.
Lincoln: I know. Next one is someone diving into a big pool of the most intense hot sauce and chili peppers to swim in it for 24 hours.
Lana: Man, he is going to be burned alive by just hot sauce and chili peppers alike.
Just as the man was about to jump into the pool of hot sauce and chili peppers, the scene was interrupted by the news report.
Lana: Aww c'mon!
Katherine Mulligan: This is Katherine Mulligan, reporting to you live on Royal Woods News with an major emergency!
Lincoln: Hmm?
Lana: An emergency?
Katherine Mulligan: The Mayor of Royal woods is being held hostage by some kind of a nut job in a mechanical suit!
The camera reveals the mayor of Royal woods held hostage in his own office by a light skinned man with light brown hair and glasses while wearing a silver, yellow and orange mechanical armored suit.
Man in Mechanical suit: (crooked male voice) Aaaahahahaha, greetings royal woods! It is I, Lord McMech, and today, the mayor has 'stepped down' from his position and has selected a replacement. I'll give you a hint.... Me, Hahahahahaha! The greatest mind with the greatest power is now new Mayor of Royal woods, all shall respect & bow to me and if anyone has a problem with it... (smirks) speak to my insurance policy...
The camera switches to an army of 8 ft tall, red eyed, silver, yellow and orange mechanical robot drones, who were overpowering the authorities.
Lord McMech: That is all for now, I have to prepare my mayor acceptance speech, Aaaahahahahaha!
We cut to Katherine Mulligan.
Katherine Mulligan: You heard it here, folks. We're all doomed to serve a deranged man in a deadly armored suit, the authorities are getting overwhelmed! Whatta we gonna do?! Is there anyone who can save us?!
The news ended.
Lincoln: Lana?
Lana: Yeah?
Lincoln: Get the others, we're going to take care of some business.
Lana: Right.
Once Lana assembled the loud sisters downstairs with Lincoln, the siblings head to the basement and deep into their underground base where Lincoln and Lana told the others about Lord McMech & his actions today.
Lisa looks up any information on this Lord McMech on her super computer for a few minutes until she found something.
Lisa: Ah yes, Lord McMech. His real name is Matt Mcstorm, a science progidy who was kicked out of community college for maximum property damage from his robotic experiments. He then tried to run for mayor in royal woods once before but was rejected.
Lynn: Psycho Neeeeeeeerd.
Lori: (stern) Lynn.
Lynn: I'm talking about the criminal, not Lisa.
Lisa: Anyways, Matt was reported insane as he tried to attack the mayor to force him to give up his job, he was knocked out & taken to royal woods mental health care but escaped & hasn't been seen in a few years.
Lola: Until now.
Luna: So how bad are we talking?
Lisa: I beg your pardon?
Luna: How bad are we talking, lis?
Lori: What Luna means is what's the rank of this Lord McMech guy, is it bad or not? Does he need to be locked up or... (does a slash motion with her thumb across her throat).
Lisa: While Matt aka Lord McMech can be a mental case whose chaotic yet intelligent mind knows no bounds for massive damage, he's not a huge threat to be eliminated so we subdue him & put him in lockdown.
Lincoln: Got it. Let's suit up.
Sisters: Right!
Meanwhile at Royal woods city hall, Lord McMech was casually relaxing in the mayor's chair, looking over his cards while the actual mayor was tied up and locked in the closet.
Lord McMech: (reading his cards) I would like to thank the people of royal woods for electing me as their new mayor. For the first change, I shall rename the city of royal woods, McMech Berg! Aaaahahahaha! It's clever, hehehe. And with my Mech drones dealing with the cops, this city is mine for the taking, haha! I love being Mayor!
Meanwhile, outside of the area, people were running for their lives from the Mech drones while the authorities try to handle the situation at hand but unfortunately, the numbers weren't in their favor & they were getting overwhelmed by the robot's destructive onslaught. Just as the Mech drones were about to blow up the cops with their shoulder missiles, out of nowhere.... they were struck by lightning, stopping them in their tracks.
The cops and civilians were confused by the sudden lightning strike as it wasn't raining or anything, then one cop noticed 11 cloaked figures standing atop a tall building as more eyes begin to spot them.
The Mech drones also noticed the 11 figures.
Mech drone: 11 unidentified figures, threat level unknown. Are you here to serve Lord McMech?
???: No, tell your 'lord' to come out quietly or we'll have to drag him out of the office.
