Ch. 5: Halloween Party at Loud Mansion Pt 2
Narrator: At Loud Mansion....
Inside we see more guests arriving within the halloween bash of the mansion, looking around as holographic imagery of ghosts were flying around the living room, letting out eerie wails & going through the guests, sending chills down their collective spines while hearing the sounds of a creepy organ piano playing as the guests turn to see Luna playing the piano, turning to them with a scary grin as the skeleton rockstar starts to sing.
Luna: (sings) When darkness falls on the house of loud. Around every corner, new terror abounds. You don't want to lose your head, ha ha ha!
Luna got from her seat, pulls out her skull guitar and plays a creepy yet rockin' tone as the windows and doors automatically shut, the room illuminated in eerie purple lighting as the ghostly wails grew and grew to shock & scare the guests.
Luna: (sings) You can run, but you can't hide. They know that you taste better alive. I don't think that they've been fed. In a long, long time~.
The guests sees horrific images of monsters, werewolves, ghouls and zombies as some of them screamed while shook in fear.
Luna: (sings) Every corner, every floor. Watch out, they ain't heard before. Ghastly ghouls out for blood, sorry, boys... You got Tricked! You got Tricked! You got punked and pranked with a spooky twist! Before you wet your pants, better get out quick! Tricked, Tricked, Tricked. You got.... Tricked.
A montage was shown of the guests trying to find a way out but fire surrounded them with Lynn as kane arised from the ground/trap door to scare them out of their wits. They tried to run for upstairs but were spooked by Lana as a Zombified mixed martial artist stomping down the steps, moaning menacingly. The spooky montage kept up as Luna continues to sing her scary song.
Luna: (sings) Beware of Fangs and Bloody fur, A Loud House chainsaw massacre. There's no chance that you'll get out~. Ghosts writing your eulogy, Heads are rolling literally. So, who needs their mommy, now~? Spilling guts on the floor, Clean up on aisle 4. Why you running off so soon? Sorry dude... You got Tricked! You got Tricked! You got punked and pranked with a spooky twist! Before you wet your pants, better get out quick! Tricked, Tricked, Tricked. You got... Tricked.
The spooky montage ended with the guests screaming in fear but soon it slowly died down when Luna finished her guitar solo with a big finish, the lights going out as three spotlights landed on Luna, Lynn and Lana.
Luna: Hello party people! Welcome to the Loud Mansion Halloween bash, You got Tricked so now you all get the Treats!
Lynn: Here we have more fright for you along with some spooooky fun!
Lana: The party's just beginning with scares, candy, dancing and more, plus a mystery guest will be arriving soon to make a special appearance!
Luna: So what are you all waiting for? Enjoy the party and you'll have a "howling" great time! (Howls loudly) AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
The guests all cheered and howled loudly as they begin to break it down on the dance floor while Luna plays some more scary music. Some of the guests followed Lynn and Lana, Who shows around the place to see the scary tricks and wonderful treats they could get to enjoy.
We cut to upstairs where Lincoln was showing Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Liam, Zach, Rusty and Stella around from the bedrooms of the louds to guest rooms while getting jumpscares from entering random rooms in the upper levels.
Zach: Man, this place is huge and this is just upstairs!
Liam: I know, it's bigger than my me maw's barn house.
Rusty: And creepy too...
Lincoln: (smirks) Oh are you... scared, Rusty?
Rusty then attempts to act brave.
Rusty: (confident smirk) Me? Scared? Ha! No way! The Rustman fears nothing and no one!
Lincoln: Ok... open one of the guest room doors that's next to you.
Rusty turns to the door next to him, nervousness creeping up on him as he hesitantly reaches for the door knob & twists it to open the door... only to scared stiff by a spiritual imagery of a ghostly tyrannosaurus roaring in his face!
The door closed as Rusty fainted while Liam caught him before he could hit the ground. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne couldn't help but chuckle.
Lincoln: Told you so. Anyway, there's still more scary things up ahead. Sid... have you tried the door on the left next to you...?
Sid: M-me, no way! I'm not falling for that trick!
Lincoln: I thought Catwoman doesn't fear danger and isn't afraid of getting her claws dirty.
Sid: Sigh... (mutters) you're lucky that you're cute.
Sid slowly walks to the door nearest to her, hesitant but surely she reaches for the door knob and twists it, opening the door and finding nothing but a row of fog.
Sid: Well... (turns to the group) there's nothing in there but fog.
Then Stella, Zach, Liam, Clyde and Ronnie Anne's eyes widened as they begin to point at the room.
Sid: What? I checked and there's nothing in there.
Ronnie Anne: Sid...
Liam: T-Turn around.
Zach: G-G-G-Ghost!
Gulping, Sid slowly turns around to see a terrifying ghostly girl standing there in the fog with her head tilted and a small yet scary smile & glowing green eyes.
Ghost Girl: I'm lonely... come play with me... play with me forever...
Sid let out a loud scream as she jumps into Lincoln's arms, the ghost girl laughs eerily as the door closed.
