Ch. 2: Return Pt. 2

Lucy leads the four louds inside of their new home as Lincoln and Lana look around, the whole place was gargantuan on the inside than on the outside, the main living room still needed some tidying up with dust and cob webs everywhere, the walls and floors needed to be repainted and so on.

Lana: Wow.... the mansion is even bigger on the inside!

Lincoln: It does need some cleaning as well.

Lynn: Yeah but the place has a lot of bedrooms and bathrooms, feels a bit like the castle from Loch Loud back then in Scotland, huh Stinkoln?

Lincoln: Yes and don't call me that.

Lynn: Sorry. Some old habits never die.

Luan: Also, here's the best part of the mansion (yells) HELLO!

Luan's yell echoed throughout the mansion.

Lana: Cool! An echo.

Luan: Let Lynn and I show you guys upstairs!

Lana: Alright!

Lincoln: You guys go ahead, I'll catch up with you once I'm done looking around down here.

Lana: Okay, suit yourself.

Lana followed Lynn and Luan upstairs while Lincoln remained downstairs with Lucy, who sat in a lotus position in the center of the living room as bats flew out of the fire place with Fangs leading the horde, the pet bat landing on Lucy's head along with the two other bats while four bats land on her shoulders.

Lucy: You know, Lincoln... it's quite wicked that we're here at this mansion on the month of October.

Lincoln: Let me guess, your favorite holiday.

Lucy flashed a vampire fanged grin as a spooky organ piano played in the background.

Lucy: Yep.

Lincoln chuckles.

Lincoln: Well I can't deny your love for Halloween, luce. Considering that it's the 20th of October, meaning that the holiday is a few days away.

Lucy: Sigh... I know and yet I'm ecstatic about it. After we remodel the mansion, I have a lot of haunting plans for this year's Halloween. Hahaha...

Lincoln: Heh. Same old Lucy.

The Lightning flashed as the storm intensified outside, Lincoln looked outside upon seeing the rain were drizzling harder than before but something caught his eye. Within the rain, Lincoln narrowed his eyes as he  noticed a large figure in black trench coat and hat slowly walking towards the mansion with the face hidden in shadow but showed soulless white eyes.

Lincoln: Luce? You might wanna come see this.

Lucy gets up as the bats fly up to the chandelier, the goth woman walks towards her brother to look out the windows, spotting the large, cloaked figure slowly approaching the mansion.

Lucy: Another guest.

Lincoln: Luce, I doubt that person out there is a guest, especially if it's a cloaked figure walking in a stalker like way with pupiless eyes that spell "Hi there, I'm coming to kill ya."

Lucy: Why don't we let the figure in & let him or her explain why he or she is doing here.

Lincoln looks at Lucy like she's crazy or something, turning to the window upon the cloaked figure getting closer to the mansion.

Lucy: If he or she tries anything to harm us, I'll kill him or her first and bury the body in the backyard.

Lincoln: ..... nevermind. I'll play along.

Lucy heads towards the door with Lincoln following behind her, opening said door as the cloaked figure walks up the front porch, staring at the two louds. Lucy showed no signs of expression while Lincoln stares coldly at the figure, ready to break some bones if the figure tries anything funny.

Lucy: Welcome to my home, how can I help you?

???: Well are you going to invite me in or are you just going to keep giving me the evil eye? It's getting annoying.

Lucy: Sure.

The figure walked in, taking off the hat and cloak, placing it on the coat hanger.

???: Phew, finally I thought I'd never get out of the rain.

Lincoln and Lucy stared the figure revealed to be a woman who stared back at them.

???: Are you done staring at me or are you literally going to greet your sister?

Lucy: Sigh... sorry. It's been a while, hasn't it Lori?

The woman was revealed to be a 32 year old Lori Loud, who nodded in agreement. She was a very tall, fair skinned woman with long blonde hair in a ponytail, green eyes, light blue eyeshadow and has a curvaceous figure with larger muscles at bodybuilding or super soldier levels. She was wearing pearl earrings, a sleeveless blue hoodie with custom designs involving three stars and various lining, a black & blue shirt underneath, brown shorts, black armbands, a silver watch on the right wrist, black & red socks and black boots.