Mech drone: You dare threaten our master Lord McMech? Identify yourselves so we may eliminate the targets which is you?
The 11 figures stared down at the Mech drones before speaking in order.
???: Storm Soldier.
???: Power Phoenix.
???: Ice Moon.
???: Mistress Manic.
???: Blood Beast.
???: Shadow Samurai...
???: Jurassic Brawler!
???: Atomic Angel!
???: Galacta-Woman.
???: Lightstar Soldier!
???: Nexus Ace.
The 11 figures removed their cloaks before everyone's eyes. It was the loud siblings but no one recognized them at all as they were in their hero and/or anti-hero attires.
The first was Lori; As the Storm Soldier, she wears a black & blue mask with an electric symbol, a short sleeved, black & gray bodysuit with blue trim outlines, shoulder armor & a large skull on the chest, black gloves with armor, gold & black utility belt, black cargo pants with knee armor & boots. She also carries two katanas on her back & a backpack of gadgets.
The second was Leni; As Power Phoenix, Leni's appearance changes drastically due to the amulet. She grew to a height of 8 ft 3, hair turned a much golden blonde & much spiky & wavy, eyes now seafoam green and possesses a very muscular & curvaceous amazonian-like body. She was wearing a silver forehead protector, a strapless silver, seafoam green & black armored chestplate with a seafoam green, golden yellow & orange Phoenix symbol on the chest, a studded gold & silver belt, a front cloth with the same color as the chestplate, a right silver armband, a left silver, black & gold arm armor with red shoulder gems, black pants & armored boots. She also possesses a silver & gold broadsword & shield with the same Phoenix symbol.
The third was Luna; As Ice Moon, She was wearing a sleeveless blue hoodie with white fur, a blue & white sleeveless leotard bodysuit with a skull symbol, blue and white armbands & thigh length blue, white & silver armored boots.
The fourth was Luan; Due to the Comedian's 'other half' Mistress Manic, Luan's appearance changes drastically. Her hair was longer, wild & curled, her eyes were crazy yellow & green, she had strange black symbols on her face, pointy ears, fangs & claws. She was wearing a jester-like black overcoat with a mix of purple, yellow & green, a white slightly unbuttoned dress shirt with a yellow & green vest, black fingerless gloves, a well fancy utility belt, black pants & shoes. She also has a top hat with a creepy smiling skull on it.
The fifth was Lynn; As the Blood Beast, lynn's appearance changes drastically. She was now 9 ft tall, skin now pale, red eyes, hair now longer & wilder, pointy ears, sharp fangs, monstrous humanoid claws, beast-like feet & an overly huge muscular body 10 times her normal size. She was wearing a black & red backless, sleeveless undershirt, studded wristbands, a studded red, black & white waist dress armor showing a monstrous skull with fangs, black shorts with red side stripes and red & black toeless wraps around her bare feet.
The sixth was Lucy; As the Shadow Samurai, she was wearing a black, silver and indigo samurai armored helmet & mask with horns & the japanese kanji symbol for Shadow on the top of the helmet. She was wearing a black bodysuit with black, silver & indigo samurai-like body armor, white belt, gauntlets with the same color, front & back waist cloth, kneepads & armored boots. She also carries an enchanted & gothic looking katana.
The seventh was Lana; As Jurassic Brawler, her hair gets longer & wilder, has sharp fangs, black & blue dinosaur-like eyes, pointy ears, claws & more muscles. She is wearing a blue green & gray face mask with the mouth exposed, horns and fangs on it. Her attire is a fur hooded, sleeveless black & gray jacket with blue green dinosaur skin patterns & bronze yellow claw marks, a black & gray shirt with a yellow slit eye symbol, armbands with the same color & design, studded waist dress armor with blue green dinosaur skin patterns, black & gray shorts with blue green dinosaur skin patterns & toeless wraps with the same designs.
The eighth was Lola; As Atomic Angel, she has her hair in a ponytail, wears a pink eye mask with the mouth exposed and white pupiless eyes. She was wearing a pink & purple bodysuit with white, pink & blue diamond studded armor, gauntlets and boots, has a nuclear symbol with angel wings on the chest & has large angelic-like wings on her back.
The ninth was Lisa; As Galacta-Woman, lisa's appearance changes drastically. She gets a bit taller, she gains the body of an Amazon with larger curves & muscles, her hair is longer & flowing and her eyes are green. She was wearing a black bodysuit with light green circuitry marks, a silver & green 'G' symbol on the chest, silver, green and black gauntlets & boots.