Sid: T-That was h-horrifying. Meow...
Lincoln: Hehehehe.
Sid: You can put me down, thanks for the catch though (blushes).
Lincoln puts her down.
Lincoln: No problem.
Sid giggles.
Sid: I was scared but I still wanna continue this tour and have some fun on the dance floor.
Lincoln: Sure. After the upstairs tour of terror, we'll head downstairs for the dance.
Sid: Sweet!
Ronnie Anne: Works for me.
Clyde: Alright then. Lead the way pal.
Stella then saw a spiritual imagery of a ghost which pass through her, making her shiver.
Stella: Brrrrr.... that was unpleasant...
Lincoln leads the group further to the next part of the tour but a door opens as a hand pulls Ronnie Anne in and slammed the door.
Ronnie Anne: Huh?! What the?
The lights came on with Lori standing in the center of her room. Ronnie Anne narrowed her eyes with a low growl.
Lori: We need to talk.
Ronnie Anne: Whatta you want?
Lori: Look, I know upset no, angry with what happened to Bobby. I lost my true love while you lost your brother to a killer that's still out there....
Ronnie Anne felt her anger rising but kept in check as she allows Lori to speak.
Lori: (frowns in shame) I honestly didn't expect this to happen to him and my friends while I was the host of the party that day... how it all happened on my watch, at first I thought I was the one who did it in some sort of drunken stupor, his lifeless eyes with a scared expression... it haunted me to no end. When I saw the video of who truly took his life along the others... a man in a black and white hoodie & a swirly mask, my blood boiled... (fists shaking in anger) and I want to find him & make him suffer for what's he's done. I never wanted your brother to die-
Ronnie Anne heard enough and proceed to punch lori in the face, making the eldest step back a bit, slightly winced from the shot to her right cheek but kept her composure as her calm eyes met Ronnie Anne's angry ones.
Lori: I don't blame you if you hate and resent me right now, so if you wanna take it out on me, go ahead. I deserve much worse than a punch to the face.
Ronnie Anne growled angrily at the eldest loud but she then took a deep breath to calm down while keeping her hardened glare on Lori.
Ronnie Anne: When I thought you were the one who killed Bobby, my only sibling... I really wanted to kill you but it turns out that the evidence was fake & the real killer was shown... I felt bad about that. I don't hate you but I just don't completely trust you.
Lori: That's understandable.
Ronnie Anne: It'll be a while before I could fully trust you again... Bobby was my only brother as much as he was your boyfriend and he's in the grave now.
Lori: I promise that I'll find a way to make it up to you.
Ronnie Anne: Don't bother, let's just enjoy the party. Whoever murdered Bobby will get what's coming to him someday. You better hope you find him before I do, Lori.
Ronnie Anne turns to leave the room.
Lori: Yeah...
Lori follows her out of the room.
Outside of the Mansion, Lisa was handling the guest list at the door, letting anyone who on the party list into the mansion. Next in line was Renee, who was dressed as Ace Savvy.
Lisa: Name.
Renee: My name is Renee.
Lisa: (Checks the guest list) Renee...? Renee? Renee? Ah, you're on the list. You may enter.
Renee squeals as Lisa allows her to enter the party.
Lisa: Next.
Next was a group of three; A tall man with a slim athletic figure, light tan skin, black styled hair and eyes bags. He was dressed as a fancy masked singer. A tall woman with fair skin, slightly long light brown hair and has a beautiful figure akin to Leni's. She was dressed as some sort of pumpkin princess with a beautiful pumpkin themed dress. And the last one was a tall woman with fair skin, long brown hair in a ponytail and a curvaceous figure with wide hips and a large rear. She was dressed as Black Widow of the Avengers.
Lisa: Names.
???: I'm Miguel.
???: Fiona.
???: My name is Mandee. I didn't think it was true but... the louds are alive this party wasn't a prank. Is Leni here? Is she okay?
Lisa: Of course my second eldest sister is fine, she's working on the haunted corn maze in the backyard with Lily. Friends of her, I see?
Fiona: Yes. Can we see her?
Lisa: Well you three are on the guest list, go on in.
Miguel: Thank you.
Lisa allowed the three to go inside. Approaching next was a short fat man with fair skin, brown hair and a slightly tall, slim man with fair skin with freckles, light brown hair covering his eyes. They were both dressed as bikers.
Lisa: Name.
???: Papa Wheelie and Flat tire.
Lisa: (Checks the guest list) Hmmm... sorry but your names aren't on the list.
Flat Tire: Aww, what?!
Papa Wheelie: C'mon girl, we got invites too.
Lisa: I'm afraid that you're mistaken, I planned and organized each invite before sending them out and I don't recall signing any to a Mr. Papa Wheelie and Flat Tire. Now leave the estate, you're holding up the line.
The guests behind Papa Wheelie and Flat Tire were complaining and yelling at them to leave.
Papa Wheelie: Uhhh... look over there!
