Ch. 3: Preparations & Powers revealed
In the kitchen, Lincoln was preparing lunch for himself, his siblings and Lela while the sisters were having a conversation amongst themselves. Luan and Leni even helped the white haired man out with everyone's food choices while making a huge food proportion for the Dragon of Loch Loud.
Soon, lunch was done and served as the louds feast while Lincoln gave some food to Lela, who stuck her head out the back patio door to chow down on her lunch.
Loud sisters: Thanks Lincoln!
Lincoln: You're welcome girls.
Lana: Man I missed your cooking.
Lola: Same. It's not dad's cooking, but it's still amazing.
Lincoln: I can't take all the credit, Luan and Leni helped me out too.
Lori: Thanks.
Leni: You're welcome!
Luan: Hope you have an "egg-quisite" lunch hour, Hehehehe!
Lily giggles as she helps feed Lela while enjoying her own meal. A few minutes later, everyone was done eating their meals, the loud siblings got to work as Lana got her mechanic supplies, Lola & Lucy got some paint, Lisa got some high advanced technology and machinery as well.
And so, the work and planning began.... Lana, Lori and Lynn handled the heavy lifting in taking out old, huge objects, Lana was fixing any cracks, loose boards or bricks & holes in the walls & floor in each room and the plumbing in the bathrooms & indoor pool she found in one of the downstairs rooms. Lela helps Lincoln, Lynn and Lori head up to the roof to patch it up while Luan and Luna scraped the moss from the walls and Lisa uses her new automatic lawn mower 5000 to work on the lawn within seconds, having it well cut.
Leni and Lily were dusting, sweeping and vacuuming up the inside of the rooms while Lucy and Lola were discussing designs on the inside & outside of the mansion. A few hours later... renovations were done inside and out as the louds and Lela start to paint, since Lucy is the owner of the mansion, she decided to have the mansion painted dark gray and roof painted black while the inside she'll leave to the rest of her siblings, they started painting the outside first before moving to the inside as each loud sibling chose their own bedroom to paint with their signature colors of light blue, seafoam green, purple, yellow, red, orange, black, dark blue, pink, green and lavender purple.
The Louds take a quick break to relax while the paint dried.
Narrator: Hours of paint drying later...
The paint job inside and out of the mansion was now completely dry as the louds start to their moving arrangements. Getting out the furniture, beds and other objects in Leni's rental truck, the loud siblings moved the right objects into the living room, guest rooms, bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and the basement. They even placed their own personal belongings in their rooms. Lisa got to work in the basement in placing a high tech black and green mini device which drilled itself underground the basement, creating a massive project the genius was planning.
Very soon, the mansion was now fully remodeled and done as everything was all redesigned and rebuild.
Lincoln: Nice work everyone.
Lori: It took hours but we've managed to get the job done.
Luna: I'm loving the new digs already.
Lela grunted & roared.
Lily: (understanding the Dragon) Uh-huh. Ok. Got it.
Lola: You understand what Lela is saying?
Lily: Yeah. She told me that she has to go back to Scotland, she's also glad that you're all alive and will tell Angus and the loud ghosts of your return.
Lola: Awww so sweet, Lela.
Lincoln: Here's some breakfast burritos.
The white haired man fed the Dragon breakfast burritos which she enjoyed as Lela let out a loud, fiery belch. The Loud siblings gave Lela a comforting pet on the head as the Dragon smiled, taking flight into the air.
Loud siblings: Bye Lela!/See ya dragon dudette!/Have a safe trip!/We're gonna miss you!/See ya soon Lela!/Bye!/Come back soon!
Lela smiles and waves goodbye as she flies away from the mansion with a long travel back to Scotland.
Lisa: Now that the fellow Dragon is on a safe trip and the mansion is finished, I request a siblings meeting within the basement.
Lori: What's the important topic, Lisa?
Lisa: I'll explain once we get there.
The Loud siblings then went back inside the mansion, following Lisa into the basement. Lisa then walks away from the group towards a book case, pulling on a red book as a click sound was heard with the center floor opening to an entrance with a stairway leading further before.
Lisa instantly raised her hand to silence any questions from her sisters and brother.
Lisa: Please refrain from asking questions until we're at our true destination, now follow me.
Lisa heads down the secret stairway as Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lola, Lana and Lily followed her down the stairs. They reached the end as Lisa opened the door via hand scanner, the genius entered the room with the siblings, who's had shocked expressions at the sight of the built-in underground hideout with technology & machinery beyond human advances, the gargantuan space, various rooms, tv monitors, a super computer and more.