The tenth was Lily; As Lightstar Soldier, Lily’s eyes are lavender with white pupils & she was wearing a black, lavender and silver ninja-like mask. Her attire was a white, lavender & black armored bodysuit with a custom star symbol on the left side of the chest & star symbols on the side of the waist, silver gauntlets with black gloves, a custom utility belt, white, silver and lavender kneepads and armored boots.
And the eleventh was Lincoln; As Nexus Ace, Lincoln has glowing orange & black eyes and wears a black & orange ninja-like mask. His attire was a black sleeveless bodysuit with black & orange light but very strong durable armor, a silver Ace symbol on the chest armor, silver & black utility belt, black & orange gauntlets, kneepads and armored boots.
Everyone stared at the 11 figures, having mixed reactions about them but the Mech drones saw them as a threat and activated their weapons.
Mech drones: Activate all weapons, prepare for combat.
Nexus Ace: Scatter.
The hero/anti-hero group all scattered throughout the area to fight the Mech drones.
We first see the Storm Soldier surrounded by a couple of Mech drones, who were aiming their sonic cannons to fire at her but she was dodging their attacks as quick as lightning itself.
Storm Soldier: Nuisance.
The Storm Soldier pulls out her two katanas, her white pupiless eyes glowing blue as the blades were engulfed by electricity as she lunged at Mech drone horde with blades in hand.
The screen goes black, showing numerous blade slashes and blue currents of lightning as the screen showed Storm Soldier standing behind the Mech drone horde, placing her katanas in her hoister & the moment after she did.... The Mech drones fell to pieces, exploding.
Storm Soldier: Hmph.
We cut to Power Phoenix, who was dealing with her own share of the Mech drones. They begin firing missiles at Power Phoenix, who holds up her shield to block the attack on impact, the Mech drones thought they got her but leaping out of the smoke was Power Phoenix, who takes out her sword & came in to decapitate 3 of the drones, the gladiator hero began to avoid the sonic blasts and lazers, putting her sword and shield away, Power Phoenix increases her muscle mass a bit & fires rapid flame powered punches and kicks to each Mech drone to reduce them to scrap.
Once she was done, Power Phoenix turns to the people the drones were harassing. She also noticed her friends Fiona, Mandee and Miguel amongst them.
Power Phoenix: (Bold female voice) It's not safe here, find some place to hide.
The civilians nodded as they ran for it while Power Phoenix deals with more drones.
We see Ice Moon riding a wave of ice through her own share of the Mech drones as she avoided the sonic blasts and lazers fired at her.
Ice Moon: What's the matter? Can't hit your target?
Ice Moon jumps off the ice wave and lands in the middle of the Mech drone horde, firing a couple of frozen morning stars either through the chest or to slice their limbs off.
Ice Moon: C'mon, can't any of you hit me? I'm practically surrounded by you-
Ice Moon was shot through the chest from behind by one of the Mech drones lazers as they continued to fire through her body. The Ice Heroine soon fell to the ground with a thud.
Mech drones: Target, Neutralized-
Ice Moon twitched with a grin as her body turned blue and crumbled into ice.
???: Yoo-hoo!
The Mech drones turn to see the real Ice Moon sitting one of the vehicle in a relaxing manner.
Ice Moon: Like the decoy trick?
Mech drones: Eliminate! Eliminate-
Ice Moon: Seriously, dudes? Chill.
Ice Moon fires a large blast of frozen energy at the Mech drones, encasing them in ice. She then snap her fingers as the Mech drones within her ice shattered into pieces.
Ice Moon: Hehe.
Next up was Mistress Manic, who was surrounded by her own share of the Mech drones. A twisted grin crept upon her face as she removed her top hat.
Mistress Manic: My, my. What a large crowd I have here... Let's see if my opening act can bring out your... 'explosive' applause.
Reaching into her hat, Mistress Manic takes a couple of plasma bombs out of said hat. Uttering a crazy laugh, Mistress Manic spun around to throw the plasma bombs at the approaching Mech drones, catching them in the explosion.
Mistress Manic: Hahahahahaha!!!! Such applause, they literally went out with a "BANG!" Hahahahaha!!
She then noticed more drones coming to attack.
Mistress Manic: Oh... someone's raring to go.... (left hand morphs into a giant mallet & right hand morphs into a buzzsaw) Ok then, I'll gonna have a killer time with you all, Hahahahahaha!!!!!