Lisa: (rolls her eyes) Oh please. That million year old trick?
Papa Wheelie: No seriously, look over there! Someone's trying to get in through the windows.
Lisa chuckled as her security system would've activated if someone were to sneak in. Humoring the two, Lisa turns to look to the left, Papa Wheelie and Flat Tire smirk as they saw their chance to get into the party but Lisa low sweep kicks Flat Tire.
Flat Tire: Ah!
Papa Wheelie: Hey!
Lisa grabs Papa Wheelie by the arm and flips him on Flat Tire.
Papa Wheelie: Ouch...
Lisa: Now if you two are done being ignoramuses, leave this estate.
Papa Wheelie and Flat Tire got up and quickly fled. Lisa got back to handling the guest list as Lori came out of the front door.
Lisa: Ah, first eldest sibling. How did your conversation with Ronnie Anne go?
Lori: It went... a bit smoothly.
Lisa: And the bruise on your right cheek?
Lori: I uhhh... fell down the stairs.
Lisa: (not believing her) Suuuuure.
Lori: Anything happen while I was inside?
Lisa: Just two delinquents trying to get in, I took care of it.
Lori: Alright. Well I'm here now to help out with security.
Lisa: Thank you.
In front of them appeared a tall pale skinned woman with freckles, long flowing black hair and a curvaceous figure with overly large breasts. She was dressed as Scarecrow (Batman: arkham knight version).
Lisa: Name.
???: (monotone voice) Maggie.
Lisa: (Checks the guest list) Maggie? Maggie....? Ah, you're on the list, go on in.
Maggie nods in she goes inside.
Lisa: Next!
In the haunted dining room, Luan was busy in handing out the party food & drinks for the guests while Lola was handling out candy to the guests. Luan would even dish out some halloween puns from a monstrous hand popping out of the macaroni to a fake severed head in the goulash to a laughing skeleton head in the chocolate cake and so on some of the guests were spooked while some enjoyed the scary halloween pranks.
Luan: Get your 'hooooowlloween' grub, it's to 'die' for, Hahahahaha! Get it?
Lola: Here's your halloween candy and-Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't grab a lot of it! Everyone has get some! Only an average amount of candy, alright?!
Some of the guests flinched at Lola's glare as they nodded. Soon, Luan noticed Maggie walking up to her.
Luan: Ah, a scarecrow! Heeeey! Hahahahahaha! Get it?
Maggie: Hello comedy mime.
Luan: (gets a good look at the woman) Maggie, is that you? Well, I'll be a daughter of the Joker! Good to see my buxom buddy, Hehehehe! Get it? Because of our... "Treasure chests" of gold? Hahahahahaha!
Maggie rolls her eyes at the cheesy pun.
Maggie: I see you haven't changed over the years you've been gone...
Luan: Oh trust me, I have changed... (sinister grin) in more ways than one....
Maggie: ....?!
Luan: (happy smile) Anyways, it's nice to have you at our party, my friend!
Maggie: Okay... I'm uhhh... glad that you're not dead.
Maggie unexpectedly hugs Luan, who was surprised as the emo never really does hugs but the comedian returned the hug.
Luan: Thanks.
Maggie: I have a message for you from one of your friends, giggles was her name?
Luan: Giggles? What about her?
Maggie: She got an invite from you but couldn't make it due to her and her family having a Halloween party at a nearby carnival. But she crossed paths with me, telling me to tell you that she's happy her friend is alive and well & would see you soon.
Luan: Awww, thank you for the message, mags. I hope to see her soon.
Maggie: (pulls out something) Here's her new number, she told me to give it to you.
Luan: (takes the paper) Thanks.
Maggie: Now if you don't mind, I would like some of that skeletal themed cake.
Luan: Sure.
In the backyard, Leni and Lily were inviting more guests to the haunted corn maze as they tell a tale of a pumpkin headed ghoul lurking within the maze as screams & groans were heard inside.
Leni: Come on everyone, go from start to finish in our haunted corn maze but be warned... it won't be easy finding your way out...
Lily: Yep! Especially with the pumpkin headed ghoul lurking inside... looking for a new head.
???: Leni!
Leni turns to see Miguel, Fiona and Mandee running towards her, tackling her in a big hug.
Miguel: Oh Leni, thank goodness you're alive! We've missed you!
Mandee: I thought someone was playing a sick joke on us but you're alive... you're really alive!
Fiona: Where have you been?
Leni: Hehe, hey guys. I missed you too. I can't tell you the full story but (lies) let's just that I heard something in the woods and got lost to the point I fell off a cliff.
Mandee: Were you okay?!
Leni: It's fine. Someone found & took care of me. I can assure you that I'm okay. I love your costumes by the way!
Lily: Yeah, they look fantastic!
Miguel: Why thanks, I worked on mine.
Leni: Wanna give the haunted corn maze a try?
Fiona: Sure.
Lily: Be warned... a pumpkin headed ghoul is lurking in there, looking for a new head, Hehehehe.