Lincoln: Interesting.
Lana: Cool!
Lori: When did you build this?
Lisa: A portable base orb/drill. Place it underground and rapid construction follows.
Lori: Okay... so what did you want to talk about in this siblings meeting?
Lisa turns to her siblings.
Lisa: I'm glad you asked, first eldest sibling. This meeting is about each of your power & origin.
The Louds were silent.
Lisa: Indeed. Once our summer began, each of us traveled on separate trips to associate with our friends and acquaintances. However... all of us have vanished without a trace back then, some homo sapiens say it was a kidnapping, murder, torture, etc.
Lincoln and Loud sisters (except Lisa): .....
Lisa: Getting to the point, all of us have went through... different or similar means of physical, mental and emotional trials on your journeys, experiencing a metamorphosis that makes you all, including myself... less human anymore. A metamorphosis of either mutant, alien or in Lucy's case, spiritual magic.
Lucy: Gasp.
Lincoln: So you wanna know...?
Lisa: Yes. No secrets, we each learn of one's metamorphosis and how it happened. I will do the same in advance, agreed?
Some of the siblings were hesitant but all of them nodded. Lisa nods as she gestured for them to follow her again & they do so, heading to another room with the door sliding open, revealing a white lighted room with huge space.
Lisa: Welcome to the training room, it'll assist us in this experiment. So... who's going to show & tell first?
The Loud siblings gave one another glances, thinking about who should go first. After a moment of silence, one person stepped forward.
Lucy: Sigh... I'll go first.
Lisa: Very well.
Lucy hold out her hand as a dark aura surrounded her hand, followed by a chill in the air & eerie whispers. Soon, an ancient black, white & indigo katana blade materialized in Lucy's hand.
Lana and Lola: Whoa...
Lily: Spooky.
Lucy: This is... The Sword of Eternal Shadows. Anyone who has pure darkness within shall be the worthy to wield it.
Lynn: No surprise there since you're the duchess of darkness.
Lisa: Continue.
Lucy: Sigh... this summer, every goth including the morticians club & I were invited to an international haunted mansion by a mysterious host. The house was wicked, unlike any haunted house I've been to... it was exhilarating but... The goths including haiku & my friends started vanishing and not in a good way.
Lincoln: So the mansion was really haunted?
Lucy: Yes. The host was behind it all as he was truly an evil spirit, trying to find the ancient japanese weapon to rule the world in darkness, he saw me as the map to lead him to it for if I don't... he could kill haiku & the others. I searched everywhere until I found it in a krypt in the backyard of a cemetery. The ghost demanded the sword but the blade had a mind of it's own, piercing the evil spirit, sending him to the underworld & freeing the Goths.
Lynn: Ha! Serves him right.
Lana: What happened next?
Lucy: Another spirit appeared from within the sword, told me that I was worthy of the sword, taking me to another dimension to begin my training to be the next shadow samurai, an entity of malice. I sometimes take trips back to my world unseen, seeing people & spirits in danger & execute those who prey upon the weak.
Lincoln: Wait... you kill them?
Lucy: Yes. But rest assured brother, I'm no villain. I'm what you call an anti-hero.
Lincoln: I see....
Lucy: As for my powers... I can summon a spiritual samurai armor which grants me great strengths and more.
Lucy performs a series of sword strikes, unleashing a high impact of wind followed by an immense wave of darkness at the walls.
Lisa: Intriguing.
The damage on the walls vanished.
Lucy: I can control, form and manipulate darkness, wind and fog as well. That's my powers and origin.
Lisa: Thanks Lucy. Anyone else?
Lynn steps forward.
Lynn: I'm next.
Lisa: Right. Carry on.
Lynn: My friends & I went to an international sports dome to participate with every athlete around the world, I felt amazed by the events as well as the luxurious hotel. But one night, a mysterious woman gases our room, knocking me & the other athletes out, taking us to a secret base. The woman named Scarlett experimented on me & the other athletes, injecting us with a neogenetic red serum made with... hehehe... Lucy, you might get a kick out of this.
Lucy: Sigh... what?
Lynn: The serum was made from vampire bat DNA & bone marrows from real vampires.
Lucy: Gaaaaaaaasp....!
Lola: C'mon, vampires aren't real.
Lynn: That's what I thought too until I saw tubes of those blood sucking monsters being dissected & their bones taken out. Oh and Lola...
Lola: What?
