Ch. 4: Halloween Party at Loud Mansion Pt 1
Narrator: A few days later...
We now look back to the loud mansion, a few days passed as the eleven siblings got used to their new home and living arrangements. Today was October 30th as the holiday of horror was tomorrow. Every loud was excited for this, especially Lucy herself.
The Loud Mansion was now looking horrifying inside and out with spooky Halloween decorations from gravestones to replica bats, ghouls and zombies to holographic imagery of ghosts flying around the Loud estate.
Inside, Lana and Lynn were removing seeds from pumpkins while craving different scary faces for the Jack O' lanterns.
Lana: This Halloween party is gonna be awesome tomorrow! Don't ya think so, Lynn?
Lynn: (smirks) Think so? Heh, I know so, Lana. It's gonna be the most horrific party in existence, especially when Lucy is the one hosting it.
Lana: Yeah. I managed to get pounds of Halloween candy from the store for the party. Hmmm... you think we'll see our friends here? I mean, we were missing and presumed dead all this time.
Lynn: Don't worry about it, Lisa has that covered in sending invites to our friends, oh they'll be in for a surprise. Lincoln's inviting Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Sid over too.
Lana: Sweet. Ya got your costume ready for tomorrow.
Lynn: Yep. My wrestler costume is out of this world. What about you?
Lana: (grins) I'm going as a zombie mixed martial artist.
Lynn: (smirks) Sweet.
In Lincoln's room which was bigger than his old closet of a room & had his own style in design, we see the white haired man having a video chat on his wide plasma screen tv with three figures revealed to be Clyde McBride, Ronnie Anne Santiago and Sid Chang.
Clyde McBride was a 26 year old, tall man with dark skin & freckles, short black hair in a small afro & a goatee, green eyes and has average athletic figure. He was wearing custom glasses, a black and green circuitry armor shirt, black jeans and boots.
Ronnie Anne Santiago was a 26 year old, slightly tall woman with long black hair, slightly dark tan skin, purple eyes and has a strong voluptuous figure with an overly large chest, strong hips and large rear. She was wearing a black & purple tracksuit jacket, purple shirt, stretchy black jogging pants and sneakers.
And Sid Chang was a 26 year old, slightly tall woman with long brown hair, light skin, blue eyes and has a beautiful athletic figure but was more bottom heavy. She was wearing a black & blue jacket, blue shirt, black shorts, blue socks and black sneakers.
Lincoln: So Whatta you say? Do you wanna attend the Halloween party happening at the loud mansion?
Clyde: Heh. You know me, pal. I wouldn't miss it, it'll be fun to meet your sisters again all these years & have some fun.
Ronnie Anne: Sure, why not? The Casagrandes were going to have a Halloween party but sadly we had to cancel due to Sergio angering another bird spirit, who stunk up the apartment building with the mother of all ghost stench. The family along with Sid's family is staying at my new house Sid & I bought together until the stench is out of their home but they're still heading to a different party.
Sid: Bleh! I agree, the stench made my eyes water. (Smiles widely) but I'm so there for your Halloween party! It'll be fun! Costumes, Candy, Dancing and Scares!
Lincoln: Great, want me to pick you guys up?
Clyde: Naw, it's fine. You text us the address so I can find my own way there.
Ronnie Anne: Same here.
Sid: On the same boat as well.
Lincoln: Okay, you guys got your costumes ready for tomorrow?
Clyde: Yep, I thought about going as One eyed Jack but I decided to be Green Lantern this year.
Lincoln: Cool. What about you two? Ronnie Anne? Sid?
The two woman gave mischievous smiles to each other before turning to the white haired man.
Sid: Ohhohohahahaha... we wouldn't wanna spoil the surprise to our boyfriend now, would we~?
Ronnie Anne: Yeah. You'll have to wait until tomorrow, Lame-O~.....
Clyde couldn't help but laugh at the situation his best friend's in as the white haired man grew pale, knowing those two well.
Lincoln: (in his mind) Oh geez... those two are up to something, I know it.
The screen freezes as Lincoln turns to the readers.