She charges at them.
Next was the Blood Beast, who was completely and utterly destroying each Mech drone she can get her hands on. The Mech drones were relying on their numbers and immense strength to gain up on the vampiric Anti-hero & beat the living daylights out of her but Blood Beast sent them all flying with her incredible strength.
Blood Beast: RAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
The Mech drones bounced back and fired their sonic cannons at Blood Beast, who swiftly dodged and evaded them as she ran at the nearest drone robot & ripped it's head clean off with her fangs.
She spat the head out and rips one drone's large arm off and proceeds to start beating the other drones mercilessly with it.
Blood Beast: C'mon, give me a real fight!
We then see the Mech drones sent flying by strong impact of winds, more Mech drones were surrounding the Shadow Samurai, who stood there as missiles, sonic blasts and lazers were being fired at her but it wasn't having effect on her one bit.
Shadow Samurai: Sigh... blow away.
Suddenly, high winds began to pick up as the Mech drones were being levitated and spun around in a tornado like force. Taking out her cursed blade, Shadow Samurai utters a strange chant as dark aura shrouded her body.
Shadow Samurai: Begone....
With a wave of her sword, a stream of shadows wrapped itself around the twister containing the Mech drones, forming into a large Dragon with ominous indigo eyes as it devoured them whole & soon spat them out as scrap in the indigo fires of darkness.
Shadow Samurai: Sigh... The End.
We cut to the Mech drones firing missiles at Atomic Angel, who was flying through the air to avoid the attacks. She then flew through the streets to carry any civilians out of the crossfire.
Once she was done, Atomic Angel flew back to the Mech drone horde, who continued to fire at her.
Atomic Angel: Ugh, you drones are a bothersome pests, time to send you back to the junkyard where you belong!
Atomic Angel then swoops in and fires pink atomic energy blasts at the nearest Mech drones, blowing them up. She then finishes the next incoming horde with a loud and lethal sonic scream, breaking the Mech drones down into piles of discarded metal.
Atomic Angel: How's that for a big finale!
Next up is Jurassic Brawler, who was dealing with her own share of the Mech drones. She was on the defensive as the Mech drones were firing their sonic cannons at her.
Jurassic Brawler: Ngh! Ok, you wanna play rough, do ya?! Tyrannasaurus legs and Triceratops horns!
Forming a tall, Amazonian like body, Jurassic Brawler sprouts strong tyrannasaurus legs and big & sharp Triceratops horns. Letting out a primal roar, Jurassic Brawler charges at the nearest Mech drones like a wild bull, piercing their chests with her horns & throwing them at other robots. She then uses her strong tyrannasaurus legs to deliver a gatling of savage kicks to knock their heads off their bodies.
Jurassic Brawler: Ha! You pieces of junk aren't so tough! Bring me a real challenge!
We cut to another part of the area where Mech drones were going after civilians who were trying to fight back for their town but were not fairing too well. Before the people of royal woods were about to get blown up, the drones were picked up by a field of green energy and sent far into the sun. The people were shocked as Galacta-Woman was floating towards them.
Galacta-Woman: While you're willing to protect your town and very lives, fighting these machinery isn't your priority. You need to evacuate this area and head to safety, now.
The civilians didn't need to be told twice as they took off. Galacta-Woman then turns to the next incoming horde of Mech drones firing lazers at her but the lazers only bounced off of the galactic anti-hero.
Galacta-Woman: (unfazed and unamused) Like mechanical flies that must be swatted away.
Forming green energy in her hand, Galacta-Woman fires a large atomic blast towards the Mech drone horde, colliding with them on impact as they were sent flying up to the sun.
Galacta-Woman: That solves my pile of Mechs.
And finally, we see Lightstar Soldier back to back with Nexus Ace as the two were handling their own share of the Mech drones together. Nexus Ace and Lightstar Soldier was using combination offense and effective moves with their powers to bring down each robot in their sights while keeping them from reaching any civilians.
Lightstar Soldier: Get away from them!
She quickly rushes in at light speed, taking out a couple of Mech drones reaching a family of 5 in a car.
Lightstar Soldier: Hurry on home, it's not safe here!
The family of 5 nodded & said thank you as they drove away quickly. Lightstar Soldier was grabbed from behind by 2 Mech drones as she grunts and managed to get loosed by punching a hole through one drone's chest while firing a light blast to reduce the second drone to a topless stub with legs as it fell.