Fiona: Heh. I'll believe it when I see it.
Leni & Lily smirked as the three enter the corn maze.
Outside of the mansion gate, Hawk and Hank were exiting their truck with their guns in their pocket.
Hank: Ready to do this, bro?
Hawk: You got it, man.
They put on hockey masks as the two brutes make their way towards the mansion, shoulder bumping and knocking some guests away to cut in line, much to the crowd's annoyance and anger. Once they forcefully made their way to the front of the line, Hawk and Hank come face to face with Lisa and Lori, who had no idea it's the two bullies turned criminals under the hockey masks but Hank and Hawk recognized Lori and Lisa from the events of "Tricked" years back. The two grinned evilly under their masks as this burglary upgraded to sweet revenge.
Lori: (glares) What's the deal, you two? You can't just cut in line.
Hank: (grins under his mask) Oh really? And what are you gonna do about it, Lady Gorilla & the Bookworm Nerd?
Lori growls as she was about to teach them a lesson but stops as Hank and Hawk pull out guns to aim at them & the crowd, who begun to panic.
The guests all got on the ground, not wanting to get shot & killed but Lori and Lisa remained standing & unfazed by the threat.
Hawk: Hey! That means you too, freaks!
Hank: Yeah! You wanna die, louds?! We're gonna take everything you got-
Lisa walks towards the two & simply kicks the guns out of their hands.
Hank: Ow!
Hawk: Oh you're dead-
The two brutes felt a tight grip around their necks as Lori had them both by the throat, much to the guests surprise.
Lori: (menacingly) Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, so allow me to literally show you two the exit....
Soon, Hawk and Hank were seen thrown over the gates and into the back of their truck, groaning in pain.
Lori: That takes care of them. (To the guests) Okay, you're all safe now, we can continue with the party.
The guests sighed in relief as they stood up and back in line.
Lisa: (to lori) So... if seems that Hawk and Hank attempt to hijack the party.
Lori: those old bullies, Hawk and Hank? Those masked men? How did you know-
Lisa: My upgraded glasses, they also have a monitor scan mode for ranked criminals. Hawk and Hank are in between B & C class threats.
Lori: Grrrrr... you think they'd learned their lesson from last time they tried to ruin our Halloween when we were young.
Lisa: Indeed. Something tells me that the two won't yield so easily due to their stupidity, greed and stubborn behavior.
Lori: Then I better tell the others about this.
Lisa: You do that, I'll stay here and handle the guests. My security system will be active if Hank and Hawk attempt to get into the mansion.
Lori nods as she went back inside the mansion. Meanwhile, Hank and Hawk got out of their truck, rubbing their throats.
Hank: Damn it! That woman really have a strong grip & throw...!
Hawk: Grrrrr.... those b***hes are so dead!
Hank: Then what'll we do then?!
Hawk: (grins) We break in only this time, unnoticed. We rob the louds blind and kill them afterwards.
Hank: (grins) Yeah, I'm in. Hahaha!
In the living room, the guests inside of the mansion were dancing to the beat of luna's musical performance. Lincoln, Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Liam, Zach, Rusty and Stella were amongst the crowd, displaying their dance moves as well.
While Clyde was dancing, he bumps into someone.
Clyde: Oh, I'm very sorry-whoooaa...
Clyde turns to face the figure he bumped into. It was a slightly tall 25 year old woman but was a bit shorter than him, she had flawless pale skin, long black hair showing off a streak of white, beautiful red eyes, purple reflective eyeshadow and possesses a beautiful hourglass figure with an overly large bust, slightly large hips and an overly large rear. She was dressed as Morticia Addams of the Addams family.
Clyde: Ba... Ba... Ba... (slaps himself) H-Hey, Sorry for bumping into you, miss?
???: Sigh... Haiku. I'm not surprised that you forgot who I am, some people tend to forget those who dwell within the darkness...
Clyde: Haiku? Haiku...? Ohhhhhh right! At the Sadie Hawkins in school back then & Lucy's friend, right?!
Haiku: Sigh... yes.
Clyde: Well, I like your Morticia Addams costume.
Haiku: Thank you. When I heard the louds, including Lucy were alive and invited me to their haunted mansion, I was very ecstatic to attend. What are you dressed as?
Clyde: I'm John Stewart/Green Lantern. (Quotes the oath) In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, green lantern's light!
Haiku: Gasp... quite a encouraging poem.
Clyde: It's kinda an oath than a poem since Green Lanterns are all about willpower, which gives them the strength to fight evil.
Haiku: Sigh... still impressive. Hmmm... you know, it's been years since our last dance... shall we?
Clyde: Okay.
The two held other in a waltz position to dance. While this was going on, Lincoln, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, The twins and Lily got a text from Lori, telling them to meet her in her room for an emergency meeting.
Each of the Loud siblings ask their friends, who showed up to cover for them while they take care of business.
Meanwhile in Lori's room...
Everyone except Lisa was here as Lori explained the solution.