Lincoln: Oh hi, uhhh... you saw that, didn't you? Of course, to answer you guys & girls questions for the scene... Yes, I'm dating both Ronnie Anne and Sid Chang. Let's just say that the relationship started when we were 17, while Ronnie Anne and I once shared a kiss once & we broke things off to remained friends because we didn't want to be in a forced relationship back then... our true feelings still lingered. Sid also had a crush on me too but knew Ronnie Anne liked me and didn't want to endanger their friendship. Ronnie Anne though had an idea of her & Sid sharing me as a boyfriend, I was nervous at first about the idea but I accepted it. The Casagrandes and Chang family know about it, at first they weren't sure about it but I truly love Ronnie Anne & Sid and I wouldn't do anything to hurt them, I promise them that and they agreed to our relationship as long as I cherish, protect or care for the two. My sisters don't know of our relationship so please don't tell them, I don't want them to find out... yet.
The screen unfreezes as Lincoln turns back to the three on screen.
Lincoln: (to Sid and Ronnie Anne) You two just like to tease me, don't ya?
Ronnie Anne and Sid: Yep.
Clyde: They got ya there, bud.
Lincoln: Well then, I won't reveal my costume until tomorrow. All I can tell you is... (ominous smile) be afraid... be very afraid...
Ronnie Anne: Heh. I'll be waiting for the big reveal.
Sid: Me too!
Clyde: Well I gotta go get some groceries, see ya Lincoln.
Ronnie Anne and Sid: Bye Lame-O~/See ya later Lincoln~.
The video chat ended. Lincoln then heads out of the room but the moment he opened the door, a blur in the form of Luan ran past him, closing the door before grabbing the white haired man.
Lincoln: What the?! Luan, what's going on!
Luan: Hehehehe. Sorry linc, just hiding from Luna.
Lincoln: ..... (deadpan look) What did you do to her?
Luan: I.... May or may not have made some jokes about her rear end when she was trying on her costume.
Lincoln just stared at her with a deadpan expression.
Lincoln: Really Luan?
Luan: What? I was having a 'BUTT LOAD' of fun! Hahaha! But seriously, she wanted an opinion on it in her costume sooooooo I did it in the form of puns. But can you blame me? Out of all the sisters, including me, Luna has the biggest bum in the house.
Lincoln just sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in an no manner. Soon, they heard the angry voice of Luna outside the door.
Luna's voice: LUAN!!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!
Luan: Lincoln, hide me!
Lincoln sighs in annoyance as he hears Luna attempting to kick down his door.
Lincoln: Don't break down my door! Look, I'm gonna let you in & Luna, don't attack Luan when I do. We'll discuss this like adults.
Lincoln opens the door as an upset Luna walked in, both sisters sat on Lincoln's bed while the white haired man sat in the middle to keep them from fighting each other.
Lincoln: Now talk things out, Luna you first.
Luna: Well I had this idea to dress as a skeleton rockstar for tomorrow's halloween party, I got an elastic skeleton costume with the leather jacket, double belts, rocker boots and guitar. I was posing in the mirror when Luan walked in, wanting some makeup for her costume. I gave her some but I asked her for her opinion on how I looked in my costume.
Lincoln: And did she?
Luan: Yeah I did!
Luna: Oh you did more than that, you poked fun at my bum!
Luan: (stern look) Oh c'mon, Luna! No need to be antsy, you're acting like a bee stung you in the ass!
Luna: I only asked you for your opinion on my costume, not a full on pun fest about my ass! How would you like it if I insulted you on your ginormous breasts?!
Luan: (smiles) Go ahead, I'm not complaining, I stopped being embarrassed by my 'treasure chest' years ago, hehehehe! And I wasn't insulting you, it was just some harmless puns! Why are you so sensitive about your full moon, hahaha! Get it? I mean, I'm not trying to make you the 'butt' of the joke or anything!
Luna growled as she was about to attack the comedian but Lincoln stops her.
Lincoln: Enough! Luna, luan's not insulting or attacking you about your... posterior so there's no need to lash out at her or freeze her solid, she was only teasing you for fun. And Luan, I know you're just having fun with luna on your puns but if she's sensitive about her rear end then watch your words carefully cause Luna might get the wrong idea & thinks you insulting her.
Luna and Luan: Oh.....
Luna: Bro, can you be honest with me?