Lori: Yeah... it has been years.

Lucy: So did you walk all the way here?

Lori: Ugh, no. I got your message and I drove my car here but unfortunately it ran out of gas at the front entrance so I had to walk up this path here. Now why was it that you & Lincoln were giving me the evil eye?

Lucy: Sigh... Lincoln thought you were a darenged stranger or a mass murderer.

Lori looks at Lincoln.

Lincoln: Well can you blame me? You see a large figure in a black trench coat and hat slowly walking strangely towards your home in the middle of the rain all freakin' menacingly, you wouldn't be suspicious of it!

Lori: I guess I'd be suspicious if a mysterious stranger tried to enter my home.

Lincoln: Apologies for that.

Lori: It's fine. I'll let it slide, now come here.

Lori pulls Lincoln and Lucy into a strong hug which squeezed them a bit.

Lincoln: Oof!

Lucy: Sigh... too strong...

Lori soon releases them, having a sheepish smile.

Lori: Sorry. Sometimes I don't know my own strength.

Lucy: I can see that.

Lincoln: No kidding. Lori, you're more bulkier than Lynn and Lana combined.

Lori: Thanks. I get that a lot, I'm bigger than a bodybuilder. And did you say Lynn and Lana?

Lincoln: Yep. They're here too, same with Luan. The three are upstairs, Luan and Lynn are showing Lana around the upper levels.

Lori: Alright, I'll head up there to see them. While I'm impressed that this place is massive, it still needs a little work.

Lucy: Work in progress.

Lori heads upstairs. Lucy then sat back down to meditate not before looking back at Lincoln.

Lucy: Lincoln, can you get my things out of your car, please?

Lincoln: Sure.

Lincoln walks out the door, bringing the hood over his head while running in the rain towards his car, using his keys to unlock the trunk & open it, taking out Lucy's belongings while closing the trunk.

Lincoln: I'll come back for my & lana's stuff after.

Lincoln carries Lucy's belongings and runs back towards the mansion, entering the door and placing Lucy's belongings next to a nearby empty suit of armor.

Lucy: Thanks Lincoln.

Lincoln: No prob. Going back.

Lincoln heads back outside to get his & lana's belongings from his car, carrying them all at once, he runs back to the mansion and places the items next to the coat closet. He was about to head back to close the door but stops as he sees a faint light near the gates. Looking closely, he sees someone entering the property on a motorcycle with a rally wagon attached to the back full of suit cases.

Lincoln: Might as well see who it is.

Lincoln went back outside to meet the next guest as the figure on the motorcycle came to complete stop next to Lynn's motorcycle. Lincoln approaches the figure, who gets off the motorcycle and takes off the helmet.

Lincoln: Greetings mistress, I suppose you're here to move into the castle?

The figure turns to Lincoln.

???: Why yes good sir, I would be delighted for you to show me to my master quarters of the castle, fellow knight.

Lincoln and the woman then shared a laugh.

Lincoln: It's been a while since we've done a medieval act with Lana as the rampaging dragon. Good to see you again, Lola.

The woman revealed to be a 21 year old Lola Loud smiled; She was a slightly tall woman with long flowing blonde hair, flawless skin, purple eyes, reflective pink eyeshadow and has a beautiful supermodel figure with a fair ample chest & a large rear. She wears blue diamond earrings, a pink & silver studded leather jacket, a purple shirt, pink stretchy pants with purple & black swirl pattern side stripes and pink heel shoes.

Lola: Ah, those were the days. I would play the princess, you'd be the knight and Lana would be the dragon. It's good to see you again, Lincoln.

Lola gives him a hug as Lincoln returns it.

Lincoln: Ya know, I never thought I'd see you riding a motorcycle.

Lola: Well I learned to try & love some new things while I was away. Can you get my suit cases for me, please?

Lincoln: Sure.

Lincoln gets Lola's stuff, lifting them up with ease as the two walk into the mansion as Lola does a glamorous pose upon seeing Lori, Lynn, Luan and Lana came downstairs.