Lynn's face contorted into a pale, menacing face with red angry eyes and sharp fangs with a growl which made Lola scream & jump into Lana's arms in fright, making the tomboy twin chuckle.
Lynn: Scarlett planned to turn me & the other athletes into genetically strong, bloodthirsty vampiric beasts to control in her army, I broke out and fought my way to escape. (Frowns) While being on the run, I've been on instinct... I wasn't in control of my actions, I was wild with bloodlust but... luckily, I kept my sanity long enough to not go after others. I retreated to the forest to get better control over my powers.
Lori: And did you?
Lynn: Of course. I continued on with my life in secret, I know Scarlett and her goons were hunting me & still are, sending mercenaries, assassins and monsters after me & doesn't care who gets hurt in their search so I had to jump on the anti-hero road like luce here & fight.
Lisa: I see.
Lynn then displayed her powers by disappearing and reappearing in a blur, delivering a strong display of punches and kicks which made huge holes in the walls. Soon, she appeared in front of her siblings as lisa's training room repairs the damage lynn's attacks has done in a heartbeat.
Lisa: Quite intriguing, a combination of science and supernatural affiliation. Thanks Lynn. Next?
Luna stepped forward.
Luna: That'll be me.
Lisa: Proceed.
Luna faces her siblings.
Luna: As for me, I went up to a snow resort in Mt. Royal woods with Sam and the Moongoats. We had a lot of fun in the snow, enjoying the resort and playing a music gig for the folk up there. Unfortunately.... flip was there with another cheap tactic for a quick buck.
The Louds groaned, remembering the food n' fuel store owner & his shenanigans.
Luna: The bloke wasn't paying attention to where he's going as he was trying to lure in customers. He crashed his truck into a huge block of ice linked to the mountains, that loud noise triggered an avalanche. Everyone ran to the resort, I noticed that parts of large snow & ice was getting close to Sam, who was far behind me. I managed to get her out of the way but... I ended up taking the fall.
Lynn: Ouch.
Leni: Oh no....
Luan: If you were caught in the impact, shouldn't your body be mangled beyond belief?
Luna let out a dark chuckle.
Luna: Oh believe me... I was mangled alright, I was completely crushed by the avalanche... everything hurt as I was getting buried completely, the last thing I heard was Sam's cries. I thought I was dead and gone as everything around me was cold, very cold.... I wanted out of it.
Luan: What happened next?
Luna: I awoke in a room I'm not familiar with, I was dizzy as I walked and saw myself in the mirror, I thought my body was mangled but everything seems fine, I was even surprised that my skin was very pale, my hair white as snow and my eyes were icy blue as well as the cold feeling within me. And that's when I saw her...
Lincoln: Who's her?
Luna: Olivia Crystal. She's the one who saved my life, using advanced healing technology and surgery to fix the damage done to my body. According to her, I was in a coma for two years but she kept me alive, also giving me a blood transfusion with hers to replace the blood I lost.
Lisa: I've heard of Olivia Crystal, a multi-billionaire, inventor and CEO.
Luna: Yeah, she explained the reason behind my change because of her blood; She was a mutant of snow & ice, thanks to the blood transfusion... so am I. I felt very cold as the power overwhelmed me, Olivia helped me control them while telling me to embrace this cold element for the more I resist, the more I'll be overwhelmed by it. I was able to get the hang of it while getting my life together, Olivia took me as an apprentice to her work as an anti-hero.
Lincoln: So you're one too...?
Luna: Yeah. We only execute criminals when necessary, minor ones go to jail while ones too much to be contained or stopped... gotta put 'em down bro.
Lincoln: I see...
The room then grew cold as Luna slams her hands down as a wave of snow shot out followed by spikes of ice which engulfed the other half of the training room. Lisa activated the thermals to melt the snow & ice as she got her info on Luna.
Luna: That's all for me lis.
Lisa: Indeed. Next?
Lola walks forward, turning to face her siblings.
Lola: I'm next.
Lisa: Proceed.
Lola: I was invited to an annual pageant resort for girls who won the most pageants in their career, it was perfect, glamorous and wonderful.
Lana: I can tell where this is going....
Lola: Don't interrupt! Anyway... I was enjoying the luxury and privilege along with my friends and other international pageant winners. It was like paradise fit for a princess back then. One day, on my way to the pool, I bumped into a scientist pageant winner & she dropped something, it was a gem with an angel wing on it. I was going to give back to the girl but she was already gone in a big hurry so I kept it as the gem looked so pretty.
Lisa: Uh-huh. Go on.