Lincoln: (roll his eyes; in his mind) Oh here it comes.
Luna gets up and turns around, moving her white and blue leather jacket to the side, revealing her black jeans clad, large behind.
Luna: (turns her head over her shoulder to lincoln & luan) Does my butt really look that big?
Lincoln: Okay, outta my room, please?
Luna: C'mon lil bro! I only want an honest opinion.
Lincoln: (stern glare) The last time I got into an opinion conflict or disagreement with you and Luan when we were kids, you both threatened to punch my face in, once with the flawed sister protocol over a dress and twice over when you two had a disagreement over the fog machine warping Mr. Coconuts head & who should or shouldn't pay for the damage.
The rocker and comedian had guilt ridden faces on those moments as kids.
Luan: Lincoln, we already apologized for that six times and we shut down the protocol.
Luna: True. C'mon bro, I just need your honest opinion on my bum, I won't freak out this time if you tell the truth, promise. Sigh... I just been on edge with it, during college, I heard some good opinions about my rear or bad ones especially, people making fun of me for it behind my back, I would use this jacket I'm wearing to hide it. Boys would ask me out but only because of my looks, especially my behind. I would ignore them or beat them senseless for that, sigh... sometimes I think I'm ugly with this bum.
Lincoln sighs.
Lincoln: (blunt) Luna, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it but yes, your butt's huge.
Luna: (hurt) Ouch... way harsh dude.
Lincoln: (sympathetic smile) But that doesn't make you ugly. Doesn't matter what your body looks like, Luna you're beautiful inside and out, the people who wanna make fun of you or don't see the person behind the looks are complete fools.
Luna turns to face her brother with a sweet smile.
Lincoln: Luan, the same goes for you too, Lori, Leni, Lynn, Lucy, The Twins, Lisa and Lily. You're beautiful and pretty in your own way with not just your looks but your own personality, minds & talents. Never think of yourselves as an ugly woman cause you're not, none of you are ugly.
Luan and Luna had sweet smiles.
Luan and Luna: Oh Linc/Lil bro.
The two sisters hugged their brother for the kind words.
Luan: Thanks for the pep talk, Linc.
Luna: Yeah dude, I really needed that. Thank you lil bro.
Lincoln: It's no problem, I don't want to see my sisters hurt or worse. If someone were to take advantage of you all like you told me of what happened in your college Luna, I'd hunt them down and just beat the living daylights out of them mercilessly.
Luna: Hehehe. Well we can defend ourselves just fine powers or not but we appreciate you trying to look out for us, bro.
Luan: Yeah. Heck, if any girl tries to take advantage of you like use you to make someone jealous, try to take your money, blackmailing or treating you like a prize instead of a person, hohoho... they'll be getting severe consequences for messing with our brother here.
Lincoln: Thanks.
Luan: No problem. Sorry if my puns made you that sensitive about your... bum, Luna.
Luna: Naw, it's all good, Lu. Some of them were pretty funny but don't go overboard, okay?
Luan: Got it.
Lincoln: Well I'm going downstairs help out with more decorations and preparing the food for tomorrow.
Luna: What a coincidence, so are we.
Luan: Come on, everybody. The day of horror is tomorrow and we gotta be more prepared for it.
The three siblings leave Lincoln's room.
In the dining room, Lisa was working on an advanced drone assorted with invitations to the annual loud mansion Halloween party tomorrow as she plans to send them out to their friends for a surprise in their return.
Lisa: Aaaaaand... success! They're finally complete!
Lucy: (appeared out of nowhere) Excellent.
Surprisingly, Lisa wasn't spooked by the goth woman appearing out of nowhere.
Lisa: Indeed, the drone is complete, the invitations are set to go and I was ready to send this machine to deliver said invitations out to the rightful address.
Lucy: That's great. I just made a call for a special horror icon to appear tomorrow.
Lisa: Let me guess... Edwin from Vampires of Melancholia?
Lucy: Sigh... I wish. But I got the next best thing, plus I do owe him for the appearance.
Lisa: What?
Lucy: I can't tell you, you'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Lisa: Very well.
Lisa turns around to see Lucy gone.
Lisa: Hmph. Now my drone, deliver the invitations to the right addresses.