Lola: Greetings my siblings, the loud queen has arrived!

Lana: Lola!

Lana ran forward and tackled her twin, lifting her up into a bone crushing hug.

Lola: Gyaaaaaah!!!

Lana: I'm so glad to see you!!

Lola: Ooooooh!! My freakin' back, ya smelly gorilla!! Put me down now!!

Lana puts Lola down as she smiles.

Lana: Man I missed you but you still screech like a banshee.

Lola: (glares) How dare you!!

Lola tackles Lana as the two engaged in a major fight cloud. Lori and Lynn moved in to split the twins up.

Lynn: Alright you two, break it up!

Lori: It's been years and you two can't stop fighting each other for a second!

The twins slowly calmed down and muttered "I'm sorry" before giving each other a gentle hug. Though they have their fights, the twins really missed one another.

Lucy: Sigh... some things never change.

Lincoln, Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lucy and the twins heard a loud horn coming from outside.

Lucy: We have more guests.

The seven loud siblings then head outside to greet the next guest. Outside entering the path of the road was an white & gold 18 wheeler truck which stopped near Lincoln's car. Out of the truck came a woman with a beaming smile.

???: (casual & happy greeting) Heeeeeey~!

Seven Louds: Leni!

The women revealed to be a 31 year old Leni Loud smiled at her siblings. She was a very tall woman with neck length platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, flawless skin and has a beautiful figure with an overly large bust, well tone hips and large rear. She had on her red hoop earrings, she was wearing a custom white, gold and seafoam green jacket, a seafoam green shirt, a black & gold studded belt, light blue jeans and white heel shoes. She also had a silver amulet with light green gems & a Phoenix symbol around her neck.

Leni gave her seven siblings a big hug.

Leni: It's good to see you all again, well, most of you since not all of us are here.

Lori: It's good to see you again Leni. You look stunning.

Leni: Aww, thanks! You guys all look totes amazing as well! Omgosh! I have so much to tell you about where I've been but I'll tell you later.

Lana: (smiles) I gotta say, I love the 18 wheeler you drove here!

Lola: And thankfully, you didn't crash into anything before back then.

Lincoln and Lori gave Lola a stern glare as the pageant woman looks away, whistling.

Leni: Oh, the truck's not mine, it's a rental. When Lucy texted me about our new home & it's still work in progress, I got busy.

Lynn: You got busy?

Leni: Yep! I went out bought a lot of furniture and beds for the house!

Lincoln: Good work, Leni.

Leni: Thanks linky!

Leni ruffles the white haired man's hair. Then a horn sound was heard as another vehicle caught the loud's attention, a snow white, blue and purple electric patterned party bus drove in the path of the road making a stop next to Leni's 18 wheeler truck. The door opens as the driver came out to face the eight loud siblings.

???: Hey dudes, I'm back baby!

Luan: Luna, it's you!

Standing in front of them was a 30 year old Luna Loud; She was a slightly tall woman, has a graceful figure with a huge chest, thighs and a huge bottom to match, being the most bottom heavy of the older sisters. The rocker had some new features to her appearance much to her siblings surprise. Luna has short & sharp pixie cut style hair but instead of it being brown, it was pure snow white with a bit of blue highlight streaks, her eyes were an icy blue, has blue eyeshadow and her skin was very pale. She was wearing a blue and white leather jacket with a purple & white skull behind it, a violet blue-ish purple undershirt with a purple crystal eyed skull on it, black leather pants and blue, white & purple rockstar boots.  

Luan was the first was tackle her big sister/roommate with a hug as Luna returned it, happy to see each other all these years. The comedian noticed something odd when she came in contact with Luna, the rocker felt... cold at luan's touch as she backs away from her.

Luna: (raised an eyebrow in confusion) Luan? You okay, sis?

Luan: Either you've been climbing Mount Everest or you're a little 'chilli', hahaha! Get it? But seriously, what's up with your body, the moment I hugged you... your skin felt like sub zero level cold.

Lola: And what's with the white hair? I know that's Lincoln's thing but are  you trying a new style?