Lola: Then... I started to feel off, the world was spinning and everyone looked to see if I was okay, they soon backed away in fear.... a wave of pain erupted from my back, it was unbearable as large bird wings shot out of my back! It was horrible, I tried to ask for help but everyone looked at me, afraid and disgusted as they saw me as a freak so I ran away from them.
Lola look down as she was comfort by her twin.
Lana: If you don't want to say anymore, you don't need to pressure yourself.
Lola: No Lana, it's fine. (Continues) I went into hiding as I thought my life was over... until I was discovered by a winged warrior named Atomic Amazon. She was a superhero with Amazonian beauty, power and wings like mine, after hearing my story, she took me into her home.
Lana: Atomic Amazon, huh? She sounds like a strong fighter.
Lola: She is. The hero scanned me for traces of my sudden mutation, turns out it was the gem itself as it merged with my DNA. So Atomic Amazon helped me out in controlling my powers while moving on with my life with my pageant days behind me & trying new things.
Lincoln: I see.
Lola: I go on patrol with her at times, putting minor criminals in jail while stopping major super powered villains & placing them in a maximum prison where escape is impossible.
Lisa: Okay then. Now for your power reveal.
Lola: Right.
Removing her leather jacket & revealing her backless shirt, Lola grunts as something shot out of her back, forming two angelic-like wings. She flew up into the air with great speed, shooting atomic pink blasts at the walls, displayed a couple of graceful aireal attacks & for her big finish... She delivers a sonic scream which shook the training room which repairs itself after Lola was done.
Lola: And that's my big finish.
Lisa: Good. Who's Next?
Lana: I'm up.
Lisa: Very well. Proceed.
Lana: As you all know on my summer trip, I was scouted for my animal wrangling skills and was invited to see a newly discovered yet unnamed breed of reptile said to be the closest ancestors to the dinosaurs.
Luan: That's "dino-mite", hahaha! Get it?
Everyone groan.
Lana: I was so excited to see the new reptilian breed, I reached out to pet it but it bit me. I was treated by the medical staff but as I went to grab a bite to eat, I overheard the researchers saying that it's not a new breed but a test tube creature made from real dino bones.
Lisa: A prehistoric animal reborn, interesting. (Writes in her notebook).
Lana: I can't believe that I was lied to about it as they were using it to draw in unlucky customers, I was about to confront them about it but stopped after hearing from one of the medics to the researchers that they took a blood sample from me to study, saying that my DNA was crossed with the unstable DNA from the creature that bit me. I started to feel crazy... the next I knew, I became a T-Rex/Human hybrid on a rampage. The researchers sent a lot after me to find & do dangerous tests on me... I was on the run. I was a wild dino hybrid monster running on survival mode.
Lynn: Yikes. Must've been tough for you.
Lana: Yeah. I was then knocked out and taken to an underground base run by retired soldiers, brawlers, medics, street fighters, scientists, etc. They fight against master criminal empires & superhuman threats, they took me in & helped me learn various methods to control my powers. After that, I joined their cause and became a hero of my own city to protect.
Lisa: Alright. Now for your power reveal.
Lana: Got it.
Lana then removed her clothes.
Lola: (glares) Lana! Don't take off your clothes in front of us!
Lana: (glares back) I'm not in the nude, Lola!
Very true, Lana had on a dark blue and black sports bra and stretchy black pants underneath.
Lana: I can't show my powers with my clothes on, they'll be torn. Luckily, I have strong, elastic clothes underneath for this. Now I have a lot of dino hybrid transformations but I'll show one of my favorites, (lets out a loud roar) RAAAGGHHH!!
Lana's silhouette begins to grow in size and reforming as the Loud siblings gave mixed reactions from the creature Lana transformed into. Standing at 9 ft of height was Lana, now a more muscular amazonian/dinosaur amalgamation with features of a stegosaurus and a velociraptor.
Lori and Lynn: Holy shamoly!
Luna: Gnarly!
Lola: Thank goodness the stretchy clothes grew too.
Lily: It's a... STEGORAPTOR!!
Lana let out a blood curdling roar before displaying hard hitting strikes, punches and kicks followed by a spiked tail whip to the walls before reverting back to her normal form.
Lana: Whatta ya think?
Lynn and Lily: Awesome!
Luna: That was freaky.
The training room repairs the damages as Lana put her clothes back on. Leni decides to go next as Lisa let's her have the floor.