Lightstar Soldier: Hey brother, you doing okay over there?!
She turns to see a horde ganging up in a pile to attack but were suddenly impaled all at once by tendril looking silver blades. The horde fell as Nexus Ace stood in the middle of it.
Nexus Ace: Yes. I'm okay.
The two noticed another horde of Mech drones were running towards them.
Lightstar Soldier: Final Wave?
Nexus Ace: Final Wave. (Right arm coated in a silver substance with glowing orange veins) Ready for this?
Lightstar Soldier: Yep!
The two waited for the Mech drones to get closer... and closer... and closer... until Nexus Ace slams his fist into the ground with immense strength, unleashing a huge wave of rock as the impact on the attack send the Mech drones into the air.
Nexus Ace: Now!
Lightstar Soldier: Right!
Transforming into her light form, the Lightstar Soldier instantly jumped into the air, disappearing as numerous streams of light started blinking in & out of the Mech drones scattered in the air. In a blink of an eye, Lightstar Soldier appeared next to Nexus Ace as the two look up, seeing the last remaining of the Mech drone horde explode in a flash of light.
Nexus Ace: Splendid work, sis.
Lightstar Soldier: Thanks brother, couldn't have done it without you but our jobs not over yet.
Nexus Ace: I know. Let's pay a certain nut job a visit.
Back to the mayor's office, Lord McMech was still on his acceptance speech.
Lord McMech: And the people of royal woods will declare their undying loyalty to me, build me statues in my honor and every day will be Obey Lord McMech Day! And soon-
He was interrupted by a knock at the door.
Lord McMech: Huh? Who could that be?
He gets up and heads to the door to open it, seeing no where.
Lord McMech: Huh? Is this a joke? Knock on the door and run? (Slams the door shut) I'll get that buster for this-
???: Boo.
Lord McMech jumped upon seeing Shadow Samurai standing behind him.
Lord McMech: Geez, you need to have a bell put on you! Anyways who are you? Are you here to join my army-
He was punched in the face by Blood Beast as he crashed into the desk. He emerged from the rubble and sees the group of heroes and anti-heroes standing before him.
Lord McMech: Who are you? How did you get in there?! Drones, get in here! Intruders! Deal with them for your mayor! Why aren't you answering me?!
Storm Soldier: Your drones are gone.
Lord McMech: How?!
Atomic Angel: Ugh. We destroyed them, duh.
Lord McMech: How dare you! This is a great insult upon the new elected mayor of Royal woods!
Ice Moon: Dude, you're not Mayor.
Lightstar Soldier: You basically broke in the office and took the real mayor hostage.
Mistress Manic: And locked him in the closet over there.
Lord McMech turns to see Nexus Ace and Shadow Samurai getting the actual mayor out of the closet.
Lord McMech: No! My prisoner! You'll pay for trying to usurp Lord McMech-
He was punched in the face again this time by Galacta-Woman and Power Phoenix.
Lord McMech: Stop doing that!
Lord McMech fires sonic blasts at the heroes and anti-heroes, who avoided the attack as the villain turns to aim for the Mayor, who was getting untied by Nexus Ace and Shadow Samurai.
Lord McMech: If I eliminate you, these freaks will have no choice but to surrender to me, Aaaaahahahaha!
Lord McMech activated a flame cannon to incinerate the mayor but Nexus Ace gets in the way, forming a tendril armored shield with his left hand to block the flames.
Lord McMech: Impossible!
Shadow Samurai jumped through the fires and proceed to slice off Lord McMech's armor.
Lord McMech: What?! No! Stop it! STOP IT!
Shadow Samurai kept up the strikes until Lord McMech's armor begins to crumble apart as he fell. Out of the rubble of the armor revealed Lord McMech as a tall skinny man in a bodysuit.
Lord McMech: My armor! How dare you! Do you know how much time it took and money stolen to get the parts needed to make this glorious armor?!
Shadow Samurai: I'd be worry about the people behind you.
Nexus Ace: Yep. (Turns to the Mayor) You might wanna look away for this.
Mayor: Oh uhhh ok then.
Lord McMech felt someone tap his shoulder as he slowly turns to see the others looming over him.
Lord McMech: (smiles nervously) Uhhh......... is it too late for you all to reconsider the offer to join me and be my slaves while I rule as mayor?