Luna: Oh... Sorry dudes. It's sort of a permanent side effect from a condition I experienced.

Lori: Condition? A disease?

Leni: Wait, you're ill?! Here, we'll take care of you or get you to the hospital-

Luna: (reassured) Nonononono! You guys got it all wrong, I'll not sick or anything! Sigh... look, I'll tell you later but for now, I just want to be my sibs again.

Lincoln: It's fine.

The eight loud siblings gave Luna a group hug, ignoring the sudden cold temperatures in luna's skin. The hug broke as Luna looks at the mansion with a whistle.

Luna: So that's our new house, huh? It's massive and it looks like it could use some work.

Lucy: Sigh... I know. It's still a work in progress.

Lynn: The only ones who hasn't shown up are Lisa and Lily.

Lana: I wonder where they could be?

Leni: I hope they're okay.

Lucy: Sigh... I tried but I couldn't locate the aura of Lisa and Lily for some reason. 

Lincoln then hears a howling wind like sound and looks up at the sky.

Lincoln: Guys up there!

Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy and the twins look up to see a swirling blue vortex in the sky.

Lynn: What the hell is that?!

Lincoln: A vortex, a gateway to another dimension.

The vortex expanded and unleashed much force as the nine louds braced themselves.

Lana: How do we shut that thing down?!

Lola: How should I know?! Blow it up with a bazooka?!

Luna: That gateway's getting very big!

Luan: I know! Hey, something's coming out of it!

The siblings look up, seeing luan's remark as something indeed came out of the vortex which causes the portal to slowly shrink until it completely closes. The nine louds saw something or rather someone walk out of the crater made in the middle of the lawn.

???: At last, I'm back on the rightful planet due to my trans dimensionsal hoop. (Turns to the nine louds with a small smile) Greetings fellow siblings.

Standing before the nine louds was a 19 year old Lisa Loud; The prodigy of the family was a slightly tall woman with long, messy brown hair in a ponytail, fair skin and has a beautiful figure but was tied with Luan & Lucy in having an extremely massive bust of the loud sisters. She was wearing glasses, a light green stretchy, turtleneck sweater, a lab coat, a black & green skirt, leggings and green heel shoes.

Lisa approached her siblings, who tackled her in a group hug.

Lisa: Though I'm ecstatic to see you all, please refrain from crushing my lungs...

They released her.

Lincoln: Sorry Lisa.

Lynn: Lisa, what was that?

Lori: You literally just came out of a swirling vortex.

Lisa: All questions will be answered in due time siblings but for now, I just trying to rest my mind & body. I'm very pleased to be back home all these years.

Lana: Well unfortunately, someone moved into our old house while we are away. So Lucy bought a mansion for us.

Lisa turns to the mansion.

Lisa: Hmmm.... It's suitable but it needs some improvements.

Lucy groans, growing tired of hearing that again.

Lana: The gang's nearly here!

Lola: Only Lily hasn't shown up.

Luan: Last time we saw her was back in the summer where she left with Mom and dad.

Lucy: Sigh... what I heard in the old news of our disappearance was that an attack happened on the luxurious hotel they were staying at, many were killed, including Mom and dad.

The siblings had mixed expressions of hurt, sadness and anger on their faces, hearing of their parent's death.

Lucy: And Lily along with a few individuals were taken and was labelled missing years back.

Leni: Then we gotta find her! She could be alone, cold and hungry!

Lynn: But where?

Luna: Lis, you still have that device when you put tracking chips in us? Can you track Lily with that?

Lola: I still believe that you did that without our consent.

Lisa: Negative. One day, mother and father scolded me about implanting technology and miniature chips in you all without their consent & knowledge so... using knockout gas to render you all unconscious, I removed all of your chips, including Lily’s. I created a different tracker which locates you from the DNA samples of your hair, saliva, etc. Unfortunately, I didn't bring it with me on my trip, must've been disposed of when residences moved in.

Lincoln: Crap.

Lori: There has to be something we can do to find her.

Lola: (nervous) W-what if she's...

Lana: (stern) No, don't talk like that!

The Lightning flashed as the storm picked up speed, followed by a sudden roar.