Leni: Guess it's my turn. Myself, Fiona and Mandee were invited by Miguel to his dad's lake house for the summer beach vacation. It totes fun in the making, hanging out with my friends without a care in the world. During the night, I awoke to a loud rumbling noise so I went to see what it was, I came across a crater containing a space pod with the amulet I'm wearing within it.
Lori: The necklace you're wearing came from outer space?
Leni: Yeah. I was so mesmerized by the amulet that it attached itself to my neck, fusing with my DNA and it transformed me into a near unstoppable alien warrior. I was then transported to a planet of gladiators in order to fight & survive...
Lori: (concerned) Leni...
Leni: I know I wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, Lori. I had to do some growing up on that planet, made difficult & rash decisions in order to keep myself alive. The planet & it's people, the gladiatrions were a warrior yet peaceful race similar to earth minus the monsters, alien weapons and such. It fell to a twisted alien dictator who made the race into a world conquering empire, forced to do whatever she says or risk dying at the hands of her feared generals.
Lori: Oh...
Leni: I was scared but I couldn't stand & do nothing, the gladiatrions called me the Phoenix warrior who wears the sacred power amulet to end the current ruler's madness. I met a few friendly & courageous warriors who helped me in my training for years to come, in my growth I became more focused, stronger and smarter but not Lisa smart. I protected the weak, helped with the rebellion against the current ruler & her forces, it wasn't easy as I gained a lot of scars from battle in different shapes & forms. I challenged the ruler to single combat for the throne.
Lynn: Whoa... I didn't think you had in you, Leni. Knowing you, you've must have put your heart into it.
Leni: I did. It was a well fought out battle, the current ruler even tried some tricky tactics to win but my friend Mia, the daughter of the former ruler, who was killed have a plan for her tricks, foiling them which allowed me to beat the current ruler.
Lucy: Sigh.... so you killed her?
Leni: No. I may have defeated her but I let Mia take her life, freeing the gladiatrions empire from madness. We celebrated and I was chosen to be their queen, I turned it down as I may be a warrior but the position goes to Mia for leading the rebellion. Once that was done, I said my goodbyes as I promise to visit, taking my leave.
Lincoln: Wow... that was really thoughtful of you, Leni.
Leni: Thanks linky. Well I can't show you all of my powers but I'll give some preview.
Leni removes her jacket, breathing in and out steadily as she expanded in muscle mass ten times her size.
Lynn: Whoa! Leni got ripped!
Leni did a hyper jump as a force of white & green fire formed in her hands, shooting out a large blast to scorch half of the training room. The training room repairs again after Leni was done, decreasing in muscle mass while putting on her jacket.
Lisa: Muscle growth and pyrokinesis, excellent progress. Next?
Luan decided to go next.
Luan: I'm up. On my trip, I was invited to international comedy club to tell jokes to all the comedians around the world. It was a complete joke-a-palooza meeting other comedians with all sort of puns, pranks and performances that'll get your funny bones rattling, Hehehehe!
Lily: Hehehehe! I'm glad you had a good time Luan!
Luan: Oh I believe me Lily, I had a blast! Well... (frowns) until I was suddenly gassed along with the other comedians by a strange green cloud. Turns out it was from a deranged scientist who wanted to be a comedian, the gas mutated everyone, including me. The mutation brought... a very twisted side of myself.
Lynn: A mad scientist wanting to be a comedian, not the best combo.
Luna: What twisted side, Luan?
Luan: Sigh... you guys know how I get when April Fools day comes around?
Lori: How can we forget...? (Shivers)
The twins: Yep...
Luna: I'm also surprised that Lily was the one who pranked us all back then to impress you into the wonders of pranking again & she was a baby.
Lily laughs nervously.
Luan: I don't blame her though but I must admit that my pranks can be harsh sometimes but not life threatening & I would never try to endanger your lives intentionally, I'm really sorry.
Lori: It's fine. It's a crazy habit you have, we know you wouldn't intentionally try to hurt or kill us.
Luna: True dat, Luan. Now what's this about your twisted side having anything to do with the holiday?
Luan: It has EVERYTHING to do with it. The mutation caused psychosis linked to the events of April Fools day, creating a monstrous entity within me ten times worse than how I was on April Fools day. Like multiple personality disorder and the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I have a deadly & maniacal superhuman personality that loves destruction, chaos, mischief and murder... I could barely control her when I was living my life in secret. It took a loooooot of professional help and techniques to have me & her get on the same page.
Lola: Have you tried creating a cure to get rid of her?
Luan: Tried several times. Failed miserably.
Lana: What about fighting her?