Voice activated, the drone linked to a box of invitations levitated in the air and flies towards the open window to carry out it's creator's order.
Leni: Lily, I'm done with your costume!
Lily was seen running into Leni's room.
Lily: Woo hoo!!! I can't wait to see it!
Leni: Well you're about to love this!
Unveiling the curtain around the mannequin, she reveals Lily’s costume which was a Captain Marvel costume but with alternative colors made by Leni. Instead of blue, red and gold, the costume was gold, white and lavender purple.
Lily: EEEEEEEEEEE!!! I love it! (Hugs Leni)
Leni: Hehehe. I'm like, so glad you love it! You're gonna look amazing in for tomorrow's Halloween party!
Lily: Thanks Leni. So do you have your costume ready?
Leni: I'm still working on it. Don't worry, it'll be a surprise tomorrow.
Lily: Oh okay. I can't wait for the party! Halloween is gonna rock!
Leni: Totes yeah!
Lola and Lori just got back from the stores with more bags of Halloween candy, cookies, drinks of all kind and more for tomorrow's party.
Lola: Phew, what a rush. It felt like Black Friday almost for the Halloween deals at that store, a near riot in there.
Lori: I know, one man tried to suplex me over some fancy marshmallow chocolates.
Lola: Haha, yeah. He tried to lift you up to do so and you threw him across the room in the frozen aisle.
Lori: W-well, I didn't mean to actually do that. He got me from behind, alarming my defense mode.
Lola: (grins) Which led to a strong offense, I managed to record that on my phone.
Lori rolls her eyes.
Lori: Let's just get these into the kitchen.
Lola nods as the two headed to the kitchen where Lynn and Lana were carving Pumpkins as well as Lincoln, Luna and Luan preparing food for tomorrow.
Lincoln: Oh hey, Lola, Lori.
Lori: Hey.
Luan: Back with more goodies for the spookfest?
Lola: You know it, it's gonna be the best Halloween bash ever! I can't wait to see our friends faces of our return.
Lana: It'll be a night of horror and candy to remember.
Lori: True but remember, don't go over eating your candy or you'll have a stomachache so severe the day after Halloween.
Lola and Lana: (mocking) Yes mom...
Lori gave the twins a stern glare which made them back to their activities. Luna, Luan and Lynn laughed at this.
Lynn: So everything is soon be set?
Luna: Yep. Lisa already sent out the invites, so everyone we know should be getting them.
Lynn: Sweet. I also heard that Lucy is bringing in a special horror icon to the party.
Lincoln: Who? Edwin from Vampires of Melancholia?
Lynn: No. She said it's a surprise.
Lori: (putting up groceries) Well whoever it is, I'm sure Lucy plans to give us a literal fright.
Lola: (putting up groceries) Yeah. If anyone's knows the halloween arts and the means of darkness, it's Lucy.
Lincoln: That's right.
Everything was all set, the food, the treats, the drinks, the pumpkins, the decorations, the costumes, the invites and so on as the sun set, entering the night. Tired of the work, the loud siblings each went to their rooms for a well deserved rest.
Lincoln was the last one to head to bed until he heard a knock on his door.
Lincoln: Yaaaawn... Come in.
The door opens as Lucy, dressed in a black shirt and striped pajama pants came in.
Lincoln: Luce? What's up? Something wrong?
Lucy: Sigh... I can't sleep, my sheer excitement for tomorrow is keeping me awake. I was wondering if I could bunk with you tonight?
Lincoln: I don't know....
Lucy: Please? It'll be for one night.
Lincoln: Sigh... alright.
Lincoln scooted over to make room for Lucy to move in.
Lucy: Sigh... thanks Lincoln.
Lincoln: You're welcome. Goodnight spooky.
Lucy: Goodnight big brother.
The two slowly went to sleep.
Narrator: Tomorrow, Sun Set close to Halloween Night...
The next day, Halloween was upon royal woods as the sun was slowly setting over the horizon. Soon, night began to fall, the moon was up & full, the fog was rolling in, the wind was howling and people dressed in costumes were roaming the streets at night, looking for tricks, treats and fright.