Lincoln: The storm's getting even worse!

Lana: Anyone hear that roar?!

Luna: I hear it!

Luan: So do I!

Lynn: Whatta you mean?! It's just thunder, of course it sounds like a roar!

Lana: No... Look up there!!

The ten loud siblings look at the stormy sky which was swirling with high winds. Then something caught the siblings eyes, something big. Something really big as the thing was seen flying towards the louds.

Lynn and Lori: Holy crap!

Leni: What is that?!

Lincoln: Guys... It's a Dragon!

Luna and Lola: A Dragon?!

Lana: You're right, and not just any dragon.... (smiles) IT'S LELA!!!

The Louds cheered as the Dragon of Loch Loud came flying towards them, landing in front as Lela gave a happy smile with a roar.

Lincoln: Lela!

Lori: Hey there old girl!

Lana: Long time no see!

The ten louds gave Lela special comforts as the Dragon returned it while also nudging over to her back, giving the louds the attention to a figure on her back.

Lola: Huh?

Leni: Who's that Lela?

The figure jumps off Lela's back, standing in front of the ten louds, removing the hood.

???: (smiles) Hello guys! You miss me?!

Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana and Lisa: (yell in unison) LILY!!!

In front of them was a 15 year old Lily Loud; She was a slightly short teenage girl with short platinum blonde hair, fair skin, light blue eyes and a graceful yet petite figure with a bit of athleticism. She was wearing a light purple and blue hoodie, a white & purple shirt, blue jeans and white & light purple sneakers.

The ten loud siblings immediately tackled Lily in a group hug on how glad they are at Lily being okay while Lela the Dragon smiled at this moment.

Leni: (in tears) Lily, I'm so happy that you're okay!

Lisa: Youngest sibling, welcome back.

Lynn: Did those attackers hurt you? If they did, I swear I'll hunt them down and-

Lily: Guys, Guys, GUYS! (The siblings stopped speaking) I'm fine. Yes, things were... horrifying during my years of being missing which I'll tell you later but everything is okay.

Lisa: Judging by Lela being present, you were residing in Loch Loud, correct?

Lily: Yeah, after I escaped my captors, I fell off the cliff into the ocean due to one of them shooting a dart in my neck to knock me out. One day, Lela here found me and took me to Scotland where Angus and the loud ghosts took care of me.

The ten loud siblings sighed in relief that the new duke of Loch Loud and their ancestors came through for their youngest sister. The rain then soon stops but still dark gray clouds remained in the sky, Lily then turns to see the mansion the louds are staying in.

Lily: A mansion? Wow, it's nearly as big as the castle!

Lincoln: Yep, this is our new home.

Lily: So we're all going to be living together like old times sake? Sweet!

Luna: You know it, lil sis.

Luan: Yep!

Lana: We have a lot of catching up to do.

Lola: And a lot of work to do on this mansion too.

Lori: Yeah, I'm sure all of us together can get the job done.

Lela roared in agreement.

Lily: You wanna help, Lela?

Lela nods.

Lily: Sure you can help!

Lisa: I have necessary supplies for this.

Lana: Same.

Lynn: Let's get busy.

Lincoln: Before we do any of that, I plan to make some lunch for you girls. Can't work on the mansion on an empty stomach, can you?

On que, loud grumbles came from each of the sister's stomachs.

Luan: Guess you're right on that.

Lucy: Sigh... a quick lunch will do.

Leni: Of course!

Lincoln: Great.

Lela roared.

Lincoln: Hahaha, I haven't forgotten about you Lela. Double supper for you as special thanks for looking out for Lily.

Lela smiles while Lily giggles.

To be continued....

(Chapter 2 is finished! The Loud siblings are fully reunited! Also making a special appearance in the second chapter... (drum roll) Lela, The Dragon of Loch Loud. Thought I'd add her to a part of where Lily was all these years after her capture & escape. Also, thought the louds would meet in the month  October since... you know, it's October now and I'm thinking of planning a Halloween chapter for heroes/anti-heroes of the new loud mansion. The adventures are just beginning, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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