Luan: We're basically the same person, how can I fight her when we share the same body?
Lincoln: What have you tried?
Luan: She and I came to a certain understanding. I let her out whenever I need her, in trouble or when she wants to cut loose for fun. I learn the abilities she possesses but we don't go after innocent people, only bad people... really, really bad people who deserve a deadly punchline.
Lynn: So you're an anti-hero too?
Luan: Yep. Now I can't show you the other side of me yet but here's some of my abilities.
Luan's hands are coated with green slime which shape shift into a hammer and sword to perform various combo attacks, she then morphs her hands back & fires a slime wave followed by a barrage of plasma energy blasts and bombs, destroying the walls and coating the area in slime.
Lisa: (jolting down notes) Quite the power, Luan.
The training room repairs the damage and cleans up the slime after Luan was done.
Lisa: Next.
Lily: I'll go. (Faces her siblings)
Lisa: Proceed.
Lily: You guys already know part of the story of what happened to me & our parents but I'll tell you the mastermind behind the murder & my capture. (To Lincoln) Lincoln, you're quite familiar with him since you nearly became like him for a limo ride.
Lincoln: (narrowed eyes) Tetherby...
Lynn: (angered) That old rich bastard did this?!
The Louds had their own angry rants and expressions of the old & bitter rich man.
Lily: He captured me along with a few others to a secret base far away from royal woods for experimentation, all I could do was cry & scream helplessly as Tetherby's science lapdogs put an unstable alien orb of light in me which ignites anyone or anything that comes in contact with me. I was isolated growing up, fed once a week, been tested on until I'm at my limits....
The training room started to shake as the louds saw Lily being surrounded by a bright light with a haunting stare in her now tear filled lavender eyes with white pupils.
Lily: (Venom in her voice) I hated him... how can an old man be so cruel...? At age 7, I was reduced to a mindless soldier to bend to his will, he used me to take out criminal empires as his competition & anyone who gets in his way, caring not of innocent blood shed.
Lincoln: Lily....
Lily: I saw of what I was doing but I couldn't stop it, the violence, the screams, the deaths... I wanted it all to stop. Tetherby wanted to use me to kill you guys... that's when I started to fight for control, I snapped and brutally attacked Tetherby for his crimes, beat him near death! But no... I didn't kill him, I already took so many lives under his twisted influence... I'm wasn't going to do it again!
The loud siblings braced themselves at the sheer impact of a light field radiating from Lily’s body as the light faded slowly.
Lily: (in tears) I didn't want it anymore... after Lela found me and took me to loch loud, under the care of Angus and the loud ghosts, I wanted to be redeemed for the bad deeds I did, being a hero of loch loud & moving on... I really missed you guys but I hate for you to see me like this...!
Lily broke down in tears as Leni runs towards the youngest loud to comfort her.
Lori: That conniving, devilish, psychotic... (growls)
Lynn: I'm going to find & kill Tetherby.
Luna: If you ask me, death is too good for him, brah.
Lucy: Sigh... I agree. There are fates worse than death.
Lisa: That I agree on, I'll track his movements in time to see where he'll be headed next. Leni, take Lily back upstairs, she looks exhausted from the power burst of light.
Leni nods as she takes Lily out of the training room. Lincoln decided to reveal his origin next.
Lisa: The floor is yours, male sibling.
Lincoln: Thanks. It all started when myself, Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Sid went on a camping trip in the woods during the summer, staying at a cabin house owned by Clyde's dad. We had some fun out in the wilderness that is until curiosity got the best of us upon noticing a hidden door leading to a laboratory.
Lisa: Abandoned or still occupied?
Lincoln: Abandoned. We went down there to explore the place, old machinery but not too old and scattered blueprints everywhere. The technology there was quite impressive, whoever left this lab was studying organic nano machines and various genetic serums to combine.
Lisa: Organic nano machines, hmmm? (Jolting down her notes)
Lincoln: We noticed a machine that still was active and was turned on due to Sid accidentally slipping on over scattered blueprints & falling near to hit the lever, it's primary functions in full effect as we were ensnared in metal wires & circuitry, fusing us with nano machines and genetic serums as it was excruciatingly painful. We were enhanced beyond human limitations but myself, Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Sid all broke out of the machine's restraints before it can turn us into weaponized drones... still traumatized & shock from the procedure, the four of us went off into the night.
Lana: What happened next?
Lincoln: (straight face) We became cannibal mercenaries who target someone and eat their flesh, starting with the brains......