Meanwhile at the loud mansion which is now a full on haunted house, the louds were dressed for the Halloween party and waiting for their guests to arrive. In the living room, we see Lynn, who was dressed as WWE superstar Kane arm wrestling Lana, who was dressed as a zombified MMA fighter.
Eventually, Lana managed to beat Lynn.
Lynn: Dang it!
Lana: Oh yeah! I win!
Lynn: Ugh. Well that was a good show of strength there, Lana.
Lana: Thanks.
Coming down the stairs was Lily in her alternative colored Captain Marvel costume Leni made, Lori who was dressed as a S.W.A.T. soldier, Lola who was dressed as a beautiful princess and Lisa who was dressed as a mad scientist.
Lana: Hey, great costumes!
Lily: Thanks!
Lori: Thank you.
Lola: I appreciate the compliment.
Lisa: Thanks.
Lynn: Hey, Where's Leni, Luna, Luan, Lincoln and Lucy.
Lori: They're still upstairs getting ready.
Lola: Ok. So when are the guests coming? Are you sure the drone dropped off the invitations to the right addresses?
Lisa: Of course it did. The drone carried out it's orders, you just need to be patient.
Lori: She's right, Lola. the guests aren't gonna literally appear in a flash, ya know?
Lola: Fine.
Soon, Luna came downstairs, dressed as a skeleton rockstar followed by Luan, who was dressed as the Joker (The Batman 2004 version).
Luna: Hey dudes!
Lynn: Yo!
Luan: It's gonna be a real spook-a-palooza, Hahahahahaha!
On que, the door bell were heard in the form of a scream.
Lynn: I'll get it!
Lynn heads to the door and opens it, revealing Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Sid. Clyde was dressed as Green Lantern (John Stewart), Ronnie Anne was dressed as Mileena (Mortal Kombat X version) and Sid was dressed as Catwoman (Batman: Arkham city version).
Lynn: Clyde! Ronnie Anne! Sid! Come on in!
The sports loud invites the three in as they look around.
Clyde: Hey guys, nice to meet you again!
Ronnie Anne: Nice place ya got here.
Luan: Good to have you three here at Haunted Loud Manor, Hehehehe.
Sid: Wow, this place is so spooky! It's gonna fun!
Soon, Leni comes down the stairs, dressed as Supergirl with her own alternative colors of seafoam green, silver and white.
Leni: Hey guys, like my costume?
Lori: Wonderful.
Lola: Pretty.
Lana: Super!
Lily: Spectacular!
Leni: Thanks! Oh Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Sid! It's like, good to see you guys!
Clyde: Same here to you guys.
Luna: Well you three are the first to arrive, Clydester. The party's just beginning.
Ronnie Anne: Where's Lincoln?
Luna: Oh he's still upstairs-
The lights went out then came back on in seconds, blinking a light of red followed by a heart beating sound which kept going repeatedly until it stop by a long, eerie breath sound rising as the lights came on in red, showing a figure on the top stairs shrouded in fog.
Ronnie Anne: What the hell?!
Sid: W-Who's t-t-that?!
Luan: (grins) Hehehehe.
Luna: (grins) The Demon King has risen...
Luna then brings out her skull guitar and plays "Catch your Breath" as the figure creeps from the stairs, raised his arms as a white light illuminated the room, giving everyone a sight of Lincoln dressed as WWE superstar, The Demon King Finn Balor.
However, He was donning the frightening black & orange pumpkin demon war paint on his face & shirtless upper body, instead of tights, he was wearing black pants, black & orange flame pattern kneepads and boots. As quick as a serpent, Lincoln made his way down the stairs, having an ominous stare in his eyes. Sid's jaw dropped while Ronnie Anne's eyes widened in shock & awe, Clyde saw the two girls reactions and chuckled.
Lincoln: (haunting tone) Welcome... to the mansion of endless horror and darkness, Hahahahahaha...
Sid hid behind Ronnie Anne while Clyde walks up to Lincoln, high fiving the man.
Clyde: Great costume.
Lincoln: Thanks, same for you pal. Glad you can make it.
Clyde: Thanks for the invite.
Ronnie Anne: Oh Laaaaaame-O~....
Lincoln turns to Ronnie Anne and Sid walking up with him with mischievous grins while swaying their hips.