Storm Soldier, Power Phoenix, Ice Moon, Mistress Manic, Blood Beast, Atomic Angel, Jurassic Brawler, Galacta-Woman and Lightstar Soldier cracked their knuckles.
Lord McMech gulps nervously as he got his lights punched out.
We cut to outside of royal woods city hall where the mayor was greeting the civilians of the town as the heroes and anti-heroes stand beside him while the cops were taking away a very bruised, beaten & defeated Lord McMech.
Mayor: People of royal woods, I am fine and well, thanks to these superpowered beings you see before you!
The crowd cheered for the costumed protectors but Lord McMech screamed in anger and insanity.
He continues to scream & babble as Lord McMech was thrown in the back of an armored truck, door closed as it takes him to the mental asylum.
Mistress Manic: What a lunatic & that's coming from me, Hehehehe...
Mayor: As special thanks to saving me & the civilians of royal woods, I'm offering you a reward of-
Nexus Ace: With all due respect, Mayor, no charge.
Mayor: A-Are you sure?
Nexus Ace: Yes. No charge.
Mayor: Oh ok. Will we ever see you guys again?
Nexus Ace: If someone like McMech or worse shows up to terrorize royal woods... (chuckles as he pulls out a smoke bomb) We'll be in touch.
Nexus Ace slams the smoke bomb down, releasing a huge cloud of smoke as everyone was alarmed & couldn't see. Soon, the smoke clears as everyone, including the mayor saw that the 11 superpowered beings were nowhere to be found.
Back at the Loud Mansion, the loud siblings, back in their casual clothing, were seeing the news.
Katherine Mulligan: You heard it here folks, Heroes in Royal Woods!
Lynn: While I'm glad we're discovered but not all of us are heroes per say since some of us are Anti-hero-
Lisa: What they don't know, it won't hurt them, fifth eldest sibling.
Katherine Mulligan: These 11 costumed beings displayed their superpowers in taking down nut job Lord McMech and his Mech drones from taking over royal woods. The Mayor is also alive and well thanks to them, while others adore these superhuman beings for the save.... there are a select few who aren't fond of them, especially the authorities who didn't take kindly of the group interfering with police business.
Lori: Eh. Not the first time we encounter this fit.
Luna: Yeah dude. (Mocks) Hero, Vigilante or Menace? They shouldn't interfere with the law.
Luan: True dat. I mean, we'd fought dangerous criminals or monsters beyond human capabilities when we were separated years back & the police think they can handle someone or something like that?
Katherine Mulligan: Questions are brewing, who are these 11 superpowered beings? Will we see them again? And does royal woods have new protectors? This is Katherine Mulligan, signing off.
The new ended.
Lily: Our first team up, it was amazing!
Leni: Totes wonderful!
Lola: Not bad.
Luan: Hmmm... you know something?
Lisa: What is it fourth eldest sibling?
Luan: While we're a team of heroes and anti-heroes, we don't actually have a team name yet.
Lincoln: I see.
Luna: What'll we call ourselves?
Lucy: The 11 shadows of royal woods?
Lola: Nah. How about the Power King & Queens?
Lori: No.
Lisa: The Superhuman Supremacy?
Leni: Eh... I'm afraid not.
Lynn: The L-Strengths?
Lucy: No.
Luan: The L-Masters?
Lola: No and what's with the L?
Luan: For our last name.
Lana: Hmmmm.... I got it! How about the L-Gear Crusaders?!
Lincoln and the sisters look at Lana.
Lincoln: Hmmmm..... L-Gear Crusaders, quite catchy. I like it.
Lori: Not bad.
Leni: Sounds nice.
Luna: I can dig it sis.
Luan: A chaotic crusade of a name, hahaha!
Lynn: Not bad at all.
Lucy: Wicked.
Lola: It's superb at best.
Lisa: Acceptable.
Lily: The L-Gear Crusaders! That's our new team name, I love it!
Lana: Thanks guys!
Lori: No problem. While McMech was taken care of, he was only the beginning of many dangerous foes who either know us or don't know us, willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want, take us out or try to make a name for themselves.
The sisters agreed on lori's statement.
Lincoln: That is true but when and if these dark forces decide to show up in our hometown... we'll be ready.
To be continued...
(Chapter 6 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it! The Louds have finally made their superpowered debut to save the Mayor and the people of royal woods from villain Lord McMech but he's the first of many OC villains? Who's next? Find out next chapter on The L-Gear Crusaders, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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