Lincoln: (low snarl) Those two again....
Lynn: (mad) I thought we scared those dumbasses back to hazelturkey after they nearly ruined our halloween when we were kids!
Luna: According to Lisa, they're now in between B & C class criminals.
Luan: (annoyed) Ya think they'd learned their lesson for messing with us last time & now they're trying to get in there and rob everyone here.
Lana: Well what'll we do about this?
Lucy: Nothing.
The siblings look at Lucy.
Lana: (angry) Nothing?! We can't just do nothing!
Lola: (angry) Yeah, those dim witted jerks will ruin everything!
Lily: They'll try to hurt the people here to get what they want! We can't let that happen!
Lori: Guys! Guys! (Silencing the siblings argument) Let Lucy speak.
The siblings nod.
Lucy: Thanks Lori. Anyways, we're going to continue to have this party & keep the guests safe. Lisa's security system will keep Hawk and Hank at bay if they try to break in.
Lincoln: And?
Lucy: Let them think they're in control.... (small smirk) let them try to break in & see how far they'd get. I will wait up the roof top, I wait until my mystery guest arrives to take care of those two.
Lynn: Ugh, you keep talking about this mystery guest. What can he or she do to two bullies turned criminals who has hurt & killed many?
Lucy: Oh... (grins) He can do... unexplainable things in the ways of the supernatural.
Lucy reaches inside her coat and pulls out a real scythe, much to the loud siblings shock.
Lucy: Let's just say that... (a toll bell is heard) The Bell tolls for the two....
Outside, we see Hank and Hawk in their hockey masks & duffle bags sneaking around the gates, jumping them to run across the right side of the mansion, reaching the nearby window.
Hawk: Let's do this.
Hank: Yeah.
They look inside the window to see only darkness, Hank and Hawk smirked as this was a perfect spot to sneak inside. The window was locked so Hank takes out a crowbar to break the glass but the moment the crowbar connected with said glass... an alarm went off as a trap door appeared under hank and hawk with the word "Eject" on it as they were send flying out of the gates and into their truck, groaning in pain and annoyance.
Hank: What the hell?! Aaaaghh!!!
Hawk: Damn it!! Okay, okay... the loser louds wanna play, we'll play their game and we'll win!!
The montage commence with the two brutes using every means of strategy and mostly force to get into the loud mansion. First, they tried the lower level windows of the mansion as they had drills and screwdrivers to pry the windows open but as they did.... spiritual imageries of Skeleton Luna, and Joker Luan appeared & scared them with haunting wails. Next, Hawk and Hank try the upper windows while using ladders to make their way up open the windows, they smirked as the windows were unlocked to sneak in but before they could enter.... waterfalls of blood shot out of the windows, covering the two brutes as they nearly got sick over the sight but they lost their grip and fell off the ladders into another trap door filled with piranhas. Next, Hawk and Hank try the back door, trying pick the lock to get in & they do (Because Lisa allowed it for a shocking surprise) as the door opened... revealing Kane Lynn with a scary grin & large fire balls in her hands.
Lynn: Oh hello and goodbye...
Hawk and Hank scream and run at Kane Lynn throws fireballs at them until they were out of sight, the back door closing and locking itself. Then, the two brutes got shovels as they attempt to dig underground to break into the mansion, Hank and Hawk managed to get into the basement with victorious grins but... the grins vanished upon seeing a horde of ghouls with pumpkins for head & an spiritual imagery of the pumpkin/demon king Lincoln looming over them with a haunting stare.
Hawk and Hank: Uuuhhh... aaah..
Demon King Lincoln: (distorted voice) Run....
Hawk and Hank screamed and went back underground as pumpkin headed ghouls chased after them. Soon, Hawk and Hank try again this time to the roof, once up there, they saw the top window on the ceiling as they smirked upon finding an easy way in, then a mysterious fog rolled in followed by moaning and groaning as the two criminals turn around to see zombies limping towards them with Lana leading the horde. The two brutes screamed in fright as they ran towards the ropes they used and climbed back down to run back to their truck. From the far right of the rooftop, Lucy was watching this with a fanged smile.
Meanwhile back at the truck, Hawk and Hank were panting, covered in blood, injuries, slime and so on as they were scared out of their wits but soon, that fear turned into complete rage, growing tired of these scares and pranks.
Hawk and Hank: THAT'S IT!!!!!!
Hawk: I've had it with their games! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of it!!!!!!
Hank: Same here! Those loud losers are so dead!!!!! (Calms down for a moment until he grins evilly) Time for the big guns.
Hawk: (Calms down; grins evilly as well) The heavy artillery... hahaha... It's demolition time.
The two laughed evilly as they open the back of their trucks, getting out M134 handheld guns, shotguns and grenades, armed to the teeth. The two then walked back towards the mansion as they begin to shoot in the air again, getting the guests attention again as they all get down on the ground as they saw Hawk and Hank with more deadly weapons, Lisa kept her composure as the guests inside came out, hearing the gunshots, fear appearing their faces at the sight of the two armed criminals. The loud siblings except Lucy along with Ronnie Anne, Sid, Clyde, Haiku, Rusty, Liam, Zach, Stella and others came out to confront the threat.