Ronnie Anne: Thanks for the invite and I must say that the demon king costume ain't bad at all.
Sid: The pumpkin demon king war paint looks realistic too. So... onto our question... how do we look, Meeeeoooooow~?
Lincoln stared at the two women in front of him, good thing the war paint was hiding the blush he had at the sight of the two beauties.
Lincoln: Ahem... well, you both look... stunning.
Luna and Luan saw this and smirked.
Luna and Luan: (in their minds) Looks like bro has some girls givin' him the eyes./Ohhohoho, I sense an era of mischief and romance in their future, it's so sweet.
The door bell were heard in the form of a scream again.
Lincoln: Oh look at that, more guests. Excuse me, ladies.
Lincoln moves past Ronnie Anne and Sid, heading towards the door to open it, revealing four familiar figures.
Lincoln: Welcome to the Loud Mansion... otherwise known as the mansion of endless horror and darkness.
Four Figures: Lincoln?!
Lincoln: (looks at the four figures; smiles) Hey Liam, Rusty, Zach, Stella, good to see you all again!
Standing at the door looking at the white haired man in surprise was indeed Liam, Rusty, Zach & Stella, Lincoln & Clyde's friends as they changed over the years.
26 year old Liam was a man a foot taller than Lincoln & Clyde, had orange hair in a bowl cut, fair skin with freckles, had perfect teeth and has a very strong muscular physique. He was dressed as a sheriff cowboy for halloween.
26 year old Zach was a slightly short man with slightly pale skin with freckles, slightly long red hair in a slick back style and a slightly slim physique with a bit of athleticism. He was wearing glasses while also dressed in black and green gear as an alien hunter for halloween.
26 year old Rusty was the second tallest man of the three guys in the group, fair skin with a lot of freckles, wild orange hair slicked back and had an athletic build not too big or small. He was wearing shades and a black suit, apparently he was dressed as a secret agent for halloween.
And 26 year old Stella was a woman who was the first tallest of the group of four, tan skin with freckles, very long flowing black hair and has a beautiful hourglass figure with some athleticism of an amazonian. She was dressed as Wonder Woman (2017 movie version) for halloween.
The four entered the mansion to greet Lincoln, Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Sid and the loud sisters.
Liam: Well I'll be a great ox's uncle, you guys were alive! And here I thought someone was playin' a prank on us.
Rusty: Linc, Clyde! Good to see you guys!
Zach: Yeah! We thought you were dead, did you guys get abducted by aliens?!
Lincoln chuckles at Zach still obsessing over aliens and conspiracies. The white haired man was cut off when Stella pulls him in a strong hug, saying that she missed him so much but unintentionally buried his head in her ample buxom which didn't go unnoticed by Ronnie Anne and Sid.
Sid: Hey!
Ronnie Anne narrowed her eyes. Stella quickly let's go of him, realizing what she was doing as her face grew red.
Stella: (laughs nervously) S-Sorry about that, Lincoln. G-Glad to have you back.
Lincoln: No worries, at least the war paint is okay. Here, let me show you all guys around the haunted areas of our mansion.
Lincoln, Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Sid followed by Stella, Rusty, Zach and Liam went upstairs. The Loud sisters laughed at that playful moment there.
Luna: Well, better start working on the music for this party's dance floor.
Luan: I'll serve the food and drinks.
Lynn: Lana and I will ready the jumpscares!
Lana: Yeah!
Lily: Leni and I will handle the cemetery and corn maze in the backyard!
Leni: Totes!
Lola: I'll handle the treats!
Lisa: Lori and I will stand outside, looking out for guests and some... party crashers.
Lori: .....
Lisa: Lori?
Lori: Oh yeah. Before I do, I need to have a chat with Ronnie Anne. Be right back.
Lori goes upstairs.
Lynn: Hey, where's Lucy? She's supposed to be the host & yet she's not out here-
The light went out followed by the sounds of a toll bell... then a purple light illuminated the room with fog as the loud sisters (except Lori) were spooked by the figure behind Lynn.
Lynn: What?
Lola: T-T-Turn around...
Lana: Behind... you...