The Loud siblings except Leni and Lily look at their brother like he was crazy as he chuckled.
Lincoln: Hahaha. I'm just messing with you guys, the looks on your faces were priceless.
The siblings sighed in relief while some gave annoyed looks.
Lincoln: The four of us were taken in, given a roof over our heads as we worked hard around the home, school, etc. It was difficult to the bone, We would also learn to control our powers in secret & use them to help others.
Lincoln rolls up his sleeve as a silver substance with orange veins spread over his right arm while his eyes were pure black with orange pupils. He then hits a punch to the ground as nothing happened at first but then the entire training room collapsed in a heartbeat as the Loud siblings avoided the destruction.
Luna: Whoa...
Lynn: What is he...?
Lincoln's eyes & right arm returned to normal as the training room repairs again.
Lynn: Okay! How is this room fixing itself over and over again?!
Lisa: I could give you the answer but it might be too much for your cranium to handle.
Lynn: You know what... nevermind.
Lucy: Sigh... only you & Lori remain, who's going next?
Lori: Lisa... you can go next, I'll go last.
Lisa: Very well. I was invited to trip to space to study the wonders outside of the earth. It was an exhilarating thrill ride to learn of other species of life, hoping to find more outside our solar system but unfortunately we were dashed by a strange, glowing meteorite which crashed into our rocket ship as it spirals out of control & into a wormhole.
Lincoln: A wormhole? So you were transported to another dimension.
Lisa: Correct. After my travel through the wormhole, the ship crashed on a planet of unknown origin, my fellow group of scientists died in the crash while I somehow managed to survive it but was damaged. I was in the heart of the jungle of the strange planet as I discovered the same meteorite that wrecked the ship have made it's way here as well, radiating unusual energy so I decided to examine it but before I could... It exploded, catching me in the blast.
Lola: Sometimes like one of your experiments.
Lana elbows her twin in the gut.
Lana: Shush!
Lisa: I thought I would die in that explosion but instead I was engulfed in cosmic rays, granting special abilities I couldn't comprehend. To have all power but still I was a 4 year old back then, I needed to learn to use them properly. Upon my travels through this unknown planet, I discovered quite a society, there was alien life with similar human appearances & their city was well designed with technology eclipsing the ones regular homo sapiens possessed, I nearly fainted upon seeing it's beauty.
Lincoln: How advanced are we talking?
Lisa shows a holographic image of the alien city, leaving the siblings in awe.
Lisa: That advanced. Anywho, the alien race known as the Galactrynoms weren't hostile, they were a strong, very intelligent and peaceful race. I met a few allies, learning the planet's culture and biology. As I grew, so did my powers & my will to control it, various enemies of the Galactrynoms tend to either steal from, conquer or murder the planet & it's inhabitants so I became their protector & their enemy's destroyer.
Lisa's eyes glowed green as she begins to levitate, green energy forming as she fires them in a field of a cosmic barrier, dealing immense damage to the training room which repairs itself after she was done.
Lisa: And that concludes my power and origins. You're the only one left first eldest sibling.
Lori was hesitant a bit but sighs as she decided to talk.
Lori: Fine. I'll never feel better until I get this off my chest. It started at when myself, Bobby and my other friends were having a college party for the summer, it was a very fun party & we were literally having a good time. But everything went crazy after we drank the punch....
Luna: Your drink was spiked with alcohol?
Lana: Drugs?
Lori: Ugh, I'm getting to that. I woke up in the morning with no memory of what happened last night, I fully awoke to a rotten smell & a horrifying sight.... I was in bed with Bobby, who had bullet wounds in his chest & head with a permanent, scared look & my friends with the same injuries & were lifeless... they were dead, including Bobby a-and a gun was in my hand....
The Loud siblings gasp, putting those facts together and assuming the worst.
Luan: Oh god...
Luna; Lori, you didn't...?
Lucy: Gasp...!
Lincoln: ....!
Lori: I didn't kill Bobby or my friends, I was horrified when I thought about it, then cops came in & arrested me for the crime.
Lincoln: Did they even give you a chance to explain?
Lori: No. They just took me to an armored black van and drove off, I then realized that they weren't cops to begin with, they were working for a unit called Project: Alpha Storm Siege, they were making ultimate super soldiers with elements of catastrophic proportions & I've just been selected against my will. I was tortured and experimented on, infused with elemental serums of storm like attributes such as water with rain, wind, thunder and lightning.
Lincoln: A super soldier with the power of an entire storm, if not many.... I hate to imagine what those people who held you captive would do with that power.