Hank: The gang's all here, bro! The Loser Loud League and it's circus of dumbass friends!
Hawk: Yep! You got a lot of nerve pulling these tricks on us, you got a death wish?!
Lynn: I don't know, do you?!
Lana: You deserved what you got back then & you deserved what you got now!
Lola: Yeah! Ya no good thieves!
Lori: We're trying to have a fun spooktacular and you jackasses come in and point guns at our guests?! What's your problem?!
Hawk: Grrrr! You louds are the problem! You've been a major pain in our asses this night and hahaha.... I'm actually glad you loser louds are alive and well so Hank and I can fill your bodies with bullets & carves our names on your corpses!
Hank: Yeah, we're going to kill you, your loser friends and take everything you've got!
Luna: Hey! Leave our friends outta this!
Luan: They did nothing to you, you wanna fight? Fight us!
Lynn: Yeah!
Lincoln: Put the guns down and fight like a man.
Ronnie Anne: Unless you're cowards?
Clyde and Sid: Yeah!
Hank: Ha! You think we're stupid?!
All: Yes.
Hank: Grrrr!
Hawk: We ain't falling for a cheap taunt! This is gonna be your last night on earth, so you wanna die together or one by one? (Smirks evilly)
The guests were scared while the louds, Ronnie Anne, Clyde and Sid got in front of them to protect their friends, they didn't want to use their powers in public but it seems that they have no option. Before anyone could make a move, a layer of fog rolled in, the air grew cold as the night sky was shrouded in dark clouds, rain slowly begins to fall followed by lightning and thunder.
???: Fools....
Hawk and Hank look up to see Lucy... levitating from the roof of the mansion, landing in front and center between the two criminals and the group.
Lucy: It's time....
Hawk: What's time? For you to die?
Lucy: I sensed you were coming, your souls reek of blood & greed. You've hurt & killed many in your way.... now you will pay....
The Lightning flashed.
Hank: And what are you gonna do to us, Undertaker wannabe? Bore us to death with your poems?
Lucy: Not me.... Him.
Hawk and Hank hear something from behind them as they turn to see a hearse backing up followed by a limo out of the fog.
Hawk: Huh?
Hank: Another guest looking to get whooped?
Lucy: Your evil crimes shan't go unpunished.... for my mystery guest was looking to add some souls to his collection.
Hawk and Hank hear a toll bell from out of nowhere as doors to the limo open, revealing a couple of figures in black cloaks walking towards the hearse.
Zach: Aliens!
Haiku: Not aliens... Druids of Darkness.
Two of the druids open the back of the hearse, pulling out a large casket.
Hank: What the...?!
Hawk: Is this another trick?! I'm already tired of your games!
Lucy: The bells tolls for you....
The druids takes the casket out of the hearse, lifting it up to face hawk and hank as the druids walked away, leaving the casket. Hawk & Hank, The guests and louds except Lucy were confused by the casket just placed there in the middle to the field.
Hank and Hawk were about to check if this was another trick but from the dark skies, a stream of lightning came down & struck the casket, making Hawk and Hank fall to the ground.
Hawk: Agh!
Hank: What the?!
The guests gasped with wide eyes of shock, the casket was now on fire due to the lightning strike. The Louds stared at the burning casket while a small grin crepted upon Lucy's face as the lid of the casket fell forward to the ground, everyone's eyes widening at the sight of the man inside.....
A Deadman....
Hawk: .....?!
Hank: Is he... dead?
The man's eyes opened, making everyone either scream, gasp or back away as the man walked out of the burning casket, an ominous presence to behold, the storm intensified with the toll bell sounding in the background. Standing before them was no ordinary man...
It was The Undertaker.
Lincoln: Okay... am I the only one seeing this...?
Ronnie Anne: Whoa...
Rusty: It's... It's... (faints as Liam caught him).
Stella: He just walked out of a burning casket....!
Lola: (Shivers) He's scary... especially with those cold eyes...
Lana: It's The Undertaker!!
Lynn: The Undertaker?! But... he's retired and how did Lucy find him?!
Luan: Deadman walking, hehehe! Get it?
Lori: Luan, not now.
Haiku: Gasp... I've heard of the legend of the Deadman himself.
Maggie: Ah, the Lord of Darkness... he looks like he hasn't aged a day.
Lucy: The Reaper has come... to collect.
Hawk and Hank slowly regain their composure as they try to come face to face with the Phenom himself, who continues to look better with age.
Hawk: The Undertaker? That's your plan, louds? Ha!
Hank: What can this washed up retired wrestler do to us?
Lucy: Oh... trust me, he may look and walk like a man but he's more than a gimmick, he's much more....