Lynn then do so, staring at pure, soulless white eyes which made her jump a bit. But she slowly regains her composure upon seeing Lucy in front of her in her costume. While Lynn was dressed as Kane, the goth woman was dressed as the Phenom, the Undertaker with the black hat, trench coat, black top, pants, fingerless gloves and boots, her bangs were brushed aside to reveal her blue eyes which were once again rolled back to soulless, white eyes.
Luan: Yikes... The Dead 'Woman' cometh.
Lucy: Sigh... Greetings my sister of destruction. Tonight is a special night for us.... Halloween is here, the spirits will arise from the darkness as the things that go bump in the night will walk the earth... so enjoy the party.
Lynn: Oh I plan to. Everyone to your stations! More guests are coming & Lucy's mystery guest will arriving for last, let's go!
All: Right!
The Loud sisters scattered to their positions. Lucy followed Lisa outside as the genius had a list of guests names.
Lucy: Thank you for handling the party list, Lisa.
Lisa: You're most welcome, seventh eldest sibling.
Lucy: Sigh... and you're certain that you can take care of any... uninvited guests?
Lisa: Of course, if someone isn't on the list or tries to force their way into the party, I'll handle it. I did build a high level security system around the mansion, inside and out so you can expect to a proper spooktacular party without any unwanted guests. I would dare any party crashers to challenge my security or me... (her classic creepy smile) to get in our home.
Lucy: (fanged smile) Wicked.
Meanwhile within the hills of royal woods, we see a large, red and black truck driving through the foggy road. Inside the truck were two big and tall muscular men, one with light skin, brown hair in a mohawk, tattoos on his arms and wearing blue jeans jacket, black shirt, jeans and black boots and the other with tan skin, black hair that covers his eyes, tattoos on his shoulders and wearing a black hoodie, white shirt, jeans and black boots.
Who these men were? They were Hawk and Hank, hazelturkey football players & bullies of Lincoln and Clyde. What they do now? They were one of the most dangerous criminals in royal woods, wanted for major burglary & heists, assault, brutality and murder. Despite not being the smartest, the two brutes tends to get away with everything & out running the cops.
Hawk: Another job well done, eh hank?
Hank: Yep. Taking those rare diamonds was like taking candy from a baby. I bet any buyers would pay a lot for them.
The two shared a laugh as Hawk kept on driving, Hank then noticed something coming into view.
Hank: Wait, wait, wait... Hawk, pull over here for a sec.
Hawk: Why?
Hank: Just trust me man.
Hawk shrugs and pulls the truck over to the side, now parked.
Hawk: Okay, what's up?
Hank: Look up ahead.
Hawk looks to where Hank was pointing, a few drive blocks away was the Loud Mansion followed by vehicles driving up to the estate for the Halloween party.
Hank: Seems like a huge party is being thrown, Hawk.
Hawk: Yeah, so?
Hank: C'mon man, a party within a MANSION. And where there's a mansion... there's a lot of money and other valuables just waiting to be snatched.
Hawk smirks, understanding what his partner in crime was saying.
Hawk: Oh I see what you're thinking... and since there's a party going on, there's cash on the guests as well. Let's crash that party and take everything these suckers got.
Hank: Yeah. Their riches, their jewels and their candy.
The two laughed evilly as there was going to be some mischief & theft happening on Halloween night.
To be continued....
(Chapter 4 is finished! Let me know what you think of part 1 of the loud house halloween chapter. For your questions on lincoln being with both Ronnie Anne and Sid Chang, I heard from some writers that I should give a harem a try in my loud house stories, so I decided to give it a try with hooking Lincoln up with Ronnie Anne and Sid. I might try a harem for Lincoln in some of my loud house stories but he won't be with a million girls or anything, maybe start with 2 or maybe up to 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 one day but that's my limit for harems.)
(That aside, the Louds have started their annual halloween bash, Ronnie Anne, Clyde, Sid, Liam, Zach, Rusty and Stella have made their reunion debut as more guests are coming. And trouble is brewing as Hawk and Hank made an appearance, spotting the loud mansion & planning to ruin the party by any means necessary. Will they succeed? Who else is coming to the party? Who is Lucy's mystery guest? And can Lori talk things out with Ronnie Anne? Find out on part 2 of the Halloween chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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