Lori: Horrible things... but I wouldn't yield so easily. I broke out, took out everyone who did this to me, see free the hostages who were experimented on & destroyed their base. Some of those bastards escaped me & the hostages, including the murderer...
Lynn: The murderer? You mean...
Lori: Yeah, the murderer of Bobby and my friends was amongst them, he escaped. I know I was a fugitive on the run due to false evidence given to the actual authorities so I laid low, did some investigating at the scene of the crime, luckily the footage of the party was there but hidden, I saw a man in a black & white hoodie and swirly mask put chemicals in the punch, murder the people in the party, including Bobby and my friends & made me the scapegoat... he was there at the base too.
Lynn: A man with a black & white hoodie and swirly mask, huh?
Lori: Yes. I sent the video to the authorities and got my name cleared while moving on with my life but the killer was still out there, plotting his next move & sending hired professional mercenaries to capture me. I had to learn to control my powers and received training from a former soldier/assassin to help me take them out & keep them from harming others. (Growls) I know one thing... I will find the killer & make him suffer for what he's done.
Loud thunder was heard as a storm cloud formed above Lori followed by lightning striking the eldest loud, engulfing her in a body of electricity, she swiftly turns around with glowing white eyes, she unleashed a massive beam of lightning straight through the walls, creating a giant hole in the wall.
Lori was breathing heavily as the lightning aura around her vanished while the training room repairs the damage again.
Lisa: And that's all.
Lincoln walks over to Lori, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Lincoln: I'm sorry for your loss.
Lori said nothing as she pulls the white haired man into a hug for a shoulder to cry on. Lincoln can't stand to see his sisters upset or hurt, Bobby was lori's true love & like a brother to him, now he's gone...
Lisa: Anyways, now that this meeting is nearly covered, there one more thing to discuss.
Lana: Like what?
Lisa: Our plan of a team formed between us.
Lincoln: I see. So far, we have 5 heroes (himself, Leni, Lana, Lola and Lily) & 6 anti-heroes (Lori, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy & Lisa). How are we going to make a team like that work?
Lynn: I'm sure you two got this, lisa's the genius and you're the man with a plan, remember?
Luna: She's got a point, bro. We may be anti-heroes but we ain't that reckless to go on a killing spree all willy nilly.
Lucy: Sigh... We only kill when it's necessary, when there's someone or something too dangerous to be contained or stopped.
Lincoln: I guess you're right. Perhaps we can form a well balanced team of heroes and anti-heroes. After all, we do stick together as the Loud Family.
The loud siblings smiled.
Lisa: Of course. This underground lair will be our headquarters. Until further notice, the siblings meeting is adjourned.
Lisa then leads the Loud siblings to the exit. While walking, Lori speaks to Lincoln.
Lori: Lincoln, you said that Ronnie Anne with you, Clyde and Sid on your trip, right?
Lincoln: Yeah.
Lori: Where is she now?
Lincoln: Before coming to royal woods, I dropped Ronnie Anne and Sid off to great lakes city, then dropped off Clyde to his place.
Lori: Okay, I'm glad she's safe. Does... Does she know-
Lincoln: Yes.
Lori: Oh...
Lincoln: Yeah. When she thought you were the murderer of Bobby, she yelled out in furious slurs I couldn't understand in Spanish. She was... sad, depressed and mostly angry with you, wanting vengeance.
Lori felt her heart crack into million pieces.
Lincoln: That's what she was like at first then we saw the news of the real murderer due to the evidence you found, Ronnie Anne regretted cursing your name, though she doesn't hate you Lori, a part of her sorta blames you for how Bobby was killed on your watch of the party.
Lori: That's understandable... I set up the summer party as the host to have fun with my friends & boo boo bear... how could I not have seen this coming... (looks down in shame). I don't blame her for holding it against me...
Lincoln: Don't beat yourself up about this, you didn't know this was going to happen. And while Ronnie Anne doesn't trust you now, you still have a chance to talk things out. Tell you what, since Lucy is preparing a Halloween party, I'm gonna invite her over for you, okay?
Lori felt relief as she still has a chance.
Lori: Thanks Lincoln. I needed that.
Lincoln: No problem.
To be continued...
(Chapter 3 is finished! After redesigning and rebuilding their mansion, the loud siblings revealed their powers and origins to one another, some were a bit or too dark. Now the louds despite having 5 heroes and 6 anti-heroes decided to form a team, how will they fair? Next chapter will be a Halloween chapter, let me know what you think of it, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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