The Undertaker removes his trench coat, dropping it to the grass, he then reaches for his hat & takes it off upon his eyes glowing a ghostly white with low, eerie snarl which send chills down the spines of Hawk and Hank.
Hank: Y-You don't scare u-us!
Hawk: Y-Yeah! You'll be a real deadman when we're through with you!
The Undertaker: (sinister voice) By all means...... try.
Hawk and Hank then aim their M134 handheld guns and unloaded their firepower upon the Phenom to shoot him. However, their eyes widened along with the crowd as well as the louds except Lucy, seeing Undertaker walk towards the two brutes as the bullets weren't affecting him not one bit.
Hawk: Why aren't you dying?!?!
The Undertaker: You can't kill... what won't die.
Raising his right hand, Taker's eyes glowed an ominous blue along with his hand, a beam of lightning shooting out and destroyed the weapons Hawk and Hank had.
Hank and Hawk: Aaaaaggghh!! Our weapons!!
Lily: Holy shamoly!
Lynn: He destroyed their weapons with a beam of lightning!
Hawk and Hank growled as they charged at Taker, the Deadman then saw Hank getting closer to him as he knocks the thug down with a strong big boot. Hawk then fought Taker with some hard hits but the Phenom anticipates his moves as he delivers a couple of strong jabs to the chest & face of Hawk before giving him a jaw shattering uppercut to knock him down.
Hawk: Agh!!
Undertaker looms over Hawk to grab him by the neck to lift him up for a chokeslam but he was hit in the back by Hank with a bat. While Taker was down, Hank helps Hawk up to his feet.
Hank: You alright, bro?
Hawk: I'm alright. I'm alright-Oh sh*t!
The two got spooked when Undertaker sat up with glowing white eyes as if he staring right through them, he rose to his feet as the two criminals backed away from the Deadman.
Lynn: That's not a good sign.
Lola: He sat up like the dead...!
Luna: Dude, that's sick!
Haiku: Lucy... how did you-
Lucy: Sigh... I crossed paths with Taker during my... travels. I called him in for a favor in case.
Haiku: ....
Maggie: Cool....
Hawk and Hank back away from Undertaker to regroup and think.
The Undertaker: There's no running from the reaper...
The Undertaker spreads his arms as a huge fire suddenly set ablaze behind Hawk and Hank, startling the two.
Hawk and Hank: Aaaaahhhhhh!!!
Out of the fire appeared a monstrous figure which made them grow paler than a ghost. Lana and Lynn gasped and recognized the figure.
Lynn: The hell?! That's Demon Kane!!
Lana: Holy shamoly, The Big Red Machine is here!
Luna: Whoa... his threads and mask are rockin'.
Hawk and Hank were not only dealing with the Undertaker but his brother Kane as well, The Brothers of Destruction!
Seeing as they're surrounded, Hawk and Hank brawled with the brothers. The guests were entertained by this display and entertainment. Kane was unfazed by Hank's attacks & fires back with a couple of strong jabs followed by a chop to the throat.
Kane: Let's hear those screams of agony with you being burned alive.
Forming fireballs in his hands, Kane hits Hank with them as he was indeed on fire. Hank screams while falling to the ground, rolling around in the wet grass to put the fire out. Hawk was punching and kicking away at Taker, who simply blocks them with less effort as he grabs Hawk by the throat and chokeslams him!
Hawk: Agh!
The Undertaker: I was promised your souls and I aim to claim them. For you see... none can escape the true army of darkness.
Kane: The only thing that awaits you two is eternal damnation....
Hawk and Hank (who was no longer on fire but his clothes had scorch marks) slowly got up and backed away from the Deadman and Demon, each taking out a grenade.
Hank: S-Stay back!
Hawk: W-We're warning you! We'll blow y-you up!
The Undertaker was not intimidated one bit, neither was Kane, who had a twisted grin as he throws fireballs to knock the grenades out of their hands into the sky, exploding on impact.
Luna: (sings) Explosiooooons~~~!!!
Miguel, Fiona & Mandee: Whoa....!
The Undertaker then proceeded to levitate with electricity shrouding his body, shocking Hawk and Hank full of lightning causing them to yell in pain as the attack subsidies, the two criminals groaning. The Brothers of Destruction both perform the throat slash taunt as Hank and Hawk slowly got up despite their injuries, Undertaker and Kane then lifts the two brutes up & flips them upside down, holding them in place.
The Undertaker: Rest. In. Peace......
The Brothers of Destruction end it by nailing Hank and Hawk with the Tombstone Pildriver, causing the ground to shake as the louds and the guests cheered, Taker crossed Hawk's arms as his eyes glowed a ghostly white, finishing the fight.
Liam: Holy cow, they piledrivered the two!
Lily: Yes! The Brothers beat the Brutes!
Lana and Lola: Serves those jerks right!
Lincoln: Excellent work on bringing the Brothers of Destruction here, Lucy. And the guests are very entertained by the performance (points to the cheering guests).
Lucy: Thanks.
The goth woman walks up to The Undertaker and Kane while noticing the Druids were bringing in two large caskets for Hawk and Hank.
Lucy: Thank you, Brothers of Destruction.
The Undertaker: No problem.
Kane nods in agreement.
The Undertaker: You proved to have a true heart of Darkness, my hat is off to you, Lucy. I will take these two off your hands as my brother and I have already decided their fate.
Lucy smiles as The Undertaker and Kane dragged the barely conscious Hawk and Hank to the two caskets, placing them inside.
Hank: Ughhh.... my head.
Hawk: H-Hey, Whatta you two doing...?!
The Undertaker: Lucy promised me your souls and they are mine now....
Hank and Hawk were shaking while growing paler, seeing that they were in a casket.
Kane: Hehehahaha... There will be a special place for those like you two... in Hell, Hahahahahaha...!
The toll bell were heard again followed by the lightning and thunder. Before Hawk and Hank could scream, the casket lids slammed shut on them as they were heard screaming and pounding on the lids from the inside.
Hank: (muffled) L-Let us out! Let us out!!!! I'll never hurt, rob & kill ever again, please! I d-don't wanna die!!!!!!
Hawk: (muffled) No! Nooo!! Noooo!!!
The Undertaker: Take them away.
The druids lift up the two caskets containing the screaming & terrified Hawk and Hank, walking back into the fog as the two criminals fates were sealed. The Brothers of Destruction soon followed them not before slowly turning to Lucy, The other loud siblings and their guests.
Kane: (grins sinisterly) Happy Halloween... Hahahahaha....
The Undertaker: And may your souls... Rest. In. Peace...
The Brothers of Destruction turn their backs to them, standing in a pause moment before throwing up their right arms with a fist, causing the lighting and thunder to intensify while they disappeared into the fog of the night, leaving the louds and their guests in shock and awe.
It was midnight as the halloween party was over, the guests left with candy and food to go, all talking about how horrific and fun the loud's party was, especially with the Brothers of Destruction present to stop Hawk and Hank from robbing and killing everyone. Each of the Louds friends traded phone numbers with them to keep in touch before leaving while thanking the louds for a great party.
Meanwhile in the living room of the Loud Mansion, we see Lincoln, the Loud sisters, Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Sid either on the couches or floor, sorting out their own stash of treats.
Lily: I must say that this was the best halloween bash ever!
Lola: I couldn't agree more. (Eats a chocolate bars)
Luan: Yep. The party was a real shindig full of Tricks and Treats, a real hallow-pazooka, Hehehehe!
Luna: (Eats a full plate of the skeletal themed cake) You said it, sis. The party was rockin'!
Lisa: Quite a fascinating party indeed (Eats a chocolate coated marshmallow).
Lana: Especially when Undertaker and Kane appeared and beat the living daylights out of Hawk and Hank. I bet they sh*t their pants upon seeing the Brothers of Destruction.
Lynn: Lucy? Again, how did you managed to get the Undertaker and Kane to come here?
Lucy: Like I said, I crossed paths with Taker as well as Kane during my... travels into the supernatural.
Clyde: I must say that those special effects they displayed really caught Hawk and Hank off guard there.
Lucy: What special effects?
Everyone looked at Lucy.
Leni: So they weren't special effects?
Lucy shook her head no.
Lori: So the Brothers were really....
Lucy nods her head yes.
Lynn: ..... How?
Lucy: To many fans, the Brothers of Destruction are very dominant and destructive wrestlers but Undertaker and Kane are something... more.
Lincoln: ..... I guess that's one mystery we don't have the answer to.
Ronnie Anne: At least they got their jerks what they deserve.
Lori: No argument there. Karma came and bit Hawk and Hank in the ass.
Luna: In the form of the Deadman and the Demon, dudes!
Sid: (beamed) This party was so much fun and scary at the same time! You really hosted a real spooktacular Lucy!
Lucy: Sigh... Thank you all. Couldn't have done without your help and support.
Lincoln: You're welcome, spooky. Who's to say you won't have an scarier plan for next year's halloween?
Lucy chuckles darkly.
Lucy: Oh trust me, big brother.... I have much in store for next year.
Lucy turns to the fourth wall with a fanged smile and glowing white eyes as the screen fades to black.
Lucy: Happy Halloween.... Hahaha.... hahahahahahahaha....
To be continued...
(Chapter 5 is finished! This concludes part 2 of the Halloween loud house chapter. Let me know what you think of it so far! Upon watching two Scooby Doo movies crossover with WWE & Escape the Undertaker on Netflix, it inspired me to have The Undertaker and Kane to be in this Halloween chapter of LH: L-Gear Crusaders, as well as give them supernatural abilities based on their chilling & ominous attributes as wrestlers in the ring. I don't own Undertaker and Kane, they belongs to the owners of WWE. That aside, any thoughts, opinions or favorite parts of the halloween chapter? Let me know what you think in the comments section. This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black and since we're nearing close to the holiday of fright, Happy Halloween to you all 🎃🎃🎃!)
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